Company Keeping

December 28, 2007 01:10:53
Company Keeping
Veritas Caritas
Company Keeping

Dec 28 2007 | 01:10:53


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Speaker 0 00:02 Hey father, send the holy ghost. Amen. Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with the Lesser Thuh amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy will. Jesus <inaudible> her lady, seed of wisdom, right? Saint Joseph, Saint Peter, Saint Thomas, all you holy, interesting special patients, saints and gardening. He, father, son, Holy Ghost who started by reading a quote. Let's take it from a book written, uh, over 20 years ago. Book written by which it's about witchcraft. I'm not joking and I'm not gonna tell you the name of the book for obvious reasons, but I think this is important quote and we'll see why in a minute. But this is a keep in mind, this is a book about witchcraft and Neo Paganism written by a witch in the 80s. Speaker 1 01:01 Okay? Speaker 0 01:01 The world is, well, let me back up. Well, Neil Pagan is in modern with Carter, very anarchistic religions is probably wrong to say that all pagans believe this or that. Speaking of Neo Pagans here in America, there's some basic beliefs that most new pagans in America share, Speaker 1 01:20 okay? Speaker 0 01:20 The world is holy. Nature is holy, the body is holy. Sexuality is holy. The mind is holy. The imagination is holy. You are holy. A spiritual path is not stagnant. Ultimately, it's one to the understanding of one's own divine nature, salard goddess that Lord God, divinity is imminent in all nature. It is as much within you as without. In our culture, which has for so long denied and denigrated the feminine as negative, evil or best small and unimportant women and men too, we'll never understand their own creative strengths and divine nature until they embrace the creative feminine, the source of inspiration, the goddess within. Well one can at times be cut off from experiencing the deep and ever present connection between one's self and the universe. There is no such thing as soon unless it is simply defined. Is that a strange man between oneself in the universe and guilt is never, never very useful. The energy you put into the world comes back close quote, Speaker 1 02:33 okay, Speaker 0 02:35 why am I starting with this? Speaker 0 02:40 To get some context, this was written 20 years ago. The tess moral view is that we all live. That's the general worldview in America. That is the way our culture thinks right now. We live in a profoundly pagan ise culture. You can, if you want to envision the American culture right now, you can think of an egg. We have the ceiling mass of neo paganism, witchcraft, all these sort of things with only the thinnest veneer, the shell. That's the remnants of a very weakened, attenuated Protestant Christianity. That is the America we live in. I don't know what to crystallize an event. It will be when they realize that they really dominate the culture. These people still think they're the counterculture. I drove over here on the day on the way over, stopped at one of the rest stops walking around in there with people with chains and you know, ornaments hanging out every place on their face and whatnot. I'm not making fun of them. It's everywhere. Speaker 2 03:41 Okay. Speaker 0 03:42 I'm from Montana. There's paganism everywhere up there. I see more of it there than I do here. Our culture is profoundly pagan. We are the counterculture. So what I want to talk to you today about is counter cultural in the most profound way. Speaker 0 04:05 Well, we live in a culture like this. We can't take our cues from the culture, something that's ordered right for a Catholic person. If you have a good culture, it helped. It supports you, it floats you up. It makes it easier to do the right thing and harder to do the wrong thing. Who had the exact opposite kind of culture where it's difficult to do the right thing? It means you really have to have affirmed commitment to being countercultural, which means committed to our Lord. And it's difficult to do the right thing with all the social pressure and easy to do the wrong thing. I don't have to tell you that. That's just reality. The reality is right now, everything we're going to talk about today is counter culture. The other thing I'd say about everything we're gonna talk about today, you could call this is stuff that your grandparents or great grandparents all knew and will be surprised. Speaker 0 04:56 We had to talk about it because hopefully I'm not going to be original at all. I try very hard not to be original and I'm going to try to not, uh, that'll look a little bit, I'm trying very hard not to be original because I don't want to give you any original ideas. I just want to tell you what the truth is. Okay, so we're going to start off with some real basics and work our way up. In the beginning you'll think, yeah, we already know that. First thing. We have to make sure we're really clear what we're doing here. Speaker 2 05:24 Okay? Speaker 0 05:25 What is it that we're doing here? And I don't just mean here, but on earth, what is the purpose of our life? If we don't know the purpose of something, we can't use it intelligently. I've said this to people before. Many people have heard me say that. Certainly. I say it a lot at the parish. If you were sitting, if you're going to visit somebody and they picked up a vile and they're sitting there and you got flies buzzing around, there's a violin, they pick it up and they go to sweat and the flies with a violin. Well, first stuff you think, what are these people? Lunatics. But second off, what would happen? They're gonna break that violin cause that's not what violins are made for. Violins have a purpose. It's a delicate instrument. You swap flies with it. You're not going to have a violin anymore. Or you can have a lot of broken wood and and, and stuff poking all, all over the place. The more delicate instrument, Speaker 2 06:07 okay. Speaker 0 06:07 <inaudible> and the easier it is to wreck, we have to know the purpose of something. You use it intelligently. What's the purpose of our life? If we don't use ourselves intelligently, we'll destroy ourselves just as surely as that violin was destroyed. Speaker 2 06:22 Hey, great. That's good. Perfect. Yeah, Speaker 0 06:29 we have to use their sales intelligence. So what's the purpose? We all know that. It's the second question. First question is, who made me, God name me. Why did God make me? That's the purpose of our life. God made me to know him and love him and serve him this life and be happy with him forever in the next, now that, believe it or not, as a news class to a lot of people. Before I went to the seminary, I was teaching at graduate school and Undergrad at Montana State University. And we get in these kinds of conversations sometimes with these, these guys, these are not bad people, but you know, you have guys that have had too much to drink. Go, Huh? I wonder what the purpose of my love wouldn't, you know, what are we supposed to be doing? So they're having these discussions like what am I supposed to do? Speaker 0 07:05 They don't know. We're in a culture that people don't even know why they've been placed here on earth. So it's not something you want to do an experiment with. You have to get that part right. Well, we all know that the purpose of our life, if we don't live according to purpose in our life, we won't get where we want to go. And ultimately it's a two way cut and we don't want to go to plan B. That's just, no, purgatory is like summer school. Right. You didn't plonk but you didn't pass either. You know, you gotta sit there and barbecue flop. We get out of there, but everybody pretty good. Tory safe. Right. You know, pretty okay. Shoot for heaven. If you hit purgatory, that's all right. Don't shoot for purgatory. Cause if you missed that one, that's not so good. Okay. The possibilities are heaven and hell. Speaker 0 07:45 Right. Ultimately at the end of the world and it's no more purgatory. That's it. Two way cut. We want to go to heaven. So we got to know, love, serve God, gotten this life and be happy with him forever and the next no on that path to happen. And there's only one. But on that path there are different channels you can think of it. Okay. Those would be the different possible states alive. Okay. For guys, there's four possibilities. One priest, religious, married, single for women. Uh, you know, except for some very confused ones that we have to pray for. It's a melody religious or single. Okay. Those are the possibilities and God has a plan for each one of us from all eternity. Speaker 2 08:30 Yeah. Speaker 0 08:30 That's the start. She thinks we think about from all eternity. God knew each one of us and he loved. He has a plan, a particular plan, so that we will be happy in this life and the next with him. He loved us so much. He gave us the true faith. That in itself is something that we can spend all eternity thanking him for if we get to the right place. Huh. But he has a plan and that plan involves making sure that we get in the right group on a path to heaven. All right. Obviously everybody has to keep the 10 commandments. They're not 10 relatively good ideas. They're 10 commandments. No ops waste up to now. We have to keep that. We have to stay in the state of grace. Huh? We have to practice the commandment of charity. The one commandment. Our Lord gave it to let last supper. Speaker 0 09:17 Huh? That we, that we love one another as he loved us. So we show that that's not