St. Sabbas & Symbolism in the Mass

December 05, 2017 00:04:27
St. Sabbas & Symbolism in the Mass
Veritas Caritas
St. Sabbas & Symbolism in the Mass

Dec 05 2017 | 00:04:27


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hi, Maria Prisma the name of the father son, the Holy spirit. Amen. The commemoration that says st. SAB, uh, Abbott. He was born in the four thirties. His parents were very wealthy at the age of eight. His dad was an officer and a period of army at the age of eight, because he ended up because of his dad being deployed or whatever you want to call it. In those days, he's getting bounced from, from one uncle to another, and finally ended up in a monastery where he spent the rest of his life as a monastic, not in that monastery. He founded a monastery in the late <inaudible> 83 or so called Mar Saba. It's still exists. It's in the Holy land, not far from Jerusalem. Unfortunately it's Eastern Orthodox right now, but he died in, uh, five 32. So we're remembering him today. This, this a Holy monk. Speaker 0 00:00:55 We pray that through his intercession amongst there, there will come into any what the church in the gospel. Well, we read about the end of the world, the church, it's the end of the world before us and admin, because admin is about the coming of Christ, the coming of Christ in mercy, as a baby in the manger and the second coming of Christ at the end of the world. That's why the readings pertained to the end of the world. And we'll see quite a bit of that during admin. If you read carefully the readings that are proper to add that the Sundays and the Amber days, you'll see that one thing easy way to remind yourself of sort of a general sequence of events is some of the mystical movements on the alter, the meanings, misdemeanors, and movements on author on an alter. When you're facing East, the, the pistol side itself, the gospel side is North and the pistol side is symbolic of the Jews. Speaker 0 00:01:59 And at the beginning of math, like the beginning of things, uh, the, the book is over there with the readings. And when we do the readings, like a pistol people sit it's symbolic. The Jews had the truth, they were expecting Messiah, but when he came, they couldn't be really bothered. You see? Yeah. When the match, I come all the way over from what's now Iraq to Jerusalem to say, we've seen his star, where is he? What he's supposed to be born in bathroom at six miles away. So they knew where it was the magic I go there, but they don't go it. You see this whole reaction in general of the Jewish people. So then the it's taken away from the South side and the gospel is preached to the North. The North is the direction of the Gentiles. It's that way in the scriptures. Speaker 0 00:02:49 It's that way in the, the, the Holy mass and lit liturgically and people stand showing. They're ready to act on the word of God, but they're listening because the Gentiles responded, the Jews had the true religion. They couldn't be bothered. They reject him. So it's taken away in that sense of preached to the naked and they responded. But then you see towards the end of mass, the book is taken away and moved back to the South. That's because at the end of the world, the Gentiles will reject Christ. Even though they have the true religion, they can't be bothered and they'll turn back to their pagan ways. And during the time of the antichrist, under the preaching of Elias, Saint Elijah, the Jews will come back to the Holy religion before everything gets wrapped up. So we see this little symmetry in history of people that had the true religion, but couldn't be bothered with this Messiah. So it's take away preach to other people. Then you have the true religion, but can't be bugged and aside. So it's taken back to reminds us of some of the things that are happen in salvation history and some of the things at the end of the world. Certainly since the time of Leo, the 13th, the pulps have been warning us regularly about the great apostasy. And that's again, that's the time when the Gentiles turn away from Christ in turn back their pagan gods. I think it's so obvious. There's barely born calm.

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