St. John of the Cross: 3 Cautions About the Devil

March 04, 2018 00:29:02
St. John of the Cross: 3 Cautions About the Devil
Veritas Caritas
St. John of the Cross: 3 Cautions About the Devil

Mar 04 2018 | 00:29:02


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Speaker 0 00:00 Pardon me? Pressing for this is the will of God. You're saying vacation, the name of the father and the son, the Holy Spirit. Amen. As usual, I've edited, cut and pasted the quotes last week. We ask why so many that people are saved have to spend so much time purgatory. We answered this because they never made up their mind in this life to truly become holy. They never really made up their mind to really strive for union with God and this slide and that spite of the fact it's actually dual. They never really made up their minds to get serious about holiness even though it's doable. And then we a turn to the teaching that great doctor, the church deterior life, Saint John Macross and considered a few very practical needs for crawling and I'm to secure very practical means to attain to you know, with God. In this slide we saw that Saint John Macross warmth, that quote, the evils which the soul receives come from the world, the flesh and the devil. Speaker 0 01:09 The world is the least difficult enemy. The devil is the hardest to understand. The flesh is the most tenacious of all and it's assault. Continue for so as long as the old man exists in order to conquer any one of these three enemies is necessary to conquer all three. And if one is weakened, the other two are weakened. And when all three are conquered, no more war remains within the soul. Close quo. Then find St John. We took a look at three obstacles that the world place is in the path of union with God. We saw it. The first obstacle is inordinate affection. Frank person who saw that second obstacle is disorderly affection for worldly goods. We saw the third obstacle is the real or apparent bad example of our brethren in regards to the first two obstacles in order affection for any person or will they could. Speaker 0 02:05 We saw that Saint John tells us to void every attachment by which he means every love that binds the heart in a way that is not according to the will of God or an exaggerated man. And we saw that the reason for these warnings is simply because union we've got and this life requires the heart that's free from such attachments. It requires a heart that's free to truly love God. Such attachments of draw us away from God. Such attachments actually paid our union with him. In regards to the third obstacle, the real or apparent bad example of our brethren, we saw that we had to be very careful not to make false interpretations of our neighbors actions. We started until someone is completely purified by a thorough knowledge of his own weaknesses and filled with charity. He's very subjective and as a consequence of that he will not see people as they actually are, but rather his reflection of what he is in himself. Speaker 0 03:05 We also saw that God allows us to see others to on us, not only so that we can practice patience and charity. We also said that we might learn from their example, so we might reflect and even if we are not guilty as saying, uh, same weaknesses right now, it's only by the grace of God who could easily fall into similar sins. At a later day. After all, how many times have we seen one of those TV preachers who just mercilessly hammers on sinners later on fall? Exactly sins. They were so you were so as we saw it, see John across warrants. I said even if we lived among angels, we won't find peace unless we mind our own business and even stronger terms he wanted quote, even if you were to dwell among the devils, God still requires you to live oblivious of their shortcomings, keeping your soul pier and pulling the sight of God being completely undisturbed by what is transpiring all around you. Speaker 0 04:08 Close quote Saint John Lacrosse. I also mentioned that I have a privilege of knowing a number of people who are holy in the formal sense of the word and I don't know a single one of those who spends any significant time on the Catholic blogs or keeping track of the chaos in the church. We sought of someone is in position of authority and responsibility. He needs to keep himself informed insofar as is doing required, but no more. We don't want to do any more than that. Since this is very dangerous. I give this warning a lot. It's almost refrained. I mean, it's doable. Uh, but very few people seem to hate it. Evidently they know something that St John Across Holiness is doable, but there aren't any shortcuts so much for the reader. Let's continue with the teaching of Saint John Across as to overcoming obstacles to union with God and this life. Speaker 0 05:09 Today we'll consider his warnings of the devil, St John and the cross quote. If these three cautions should be used by him that aspires to perfection in order that it might free himself from a devil, his second enemy to this send. It must be noted that among the many wiles, here's by the Delta deceive spiritual persons. Most ordinary is that of deceiving them under an appearance of what is good and not under an appearance of what is evil. For he knows that they recognize evil, they will hardly touch it and thus don must ever have misgivings concerning