some emoting thing. I mean, he might have feelings, but it's showing that we really believe in our Lord by, by how we act and how we deport ourselves. Okay. Obviously that's for everybody. But within that then those particular states life, what's my vocation? We have to know our vocation. If you're not praying everyday to know that you need to till you know it, God's given you one. So he's obliged. If you ask him to let you know what it is, that doesn't necessarily mean right away. And it doesn't mean that you're looking for some kind of vision or apparition or something. You're just praying or what is it your will for me to do with my life? Huh? So we've gotta be asking him that. Saint John Bosco says, about 30% of you will have a vocation of religion or the priesthood. Speaker 0 10:00 So that leaves the other two thirds roughly. There's people are going to be in a single state because of duties and their life. That's always been that way. But we'll just roughly rough it off to about two thirds. We'll have the vocation of marriage, roughly speaking. I'm going to spend our time talking about that because it's so confusing for many people and we'll make this clear. So again, all this beginning is really clear marriage. If we have the vocation of marriage, we're just going to grant priesthood, religious, all that that we're not going to deal with at the time we have marriage. What is the purpose of marriage? This seems to be all over the place. You know, when you're in a profoundly Neal pagan society like ours, who know, and I don't need to go through all the iterations and weird permutations that are coming up all the time. Speaker 0 10:46 These days you, you almost burst into laugh. If it wasn't so serious, you'd be laughing every time. You know, you'd come and counter with the newspaper and see what they're doing in California and it won't be long, you know, not to pick on California. It'll move this way soon enough. And from Canada south and from California East and and you know from Massachusetts West and it's all going to cook, you know, smack together here sooner or later. Anyway, what's the purpose of marriage? There's a primary and secondary purpose of marriage. These are from God. I'm just, I'm, I'm not making this stuff up in just report. What's the primary purpose of marriage? The primary purpose for which God created marriage is a procreation and education of children. That is the primary purpose. The secondary purpose is for mutual comfort and remedy for concupiscence, so procreation, education, the children as the primary end of marriage, secondary as mutual comfort and health and remedy for concupiscence. Speaker 0 11:41 That's what marriage is. It's an and it's in that order. Okay. All these things are principles. Having said that, then what we want to ask ourselves is here. That's what Mary gyms and I think I have a vocation marriage because I've been praying to God and I know I have to get to heaven granting everything that we just said. It's got a vocation. Marriage as far as I know, I've got to get to heaven. I've got to keep the commandments and so forth and marriage to the procreation education of children and mutual help and comfort revenue for can Coupa since then obviously given all that we can see what the purpose of keeping company. Yes. We'll get into that. I'm use words like dating data is not a word. I like it all and <inaudible>. I'll make it clear as we go on what we're talking about a courtship, we'll talk mostly about that keeping company, but I'm using Lucy right now. Speaker 0 12:35 Refined a little bit, but I'm not going to give absolute definitions because it's, you know, I'm not the Webster's dictionary, but we'll, we'll get you on a page, see what we're talking about in this point. Okay. Obviously given all that, I have to say to myself, if I have a vocation in marriage, then I have to start thinking, well, what are, how does daddy fit in that? The first thing we have to realize is dating or keeping company is not a form of recreation. That's what our society would say is this is what people do for fun. You know, this is recreation. Go Bowling. Have a date, whatever. No, it's not recreation at all. Recreation is not a sufficient reason to enter in a situation like that. The purpose for courtship, for keeping companies seriously, we're not talking about what's going on here. We'll get to that later. Speaker 0 13:21 But the purpose and the only purpose is clerkship for keeping company with somebody. What's clerkship? Is this somebody that I'm going to spend my life trying to get to heaven. Yes. You know the young man says this is the woman that can best help me get to heaven and I can spend my life sacrificing for her to help her get to heaven. And the young woman says the same thing. This is the young man that I can best help me get to heaven and I can spend my life helping get talent. That's the purpose of keeping company cause it's courtship. If that isn't the purpose, it's already wrong. Period. Close the book. It's already wrong. We don't have to look at it when everybody else does what everyone else is doing. Who knows what they're doing. Casting spells, I don't know. It doesn't matter what they're doing. Speaker 0 14:07 We're here to try to get to heaven. A reference point isn't what everybody else is doing, especially in the cultural I call a reference point has to be what does God want of me? What is God asking me? What does God want me to do? Okay, so the purpose of keeping companies determine is this the man or is this the one that I'm going to marry? Is this the person I am? I can best spend my time. You love Nigga to have it and I can spend my life helping to get down eternity hangs on the correct answer to that question. Speaker 2 14:37 Okay, Speaker 0 14:37 and it matters. It is a vocation. I remind everybody here that a vocation is a calling from God. It is not a default setting. I'm not sure what to do there. Friday we'll get married. Danger, you know? I mean in a society like cars, our society's not can help make it easy. If you're having a rough time, believe me as a priest, that's not going to happen. Well, a lot of what priests do try to help good people make it through it. Very good people. It's not. It's a vocation. I have a vocation and you have a vocation from the vocation is to marriage. We have to make sure that we're doing it on God's plan was not as in just bored one day and found a bishop and gave him a hundred bucks until the med ordained me, you know, or something. You have to be careful what you're doing. Speaker 0 15:21 Same thing. You don't just bored one day you go have a drink. She looks cute, you're married or no, it's a vocation. You want to make sure you get it right. It attorney hangs on it. Okay guys, next, I'm going to start with some unpleasant things. We'll develop it though, but if you're sure that you have a vocation of marriage, we'll talk to the guys first, but you're not getting capable of being married. What I mean by capable, you can't put a roof over your head and food on the table. That doesn't mean you know some giant mansion or something like that, but it means a roof over her head. That means, who do I tell? If you can't do that or you're too young or you're not pretty darn close to being able to do that, then you've got no business keeping company. He's got no business keeping company. Speaker 0 16:00 It doesn't mean that you don't get to know young ladies. We'll get to that later. But you have no business keeping company with one. Why you owe that first off to God. Second off to her. Don't waste your time. Get with the program with this is the girl that <inaudible> wants you to marry. Then you get with the program. What did they do back in the day? I mean, I know in my family, but it's true. You ask your grandparents with their parents to know. Young Guy oftentimes had to leave home and go find a work somewhere and get enough money to come back. And Mary's best girl, that was standard Catholic practice. I'm sure it was standard in the process. Everybody had it the same way cause they knew what it was like. The culture hadn't forgotten. Why? Because you've got to provide for, okay, so that's number one is you guys, you, uh, if you, if you, if you're too young or you're not yet capable, even at, you're old enough, but you can't put a roof over your head and food on the table. Speaker 0 16:49 You're not proximate to being able to do that. Don't keep company with her. Get going with it and be a man. And it was a program lady. Same thing. If you're competent, you have vocational marriage, but you're not yet capable of being married. You're too young, then you have no business to keep uncommon. Don't. And this is really important and he's don't let a man court you who can't put a roof over your head and food on the table. Okay. Or He isn't really close to the analogy that you are the motive. You can motivate him. Huh? Tell him the sweet talking isn't going to feed the kids. Okay? You tell him grow up, get with the program and if he's the right guy, hoping he'll get, what's the program? You know, that's how guys are. We'll talk about that a little bit later. But that's the goal. Speaker 0 17:32 Okay. If he's not there, then you say, well, you know, get what? They come back two years, whatever. We'll see he, you got march sick. Don't let them waste your time. You want to marry a man. Don't wish to come on the board. It's not a chronological thing. There's a lot of guys in their 50s that are boys really. You know, I mean, it's a question of an interior decision to