A Laugh & A Shrug

June 30, 2022 00:50:22
A Laugh & A Shrug
Veritas Caritas
A Laugh & A Shrug

Jun 30 2022 | 00:50:22


Show Notes

Helpful links for things spoken of in this talk!

All Catholics must act to atone for Vatican idolatry during Amazon Synod

Another Nail in the Coffin: Vatican Produces Pachamama Coin

Not Even Pope Francis Can Deny the Pachamama is a Pagan Idol

Religion 101: Ceremonial Human Sacrifice

Capacocha Ceremony: The Evidence for Inca Child Sacrifices

Vatican Issues Vaccine Mandate for All Employees

Martyrs of the First Ages

The Restrainer : the Roman Emperor

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Yeah, of course you can record it, but I can't give you permission to distribute it. As I was saying before, the recorder got turned on, I think the best way to answer those questions is just to read you all the better part of a long letter. I wrote recently, I'll probably make editorial comments along the way is to make sure y'all know what I'm talking about. And I probably will edit the quotes slightly for the sake of clarity and I'll skip the personal parts of the letter, uh, for the mystery of inequity already work is, and the father and his son, the holy spirit, amen. For some years now, I've been anticipating that each one of us will find himself, uh, faced with a decision like that forced upon those Londoners of so long ago, considers reflection on John pH's account of Thomas Moore's refusal in 1534, to swear the oath pledging acceptance of the act of succession after morning mass, he said goodbye to his family and went to Lambeth palace then is now the Archbishop of Canterbury's residents. The commissioners for the administration of the oath had summoned that Monday morning, a large number of London clergy in one layman more and was more who's called in first. Speaker 0 00:01:17 He silently read through the act of succession and the oath drawn up under the great seal and refused to swear that oath after failing to get him to state his reasons, the commissioner sent him from the room to reflect out the windows of another room of the palace, looking into the garden below. He could see as doubtless. He was meant to the clergy of London, passing through the garden most were cheerful enough, slapping each other on the back and calling for beer at the Archbishop's buttery, all took the oath, save one who was heard through the gate on his way to the tower where he would languish for three years until they accepted the reformed and Protestant order. Put yourself in the place of these priests, not scholars, not canonist just good nature, ordinarily timid clergymen, who didn't want to get in trouble over an obscure point of doctrine. When they offered mass that Monday morning, they were Catholics. When they said spers the same. Even they were Protestants at the moment, a decision passed with laugh and a shrug tall about a few of that lay faithful things looked much as they had before they came to church, the following Sunday to find the same pastors with the same smiles and the same reassuring jokes. In fact, it was some years before the flux that followed their priest, cynicism clearly realized what had happened, realized that they were no longer union with Peter. For many. It wasn't until their priest married, that they understood things were under new management, close quote, father Paul Mankowski. Speaker 0 00:02:45 When they offered mass up Monday morning, they were Catholics. They said Vesper's the same. Even their Protestants at the moment, a decision passed with a laugh and a shrug. That line haunts me will our moment of decision pass with a laugh and a shrug. But before we get to that, let's put the current situation in the church into context. We'll start with the spectacle of Friday, October 4th, 2019, and the Vatican garden that unbelievably SAC religious satanic war from a light life site news article written by the great Stephen Moser, a Stanford trained anthropologist bestselling author, and the founder of population research Institute quote much has been written about the disturbing shamanistic ritual that was carried out in the Vatican gardens. But a number of details have been overlooked, including Pope Francis's role in the ritual. The rituals presented as a tree planting ceremony, celebrating St. Francis of a Sisi's love of nature, but this was just a smoke screen during the course of the ritual Pope Francis received and blessed Apache mama idol, and was given a pagan necklace, an offering of soiled Apache mama, and a Tuku ring. Just think about what we just, it's just incredible. The Pope supervised and participated in a pagan ritual during the course of which he blessed an image of a demon. Speaker 0 00:04:17 The two coverings of black wooden ring made from an Amazonian Palm tree is often taken to symbolize a commitment to liberation theology, a Marxist distortion of the faith that emphasizes the liberation poverty over liberation from sin, but in shamanistic patch mile rituals, such as the one conducted in the Vatican gardens, it has a deeper and darker meaning here at Gora. And a cult spells are used to direct demonic energy to the tuum, which comes to represent a spiritual marriage with the earth goddess or demon in the Vatican news video, recording the ritual and parenthetically I'd say, which under no circumstances should you or anybody else watch the Shas can be seen empowering the tuum with a cult spells in her gore rattle. She then approaches the pulp and puts a black ring on what appears to be the ring finger of his left hand. Just before that the shames had folded a pinch of the soil from the often Boulder APA moment to the pulps left hand, and then touched clenched fits with him in some kind of communal gesture. When asked to explain these strange happenings, the Vatican retreat it into silence for faithful Catholics. This is simply unacceptable. We are practitioners of a very physical religion who understand that the images sense silence