Contra Sedevacantism and the Recent Document on Limbo

April 22, 2007 00:31:18
Contra Sedevacantism and the Recent Document on Limbo
Veritas Caritas
Contra Sedevacantism and the Recent Document on Limbo

Apr 22 2007 | 00:31:18


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Speaker 0 00:01 In a traditional seminary. As I mentioned yesterday, in a traditional seminary, a seminary of the seminarians are strictly forbidden from going to hell unless he has the rector's permission. You heard that right in a traditional seminary seminary and can't go to hell unless he has a retros permission. Why is that? Why does this set a seminary need the retros permission to go to hell because no one is allowed to read anything that would be a grave danger to his faith and morals without a serious reason and permission from the superiors. Well, father, what does reading something have to do with going to hell? One, a traditional seminary hell is a special part of the library. It's a part of library that has a bad books, books written by people like Martin Luther, John Calvin or Father Richard Bryan. Of course, no one is allowed to read anything that would be a grave danger to his faith or morals without a serious reason and the permission from a superior. Speaker 0 00:56 So the seminarian, if he has a reason to refer to Luther, for example, he gets permission. Otherwise he should stay away. Why? Again? Because no one is allowed to read anything. It would be a grave danger to his faith or morals without a serious reason. Permission of a superior. It's serious. It's so serious that Saint Alphonsus teaches that one bad book can ruin an entire convent of good nuns. Just one that book. Okay, so why on Good Shepherd Sunday of all days? Am I telling you a story about going to the health section of a library and a seminary? Originally, I was all geared up to tell you a story about a raising sheep when we came up, but the principle that no one is allowed to read anything that would be a grave danger to his faith. The morals without a serious reason, permission of certain superiors applies not just to seminarians, but to every Catholic everywhere in the world, and it doesn't just apply to bad books. Speaker 0 01:52 This principle applies to books, magazines, movies, videos, DVDs, websites, and even sermons preached by heretics and non-Catholics. That's where this dill item comes in. See a former professor of mine, a brilliant man, a man who in spite of all his confusion, serious errors, I'm actually still very fond of. This man is giving a talk today in Kansas City. His name is Jerry magnetics and unfortunately his now teaching and I will quote, I says, Jerry Meditech's belief in publicly teach that the Catholic Church has always infallibly taught because heretics are not members of the Catholic Church. They cannot validly hold office the Church according to divine law and that should they seem to hold such offices. The believing Catholic must conclude that their election to in possession of such offices is null and void. This would include not only the manifest heretics, John the 23rd Paul, the sixth John Paul One and John Paul two but also the manifest heretic and present, elicit and invalid occupant of the Sea of Peter Benedict. The 16th was a further handicap unlike his immediate four predecessors of not being valid, consecrated a bishop, which in addition to all other considerations makes it impossible for him. Therefore to function as bishop of Rome. Close quote, that's pretty bad Speaker 0 03:11 right here in Kansas City. On Good Shepherd Sunday, we have a serious attack on Peter. We have a serious attack on the chief shepherd of the church. This is called civic con TISM. The idea that there hasn't been a visible pulp in this case since 1958 if we believe that if we fall into this year, we can't be saved, we can't be saved. We'll deal with the question. The particular questions that of economism on another day, but for today, I just want to note that this is a false explanation for a very real problem. People look at the church and the gets scanned lies and they come to crazy conclusions. Let's just step back. Imagine for a minute that all of us were present and calvary when our Lord was being crucified there on Good Friday. It was not obvious that this was god, that he was beaten bloody dye crown with dorms hanging on that cross. Speaker 0 04:16 That wasn't obvious. That was God at all. If that mold, most people were mocking walking away, who stayed faithful. The people that stayed close to our lady St John, certain may met Magdalen and so forth. Many ran away. We're living through a time like that in the mystical body of Christ where the church is bloody and wounded, beaten up, bruised. If we look and concentrate on all the wounds and bruises, it will be very difficult. We can scandalize ourselves by concert on this stuff and come up with false conclusions to real problem. Yeah, we're in a