Fatima and the Apocalypse 12: The Apocalypse 5th and 6th Trumpets

January 09, 2018 01:15:19
Fatima and the Apocalypse 12: The Apocalypse 5th and 6th Trumpets
Veritas Caritas
Fatima and the Apocalypse 12: The Apocalypse 5th and 6th Trumpets

Jan 09 2018 | 01:15:19


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Speaker 0 00:00 God bless us in the Virgin, protect us in the name of the father and the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. Once again, I want to explicitly acknowledge my debt and gratitude to our lady of Fatima. She has to get the credit for anything good are true, beautiful notes, novena conferences. All the faults are mined in a special way. I also want to acknowledge my debt and gratitude and a particular sister who see a light on so heavily and also of course the Saint John the beloved. Finally, I want to thank the mother superior who invited me to preach this number. You know, without her encouragement, I would never set out on such a task and I would like to thank for firing me on July 30th after five conferences because without that I would have never been able to go into so much depth of Marie prissy. Speaker 0 00:51 You have a father and son. Holy spirit. First off, okay. Today we're going to pick up where we left off in chapter nine of your park lifts and go through chapter 13 it's easy to find other interpretations of these chapters in any particular passage within them. And that's fine. I have more than 30 commentaries to with the apocalypse and virtually every one of those commentaries differ significantly from the other. So it's easy to find other interpretations, these chapters and they particular passage with them and that's fine. I'm not the Pope, I'm not claiming tonight to give you the interpretation of chapters nine to 13 what we are going to do is offer a possible interpretation in light of Fatima I starting where we left off in chapter nine of the apocalypse using very various commentators and the analogy of faith. And that means we're not out to invent something, but rather we'll need it in a bite and read it in the light of the teaching of the church and the light of the rest of scripture and in light of tradition. Speaker 0 01:54 Now. The last time we went through the first five trumpets will very briefly review the interpretation we fought for the first trumpet was it signifies world war one. The interpretation we fought for the second trumpet wasn't signified Russia has better errors throughout the world causing Wars and persecution of the church. The interpretation we filed for the third trumpet was that it signified an apostate priest whose false teachings involve clocking the errors of Russian deceptive language or take them in Catholic doctrine, and then these teachings were consequently spread the Catholic academic circles that that apostates priest was a Jesuit named Pierre Teilhard de Chardin at the era of Russia is most responsible for introducing into the wider circles of the church is an ocean of evolution are wrapped up in theistic terms. The interpretation we fought for the fourth trumpet was that it signified the influence of the theological movement known as the novella LG, which is the new theology we saw. The key principle of the whole new theology was that in order to be true, theology must change with the times, but these men had forgotten something and so to have all too many of us, the Holy things are here to change us. We're not here to change the Holy things. Speaker 1 03:20 <inaudible> Speaker 0 03:23 interpretation. We fought for the ego cry out. Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, and heaven was it. It was sister Lucy interpretation we fought for the fifth trumpet was that it signifies errors of Russia being spread into the mainstream, the church on the occasion of the council and under the influence of the spirit Vatican too in other associated spirits that have been released from the MPS. Now we'll get started in just a moment, but first an explanation and a caution. The explanation, very a quick explanation of why things are not always sequential in terms of time, the apocalypse, it was this very, very brief. We could go into detail, but it's brief. God gave Saint John a glimpse and a glory. He was taken before a throne set in heaven and shown the things which must be done now God is outside of time and space. So the vision is intellectual vision that st John has given us also outside of time and space. Speaker 0 04:16 It may at first appear confusing, but when he understands that the advance overlap each other building on weather as they go along in order to write something orderly fashion and put it into a sequence. Many times it's as if he's following one particular aspect of a vision. Explain yet nature is another aspect to look at it, but as he does that it's in so to speak. He's turning back the clock and find that aspect of the vision. Okay. The caution we're going to be talking about the false prophet and antichrist during this conference and if past history is any indication and human nature doesn't change, there seems to be a great temptation, a lot of men to start guessing who this might be and who that might be. So a little bit of warning from st you're an ass is definitely an order now. Senior nets was a disciple of st pie. Speaker 0 05:07 Saint Polycarp was himself disciple of Saint John. It'd be love at the very apostle who wrote the apocalypse and as we're about to see sent Uranus specifically warned against trying to figure out the name of anti-Christ and his number and I think that's impaired by looking at numbers, I think that's imperative to keep the same. Practice