and even gestures used in our worship services are all freighted with holy meaning Speaker 0 00:05:36 In the same way. We instinctively understand that images, chance and gestures used in pagan rituals are Laden with unholy. That is demonic. Meaning I've pointed out that the cult of the earth goddess or demon as live and well in, in a rope reaches the rainforest where animal and even human sacrifice is still practiced. And infanticide is still common. I'm wrong, Yami and other Amazonian tribes and children born handicapped are said to lack of soul and are often sacrificed close, quote let's step back and ask ourselves a very basic question. What are we seeing here? We're seeing a drum played out in the garden and in that garden, we see a devil. We see a fallen woman and we see a man, the spiritual father, the spiritual head of all mankind, where the fallen woman leads into an intimate relationship with a devil. That's what we're seeing. It's ending just like it began. There's a lot more that could be said there a lot more, but I'll leave that for y'all to meditate on. Let's reflect a little more on a very significant part of the ceremony. Consider the fall woman cursing that Tuka ring and placing it on the man's finger and shamanistic patch monoracial such as the one conducted in the Vatican gardens. The Tuku ring has a deeper and darker meaning here. Gord rather than cult spells are used to direct demonic energy. The tu come, which comes to represent a spiritual marriage with earth goddess edema Speaker 0 00:07:13 That ring placed on the ring finger left hand of the Pope represents a spiritual marriage between the Pope and Apache mama, a spiritual marriage between the spiritual head of mankind and a devil. But of course, every properly formed religious, every properly trained priest, every well-informed Catholic is gonna think of exactly the same thing. When they hear the phrase spiritual marriage, they're gonna think of the absolute summit of the spiritual life possible. This side of heaven. They're gonna think of a person coming into full union with God in this life. The great father GU Guran explains it. Quote St. John of the cross describes the spiritual marriage as the state of perfect love. It is a complete transformation to the beloved God and soul. Give each other total possession of each other by the union of love, consummated in the measure possible on earth. What St Paul says is Galatians may be applied to it. I live no not I, but Christ live within me, Galatians two 20 close quote. But if the spiritual marriage with God is a complete transformation full union with God, the absolute summit of the spiritual life possible for death and gives the man so transformed the right to state truthfully that he lives, but no longer him, that his beloved lives in him Speaker 0 00:08:33 Then is it possible that a spiritual marriage with a demon is simply the inverse AAN inversion of the mystical marriage of our Lord with his great saints. In other words, does this mean that the person so married is in full unit with his spouse has plunged to the depths of the spiritual life, that he can truthfully state that he lives, but now no longer him, his spouse lives in him, his spouse, the patchy mama. That is. And if it does not mean this, then what exactly does it mean? These are serious questions? Why haven't they be asked by the Cardinals or bishops, whatever it may mean. Precisely we've seen the whole world is seen a public ceremony broadcast over the entire globe by the Vatican itself, a ceremony, which the Pope was spiritually married to a demon in the out client response crickets besides Steve motor, has anyone brought that to the attention of the world? Now, that was just the first scene of this week from Mel. It gets worse on the opening day of the Senate, the FETO holy rosary Francis offered mass in St. Peter's Basilica, after which Francis and the Senate delegates formed a Psalm possession with bishops carrying the idol from the Basilica and of the Senate hall were presided in front of Francis his seat. Speaker 0 00:10:10 Yeah, you heard that right. Bishops in the Pope solely processing an idle around the Vatican on a great fete of our lady gets worse. Steven Moser explains that in the Papa mask, closing the Senate quote, an offering to patch mom was brought in by a woman, an Amazonian tribal dress, a bowl of soil in which had been planted several plants bearing red flowers. The patchy mama offering customarily requires such soil to be mixed with the blood of a sacrificed animal or even human blood. It is impossible to know what the soil contained in this case, but what signified is not in question such Apache mama offering is intended as an act of reparation to the earth goddess for the sins that human beings have committed against her by taking from her, the fruits of the earth, animal vegetable and mineral. In other words, it is the exact pagan imitation of the body and blood of Jesus Christ that are daily offered up on the altars of hundreds of thousands of churches during the holy sacrifice of the mass and reparation for the sins of the world, such a PA and patchy mama offering has no place in a Catholic church. And yet not only was it brought in St. Peters at the very head of the procession, but it was placed on the high altar itself, close quote. Speaker 0 00:11:29 So by placing this bowl on the high altar, during his mass, the Pope made an exact equivalent between the holy sacrifice of the mass offered to God, the father and the satanic sacrifice offered to a demon, the golden calf instant pales in comparison to this. And if you don't think that this has immediate and dire consequences for all mankind for each and every one of us, then think again, and the response from almost the entire hierarchy crickets and from the mass of priests crickets and from mass religious crickets. One thing we certainly did not see was a modern tribe of Levi rising up, and that should give you a good insight into the