crisis that's kind of a no brainer, but the explanation for the crisis isn't that the church went extinct or the pope disappeared 50 years or so ago or something like that. That's not the explanation at all. We want to stay close to the blessed mother, Sarah Rosary. Live the message of Fatima and not worry about things that we don't have to worry about. Speaker 0 05:08 It doesn't mean playing ostrich and sticking our head in the sand, but it means recognizing there's a lot of problems, but we're not here to solve them all. That's why we have a pope. That's why a bishop sets white priest and we all have to answer for our state in life. So we want to do our duty, our state life. Okay, back to this. Jerry is brilliant. He's brilliant. So as Luther, Jerry's brilliant, I'm not cities of the trees and excellent persuasive speaker, but he's leading people into destruction. So now I'm an exercise. My duty here on good shepherd Sunday I'm going to exercise my duties a sheepherder and I'm going to categorically and completely forbid each and every one of you hear from going to listen to him or from listening to any of his conferences which deal with any questions relating to set of economism is if you disobey and you lose your faith, at least at the judgment. Speaker 0 05:55 I don't have to answer for that. This is serious. Faith is something that we don't hold by our own power, but we can lose it by our own power. We hold it cause God gave it to us. If we expose herself to serious occasions of losing it, we can. Okay, it's dangerous. I know more than a few people that have been taken out by this very air. He's misleading. A lot of people keep away. You've been warned and now having said that, I want a big in your charity and for the sake of his immortal soul to pray for him because he needs your prayers. He's confused and he needs your prayers. We don't want him to go any longer down the trail he's on. Okay, but remember this principle in general, no one is allowed to read, watch or listen to anything that would be a grave danger. Speaker 0 06:36 Does faith tomorrows without a serious reason and permission of the superiors. Now having said that, let's turn to another current event. This one is sowing a lot of confusion in people's minds and that's the release this past Friday of a document from the international theological commission. Now before we touch on the contents of this document, let's buy start. Start by making sure we have a very clear idea of what exactly the international theological commission is. It's a group of 30 theologians from around the world. That's what it's called, international. It's created in 1969 mostly important. Most importantly, it's a purely advisory body. Burnett in your mind, it is a purely advisory body. Its only function is to offer advice to the congregation for the doctrine of the faith. They offer advice. They have no teaching office in the church. Okay. What kind of advice do they give? Speaker 0 07:33 Let me read a quote from the last document. The international theological commission came out with back in 2004 I'll let you weigh this theological advice for yourself. Quote, since it has been demonstrated that all living organisms on earth are genetically related, it's virtually certain that all living organisms have descended from the first organism. Well, the story of human origins is complex and subject to revision, physical anthropology and molecular biology combined to make a convincing case for the origin of the human species in Africa about 150,000 years ago in a humanoid population of common genetic lynch lineage. These people don't even know how to read the scientific literature. That's for this, I'm sorry. That's my gloss. You know, I could go off for an hour, but I won't. However, just to be explained, the decisive factor and human origins was a continually increasing brain size. I think it's shrinking. Speaker 0 08:18 In this case, culminating amount of homosapiens with the development of human brain, the nature rate of evolution, where permanently altered with introduction of the uniquely human factors of consciousness, intentionality, freedom and creativity. Biological evolution was recast as social and cultural evolution. Close quote paragraph 63 okay. That's the kind of penetrating theological advice we've come to expect and previous releases from the international theological commission. The only thing missing from this jewel we just quoted was the opening line. Once upon a time, keep in mind that this is an advisory. It has no teaching authority. Now having said that, let's turn to the topic at hand. On Friday they released a document about limbo. And so this morning we're going to review the actual teaching the church. And to do that we'll rely on the fathers and the doctors and the popes and the counselors. Okay? Now, for many of the document of limbo is hard, painful truth, but our truth, even a painful truth is better than a