A Meditation on the Two Standards from Saint Ignatius of Loyola

January 21, 2007 00:18:23
A Meditation on the Two Standards from Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Veritas Caritas
A Meditation on the Two Standards from Saint Ignatius of Loyola

Jan 21 2007 | 00:18:23


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible>. Hi this week. Not Surprising. We're going to consider the battle between the cost of life and culture. Death, a little different. We're relying on the meditation so it was given to Saint Ignatius of Loyola by the blessing of mother of God. They all said the comments from the St Handsy, Mary clad that he rose later on. Ideally this particular meditation will take an hour. Don't worry, I won't do that to you. The ideas to the point is a read and then we think about that with long clauses and then another point and so forth. So obviously we don't have that kind of time so I'll give everybody a homework assignment, spend some time really pondering this stuff on the the plus version, gave it to Saint Ignatius for reason. It's wonderful. Said I spent some time right here now of course. And then during that, which is fine, you can meditate during mass. Speaker 0 00:55 It's not like there's rules. I have a job to do an <inaudible> too, but you're here to pray him and that's playing certainly except during the Astra after master during the week and make sure you can look it up later once you're today's fortunate, which you may or may not be here, headed it thoroughly earlier, mastered out enough. We have him to go out an email. We'll have them next week anyway in case they didn't show up to the NASA. Okay, so we'll get going since the meditation. It's perfectly fine. I mean it's not like I'm going to be taking notes and he's looking at me, although all them, I do pay attention to that usually, but you can close your eyes and concentrate or whatever yet it won't put you asleep. Okay. Young people especially want to listen up because this will be helpful to you. Okay, so just you're not yourself to these remarks that I'll make on everybody's behalf. Speaker 0 01:41 That's how it works. The Monday's guided meditations. We'll start with sending issues in prayer. Dear Lord, please grant me the grace that all my intentions, actions, and works may directly be directed purely to the service and praise as I Divine Majesty a meditation on two standards, the one of Christ, our commander in chief and Lord the other for Lucifer, the mortal enemy of our human nature begin by considering how Christ calls in wants all men, but he's his standards and how Lucifer on the contrary once saw him then under his next imagine of asset playing, covering all the region around troops was supreme commander in chief of the could is Christ our Lord. Another plane relations Babylon with evil chieftain is Lusa from now ask for knowledge. She has the receipts of the evil chieftain and help to guard myself against him and for knowledge to true life, which to supreme and true captain shows and for the grace to imitate him turns to come online. Nah, she's evil. Chief of all the enemies seated in the center of that vast plain brown Babylon on a grade thrown in fire and smoke. Horrible, terrifying side. Speaker 0 03:13 Consider how Lucifer scatters countless demons throughout the world, some to one city than others to another, not missing any provinces, any places, any states in life, nor even any single person to a command to demons to start tempting. Then the first step in this is to get and then lasting after riches. The second step is to get man lusting after the empty honors in the claim of the world. The third step is to film them for falls cry and from each three steps st maids man into all the other vices. Again, note the three steps in this, the first snare, first getting him lasting after riches. Second, getting in nothing after the empty honors and claims in the world to filmed him for a cry and from these three staffs, Mr leads, man, until all the other vices. Now let us imagine the Supreme True Captain Who's Christ our Lord. Speaker 0 04:27 Consider our Christ. Our Lord takes a stand and a lowly place in that grade playing around Jerusalem that he's attracted and gracious to behold. Consider how the Lord his entire world, she just somebody, persons, apostles, disciples, etc. And sends him throughout all the world was spreading a sacred doctrine among men of every state and condition. Notice how Christ your Lord charges all his servants and friends to seek he to help all man first by encouraging them to embrace their spiritual poverty. And if it should please his Divine Majesty to choose them for this also 10 breaks, actual poverty, and then to help men by encouraging them to desire insults and contempt. Because from these two things come humility. Sending got three steps. The first poverty oppose to riches, second scorn or contempt, oppose to worldly honor. The third are humility opposed to cry. And from these three steps, Christ leads. And then all other virtues. Again, number two to three steps. Number words, age to man and first word, poverty oppose to second scorner contempt opposed to worldly honor, <inaudible> opposed to pri. And from these three steps. And then I let out to all the other <inaudible> since we have to follow either Jesus Christ or the suffer, let us realize it. So when they set these two liters before mine, what is the goal of each one? Speaker 0 06:31 The aim of Jesus Christ is to persuade all man to be his followers. So this way they can come here after to praise and bless his heavenly father forever and game the eternal bliss of heaven. A two fold burning love in his heart presses out, lord onto all this first, he's a very devoted Robin. He asks for his father from this love comes his desires that we love, honored Christ his father with our hearts just as he loves his father. The second love is his tender affection for Nan. From this love comes to desire. He has to obtain our salvation. He said with him, we can have that eternal happiness with which he himself is happy. Speaker 0 07:26 Lucifer's goal is too much to all man under his standard, so by abandoning God and then they just sign in the Lord and plunged themselves into damnation. Two fold. Burning hatred within him spurs him on. The first is an implacable hatred for God because the Lucifer was once cast out of paradise by Very Jesse's divine