actual state of things in the church. Truly the love of man has grown cold. As we read in the gospel of St. Matthew chapter 24, verse 12. And because iniquity has abounded, the charity of many shall grow cold wood, that it would've ended there far from it. The next year, the Pope commemorate the event with those coins on October 13th, 2020, a completely random day. Obviously the Vatican issued two coins, a 10 year old coin with an image of the very, very pregnant patchy mom or perhaps Gaia. An either event PA and earth got us a devil commemorate on a Vatican coin Speaker 0 00:13:11 And a five yearold coin was St. Peter welcoming the immigrants. The symbolism seems obvious enough, a new demonic earth worshiping religion is about to be given birth either and or by the Vatican. Then all are welcome by the Pope. All welcome, accepting a course folks like you and I, who by the grace of God still have the Catholic faith. And from that perspective, it's a whole lot easier to understand a lot of the more shocking statements of the Pope. Many times he seems to be speaking about this new church that he's serving as the midwife for. There's actually one very important aspect of all this that seems to be overlooked by all the commentators I've seen. And that is the fact that devil wasn't just persisted in and then out. And that's the, all of it. No, it wasn't thrown and St. Peter's Basilica on the high altar by the Pope men, ain't going anywhere till it's driven out. That's just how devils are. It's been invited in blessed and worshiped in the Vatican garden at a ceremony presided over by the Pope. Suddennly persisted around the Vatican, by the Pope and representatives of hierarchy, and then solemnly and thrown by the Pope in St. Peter's Basilica. And it ain't leaving. Speaker 0 00:14:33 Why would it? It actually has a legal right to stay there. There's only one person in the world with authority to drive it out, but he's the very person who invited that devil in and then thrown it in a spiritual sense, the patchy mama CTH and the temple of God showing himself as if he were God. Second, Thesalonians two, four, just ponder the spiritual consequences of a devil publicly and thrown by the Pope himself in a symbolic heart of the church. Now I started this letter by saying for some years now I've anticipating that each one of us will face him, find himself faced with a decision like that forced upon St. Thomas Moore, the London clergy on that Monday morning, so long ago. And then after witnessing these terrible and almost unbelievable sages, I've been expecting that powers that be, would try to force some compromises regarding litty have to do with the first commandment along the lines, foreshadowed by the patchy ma plant on altar. Although I thought it would be more subtle than that, but I think that very compromise is actually right before our eyes right now and has been for some time. Speaker 0 00:15:52 And in all too many cases, the moment decision has already passed without even so much as a laugh and a shrug. In that regard, there are some important clues in another brilliant life sight article by Steven Moser quote, as an anthropologist, I recognize the statue of a naked and very pregnant woman that was brought in the Vatican. Similar items were worshiped in the fertility cults of many primitive cultures around the world, and still are in the recesses of the Amazon. Not a few such cults demanded human sacrifice is the price of their favors. An in conversion of the south American patchy mama cult child sacrifice was practiced even in the modern versions of the cult fond and Peru patchy mama is seen not just as a symbolic representation of mother earth, but as a PA and deity, that one must be careful to propitiate, not anger close quote. So this patchy maade is not seen as just a symbol of mother earth, but a peg and deity. That one must be careful to propitiate and not anger. Now, reading from one of the articles he links to quote the best known ancient south American civilization is that of Inca who flourished between about 1438 until the Spanish consequence in 1532, during this rather short time period, they established over a hundred ceremonial centers on the summits of many of the highest mountains in the area. Speaker 0 00:17:25 The Spanish chronicler, the Inca reported that at these centers, offerings were made to the mountain gods food, incense, alcoholic beverages, textiles, and ceramics. In addition, the Inca offered human sacrifices and the high mountaintops, the in of sacrificed children and the kapa coach's ceremony, children were sacrificed to the frailly goddess, patchy mama, which provided abundant harvests in the following year closed. Cool. Other sources tell us that the cap coach ceremony involving a ritual sacrifice of children was an important part of the ink and empire, and is interpreted as one of the several strategies used by the Imperial ina state to integrate and control its vast empire. According to historical documentation, the CAPA culture ceremonies performed in celebration of key events, such as the death of an emperor, the birth of a Royal son, a great victory battle or an annual biennial event in the Inca calendar was also conducted to stop or prevent droughts, earthquakes, Volcan, eruptions, and epidemics clothes quote. So the CAPA coach's ceremony, the ritual sacrifice of children honor. The patchy mama was an important part of the ink and empire among other things was used by the Imperial ink state to integrate and control. Its vast empire was also conducted to stop epidemics. Speaker 0 00:18:52 Children were richly sacrificed this demon. So Louis could control their empire and stop epidemics. Now, why do you all think it's so important to use fetal tissue and all these vaccines and the monoclonal antibody treatments. As I wrote a year ago, what are we seeing here for those who have eyes to see is actually nothing new modern technologies and be employed in the service of an ancient