lie. Speaker 0 09:23 Even a soothing lie. We have it on the very best authority. The truth will set you free. So let's see what the truth is. Okay. Now, although we'll be inserting a lot of things here and there and editing quotations. Basically we'll be quoting from and summarizing article that came out in the third edition of the tooth or third, a third edition of 2006 issue of divinitus. That's a theological journal which is published in Vatican City. The article is entitled to all deceased infants reach the beatific vision. That's the name of the article. The authors Phi at Father Brian Harrison. He's an old blade of wisdom who teaches in Ponce Puerto Rico. Okay, let's get started. Remember that. Thanks to Adam, we're all conceived and born in sin except for her. Speaker 0 10:13 Okay. Adam chose sides in the war between Devil and heaven and on behalf of all mankind. He declared war as inspired, inerrant word of God tells us in Ephesians two three by nature, we are born children of Wrath. We are born as enemy combatants. In this war. We haven't done anything but our chief declared war and since he declared war, we're officially at war God at the moment of our birth. Now hold that. On the one hand, that's one truth. Also, we got to realize it's not as if God owes us heaven. We owe God everything. It's not as if God's in debt to us and he owes has heaven. Everyone needs to burn this into his mind. God does not own me heaven. He loves me. He loves me so much that he sent his only begotten son down here to Earth to suffer and die for me on the cross so that I could have eternal life with him in heaven, but he does not owe me eternal life. Speaker 0 11:27 What does that mean? It means that none of us can say to God, it's unfair if I don't get to heaven. It's not unfair. He doesn't owe me heaven, and not only that, it also means we can't say to God it's unfair that everyone can't get to heaven. We can't say that to God. It is not unfair that everyone doesn't get to heaven, but wait a minute, father, doesn't God want all men to be saved? Yes, of course he does. It'd be heretical to deny that God desires to salvation of men, but in spite of that, we know that still some men go to hell. In fact, pies. The second Popeyes, the second condemn the statement that all Christians are saved, it is condemned to say that all Christians are saved. If that's condemned, it means the emote with the contradictory proposition must be true, which is some Christians are not saved or in other words, some Christians are Dan, so God desires the salvation of men, but not all men are saved. Speaker 0 12:31 God wants them ended, he Sayed, but there are certain conditions that must be met and one of these conditions is baptism or at the minimum the desire for baptism. That's one of the conditions and as we know, no one can desire baptism unless he has the use of reason. Okay. Having set the preliminaries now, let's consider the teaching the church with regard to the baptism of babies. Anyone that doesn't have the use of reason in regards to this matter. The Great Father Bishop and Dr The church, in fact, he's called the doctor of grace because this is his area of expertise. Saint Augustan says, quote, whoever says that infants are alive in Christ even when they depart. This life without being baptized is really both opposing the apostolic preaching and condemning the whole church, which runs hastily with infants to the baptismal font because it is believed without any doubt that otherwise these infinites cannot possibly be alive in Christ. Speaker 0 13:35 Close quote, the holy doctor also states quote, if you want to be a Catholic, do not believe. Do not say, do not teach that infants carried off by death before they baptize can attain the remission of original sin. Close quote. That is so important. I'll repeat it. If you want to be a Catholic, do not believe. Do not say, do not teach that infant's carried off by death before being baptized can attain the remission of original sin. Close quote, Saint Augustan, father, bishop, and doctor of the universal church enforced 17 pope innocent. The first pope saint innocent. The first, excuse me, wrote to bishop centered quote, the idea that infants can be granted the rewards of eternal life without even the grace of baptism is utterly foolish. Close quote, the vicar of Christ, the Ecumenical Council of Florence 1442 states quote regarding children indeed because of danger of death, which often take place since no help can be brought to them by another enemy. Speaker 0 14:56 Then through the sacrament of baptism through which they are snatch from the domination of the devil and a doubt adopted among the sons of God. The most holy Roman church advises that holy baptism ought not to be deferred for 40 or 80 days, but it should be conferred as soon as it can be done. Conveniently closed quote, the catechism of the Council of Trent states that quote, baptism is necessary