regards to name the false prophet. In short, his name is a secret kept by God until the antichrist arrived. Since he isn't worried to have his name pre-announced by having senior and ASMR reports at st John apostle warned that no one should attempt to guess this name from the number. Those who will try this will be easily to see by him when he arrives under his own name, since they will not be on a car to kids and I quote moral for another danger. By no means trifling shall ever take those who falsely presumably the name of anti-Christ prophies men assume one name, who Sanuk pressure come having another. They will be easily let away by him. I suppose he am not to be expected. One who must be guarded against Costco so way and don't jump to conclusions. Speaker 1 06:15 <inaudible> Speaker 0 06:19 we continue with our discussion of the fifth trumpet play and the fifth angel sound of the trumpet, and I saw a star fraught from heaven on earth and it was given to him a key at the bottom of this pit and he opened the bottomless pit and smoke it. A Peter Rose as a smoke of a great furnace and the same there were dark and with the smoke of the pit. Now, as we've said, the interpretation that we're flying at the star, which was given the key to the bus was the Pope. Since I have absolutely no idea what he did on the entrance, I would not even venture an opinion. I do believe there were two stages. The business first lock, but the concert was the occasion during what she was opened. The smoke pouring out as a smoke were great furnaces, symbolizes the smoke of sate, which flowed into the church during the council. Speaker 0 07:03 The spirit of Vatican too, and the resulting darkness sign here signifies the areas of Russia pouring out of the church herself. The intensification of the great apostasy, an operational air, this spiritual family we've seen growing trumpet after trumping nonetheless conference. We spoke about the concept itself. Today we're going to start with a closer look at the smoke and the darkening of the sun and the air. Let's start by briefly considering the spiritual family. We've seen growing trumpet after trumpet, which now comes to fruition in this fifth trumpet. As we've seen scriptures make it clear that we're meant to be nourished by God's Holy word and solid doctrine and the book of the prophet. You're in my read quote and I will give you pastors according to my own heart, and they shall feed you with knowledge and doctrine. Close Paul and first Timothy four six st Paul speaks of quote being nourished on the words of the faith of the good doctrine, close quote. Speaker 0 08:01 And of course our Lord himself stated, may actually not live by bread alone by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. So we're meant to be nourished by God's Holy word and solid doctrine, but in a spiritual fam. And the people aren't given the words of faith. They're not given saw doctrine, but rather st Paul puts it there. Quote, given doctrines of devils, the prophet Amos explains quote, behold the days are coming, says the Lord God. When I was sent a famine on the land, not a famine of bread nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord, they shall wander from sea to sea, from North to South East. They shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord. They shall not find it. And trumpet after trumpet, we've seen this famine symbolically intensify till now. Speaker 0 08:49 The smoke comes pouring out of their best quote as a smoke of a great furnace and the sun and care were dark and with a small pet pit close quote. And as we've said, the interpretation we're falling in this conference is it? This smoke is the smoke of Satan, which floated into the church during the council, the so-called spirit of Vatican too, the resulting dark thing, the sun, the air signifies the errors of Russia pouring out into the church herself. Intensification. I'll just create a pause to apostasy even for the council that ended the reality of a spear. Vatican two was noted by no less than a percentage and the Pope himself who on December 6th, 1965 the day before the council and it said called once the consuls ended. Well, everything returned to the way it was before. Appearances, habits would say yes, the spirit of the council would reply no close quote football. Speaker 0 09:42 Paula sixth now before he was elected, Paul Carla Ratzinger, who was himself was one of the theological experts at the council, also spoke of the spirit being party president. The council itself notice that as he speaks of his spirit, he refers to it as a pernicious and Ty spirit and also notice the thrust of the spirit, what this spirit does so to speak. So speaking of the true console, Carter Ratzinger States quote already dirty at sessions. He's means the sessions of addict two already during its sessions. And then increasingly in the subsequent period it was opposed by self-styled spirit of the council, which in reality is a true anti spirit of accounts, accordance, pernicious anti spirit. Everything that is new or pursued such how many old heresies have surfaced again in recent years that have been presented as something new according to this pernicious anti spirit. Speaker 0 10:40 Everything that is new is always in every case better than what has been or what is is the anti spirit according to which the history of the church would first begin with Vatican too viewed as a kind of 0.0 close quote, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. Once the concert ended, well, everything returned the way it was before. Appearances and habits would say yes, the spirit of the council would reply no. According