Counter Cultural in Modern Day Egypt

June 21, 2008 01:01:47
Counter Cultural in Modern Day Egypt
Veritas Caritas
Counter Cultural in Modern Day Egypt

Jun 21 2008 | 01:01:47


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Speaker 0 00:02 I was showing the prayer, neither the father and the son, the Holy Ghost. Amen. Hail Mary, full of grace. Lord is with Thee. Blessed Art Thou amongst women. And blessed is the fruit of thy womb. Jesus Speaker 1 00:12 <inaudible> Speaker 0 00:17 a lady seat of wisdom. Saint Joseph, Saint Leo wishes in the father and the son. Holy Ghost. Amen. All right. Were legal Speaker 1 00:26 <inaudible> Speaker 0 00:29 today. I, uh, I'll just give you an idea. The basic idea. I've been praying about the holy family, thinking about that. And so there's three, uh, scenes I've been thinking specifically about the holy family going down into Egypt. And so here you have them living in a depraved, uh, pagan environment. And uh, yeah, there's a lot of applications we can make for that. So I'm thinking about three things that relate to that and the you can develop them. I'm just going to throw ideas out here. I'm going to go through three basic ideas that, uh, that struck me, that, or something that I thought should be talked about today. And then, uh, after that, uh, we'll just, we'll see where we go with it. But I, it's not, I'm not going to do a formal talk in the same way that I often do. I'll just want to talk about these three themes. Speaker 1 01:23 Okay. Speaker 0 01:25 The first one, um, really is when we're living in a society like the holy family was living in Egypt surrounded by, by pagans. You know, they were literally pagans. I have two doors down. We have our lady Guadalupe statue on our, on our up then in front step and you look and over at the neighbors they have pen this horned God, you know, half a half man, half goat. Cause I have weekends that are two doors down that lives there until uh, it, when we do the, the Roman martyrology, it has the, uh, the moon, you know, it's a liturgical question when the moon is. And so when you're reading the martyrology, you can tell what, what, when the new moons and the foam ones are, or you can just look, go over to neighbors and you can tell when the new moon or the phone one is cause there stuff going on. Speaker 0 02:12 But of course we're pretty so we can mess with them. So they've started to not do those things at the same time to anymore. So it's kind of amusing. But anyway, we're living in a pagan society. I don't need develop that, but one of the biggest problems that anyone has at any time, and certainly, uh, in a time like ours is a problem with human respect. And it's something that when you're young, you really have to make a decisive break with that in so far as you can. And then it's gonna be a battle your whole life. Uh, in Saint Aloysius, I'm just thinking about him a little bit because of the day sin, Allah wishes a course of patron saint of use. And one of the most extraordinary things about him is his absolute freedom from human respect. Here's a guy, well, you know, when he died, his spiritual director, a cardinal Belden, he'd seen Robert Bell and me. Speaker 0 03:02 I said, that is as far as he knew, his Saint Paul wishes had never committed a single mortal sin in his life. A number of other priests said that about him. Here he was. So from the very upper echelons of society, mixing with people that in many ways, you know, have seen to be an imperial court and in Iran, a lot of people that aren't leading a very, uh, a very catholic life, even though it's certainly much more Catholic time than ours and not falling into any of it. Why? Because he fell the eyes of God upon him. Human respect is where we feel the eyes of the people around us. We're more worried about what does everybody around us think? Then what is the good God think of us? And that's natural. There's, it's natural. It's part of our natural state. So it's supernatural to feel the eyes is a good God in a sense. Speaker 0 03:47 Say, what does he think of me right now? What does God think of what I'm doing? Not what is the person next to me or the t he a he and an egg and me on to do this. Or what are these people? What does God think of me right now? And how did you say no? And CNL wishes at any rate is free with this. You can read any life of him and you're going to see that cause he's, he's concerned to the point of obsession. That's why he's the same of what does God think of me in these circumstances and these situations. I'm not going to look at this. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to participate in this sort of thing. That is a supernatural strength. You can only come from God. And how did he get it? He got it in prayer. Speaker 0 04:24 I've seen, I wish she's had a great gift in prayer when he was a novice. Uh, the under obedience, they made him discuss his interior life. So that's how he knows some of this, God lets this happen sometimes cause it's the last thing he would have personally said. But we know that he said in the course of six months of meditations, if he added up all his involuntary distractions and prayers, the ones he didn't intend to have, it would be less than the space of time it takes to say one hail Mary. So I mean he had an extraordinary gift of being recollected in prayer. If those are the involuntary distractions in six months of prayer of men that praise a lot. So, okay, maybe God hasn't given any one of us in particular to that kind of gift to be that you know, that recollect is in prayer. Speaker 0 05:05 But nevertheless, he's given us the gift of faith so we can believe in him and hope and charity. So we can love him and his hopes that we can realize he's true to his promises if we pray and ask to overcome he and respect and ask to really become the saints that God has created us to be. And don't. I know that sounds like something true, but it's not. It's a reality that from all eternity, each person here, he's thought specifically about you and given you certain features in your personality because he wants you to be a particular sate in your state, in life and your circumstances. But in order to do that, it's completely impossible with the church and it's completely impossible if that our own cooperation, and that's the whole idea, this prayer will give us the ability to overcome human respect. This devotion to our Lord president last bus at was altar real trust and love for the sacred heart that we can only get through prayer. Speaker 0 06:03 We can only get it through prayer. It's not automatic. We have to ask for that. And especially prayer after communion asked for that to overcome human respect. It's going to carry you through situations that most people get taken out in and most people are taken out, you know, and we'll, we'll talk about some of that later. But to overcome human respect. I can't emphasize that enough because what does it mean really to be a traditional Catholic and all the way, and it means you're sentenced to be aware though. I'm s that's reality. I shouldn't have to tell you that. But that's true. I'm aware of no to, I mean, you know, so we're all in it together, but that's really what it means. And human respect. We just touch say, oh well, you know, you just have to put that behind you. But a lot of people can't see real well, especially when they're young, when they first leave home and all that. Speaker 0 06:53 And this pressure to fit in with the crowd and the crowd pitcher lemmings running stampeding off the cliff in a very hot place. Then you've got the idea. That's the pressure though, is to do this lemming like stampede into the pit, you know? Or you can say to the of the vision, it's fat and most of what the snowflakes falling, you know? I mean, it's a frightening thing, but that's what the crowd does. They're just, they're just done a big stampede or, or, or the pigs, you know, I mean the gathering swine and then the whole societies, like so many possessed pigs running off into the, into