Top Seven Sins That Will Send You To Hell

May 08, 2011 00:25:12
Top Seven Sins That Will Send You To Hell
Veritas Caritas
Top Seven Sins That Will Send You To Hell

May 08 2011 | 00:25:12


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 Up in our part of the country, the spring of 1981 was incredibly wet. Lots of flooding. I was sloshing through pasture checking the shape when I caught a whiff of something rotten, I mean really rotten, obviously when you're dealing with a bunch of soaking wet shape, it doesn't smell like a big bouquet of flowers. Anyway, when you have a bunch of soaking wet sheep, it's already pretty wifi. So you can just imagine how ranked the smell was to stick in my memory for 30 years. Anyway, I see slashed around till I figured out that the smell was probably coming from one certain use. I went ahead and caught her just to check. And how do you catch a sheep? Well, the way we did it was using a long pole, about eight foot long. And at the end of the pole, there's a little, a springy, a metal hook it's tight and kind of spring. Speaker 0 00:00:53 It shaped very much like those, those little metal clips that women used to put those doilies on their head. Those, those funny little clips only it's just flared out at the end, same kind of metal in any way. What would that long pole is called a crook? And how do you use a crook to catch a sheep? We figured out which one you want to catch, and then you reach out there and hook a hind leg, and then you go arm over arm over the down the pole they're kicking. But as long as you keep tension out, they're not going anywhere. And then sheep have wolves they're covered with handles. So as soon as you get up to it, you've got a hold of it. You know? So anyway, uh, I hooked at you and as I got up that crook closer and closer, uh, the smell got ranker and ranker. Speaker 0 00:01:34 And I reached up in the middle of her back and I grabbed a handful of wool so I could hang onto her. And when I did that, it came off in my hand, some standing there wondering what is going on with this giant handful of wool in my hand. And, uh, you know, this, this absolute overpowering stench there. And then I realized looking at the skin came off along with the wall. So I pulled off a Palm sized piece of skin at the same time as I grabbed the whole, this Wolf. And then I see that the, the flesh side of the skin is moving. It's literally crawling, totally covered with maggots. Then I looked down and saw the wound caused by pulling off that chunk of Hyde was overflowing with maggots as well. So what was going on that poor? You had two problems first off. Speaker 0 00:02:29 She'd probably gotten some manure on that part of her back. Maybe she fell down and some, and then with all that rain, her fleece got soaked through, through and through police is really warm. So it's warm, it's soaking wet and there's ground up manure in it. What do you get when you get born wet manure, it starts rotting. So that's where the rank smell was coming from. And that's what caused the second problem. Cause what's attracted to rotten smelly things and that's flies in this case blow flies. So they laid their eggs and within a day of, of them blowing, blowing, something like that, they'll hatch in the maggots. Now there's some kind of maggots blow flies have two kinds of maggots, semi living flesh, and some eat dead flesh. So that poor sheep was in serious trouble. And if she was going to be saved, she needed to be doctored. Speaker 0 00:03:17 So arrested her long too. We got her in a corral. Then you hang on and just crap her head between your legs. And, uh, and then I just started pulling around there and I started pulling off more chunks of hide and all the whole time, there's all these maggots falling out and all of that, by the time it was done, I'd opened up a wound about yay, big, about four or five inches by eight to 10 inches, raw, raw wound on her back. And then I brushed off all the maggots and clipped way, the wool on, around the circumference of the wound and then took a clean rag and rubbed that flesh clean. I think about what that must've felt like to that poor animal on raw flesh, just rubbing it clean. And then I sprayed it with some veterinary medicine to make sure it dried out and then spread it with fly spray to keep that wound from getting blown again. Now I've tried not to be very colorful in my description. Speaker 0 00:04:13 Believe me, this whole incident was thoroughly disgusting and that sands something for anybody that works with lice duck. Anyway, during the whole process, in order to make sure the wounds were clean, I really had to flick, inflict a lot of pain on that poor animal. A lot of pain that Pearl will took. You took a while to heal up, but she made it through it. Okay. So here we are in good shepherd Sunday. So why is the priest up here? Tony said this disgusting story about doctoring. Some fleece, rotten fly, blown old you it's pretty obvious if you stop and think about it. Here's this sheep out in bad conditions, wandering around sick with this horrible stench coming off her and then some, a poor sheep. Her son of the eldest son of the sheep owner uses crook to reel that poor creature in. And then in order to save her yes, to all a raw wound, scrub out the maggots, scrub out the rotten flesh and then burn it clean with medicine. Speaker 0 00:05:18 He had to really hurt that she, in order to save her, wasn't much fun. Don't like hurting sheep. I really don't like hurting anything. But if she hadn't been doctored on she'd have died. For