to the spirit. Vatican tool will be reviewed as a kind of 0.0 in the history of the church and everything that is new is always and in every case better than what has been or what is even old Harrison, as long as he had presented as something now. So we have a pernicious anti spirit according to which Vatican too will be viewed as a kind of 0.0 in the history of the church and according to which everything that is new is always in every case better than what has been or what is even old Harrison's as long as they're presented as something. Now, how does a spirit like that sound like it came from? Speaker 0 11:56 Does it sound more like something we've heard about in a scriptural commentaries on this passage? Remembering that in place of the star fall from heaven, we sips new steps. Step two, the word Pope, cool Dobbs creation. The sun and sky be tokens, the darkening of the authority, the church lowering men's respect for her and make her appear less divine. We're no longer divine at all. It signifies the success of the errors are Harris. He's to such a degree as rink darkness to men's minds, the infection of the air, his moral and spiritual denotes the errors and immorality which the Pope turns loose. True Catholic doctrines obscured. I'd even lost to any people's close quotes. Speaker 0 12:38 We'll hear more about that spirit later, but first that's considered how in the wake of the council, these novel ideas, the Vatican too will be viewed as a kind of 0.0 in the history of the church. That everything new is always in every case better than what has abandoned what is even old Harrison's as long as they're presented as something new. How these novel ideas, how these areas of brush were spread throughout the church. Obscuring true document, darkening men's minds, Loring men's respect, the church make me appear less divine or no longer divine at all. Speaker 0 13:12 In that regard, the typically brilliant comments of father Brian Harrison deserve careful consideration quote. It has become a commonplace of official Episcopal and Vatican responses. The widespread abandonment of the Catholic churches, the sound traditions, the Sora scenario of doctrinal descent, disciplinary disorder, clerical, defections and other scandals has been in no way do the Vatican constant to itself but only to abusive and select readings and applications of the council documents. But this only raises the further question. Why has it been so easy for these abusive and selective interpretations? The counsel to flourish and diffuse and even imposed themselves so widely after all this phenomenon has been practically unique in the history of ecumenical councils in the past, considered teachings were frequently signs of contradiction being subsequently rejected with vehemence by certain groups claiming to be Christian and Catholic. But in each of these controversies, both sides of the dispute were at least in agreement as to whose side the concert was on. Speaker 0 14:18 So the distant party had no alternative other than to openly reject the considered teaching question after Vatican two. In contrast, practically every heterodox notion that is solid, the church's continents are infected. Your immune system has brazenly presented itself as being the real teaching, or at least the real implication of the council itself. Why has it been easy for liberal distance to complaints or the council for their views? Simply because the conceal your documents themselves are freight really ambiguous. It would be easy and much more in a court of prevailing cannons. The clears your political correctness disparages finger point. If a concert set up as basically a traditionalist or integritous position, but plenty of middle of the road liberal men have admitted the same thing. It's helpful to distinguish between two levels of ambiguity real and apparent. Generally when one takes in a car, while we make college councilors fine print the footnote references, historical and literary context and official explanations give it to the council fathers as to why various amendments to the text were made by the theological commission. Speaker 0 15:28 Then the only reasonable scholarly way to interpret the passage in question is the traditional Orthodox way. In other words, it is not really or strictly speaking ambiguous. However, only a minuscule proportion of those men and women of our time were supposed to be the council's chief beneficiaries have access to all that fine print. And so the parent ambiguity of many parts of the main text driving either from what it says or from what it conspicuously fails to say, it's quite sufficient to constitute a public relations victory. All too often a victory for the falls of Orthodox tradition and that is all they needed, who've already achieved their de facto takeover. Catholic academies and bureaucracies, bureaucracy has throughout so much of the world close quotes, father Brian Harris. So in short because of the parent ambiguity of many parts of the main text, the falls of Orthodox tradition were able to present their novel heterodox notions as being the real teaching or at least the real implication that counts itself and this enabled them to achieve their de facto takeover of Catholic and academies and bureaucracies throughout so much of the world. Speaker 0 16:38 So let's put this into perspective by considering the following, given the fact that one, the perennial teacher, the church has been at the 50th had put it some 50 years earlier, is that it matters the faith, the law of our fathers is sacred. It must be in viably adhered to quote, let there be no innovation, keep to what has been handed down close