grow up and be a man and you can help in that. But if he's a neat guy and you think, well right, but he can't take care of, tell him you got to get with the program. You know, or you don't do it in a real, you just tell him because the flat out, I'm not going out with somebody like that. I'm not going to commit myself to somebody who can't put a roof over it again, I'm not, you could live in Walton. Speaker 0 18:07 I don't care. I'm in, you know, I know people back home living in Wal tend to, it wouldn't bother me as a priest. It might freak out to chance, but it wouldn't bother the music priest married people. They're living in a Walton as long as you live in a wall 10 if you're trap or something. I don't know if that's a big business here in Kansas, but back home, that's no big deal. But if you fallen, but you got to make sure he can do that and keep the food on the table. Don't let him go out with your court utility can, you're not doing him any favors and you're wasting your time. You know it's not the will of God to marry this guy yet. So it's not the will of God to court the guy. Right. Let the go like car court. You right. Speaker 0 18:40 Then it's, it's obvious once you put it like you gotta be careful with your feelings. We'll get to that later. Okay, so that's it. We're just trying to go to principles here. Next one. If you're confident. Yeah, the vocation marriage, Andrew Ready to be married and you're keeping company, but you realize this just isn't the right one for you. Break it off, right van. Don't start in well, we have a lot of time invested and we've taught no, break it off, right? Then we're talking about a salvation issue. It's a question of honesty with God to question personal integrity with the other person. You owe it to that other person, whether you're gonna go to break it off right then. And if we're following the rules, which we'll get to later, it won't. It'll be somewhat of an event, but it won't be a major trauma. Speaker 0 19:25 Because if we follow the rules, you can do these things and it was respect each other. If you've been respecting God's rules and it's not that big of an event, it shouldn't be that big of an event, okay? But if you're not, if you don't have that kind of integrity, if you don't, they have that kind of honesty. You're danger in changing your salvation and salvation to southern person. Don't do that. And you're talking about full steam ahead to icebergs. Don't do the experiment. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't think we're gonna get through it and just don't do it. Disaster. Guard your heart. Break it up. Okay. Am I saying that young women, let's live before we go on. And my saying that young women, young women and men are supposed to be hermetically sealed. I said it from each other. Never have any contact, don't talk to each other, et Cetera, et cetera. Speaker 0 20:05 No, absolutely not. I mean that sort of thing is an overreactions can have horrific consequences because in the first they go guy crazy or girl crazy and the first time someone winks at him, it's all over with. And I think the whole I'm in love and they got to get married. Now these things are great. Something like this is perfect cause this is the ideal sort of situation is reasonably supervised groups of young men and young women getting to know each other in a good situation. That's perfect. Friendly acquaintances. Generally speaking, our fun, what's not fine is Courtney separating in a pro inappropriate company, keeping between one mountain man and one young woman before the right time. What's the right time when he, she's old enough to be married and he is mature enough. Take care of her. Huh? Which isn't so much age, but actually, you know, a question and being able to put a roof over her head, food on the table, okay has created us in a certain way and the fallen man has wounded us in a certain way. Speaker 0 21:01 And if we ignore either of those things cause it dreamy dreams or something like that, our passions can get out of control and we're going to be another wreck. We just don't want to ignore any of that. Okay, so now, uh, if you're not reasonably sure you have a vocation of marriage, you have no business cording on. Coming back to the first point, cause I'm in development, it's an it's presumption. It's a sin of presumption to be, to be cording before the right time. Why? Because I'm going to read you just a principle right now and you'll see what it is. The sin of presumption. Why? Because clerkship or company keeping is an occasion of sin. I'm going to read through that and explain to you all the details. I'm not trying to freak you out. Reading writes from a standard manual, the manual is this a manual pastoral theology? Speaker 0 21:50 This what you use to train priests. Okay, cool. Company keeping with the intention of timely marriage, timely marriage. If you can't put a roof over your head and food on a table, it does it pretty close to being able to do that. It's not going to be timely company. Keeping it with intention of tiny marriage can be considered as a necessary occasion of sin. Since in our society at least people do not marry strangers. However, those keeping companies, especially if engaged must use the ordinary supernatural and natural means whereby the near occasion of falling in the sand is made rybolt especially with regards of circumstances of being alone together. Close quote. Alright, I'm gonna unpack that for quite a while right now so that we see what we mean by that pretty freely. What is an occasion in any person place or thing attempts, Amanda sin the person, place or thing that to medicine. Speaker 0 22:40 There are four occasions types of occasions since these are post each, there's what's called a remote occasion of sin and a narrow occasions. Sin Or mode occasion sin. Our society is in a remote occasion of sin. You can get in trouble. You know almost anywhere you go. That's her motivation center. Near occasion, sin is like, oh, this is one in which men always or nearly always fall. Okay? So most occasion is sin is just, it's available. You can get in trouble on your occasion of sin is this is real trouble. Okay, so if somebody, you know, anyway, we'll get into that. So remote situation, which meant set on fall near the situation, which men always or nearly always fall. Okay? So if somebody walks into a house and their staffs, a pornographic magazines all over the place, the average man, unless you gets out of their mighty quickly or starts, the place on fire is going to be in trouble. Speaker 0 23:30 That's just reality. That's an occasion to sin and they fall as pornography's, laying out visible. It's going to, he's asked to be blind not to see it. He has to get out of there quick. That's in your occasion. Sin Men always nearly, always fall. Okay, voluntary. Let's what? So remote, not such a big deal here. Always in your alleles. Full voluntary occasions. And this is not gonna. It can be avoided. You voluntarily put yourself into it, you know, so voluntary keys you saying, I know that I shouldn't go do this, but I'm gonna do it anyway. You know, or I shouldn't be around this, but I'm going to be around. That's voluntary where you, you know, unnecessary cannot be avoided, at least without serious loss necessarily cannot be avoided. Or at least not without serious stuff. If you're locked up in a cell with someone that's an occasion to send you, you can't get away from them. Speaker 0 24:16 That's a necessary occasion. A sin, you know, or there's also a necessary accusing you see, cannot be avoided. At least not without serious loss. Men must take the proper precautions in order to avoid falling. I'm going through this review and then we'll, we'll apply it to courtship. And occasionally when any person place or thing attempts, Amanda sin or mode occasion centered situation, which man rarely sin. He have a bottle of whiskey over in the cupboard, you know? Okay. And your kids sit in situation, which men always are. You're always fall doing pornography. <inaudible> station can be removed and necessarily taken, can't be avoided. At least not without grievous loss, but men have to take the proper precautions in order to avoid falling. So let's ask ourself a couple of questions. Are we allowed to sit up, put ourselves in occasion, Sin? It depends. It depends on what kind of occasion sin we're talking. Speaker 0 25:02 Are we allowed to put ourselves in a remote location? Sin? Sure. Walking around. Is there a modification to send their Ramon? Okay, we could get in trouble, but okay. How about near occasion sin? Are we allowed to put ourselves in your occasion? Sin. It depends if it's necessary or voluntary. If it's a voluntary in your occasions, sin, the answer is no. We can't voluntary put ourselves into harm's way. That's what we're promising not to do when we make the act of contrition. Remember, you promise to mend your life. We're promised to avoid sin in the near occasions. Since we mean voluntary in your occasion to sin, we're promising God we're not going to do that. We're not going to purposely put ourselves in harm's way and say, Hey, don't let me fall. Don't let me fall. That's a presumption. If everybody sees that that's a sin of presumption to know that this is really dangerous for you, but I'm just going to get put myself into that. Speaker 0 25:48 Okay, so it's a voluntary, tedious sin. We can't voluntarily put ourselves if it's a new occasion as sin, but it's a necessary, we can put ourselves into it if we take the proper precautions, the more serious than