that which seems good for is not commanded. The by obedience, security and success. This man come from taking proper counsel in it. That's cool. Among them. Anyone else? He's probably down to see the spiritual persons. Most bordering is that of deceiving them on an appearance of what is good and not under an appearance of what is evil. Speaker 0 06:10 The devil knows if they recognize evil, they'll hardly touch it. This is really important to recognize. The devil uses different tactics, different temptations on those are really strived for holiness. Oh, sure. He'll throw the on some of the common really carnal ones up there once in a while, just you know, see if, see if he gets ahead, but that's not really how he works. Although we don't have a time in the sermon to get a lot of detail on it. It's important for anyone who serious about his holiness to have a working knowledge of these tactics and that regard. I can't recommend highly enough, two books written by Father Timothy Gallagher on fee. These books explain in detail and with brilliant example of Saint Ignatius. FlowJo is rules for their determined spirits, so you have to have the Gallagher, the discernment of Spirit Resignation Guide for ever everyday living and spiritual constellation and ignition guide for the greater discernment of Spirits, the determined as spirits and spiritual constellation by toothy Gallagher. Speaker 0 07:13 One thing, and there's also an excellent 16 parts series online where he's interviewed on the discernment of Spirits. It's really, really a good series just to get the first one and start with number two in the life of Saint Ignatius, Father Timothy Gallagher on the the discernment of spirits. Let's turn back to Saint John Lacrosse. Since disobedience made angels into Dells, since disobedience is at the very root of mankind's of fall and subsequent problems, not surprisingly, St John's and first caution has to do with obedience and all of what we're going to say here has to be understood. This pertaining to the legitimate commands of legitimates groups, sort of talking about legitimate commands or legitimate spirits, not just everything that comes down the road. We'll talk about that slightly later. Bless it. Lucas of Saint Joseph explains the importance of obedience in the spiritual life. Quote. Obedience is attribute we owe to God the Creator and the supreme legislator to obey God is an act of justice and an acknowledgement of an infinite power. Speaker 0 08:21 Manistee all great souls because they are righteous and just are also obedient. Perfection without obedience is impossible. Redemption was accomplished with the perfect obedience of Jesus to his heavenly father. Simple obedience is directly opposed to the action, the diabolical spirit. Small wonder then at Saint John's who recommend obedience as a necessary and indestructable armor against the evil spirits. Since the motto of Sate and Ms Angels is non serving them, I will not serve. Cool. So the battle cry, the devil is I will not serve. It's the exact opposite of that loving crime made by our Lord is he laid there sweating, blood being crushed down. But as soon as the world, father, not my world, but Diane be done. Not My will but thine be done. Saint Alphonsus points out that nothing but self-will can separate us from God. Neither all the men upon Earth are all the devils and how can it privacy? The grace of God. Nothing but self-will can separate us from God. Not My will, but thine be done. Saint Bernard says, let's self-will seas and there will be no hell, not my will, but Diane be done. Saint John Climate. Chris says that he put despising authority of a superior wishes to follow his own will, will not be attacked by the demons because his will has become demonic. Speaker 0 09:55 Not My role, but don would be done. Saint Alphonsus says, if you wish to become a saint and enjoy continuum, peace, seek overcome as much as possible your own way. Not My will but thine be done. Bless it. Look as if Saint Joseph points out that it chapter 58 book of the Prophet Isaiah, we read it, Israelites who fast offering many excellent sacrifices to God, yet God was not pleased with those ashes. They complained to the Lord. Why have we fasted? And now it's not regardless. Why have we humbled ourselves and now it's not taking notice? And the Lord answered them. Behold, on the day of your fashion, your own will is found. It's as if you've said to them, I know that you've facet and offered me many victims, but you have not done these things in submission in my world, but only because they were pleasing to you. Speaker 0 10:54 And although this certainly applies across the board, it should be a serious top topic of meditation for traditionalist. Everyone should look inside so everyone should check his one heart and be brutally honest about his own motivations. It is undeniable that objectively speaking, this liturgy, the ceremony, the music most particularly is where receiving holy communion and for the priest of helping the priest enter more deeply the mystery of the holy sacrifice, the mass. It's undeniable that objectively speaking, all this is much more worthy of God and what transpires in ordinary parish. That's not even debatable, but I'll follow objectory speaking. All this is much more than your God. It doesn't fall for a second, but that means that