The End Times According to Saint Robert Bellermine

November 28, 2010 00:25:15
The End Times According to Saint Robert Bellermine
Veritas Caritas
The End Times According to Saint Robert Bellermine

Nov 28 2010 | 00:25:15


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Speaker 0 00:01 Let's start this morning with a brief review. Last week we looked at two of the absolutely certain signs of the end of the world. According to Saint Robert Bellarmine, the gospel must be preached in the whole world. The Roman empire must be terminated. We spent some time considering the meaning of the termination of Roman empire, lying on the commentary of carnal Manning. We sought the manifestation and I Christ has been hindered by a system or a man. We saw that the system hindering the man manifestation of Christ was initially the political mind of the Heath and Roman empire, which was then lifted up and spiritualized by the spiritual power of the church penetrating to the empire and finally was crown with Christendom, the great family of Christian nations, which assumed the place of the Roman empire. We saw it, the Holy father, the very authority under whom and around whom the whole family of Christian nations were gathered was the man who had hindered the manifestation and I Christ. Speaker 0 00:58 We saw that only two possible societies, the natural society with a political order established without reference to our Lord's incarnation and the supernatural society. With a political order, which is faithful to any teaching the Catholic church. And we also saw that once a supernatural society admits those who deny the incarnation to an equality of privileges, then the whole foundation of the social life in order that society drops from the supernatural level to the level of mother nature. And we saw that this was precisely, it was foretold of anti-Christian period. We saw it. The manifestation antichrist cannot occur till this great revolt, this great apostasy of the Catholic nations defecting from the true faith plunging from the supernatural order to the natural or plunging from a political order based on the incarnation of our Lord. I took a political war, which is not based on incarnation. Speaker 0 01:55 We saw that once this occurs, the nations will no longer have any unified principle of law and order. We saw that once this apostasy reaches its climax, that is to say once the formerly Catholic nations have left their unity with the Holy father and our foundation, the true faith, then there will no longer remain a bore or security to prevent the rising up of social disorder and lawlessness. And then in that context of chaos and immorality, the man of sin, the lawless one anti-Christ will become manifest. We saw that because of the power which has hindered the development of anti-Christian social disorder is divine, that it cannot be taken away simply by the rebellious world of men until the hour. That's for Dane. By God, we saw it at the end of the world. At the end of the world, the Roman empire shall pass into democracies. We saw that according to the fathers, at that time, the Gentile nations will reject Catholicism, leave the worship of the true God and turn back to paganism. That's where we left off last week. Let's start today by taking extremely brief look at some of what Saint Robert has summarized about the man of sin. Speaker 0 03:09 Saint Robert says that the antichrist is a man, one man, according to scripture and all the fathers. He States that there are two most certain facts about him. First, he's principally coming from the Jews, only received by them as the Messiah, as was stated by our Lord to the Jews. You have rejected me, but another common, his own name and him, you will not reject Saint Robert points out that this is taught by all the fathers and by st Paul as well. In second Thessalonians two 10 and 11 according to Saint Robert, the second most certain fact is anti-Christ will be born Jewish stock, be circumcised and observe a Sabbath at least for a time. Saint Robert also points out a fearful symmetry quote. Without a doubt, then I Christ will first attract those who are prepared to receive him. And the chews expect a temporal messianic King of such a kind. Speaker 0 04:04 His antichrist will be just as Christ first came to the Jews to how many was promised and by whom it was expected. And then later he joined the CentOS to himself. So also the antichrist first go to the Jews by whom he is expected. And then later one after another, he was subject to all the Gentiles to himself, clothes, coral parents, medical note, subjecting the Gentiles to himself, maybe far easier fan of Christ. And it sounds, in fact it looks like many are specifically looking forward to his coming. For example, the Muslims who don't believe our Lord died on the cross, are expecting our Lord to come back and break the cross. The Buddhist and oddly enough, many new agers are looking forward to what appears to be the last incarnation of the Buddha. So when they call the Lord my trail and the dispensational Protestants are expecting our Lord to return and rule from the temple in Jerusalem. Speaker 0 05:00 Sounds like a whole raft of sitting ducks. Let's continue st Robert points out