in a giant ocean. But in order to resist those kinds of pressures, we need grace and we can especially get it for asking forward after communion because we want to be able to say, I'm just going to be different. Speaker 0 07:37 I'm going to become cultural. If you develop a sense of humor about it, it's not that big of a deal. You know, you just touched to be somewhat detached from yourself and not worry about what other people think. But you want to pray for that because a lot of people don't have that sort of natural attachment in the personality. But you can get it supernaturally and if God wants you to be a saint, he wants you to be free of human respect and you have to ask for that cause human respect at any time. And Yes to even say, I wish just like a point up, he had to resist it too, and he got to Grace's through prayer. Everybody has to, the pressures are different in ours that they're explicitly paying and the holy family was down there in Egypt. Imagine the society they're living. Speaker 0 08:16 It's like ours came back. You know, they're converting people, they're not being converted. Freedom from human respect also makes us attractive in a supernatural way to people that are kind of, there's a lot of people that know what's going on is bad. They just don't have the virtue or the grace. Maybe they're not Catholics, they're not in a state of grace or they're not praying. They don't need that either have the virtue or they don't have the grace to resist a lot of things and they're really looking for somebody that's strong enough to say no and they can align themselves with them so nobody goes to hell alone and nobody goes to heaven alone. We go, we with them. We surround ourselves with people that are going in the same general direction as we are. That's reality and God's plan is not only that we go to heaven, but we drag other people along in our wake that's part of charity by our prayers, by our good example and so forth. Speaker 0 09:11 If we have the grace to resist human respect, other people that you might not know, we'll look at and say, man, I can't believe you know. They might not talk to you. They might. Sometimes God will send them over to talk to you, which will encourage you, but they'll get to courage to be different and step outside the box and quit running along with everybody else just by your good example. A bad example draws people one way and a good example to dress people that other way. There are a lot of people that only need a good example to convert that only need a good example to stop engaging in stupid and sinful behaviors. That's all they need, so it's another entrenchment from the good. God not only wants you to be good, but he wants to leave us out there like little advertisements for heaven. Speaker 0 09:57 That's another reason. When you're counterculture, you say, well, where's this culture going? And God has sent me here right now. So I can be an example pointing in a different way. By the way, I act by the things I say by a things I don't do there. Somebody else is doing. By the way, I dress. I mean, you know these things to you. I have no mercy on the gladius. I'm wearing black stuff this time of year. When they say this, you know that covers everything too. But just by dressing like this, for the proofs, what a different set makes to people. You can't believe how many people come up to you. You'll be walking around in the middle of the night. I've been stopped getting gas in the middle of nowhere. And you stop and you end up, you know, hearing somebody who's confessional help somebody up. Speaker 0 10:37 Why? Because they see something. They walk up to you and say, are you a priest? What are you, you know, and they start talking to you. And the next thing you know, somebody whose life has been shaped, and that's just because you decide I'm going to, you know, I'm gonna advertise for what I am. And it's the same for you in your state in life. So you want to have this idea that we want to be free of human respect and worry about with the good God thinks and align ourselves completely, completely in every aspect of our life. We'll let the good God wants and then we're going to have this freedom to be happy. We know we're in line with his will and it gives us an opportunity to convert a lot of people. The good example, it doesn't mean you don't have to preach the face, but the most important part appreciate the faith, is just living it and being a visible example of Catholicism without worrying about what everybody else thinks of that. Speaker 0 11:30 Don't worry about it. Who cares at judgement? They're not going to be the ones sitting in the chair. Our Lord is. That's who we have to present ourselves to. If you've been asking him to be faithful to him to be free of human respect, do you think he's not going to remember that when you go to judgment, even if you fall on your face now and then like we all do, Huh? He'll be right there. W who more should we have to have a judge? Somebody like that. So we want to fall in love with them. We got to ask him to fall in love with him. That's what I want to talk about him respect. So that's, that's enough time on that. I could go on. There's other points in that. But second is I want to talk a little bit about the institutions in a society like ours. Speaker 0 12:12 I'm only going to pick one because it's easy to beat up on, but it's one, it's representative of other institutions. But I want to read a couple of things here. I'm just going to read it. This is from a magazine called the humanist. Do not read this magazine. It's certainly an occasion of soon. I wouldn't recommend it to anybody. Uh, it's put up by the, by humanists. They are enemies. Um, but occasionally I go to a library and photocopy important articles out of it. But even this magazine when I'm praying, I mean it's one of those things where you, you open it, you look at the, the names of the articles and then you very carefully just turn the things in, open it up to the right page. Cause you've got to be careful even in that he used an occasion send for me. So I only do it for preaching purposes. Speaker 0 12:56 I certainly don't say I'm bored. I'm going to go read the humanist so you can read your way out of the church easily. Saint Alphonsus says that one bad book can destroy a whole community of nuns. Whole convent taken out by one bed book. Don't read bad magazines. It's just trash. That's, that's this a freebie right now. But I'm going to read you something from a bad magazine because this is what they talk about when they're right and each other, and I want to read this and this only example of one institution, but I'll do it cause it's talking about schools. The first one I'm going to read. It's in there. There's thing on education here and a lot of the people that write for this a are a doctorate of education at various, uh, teaching, uh, colleges around the country. And all of this is a report from Belgium. Speaker 0 13:36 So I'll read this and I'll, I'll read one other from American and we'll talk about him. Dah, Dah, Dah, Dah. Experienced teacher of Essex in schools. Uh, it doesn't matter any, gives an account of ethical education in secondary schools in Belgium from the age of six until they're 18 children must follow a philosophical class, uh, at Dah, Dah, Dah. Although it is not technically described as humanist moral education, I'll read that again. Although there's not technically described as humanist moral education for strategic reasons in a country with a considerable Catholic population. What are those two causes? Just tell us right there. They're already hiding what their goals are because they know they've got Catholic kids there. So we're not going to say exactly what we're doing because of the people we're gonna have. What does it say? The course, although I'll read that sentence, although it's not technically described as humanists. Speaker 0 14:29 Moral Education for strategic reasons in a country with a considerable Catholic population, the course leads