Saint Sebastian

January 20, 2008 00:17:42
Saint Sebastian
Veritas Caritas
Saint Sebastian

Jan 20 2008 | 00:17:42


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 The emperor Diocletian rules from two 84 to three 85. And during his reign to last most ferocious, Roman persecution broke out because the persecution Saint Sebastian was a soldier of noble birth whose bravery was so highly regard. He's made one of the captains, the Praetorian guard, that's the Imperial guard, Saint Sebastian concealed. The fact he was a Catholic, not out of fear because he's fully aware that a man in his position had a greater to opportunity travel freely to help those who've not been identified as Catholics by the authorities visited prison. Christians encouraged them to keep the faith. In fact, Saint Sebastian was so zealous in 80 and encouraging other Christians that the pulp that time Pope Saint Kayas called him the defender of the church to Catholic nobleman, twin brothers named Mark Marcel Yonis had been thrown into prison and they'd both been tortured, but they had such great support from Sebastian during their trials. Speaker 0 00:01:03 They bore their trials. Cheerfully. They're finally sentenced to death for the crime being Catholic, but at the insistence of their peg and friends and family, the prefect of Rome, a man named Chromat CEUs delayed their execution for 30 days, Mark and Liliana's his friends and relatives had promised the prefect that before the 30 days were up, they would certainly persuade the twins to sacrifice to the gods. See they're being intolerant. They're not sacrificing to their gods. The prefect sent it to men to be held as prisoners in the house of one of his officers. It's a man named Nicko Stratus with the order that is any of their pagan friends could appear at any time and visit them. The tortures, which Mark and Marcy Liliana had manfully suffered previously seen mild compared to the pressures which they now had to endure. The twins were very friendly and therefore had a very large circle of friends and relatives who loved them deeply and spared no lengths in trying to get demand to banish abandoned this foolish worship of the Jewish carpenter, the friends exhorted, Mark and Marcy Liliana's to consider the duties that they had their duties towards their families, towards their wives, towards their little children, because they're old and aging parents. Speaker 0 00:02:18 They told him that God surely expected them to do their duty and take care of their dependents and not to Bandon everything for such foolishness. Their mother Marcia, an old pagan woman begged them by the love with which she had nursed them and cared for them to not bring her souring down into the grave. There old crippled father trampoline is upgraded his sons for their stupidity and running after death, as they were now doing. It'll amended the fact that his son should take this was a fitting way to treat a father for all, who had treated them with such kindness, all his life. Then their lives wise would cry out and whale and hold up their babies, begging them to stop this cruelty, begging them not to make them widows and not to their children, orphans. And this went on and on day in and day out, their careful friends and families came to see Mark and Marcy Liliana's. Speaker 0 00:03:07 The twins kept trying to answer and console everyone. They told their friends that their duty above all duties of leaving father, mother, wife, and children, for the sake of Christ, they tried to comfort their mother. By the example of our blessed lady who had willingly offered up, her only son is a babe on the alter and stood beside the cross to see him die in agony. They spoke to their father of the love of the father who so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son to die for sinners. And they'd be sought their wives to spouse themselves as Holy widows to Jesus would be to them a more loving husband and to their orphan children, a more tender father than they themselves had been or ever could be. But it was all in vain for their hears were all pagans who knew not to love of God and cared, not for their sorrows of Jesus and Mary. Speaker 0 00:03:52 And so that all they said to comfort them only made them more unhappy, close quote, understandably enough, this kind of pressure pressure of having to see the terrible suffering of people. They loved more than themselves began to take its toll on their courage. Finally States Sebastian realized they were in danger of committing a mortal sin by hypothesizing from the faith. And so in front of the whole crowd of guards, friends, and relatives, one day when everybody's there wailing, he stood up and exposed