that then I Christ is not the devil incarnate because only God can take on another nature. The devil has an angelic nature, so he can't become incarnate. He can only possess a man, but as Saint Robert notes quote, he'll be the most perfect instrument of the devil. So that in him is the bodily expression of all possible diabolical malice. Just as in Christ, our Lord was a bodily expression of all divine goodness. Close quote. We all know that the number of his name is six six six Saint Robert, quote, st. You know what I mean? I said sunlight on this topic. I'm saying internet States, the name of antichrist is a sacred kept by God until you arrives, since he isn't worthy to have his name pre-announced by heaven. According to Sandy, Renee is Saint John the apostle warned, but no one should attempt to guess this name from the number six six six and that those who do attempt to guess this will be easily deceived by him when he arrives under his own name. Speaker 0 06:06 Since they will not be on their guard against him as to the seat of anti-Christ. Where will he rule? Saint Paul wrote to the antichrist would take a seat in the temple of God, claiming himself to be God. What is meant here? That's a very interesting discussion. We can only touch it briefly. Saint Robert gives two possibilities. The first possibility is Rome as a great doctor, st Jerome says, quote, he shall sit in the temple of God. Either Drew's in as some cynic or in the church is more truly thought close quote, the acumen is who says quote, he did not see the temple of Jerusalem but the church of Christ. Close quote. So Rome is one possibility or the possibilities to Jerusalem, the Saint Robert States quote, but nevertheless, the true opinion is that the antichrist should rule from Jerusalem, not from Rome, from the temple of Solomon and throne of David and not the temple of Saint Peter and the apostolic see close quote. Speaker 0 07:03 St Robert supports his argument using both scripture and tradition showing it. This is the common teaching of the fathers even showing that elsewhere st Jerome has written to the antichrist being in Jerusalem. He points out that none of the ancient fathers, either Latin or Greek, use the word temple for Christian churches, nor was this word used by the pastas for that purpose. Saint Robert <inaudible> who States that after the termination of the Roman empire during the time of anti-Christ, the Supreme rule will pass over to Asia and the orient will dominate or the West is in servitude. Katz is clearly States in what part of Asia, the antichrist shall rule that Syria and taking part of Syria. Now remember, this is the ancient Latin terminology, the particular part of Syria, uh, in which the antichrist should is Judea. Saint Robert also discussed with the teacher the antichrist and points out four major doctrines. Speaker 0 08:00 First, he will deny that Jesus is the Christ. As we read in first John two 22 who is a liar, but he would deny that Jesus is the Christ. This is the antichrist who denies the father and the son. Therefore, he will attack everything our savior instituted such as baptism, confirmation and so forth, and she'll teach the Jewish laws such as circumcision, keeping us out with an ancient ceremonies of not safe but still have force. Second, he will assert that he himself is the true Christ promised in law and profits. As we read in John chapter five and verse 43 another will come in his own name and him you will receive. 30 will proclaim himself to be God and wished to be worshiped as God as we lead in. Second Thessalonians chapter two verse four said, he said, if in the temple of God, showing himself as if he were God, and finally he will proclaim that not only is he God, but also that he is the only God and he will talk all of the gods, both the true God and all the false gods, even the idols as we read in second Thessalonians two four who oppose it and is lifted up above all that is caught cold called God or that is worshiped and in Daniel 11 and he shall make no account of the God of his fathers and he shall not regard any gods, pretty shall rise up against all things. Speaker 0 09:19 Saint Robert speaks to this tannic powers of anti-Christ and points out. It is clearly taught in both scripture, the 24th chapter of st Matthew's gospel and the 13th chapter of the apocalypse and second Thessalonians chapter two as well as tradition that then I Christ will possess quasi miraculous powers of satanic origin. And by these diabolical pollers who performed many miracles which appear to be miraculous, he will appear to raise the dead and heal the sick with these will be demonic illusions. They will not be true healings. His marvels will all have natural causes, but these will be hidden from men. And so they will appear to be miraculous. Saint Robert comments on a 13th chapter, the apocalypse and the dragon gives us power and throne, great authority to the beast. And then one of the heads of the beast has a mortal wound, but the wound is healed, which makes the whole world follow the base with great wonder. Speaker 0 10:16 One of the heads of the beast has a mortal wound. The wound is healed, which makes the whole world follow the beast with great wonder. Saint