to humanist thought, so it must respect the free will of pupils and elementary. Educate on, just can skip certain lines and elementary education. Well, education should be touching this in a spirit of fraternity and of tolerance. Where have we heard those words? Moral Education in the elementary school, I teach children's who parents appeal to a certain form of humanistic thinking to solve their moral problems without referring to a trend. Since that transcendent authority, that means God nor an absolute foundation. That means the moral law. So solve your moral problems without God or a moral law. Okay, good. Then we can have just what we've got right now isn't this great, and, and then it says to a seeking method, which we, based on the principle of free inquiry, it is not enough to merely suppress the reference to a divinity or the supernatural. Speaker 0 15:22 That's not enough to just repress reference to God or supernatural moral teaching must build up alternative ideas such as relativity of values, moral relativism, systematic doubt. Are you sure? You know there's 10 commands? Did God really do that? Is it really got concerned about the search for evidence? A costume devore if a for rationality and optimistic vision of humankind inspired by the thought of pleasures. Easy happiness has to be taught. Dot Dot, dot, dot, dot. Okay. Anyway, here they are writing about what they're doing in Belgium. And uh, when we meditate on what this is, this is it they're talking about. They're being careful not to identify what their goals are. Even identify the core spline by an accurate name. They're just going to call it philosophical class rather than something designed specifically to produce humanistic. That is to say denial when they see that atheistic is another way we could see that an atheistic worldview. That's just one is too soon. No, I want to read something. Uh, he, this one, that was 93. I needed three. I copy these Susan. I seminary. Uh, this one's the title of this one's a religion for new age. Oh, the guy that wrote it was a indeed a, a, a Catholic, uh, once upon a time. It's just horrific, uh, nonsense through the whole thing. But, uh, I just want to read a, the end of it. The last paragraph. It take me a second. Speaker 1 16:54 Oops. There we go. Speaker 0 17:00 So He's, he's promoting a whole bunch of politically correct the sins throughout the whole thing, which craft and perverted behavior and whatnot. But then here's how you use <inaudible>. Speaker 0 17:13 I'm convinced that the battle for humankind's future must be waged in one in the public school classroom by teachers who correctly perceive their role is the prostitize years of a new face, religion of humanity that recognizes and respects to spark what is he logins called? Affinity in every human being. These teachers must embody the same selfless dedication is the most rabid fundamentalist preachers. So they will be ministers of another sword utilize in a classroom instead of a pulpit to convey humanist values in whatever subject they teach, regardless of the educational level, preschool, daycare or large state university. The classroom must and will become an arena of conflicts between the old and the new, the rotting corpse of Christianity. Together with all its adjacent evils and misery and the new faith of humanism, resplendent and its promise of a world in which the never realized Christian ideal of love, thy neighbor will finally be achieved. Speaker 0 18:15 Then perhaps we will be able to say with Tom Payne that the world is my country. All humankind on my breath and and to do good is my religion. Sorry, John. It's on mankind. It will undoubtedly be a long, arduous, painful struggle, replete with much sorrow and night tears, but humanism will emerge triumphant. It must've the family of humankind is to survive. Well, okay, this is rhetorical nonsense. It's garbage, but the only point I'm making is we have a group, and this has written 25 years ago and these are only examples. I'm using this as an example. We have a whole worldview and a group of people that see themselves as missionaries to promote this worldview there. Their enemy. As I said, the whole article is about us and how bad we are because of our oppo opposition to certain types of behavior. That's completely unacceptable. Speaker 0 19:04 You know that we believe there's 10 commandments, not six and a half or whatever, et Cetera, so the Catholic church is the enemy we're going to use, in this case, the public schools. That's what the Belgium one is too. This is not the only institution by any means. Look at the courts. I mean they're doing it in the court. I'm only using this as one example of a whole agenda this long march from the institutions to take over and who's the enemy in it. It's not just guys with the Catholics on it's you. Every one of us that's serious about our relationship with Christ. Our Lord that's serious about our Catholic faith is faith. That's without which it's impossible to please God. We are the enemy just by existing and believing what we believe. Why would that be so painful to people? If you have a guilty conscience, you don't want somebody coming up and poking you and their existence is poking you. Speaker 0 20:07 If what you're doing is flagrant contradiction to that. The situation, I'm not going to get graphic at all, but the situation in California as it rolls eastward, uh, this particular moral problem, those people aren't going to, they're not just going to ignore us. Toleration means in the other worldview view, what toleration means is you don't tell me what I'm doing is wrong and I won't tell you what you're doing is wrong. But our existence, acknowledgement of moral code is a judgment on all kinds of moral behavior, not by anything we even have to say just by the fact that we believe in God and we think that he to be honored and put first and, and we believe in the 10 Commandments. So that being said, there is an agenda to pay, agonize our country to promote all these things. And it's in institutions this side, again, all the only reason I picked school is not just because I have the articles at hand, but you could pick the, the legal system. Speaker 0 21:07 You could pick the Paul, but it's, it's the same thing going on inside the church right now cause they're moving in in all these different ways. Now I'm not just saying that there's one guy pulling little neat wires that well there is, but he doesn't have a body. You know, and ultimately this is demonic. But my point is in the environment we're looking at, we have to look at the institutions and realize we at least have to be detached. And other way too, we have to be attached. We have to be attached to what Christ teaches and detached from any particular institution insofar as it militates against the teaching of the church and be prepared to make a stand wherever, you know, not that we want to put that. We might have to watch a man for all seasons. And when you're done, rewind and watch it again. Speaker 0 21:53 Watch that one frequently. Cause he's a good example for us. St Thomas. More find getting trapped by the government and his day, for example, not necessarily a government, but whatever it might be, but that we will have the grace to be faithful witnesses in whatever circumstances we find ourselves and please God and not something like that. But in any event that we'll be faithful witnesses. So I want to talk a little bit about that organized attack just in a, in a, in a general way that we find ourselves here. If again, to go back to the first point, we're free from human respect. We're not going to worry so much about what other people think, whether or not we engage in certain things, whether or not we think a public school is the greatest thing and so forth. Okay. Those were the more general things. Uh, the third point that I want to spend the most time on, uh, and I'm sure <inaudible> must've talked about this too, is, uh, something I see as a real problem since I'm talking to young people there. Speaker 