himself as a Christian and then exhorted the brothers to remain firm in the faith st. Sebastian then turned to the crowd and urge them to stop tempting the brothers to give up the glorious crowns, which weighted them in heaven. Quote, for the hopes of Christians are not idle fables, but solid trues. This is proven every day by the miracles, which Christians work, they raise the debt. Speaker 0 00:04:42 They give sight to the blind. They cure the worst disease only by calling on the name of Jesus. And if these miracles, which Christians work be true, most certainly the promises of Christ are also true and is reasonable that a man should die for them. So dry pictures, my friends and joyfully accompany these Holy martyrs to the triumph. And I hope that by their merits, God will open your eyes. Also close quote, Saint Sebastian. When he finished the room, filled with heavenly light in the midst of which they saw seven angels and our Lord Jesus Christ who embraced Saint Sebastian, gave him a kiss, a piece and said to him, thou shall always be with me. Then the apparition vanished, everyone present, both Christian pagan saw and heard the apparition. Zoe who's the wife of the jailer. Nico Stratus had been mute for six years. Speaker 0 00:05:33 She was instantly converted to herself at Sebastian's feet and started making signs that she wished to be baptized. Now remember what this means. She's publicly exposing herself in front of this whole crowd of pagans giving sign. She wants to be baptized that's the death penalty. Think of the grace that's going on in this woman's soul. So Zoe's asking to become a Christian Saint Sebastian said, quote, if I'm the servant of Jesus. And if all I have said, be true, the Lord Jesus healed and loose stay tongue and make these speak close quote. He made the sign across over Zoe's mouth instantly. So it began to speak praising God and thanking Sebastian for having cured. Her Zoe's husband knickers Stratus was so struck by this miracle that he himself converted. Trampolina some Marsha, the father and mother of the twin brothers were also converted as were their wives and children. Speaker 0 00:06:28 All the converts began begging since Sebastian to baptize him, but he asked Niko Stratus to bring up all the other prisoners in the house. They might too might have the opportunity to hear the gospel Nika stratas brought them and Saint Sebastian preach to them. They all converted. And then Saint Sebastian sent for a priest named Polycarp who then baptized all 64 of the converts. Although tranquil penis had been crippled for 11 years. The moment the baptismal water touched him, his crippled limb straightened out. And he was totally healed. Two other men that had severe disabilities also instantly healed during their baptism 30 days came to an end. And the prefect of Rome, chromatin is summoned. Tranquilizing is to find out what sort of success he had had and getting his twin boys to sacrifice to the gods. Korematsu was surprised to put up Molly, to see trampoline as walking rather than being carried. Speaker 0 00:07:21 And he asked if Mark and Marcy Lianas were ready to sacrifice to the gods. Tranquilly just replied, quote, my sons are happy. And so am I for God has taught me the truth of the Christian religion. What has chromatids have you lost your mind and become a fool in your old age? Tran Cletus replied. He's a fool who leaves the way of life to follow that of death, what life and what death asks Chromat CEUs. If you will listen to me, you and all your family should be as happy as I am. Tranq Llinas replied not only is chromatin is struck by the change in both the mind and the body of tranq leanness. But since he himself was crippled is very curious to discover tranquility. The secret of happiness. Franklin has told Korematsu is the whole story of hide been healed and what transpired, but <inaudible> was left with dots about the Christian faith. Speaker 0 00:08:09 So Tranquilidad is sent for Saint Sebastian chromatin, listen to Saint Sebastian, but still filled with doubts until Saint Sebastian promised him that if he would believe he too would be cure just like tranquil penis, but the first condition was he'd have to destroy all his household idols. Now the pagan Romans had a household shrine called a lararium that contained little statues of all the, all the gods and goddesses that the family worship they'd worship and offer sacrifices to them on certain days. So Komatsu agreed and the pagan idols were smashed, but he still wasn't cured. This point, since Sebastian said to Komatsu is since you're not cured, either you haven't re renounced your pagan beliefs or else you're holding back some false idols. Korematsu Stan