for the salvation of all that this law is to be understood not only of adults but also of infants and that the church has received this from an apostolic tradition as confirmed by the concurrent doctrine and authority of the fathers. Close quote, the catechism of Christian doctrine published by the order of Pope Saint Pius. The 10th the states in question 100 quote, where do infants go, who die without baptism? Answer, infants who die without baptism go to limbo where they do not enjoy the sight of God but also do not suffer. Speaker 0 16:03 This is because having original sin and it alone, they do not merit heaven, but neither do they merit purgatory or hell. Close. Quote 1951 pope Pius the 12th states quote, the newly born child receives supernatural life with baptism in the present economy of grace. There is no other way to communicate that life to the child who is not attained. The use of reason above all, the state of grace is absolutely necessary at the moment of death without it salvation and supernatural happiness. The beatific vision of God are impossible. Close quote in instruction on infant baptism issued in 1980 the sacred congregation for the doctrine of the faith which was approved by Pope John Paul. The second we read quote, the Church has shown by your teaching and practice that she knows no other way apart from baptism for ensuring children's entry in the turtle happiness. Close quote in 1264 the second ecumenical constantly Leone in 1321 pope John the 22nd in his epistle to the Armenians, and yet again in 1439 the ecumenical Consta Florence defined infallibly that the souls of those who die in mortal sin or those who die in original sin only now the only people who die in original sin, only our infants and anyone else that has never attained the use of reason that hasn't made him more, lacked the souls of those who die in mortal sin or the souls of those who die in original sin only descend immediately into hell, but to undergo a different penalties. Speaker 0 17:50 Now what does that mean? That they descend immediately into hell but undergo different penalties? The great card on dock, the church Saint Robert Belamine explains it means that the soul's a damn plunge and a very depths of the fires of hell, but the souls of unbaptized babies go to the fringe of hill, a place where the flames do not reach, and babies do not have the beatific vision, but which is nonetheless a place of perfect and perpetual natural happiness. They go to the fringe of health. That's why it's called limbal. The word limbo comes from the Latin word Limbus, which means the edge, the fringe, the border that surrounds anything. That's what the word actually means. In his book on Purgatory, Saint Robert Belamine says, quote, the common teaching of the scholastic theologians is that within the earth, therefore inner chambers, one for the damned another for those being purged of sins, a third for those infants who have died without receiving baptism and a fourth which is now empty, but once held those Justman who died before the passion of Christ closed quote, the holy doctor explains that the damn souls are burning in the very center of the earth. Speaker 0 18:55 The next level just above that is purgatory where the poor souls are getting purified but the very same flames, they're tremendous. The dam just above purgatory is a limbo of the children where the fire does not reach and right above that is the limbo. The fathers, which was emptied out on Easter Sunday when Christ, our Lord, who had descended down into there, brought all those up to the surface of the earth and then 40 days later took them with him as you sent it up into heaven. What's the situation of those babies in limbo? Saint Thomas explains that the limbo of children is a place where the souls of children who die before reaching the age of reason without baptism reside because they died without grace. They lack the beatific vision, but as a place of perpetual and perfect happiness at the level of nature, they have perfect and eternal happiness, natural happiness. Speaker 0 19:43 Think of the mercy of God, the enemy combatants, but they've never sinned. They've never offended him personally, so he doesn't punish them. He's giving them perfect natural happiness. This is a mystery in itself because happiness in this life turns into pain after a while. I mean, if you really love pizza, there's only so much to eat too. It starts getting gross and et Cetera. We don't understand natural happiness completely, but it's perfect natural happiness, so it shows a very great mercy of him. Okay. What about aborted babies in 1588 pope six is the fifth. Answer this question in his constitution, affray not the pub commands that anyone in the papal states. Now remember until 1870 when the Freemasons attacked the pulps ruled an area for centuries in the central part of what's now Italy. That was known as the papal states. So they were secular