0 22:51 And that's the general level of maturity in our society. It's unbelievable. Or immaturity, let's put it that way. It doesn't have anything to do with, with the chronological age cause you meet some second 60 year olds. It's unbelievable. I can front of them. It's just unbelievable. The first thing you want to burn into your mind, whoever you are and what VR is to do your duty, you know, whatever it is and your state in life. We're supposed to do what we're supposed to do when we're supposed to do it to the best of our ability. And I'd have to have somebody looking over our shoulder. Look, it's only family. If Saint Joseph was working, if you hired Saint Joseph on a carpentry job, once you told them what to do, do you think you'd have to wander around behind St Joseph wondering if anything got done? Check up on him. Speaker 0 23:33 No. And the story, same with our Lord. He was a working man, a far lady to keep an and all that. You do what you're supposed to do when you're supposed to do it to the best of your ability without having to be an asked twice looked over and all that little kids, immature people need to be guided. That's fine. But as certain age, there's an act of the will. That's why it's not chronological. You don't have to be that old to make that decision that I'm just going to be responsible and do what I'm supposed to do. That's a maturity thing. It's something that only you can decide. We can propose it to you, but you have to decide to do it. And we need mature Catholics. We need mature men. We need mature women. We need strong personalities. Our Lord loves strong personalities. Speaker 0 24:18 And if your personalities is, that doesn't mean you can have a strong personality, not be at the, you know, sort of, uh, uh, an extroverted person, a strong personality, someone that sticks to what they know, just exactly that they're doing what they're supposed to, when they're supposed to. And includes the, the religious duties. Do what you're supposed to do when you're supposed to do it to the best of your abilities without having to be asked twice. Now I'm gonna talk now about why I think in general there's so many people, this is a general thing, not particular. Well, I think there's so many people that are mature and there's <inaudible>. This is only one example of a problem, but the problem you have to crisises when you're growing up. Everybody goes through first crisis is a, the first one is a is stage of puberty first crises. Speaker 0 25:03 A lot of people never really negotiate that. Their early teens and they kind of get stuck in age care. We'll talk about that in a minute and they never seem to get past that emotionally age, second crisis, you have to negotiate as your first freedom. When you break out of your parents' home or whatever set out on your own and a lot of people getting a giant wreck, then it never really get past that point. Those are really the two things. If a person makes it to those in a decent fashion, they'll, they'll, they'll become a mature, useful human being. The rest of them, they may be helpful, but they might not too. Okay. Speaker 1 25:40 Okay. Speaker 0 25:41 That means all that being said is background. There's two phone calls that you hate getting. You get all the time as a priest. It's one of the parents a ton. The mother <inaudible> they call up father. You know, I've got a problem. I'll talk about the boys first. I just found so-and-so has been on a computer. He's 10. He's 11. He's nine. He's 13 or 14. He's been on all these bad websites. And do you, uh, you say today you just hold that thought. I don't know how many times I tell people either don't have the computer or the internet or have every kind of filter. You should have a count. They have this sort of accountability where to, so you can keep track of things at that level too. So even if you have a little computer genius, you've got a level. So if you're going to have the computer, Speaker 1 26:36 okay, Speaker 0 26:38 but everybody thinks, I don't mean literally or, but so many people, this kind of phone call comes through. He, well, that's not my kid, you know? Well, we're descended from Adam, so everything except for the bus. Virgin Mary has been a little bit about a half bubble off, plumb from way back. So we've got problems and the devil hasn't gone to Tahiti on vacation just because we got baptized. He's standing in the corner smoking cigarette weight and get some money to get on that computer and then they get in a big wreck and then that's the battle of that kid's life forever. It may be forever. It may be the rest of his life. I don't mean literally cause you know we met ended up in hell. You know police guy doesn't. But I'm the, I'm going to say that I think it's going to be unbelievable on Judgment Day when you see how the Internet has just filled hell full of souls and I mean that filled it up. Speaker 0 27:29 Just opened the pit, open the pit. And especially boys, these guys false through their eyes. Lot easier than the girls. That's what advertise. You don't see the cars advertise with some guy in a slinky bathing suit land over the front and you're not gonna either. Okay. Doesn't work cause those guys are trying to sell cars. Huh? The guys. Huh? The guys who are weaker in this department, that's just reality. We will get to the girls in a sec, but the guys who worked in this department and this thing is sitting there, there's tick, tick, tick, boom, and it goes off and then what are you going to do to help that kid? And they want to Humpty dumpty problem and they want father to fix. If they're not Catholic, they're toast basically. Unless there's a miracle of grace is still takes a miracle of grace. Speaker 0 28:19 If the art cast, they taking them back online cause idea. They have a women that's been transformed the whole battle they have and it's a real battle for guys anyway. A real battle that each is is just gone from conventional cinema, nuclear, it's unbelievable. I mean Ted Bundy from, remember who Ted Bunny was, young people might not. It's a mass murder of kind of a famous mass murder, if you want to put it that are infamous. He gave a interviews the night before. He was electrocuted in Florida to Dr Dobson and said, you know, he talk as long as it wasn't released until after he was dead. But in that interview he pointed out that what had happened when he's 12 years old roaming around the streets, he got in the garbage can and phoned a what would now probably be the stuff as you've gone through the checkout line to buy a bottle of pop. Speaker 0 29:12 But that would, that was what passed for pornography, you know, in those days. And then it was, then it was off. It was a horse race. The rest of his life, one thing led to another. So he's finally killing women and Ted Bunny said every single guy on death row with him at a porn problem, no exceptions. Does that mean that every guy looks at pornography becomes no, but every guy and then on the death row had a problem with that kind of thing. It's unbelievable. No, that's just part of it. Right there. You're derailing. So many of the men aren't going to become the men that God wanted to be was an unbeliever. I mean basically you've just kicked him off the Grand Canyon Ram and then you've got it. They got to climb all the way back up after they splat to get just to ground zero and start going up again. Speaker 0 30:10 Number two is, I'll just say this, this is another reason why it's so important for you ladies to be ladies, even if we live in a pagan society where they're not dressing likely and deporting themselves like ladies and behaving like ladies, it's essential. A girl is an examination of conscience to a normal guy, and especially if he likes her and you like him. He says, I can't believe somebody liked that, likes me. A guy's going to look up to a girl and look down at him. That's your power. You have a moral power that God gave you. It's incredible, and that doesn't mean you know. It's not some, I'm not talking about being prudish