admitted that he actually have another room contain items that were used for pagan worship. As soon as the remaining pagan religious items were destroyed, Chromat CEUs was cured. Speaker 0 00:09:05 Now stop for a sec. Think of the divine mercy. This is a man, a judge that's been sentencing Christians for death for the crime of being Christians. Think of the mercy God has right here. This man has sentenced Catholics to death just for their religion. And God reaches out to him and does a miracle like that. Healing. And as a result of this chromatin, this entire household, including his slaves was also converted and baptized and Thanksgiving to God for his miraculous covering, he freed his newly baptized slaves. And it's a very wealthy man being the prefect, Rami freed 1400 slaves saying that those who have God for their father ought not to be slaves to men. Komatsu has decided he could no longer keep his office. His prefect of Rome set device of the Pope. He resigned and went to live in a great country, Villa some distance from wrong. Speaker 0 00:09:55 The pulp, the priests are Roman men like Saint Sebastian would send Christians whose faith was weak. We did not receive the call to martyrdom out, to live with <inaudible> and the country will. They continue to care for the Christians in Rome and the Pope stationed Polycarp up. There's a priest to take care of the spiritual needs of everybody that was out at the villain. The new prefect of Rome, Samad, Mark, and Marcel silliness, and ordered them to sacrifice to the gods. When they refused, he had them bound to two pillars, had their feet nailed to them where they hung for a full day and they hung their singing Psalms the whole time until finally the prefect decided in order to shut them up, they'd be pierced with lances. Saint Zoe was discovered while she was praying at st. Peter's tomb. She was martyred by be hung by the heels over a fire tranquil Anas went to pay pray at the tomb of st. Speaker 0 00:10:42 Paul and was stoned to death by a crowd. Komatsu is sung tight Burt's use who also converted was baptized at the same time as his father had stayed wrong. Diverts use was not suspected of being a Christian, which made it easy for him to imitate sense by Ashton, by moving around secretly helping Christians, exhorting them to stay strong in the faith, giving his money to the poor and generally setting a good example to everyone. One day, his tight Burtis was walking along. He came across a crowd, gathered around a dying young man. Who'd fallen from a great height. Diabetes asked if they minded. If he spoke briefly to the young man, as he thought it might do him some good, the Cod made way. And <inaudible> came up and sit in our father and a creed over the dying young man who instantly stood up and perfect health. Speaker 0 00:11:25 The crowd understandably was shocked and amazed and Tyberg CEUs used the occasion to preach the gospel. A great many were converted and baptized as a result of this miracle. Eventually <inaudible> Bertuse was betrayed this time by Catholic deed. Reapproached for living a sinful life. The prefect gave <inaudible> his choice. Either offer sacrifice. I used to the gods would walk barefoot over burning coals. Ty Burt's has chose the coals. He made the sign across of the coals and began walking around on as he walked around on the coals. TimberTech has challenged with prefect quote away now with your opposite infidelity and confess Jesus Christ to be the true God whose command all things obey, or if you'll not believe in him, put your hands in a kettle of boiling water and call upon your gods Jupiter. And then you will see whether for Jupiter's sake, the water will not skull. Speaker 0 00:12:12 Do you close quote in response, the prefect had his head cut off at last. It was st. Sebastian's turned when the crown already gained by so many of his spiritual children and per Diocletian heard that Saint Sebastian was a Christian sent for him and asked him, Sebastian, what is this out here? Is it possible that after I've given you so many honors and placed you in this high command that you dare live here in my palace as a Christian or disloyal to me and draw down upon me, the anger, the gods Saint Sebastian answered sire. I've always been loyal to you. I have daily prayed to the true God who is the maker of heaven and earth for your safety and out of the empire for it seems to me to be a great folly to worship stones and ask favors of those who cannot speak or move and have neither sense nor feeling Diocletian was so angry at Sebastian's reply order to be taken from his sight and shot with arrows. Speaker 0 00:13:03 He's taken into a field, tied to a tree shot full of arrows