Robert explains his passage about the Beast's head having a mortal wound, which is then healed quote. Nearly all the ancient fathers explain this of antichrist himself who will fake his own death and then by diabolical powers, raise himself up again. So you might imitate the true death and resurrection of Christ. And by this means seduce many close quote, all the fathers teach that the antichrist will be the most incredible magician who we possessed by the devil from his very conception, at least by his infancy. Now I Christ perform all his marvels by satanic power. Saint Cyril States that the antichrist will be the most highly instructed magician learned in witchcraft spells. And the black arts and his marvels are called lying wonders because they're performed by the father of lies. Speaker 0 11:10 So we've seen a few more details about the antichrist who he possessed, at least since its infancy. He'll be learned in all the called arts, sorcery, incantations, all the black arts. Because of his incredible powers of satanic origin, he'll be able to perform many incredible things, which will seem like true miracles to men. But why will the antichrist perform all these miracles? Saint Robert notes that the purpose of all these fake satanic wonders will be so that he can prove that he is God just as Christ or Lord did true miracles to demonstrate his divinity. So who do this mini miracle so he can convince everybody he's the Christ so he can convince everybody that he is God. Now that we have a general outline of the character, the antichrist himself, let's tune it to the two. Absolutely certain signs which accompany the antichrist, the preaching of <inaudible> and Elias. Speaker 0 12:02 That's Elijah and the Savage persecution ending of all public masses. First, the preaching of Enoch and Elias, Elias and Elijah. Just two different ways of saying the same name and knock is a great grasp of Noah. We can read about him and Shannon in Genesis chapter five he was taken up. Elias is the prophet who is all we know. We all know it was taken up in the chariot to fire. Neither of these men have died yet. As Saint Robert points out, scripture proves that these two prophets still live and will return. They return to preach against the antichrist. Ina will preach to the Gentiles and alive to the Jews. They'll both preach and perform miracles, convincing many to reject the antichrist and return to the Holy faith. Saint Robert teaches that is heresy or proximate tear. To deny that a knock and Elijah are personally going to return to pose the man of the antichrist. Speaker 0 12:58 Thanks to lies his preaching. The Jews will largely convert Saint Robert quote, Enoch and Elias will come again. They're still alive and the reason they are still living is that they will oppose the antichrist when he comes and they will conserve the elect and the faith of Christ and indeed they will convert the Jews and this is obvious in the words and he shall restore all things for to restore all things mean to call Jews and heretics and perhaps many Catholics who have been deceived by the antichrist. True the true faith close quote Saint Robert. Then he knocked the last will be killed in Jerusalem and lay in the street for three days or the forces of evil rejoice. Choice was satanic glee, but the end of the horror of the followers of the antichrist, both Enoch and last, we resurrected and then assumed into heaven, which is Saint John, refers to in the 11th chapter, the apocalypse are read an abbreviated version of that, that section, apocalypse 11 three and following. Speaker 0 13:54 And I will give unto my two witnesses and they shall prophesize 1,260 days clothed in sackcloth. And they have finished their testimony that these shall make war against them and shall overcome them and kill them. And their bodies shall lie in the streets. The great city where the Lord also is crucified and the nations shall see their bodies for three days and a half and they shall not suffer. The bodies too late and sup occurs and they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them and make Mary and shall send gifts one to another because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt upon the earth. And after three days and a half, the spirit of life of God from God entered into them. They stood upon their feet and great fear fell upon them that saw them and they heard a great voice from heaven saying to them, come up here, there, and they went up into heaven in a cloud and their enemy saw them close. Speaker 0 14:46 Quote the Holy ghost so you're not going to last. They're still alive. They're coming back during the reign of the antichrist to pose him with preaching miracles to convert the Jews who will finally become Catholics. Also to convert heretics and Catholics who have been duped by the antichrist. They were killed and laid out in the streets of Jerusalem. After three days, he Rose from the dead and assumed into heaven. Now let's turn to the second absolutely certain sign which accompanies the addict Christ, the Savage persecution and ending of all public masses, Saint Robert quote, absolutely all the evil men together shall be in the army, the antichrist, and she will open authority attack all the