and talking about being Catholic. There's moral power of guy gets refraction, the blessed virgin. We look at a good girl, he gets refraction and eve when he looks at one that isn't so good. Speaker 0 31:01 You can do good by the way you deport yourself. You too good by dressing in a proper fashion. It's true. It's unbelievable. It's edifying. It's edifying. It really is. I've stopped. I was, I was out in DC years ago. I stopped and walked over to a family cause I couldn't believe the girls. It was so edifying. I had to go find the mother, tell her, you know, that is wonderful. I've been down here and I haven't. It's just edifying to see young ladies. It's so edify. I wanted to go find her and thank her for doing it. Cause they're doing good. Cause it reminds you of the beauty of a woman in the right way. Not necessarily slinked across the hood of a car, but this unbelievable beauty that one looks through and sees the blessing virgin in that sense. You know, because there's just this dignity that God gave to woman. Speaker 0 31:50 And that's something that a catholic girls can bring back into the world that's been forgotten. That you're not objects or desires, something that that to be drooled over in some kind of weird way, but you're, you're create an image and likeness of God. And we're supposed to see the blessing version to that and remind us to be good, behave ourselves. And not use gruff language and all the other things that guys are prone to because again, it's a girl. It's, it's really important. It's really important, the moral power of a woman. It's an authority that only you have and you exercise it by just being a good Catholic woman. Okay, so that's the first kind of foreign call those the rec, what's the boy and he's cut the fight of his life and I don't want to go through all, I'm going to talk in a little while how we get over those kinds of things, but I go on second kind of phone calls is the wreck was the girl. Speaker 0 32:44 That doesn't happen at that age usually to some degree, but if there's some of that, but it happens at first freedom. They've left home and they go crazy. The guy goes crazy when he's a teenager, younger. The girl clothes crazy. I'm talking on average, hopefully in the, this doesn't happen. The girl had her first freedom. The Guy, if you have a society built on Catholic standards, all this stuff isn't available to see. The stuff isn't around. He's not going to get in trouble. And somebody who's Tom them, if they got anywhere near his sister, you know, if he was that kind of a guy, the girl would always protect the girls is a society with fatherhood. But you've taken out this manliness cause you have all these guys that are locked down at 12 years old, running around like a bunch of rang attains because they're hooked on porn and other things. Speaker 0 33:32 They're not looking at you like ladies. So that's missing. And with a vacuum like that, when one leaves home, you bought need machine gun nest to protect it because nobody else is gonna. It's just freaking and girls fall, especially to what they hear. It goes back to the garden and not can develop all that right now that the girl can be talked into stupid and sinful things. You gotta be careful who you talk to. You gotta be careful how much time you spend talking to somebody. I know I've mentioned that before. Many heard we have expressions of back home. I'm sure they got them here too, but silver tongue devil and there's other ones like that. But we got all kinds of expressions for that kind of a guy. All kinds of where I'm from, and I'm sure they do down here too. I just did come up down here so I don't know what they are for, why they call them silver tongue devil cause he's like the devil and he seduced and women in different ways because he's got a good line, you know. Speaker 0 34:27 But a good line means a bad line. But I mean drills like if they like listen to that sort of, it's your weak point in that way. The whole idea of chaperones and being careful where you're at, it's not going to happen if you surround yourself with chaperones or anywhere you go similar, you have your little brother, little sister. If you're from a family that nothing's going to get, I can tell dad or mom everything. So you're totally safe if you take them. But uh, you're not going to be protected by our society at large. That's the second wreck right there. Now I want to hold that thought. I'm going to come back to getting over it, but I want to develop that idea quite a bit. Speaker 1 35:04 Okay. Speaker 0 35:07 I've mentioned schools earlier as evil geniuses doing certain things, but I want to talk a little bit about a guy named Wilhelm Reich right now. It's going to sound weird, but I'm going to talk about it and I'm gonna read a few things from him and then, um, and we'll, we'll talk about what his influences here cause it's important, especially for ladies to understand this and for fathers and those that are going to be fathers to understand Wilhelm Reich, Wilhelm Reich, uh, Speaker 1 35:31 uh, Speaker 0 35:33 physician, a partner of a guy named Freud stay on him and a communist. It's not a very good combination. And between the wars World War One and World War II as a communist, he decided, and I think this is really under the influence of Satan, he decided that he had a specific contribution to make to the revolution, to advancing the revolution. Hold that thought. Remember in 1917 or lay talks about there's a Russia, you know, essentially this atheist Marxist, uh, agenda going forward. Well here. We have a guy that grew up in Glacia anyway, but he's working in Vienna and Berlin at the time. He dies in prison in American 1958 but that's a different story just to tell how it ends. But Wilhelm Reich, his contribution is going to be in the field of sex. He Co he wrote a book called the sexual revolution. Speaker 1 36:31 Okay, Speaker 0 36:32 that's a pretty common, this is a Marxist talking about things. Now what? What did he do? Well, he realized it's all very interesting to have a revolution over. So the social order by bad behavior of this type sins against the sixth and ninth commandment, but it doesn't work very well because you might be able to get a lot of guys excited about it. That's what the internet does. Huh? You know, and there's tech of that age, but the girls have a lot more at stake. You know, guys don't get pregnant. Girls can, you know, et Cetera. It's obvious to anybody that thinks clearly who has more at stake, but Reich figured something out. I want to read something to you from Reich. Speaker 1 37:13 Okay, Speaker 0 37:18 well it'll take me too long to find on the page. I'll just tell it to you rather than read it cause he just take and he realized that if we can get girls and environment individually, I, we can't talk them into this, it's not going to work. We have to get them an environment where they think, well everybody is doing this because girls are more sensitive to what's going on in general guys. I use the example of a time you can have a group like this to, the girls can be wearing the same clothing. Not One guy here would know this in all the girls who had, and you'd be like shocked if we didn't notice. You know I told this story to some people at Kansas City came last night cause your dad, there's two secretaries at work and for one week they, they wouldn't a planet. Speaker 0 38:01 So they wore the same clothes every day and that ended the week they come in. Did you notice he knows there's something wrong for a week because that's how we are, right? There's nothing wrong that God gave you. The the ability to set the moral barometer and society, so you're paying attention to what things are going. That's why the blessing version, you model yourself after the blessed version, you keep the bar higher because if the average of girls morally in societies there that was, you guys is gonna be there. It's girls are there. That's how it works. That's how it works. And so he realized, wait a minute, I have to establish environment. I'm