we are, it doesn't in the army that we are somehow exempt from ever being accused by being guilty. The very same offenses as the Israelites of Isaiah's Day. I know that's not for me, many beautiful liturgies, but you've not done any single submission to my well, but only because they are pleasing to you. Speaker 0 12:09 Are we really striving to do God's well? Are we really strive to become holy and pleasing to him? Are those our primary motives? Are we just doing things because they suit us because they're pleasing to us? I don't think for a second. This doesn't pertain to the priests. It's just too much of the faithful. Even more so. In fact, the priest has told in his own heart and made sure his moms are here and that they aren't something like, I want to look good on the altar. I want to be Kowtow to by the faithful, which you get in the traditional movement. I want to be filling this attitude that at least on how one of those Novus, Ordo, priests, et Cetera, et Cetera, et cetera. Speaker 0 12:52 Four, what about a sister and sacrifices? They're not according to the will of God. They're not union with Paul and the local art in there that says JAKKS independent chapels, et Cetera, et cetera. Everyone should look inside themselves. Everyone should check his own heartbreak, brutally honest about his own motivations. Everyone should make absolutely sure he's never going to hear it. To God say to him, I know you fast as an offering me many beautiful literature, but you've not done these things in submission in mind. Well, Bali, because they are pleasing to you. As we said, we're only speaking of obedience to legitimate commands given by legitimate superiors. Plus Lucas, the St Joseph explains what kind of commands are not legitimate. We must obey the commands of legitimate superior at all times with the exception of the following case. If the orders on chest, if the command is contrary to natural law, if the command is contrary to law of God, the command is contrary to law of the church. Speaker 0 13:59 In each instance, it's clear that to be unreasonable, perhaps even sinful, to base such a command thus plus Lucas, so he must be the plans of illusion, mature villages and superior at all times. The exception of fallen cases if orders on just, and that includes, but he doesn't have the power to actually command could. It depends on the power of this appeared as well. There was none just as the commands contrary to unnatural law, man's contrary to love God or the commands contract law, the church in each case, it's clear to be unreasonable, perhaps even simple to obey such a command. Plus Lucas continuous quote, set orders have exception to our he commands obedience. This is true. We must make certain we're not miss credit of ourself. Well theirself love. I'm gonna Command not to her life. He was given Saint John's second cautiousness to a scene that in regards to as Lieutenant Commander, legitimate spirit, whoever it may be and whatever his faults may be, stands in the place of God. Speaker 0 14:58 Caught absurd that the devil, the enemy of humility, middle school grade, right hearing, keep thyself there for with great virtualize from considering the superior's character, his ways or his habits or any of his other characteristics or close call. Well, that's actually very easy to understand when a post man hands you left. You don't stand there studying and fretting over whether he's good or bad or these challenges are experienced, whether it's someone you're attracted to or not. None of that's important. You just read the letter. So it is important to them and commands of our legitimate superiors. Once we've see it takes the light of faith to see this cause. Just because somebody is your superior doesn't mean that superior. Okay? Then those two things don't go together either. Okay? But once we see by the light of faith in regards first period, God says this person is my representative, then we can also see why we have to have his legitimate commands regardless of whether or not we'd like that representative. Whether or not that representative is good or bad, childhood experiences can experience similar tracking too or not. We can just keep ourselves focused on the message that God has delivered to us and not on a personal quality of that Messenger. We'll close this part of the sermon with a beautiful meditation by blessed Lucas on this particular point. And what's an admiral example of obedience can be found. <inaudible> Crest Caribou be obedience is fathomless. Consider our words perfect. Obedience in whole. You cruised tall, preached Speaker 0 16:35 the good, the bad, the worthy and unworthy. I know it can be to be a pretty Christ. Speaker 1 16:53 Yeah, Speaker 0 16:54 whatever temptation against obedience we face, we can find the answer in a caring, simple, humble meditation before the <inaudible> where a lord will speak to our souls. My child did not complain, not be disturbed. Learn subjection sounds from me. Do the characteristics of your superior displease you, do you think at all? Oh, handled me in whole Eucharist or pleasing to me? Well, we come to the world. If I only obeyed good praise, can you do or even a little for me, rise and take up your cross with joy since it will secure Everlast reward for you. Obey, suffer, and be silent. According example, I'm giving you in