technique. This will become obvious after we consider a few historical precedents. That pretty clearly prefigure our current dilemma. I pick three examples, each one of these, and there's more we're taken from the 1647 edition of father Thomas Melendez, monumental work danda Christo on antichrist. Okay. Quote, the empiric glorious maximum who ruled from 3 0 5 to three 11 ordered that all men, women and children, even infants at the breast should sacrifice and offer ablations to the idols and that they should be made to taste the offerings that the things per se on the market should be polluted with libations from the sacrifices. And that guards should be stationed before the baths, in order to file with abominable sacrifices. Those who went into washing them close quote <affirmative> Speaker 0 00:20:19 Emperor, Julian, the past day ruled from 360 1 to 360 3, had all the food put up for sale in the markets and Constantinople secretly corrupted by sprinkling with sacrificial blood. So then this way it might be polluted St. Theodore who had been worn by divine revelation, caution the Christians that carefully abstained from Allis and use wheat cooked in oil as their food close quote, Julian apostate cast things offered idols into the fountains of the city of Antioch into those of Daphne so that no one could drink of the streams without partaking to the hateful sacrifices. He defaulted in the same way. Everything that was sold in the marketplace, Bri had water, which had been offered idols sprinkled on the bread, meat, fruit, herbs, and all the other articles of food clothes quote. Now it's really worth pondering over the fact, these examples are found and father Melendez commentary on apocalypse 13, 17, and I quote, and that no man might bite or sell, but he that has the character or the name of the beast or the number of his name, close quote, the pagan ruler's lasting to bring the masses into fellowship with them and with our diabolical sacrifices. And yet recognizing that many Christians would not willingly partake of items that have been offered to pagan Dees attempted to force everyone into communion with their evil sacrifices in the spirits behind them, by contaminating everything possible food drinks, herbs, which of course are medicines in those days, et cetera. Speaker 0 00:21:49 Today, we're seeing the same agenda cloaked under modern technology because these vaccines and monoclonal antibody treatments have been TA in a fashion analogous to the historical examples we just considered. It will be far more accurate spiritually speaking to refer them as potions or malice. Many of those who are taking these vaccines slash potions slash mals are quite aware that these have been prepared using tissue derived from abortion, insofar as they've not been actually held on and forcibly injected. It is very difficult to see how such individuals are not positively willing in some way to employ the satanic sacrifice of babies to make their own life safer or easier, any and all claims to being pro-life not withstanding. Why is this significant? Because the more willing the recipient, the more open he is to receiving the spiritual effects, the more willing the recipient, the more open he is to receiving the Speaker 0 00:22:58 Spiritual reality is that by being injected with one of these vaccines, the recipient receives an unholy communion via syringe with the human sacrifices used in the preparation. Now, spiritually speaking, this is simply a slightly cam flies die version of the way that a Catholic enters into communion with our Lord's sacrifice in the cross. When he receives the Eucharist worthy every time that a properly disposed Catholic receives holy communion, he comes into the union with the crucified and resurrected savior and receives the graces and gifts of that union. The spiritual fruits of our Lord's death on the cross peace and life, virtue strength. Every time we receive holy worldly, we come in union with our Lord and receive the graces and gifts of that union. The spiritual fruits of our Lord's death upon the cross peace and life virtues and strength. But every time someone receives one of these vaccines, he comes in union with a violent and horrific sacrifices of hundreds of babies. What the request of at least one of his parents were delivered alive via C-section then carefully stretched out, gutted out and sliced apart by the satanic priest, slashed scientist, his tender little life savagely snuffed out while suffering the most excruciating pain, which is of course a description of the 21st century Capco ceremony. Speaker 0 00:24:35 And by receiving that injection, the recipient also received the spiritual fruits of those sacrifices to the demon. And as time goes on, these will become more apparent, but very likely include the spirits of Inco rage, pain, and death. That's right. Every time someone receives one of these vaccines, he comes into union with a violent, horrific sacrifices of hundreds of babies. And he also receives the spiritual fruits of those sacrifices to the demon, which fairly likely include the spirits of Inco rage, pain, and death. We'll see. Then, as we've seen, the more willingness recipient of these potions, the more open is receive their spiritual effects. Fundamentally. Then this is just a question of communion. Who exactly do you wanna be in communion with priced go Satan, Apache Mo it's literally that simple. And many of the people Israel determined with themselves that they would not eat unclean things. And they chose whether to die than to be defiled unclean meats. And they would not break the holy love of God. And they were put to death first Macabees chapter one verses 65 and 66. So it's a question of communion. And then what we, when we note that the only country in the world, in which the patchy mama has been officially and thrown by its human ruler also has another unique distinction. Quote, Vatican city became the first country to offer COVID 19 vaccines to