saints of the church. Nowadays, there are many men who pretend to be in the church who conceal their mouths, who hearts are, whose hearts are outside the church, although their bodies remain inside. Speaker 0 15:38 But at that time, as Santa Gustin says, they're hidden hatred. Chalal break out in open persecution. Close quote. And how vicious will this persecution be? Santa Gustin says, during the time of the antichrist, the Della should be loosed and therefore the persecution will be that much greater than all the previous city persecutions in history. This persecution occurring well, a final judgment is eminent, shall be the last which will be endured by the Holy church throughout the world. The whole city of Christ being a sale, the whole city of the devil as each exists on earth. Since hip hop, since Saint Cyril stated the martyrs killed that antichrist, we more glorious than all the proceeding martyrs because all the mothers before the time of the antichrist had a battle against him and ministers of the devil. But these last mater, she'll have to fight against the raging devil himself. Speaker 0 16:27 Saint Robert makes three points concerning the passage and the 20th chapter they apocalypse, which describes the attack of Gog and Magog on the saints for the battle of Gog and Magog is actually the battle of the antichrist against the church. The very last persecution which the antichrist will raise up against the church all over the world. That's the first point. The second point Saint Robert makes is very probable that Gog signifies the antichrist himself and Magog signifies his army. A third point, the antichrist army Magog has a strange name because of the people who were in the army. So what does it mean? Well, in chapter 10 of the book of Genesis, there's a list of the descendants of Noah after the flood. It's a list known as a table of nations and named Magog is fun in there. A God is the father of the people traditionally known as a Citians. Speaker 0 17:16 Cynthia, the Homeland of the Scythians is an ancient term for region of Europe and Asia, North of the black and Caspian seas, stretching from Dan over to China, which is what we now know as Kazic Stan, Southern Russia, the Ukraine. And the summer and surrounding regions. Saint Robert says that quote, the army of the antichrist is called Magog because the greater part of the antichrist army will either be established from barbarians arising from Cynthia says such as the Turks, the Tartars and others, or what I think is more probable because the army shall be immensely Savage and cruel. Close quote and for the ending of the public mass quote, the persecution anti-Christ with the most severe and the most notorious said all public religious ceremonies and sacrifices will cease. The disc. Spinal persecution will be the most violent is obvious and the words of our Lord in Matthew 24 21 for they'll should be then great tribulation such as has not been from the beginning of the world. Speaker 0 18:13 Neither Shelby close quote Saint Robert quote in the time of antichrist because of the horrible persecution, the public day like public and daily office and sacrifice, the church will cease. As Daniel clearly teaches in chapter 12 and verse 11 and from the time of the continuous sacrifice be taken away, there should be 1,290 days. The consensus of all the fathers is that in this place, Daniel is speaking of the time of the antichrist and what this passage means is that the antichrist will prohibit all divine worship, which is not practiced in the church of Christ, and most especially, he will prohibit the most totally sacrifice the mass close quote, carnal Bellarmine. So the persecution antichrist will be the last persecution, the world and Savage beyond all possible previous persecutions in case anybody might wonder why. It's because purgatory ends on judgment day and so all the saints that are alive at the end of the world have to get their purgatory time down before death. Speaker 0 19:09 And that's why God allows it anti-Christ to be so savaged so they get their suffering done right away because there is no purgatory. Once judgment comes army, then Christ, we made up largely of men from the barbarian tribes of central Asia or of men whose cruel tuba comparable. The tax will be so violent that all public ceremonies, the Catholic church, including the Holy sacrifice, the mass, we'll see there are two signs which fall upon the rule of anti-Christ but destruction out of Christ and the end of the world. We'll set aside the end of the world to later date cause there's far too much to cover today and so we'll end today by looking at the destruction of anti-Christ. Saint Robert teaches at the length of time and a Christ will rule. The world is clear from chapter seven and 12 of Daniel and chapters 1112 and 13 of the apocalypse. Speaker 0 19:57 The antichrist will rule the world for 3.5 years and explains the reason why the time, the two witnesses, you're not going to last what we 1,260 days all the time. The antichrist will be 1,290 days. Then I Christ rule with third days longer since he will rule for another month after he kills you. Knock and Elias, Saint Ambrose, st Jerome, Saint Gregory, the great in st Thomas at this