your occasion, the more serious we have to make these precautions. Okay. Cause we were dancing on the edge of a slippery cliff, so we have to be more and more cautious. Okay. Now I'll go back through that quote and then we'll, we'll see how that applies to courtship. Again, here's the quilt company keeping with the intention of timely marriage can be considered as a necessary occasion of sin. It's a necessary your occasion as sin. Since in our society at least people do not marry strangers. However, those keeping company, especially engaged must use the ordinary supernatural and natural means whereby the near occasion of falling into sin has made remote, especially with the gardens, the circumstances and alone together. Speaker 0 26:44 Close quote two points then first company keeping is unnecessary occasion a sand. It's net. Why is it necessary? You don't marry strangers? Not In our society. We don't have arranged marriages for the most part in America. So you know, and, and it's necessarily because it a grievous loss. If the other vocation to be to to totally match money, to agree to this loss, not to have a whole in virtuous spouse. So okay. Dating then or courtship or company keeping a serious business, not a form of recreation. That's just another way of saying it's serious business cause it's coming and keeping with the mind to the marriage. That's the whole idea. It's not like this is going to be fun. You know, obviously someone's going to get married, says I really hate this person who spent some time with them. You know, you want to be around them. Speaker 0 27:32 That's whole, that's, that's an no brainer at that point. But it's not recreation. Second, because it's a necessary occasion sin, you have to use ordinary supernatural natural means to make sure that the near occasional falling is made remote. What are the precautions here? Saint Alphonsus, Dr Moral Theology, Saint Alphonsus quotes. There are three principle mains to be prescribed unnecessary occasions. Now note, I'm going to quote him and look at the situation Saint Alphonsus is talking about. This is from a moral manual, gets put. Saint Alphonsus talked about. Well, you can figure it out. There are three principle means to be prescribed and necessary occasions. The first is to avoid as much as possible being alone with one another. He's talking about hard shit. When you use this example, the doctor moral theology is talking about course what? As much as possible, being alone with Tyler, speaking confidentially with one another or looking at one another. Speaker 0 28:24 That's the first one. The second is prayer and unceasing petition to God and the blessing version. That doesn't mean you don't look at each other. It means you didn't just sit there and you know to these long, long, you know dangerous gazes til you know with nobody around. Okay? The second is prayer and UNCC, petition to God and the blessed virgin for help to resist the temptation. The third is a frequent station, the sacraments of pendants and of the Eucharist by which strength is obtained to resist temptations. Close quote, this is the doctor. Moral theology can read souls by locate all these different things, all kinds of miracles or you know, cause zillions of confessions. He knows what human nature is. Human nature hasn't changed in the past 200 and some years. You know, he died in 1789 I think. There hasn't been a lot of change since then. Speaker 0 29:09 You know, uh, hairstyles and we got electricity. Big Deal. Okay, let's break it down. Let's start to Nashville precautions that a couple must observe. Okay. First natural way means is avoid as much as possible being along with each other. There's an old precinct, soulless console of non Deckland of a Maria father will laugh. But that means when there's a guy along with a girl, they're not saying hell marries. You might start. But that, that's just reality. We all know this. That's not it. It's not particularly surprising. That's why everybody is so it's been seen as his thought was chaperones a good idea. The chaperone is a fantastic idea. You know, a good shot bonus from your big families, the little brother, a little sister to take, you know, I'm not going to get in a lot of trouble with them. They'll tell everything that happens. Speaker 0 29:55 It's great. And so take advantage of that. You know, it's awesome. And you know, W W why not? It's a fantastic thing. It's cheap, it's easy. You're not going to go anywhere. You shouldn't go get anything you shouldn't do. Everybody's saying has recognized this principle and it's shown respect in the first place for God. The second place for this person that you love. If you love them, what do you want to do? You want honor them? Huh? Especially the guy should really want to honor that woman and made sure that nobody could ever say anything. No Way. You know, there's always been somebody around that's really important. Even if reputation has flown out the window in our culture still has me before God. And that should be a point of pride in the Senate. Catholic sense of point of pride for every young man that's caught in the girl should be a real point of pride that he's done that that way with her, that he's, he hasn't let himself be alone with her. It really should be a point of pride. I mean that, and it's not undoable where there's a will, there's a way, but there's a will. There's a way. Okay. All right. Second one. Avoid as much as possible. Speaking confidentially with one another. This is important for women to understand. I said this a lot, but I am not going to develop everything from the garden of Eden here, but you can understand all the different problems. If you meditate long enough to read what the fathers have to say on them. Guardian, how did he fall? Speaker 0 31:17 Circle was talking to her. Women are easily talked. Anything. Women typically fall to the ears. The ears are the weak point on a woman. That's where we have these expressions, the silver tongue, devil, stuff like that. Maybe you don't have in this part of the world, but uh, it, the sweet talker, all these kinds of things. You have all these expressions. Now, there's nothing wrong with sweet talking per se. This is not a sin. The problem is is if you're not married, it can get carried away really easily because we're all weak, but there's nothing wrong with sweet talking per se. Okay. Women had to be careful about sweet talk and by extension, romantic things that relate to that. A love notes, civil matic levers and so forth. Sweet talking isn't bad. It depends on what's being said and what the motives are and so a lot of confidential talking by the fall of man will naturally descend over a period of time when people are courting. Speaker 0 32:13 That's why there's a certain period of time according you wanted to get married, it's not their fault. It's because Adam, you've got to get married before a certain period of time because you've jumped in a river and it's going to the ocean and you've got to make sure you're married before you get there. And this kind of talk just of itself, and it's not bad, but it leads more and more to certain certain things. And because of the weakness of man, if you allow yourself to go on and on and on, and unfortunately that's one of the about cell phones that have to say, you know, there's plenty of good things I suppose a person could say, but don't make yourself completely available on a cell phone, you know, control that to some degree. I do not say do not talk to somebody, but you should write things out. Speaker 0 32:52 Like how, how much should you speak per week? Uh, you know, and, and it should be pretty controlled. And how long you to speak those times and what hours you're not going to speak after. And the later it is more dangered is, I'm totally serious not making this up. I mean they ask any silver priests, they'll tell you the same kind of things if you think about, so you should have it written down. If you're quoting somebody, we'll get to that. If I get time. I've had to really, I'm trying to get 50 pounds of stuff in a five pound sack and it's one hour. So I might not get to every detail, but that's something to think about anyway. So sweet talk and can be good husbands certainly have a moral obligation to emotionally support their wives with that kind of thing. And he took a vow to take care of her and to be sinful if he's not doing it. Speaker 0 33:35 Huh. But a ladies, when you're been courted, you might not determine this model, this and other reasons. There's natural systems built into defend ladies. One is called Dad. That's the first line of defense. Second line defense is called mom and Sarah. One of the brothers. Huh. And and listen to them. My poor sister, luckily some of the boys moved away from home that uh, you know, she did finally get married. But uh, brothers are a good thing if you have brothers, it doesn't matter a little. They're bigger in terms of size. They just tend to be kind of Henri. And, uh, we want to interview cause we know how guys think. And then your mom, you should trust your intuition because you know, I was just over at some sisters yesterday and they're doing so, it's just amazing how they can take a couple of things that took guy are completely unconnected and put a package together like that. Speaker 0 34:24 It's something great about how women think and I'm not making fun of it. Just amazing, you know? I mean how they get a picture. It's important to rely on that too because a woman lot of times will will smell a rat too if you want to do that