going have this revolution where the girls think everybody's doing it and then it's going to work and he did the experiments and it worked. He could get curls to go along. I want to, I'm going to, I want, I don't want to end with that right there on, right. Speaker 0 38:51 I want to read a couple other things and I'll make just a point. This is from an essay written by a guy who right now today is a professor at Loyola University. I think it's in Maryland. There's more than one, but he gives a lecture on brave new world. During the question answer period. There was a brief discussion about the similarities of dormitory life with brave new worlds. I opined this is the professor that whatever the resemblance, there's a clear difference between the two. Sexual promiscuity and hooking up among college students is voluntary. I said, whereas in brave new world, this behavior is mandatory because that's what it is. In brave New Orleans, a young man or young woman, a dormitory resident advisor walked up to me afterwards and chided me, Dr Girl Florian. You are mistaken about that. The peer pressure and way things are set up. Make promiscuity practically obligatory. It doesn't matter what the school says. Officially rules are to be broken. This freedom can make girls dizzy and unsure of what else they believe about, say oneself for marriage when it seems like everyone else is doing it, it is hard to say no is more like brave new world here. Then you think ideals that are more frequently turn lies from it every day as an ra, human respect and in this environment like that. Speaker 1 40:16 Yeah. Speaker 0 40:17 It's not for nothing. The dormitories are like that. It's at the right suit. I don't want to go into all the history, but it's the riots in Paris and 68 they were throwing Reich's books at the cops. The student revolutionaries took this in in the 60s it hasn't gone away. Speaker 0 40:39 Do Public Education. That's why they have things like sex ed and so forth. To establish an environment like this, the media establish an environment like this. Wright's genius is just figuring out how to use it for the revolution they've known about this. This is not a, it's not a particular discovery. If you know like how Baucus was worshiped in old days or Dionysius and if you use a Greek name, a Baucus or Dinesen whose worship, the way the worship worked it without getting to the gory details. If people go out into the hills and then they'd play a certain kind of, uh, exciting music, it wasn't electric, you know, and they're dancing around and they're drinking and they're playing this music and all of a sudden everything just starts happening. The girls aren't modest anymore and whatnot. That was how he was worship. That's the different places used to make laws against this because they realize this stuff is so dangerous. We don't make laws against, so we call them rock and roll concerts. We allow it publicly. The difference between a rock and roll concert and Dionysian worship is electricity. Speaker 1 41:50 Okay? Speaker 0 41:50 Couple thousand years. The devil hasn't been Dionysius. He's a devil. He hasn't gotten any older. They don't. It's not like they're grown in gray hair or anything. They do the same things they've always done. So somebody like this, I'm not saying it's the same devil, I don't know, but Reich is tapped into the same thing. If we can get an environment like that, it's going to be very hard for the curls to resist at their first freedom. We've got an environment like that. Go back to CNL wishes. You need to be prayed up as Catholics. We don't have to be scared. The devil is scared of us if we're living a good Catholic life. I mean that doesn't mean he's going to show it. You think of the devil like the wizard of Oz that they don't look behind that curtain. This little twerp run in levers and trying to scare us, but if we're living a good life, he's scared of us, but that doesn't mean that he can't get us. I mean, if we're going to be stupid, not realize where we're weak or maybe just ignorant because ignorant is just as good to step into a bear trap is stupid. You see the barrier of trap and you stick your foot in it. All right? You're dumb. You don't see this. Stick your foot in it. You're not dumb, but you're just as stuck. Either way. That's how the devil works. We see these kinds of weaknesses so you don't put yourself in these kind of environments, keep around a chaperone, et cetera. Speaker 0 43:03 You think maybe, well, I want to, let me read. Another thing here is I want to stay on this team for a minute before we, I'll be careful. I don't go over my time. At 4:30 PM on March 30th, 2002 Israeli military forces took over Palestinian TV stations when they occupied Ramallah and the West Bank immediately shutting down TV stations. What followed was a little more unusual. Shortly after occupy on the El Watan TV station, Israeli forces began broadcasting triple x hardcore pornography over its transmitter. Speaker 1 43:44 Okay? Speaker 0 43:45 Eventually, according to reports from the advertiser in Australia newspaper, the Israelis expanded their cultural offenses against the Palestinian people by broadcasting pornography over to other Palestinian stations than the lodge and they'll Shadrack the channels. One 52 year old Palestinian mother of three children according to the report and advertiser complained about the deliberate psychological damage caused by these broadcasts. The only Palestinian station not taken over by the Israelis ran a written message at the bottom of the screen claiming anything curly shown on how Watson and other local TV channels has nothing to do with Palestinian programs, but it's being broadcast. But the Israeli occupation forces, we urge parents to take precautions. Furthermore, they put them under martial law and weren't allowed to go outside the house. So the only way to get information was on the media. Speaker 1 44:28 <inaudible> Speaker 0 44:31 you just seem to be an outrage to Palestinians were bewildered. Why in the world when correspondent Tillman Forum, <inaudible> dot com wanted, she'd want to do such a thing I've told you, but we'll keep going. What? Sampson and Delilah, God's told you to. Sampson said judge Israel, but he keeps getting taken out by Delilah even though he recognizes that Delilah is in league with his enemies. Speaker 1 45:02 Okay, Speaker 0 45:04 and where does he end up? It was eyes poked out. So there's this spiritual meaning to all that too. Eyes poked out working in the middle of slave Speaker 1 45:18 <inaudible> Speaker 0 45:26 it's the military use of pornography. I haven't seen the article though. I've read about it. I haven't found out how to get it yet, but an article, it's a name bought like that. It was written. It's like a, a joint project between, uh, some guys in one of our agencies and some guys in Israeli, one of the Israeli defense agencies and that a few months later the experiment go back to Internet. Speaker 1 45:48 <inaudible> Speaker 0 45:52 do you think it's an accident? You know, if you go back some of your youth, the adults who are certainly remember the older ones so that in the Bush one administration, we almost ted pornography gone in the United States. It was hard to get, there's one Connie of Florida where they still had it in like a seven 11 <inaudible> and all of that. The county attorney was named Janet Reno. Uh, but other than that it was pretty much gone. Speaker 1 46:18 Okay. Speaker 0 46:20 Now it's pretty much in everybody's living room. It's not an accident. I am not saying that everybody involved in all this is explicitly in on some plot, but I am saying that certainly at the demonic level it's clear and I would suggest that there are certain other people that it's clear to, to and the reason was not to pick on Israelis to read that, but to point out that there are governments that understand very well. This principle, one government I can think of, one of the first things they did, I didn't bring the article have laying there is