and left for dead late that night to whatever Margaret went to get Sebastian's body in order to bury him, but found he was still alive. She took him to her house, dressed his wounds and cared for him till after a few days, God suddenly restored him to perfect health with other Christians were urging Sebastian to flee the city, but instead he placed himself by a staircase where the emperor was to pass. Just as the emperor came up to him. Saint Sebastian cried out the priests of your temples, old ampere, deceive you and tell you lies about the Christians making believe that they're the enemies of your empire. While in reality, they protect your empire by their daily prayers for its preservation. Diocletian was startled to see and hear a man who he believed to be dead. Speaker 0 00:13:48 But when he gained his composure, are you Sebastian who I ordered to be put to death? Did you not die? And if you did die, how did you come to life? Again? Saint Sebastian replied my Lord. Jesus had been cleat pleased to give me life in order that here, before all the people, I may have witness to the truth of his faith and to your cruelty and persecuting the saints. Who've done, you know, harm in his name. Therefore I command you. If you would preserve your life and your empire to cease from your wickedness and to shed no more innocent blood. When Diocletian realized that he was dealing with a lot living man and not a ghost, he ordered that Saint Sebastian be tied to a pillar and beaten to death after his death executioners threw his body into sewer. But before very long saints, passion appeared to a pious lady in a vision, told her where his body was in order to take it and bury it at the, at the entrance to the cat Combs, the Basilica Sebastiano, which has always been true. Speaker 0 00:14:44 Traditionally garden is one of seven pilgrimage churches in Rome was built over his grave in three 67. The present there dates to 16, 11 is Relic is on the gospel side of the alter. After mass. We'll give you a blessing with it. Saint Sebastian is one of the 14, Holy helpers. He's the patron Saint of archers athletes and soldiers among others. And he's traditionally involved for protection against plagues. His feast day is today. January 20th, since Mark Marcy Liliana's his feast day is June 18th. St. Zoe's feast is July 5th, st. Tranquil Nina's feast is July 6th, st. Nicholas Stratus feast day of July 7th, say Bertucci's feast is August 11th. The same day as st. Komatsu is there's a lot of lessons we can draw from the story of Saint Sebastian. We'll just quickly consider for first point the importance of encouraging each other to keep the faith we're all week when we live in a pagan environment. Speaker 0 00:15:42 And so many of our friends and relatives are practically speaking pagans. It can be hard to stay strong in the faith. We need to imitate st. Sebastian encourage each other second point. We need to make a definitive choice. Chromat CEUs wasn't cured, too. We got rid of the last, it was idolatrous things. He had to make a definite break with paganism. We can't keep our feet in both camps. Third point considered divine mercy, and the love that God has, even for sinners, even though Chromat SIS himself had condemned Catholics to death, simply for the crime of being Catholic, he was given the grace conversion and even became a sane and God extended that same opportunity, even a Diocletian. He healed Saint Sebastian of fatal wounds incentive specifically to give Diocletian a som warning in his name. So God extended that mercy to Saint, even to Diocletian fourth point protection of the week. Speaker 0 00:16:37 Sometimes people good people say things to me like, well, father, that the children are going to be exposed to it, whatever it might be sooner or later, you can't protect them forever. As if it's the first principle that we just throw the kids to the wolves. We see the pulp and the priests keeping men like Saint Sebastian action, but protecting those whose faith is Waker by removing them from sinful pressures of a pagan society. That is the correct action to take. That's how saints think we need to shelter the weak from sinful pressures at the elevation of the precious blood today. And every time you assist at mass, ask our Lord to give you the grace to remain faithful in this pagan society, ask him to give you the grace to live as a martyr, not necessarily dies in water that's God's choice there, but to live as a faithful witness, to live as a martyr and this present darkness, ask our Lord to strengthen you so that you may imitate st. Sebastian and live and die as a faithful witness to our Holy religion.

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