because it matters. It matters. We've got to, we got to observe the guy. Okay. Anyway, it doesn't mean that women didn't fall too. I don't mean that, but if we got to observe, okay. Anyway, but it's important for dads to to interview the guy that wants to court his daughter. I found something, I've read this before, but I take a little ranch paper from back home. It's called the Agora news and I'll read you a little quote to put it in context. This author in this point is writing a bought a ranch couple that's raising a kids quote. I'm sure it's coincidental, but while they were raised in three lovely and popular daughters, every single time some boys showed up to pick up one of the girls for a date. Obviously I'm not for this, but every time voice showed up to pick up one of the girls for date, dad would just happened to be cleaning his rifles at the table. Speaker 0 35:21 That was the nicest set of young man and so mannerly to breaking curfew just wasn't done close. Cool. All right. Uh, dads have to have an atmosphere of healthy care. I'm not necessarily suggesting that. Um, but I'm not necessarily saying it's wrong either. It's not intent. Yeah. Anyway, so don't say to yourself, you know, cause it's pretty strict saying this, oh father, relax. You know, I can handle it. This is kind of silly and all that, those that kind of thought. Right now you can put that under the category that call it, that's called famous last words. Okay. Famous. Don't say I can have just, I'm giving you stuff. I don't make this stuff up. Okay. It has a fine Montana accent, but I'll make it up on sales, not management. I'm just telling you how things are and if you don't like my delivery, that's fair enough. Speaker 0 36:10 But this is just how things are. You've got to think seriously. Our culture isn't gonna help you. Oh, the people around us, I don't mean here, but in the larger circles of American society are not going to help us do the right thing. They already think we're, we're adults. We're counter cultural. That's not bad either. The reason I started with the quote for witchcraft is do you want to be thought of in that category? Like really cool, like people that think that way. I hope not. We're trying to get to heaven and without reference to what people think, which look God thinks so don't worry about what other people think. Worry about what God makes. Okay Sir. So we got to avoid as much as possible. Speaking confidentially was one of them. Write down the amount of time and guys, you're Cortland girl, you go talk to your dad and talk about these kinds of things. Speaker 0 37:05 And Dad, don't give it a lot of time. You know, I mean, people have the right to keep, uh, if they're Courtney and got to permission, they have the right to keep, uh, the attachment going. The section's going, but they don't have the right to just talk like their marriage or you know, they don't. There shouldn't be that much access to each other because it's dangerous and we're talking about eternity. There shouldn't be that much access. Again, I'm not saying it's bad, but it's a necessary near occasion sin. We've gotta be careful. What I want you to do is go to the alter peer, both of you, you present yourself before God here, no damage, respected each other, respected God. Then when he come down off to alter the blessings you've got from that marriage will carry you through whatever is coming our way, but you don't want to have all these wounds and damaged and all that stuff and come up there. Speaker 0 37:58 Con, you know, up there as it were, two people on gurneys rolling up to the alternate spiritually. No, you want to be pure and holy and healthy so that you can present yourself and your soon to be spouse, peer before God and say, I handled this person the way you would have me do it. I respected them and that's why these rules, you have to limit the amount of time in the beginning. Everything's possible. You all define, you limit the amount of time you won't fall out of love because you're talking less. I'm not saying not talk call, but you control it and it shouldn't be hours everyday. No Way, no way. If you got like that, you're going to be in trouble. If you're talking two or three hours every day over the course of a long time, it's going to be trouble. Say, well, okay. Speaker 0 38:46 Anyway, we don't want to be rigorous, but we gotta respect the fact that we're wounded. All right. Third Natural Means of making sure that your occasions made remote avoid as much as possible of looking at one another. Well, I mean, you've got to be careful not just sit there and just, ah, you know, we have to have muck and this applies more to the guys now, you know, obviously when there's sun cars, not a half dress guy laying out there on the hood of the car. Is that, Huh guys? Girls are weak here and guys are weak there. We gotta be careful. We just, this is just reality. So, you know, if we dress right, deport ourselves like human beings that have been redeemed by Christ our Lord, it doesn't, you know, it doesn't mean y'all have to look like fall leaves, you know, or dead brown things and stuff like that. Speaker 0 39:28 You can be colorful. I mean, women are the flowers in the world. That's what St Treads is. The little flower hung. But all these flowers. Huh? So you're not all Carmelites. That's fine. You can dress color, clean, all that. But you know, now it's got to be a fair fight. Okay, so scouting modesty that, nope, it's got to be a fair fight. Okay. And then the guys, you've got to control your eyes, Huh? So you don't just sit there and just, you know, of course you want to look dumb. Okay. So having said that, when a supernatural means, the first one is making it remote by praying to God and the blessed virgin for help to resist temptation. If you're not already doing it, the three hail Mary's in the morning is Sam for holiness and purity. And you have the Virginia, but holiness period during the day, in the morning. Speaker 0 40:09 And then before you go to bed at night, three Hilmar same thing. And up to Andy, if there's any struggle at all, you take your fingers like this, you put them on the floor and you kneel on your fingertips. And Sam, don't do it. If your brothers and sisters in the room that that's, you know, we're not trying to show off, but uh, but this is a good penance. A little mortification. You won't cripple you. You know, it hurts. That's objecting. You're asking or lady, you know, all right, I'm doing sounds and help you with this. You know, this is really gonna help. I'm not joking at all. I'll do. I'll do Saint Alphonsus, St Anthony. Those are two doctors. The church stands Mary Clarence and Mary Saint Gertrude, the Great Saint Matilda, a Saint Leonard Deport Morris. Those are just ones that come off the top of my head that all preached. The Saint Alphonsus thought so highly of this that he'd give it as a penance to every one of his penitents. Speaker 0 40:51 It didn't have the practice. It's essential. We live in in raw sewage. It's not going to get better anytime unless the consecration bus version comes down. Does something, the cultures, you know, we ain't seen nothing yet. We're in free fall. Okay? It's not going to get better. We do this. The blessing virginal protect us. Okay? She loves us. She'll protect us. Not to be worried, but 300 I've timed it. What time is 40 seconds. Okay. This is not a big investment in your future in terms of time. You can do it 40 seconds if you have a hard time. Remember, if you're the kind of family, you know when we come from, we leave the boots at the door. See you just sent with the belt. The seed is where wear shoes in the US. Throw one under the bed when you're doing it, you'll remember same three Hillary's, when you do it, when you get it out in the morning, you'll remember say 300 or jockey around your belt or you know, so when you're, when you're taking off your clothes and out, you remember, Oh, you know, I gotta say this. Once you get the habit, it'll be a habit. You don't have to worry about it anymore. Okay. Say those three homes, how hard is that? Speaker 2 41:45 See the role your role is for every day. If you're going to be lucky, we got <inaudible>, Speaker 0 41:52 oh, I'll go see, I won't go through a whole 20 minutes of that, but I'll just say this. Our Lady wasn't board and Heaven and going, I wonder what they're doing. Portugal today, when she came down to fat and she's a mother of God, she came down because she knew we needed to know. Something important point to take home today is we said the military every day and we say the real sure every day, whatever is gonna happen, we'll be all right. We're tight on deck. You know the art fits the church. All these storms are gone. It doesn't matter. We even if we wash them and what she'll put us back on, she's in charge. You know, we're not going to go anywhere. You just tie yourself on what that rosary every day. Okay? I am Santa 15 to 20 minute prayer, all right, big deal. We're talking about eternity. Speaker 0 42:29 So though that thing, prayer second, a supernatural means frequent confession, fervent chameleons. If you've got a vocation in Michael occasion, it's in our rule we have just to go to confession every week. That's in our constitution, okay, well, marriage is it called the holiness to vocation. That means God expects you to become a saint. Why not? All right then go at least every two weeks. All right? I'm over the wall with every week or every two weeks and then start going every week. As soon as you get used to that, but go to confession and then