the most pleasant second, will you not love me even as I loved you Speaker 0 17:48 and the Tabernacle we find the perfect example of perfect obedience. Complete self denial, silence and sacrifice. Come here frequently and especially in critical moments here, you'll be strengthened with the grace of God. He'll be free to the seats of the enemy. Your actions will mirror the most Exalted Glory and Heaven Closed Quo. St John's third caution has to do with the military and Sheri quote, strive ever to humble thy heart and word and indeed the choice that the good of others as it thy own and desire and that others be preferred to thyself in all things. And this involves my heart and this way they'll shall overcome evil with good shall cast the devil far from the and shall have joy of art and strive out of practice this most with respect to those who at least attract fee. I know that it thought practice this not thou shall not attain to chair. Speaker 0 18:46 I've been shut down. Make progress there and love ever to be taught by home man and desire to teach him that his least of all clothes Clo, the late great father Dan hasn't panned trading observations regarding humility. God made it on another of ourselves who are absolutely nothing. We had nothing to do with our coming into being and since we'll live forever either and heaven or health, we could have nothing to do with her going out of existence. We're absolutely completely dependent on Almighty, not only for existence, but for every single thing that is needed for our flows. From that existence. Everything we have, every gift, every talent, every ability, even a very air we breathe depends on him. He can do nothing of ourselves. St Paul asks, what is the all that how palace now received now is perceiving? Why does that boast have theirs as it thought had not received our divine Lord said, without me, you can do nothing. Speaker 0 19:53 Humility is based on after you quarter. The truth of what we really are in God's sight. If we're humble, there's no poesy. There's no pretense, no attempts to appear better than we really are to be something that we're really not. And once we understand that, it's easy to understand how someone can be humiliated. Suppose for example, someone was embarrassing affiliated because in front of a crowd he fell flat on his face. Why did he find that nillying? Because he feels somehow this cleanliness is beneath his dignity. You can't vary having all these people thinking he really is that clumsy. So he's humiliating because the person who was not humble likes to appear smarter, more clever, more coordinated than he actually is. In other words, he likes to present a false version of who he really is for the general public, that's not really humble. Speaker 0 20:49 So humility is based on ethnic or to the truth. What we really are in God's sight. With that in mind, let's consider another one of the truths about each one of us. We don't speak to our lady of course, but each one of us is an actual center. Each one of us is a sinner, and that means that each one of us actually deserved to be punished. Everyone should let that sink in because for some reason many people don't seem to talk much about that because each one of us has sinned. Each one was deserves to be punished. And that means if we find ourselves complainant, contradictions, misunderstandings, corrections, verse cities, trials, sicknesses and troubles, problems. If we cried and lone a troubles, it's because we're not yet sufficiently humble. It's because we're not shaping our conduct in court with the truth, which is that we actually deserve to be punished. Just compare a conduct our lord who suffered crosses, trials, contradictions, denial, slights and gratitude, persecution, suffering, and even that terrible dad did nothing. Speaker 0 22:03 He was humble. He didn't use his divine power to escape a bit of it. He didn't use his divine power to leave V8 his suffering and the slides. He accepted it all on our behalf except the cross as we should accept. He accepted, suffered quality, suffered as if he were deserving them all, when in fact we're deserving of it all. But there's also a positive aspect to humility. Humility is based on truth. The whole truth about anyone is that God has given him undeniable gifts and talents, both of nature and grades. And being humble doesn't mean that we deny with gifts of nature, grace, that all mighty God has given us. If someone has great pitching arm and he say, hey, you're really great picture, and he says, no, I'm not. That's not how, that's just stupid. Of course you are. If you're great picture, great picture. Speaker 0 22:56 If a woman has a great same boys <inaudible> and you say, wow, you have a really great voice. She said, no, it's not like a frog. No, you actually don't sound like a frog. Humility is based on the truth and the truth is that God had given that woman a truly beautiful voice, which means she shouldn't deny, but she should attributed to its source, which is God. On the other hand, the guy who takes personal credit for his talents is like the armored car driver, moving golf from one bank to another who drives by his girlfriend's house and then pretends it all. If old and his truck has his own, and one you'd be an absolute fool to pretend because he's driving a truck full of goal. These somehow