quote. And during the concert itself, Paul the sixth reiterated the same principle in different words. When he talked with the dogs of the faith and changeable, they are adapted to all man of all times in all places. And that quote, the meaning of Holy mother the church has once declared is to be retained for cover and no pretext. A deeper understanding ever justifies any deviation from that meaning close quote and yet to in many parts of the text of attitude, the documents themselves contain the parent can be cuties to use the term father Harrison and three that the average Catholic would quite naturally expect that a very theological experts approved by Rome to work at the council would actually also be reliable and Orthodox interpreters. Speaker 0 17:46 What the consul documents themselves meant, especially in regards to any ambiguities, and yet for that, a whole host of these very theological experts at the council were drawn from the ranks of the neath new theologians, the very school of false prophets that have been condemned by Pius the 12th men who had adopted it, a tile Hardy and evolutionary perspective. And on that basis therefore insisted that since everything changes over time, theology must also change with the times. In other words, there are no unchangeable dogmas. These are men who had already spread. There's Russia all gussied up and pretty Catholic language to Catholic religious houses, seminaries and Academy. Given all that, is there any surprise at all that disaster ensued Speaker 0 18:38 in short between the ambiguities and the documents and the new theologians be theological experts whose interpretations and evaluations would have naturally been thought to be accepted by the average Catholic. It's small wonder. There was such terrible chaos and confusion after the council. Now let's be clear, without excusing in any way that Asia to save will actually and a deliberately set out to destroy the faith, the priests, the religious and the faith. Well most especially the bishops who allowed themselves to be snickered by all this and as a consequence ended up with a weakened faith or is it appears in many cases with no faith at all. They're personally responsible for their floodplain. If they'd kept saying their prayer excepted rosary, especially the rosary, and stuck to what they knew from their catechism, they might not have been able to explain what was wrong with what they're being told, but they would have known something was wrong and they wouldn't have bought into it either. Speaker 0 19:37 In her private correspondences to the sea. Had a lot to say about this. We'll read a few excerpts from private letters she wrote in the wake of the console. These are taken from letters written from 1969 to 1971 cool. And is because the devil has been able to infiltrate evil under the guise of the good and they act as the blind leading the blind. As the Lord tells us in his gospel and souls go on allowing themselves to be deceived. It is a diabolical disorientation that is invading the world and to seeding souls. It is necessary to not let yourself be drawn away by the doctrines that disoriented, contradictory, the campaign's diabolical. We need to confront it without Canadian conflicts, save souls. The now more than ever, we need to pray for ourselves and for those who are against us, our lady and requested and recommended the rosary be prayed every day. Speaker 0 20:33 Have repeated this in all that Britians. As if for warning us then these times of dialogue for this orientation, we must not let ourselves be deceived by false documents that diminish the elevation of our soul. To God by means of prayer. The is what sustains a little flame of faith that still has not been extinguished in many consciousness. Everybody should burn that into their mind. The rosary is what sustains a little flame of faith that still has not been extinguished in many conferences. Even for those souls who pray without meditating. The very act of taking up the rosary to pray is already remembered the remembrance of God of the supernatural. A simple recollection of the mysteries of each decade is one more Ray of light to sustain souls. They're still smoldering wick. This is why the devil has made such war against it and what is worse is he has succeeded in diluting, deceiving souls. We have much responsibility because of the positions they occupy. They are the blind leading the blind and they would want to pace themselves in the console. The disorientation is diabolical. Don't let yourself be to see we pray, work, sacrifice ourselves and trust that in the end, the Mac, that heart will try close quotes. Sister Lucy Speaker 1 21:52 <inaudible> Speaker 0 21:56 sister. Let's see. You pointed out that the devil had succeeded in diluting you to seed souls. Who had great responsibility because of their positions that although they wanted to base themselves in the council, they were in fact blind leading the blind and that this was the diabolical disorientation invading the world and to see these souls. Now we'll consider a few statements made after the council by priests, all members of the school, new theology, but also serve as theological experts at the council. The problem here was not finding enlightening statements. It was limiting the number and since the statements are pretty self explanatory, we won't spend time commenting on them in terms of destruction of the documents. Father Reiner States that quote, the thesis is a field logins can no longer be a simple, clear cut, yes or no to doctorate presented in traditional way, understood by all in the same way formulated in a fixed fashion. Speaker 0 22:58 Close