rulers to not only do they really church, they had a vast of land where they were like the king of that part of Italy. Speaker 0 20:39 It's called the papal states. Okay? Pope six, just the fifth commands that anyone in the papal states who carries out abortions and sterilizations should be put to death. That's the pope, the victor Christ himself commanding the death penalty for these sort of criminals. He strikes out against quote, now I'm going to call it the pope, the barbarity of those who not shrink from those cruel slaughter of fetuses, still coming to maturity in the shelter of their mother's wounds, who indeed will not do test a crime. As horrific as this part. Certain outcome is that not just bodies, but still worse, even souls are wantonly sacrificed the soul of the unborn infant. There's the imprint of God's image. It is a soul for whose redemption Christ our Lord shed his precious blood, a soul capable of eternal blessedness and destined for the company of angels who therefore would not condemn and punish with the utmost severity, the desecration committed by one who is excluded such as soul from the blessing vision of God. Speaker 0 21:51 Such a person is as responsible as a human being can be for preventing the souls attainment of the throng prepared for it in heaven and is deprived God of his sir of the service of his own creature. Close quote, pop six is the fifth vicar of Christ. What has the vicar of Christ told us over and over again in this quote? It's a hard truth, but we have to face up to it. The Holy Father States that abortionists have excluded souls from the beatific vision that abortionists prevent the souls of aborted babies from getting to the throne. The God had prepared for them and haven't. That's what happens to aborted babies. It's horrible. They're perfectly naturally happy, but they're not in heaven. That's why all the abortions aren't converting. They're not marketers. Speaker 0 22:50 There might be some occasionally, you know where Satanists are doing it, but they're going, they're being cut. Rotor routed and salt cured out of our carefully laid priorities for economic reasons or reasons of convenience or just selfishness. By and large, these are not sacrificed like the holy innocence. They're not getting to heaven. What about the modern objection that we hear over and over again that the idea of limbo for unbaptized babies is merely a hypothesis. Here's the typical example. I caught out of a Catholic new service article. Quote, many Catholics grew up thinking limbo. The place where babies who have died without baptism spend eternity and state of natural happiness but not in the presence of God, was part of Catholic tradition. Instead, it was a hypothesis, a theory held out as a possible way to balance the Christian in the necessity of baptism with belief in God's mercy. Speaker 0 23:48 Close quote. Well, if you've had it, haven't had spuds in your ears. I think you can answer that one already. What about this claim that limbo is only hypothesis. We've already heard more than enough to answer that objection, but Father Harrison answers quote those who now talk about limbo has only ever having been a mere hypothesis as distinct from church doctrine or giving a very misleading account of the state of the question. Such talk leaves the impression that the church traditionally held, or at least implicitly admitted that another acceptable hypothesis from baptize infants would be their eternal salvation. Nothing could be further from the truth. The only accepted alternate hypothesis was not heaven, but a very mild pain of sense in hell, as well as being eternally deprived of the beatific vision. In short, the fact of the deprivation itself, the eternal loss of the beatific vision was traditional Catholic doctrine, not on your hypothesis. Speaker 0 24:49 Close quote, the fact of the eternal laws of the beatific vision for babies who die without baptism is traditional Catholic doctrine. The fact of the eternal laws of the beatific vision for babies who die without baptism is traditional Catholic doctrine. The argument is over whether they suffer because some of the fathers thought they might be suffering because of their original sin, but the other fathers and the theologians, the teaching, the church said, no, they can't be suffering because they haven't personally offended that the argument wasn't over where they are. It's whether they're suffering or not. Okay? Amazingly enough, one well known dissenter. Father Richard Week, Brian, a man who usually seems to get his theology out of the cracker Jack box or or maybe out of a weegee board, I'm not sure which gets the implications, right? His response to the International Theological Commission document. Now this will be the only time I can guarantee you will ever hear me. Speaker 0 25:49 Quote father McBrien approvingly father McBrien quote, if there is no limbal and we're not going to revert to