when they took over Iraq, they opened up porn theaters and brought in all the playboys. And all of that. That might be ours if still do it to the Rakhi. Still do cuss. It's a war. If you're a slave to your passions, you do what your boss says so to speak. You're out much worry. It's a war. We've got to look at the things people look at. We got to look the way they look. Guys have to be capable. What they look at. Crows have to be careful of what they look like. Speaker 0 47:35 We had to be culturally separate from this without sitting in judgment to the people that are tag tangled up in it being an example Tillman praying from, but we have to remove ourselves from this kind of thing. It's a war. A couple more things on rike and then I'll start winding this up. Right scenario. I'll just read some stuff. The father is a villain as ray could learned from Freud. God is an exalted father, so any attack on the father is an attack on God and vice versa. Quote, this is Reich. The strict father who denies the fulfillment of the child's desires is God's representative on earth and in the fantasy of the child is execution of God's will. Close quo. He discovered through his a revolutionary work, especially in Berlin, that the best way to attack the social system, which rests on authority of the father who represents the authority of God. The father in earth is to perceive the young person engage in sexual activity before marriage dot, dot, dot, and eco is on, uh, anyway. Once W it says, it blocks out their ability to believe in God in any concrete way. Once God's out of the picture of 35 disappeared was that the whole social order based on the moral lawyer, which is to say social or any real social order in the real sense of the word is gone. Speaker 0 48:57 Oh, you also discovered something else too. He told people don't bother arguing with seminarians about the existence of God. It won't work. You have to get them sexualized. So you can't win the argument with an argument. You have to win the argument with a girl. So Speaker 0 49:23 what's our role in all this? Well, first off, God knew and we're going to live, so he's going to give us the grace as we need to become saints in the social circumstances that we find ourselves in. And even though we find ourselves in a pretty fall environment, a PE environment, a modern day, Egypt, that just means there's that many more crisis to become a saint in these circumstances. The human respect is key. You have to break away from that. You have to pray to do the will of God and all things, no matter how painful it might be. If you get that, everything else flows from it. Even if you get in a terrible, terrible wreck, that terrible wreck will keep you humble. I don't wish on anybody, but if one has broken free from human respect, a terrible wreck, they get to confession, they can put their life back together again. Speaker 0 50:14 Cranes to get rid of human respect. Frequent confession, honest confession, right from the heart. Confession. I mean just you taking for your sins, not sort of the flight pattern around, well navy, you know, take responsibility for yourself. It doesn't matter to the priest. We're there on behalf of the good God. I always tell people, I tell you right here till you shut my confessional, you have something new all through the pendants for you. We've heard it all. I do it. It's a one time. Good deal. You can surprise me. Although your parents, so that's a guarantee. Um, so we've heard it all. We're not shocked when people show up and have sins this to this. Another thing, the devil comes up with what his father going to think. When you go to an emergency room, are you there? Cause you're healthy. The doctor, you know the doctor like what is this person in here? Speaker 0 51:03 If they're perfectly healthy, if you come in there and you're wounded, that's why you're in the emergency room and she'd come in with sins. That's where you're confessional. We're not surprised. It's not that big of a deal. We've heard it all. We can help you on frequent confession. You want to go to confession before you need to go to confession so you don't need to go to confession. That sounds paradoxical. If you're going to confession frequently, you'll never fall very far. You don't ever want to fall in the mortal sin. But even if you're struggling with that, keep going to confession frequently. Saint Philip near used to have people go every day if needs be and they're having a struggle but make good confessions frequently. And that keeps you from crater cause ideas and to have this audit state, you know, spiritually dead spiritualize which we, that's appreciative. Speaker 0 51:47 I mean, if you're struggling to, that's one thing, but the ideas, spiritual life and moving up the whole time. Frequent confession, fervent communions, ask God to the grace to overcome whatever your major malfunctions are and overcome him and respect. Try to pray your rosary better every day. Ask people like saying hello wishes your angel or lady to help you drive away distraction. If you have distractions and you haven't asked to get rid of them in prayer, well then start because that's the first place you start. If you're having, you're gonna have some. Anyway. Century Sadler called her mind, a mad woman in the house. So you're gonna have some issues with distractions, but a lot of it's gonna go away. She started asking to get rid of them so that your prayer becomes more of a prayer. So when you're saying the rosary, it becomes more of a meditation. Speaker 0 52:34 If you work at San the rosary, you can move into the higher levels of prayer, that sufficient mental prayer to move up and more late. People move up, they men and may women to higher levels of prayer. The sand, the rosary than any other means. So you just doing what our lady asked at Fatima, and you're trying to do it better every day. It's not doing more as much as it's doing what you do in a more profound way, but it's supernatural. Cs for the grace, try to do a better job meditating your rosary every day. And then mortification on the top is specifically about people that have crashed and burned in a set, but mortification. You need to have a little life mortification all time. Basically what we're talking about, these two car wrecks, the guys and the girls at the, at one one at the early teens, ones the late teens is people that haven't got strong enough to send no to pleasure. Speaker 0 53:24 And adult does. What is it? According to right reason and card and a kid does what's pleasurable? 10. That's where you get to teach much guys. No, that's enough and so forth. But a lot of our adults can't say no to any pleasure at all. I mean you nothing. So how do you do that? Well, I mean if you drink coffee with sugar, cut hair cut back on about half your sugar, sometimes none. But you don't have to get rid of sugar. Just anything you put your on, take less cut back on amount of dessert. <inaudible> on that when you're taking a shower, uh, turn it on cold water, full blast at the end for one or two or three Gloria obese and turn around. That's a legitimate pleasure shower. And that's well this time of year that'll feel good. But most of this time it's not good. Now if you're sick, don't do it. Speaker 0 54:06 Cause that's not reasonable. You know what I'm saying? I can get cold water. I know you ended up in pneumonia in the hospital. No, I mean use your head. But when you're not sick, I mean don't give yourself a pass, stuff like that. Uh, it's really easy when you go to, you go to cafe, you find something you really like on the menu and then order something else. Why not? You don't have to find the thing you really hate in order it, but find sent me the one you really like and then say, no, I'll order this on purpose, that sort of thing. Regular every at every meal, season one piece of food in a way that you find kind of annoying and make yourself feed it. Not the whole, not the whole play. Take more of what you don't like and less of what you do like and eat. Speaker 0 