all of its citizens, employees close quote. And we also note that last December 23rd, just in time for Christmas, quote, the Vatican imposed a vaccine mandate if needed decree requiring all employees to possess a green pass, proving vaccinations against the coronavirus close quote, Speaker 0 00:26:40 It seems ever more clear that the compromise remain. The first commandment is actually the jab. And yet in spite of the fact that all the fancy complicated, lame excuses and all the word games in the world can conceal the obvious evil of these vaccines and medicines in too many cases. So far, the Mo moment of decision has passed without so much as a laugh for a shrug. It's certainly not some obscure point of moral theology. The whole abortion driven fetal tissue industry is intrinsically evil. No matter how long ago, any particular baby may have been sacrificed to cannibalize his tissues, the whole abortion driven fetal tissue industry is intrinsically evil. The whole abortion driven fetal tissue industry is intrinsically evil. No matter how long ago a particular baby may have been sacrificed to cannibalize his tissues. This is not an the least bit difficult to understand all the bla about remote cooperation, cetera, not the withstanding quote, the blood of murdered unborn children, cries to God from vaccines and medicines, which utilize the remains in any manner whatsoever close quote, Bishop AIA, Schneider, the blood of murdered unborn children, cries to God from vaccines and medicines, which utilize the remains in any manner whatsoever Speaker 0 00:28:10 Before man is life and death. Good and evil that what she shall choose shall be given him. Ecclesia is 15, 18. It's not accidental. After all that we were told beforehand that these vaccines were prepared using tissue extracted from the satanic sacrifice of babies. From a certain point of view, this sort of foreknowledge on the part of those who are going to take the jab is actually highly desirable. Now why on earth? Would it be highly desirable for the people who are gonna take the jab to know beforehand the tissues from sacrifice babies were used in the preparation of these vaccines, because the fact that they knew ahead of time took the jabs anyway, ensures that they're in fact willing participants in this great evil, the fact that they knew ahead of time and took the jabs anyway, demonstrates they're not opposed in any meaningful way to the satanic sacrifice of babies to make their own life safer or easier. The fact that they knew ahead of time and took the jabs anyway helps spiritually strengthen their communion with these diabolical sacrifices and the fact that they knew ahead of time and took the jabs anyway, proves that no matter what their misgivings or beliefs might be, they are still willing to compromise and participate in this terrible evil. Speaker 0 00:29:43 And that's just a few of the reasons that from a certain point of view, the point of view of the devil, it's highly desirable for the people who are gonna take the jab to know beforehand. The tissues from sacrifice babies were using the preparation. These vaccines it's highly desirable as anyone with a little life experience knows it's the first compromise first compromise. It's the first compromise is generally the one that does the end. Okay. But what if someone has already compromised? What if someone's already fallen now is the time to turn back, need repent, turn back. Let's be humble. Everybody can make mistakes and everybody can be broken. That's just reality. The key is to bounce back. The key is to repent and jump to our lady's arms. The key is to confess and resolve by the grace of God, never, ever fall into that trap. Again, in these kind of situations, the penitent martyr St. James and her chiefs is a great example. An intercesor okay. All that being said, I do believe there'll be several stages in this process. The jab being the first stage of initiation as it were, I expect this will be followed by some sort of ceiling, basically sort of a die ball conversion. The way baptism is followed by confirmation Speaker 0 00:31:04 In this first stage, they've used fear, the social pressure of human respect and potential loss of income to get people to cooperate. I'm willing to bet that what we've seen so far in terms of pressure to cooperate and compromise is trivial in comparison to what we'll be facing the not too additional future for the ceiling. And if this first test, as it were at all indicative of the resistance, the numbers in the next stage will become very, very small. The Sunman when he come with, shall he find thank you, faith on earth, Luke 18, eight, those of us in the church Milant need to pray for an immense charity rooted in a very, very deep and imovable faith. I believe we're about to start the climb up cavalry, and we're simply gonna have to rely on heaven. Our Lord, our lady St. John and beloved St. Mary Magdalene course St. Michael. Okay. Let's take a look at what I think will trigger this next test. This ceiling, take a book, not a letter to go through all this. We're just gonna sketch it and outline, Speaker 0 00:32:11 Let's start with a mysterious passage in chapter two of St. Paul's second letter to Thesalonians. Here's the situation of the Fon that somehow got the idea that the second coming of Christ was at hand, but St. Paul reminds him that this could not happen until the great aposty and the appearance of the man sin, antichrist, and explains it even before the antichrist rises up something must first be taken away. Now in the Dewey reams translation. This is something that must be first taken away is translated, is that which with holdeth or he who now holdeth. Speaker 0 00:32:44 And now, you know what, with holdeth that he may be revealed in his time for the mystery of equity, Arctic worketh, only that he who now holds do hold until he be taken out of the way close quote, second festians chapter two versus six and seven quote St. Paul in this passage