Saint Augustin's teaching that unbaptized infants go to hell, we're only left with one option, namely that everyone is born in the state of grace. Baptism does not exist to wipe away the stain of original sin, but to initiate one into the church. Close quote, Father Richard Wheat, Brian Father McBrien. It's absolutely right. If there's no limbo and we're not going to say the unbaptized infants go to hell, we're left only with one option, namely that everyone is born in the state of grace. Baptism does not exist to wipe away the sustain of original sin, but initiate one of the church. That's absolutely correct, but remember what the constant second constantly, Oh, Pope John the 22nd and council of Florence defined infallibly the souls of die, those who die in mortal sin or those who die in original sin only descend immediately into hell, but to undergo different penalties. Speaker 0 26:55 Father McBrian is absolutely right and in case there's any doubt, that's exactly what some of these theologians on their national theologic commission are thinking. Listen carefully. The fact that God loves his creatures so much that he sent his son to die in order to save them means that there exists an original grace just as there exists. An original sin. Redemptorist father Tony Kelly and Australian member of the international theological emission told Catholic no service. The existence of original grace justifies hope beyond hope that those who die without ever having had the opportunity to be baptized will be saved. Well, there you have it. Speaker 2 27:38 Okay, Speaker 0 27:39 there you having this theologian has just confirmed with father McBrien says, if there is no limbal, if we're not going to say that unbaptized infants go to hell, so not going to limbo, they're not going to hell. Then we're only left with one option. Everyone's born in the state of grace. Original grace. Talk about a novelty. We're not going to get into this today, but if you're interested in pursuing this topic further study plagiarism, it's an early heresy Pelagianism play genus and that's the heresy study that, okay, let's sum this up on the ones hand. The traditional Catholic doctrine that comes to us from the Alpha systolic times has been consistently taught by the fathers, the doctors, the scholastic theologians, the pope's and the councils is that babies who die without baptism will never have to be a terrific vision. That comes to us from APIs, docs, time, so that's on the one hand. On the other hand, we have modern theologians and vetting the concept of original grades, so why is she special? We have modern theologians claiming that we can have hope beyond hope. That baby to die without baptism will have the beatific vision. Well, which is it? Speaker 0 28:56 Now, before we close, let's take a few moments to consider just some of the implications here. If Shit's Apostolic Times, the Church has been wrong on the absolute necessity of babies being baptized for their salvation. The church has been wrong since the very beginning on such a fundamental and essential point of doctrine on such a fundamental truth. Then what else is the church wrong on <inaudible>? Speaker 2 29:27 Okay. Speaker 0 29:28 What is it to prevent us from concluding that all the other teachings of the church, especially the ones that we find most inconvenient in our personalized, our only hypotheses. What's to stop it? Speaker 2 29:40 Okay. Speaker 0 29:43 Why shouldn't we just party? Speaker 2 29:44 Okay. Speaker 0 29:49 Obviously I'm being rhetorical there. This kind of a Lark is not a joke. It's dangerous. A holy religion is true. These truths are treasures. They're treasures. There's treasures that come from heaven to us. The treasures that were handed down from his bike, God himself, they're truths that are worth dying for the truth of our holy region. I were dying for. We have to take them all. Speaker 2 30:17 Oh, Speaker 0 30:19 all of them are. We're not Catholic. We can't be saved and we're dying for let's close. <inaudible> Speaker 2 30:32 <inaudible> Speaker 0 30:34 father Harrison summarize his article by stating quote, I submit that the falling also expresses in already definitive teaching of the ordinary and universal magisterium, which could be solemnly defined. The church has not and never can have any authority whatsoever to affirm the under the new covenant of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Anyone who dies on baptized before tanning, the use of region reaches the beatific vision. Close quote and he closes his article with the statement that I am going to close with and make my own quote. I would conclude these observation. I would conclude these observations simply by affirming my firm loyalty and obedience to Holy Mother Church whose infallible judgment should it be handed on on this matter. I shall most willingly make my own close quote and Amen.

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