time. Then I Christ will go to Mount olive it. Then it totally blasts miss imitation of the Ascension of Christ, our Lord Dan I Christ by the power of Satan will send into the air pretending that he is returning to heaven, so be lifted up by the demons and everybody will be admiring him as he rises up and claiming his God, but suddenly by the order of Christ, our Lord Saint Michael, knock him out of the air, have fall to the earth, which will swarm up just as it did the men who were built against Moses and a fall down into hell, and that's the terrible end of anti-Christ. Speaker 0 20:52 The fathers teach that about a month and a half after the death of anti-Christ, our load will Conan judgment, but that's a topic for another day. Okay, let's review today. We took a quick look at the son of perdition. He'll be Jewish, observe the Jewish laws. At least for some time. It will not be the devil incarnate, but he will be possessed in the most perfect bodily instrument of Satan. Although the number of his name is six six six we've been explicitly forbidden from guessing who he might be using this number in order to end up in order avoidably winding up as one of his followers. He'll apparently rolled and rolled from journalism. He'll deny that Jesus is the Christ and it's to Jewish laws and to proclaim itself to be Christ in God and we demand to be worshiped. As such, I will check all the other gods, even the true God to be a master of the black arts, a source for like none that has ever lived, consecrated Satan from its conception or infancy raised up and tutored and skilled and all this tannic arts of magic and can't stations and such light have apparently miraculous powers of satanic origin, all of which are lies but which include the ability to heal the sick and apparently even raised the dead. Speaker 0 22:00 He has apparently raised himself from the dead here, perform all these marvels with one goal in mind to convince everybody that he's the Christ and that he is God. We took a look at three more of the absolutely certain signs of the end of the world. According to Saint Robert, the two signs of your company, the antichrist, the preaching, the two witnesses you knock, analyze and the antichrist persecution, and finally the destruction of anti-Christ. We saw that you knock and Elias are still alive. They're coming back during the reign of the antichrist to oppose him with preaching miracles to convert the Jews who will finally become Catholic alts to convert Catholics that have been duped by that of Christ and heretics. There'll be killed and laid out in the streets that you realism. After three days, he'll be raised from the dead and assumed into heaven. Speaker 0 22:47 We saw that during the Savage persecution anti-Christ. All the evil men in the world would be enlisted in the arm of anti-Christ. Saint Robert takes the greater part of this army then I Christ. Why? Either we made up of barbarians rising from the land of Magog or else he thinks the army will be extremely brutal and cruel because the men from a Gog are proverbially noted for being Savage and we saw the Atlanta macaque runs from the Danube river to China. We saw this persecution will be so violent that all public religious ceremonies, the Catholic church will totally cease, but addiction, exposition, vespers, Holy sacrifice to mass, all public ceremonies. We'll see. Fine. We saw that he'll rule the world for three and a half years and all attempting to blast Smith's imitation of our Lords essentially to heaven from not all of it. We saw that Saint Michael's slam dunk him into hell. Speaker 0 23:35 There's basically been a book report woven out of quotes and paraphrase it is Saint Robert Bellarmine's work on antichrist if it seems difficult to understand to some, well, there's a reason for that. It is a, remember that prophecy is only understood completely in its fulfillment. Why do we spend two weeks on this in the first place? We're not doing it to be sensational. It's part of the church. Liturgical year church has placed this topic before us, and the second place we live in a time where there's such massive air and heretical confusion surrounding us. It's spearing out of the radios, out of the TVs and all kinds of books. And the third place, because for the past century, the pulps have given us a pretty fair warning that we're living in a time, which at the very least is a type of the great apostasy, if not the real thing. Speaker 0 24:23 So what are we supposed to do? Do you see? The first thing is we don't want to start imitating chicken little. We need to remember that God's in charge. He knows what he's doing. He loves us. He knows exactly what he wanted, each one of us to live. So what does he expect of us? That we stay in a state of grace and do our duty and our state of life? We need to be serious about the commandments. We need to be serious about our faith. We need to be serious about holiness. Say Rose from three Helmers and your prayers every day where you're Brown scapular, stop sinning. Go to confession every two weeks. Make fervent communions with God first and strive to become Holly. Do your duty. It's pretty basic. Just do your duty.

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