What Is Permissible For Engaged Couples?

April 25, 2010 00:23:58
What Is Permissible For Engaged Couples?
Veritas Caritas
What Is Permissible For Engaged Couples?

Apr 25 2010 | 00:23:58


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 Last week, we took a brief look at the teaching, the church respect the gravity of impure thoughts and glances. We'll start with a quick review by reminding ourselves of the basic moral principle that governs all questions pertain to the sixth and ninth commandments, all pleasure outside of marriage that is associated with the creative power. All of that kind of pleasure that is directly willed or desire intentionally procured or permitted is mortal sin. Therefore it is morally sinful for the unmarried to think, say, or do anything with intention of arousing, even the smallest degree of this type of central pleasure. Once again, we need to burn this into our minds. All pleasure outside of marriage that is associated with the creative power that is directly willed or desired intentionally procured or permitted is a mortal sin. And this means in the unmarried, that is morally sinful to think, say, or do anything with the intention of arousing. Even the smallest degree of this type of pleasure. We saw that if this type of pleasure has arisen and there was no intention and no consent, there's no sin. Speaker 0 00:01:32 If there was no intention and some consent toy with the idea for awhile, it's a venial sin. If there's no intention and full consent, yeah. Who bring that on? That's a mortal sin. And if there's actual intention, I am going to pick up that bad magazine. I am going to click on that website. That's a mortal sin. So remember no intention, no consent, no sin, no intention, some consent venial, sin, no intention, full consent, modal sin, direct intention, mortal sin. We saw that we have to be absolutely determined to avoid the Cajuns of these types of sin. Whether it be bad websites, bad movies, bad television bag, magazines, bad music, and especially bad company. We saw. If we have the internet, we need to have the woman of the house or a good friend put on a filter accountability where like covenant eyes on the computer, we saw that we need to ensure that the TV is a means of growing in holiness and not an occasion of sin. Speaker 0 00:02:38 I did have a lot of comments about the 10 gauge. Uh, I understand you can use a caliber of your choice. Fix the TV. We saw that we need to get to confession regularly, make fervent communions. We saw, we need to pray the rosary daily and say the three hail Marys. First thing in the morning for holiness and purity, according to our state life during the day. And last thing before we go to bed for holiness and purity at night, okay, we sell, we need to practice bodily modifications every day, turn it on cold water at the end of your shower, taking one piece of food and seasoning it in a highly annoying way and eaten anyway, putting a bean or a pebble or something smooth in one shoe. One day, the other one, the next day, practice looking away from attractive things and keeping busy. Speaker 0 00:03:26 We need to practice those Mo modifications. We learned a spiritual wrestling and martial arts move to use. We want to employ this when temptation is directly upon us, involves moving our mind and moving our body. Remember how we move our mind? We say, precious blood wash over me. That gets the devil up, precious blood wash on me. Then we say, Jesus, Mary Joseph st. Maria, Gretty guardian angel. Cause that gets heaven in. And then we think about Coonan and Montana or something beautiful that central and outside has no connotations that, that have anything to do with, with parody issues. Okay? So we move our mind by sin, precious blood wash or me Jesus, Mary Joseph st. Maria Gretta, guardian angel helped me then think about kahuna Montana. That's how he moved my mind and we move our body by moving our body. So that's what we do. Speaker 0 00:04:12 Move our mind, move our body. And as st. Philip Neri, remember he says the only in these battles, the only people that win are the cowards we have to run away. Okay. So much for the review before we turn to today's topic, let's pause and ask ourselves a question. Why is it that all the pleasure associated with the creative power completely restricted to the married and strictly forbidden to the unmarried? The answer is it's part of God's plan babies be born to married couples. God has blessed mankind with a power to bring forth new life. That's his first blessing on man. You can read about it. Moses records it in Genesis, be fruitful and multiply. That's the first blessing God put on men. So God has blessed man with this power to bring forth new life. And this creative power has to be carefully shielded with modest and pure behavior. Speaker 0 00:05:11 It's a gift from God. That's meant to be used by married couples and by married couples alone. Okay, I'm going to read something. A point made very clear by Pope Pius lengthen is in cyclical on Christian marriage. Now I'll just tell you, it's usually my sermons. I cut and paste and abbreviate for the sake of time. It isn't an academic exercise. We're trying to teach what the church says, and sometimes I'll modify a word cause I don't necessarily want to teach the young people, certain things. Okay. Pope Pius, the 11th quote, the primary end of marriage is the procreation and education of children sits the duty and trusted. The parents is of such high dignity and of such great importance. Every use of the faculty given by God for the procreation of new life is the right and the privilege of the married state alone and must be confined absolutely within the sacred limits of that state close quote, the vicar of Christ. Speaker 0 00:06:10 The primary end of