better than the truck drivers driving the garbage trip. It's quite possible the garbage truck driver takes the bigger paycheck home at the end of the week. Then the bank folk driver, even though he's carrying around much less impressive law, but in either case, the load isn't there. Speaker 0 23:54 It's been the same in heaven. Persons without many gifts where the very little talent or looks or abilities or achievements may very well come in much greater before because of the humble way they glorify God with what the hand then the reward it's given to the person who had all the towns, all books, all the ability, but attributed his gifts to himself so stupidly and sought and basked in his own glory. That's really important to realize. Persons without many gifts or with very little talent or looks or ability or achievements may very well end up at a much higher place in heaven because of the humble way they glorified God with what they had put the person to him. God poured on all of these towns looks ability but attribute it all to himself, gave himself the glory will be at a much more place. Speaker 0 24:48 In other words, humility doesn't in any way mean denying the gifts, the talents, abilities almighty God has given us, but it does mean that we give for glory to God. It means we use those gifts, not for our glory, not forgetting others, to praise us and look at us, but to be useful to ourselves and others and so doing to give glory to God. If we're humble, we use our gifts of nature, grace to do good. We use them to spread God's good. Yeah, trouble. His claw has fun idea. There's a lot on that can be said there, but hopefully everybody here has a much clearer understanding of humility and its importance. Let's quickly consider how humility defeats the devil while leading to charity. Blessed look as of Saint Joe said, quote, nothing is more confusing. The devil than sincere act of humility, which is St John Teachers, is more meritorious than the performance of great miracles. Speaker 0 25:40 Each sincere act of humility, increased self hatred, glory is intensely pleasing to God. There's nothing more despicable than a devil than the glory of God and salvation of souls. Therefore, he's completely forded. Its attempts to seduce souls who in a moment of temptations towards pride, perform acts of humility more frequently, humble ourselves before God. The more impotent the Davo becomes, Marsal becomes filled with joy and peace. The more frequently we humble ourselves before God, the weaker the devil becomes and attacking us. And the more our soul gets filled with joy and praise. This is what Saint John meant when he said, unless you're truly humble, you will not arrive at perfect cherry. Humility is the foundation on which we build self. Nazi ation on ourself or Annunciation has reached its perfection. We arrive at the point where the soul is not for itself, but only for love and glory of God. And I live only for the love and glory of God is to arrive at perfect charity cause cloth. So humility is a foundation on which we build self pronunciation. Marcel pronunciations reach its perfection. We arrive at the point the soul lives not for itself, but only for love and glory of God and live only from love and glory of God is tribe and perfect charity and it's doable. Speaker 0 27:06 It's doable. Now before we close, we quickly mentioned in other will method for warding off to Monica, taxed out by Saint John Lacrosse. And that's anagogical act probably your Carmelites out there. You can find more details and there are about Warren's fifth spiritual saying in brief, the holy doctor explains it. Quote, as soon as we conscious of the first moment or attack of any vice, we should made it with an act of charity and raise our affection. You'd with God close call, so we make the strongest act of charity, the strongest app, love God moment we detected temptation. Nub shot at that is from Devil's point of view. We've suddenly vanished just like we've been beat up because he has no access to that or con. This takes some practice. Beginners have to practices and use the other weapons we spoken up before, calling on the precious blood of wash or US employing or ladies' hell using bonding prayers, et cetera. Speaker 0 28:00 One final note, I'm warning off of demonic attacks. Both Cheddar leaders put together a brilliant work called deliverance prayers for Laity. Now this isn't so you can set up shop, but see, you can pray these prayers over yourself and anyone over at home. You have actual spiritual authority, which should be like your children. God showed. Okay, deliverance prayers from Lady Father Chatter. That's close. That's close. Today we look, took a look at three ones, a saint John across we are an obstacle to the devil classes, ops cops cause of the devil, places in the path of union with God. The first warning pertains the absolute importance of obedience until the Chittum and commands. The second warning pertains absent imports of disregard the personal qualities of legitimate superiors. And the third warning pertains to absolute importance of practicing humility and everything we've heard today. It's doable. It's doable by everybody who truly wants to be a sane, who truly wants to Christ too little as the king of their heart. It's doable.

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