54:44 Not speak specially to the guys right now. You don't have to tap it in. Just stop where you could eat. I know you're going to be hungry, but stuff where you could eat one more half slice of bread when you're teenager, but that much. Now that's going to change depending on how hard you work. But you know that tamped in no stop before the tamped in feeling gets there. That's the thing. So it doesn't mean it's volume. If you're working hard, you still might be able to eat half a horse, but you have a horseless, three bites, you know, and that, and that's what you want to do. I know while you're drawing, you don't eat none of this Auschwitz plan stuff. That's nonsense. You don't do that. But you cut back in that way. He cut back just a little bit on the volume. Speaker 0 55:21 You just slightly hungry. That's a really good way to eat. You're always just slightly hungry. That's a good thing to offer up. You can still get all your work done. It won't make you a week. You're not going to pass out and get faint and hour later because he got this three bites of food easy. But he, but if he, and it takes a little discipline too, cause that means you gotta lift your face out of the plate once in a while and quit inhaling. And so that's always good too, to act like a human being. Well, I probably all you guys do, but you know Montana anyway, a those kinds of things, this constant little mortifications cause what you're doing is you're denying yourself as legitimate pleasures. If he can say no to small legitimate pleasures on a regular basis, you got the strength to say no to a legitimate pleasures, but you've got to build it up. Speaker 0 56:08 It's like any other kind of strength. It's a strength and you're not born with it. You have to work on it. It's a virtue that you have to work on and you were kind of little, you just do it. Little did every day. Three little ones at least. And make sure hold yourself to task. When you're saying your three Hail Mary's kneel on your fingers. If there's nobody around, don't do it. Cause that's shown off at are, you know, you just do that. Put on Neil finger tips. It hurts. That's the point. You're not going to get. Well, I mean if you had a problem with your fingers, don't do it. But other than that, do that. That's the point. And don't find a car pit, you know, kneel on the floor, be a man and the ladies can do that too. Um, those kinds of things. Speaker 0 56:47 It's these little things like that give you an unbelievable power to say no to pleasure when it comes your way and you know, I can't sign off on this one and that the main attack is coming in pleasure. The bond. Did you send pleasure? And if you don't have the ability to say no to little pleasures, you're not going to have the ability to say no to big ones cause the devil is just going to buy this time and get you. But if you do this, you're going to have an unbelievable moral power if it's easy. That's why I'm pointing. You just start, it's easy. We're not talking about major, major things. You do these three little things. You start them today, you do that, you'll see if he could do those kinds of, you'll have that kind of strength. Last comments and we'll close cause I see on right at the hour and I don't want to over do it. Speaker 0 57:40 If a person has gotten a wreck, a bad wreck, couple things you want to do. Obviously you have to, you have a real sack mental life. Everything is supposing that you have to be praying rosy. All of the things you've already said, you have to establish that. You got to find a confessor and and, and go regularly to him so that there's an accountability. Keep the same confessor if they're going to be too, you know, I mean, if you're going to have a hard time and you keep shifting around, your accountability isn't going to work. Do you see what I mean? You want to, because that's part of it. The confessor doesn't, you know, it doesn't matter who it is in that sense, as long as they're, they're a good Catholic, what it matters is you're going to the same person in that way, so that that's going to be another pressure for you if you're trying to overcome something because you don't, not only do you not what you're worried about, God, you're worried about having to tell the confessor, but you make yourself go. Speaker 0 58:31 If you're too weak, go to a different one. That's okay. But I mean you keep praying to get the strength to keep going to the same one cause that is a good use of of fear at that level of a look. There'll be some human respect rate. That's a good use of your own respect. It doesn't matter. The confession of we're happy to help people out. I want to assure you that, but that is a good thing cause you know I don't want to tell father and that'll help you have strength not to get into that wreck. Do you see what I mean? But you got to go regular. That's what the only reason right there. Finally that I want to emphasize on that. You've got to pray prayers asking her Lord to heal things. I'll just use the example of a guy that they knew they'd got into a bunch of bad pictures and all that. Speaker 0 59:11 What he wants to do is ask our Lord in vitamin E so he's gone to confession. It's pointless to do this without getting your your soul in line. Then tell her, right Lord, I've wrecked this, but I'm not going to ask you to come in and fix anything that's been wrecked here. I want you to come and you don't sit and review it cause that's bringing the stuff back up. That's the last thing with these kinds of sins you want to do is start thinking about what all have I done or what have I looked at. No, but you ask the Lord to come in and heal any disorder in your soul. Any wounds that are there. It's called a relics of sin. I've mentioned it here before. I don't want to go on what you do, but you're asking to heal those relics, assent, to come in to anything disordered that you've looked at, anything in your memory, your imagination, your passions. Uh, if you're homeless, you can go through a few more details that don't want to do that right now, but to heal that and reorder you in a way, in a way that's pleasing to him. If you pray those every day and you're going to communion and ask him for that same thing, communion, it will get reordered. Speaker 1 00:07 He'll do it. Speaker 0 00:09 He's got, he's in charge and you're asking him to heal something that's important for salvation. He always hears prayers that have to do with you getting to heaven. I mean, praying to win the lottery. Hmm, but plan to get to heaven. Yes. God. What you might take you off. That's up to him because you know, part of it's humility. Part of it's making sure he can, but he will heal that. I guarantee it. I guarantee you, and the communions and community St Lord, I'm gonna make a community and asks you to heal any wounds that are still there so that I don't have these, this battle, anyone. It's not going to mean that you quit being a man and still having those struggles. It's the same thing for the girls. It's the same kind of, again, I emphasize, do not review in your mind all the things you did wrong if you did something wrong. Speaker 0 00:54 These are the kinds of things you don't review at all. After you confessed to me, never review them, but just to ask her to come in and reorder anything that was disordered there and heal you and give you a strength just to not get in those situations, not do those things, not be displeasing him. It works the same for both, no matter what the wrecks were. It's unbelievable. The kind of pieces sold that our Lord wants to give people, but we have to ask. He's a gentleman and if we don't ask, he might not come into that particular part of our personality to want to specifically invite him in there and he'll, he'll, that kind of thing. Okay. That being said, Speaker 1 01:31 I'll give you all blessing. Speaker 0 01:36 POCs have an extended <inaudible> Patreus affiliates spirit to sanctions who are both audience temper. Speaker 1 01:41 Huh?

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