quote, father Chenault, quote, certain ancient dogmatic definitions were no longer adequate for the cultural changes of our times for the skill of X. And notice that he uses the word myth when he's speaking of dogmas. Quote, the dynamics. They understand the faith are an essence. Both demystify, dissolving the previous definitions of faith and remiss. Define constructing new definitions of the faith father Rauner quote, there will no longer be one basic, unique and universal formula of the Christian faith applicable to the whole church, father Khan, Gar quote. It would be a lose you to try to establish historically that the message of Jesus includes the constitution, an organization of a church Speaker 0 23:57 for the skill of Beck's quote, the traditional hypothesis that Mary had decided decided to live virtually in marriage with Joseph should be dismissed here that we see that we actually have to do comedians of reparation like tomorrow for the blasphemies of so-called theologians in good standing who served as theological experts, the council in terms of the destruction of the old system, father Congo. Cool. The constant destroyed what I would call the unconditionality of the system. What I understand by system is a complete and very coherent body of ideas transmitted by the teachings of the Roman universities, codified by Canon law, protected by the strict and quite efficient vigilance. Pius the 12th with reports admonitions, the submission of writing from and sensory, et cetera. In short a whole system with the council. This was broken up and the underground elements surfaced. Speaker 0 24:55 Father Shinu was asked about the terrible chaos in the church after the concert of question and your opinion, how should want to see this whole upheaval? Is it the fault of the priest, the theologians, the faithful for the shoe quote? I see it's cost in the council itself in the logic of it's Mark March and it's dynamism for good measure. We'll throw in one quote from the moderator, the council, the concept father who most influenced the overall direction of the concept. Cardinal Suenens cool. Vatican two did away with an image of an institutional church and open the doors to an evolution. So we've just heard members of the new Bob Nobel food, LG, the new theology priests who had been theological experts at the council explain in a very matter of fact way. They're both the daughters of the Catholic church. Those immutable saving truths that were revealed by God, which had been proclaimed by the church to believe the faithful as well as the very structure of the church itself, that both the doctors and the church have to be dismissed, dissolved, destroyed, and reformulate it. Well, if you just turn, there are certain features, certain aspects of that pernicious spirit, the spirit of the council described by the very men who give every appearance of having given themselves completely over to her and we've truly become diabolically disoriented. Speaker 0 26:25 Now let's consider a few cuts, splice and edit and comments, and I do that all through every one of these conferences. As you know, these were made by the Pope, which seemed to be referring precisely to that pernicious spirit, the spirit of Vatican too. For the sake of time, we'll just limit ourselves. The comments made by Paula six Pope Paula, six quote the church in disturbed period of self criticism, what could be better call self demolition. The opening to the world became a veritable invasion of the church by worldly thinking and the very bosom of the church. There are peer works by teachers and writers. We'll try and expect Kat express Catholic doctrine and new ways and forms often does I rather to accommodate the dog was in the faith to set their modes of thought and expression than be guided by the norms of the teaching authority of the church. Speaker 0 27:15 It will be set at the council authorize such treatment of traditional teaching. Nothing is more false. Some Daryn paws and Catholic garment dangerous and sometimes reckless interpretations. There's a great disturbance in this moment in the world of the church and that is the faith that is in question. What is happening today reminds me of the obscure phrase of Jesus and the gospel of Luke. When the son of man returns, we still find faith on the earth. Books are being published in which the faith is denied and important points. If the bishops remained silent as if they do not find anything strange in these books. This in my opinion is bizarre. I sometimes read the gospel of the end times and discern that in this moment there are emerging some signs of this end, something Peter natural. By that he means a spirit. Something preternatural has come into the world precisely to disturb it from some Fisher. The smoke of Satan has also entered into the temple of God and the church to the state of uncertainty reigns. It believed that after the council, a sunny day in the church's history would Dawn, but instead there came a day of clouds, storms in darkness Speaker 0 28:37 from some fish. The smoke of Satan has entered into the temple of God. After the council came was clouds, storms and darkness and he opened the bottomless pit. The smoke of the pit arose as a small of a great furnace. The sun in the air were darkened with the smoke or the bed. The faith is in question. Books are being published in which the faith is denied and important points. Here the bishops remained silent as if they do not find anything strange in these books. Catholic doctrines being expressed in new ways. The dog was in the faith or being accommodated to secular modes of thought. Some dared pause at Catholic