sure. There's no question. Even though that happened 30 years ago, my current job isn't really much different except nowadays I don't carry a crook. That's what the Bishop does. He's the representative of the good shepherd. And since he represents Christ to his flock, the people, his diocese, he carries a crook and a crook is what he's carrying. When we visit a sheep, what do they call it? They don't call it a crooked. They call it a Crozier. It's just a fancy liturgical crook. That's exactly. That is. That's why it's got that hook on and all that. You wouldn't, you wouldn't work regular sheep with that, but that's what the Bishop has a fancy liturgical sheep crook. Speaker 0 00:06:06 Okay. You're the sheep expects us to take care of before I had to doctor the sheep by scrubbing raw flesh to get rid of infection maggots. Nowadays, we doctor the spiritual ones of our sheep by preaching to them, then flexible in errand nonnegotiable, word of God, reminding any of you that are infected with even the puss of even one mortal sin or worse yet crawling with the maggots of habitual mortal sin. If you don't repent, go and confess your sins. You'll surely go to hell before I use veterinary medicine on shape Necro. Nowadays, we probably have the precious blood to the wounds of sin back there in the confessional or the Holy oils. When we know people with extreme function for use fly spray to keep way blow flies. But nowadays we use Holy water. That's what the whole video Oklahoma is about is getting rid of the devil in here, the Holy water, or we use the st Bendix metals, prayers, blessed palms and so forth. Speaker 0 00:07:12 Other Sacramento's to keep whales filthy demonic flies. So we're shepherds working for the good shepherd. And we're here to keep you from going to hell. That means we're supposed to love you enough to look you in the eye and tell you what God wants us to. Even if you hate it, even if it feels like in the process, we're yanking off great big chunks of hide because we're not here to make you feel good. We're here to help you be good. It's not the same thing. We're here to help you be good and get to heaven, not feel good. And who knows where you're going to end up, but it probably is going to be muddy hot. We're all in this together. If we have serious words for you, our Lord has even more serious words for us. I'll read you a few from his Holy word. Speaker 0 00:08:01 What are the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture. You've scattered my flock and you have not attended to them. Behold. I will attend to you for evil. Doing says, Lord whale, you shepherds and cry for the days of your slaughter have come. No refuge will remain for the shepherd close quote. So we're in it together. And you can see why precess you to pray from it says it pretty sobering words. All right, that being said, it's time to start yanking off chunks of hide. So to speak and address a few common problems. But before we go get started, everybody just needs to burn this into his mind and keep it there. The teaching of the Catholic church on matters of faith and morals is an errant it's inflexible and it's non negotiable. God is not up in heaven somewhere saying, Oh, please let's make a deal. Speaker 0 00:09:01 He's right there. And he's saying, this is the deal. It's non negotiable. It's a great mercy. I'll just parent take me, makes her marks. Then we have to see the teaching. The church is a great mercy it's guard rails. They're like a warning fence, electric fencing. Don't walk over this. There's a cliff here. Big flames, eternal flames. So the whole reason for the teaching of the church and all the rules is so that we don't fall into the abyss. Huh? That's why it's there. You know, you don't need the priest to tell you don't sit on hot stoves, God, by our nature, we can already sense that if you back up to hot stove, you'd jump away. Cause you feel yourself getting burnt. But with supernatural life that we got in baptism, you can't feel a thing. You don't know when you're getting wounded. That's why the church has to tell us where the boundaries are so that you know, when you're getting in danger or when you've, when you, if you do this, you're going to kill yourself supernaturally. Speaker 0 00:10:01 Okay? So here's the deal. Since we're running down a list, we'll only touch on the main points. Number one, if anyone is conscious of even only one unconfessed, mortal sin member's Morrison seriously wrong. You knew it was seriously wrong, but you gave full consent. Anyway. If anyone is conscious of even one unconfessed moral sin, you must not go to communion until you go to confession. If you think different you've been misinformed. I don't care what other priests say. This is the teaching of the church. Go to confession. If you're in this condition, you're spiritually rotten right now. When Saint Catherine of Sienna would encounter some with mortal sin on their soul, she'd smell it. And often times she'd start puking. Okay? If you got a mortal sin, get it taken care of before it takes care of you. Second. We're well into warm weather. Now that means gentlemen, you have to practice custody of the eyes and custody of the mind is that great Pope and dr. Speaker 0 00:11:10 Church Saint Gregory, the great States. It is not lawful to be hold what is not lawful to covet close quote. Now obviously there's a lot of free advertising going on in this insane brothel. We live in st. Francis de sales points out that there are many things we can't help seeing, but we can help looking. So you see something, you look away, you