when you go to community and your communities are going to be holy or holy communions have a motive for going to holy communion. Pray for holiness, pray for healing or whatever your principle fault is so you've planned for it. When you go up to community, receive our Lord. Then you talk to him for the whole time he's there. Speaker 0 43:17 Make me holy thank my fiance, this girl in court, in this gun court, make him holy. If you, if you know you have a location and you don't know who it is, tell our Lord, I want to meet this virtuous and holy spouse that you've planned for my small attorney. How hard is that? He's got a plan. He knows who it is. We don't have to worry. You've got to pray for it. If you, if, if you're, if you know that you have a vocation, Reggie, you should be praying everyday, especially coming in and he's in charge of, send me that virtuous woman or that virtuous man that you've planned. Somali attorneys that I'll be married to. You don't think God's can hear that prayer. You're trying to become holy, you know, this is his willfully to become holy in the State of Holy Matrimony. Why not be praying for him before you could tell somebody, I've been praying for you for years and it'll be true. He should be doing that. And especially at communion, your prayed up before you get there. You're praying that before you get there. We have seven years to pray for repentance in the seminary. That's a long time. You can be praying right now. Start praying right now. I'm not wishing seven years down. If you have a vocation marriage and you're already your 20th or something, you know, if you're 14 that's fine. Put a pray now. Okay. So that part being said could shut a water. Speaker 0 44:32 So courtship is unnecessary near occasion. Soon since it's necessary, we put ourselves in it. So this isn't your occasion. Soon we have to use the proper precaution. But since the scenario, occasion sin, we can't put ourselves in it until we're actually capable of being married or fairly close to it. I mean, you know, if somebody's going to be a tradesman and he's just finishing up or whatever, okay fine. He can be earning stuff in maybe soon. That's fine. But we're talking about within reason. Okay, so we talked about that. What to look for. I've got a book that I just brought this one on purpose cause I'm gonna actually read things from it. It is so good. It's written by a, a Hungarian bishop and I mispronounce it up. My apologies to all Hungarians here. T hammertoe. It's a Christian family. It's written 70 years ago. And with that being said, I'm just going to read a few quotes from it because what are we looking for when we're looking for someone, uh, when we have a vocation to wholly naturally, let me get to the right page. I want to make a few comments, but I'll read this. Speaker 0 45:44 Here's the Bishop Speaker 0 45:53 and old priest gone gray in many years. His ministry was once asked what among all his manifold priestly duties had had the greatest effect on him and the worthy man replied the Mary. I have a young couple or the bearing of a mother for never at other times to see so clearly the immense responsibility that married life signifies earthly, an eternal destiny of entire generations. It's true. It's unbelievable. The power that God has put in hands for a man and a woman and Holy matrimony, his creative power, he gives us assurance, sanctifying power to make these holy forgive sins, Huh? To bring him bodily to Earth. He gives a married man, married a woman. I share this creative power to cooperate with him in bringing new life and natural level into the world. It's really worth noting on this amazing part cause what are we talking? We're talking about babies. We know that. Think about the dignity of a baby. It's absolutely unbelievable when we think this is a being that will ask this world well, fall away and all the great works, all the books, all the statues, all the great skyscrapers, bridges, anything that man has done is going to crumble the dust. You'd be blown away, but baby will live forever. Speaker 2 47:21 Cool. Speaker 0 47:22 Unbelievable. That dignity. That man has been trusted with the joint custody of that creative power of Man and woman and Holy Matrimony. It's unbelievable when you think, I'll try not to talk on that. I could. You could literally, it's something to meditate on cause it's so amazing. A baby will live forever. That kind of eternal immortal soul. God love for my attorney brought in to B because he wanted that man and that woman to bring that baby and to be okay. Ambitious says who would not feel for this very reason. Speaker 1 47:57 Okay. Speaker 0 47:57 How vitally important it is to ensure as far as possible the success of marriage ensure the success of marriage. Someone might say our marriage, just like fried chicken once he was, if he did hat piece half, half haphazardly. Never knows what one is chosen. Some individuals disposing the question with such witticisms but the subject is too important to be supposed of in this way. It is true that no one can see in another person's heart. It's certain signs permit when at least to draw conclusions about its contents. He's going to talk about signs the man and signs in the woman. So the first one is signs in the man. What a woman, and I'll make some other comments that are that, but this is what a young woman, some of the things you should be looking for, the sign of a man, a great level of work, a serious sense of duty and honor. Speaker 1 48:43 Hmm. Speaker 0 48:44 If these qualities would be fun in the bridegroom, then we can look upon the contemplated marriage without any misgivings. But if they're missing young woman, do not marry him for all the treasures in the world. <inaudible> 70 years ago. No, she, you speak foolish to someone. I see how lacking and serious my seriousness, my fiancee is, but I shall marry him because I'm madly in love with him. This madness will quickly pass and there will be a dreadful and speedy awakening. Speaker 1 49:12 Okay? Speaker 0 49:14 Marriage is not an experiment. Marriage is a weighty responsibility. And this talk should be many times repeated and emphasized because today he's writing. In the 1930s we agreed with the spreading such ideas as these marriages. My private affair. No one has any right to interfere measures the your agreement for a limited period and I was just the licensings of sensual pleasures and so forth. Today, many people do not wish to hear anything about responsibility of their responsibility as soon as upon marriage for both parties concerned for the bodily and spiritual welfare of future generations, they wish to hear nothing. Okay, so the young man, great level work, serious sense of duty, honor young woman. How important is that Bryce, you convince yourself that this great sense of responsibility is possessed by her future husband is no less important, that the bridegroom should be convinced that his future wife possesses the necessary modesty and love of home life and the Old Testament. Speaker 0 50:05 We read about the edifying betrayal, betrayals couple there. Tobias and Sarah till I said is by before their marriage. Sarah Arising, let us pray to God today and tomorrow. Next day for were the children of saints. We must not be joined together like he even said no Nasca. That's partying. Admonition that <inaudible> from her father's most instructed after the wedding has been som nice young people. Leave the bride's parents and are about to set up for devices home and Sarah's father says to devise the holy angel, Lord, be with you in your journey and bring you through safe and that you may find all things well about your parents and my eyes. Never see your children before I die. And the parents taking their daughter kissed her and let her go. Admonish your to honor father, mother-in-law to love her husband, to take care of the family, to govern the house and to behave herself. You reprehensive Lee, that's right out of the scriptures. Every bride, Mike will ask herself whether this is her way of thinking. Okay, I'll, I'll just skip by. He's got a lot of different things. Third requirement of good husbands and wise young man should be imbued with a responsibility and woman should be home loving. Bull should be sincerely devout. Speaker 0 51:14 Why is it important? My husband should be developed. This is important that she be strong and healthy. They should have a good income, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You're not, see why my, what? It matters if my future husband is not developed. Anyone who reasons in this thought this way before the wedding spiel, you wakes after the wedding. The realization of what a difference it makes because the husband or wife is not devout. The two in marriage must become one. So I'm very much one that we cannot find. Another example, set unity in the whole world has only with God command become perfectly one wish for perfectly only with your vice companion for you attained only if you meet in God and unite in him and it's already hard enough for very good people. It's hard a vocation, thanks to Adam vocation as a priest, we gotta work, Huh? Speaker 0 51:57 The way of the cross, it doesn't matter what vocation you're in, it's the way of the cross. You get married before and altar I highly prostrate before and after before I get our day father and I did. That's how it works. Where everything happens in the shadow of the cross, we have fallen words, bloody footsteps to calvary. Everyone here, this going to happen. It's going to be tough. It's not