uses two expressions. He says the hindrance, which holdeth and who holdeth. He speaks of it as a thing. And as of a person at first sight, there appears to be a difficulty, whether that which hinders the revelation of the man, be a person or a system from the one place it is spoken of in the neuter as a system. In the other case, it is spoken in the masculine as a person close quote, Cardinal Manning. So this restrain seems to be a person or a system. What exactly is this person or system restraining? Speaker 0 00:33:39 What exactly is this person or system restraining? This person or system is restraining the mystery of inequity, which refers to lawlessness and ultimately to the man of a lawlessness, the antichrist quote, this Wicker one shall be a lawless person who shall introduce disorder, sedition, tumult, and revolution, both in the temporal and spiritual order of the world. So that, that, which will hinders development must necessarily be the principle of order. The law of submission, the authority of truth in a right close quote, Cardinal Manning. So this person or system is referred to as a restraining because here it restrains the outbreak of disorder and lawlessness in both the temporal order. We could also call that the order of the state order society, the political order. Uh, so the restraining here, it restraints the outbreak of disorder and lawlessness in both the order society, the temporal order and in the spiritual order. Speaker 0 00:34:29 So in terms of this restraining will consider three possibilities. Each of which I believe to be true, which might seem confusing until you see how they all fit together. Number one, St. Michael scriptural commentators have seen St. Michael playing the role of the quote restrain on the basis of Daniel chapter's 10 through 12. And indeed there's evidence is activity was understood. And precisely those terms, the key to unlocking the mysterious language of second theft, loing two, six, and seven is found in a previously unnoticed contemporary interpretation of Daniel 12 one that interpretation Michael is removed just prior to the outbreak of the tribulation at the end of the world, close quote. Okay. But how does that work dramatically? In other words, why would St Michael be referred to, uh, both in the mask and in the neuter genders, because Greek, which St Paul was writing in Greek can use the neuter gender to refer to a person. Speaker 0 00:35:23 What is emphasizing exceptional quality of the individual. In this case, the neuter gender refers to St. Michael Wolf and emphasis on quote, his restraining activity, close quote, and the masculine refers to St. Michael as a person. So St. Michael Ark angel is the retraining number two, the Roman emperor and the Roman empire, his book on the antichrist father MELDE has an entire section, 126 page long, and very fine print dealing with the question of the Roman emperor and the Roman empire using the writings of the fathers and Eccles authors. He demonstrates that the Roman emperor as the person and the lone empire as the system act as the restraining, a few quotes will suffice quote, the consensus of the fathers is that the antichrist will not come unless first, the Roman empires overthrown and AB out abolished close quote, Tertullian states that from the very earliest ages of the church, it was a custom of Christians to offer public prayers for the maintenance and longevity of the Roman empire, even though it was pagan and hostile of the Christian religion, because they were persuaded that as long as empire stood, it would hold back the antichrist and of the world. Speaker 0 00:36:32 As we'll see those prayers remained in the Roman missile until 1955, quote, in the past's letter to SLOs who is holding and what is he holding with? An no doubt, the Roman Caesars holding the empire. He does not speak of only one man, for example, Nero, but of all the Caesars of the Roman empire close quote, does this mean immediately after the fall of the Roman empire and death of the last Caesar, the antichrist was to appear. Noah is Caton explains treating of second death. Flos two eight, and then the wicked one will be revealed, quote, it is not certain whether then affirms the time, which immediately falls for St. Paul does not say, and then immediately, but he says, and then when the Roman empire is removed, the wicked one will be revealed close quote. Now, are we supposed to take this seriously? How could the Roman emperor and the Roman empire possibly play such a role after Algen the Roman Roman empire fall in the west in 80, uh, 4 76 and in the east in 84, uh, 1453. Speaker 0 00:37:36 Yes. But later on both sides of the empire west east were renewed. The empire still stood in the east when in 8,800 Pope Saint Leo, the third renewed the empire on the west by crowning blessed Charmaine from that point forward became the holy Roman emperor. And Thelan rule became the holy Roman empire, the good Friday prayer for the emperor, which could be found in the Roman missile till 1955, makes it perfectly clear how the holy Roman emperor later, the Austrian Austrian Hungarian emperor and their respective empires were seen. We're gonna skip the details on the tr transition, cuz this letter's getting ridiculously long quote, let us pray. Also for our most Christian emperor that our Lord and God may for our perpetual peace subject, all Barbara's S to him, let us pray. Let us knee down arise. Almighty, eternal God in whose hands are the powers of all men and the rights of all kingdoms gracious to look down upon the Roman empire that the nations that confide in their fierceness may be repressed by the power. They right hand through our Lord. Amen, close quote. Speaker 0 00:38:40 And the empire still stood in the west when in 1547, the patriarch of Constantinople, Jeremiah, the second crown Ivan, the fourth, the SAR Caesar and grand duke of all Russ and in the coronation document stated quote, the great Russian Sodom, more pious than