dogma, dogma, dangerous and sometimes reckless interpretations. Here, we're seeing the Pope himself warning that globally speaking, the dog and the faith is not being preserved Speaker 0 29:39 globally speaking. The dog and the faith is not being preserved. And as we know, the introduction to the third secret States that in Portugal, the dog of the faith will always be preserved, et cetera. And there's immediate consequences that flows from all these changes, apostasy, apostasy, the complete abandonment of the Catholic faith. Why would it possibly be an immediate consequence from all these changes? Because there's a noted theologian recently noted the church cannot change the faith, and at the same time ask believers to remain faithful to it. The church cannot change the faith at the same time as believers to remain faithful to it. So when someone sees even one dog with the faith be apparently changed, reworded, reinterpreted the temptation to be very strong, to save himself. Right? Okay. So if the church was lying to me on this, why should I believe anything else? She teaches, he's people are a bunch of liars and all they want is my money. If he chucks the whole thing over, ward blocks out of the church never comes back again. Speaker 0 30:58 And I'm going to people who've done just that. So many words, it's Legion, small wonder than her private correspondence. Soosalu situates. He was so adamant that Courtney's times of diabolical disorientation, we must not let ourselves be deceived by false doctrines. Close quote. And in that, consider this remarkable statement. The whole Paul, the six made an October 13th, 1977 that's the 60th anniversary of the miracle son. I quote the pole, the darkness of Satan has entered and spread throughout the Catholic church, even to its summit apostasy. The loss, the fade is spreading throughout the world and into the highest levels within the church. Speaker 0 32:00 Close quote, Pope Paul the sixth, the darkness of Satan is entered and spread throughout the Catholic church, even to its summit apostasy. The loss of the faith is spreading throughout the world and into the highest levels within the church. So we've seen the spiritual famine grow a trumpet after trumpet. And over that whole course of time, the pulps have an issue and warnings bought the pasta and it's the first one. Cyclical. For example, written in 1903 Pope Pius Saint Pius the 10th warn that quote, society is at the present time more than any more than any past age, suffering from a terrible and deeply rooted malady which developing every day and eating in its most inner being is dragging it to destruction. This disease is apostasy from God. There's good reason to fear less this great perversity maybe as it were, a foretaste, perhaps the beginning of those evils, which are reserved for the last days Speaker 0 33:07 and now in the wake of the council. Paula six is warning that the pause to see the loss of the faith is spreading throughout the world and into the highest levels within the church. And the context that paper warn is very significant. It's been given on the 60th anniversary of the miracles. So the past is spread throughout the world, very high to the church. Both scripture and tradition speak explicitly of such an apostasy. In second Thessalonians two three st Paul warns this, there will come a time when the Gentile peoples who have the true faith will reject it. They were checked that free and loving submission, their entire being to Christ. They will refuse to recognize the sovereign rights God has over them. They'll turn back towards paganism. Say that Gustin says that not all will abandon the faith, but feel retaining that mass and turning away from one true faith. There's rebellion by Catholics against the true faith is known as the great apostasy during the great apostasy except for a tiny remnant that holds onto the true faith that holds on to Christ. Over the whole world was sink into a condition of darkness and sin that is like nothing has ever gone before. And the overriding note will be an explicit rejection of Christ. So unlike our ancestors, the pagans who worship false God but didn't know who Christ was, the Neo pagans worship false gods, but they know who he is. Speaker 0 34:39 They actually know. So accepting for a tiny remnant that whole time, the true faith, their whole time to Christ, our Lord, the whole world. All of mankind to and Gentile, like we'll be immersed in an atmosphere like nothing has ever gone before. I said tannic atmosphere and pregnant will express that rejection of Christ, an immediate result of this rejection of Christ, his church, we the atmosphere, sin and depravity as we've seen before. And Luke 17 verses 26 to 30 our Lord specifically States that the conditions at the end of the world with mirror both the days of Noah, the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, we've already seen that the ancient Jewish commentary state, that quote, the generation of flood was not wiped up until they wrote marriage documents for the union of a man to a man or to an animal close quote. The generation of flood was not wiped out. They wrote marriage documents for the union of a man to a man or a man to an app. We've already seen that. These are like the days of no and the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. This also brings one last phrase in this patch, the pockets and the sharper focus, and he opened the bottom of this pit and the smoke of the pit of Rose as the smoke of a great furnace because that obviously hearkens back in Genesis 1928 we read the quote, the smoke, the land went up like the smoke of a furnace. That passage is