marriage is the procreation and education of children. The duty and trusted to parents is of such high dignity and of such great importance that ever use the great creative power is the right and the privilege of married people alone and must be confined absolutely within the sacred limits of the state of marriage. Once we see what God has in mind, then the principle is easy to understand why it is that it any, and all pleasure associated with this. Faculty has been set aside for the married it's God's gift to the married couple. And once we see that makes it easy to understand the sixth and ninth commandment thou shalt not commit adultery, and now shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife. On the one hand, these two commands require each man to preserve his purity of mind and body, according to the rule of right reason and the Holy faith. Speaker 0 00:07:06 And on the other hand, they prohibit him from sinning against purity in thought word or D let's quickly consider how these commandments apply to the married and to the unmarried. The married, as we just heard from the pulp, the primary purpose of marriage is the procreation education of children. Here's the secondary purpose of marriage. The secondary purpose of marriage is the mutual help and comfort of the spouses and the remedy for concupiscence. Okay, great pottery. So understand what you mean and the primary purpose by the procreation education children and understand what you, part of what you mean. And the second one, when you talk about mutual help and comfort as spouses, but what does it mean when you say the remedy for concupiscence and this case? The word concupiscence is just a $4 fancy theological word. That means the desires of the flesh. So when we say it's a remedy for concupiscence, the secondary purpose of marriage is a remedy for the desires of the flesh. Speaker 0 00:08:05 So again, the primary purpose of marriage is a procreation and education of children. And the second is a comfort and mutual, helpless spouses and remedy for desires of the flesh. Okay. Those are the purposes of marriage. Now what does that have to do with six to ninth commandments? Okay. Acts between spouses are good to the degree that they conform to these two purposes of marriage. Again, the general principle is everything conformity with these two purposes, the primary and secondary purposes of marriage is good and permissible. Anything opposed is evil and forbidden. Examples of evil and forbidden acts would include adultery and thought or deed contraception and direct sterilization. I note that this year is the 50th anniversary of on mother's day of, of, uh, contraception. I think the pill coming out, somebody told me I know it to our sorrow, the unmarried in order to preserve modesty, not corrupt, the innocent will only consider one sin. Speaker 0 00:09:07 You don't have to plug your children's ears and run out screaming. When I start talking, it'll be all right. We only consider one sin. And once we understand that, we'll understand all the other possibilities, okay. Was speaking about the unmarried Pope Alexander the seventh condemned the idea that it is only a venial sin for the unmarried to kiss for the sensual pleasure arising from the kiss. Even if there's no danger of further consent of going any farther, it's condemned by the pulp to say that it's only a venial sin for the unmarried to deliberately kiss for the central pleasure of kissing. That is a condemned, moral error. I'll repeat it. It's condemned to say it's only a venial sin for the unmarried to kiss for the central pleasure, rising from the kiss. Even if there's no danger of further consent or going any farther, it's condemned. Speaker 0 00:10:04 What does this mean? We'll turn to Saint. Alphonsus. Why Saint Alphonsus God sends saints to teach us what the church means. Saint Alphonsus is called the doctor of moral theology. He's that means if we want to know what the church teaching is on any moral issue, we start with Saint Alphonsus and look at what his explanation is. He's the great and Holy doctor, moral theology, Saint Alphonsus quote. Speaking of this Alexander the seventh condemnation quote. This means that every time someone with sufficient reflection and full consent of the will did lights and Carl or central, a pleasure associated with someone to whom he is not married. He commits a mortal sin. This is not only true with kisses, but also with respect to other touches performed for carnal pleasure. The reason is that any delight taken in carnal pleasure, that is to say any delight taken and stirring up the appetites. Speaker 0 00:11:01 Ron in the creative power is a movement towards the marital act close quote, the doctor of moral theology of the universal church. Again, every time someone was sufficient reflection and full consent of the will delights in carnal or central pleasure associated with someone to whom he is not married. He commits a mortal sin. The reason is that any delight taken and stirring up the appetites, Rhonda, the creative power is the movement towards the marital act, which has completely reserved to the married. Here's the point for the unmarried passionate kissing is morally sinful. Why? Because it's passionate. The unmarried do not have the right to deliberately stir up those passions, whether by thought word or deed, those passions, those delights, those pleasures are strictly reserved by God, to the married and to no one else. That's the reason. Okay. Remember that little chart? There's a reason we've been going to it. Speaker 0 00:12:05 No intention, no consent, no sin. You had the pleasure rise. No intention, no consent, no sin, no intention. Some consent venial sin, no intention. Full consent, moral sin, direct intention, mortal sin. Okay. Passionate kissing