have an offended God. Okay. So we have to guard our minds and guard imaginations. When you're under attack a precious blood wash or meet Jesus, Mary Joseph, Saint Marie Gretty, guardian angel helped me then move the image in your mind to something really great, like canoeing in Montana. So your three hail Mary's for holiness and purity every morning and every, and before we leave this topic, mothers, if you're shopping, be careful about the Isles down, which you take your boys. Speaker 0 00:12:03 Third internet porn is destroying lives and marriages and the innocence of our youth. Like nothing we have ever seen in the history of the world. It's bringing serious demonic problems into people's lives. And I mean that literally, and it's filling hell with souls. There's never been anything like this in the history of the world. The internet is the weapon of mass spiritual destruction. If you're going to have the internet, get a filter on the computer and on your smart phone or your iPhone or your iPad or whatever the case might be. If your children have computers or phones with internet capabilities, it is your solemn obligation before God to either completely block the internet, unless it is absolutely essentially have access. In which case it is your solemn obligation before God to get the most robust filter and or accountability where possible on those instruments on good shepherd. Speaker 0 00:13:07 Sunday, last year, we preached about this handouts leading some of the listing, some of the options have been available all that time. There's a new handout out there. There's hundreds of copies of this stuff on it. There are lists of things, content filtering options for mobile phones and iPhones. There's a five, their home computers. There's different free filtering options than a list of available to ones. One can pay for, uh, and also accountability where it's all available right out there in the vest of you. If you're going to have the internet on your home in your home, put a filter on Speaker 0 00:13:45 Parents should remember that one click and your child in a sense is gone forever. There is no such thing as a brain eraser. If it happens under your roof, it's your fault. The woman of the house should have the password mothers. Please listen to the priest and don't tell yourself that little Johnny would never do such a thing. Little Johnny accepting for the blessed Virgin Mary Little Johnny's like the rest of us to send it from Adam suffers from original sin. Don't do the experiment. Get to filter on today. St. Augusta and ask the question. What's the difference between a little baby and a great center? Yeah. Answer was a lack of opportunity. Remove the opportunity, get the filter on, on that terrible day of judgment. How many of our Catholic parents will be wailing and screaming when they realize that their very own children had been damned because those parents provided them with the under their own roof. Speaker 0 00:14:55 How many of our young people that are here today were innocent at this time last year when we preached about it. But now I have those fires burning because I got on the internet on a bed side, maybe even strange fires burning, get that filter on. He wouldn't let an open sewer run into your living room. You shouldn't allow the computer to be unfiltered in your house. Fourth women's clothing, the very dignity of woman. She's a living icon of the blessed Virgin. That's her dignity. Every Catholic woman is supposed to exemplify the blessed Virgin. Every woman, either models or lady or Eve to those around her. Speaker 0 00:15:51 Let's turn to the teaching of Pope Pius. The 12th quote. We have to prefer the spiritual welfare of our neighbor to our bodily comforts immodesty and fashion depends upon the cut of the garment. There is always an absolute norm and the style must never be approximate occasion of sin that bears repeating. There's always an absolute norm and the style must never be a proximate occasion of sin. If a certain kind of dress constitutes a grave and proximate occasion of sin, it is your duty to give it up. The garment must not be evaluated according to the estimation of a decadent or already corrupt society, close quote, the vicar of Christ. The garment must not be evaluated according to the estimation of a decadent or already corrupt society. I don't think you need me to point out. We live in a corrupt society. There's always an absolute norm and the style must never be approximate occasion is sin. Speaker 0 00:17:05 If a certain kind of dress constitutes a grave and proximate occasion as sin, and is your duty to give it up. Here are the absolute norms issued by the Holy See from modesty and women's clothing must not be cut deeper than two fingers. Breath underneath the pit of the throat. Quarter length sleeves are tolerated. No sleeve as spouses are bare. Shoulders must reach beyond the knees. Transparent materials are improper as are tight clothing. Please do not complained to the priests about the heat. Our neck lines are higher. Our sleeves are longer. Our hemline is lower and I'm wearing black. Speaker 0 00:17:50 If anyone has any modest clothing, get rid of it. Scissors, your parents are guilty. Feel out your girls, living at home to violate these rules. If anyone is tempted to wear modest clothing, remember in the first place that we may not do what we please, if we're going to be a danger to our neighbor in the second place, remember that indeed, you are your brother's keeper. And in third place that word it's the fashion to sin. It's also the fashion