describing the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Speaker 1 36:21 <inaudible> Speaker 0 36:25 we continue with the fifth trumpet play the first wall. So far the BIS has been knocked and opened and the smoke has come pouring out, darkening the sun in the air. Now we're going to see a demonic cord of locusts come, come out of that smoke and from the smoke of the pit that came out. Locus on the earth and power is given to them as the scorpions of the earth have power. It has commanded him that they should not hurt the grasper nor any green thing or any tree, but only the men we have, not the sign of God in their foreheads that was given to them under them, that they should not kill him. They should torment them five months. The torment was as the torment of a scorpion when he strike of a man Speaker 0 37:08 and in those days men shall Sheikh death and shall not find it and they shall desire to die and death shall fly from that and the shapes of the locus were like kind of horses prepared on to battle and under heads were as it were, crowns like gold and their face is where it's the faces of man and they had hairs. The hair of women and their teeth were as lions and had breast plates as breastplates of iron and annoys that are wings was is the noise of chariots. Many horses running to battle. They had tails like scorpions. There were stinks in their tails and their powers to hurt men five months and they had over them a King, an angel, a bottomless pit whose name in Hebrew is a bad Greek Apollyon Latin, extremely Nance Speaker 0 37:53 from the commentaries quote, the vision is one of the most important of the whole apocalypse for tells conditions in advance destined to usher in the reign of anti-Christ throughout the old Testament. The locust is a symbol of destruction and the spiritual havoc which the first blow spreads over the earth. These locusts will consume the main spiritual life which results in a famine for soul, ultimately pointing to punishments coming on sinners because of spiritual fam, the emptiness of their hearts and that bareness of their souls. This destruction emanating from the pit is deceptive influences, especially false teaching affecting non-believers but not those truly loyal to God. These lockers symbolized demons, pear ticks and apostates who swung over there spreading spiritual drug destruction far and wide, attacking men and this respect. They have the power, nature scorpions, their sting, burns and poisons the saw a false doc. Speaker 0 38:51 They're bold enough to intimidate those who do not have the sign of God in their foreheads, nor therefore to indifferent, to hold fast to their faith, but they do not enter those who remained faithful. The grace is received and baptism confirmation, the crown of imitation goal denotes they've arrogated themselves, authority, rule, chin, eyes and subject. People against their will locus have hair like that worn to women, which symbolizes voluptuousness of feminist sassy and Vainglory. They are cruel. Yet have not the other qualifications of lines, but only the teeth to last rate. Defense has victims. They meditate and plan evil. They give themselves up to sensuality and Vainglory. Listen only to send men up please. They destroy the institutions and means of sanctification and terrorized people into subjection. They last rate all those who do not submit to their tyranny. Tyron breastplate show them be obstinate and unwilling to listen to reason and other clearly convinced to their errors. Speaker 0 39:47 They'd rather die than renounced them. Their wings are important to the speed rapidity with which this spiritual scourge shall spit over the earth like warhorses. They trample all opposition under foot. Isaiah nine verses 15 to 17 the tales is symbol of line hypocrisy and false doctrines. The poisonous thing in the tails of these monitors aptly represents Sophos tree Kony to seed the false conclusions was propagators of heresy draw from scripture and from the teachings of the church by which they mislead their victims. These locusts are not permitted to kill us. Centers know drive them into hell, but only to torture them for a short time, symbolically, five months. The test is not to be a bodily one. The purely a spiritual torment. All they may do is inflict anguish, his spirit to torch the conscious by depriving them of the means of spiritual life, but they cannot destroy the church. Speaker 0 40:42 In those days. Men seek death and find it not the good welcome death as an escape from the evils and miseries that surround them. Many of have been led astray by false doctrines would likewise welcome death as a relief from their dolls or Morrison, unconscious unbelief and doubt and a future existence make men too weak to subdue their passions and adults. Passions bring discussed with life to in to become confused by the errors of which they are victims and the false moral standards set up by the leaders of the posse. Deliver them into the torturing journey of every vice slavery to sin, dissatisfaction, anguish of heart and fear of eternal damnation, indulgence and sinful pleasures brings ultimately nothing but pain. The pangs of conscience torches apostates are so keen at times they bring on the desire of death for short time, symbolically, five months. Those who was their faith and surrender to Sophos tree heresy or horrified of their conditioning and the fear of damnation takes hold of them. Speaker 0 41:39 They feel the injustice and wretchedness of their state, but after some time they've come cast to the state of conscience. Another conscience has become inert. They go satisfied with their spiritual status and they