is not an accident. Well, father, I was just walking down the street and I accidentally bumped into a strange girl. And suddenly we find ourselves locked in a passionate kiss. If that doesn't sound right, there's a reason. Cause that's not how it happens. Now there's two ways it could happen. People are really pious and being good and trying to be careful. And they just don't realize their weakness and go over a whole bunch of lines. That's one possibility. There was no intention. The next thing you know though, or they intended, but in either case no intention, but passionate kissing, there's going to be a consent somewhere along the line. Speaker 0 00:12:57 It's not something it's not like meteorites hitting earth. Something had to happen to have that. Okay. So it's either no attention for consent or no, no intention or direct intention. Okay. Now in either case, whether there's no intention post consent or the intent, it falls into the PayPal ban, right? It's bad. We can't do it. Let's make sure we absolutely have this clear for the unmarried passionate kissing is morally sinful because it's passionate. The unmarried don't have the rights to that pleasure to those delights, to those feelings. What? They don't have the right to stir them up deliberately by thought word or deed. Again, if it's in deliberate, that's where that chart will help you. But no deliberate sternum up those passions are reserved to the married and to no one else. It's God's blessing. It's a great gift that God has given to the married couple. Speaker 0 00:13:42 Once we understand that we don't have to go through this big, long laundry list where you're taking your children out quickly before the priest says the next horrible sin. We get it. Once we see it, that whole drop down menu, you understand everything there. All right. So before we go and eat now, usually when I do this, when I talk about this and I've seen it. So I'm trying not to look out there. As I say this, you'll see people with the panic stricken, look on their face and I'll take off my glasses for a sec. Speaker 0 00:14:10 Just anybody that might be panicking. You don't have to run out to the confessional. I get there. Relax. Don't worry. You didn't know before. Remember one of the conditions of a mortal sin to commit it. You have to note seriously wrong. So you didn't know before, right? So be at peace. You're safe, huh? But don't do it anymore. Alright. Go and send no more. You get married to you're good to go. Alright, there we go. I got my glasses back on. Now. I can see. Alright, now that we see the problem with passionate kissing, the basic moral principle is really clear. All pleasure outside of marriage that is associated with the creative power that is directly will the desire intentionally procured or permitted is morally sinful. So an unmarried is mortally sinful to think, say, or do anything with intention of rousing. Even the smallest degree of this type of sensual pleasure. Speaker 0 00:15:01 That's why that chart is so useful. You'll know from not no intention, no consent, no sin. The pleasure can arise, but no intention, no consent, no sin, no intention. Some consent venial, sin, no intention. Full consent. Mortal sin, actual intention, mortal sin. Okay. Before we close, let's answer a few common objectives, but father, everybody does this. Just say, that's convincing. Ask your mom, then come back and tell me what she says. You know, I think that every Catholic mom in the world has the same thing about running off. Everybody's running off a cliff or saying something like that. Everybody knows this one. Okay. What if we really like each other father? Well, presumably you wouldn't want to passionately kiss somebody you don't like, but we're already engaged all the reasons to be more careful. You're still not married. And traditionally the honeymoon is after the marriage. Speaker 0 00:15:54 Are you saying we can't kiss it all? No, of course not. Unmarried people can kiss. It's not necessarily a good idea. And they certainly don't have to, but they can kiss. Well, how's that father? I thought you said he couldn't. No, the kiss is allowed to unmarried people. Just like the little kisses he might give to you. A great grandma. Great grandpa. You know, they're the ones who see like French guys doing the movies, the little Peck on the cheek sort of thing. Okay. No passion at all. That's perfectly legal. Okay. No passion. You know a cultural kiss. You'd call it. It's like a hello kiss. That's okay. But father, no one can live like this. Well, naturally speaking, that may be true, but God never commands it possible. That's why he gave us supernatural powers, toll object of sanctifying, grace. It's a new kind of life that gives us powers to live in a way that other people can't live. Speaker 0 00:16:39 Okay. Avoid the near occasion of sin. Say are three hail Mary's every morning, every night, say rosary, do your modification go to confession every week or to make ferment communions. You'd be good to go. Catholics have been living like this for 2000 years. It doesn't change. God. Isn't going to have a new idea. He already knows it all. He isn't gonna, we're not gonna give him any new ideas. He knows everything. He doesn't need our advice. If he said, that's how it is. That's how it is. So we have to bring our mind around to his way of thinking. This is how it is no passion outside of marriage, period, close the book. Okay. We've seen the power to bring forth. Life is a Holy power, which God expects us to carefully guard with modesty and peer behavior that this gift is God's special gift it's power. Speaker 0 00:17:24 That's meant to be used by married couples by married couples alone. We've seen this point very pointedly emphasized by Pope Pius 11th. Two said, and I quote the primary