St. Frances Xavier Cabrini

November 13, 2017 00:03:54
St. Frances Xavier Cabrini
Veritas Caritas
St. Frances Xavier Cabrini

Nov 13 2017 | 00:03:54


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 I've already have Christina and the name of the father, the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. There's a line in the gospel and it's also used in, uh, in the communion. <inaudible> uh, there's a absolutely beautiful motet by an Areo <inaudible> so it's, um, I'm sure you could find it on the computer if you're interested, but that's really, uh, one of the more extraordinary motets Benito odd night. So it's that line of the gospel. Speaker 1 00:00:28 It's the face of an American Speaker 0 00:00:30 Insane naturalized American Saint. We actually have two American Saint feast days this week, which is remarkable because Saint Rose to Shane is later this week, but st. Francis savior Cabrini was chorus born in Italy in 1850. Her parents are farmers. She's the youngest Speaker 1 00:00:47 Of 13 children. Speaker 0 00:00:50 So I always say there's always room for one more. You never know what that last one I'll do. And there's two, uh, youngest girl, uh, after she went through schooling, she wanted to apply to join the order that that had taught her, but she was very frail. And so the mother superior refused to take her because she wasn't strong enough. It's ironic. She ends up, uh, running an orphanage. And then under the, you know, with the approval of the Bishop started at congregation missionary, sister of the sacred heart. And so she has an orphanage put school together. She's teaching needle work and things like that to the girls. And she ends up going down to Rome and starting a school. And I believe an orphanage there and meets with Leo the 13th, cause she wanted to go to China and he said, no, you're not going to go East. Speaker 0 00:01:39 You're going to go West. I want you to take care of the Italians that have come over to the new world. And that started on a project. The Breviary tells us she crossed the ocean 24 times, and those would have been rough, rough crossing back in that day. It's not like jumping on a plane and coming over. So she came over here, here in central America, South America to anywhere where the Italians had immigrated. But she came over here with step things. Orphanages schools started hospitals. Many of them have just closed in the past 10 or 20 years, but all over the place in New York and Chicago, golden, Colorado, Denver, Colorado, and scrap where parishes, the childcare st. Lucy is right down the street. If you walk down, if you're ever in Scranton at our parish, she just turned and started walking towards st. Lucy's. Speaker 0 00:02:25 You just go down the street and on the left, you'll see a little thing. It's like Kabini drive or whatever right there. Somebody could tell you, but she lived there when she'd be in Scranton. And I remember talking to one of our parishioners is both his grandmother were taught sewing. They'd bring a diamond mother. Cabrini would, would show them things. It show them how to soar, do Neal work, whatever the case may be, but both of his granted. So there's people in Scranton, his grandparents knew, knew a Catholic Saint there. Anyway, she died in Chicago, December 22nd, 1917. So just, just a little under a hundred years ago, right now, we're almost up to their hundredth anniversary. She died in malaria. She had her malaria kept coming back, but she caught in central America and she died of that. Her relics right now for the most part are in New York. Speaker 0 00:03:14 If you ever go to New York city, you take the train that goes to the cloister. So you go and get off of the cloister exit. The Cloisters are here. Just turn around. There's this unbelievably ugly chapel could only be something the Catholics built. And it's right. There you go. Over there. It used to be mother Cabrini high school, but they closed the high school a couple of years ago. But you go in there. Her relics are under the alter except for head, which is an Italy. I think part of her arm is in Chicago, but she's right there for anybody that ends up in New York city can go actually make a pilgrimage to see a Catholic Saint Canaanites thing. Just a little bit on mother convenience.

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