to go to hell, get rid of it. Sear three hail Mary's every morning and every night, five passionate kissing. We talked about this a year ago. We'll return to the great doctor, the church, the doctor, moral theology, Saint Alphonsus quote, Pope Alexander, the seventh condemned the opinion that it is only venial you sinful for people who are not married to one another to kiss for the carnal and central pleasure, which arises from the kiss. Speaker 0 00:18:59 Even if there is no danger of further consent or of going even farther. Therefore, every time someone with sufficient reflection and full consent of the will delights in carnal or central pleasure associated with someone to whom he is not married. He commits a mortal sin. This is also true with respect to other touches, which stir up carnal pleasure. The reason is that any delight taken in stirring up the appetites surrounding the creative power is a movement towards a marital act is therefore reserved to the marriage. Close quote, the doctor of moral theology of a universal church. Every time someone was affliction reflection and full consent of the will delights in carnal, a sexual pleasure associated with someone to him. He is not married. He commits a mortal sin. Bottom line is the kisses, which are allowed to unmarried. People are the same kind. The two Russian monks might give each other, or that you might give to great grandma or great grandpa. Speaker 0 00:20:01 Those little Peck on the cheek type things, stuff like that. No passion allowed social kissing like we described, or two French guys. That stuff is okay. There's no passionate six courtship. There is an old priest scene. Solos come, solar. <inaudible> Maria. Now roughly translate. That means when a guy's alone with a girl, they ain't saying hail Mary's cause they aren't at least not for long. So what's the bottom line. We'll consider the principle, take it from a standard manual on marriage quote, company, keeping with the intention of timely marriage can be considered as a necessary occasion of sin. Since in our society, people do not marry strangers close quote. I'll repeat that company. Keeping with intention of timing. Marriage can be considered as a necessary occasion of sin. Since our society, people do not marry strangers. Let's pause for a moment and consider what that means in the first place. It means that dating is not a recreational activity. Speaker 0 00:21:14 It's not a recreational activity. Let's get practical. If you're reasonably sure that you have the vocation to be married and you are capable of being married. In other words, you're old enough. And if you're a guy you can put a roof over head and food on the table. That's your job guys. If you're old enough and able to zoom the duties of marriage or you're very close to being able to do so then, and only then is it okay to court? No one has the right to enter into an occasion of sin without a sufficient reason. That means anyone here, that's dating, but not cording. In other words, the relationship isn't aimed towards a tiny marriage. Then you need to break up or anyone here that's dating, but isn't old enough for almost old enough to get married. Then you need to break up. We need to be serious about this stuff. Who cares what everyone else is doing. Stop worrying about that. Start worrying about your own immortal soul Speaker 0 00:22:29 Seven contraception, direct sterilization. Both. These are mortal sins, both are against the natural law. So if you've been involved with either of the sins and you don't repent and confess fees, you will go to hell. Why so much on the sixth to ninth commandments? Well in the first place because it's spring and also because of what the great Saint Alphonsus says, quote, these are the most frequent and most abundant confession matters. And on account of which the greater number of souls fall into Hill. Indeed, I do not hesitate to assert that all those who are damned or damned to account or this one vice of Imparity, or at least not without it closed quotes in Alphonsus. Now at this time, there's probably people here that feel like I just yanked up big old chunks of your hide started rubbing the raw flesh, but it wasn't done out at some desire to hurt you. Speaker 0 00:23:31 I don't make this stuff up. I don't want anybody here to go to hell and I sure don't want to end up there myself. Let's close. Even if someone in here is in terrible trouble, a black sheep with a spiritually dead soul, totally infested with the spiritual maggots of sin. There's every reason to hope because you're here, you're here. You're Catholic. Think of what that means. We can never be sufficiently thankful for that. That means God loves you so much that he let you be one of your sheep and he's let you know what you need to do to be healed and to be saved. Speaker 0 00:24:16 Think of the mercy. There are six society. Oddly enough gives us every reason for hope as well. How's that the inspired inerrant word of God tells us in Romans five 20 that were Cinnabon. Grace did more about, we have a biblical flood of sin out there. Sin is certainly abounding, but if we see a flood of sin around, think of the oceans of grace, that must be a abounding. It's a fantastic time to become a Saint God won't be done in generosity. He is the good shepherd. He won't be undone. He's literally pouring down oceans of grace in the confessional. And in a few minutes, he'll be pouring him down off the altar. Have you pouring down oceans of grace of that alter prepare yourself.

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