impossible. Talks about this, but there's clouds. There will be closed, but anyway, he's making the point, do you not do that? Then he says, religious woman should not marry a man who is irreligious regrettably. However, nowadays the reverse, this question often comes up for consideration. So religious man marry an irreligious woman and your religious woman is, I do not far fest. Is there such a thing as in your religious home that he could ask that in the 1930s he says, I regret to say that modern life has produced such women. Few moments ago, I said, a religious woman should not marry an irreligious man. Now, I must stay with twice as much emphasis that a religious man should not make an irreligious woman, his wife, not for anything in the world for her mammas his faith to sell becomes course material, but if a woman loses her face, her soul becomes devilish. This is an important point. I want to talk about that. Speaker 1 53:09 Okay, Speaker 0 53:12 a good woman. It's like when we, when we contemplate her in the right way, it's you will see refractions of blessing version. Speaker 1 53:21 Yeah. Speaker 0 53:23 Hi. She's modeled after the buzzy version, Speaker 1 53:26 okay, Speaker 0 53:26 but a woman is either good or bad, she's are going to be to society at large. She's going to be like the blessed virgin striving for that or she's gonna be like <inaudible>. You can measure the level of society, the moral level of a society by the women. God made man to be the leader and strong physically. The woman is the moral center of a society. She has the moral strength. If the level of the woman is here in society and average in the level of men is there, the level of woman's here, 11 men's there, the level of woman's, their level of man's air and so forth. That is your particular genius and gifted God's given you is to be the moral heart of society. A man will never look at a woman as his equal. He really looked up to her or looked down at her, Speaker 1 54:18 okay, Speaker 0 54:18 that's human psychology and every man instinctively wants a good man. Someone that he can look up to. It does not mean as boss. We'll get to that in a minute. He wants someone he can look up to what the man is looking for. Someone that's better than an examination of conscience. We says, I can't believe that she's in love with me. Look what happened at Adam was perfect and eve took him out when she fell. He's perfect. A man is not going to be stronger morally on the average on the average than the woman. The woman is the heart of this. Huh? So important. It's so important. Is it going to be like a blessing version or eve? She's going to be like an examination of conscience. Huh? So yeah, the man's looking for someone to lead, to provide for, to protect and to sacrifice himself. For Speaker 0 55:18 a man who has a vocation, is looking for someone to lead, to rely for, to protect and to sacrifice himself. And he wants somebody that he can sacrifice himself with. The whole idea of these chivalry story, sugary can only come out of Christendom. Huh? The dignity of a woman because the blessing version, it's been restored by Christ our Lord. And the whole notion of the sugary in that sense. There's a lot of different aspects to too, but this sense is he is looking for somebody that's like our lady that he can really sacrifice himself for and the genius of the woman is to allow not just tip off her pedestal and not try to boss. If you try to boss, this is important to all of a sudden you take the role of the other woman in his life that he respects, but he left and that's his mom. Don't do that. Speaker 0 56:03 It's like boxing is a good comparison. When you're waltzing, there's two people in waltz or it's not a Walt. The guy's got to leave. I used to teach my students, I tell them, walk away and leave for their swim learn. I know that sounds rude, but if she's going to try to lead, you just have to leave her, you know? He said, don't do that a couple of times. Then leave. There can only be one leader in the waltz. Huh? Are you not waltzing? You're doing. I don't know what, but if you're having a wrestling match up there that's not wealthy, she has to fall. But it's not as if she's not important. It's not a waltz without her. He has to go ask, curate cetera. But there's a whole, there's a whole beauty that you can think of that as an analogy in the marriage too. Speaker 0 56:39 He wants to waltz, but he wants to lead you ladies. That's how it works. But if you are the moral center of the, of the universe in his universe, if you really are striving to be an imitation of old lady, a good man will do anything including die for you. That's, that's how, that's the power that God has given man. And that's a part of God's given. So there's this symmetry and our society is just crazy. It's obsessed with manhood. It's lost feminism. Feminism is all about men. It's ridiculous. It's an obsession with men. It's totally denigrating the absolute beauty and power and dignity of a woman and the moral power, it takes morality out of the picture. So throw that on your head and meditate on what it is to be like the blessed virgin. Huh? That's what we, we need to recover that sort of an idea to be like our lady, let me get a drink. I see. I'm going to try. I promised I tried to go within an hour and I'm getting there, so I'll try had to go over. Speaker 2 57:42 Okay. Speaker 0 57:44 So those are just a few things to think about in the and in terms of what to look for. You want to look for somebody that's virtuous on either side, but you want to look, especially for someone that's trying to be holy, they gotta be virtuous to the natural. They're trying to be holy, virtuous, trying to be holy. The guy has to have a strong love of work. The woman, she has the love for being in home. So what's the primary and does marriage, we go all the way back again. Procreation, education, children, mutual help and comfort and remedy for concupiscence. Okay, now I'm going to talk about thing on morality. This might go a little bit over, but I don't care what's in to, we'll spend the time, my head to pull it out. I want to read something from the pope. Okay, here we go. Speaker 0 58:45 We've already briefly talked about this though. The today considered, it's amazing too that God's entrusted man, woman with his creative power to bring in mortal beings in your life. You know, God didn't have to do it that way. He could just keep peaking, making people from scratch just like you did in the beginning. He didn't have to do, he's got, if he chose to do that, huh? So it's a blessing. He blessed man and woman first mammal and sit and told them be fruitful. Multiply. Those is blessing. Bring forth new and mortal <inaudible> okay, but that's supposed to all take place within the confines of Holy Matrimony. Alright, now I want to read something from Pius the 11th this isn't cyclical on Christian marriage. If you had the vocation marriage, you should read. I'm going to read one thing and make a couple of comments. Again, primary end of marriage is procreation. Speaker 0 59:32 Education of children since the duty and trusted the parents is such a high dignity of set, high dignity, such great importance. Every use of the fact that given by God for the procreation of who life is the right and the privilege of the married state alone, by the law of God and of nature, it must be absolutely confined within the sacred limits of that state. Okay? If we understand that we can work out everything the Catholic Church teaches with regards to sixth and Ninth Commandments. Okay, but let me read us. Let me just talk about one thing. It won't corrupt anybody here. This will be modest. I'll talk about one sin and once we understand this one sin, we'll understand all the possibilities. Now this is from Paul Alexander the seventh, so it's not me. Speaking of people who are not married to one another, this is about the unmarried Pope Alexander the seventh condemned as moral air, the following opinion. Speaker 0 00:29 Now I'm going to read this. This is condemned by the pope before I read it. It is only videos sinful to kiss someone for a carnal and sensual pleasure arising from the kiss provided there is no danger for the consent of going even farther like I changed the words therapy because it's a little more detailed, close quote, condemned by the victory of Christ. Again, the idea that it's only been the only sinful for the unmarried to kiss for the central pleasure rise me from the kiss. Even if there is no danger for the consent and going father's condemn, it's condemned. What does that mean when we say this has been condemned? Saint Alphonsus comments on this very papal condemnation quote. This means that every time someone was sufficient, reflection and consent of the will delights in carnal or central pleasure associated with someone to whom he is not married. Speaker 0 01:19 He commits a mortal sin. This is true not only true with kisses, but also respect to other touches per mourn for carnal pleasure. The reason is that any delight taken in carnal pleasure that is to sanding, delight, taken, stirring up the appetite sits around creative power as a movement towards the marital left closed called Dr Malty Loc. Of the universal church. It's condemned to say it's only vineyard central for people who are not married, one to kiss for the carnal sexual pleasure which arises from the kiss. Even if there's no danger for the consent or going farther. Hold that thought. Now you can see while this stuff on your occasions and being careful, don't spend time