all previous kingdoms is the third Rome constant. Noal being the second Rome close quote and quote, the point to be taken is that Christians with more affection of our Constantinople than per Rome have accepted Moscow is third Rome. This means after 1457, there are two representatives of Rome of CESA, Rome of the restrain in the world in Vienna and in Moscow close quo. And their matter stood until both empires were destroyed and east in 1917, the great mush Sodom was destroyed in SAR. Nicholas last Eastern emperor and his family were murdered in the west 1918. The Austrian Hungarian empire was broken into pieces on April 1st, 1922, the last Roman emperor blessed Kaiser Kon Habsburg died. Speaker 0 00:39:43 So the Roman emperor and the Roman empire are the restrainers. Number three, the pulp in a Catholic church by a study, the fathers improve theologians card Manning, whom we quoted earlier referring to their S strain as both a person in his system concludes that the restraining is the pulp. I differ slightly with his conclusion as the system, he argues it was Christian society. Using the arguments he employs. One can make a stronger case than in fact is a Catholic church. You are the salt of the earth, Matthew five 13. So the Pope in the Catholic church are the restrainers. Now, how is it possible that St Michael, the Harang, the Roman emperor and the Roman empire and the Pope and the Catholic church could all be the restrainers. It doesn't seem to make any sense in order to see how all these three possibilities could possibly fit together. Speaker 0 00:40:30 We have to briefly discuss the proper relationship between the state and a Catholic church quote. The Catholic position has always been what Pope gel described in late fifth century as the doctrine of the two swords. The state, the temporal order is a natural society over which government presides with a natural authority, exercising that authority for the common good of a community at rules. This is the temporal sword. The church on the other hand is a supernatural society, which presides with a supernatural authority, oversold exercising that authority for the spiritual welfare of the community, both is a contribution to the common good. And so that all its members may attain their final end, which is the eternal life with God. This is a spiritual sword close quote, another important detail, quote, one sword, more ought to be under the other and the temporal authority to be subjected to the spiritual close quote Bonafos faith. Speaker 0 00:41:21 The relationship between the two swords was even expressed liturgically in the coronation of the holy Roman emperor. In fact, the most significant liturgical expression of the relationship between the Pope and emperor as the servant of the church and representative of the Christian people could be seen on the day of emperor Charles, the fifth coordination by Pope Clement, the seventh and 1530, when the new emperor vested as a deacon, actually acted as the deacon at the Papa mask quote, presenting the Pope, the pat, and the host, and offering the Charles together with him close quote. It's extraordinary. So what does any of this have to do with when speaking of the restraining, whether it is a person or as a system, remember that the role of restraining is to restrain lawlessness and ultimately the rise of the man of lawlessness antichrist. And this restraining took place in two orders and the temporal order remembered by this. Speaker 0 00:42:09 We mean the order of the state order society, political order, and the temple order, the Roman empire, whether in the, or west restrained the uprising of lawlessness of the man of sin in Sofar, as it established order the law of submission and authority of truth. And right, the same could be said about the Roman empire himself. Consider again, those good Friday prayers we heard, let us pray also for our most Christian emperor that our Lord and God made for our perpetual peace subject, all Barbaras nations to him. So there's the prayer for the emperor. Here's empire. The gracious look down upon the Roman empire that the nations that confide in their fierceness may be repressed by the power of that right hand, but the Eastern Sodom and SAR been gone since 1917, the Westburn empire since 1918 and the Kaiser since April 1st, 1922, a date I believe is significant. Speaker 0 00:43:00 And since that time, what have we seen in the social order, rising lawlessness disorder, sedition ult, and revolution, likewise, in the spiritual order, the Pope and the Catholic church throughout the world, restrained uprising, lostness in the man of sin. And so far as they establish spiritual order, the law of submission and authority of truth and of right, but in the spiritual order of the world, what have we seen rising lostness disorder, tumult and revolution in the church then fidelity of massive numbers of Catholics, the collapse of attendance at mass SAC, religious reception of the sacraments. Most especially SACS communis gross infidelity to church's teachings across the whole spectrum. And notably in regards to marriage contraception, sexual morality in general, in short, what we've seen is liturgical CaTECH and moral chaos. And now we have a Pope who exemplifies lawlessness disorder, Tim malt, and revolution. Speaker 0 00:43:58 So how does St Michael fit in this picture? St. Michael is a guardian of the Pope guardian angel of the Catholic church. He was a guardian angel of the holy Roman emperor and the holy Roman empire Charlotte made the very first, holy Roman emperor made a pilgrimage with his army to Mount St. Michelle and asked St. Michael to be the protector of the empire and consecrated himself and his empire to St. Michael, I presume the thing was the same, the east, both respect to the czar and the Ardam. And, uh, if this was a book and not a letter, I would've done the research <laugh> St. Michael then has acted as the restraining in the temple order, assisting, acting