judgment. From that time on, he conceived the supreme incompatible hatred against God, which ceaselessly agitates him. The city cannot bear to see God praised, honored and loved by any man. Second hatred is a furious molding for man, for knowing the God has appointed for them that infinite glory and bliss from what he and his whole company had been forever excluded. He is beside himself with rage and undertakes to cause men to lose that happiness and to build themselves into damnation with him. Speaker 0 08:34 Now my so what will you do? Which of these two leaders will you follow? Jesus Christ. One of them suffer <inaudible>. Oh, how unbelievably important this decision is. I am on a journey through eternity. Whaley is unfamiliar to me. It has many snares and dangerous guides are offered. Can you just Christ and suffered Jesus Christ, the only big audience of eternal father Jesus Christ, holiness by nature. Jesus Christ loves me. Jesus Christ who seeks not happiness with all his heart prosecutors, one and following such a guy. The second guy is Lucifer. Lucifer, God's greatest scan in the Lucifer I damned spirit Lucifer who regards me with burning hatred, Lucifer who seeks nothing else than NY, eternal destruction. Speaker 0 10:15 What shall I do? Well, I be so utterly lacking in judgment as to want to abandoned Jesus and follow the suffering. I hate myself so much as to quit the route to heaven and take the road to hell. No, no, no, never will I do that. Don, my Jesus locked away the truth and the lie, the way to lead securely to the father, the truth that enables me to discover all the snares in lives to live with one finds eternal happiness received me under that standard. Oh my Jesus. I will follow thee and follow the even onto death. Speaker 0 11:19 Notice that the duties for those priding under the standard of Jesus Christ are difficult and put her to fallen nature. The principal duties are spiritual poverty being detached from our goods. The obedience to continuous denial of one's selfish inclinations. Ignore the inpatients in bank contempt and wrongs. Silence on being persecuted and blessing God in our pains and their experiences. It is to this that Jesus Christ invites everyone who would follow him. It is to this, you must adjust yourself. All my soul. If you want to fight under his standard, there is no doubt that a life appears better, which must adjust and conform to these practices, but how sweet and desirable is the outcome? Reflect on us. Oh my soul, continually. As long as you live, the outcome is the deliverance from an almost infinite evil, hell and the obtaining of an instrument, good heaven and dead last forever. Speaker 0 12:41 I notice carefully that all the invitations which Lucifer promises to those who follow his standard, I think can pleasing to fall in nature. Lucifer comms is his followers. Temporal goods, riches, honor, worldly glory, the esteem of men, comforts, pleasures, and the Census and easy life and no restraints to the desires of the flesh. It is to this at Lucifer and bikes, everyone who would follow him well, what is the outcome of reflect on this on my soul continually as long as you live and do not allow yourself to be misled the outcome. It's a loss of an infinite good. Having an incurring of her almost intended evil, hell and Paul last forever, last from home and all my soul and turn your gaze upwards. Picture the heavens opening up. See Jesus Christ seated there at the right hand of his eternal father at his side, not the multitude of the saints. Immense glory and splendor. Now who had these classic man that are so close to Jesus Christ, they the apostles, men who saw themselves up alive to flee from one city to another, persecuted everywhere. They have monks, priests, version Sir Nam Women and children. We met a thousand persecution in salts and scoffing promoted God's glory who silently and patiently suffered temptations, injuries, and all sorts of troubles. Speaker 0 14:42 And because of this life they stayed close to Jesus in suffering and alcoholics to him and his glory. Not too many gays downwards on my soul. What's your, the earth opening up before you see roosted for they're in the midst of an ocean of fire, surrounded by a multitude of the damned were suffering, unspeakable torment in pain that brought these damned man. They're so close to Mimosa for each of the men, women, the young and the old hungered and lusted after power and riches and fame, who to be I lives and fussed over and catered to and spoiled. He needs to be rich and famous and coffee is great. Riches and fame and power have hurled him into this fire. Speaker 0 15:43 These are the gifted in town and became puffed up with a cry over their gifts and towns and he used to demand in the women the young, in the old, we were unwilling to deny themselves comforts and pleasures and because of this life they stayed close to Lucifer and that pursuit of riches and we're only glory and comfort and central pleasures. Yeah. Now close to him can hell I'm my Jesus. The more I ever t the more I realized they didn't kill. Now I have tried to keep my feet in both camps. What could reason I have for questioning was shame. I cannot raise my eyes to look upon the cross without his cherish. I just supply us without us in grace I Bush's side. I know for well Nike. This, how different digestments off from mine. I see it. To fight under the ice standard is just tasteful to my fallen nature. Speaker 0 16:58 A total denial of my selfish inclinations. I continuous silence when baron contempt infection treatment of people who oppose me. All these practices which demand great spiritual strengths but on my soul should be unbearable for me to bear contempt for the love of Jesus after he let himself be nailed to a cross between two criminals. Love of, and B should be too much. That I to love them. Jesus love them. Men just liked me after Jesus crucified for loving me, He loves Doris crucified him like Jesus. I want to follow the until I walked away. The truth and the life, the way that leads securely to the father, the truth that enables me to discover all the snares and lies to lie. The one finds eternal happiness received and entered thy standards. Oh my Jesus. I will folly and follow the even onto death. Receive me under the standard. Oh Lord received me under the high standard. Speaker 1 18:24 Okay.

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