alone, all that he can see where all this goes. You know all this stuff. It's all related. It's one thing, but we're, we're going to close with these kinds of things. I'll talk about it every time. Therefore, every time someone was sufficient with suction, full consent of the wheel, delights and carnal or central pleasure associated with someone to whom he's not married, he commits mortal sin. It's true. Also with respect to other touches, we stir up carnal pleasure. The reason is that any delight taken string up. The appetites around the creative power is a movement towards the marital act, which is completely, Speaker 2 02:24 he was here till the married. In other words, for the unmarried, passionate Kissy is morbidly soon. Why? Because it's passionate because it's passionate. The unmarried don't Speaker 0 02:42 has the right to deliberately stir up those passions within by thought or word or deed, those passions, those two lights, those players are strictly reserved for the married and no one else. Once we understand that, we don't have to go through the laundry list. Got everything else underneath that. Okay. Once we understand that we don't have to fill us through the laundry, then you can also see how radically counter this is. You can't, I mean, I don't know cause I, well I did, I saw about five minutes of TV this summer. I don't have to blow that thing up on the, I can't believe it. We're, we're watching some nature program at somebody's house and I'm comes a commercial and the two priests are running around. How do we unplugged it? You know, you run around, let's kill or not blow this thing out. What do you have this when I will, you can't watch anything without something that's so far over the wire already. Speaker 0 03:33 Just with the, you know, I don't, you know, how can any normal man wash this stuff? I have no idea what he can't. I do have an idea that's an answer, but okay, all the more if we're in love with, so this is not some of your love with, this is a stupid piece of furniture sitting in somebody's living room. I mean these are the people on TV, on our friends. That's a piece of furniture and it's putting people in hell, don't, don't have that. But anyway, come back to this. What I want to say this right now, because every time I talk about this, and I'm deliberately not looking too many people in the eyes, when people discover that privilege, they're now a cam. Passionate kissing is a privilege in the married and in a mortal sin because unmarried, there's usually people just, their whole face goes, I'm not laughing at them at all. Speaker 0 04:14 But y'all, you know, you want to start looking down cause I'm not trying to hurt anybody's feelings. You're huh? I'm trying to help you be good, not feel good. I don't care how you feel right now that it's not my job to worry about your feelings. You can go to doctor. I'm here to help you to be good. And if you've been in this kind of trouble, okay. It's a little reminder to anybody. Panicky. If you didn't know this before, it wasn't a mortal sooner. Remember, you have to have the knowledge. Yes, he's fishing, reflection, but now, well, so, okay, remember that? Okay, so you're safe. <inaudible> ignorance saved yet, but not again. Okay. Now you're not ignorant. Okay? So if you didn't know passionate kissing was against rules and maybe going over the Elvis pants, don't do it again. You can see why. Okay. All right. Speaker 0 04:57 So you have to commit a mortal sin. You have to know something seriously wrong. You didn't know you can relax. Okay. DNP let go. And Sin No more, Huh? We had 76 alright. The problem of passionate kissing, it's the basic moral principle here, applies to all parts were snooty. Also shops on marriage that's associated with the creative power. All of that, all that kind of pleasure cause directly will or desire, intentionally procured or permitted is a mortal sin. It's mortally sinful for the unmarried to think, say, or do anything with intentional Razi, even the smallest degree of this type of central pleasure. Okay. Now let's just do I a w in order to get this in the principles firmly in your mind. I'll just talk, you know right here about it. Yeah. Let's say like, uh, something happens that's, that's during these kinds of things up. Okay. Speaker 0 05:56 If there's no a glance, somebody sees something, you know they have a, that they accidentally saw TV, didn't know what was on TV, running around like chickens with their head cut off trying to turn it off. But anyway, so if there's no attached to that glass, it's accidental. No consent to any pleasure. There's no sin. So, okay. You can remember that. Make little short. I guess I'll go this way cause I have to be the way you read. No intention, no consent, no. See, no intention. Some consent, mild consent. Daniels, no intention. Full consent. All right. Mortal sin. Direct intention. Mortal sin. So they know there's going to be a really bad program. Can't wait. Turn it on, you know, or all right. Or they didn't know it was on. Alright. In time. Okay. The mortal sin. No intention. Some consent of with Daniel Sin. No intention. Speaker 0 06:46 Oh, consent. Oh, see? Okay. Makes Sense. That's, that's how it is. So there is no intention, no consent, no sin, no intention. Thank you. Sent via soon. No intention. Full consent model saying direct intention or direct intention. The difference between no intention. Direct intention directly. You're intended to watch this bad movie or intended to read this bad book. You're intended to go to the grocery store and buy one of those trash magazines and read all the bad parts. Okay. Alright. Any pleasure outside marriage is socially with a creative power. Every bit of it that's directly wilderness are intentionally put cured. Permitted is a mortal sin. Common Objection. Father, everybody does it. Speaker 0 07:26 That's not a convincing argument. Just try it on. Your mom doesn't work. Your mom can't be any different than mine. All Catholic mothers are the same. My Dad would, uh, be a little more strong about it. My mom would stop that. Okay. Father, no one can live like this. Naturally speaking. That's true. And especially in a society like ours. That's true at the level of nature. That's why you can tell right away when there's almost no grace in society. It starts out to my car and ours is worse than and it because we've really embraced the darkness in here. Huh? That's why we talked about three. Hell marries. That's why we talked about Santa Rosie. That's why we talking about going to confessions. We talked about going to communion. You can live like this. You can, you can live like this. Even if it's a battle you use battle, you'll be able to live like this. Speaker 0 08:12 What if we really like each other? Father, presumably you wouldn't want to passionately kiss somebody you didn't like, but we're already engaged. That's all the more reason to be even more careful when you're already engaged preschool or even more. I mean, don't think priests quit worrying till the equip wearing right after they say I do, then you're not worried anymore. But you're freaking out until that point in time. Unless you're just brain dead as a priest, you want to make sure that people get before God. Right. And that's, that's our job as the spiritual fathers. That's where telling us, we want you to present yourselves as St Paul, top side of chase version before Christ. Okay. Father you saying we can't kiss it all? No, I'm married. People getting kiss. It's not necessarily a good idea and they don't have to, but they can. And the kind of kisses loud to unmarried people. Speaker 0 08:58 I'd like the kisses you see the Russians do two to do or the one you'd give you a great gram or something like that. That little one on the sheet, you know, I'm not recommending it because even that could be electric or something, you know, keep, let them know. I'm not recommending, you know, but, but uh, that, that's it. That's not a passionate kiss. Like a social kind of kiss, you know, I said, you know how these, the Italians kiss each other on the cheek as a social kind of thing. You know, the, the women will present themselves to the guy on me. I'm from Montana, I want to punch somebody. If it was my girlfriend, get your hands off. But uh, but that's where I'm from, you know. But anyway, that's a social kid, so it's all right. All right. Okay. So let's not be doing any of that. Now. We know. I don't have to go through any other lists. You know, everything this from the pope, I didn't make it up. It's not being a rigorous, we're not rigorous. That's just nonsense, but we have to know what reality is. I'm going to close by reading something here from the bishop because it's something that, a good meditation from a bishop on. What the kind of thing we ought to be thinking about. Speaker 2 10:01 Okay, Speaker 0 10:05 here's a great joy for wife can say to her husband, I can thank you. Could I have a strong support in life that I have such good children? It's a great joy. If my husband can say to his wife, Speaker 2 10:22 I can thank you. Could I have such and understanding life companion and such a peaceful home? Speaker 0 10:29 That's the greatest joy of all. We'll be. If someday they can say to each other, Speaker 2 10:33 I can thank you and I have pertained eternal life. God bless you and you're done. I'll get your blessing. Speaker 0 10:44 POCs had been extended twenties potters that city spirit to Santee. Chancellorville Somani out semper. Speaker 2 10:49 Yeah.

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