through the agency, the emperor, and the Roman empire, helping them establish and maintain order, helping them suppress lawlessness disorder, SED edition to a malt and revolution. Speaker 0 00:44:43 But given that both the emperor and the empire have been abolished, given that no longer has these instruments to work with. And through he no longer acts as a restraining in the temporal order. And the results are obvious. It is also true that St Michael's acted as the restraining spiritual assisting, acting through the agency of the Pope and the Catholic church, helping them establish and maintain order, helping them suppress lawlessness disorder, sedation to Moton revolution. But given the reality, the liturgical Cate, I moral revolution in the church and the apostacy of massive numbers of Catholics, all exterior signs that for the most part, the human element of the church militant be the Cardinals bishops priests, deacons related to the lady are not interested in any meaningful way in the things of God. And given that he cannot force the free will of men. The holy Archangel has very little to work with. Speaker 0 00:45:33 So to speak amongst the Catholic people, if the salt lose its savior wherewith, shall it be salted, it is good for nothing anymore, but be cast out and be TRO on by men, Matthew five 13. Adding to that, the fact, we now have a Pope, a person that exemplifies entirely promotes lawlessness disorder to Moton revolution St. Michael's role as a restraining spiritual order has almost been reduced as it were to standing aside, as he had to do an order of society, the temporal order. So given that this Pope has been in office for nine years, what is holding back the birth of his new anti-church? What is holding back the man of sin? Why hasn't he appeared publicly on the world stage yet? Speaker 0 00:46:15 To my way of thinking these questions point towards a role being played by Ben the 16th, even after his resignation, there are a lot of thoughtful people who have, I think, quite correctly noted some extremely strange things about his situation. For example, he's kept the white CAIC his paper ring, his name is title or holiness. He's chosen historically unprecedented title of pulp emeritus. He continues to reside in the Vatican and his last general audience of February 27th, 2013. He stated that quote, there can no longer be a return to the private sphere. My decision to resign active exercise, the ministry does not revoke this. I do not return to private life. I'm not abandoning the cross, but remaining in a new way at the side of the crucified Lord, I no longer bear the power of office for governance, the church, but in the servants of prayer, Maine. Speaker 0 00:47:01 So to speak in the closure of St. Peter close quote, one prominent journalist reports that quote most recently the Archbishop and closest contact with him. George Goway has told us that Benedict has by no means abandoned the office of Peter, but on the contrary has made it an expanded ministry with an active member and a contemplative member, almost a shared ministry close quote in response that is admittedly mysterious and unprecedented situation. Many thoughtful people have concluded that Benedict is still the Pope and that therefore Francis is an imposter anti Pope. This I can't agree with Benedict refers to himself as quote, a former Pope close quote and says it, quote, it is completely clear. There's only one Pope close quote. And I think we have to take him at his word. If you want a very valid treatment of the question, whether Ben still the pulp you can do no better than Steven O'Reilly at the Roma. Lada asked blog. Speaker 0 00:47:56 That being said as Benedict himself, seems to indicate as well as Archbishop go's wine that he has in some mysterious way. Indeed retained some aspect of the papacy. In my opinion, I want to emphasize that's what it is. It's my opinion. Bennet was asked or told to continue to perform the, as it were of the restraining. In other words, the pop emeritus, this general frail 94 year old is an instrument through which St. Michael is still working as evidence of this possibility. Consider the fact that after the Amazon Senate, Pope Francis was fully expected to allow for Bishop's Amazon region to Orain Mary Deakin's priest, since some hundred 85 bishops at the Senate requested this. It looked like it was a done deal, but the whole proposal crumbled to dust. When the news broke that Benedict had cooperated a book defending clerical celibacy. Yeah, this be true. The Benedict is still acting in this trainer. Then when he dies, when he is taken outta the way he will now holds to hold to be taken outta the way, then St. Michael will also stand aside. He will also be taken outta the way. And at that time, all hell will break loose. And then the wick wood shall be revealed. Second Teston is two eight. Speaker 0 00:49:06 It might be a very good time to have your spiritual house in order. You all might wanna be, stay preyed up, make sure that your moment of decision doesn't pass with a laugh and a shrug. Make sure your moment of decision doesn't pass by with a laugh and a shrug. Know my prayers for you and sending my blessing signed me post script quote as the time of the coming antichrist draws near the will first come departure of all the kingdoms from Roman empire. Then the church is from obedience to apostolic sea. And lastly, the faithful from the faith quote Engelberg Abbot of augment tenses quote. Before the coming antichrist, there will be a threefold departure in the world. First, there'll be a separation of all men from Roman empire. Secondly, there'll be departure of many Christians from a Catholic faith. Thirdly, there'll be a separation of many churches from Roman Ponti, close quote Augustin's Triumpho quote, all nations will depart and fall away, both from the Roman empire and from the Roman pontiff and the church close quote corn, a.

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