end of marriage, the procreation, the education of children, the duty and trusted appearances of such high dignity. And that's such great importance that ever use the great creative power is the right and the privilege of married people alone and must be confined absolutely within the limits of the state of marriage. We've seen to the degree that we clearly see and understand this idea that the use of this great creative power is the right and privilege of married people on to that very degree. We'll clearly understand the reasons behind it. And we'll be able to understand and defend the teaching of the church with respect to the sixth and ninth commandments we've seen for the unmarried passionate kissing is morally sinful simply because those passions are sinful for the unmarried to deliberately stir up those passions. Speaker 0 00:18:19 Those delights, those pleasures are God's gift to the married and the married alone. Once we understand that it's obvious what kind of behaviors are prohibited. Once again, we've seen that fundamental principle that all pleasure outside of marriage that is associated with the creative power that is directly willed or desired intentionally procured or permitted is a moral sin, which means for the unmarried it's morally sinful to think, say, or do anything with intention of stirring up. Even the smallest degree, this type of pleasure. If that pleasure is arisen as arisen and there's no intention and no consent, there was no sin. If there's no intention and some consent, it's a venial sin, no intention, full consent. It's a model sin, direct intention, mortal sin. Speaker 0 00:19:03 Look, I know it. Wouldn't take five minutes of shopping around to find a priest. That's going to tell you something different than what you just heard tonight. I know that I know that it, uh, you could go to the average Catholic bookstore and find a lot of books. Even new books published for the guys with imprimatur and whatnot, that aren't going to tell you these things, okay? I know that, but we don't make this stuff up. That's why I'm quoting a pulp in the doctor, moral theology. So you can be absolutely sure you're hearing the authentic teaching of the Catholic church. So you can be absolutely sure. You're hearing the teaching of Christ and not my whacked opinions. Cause my opinions are no better than anybody else's we're in sales, not management. We don't make this stuff up. It comes from God and our job is to make it as clear as possible. Speaker 0 00:19:50 What God wants us to do. We assume that if you're coming here, it's because you want to be a Saint, okay? That means Cleveland to Christ. And that means in this day and age being counter cultural, radically counterculture, we are the counterculture authentic unapologetic. Catholicism is the counterculture to this, to us, sewage of this culture, death that we live in. And because we're the counterculture, we're going to be different, but God expects that of us. He's put us here to be 11. Our actions are going to be different. Our speech is going to be different. Our dress is going to be different. Our thoughts are going to be different and there are going to be different from the society to the exact degree. This society has veered away from the path of godliness and holiness and my friends. That is a huge veer. They're going over the waterfalls. Speaker 0 00:20:57 God has put us here to be faithful. We have to worry more about what is he think and was everybody else think let's close by pondering one last question. And it's a good question. Given that sins against the sixth and ninth commandment are not the worst sins because they certainly aren't. These are not the worst sins missing mass deliberately is the worst sin than everything we've just talked about. Blasts to me is the worst sin playing with the Weegee board is the worst sin. Serious disobedience of your parents is a worst. The commandments. There's an order to them for a reason. These are not the worst sins, but given they're not worst sins. Why are you priests? So concern about modesty and purity. We'll turn to Saint Alphonsus quote sins against the sixth night. Commandments are by far the most common matters and confessions and all of the sins, which fill hell was sold since these are the most frequent and most abundant confessional matters and on a kind of which the greater number souls fall into hell. Indeed, I do not hesitate to assert that all those who are damn are damned on account of this one vice of impurity, or at least not without it close quote, Saint Alphonsus sins against the sixth and ninth commandments are by far the most frequent and most abundant matters in confession on a kind of which the greater numbers souls fall into hell. I do not hesitate to assert that all those or down are damned on a kind of this one vice of impurity or at least not without it. Speaker 0 00:22:49 Santa Alphonsus is not the only one who's warned us on July 13th, 1917. Our lady showed the three children at Fatima, a terrifying vision. She opened her hands and suddenly they find themselves standing on the brink of a sea of fire, all these massive flames. And they saw it was filled with huge numbers of devils that looked like horrible black animals. And they're filling the air with horrible shrieks. There are also huge numbers of damn salt tumbling around in the flames and screaming and chair agony. At the same time, they sell these souls falling into hell like snowflakes in a blizzard and bless it. You said it tells us that our lady said that more souls go to hell because it sends the flesh than any other reason, sins of the flesh. If you want to know why your priests are worried about modesty and purity, ask our lady of Fatima or Saint Alphonsus.

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