will even defend their deliberations and actions. These figurative locusts have a King and evil representative of the devil in the apocalypse. Kings are those earthly rulers who follow the beast and do his bidding. This King's name is a bad destruction. Apollyon the destroyer, exterminator, exterminator these lockers obeyed him and do his work. He aims it. The destruction of the church, of the faith of his poor victims and of their souls forever in hell as minions are the leaders of heresy, CISM and persecution and separate places in the Greek old Testament that would have been used by st John. The Hebrew word Abaddon destruction was translated into the same Greek word used in second Thessalonians two three where the antichrist is described as a son of destruction and by Saint John himself. Speaker 0 42:39 And chapter 17 verse 12 of his gospel where he used the same expression to describe Judas Iscariot, close Croft. Thus the commentary. Okay. It's certainly true that the locust is a powerful symbol of justice. Just speaking on the level of grass and vegetation HELOC, a swarm is an extremely powerful image of destruction for anyone here who's ever experienced this, and there's three of us here tonight that have lived through that in the middle eighties and the big open in Montana. They came in on a Southeast wind. There are so many of them. They darkness sky like the cloud covering the sun. They fell on the sky like hailstones and as soon as they landed, they started chewing on everything. They even started chewing on trying to chew on people to something. No, no one around there, never seen before. Walking around over the country around that. Speaker 0 43:32 There's so many of them on the surface of the ground. As you walk along your path, they'd all be hopping up. It was almost like a cloud of hoppers, three and a half, four feet deep, all around in this big circle. As he walked along, everywhere he went. In some places, there were so many of them crawling over the highway. It looked like moving carpet. It'd be slippery in order to keep from overheat and you'd have to stop and scrape your radiator off and the grain fields look like they just hammered to look like they got hailed out. It was unbelievable. The range looked like a really severe drought and they chew and literally eat, whether it would on fence posts. They chew on wood siding, they window screens, they just flat. Everything ate everything they could slow cause swarm is a powerful image. Distraction. Speaker 0 44:17 It's powerful, but the locust new Parklands symbolize demons, hair ticks and apostates who swarm or with earth is pretty spiritual destruction far in line especially cause of false teaching. There an army of cruel feminine, obstinate men given over to sensuality and Vainglory who rule Tiernos and subject people against their will and who intimidate those who are too and different to hold fast to their faith. They're not able to injure those who remain faithful. The grace is received in baptism and confirmation for a short time symbolized by five months. Those who lose their faith and surrender to the lies and Harris. You are horrified that their condition has a fear of damnation, takes all of them, but after time they numb their conscience is go to accept their situation that at that point we'll often defend their actions. These lockers have a King and evil representative. Speaker 0 45:18 That devil whose name is the destroyer, they'll be him to his work. He aims it. The destruction of church, the faith of his poor victims of their souls forever now has minions of leaders of hair CSUSM and persecution. Now, given that our interpretation, that smoke, is it that it's the smoke of Satan, spirit of Vatican too and associated spirits flowing out of the business and into the church trying to counsel and the resulting dark and signifies the air as the Russia spreading out into the church herself, intensifying the great apostasy. The spiritual fan has been growing trumpet after Trump. Given all that and given to the look has come out of that very smoke pointing out of the pit in regards to these lockers were followed twofold interpretation. And this conference we'll take this imagery is having a oneness. Same time, two principle significations. On the one hand these are evil spirits, at least from the UPIs. Speaker 0 46:17 And on the other hand, these are the human agents of us, various spirits, the men who actually opened themselves up, the spirits who actually gave themselves over to them, the men who actually embraced the spirit of Vatican too and its associated spirits. And then just as a plague of locusts destroys other vegetation. It's Pat. So also these men swarmed over the earth strike as much as possible. Everything spiritual and this path and the fact these locals were crowns is indicative that they're rulers and positions of authority. So for the most part, these demonic lockers are the bishops, priests and religious who actually embraced the spirit of Vatican too. And its associated spirits. Speaker 0 47:05 And at the very degree they actually open themselves up to those spirits. It's a very decree. They actually gave themselves out of those life experiences, the very decree that actually embraced those spirits to that very degree, they destroyed everything spiritual in their path. Let's just quickly consider just a few of their destructive acts in regards to scripture denying the divine of scripture, denying its inerrancy, promoting evolution, marking Catholics actually believe and literal Adam and Eve and seven-day creation as fundamentalists denigrating miracles, several or didn't really multiply, posing fishy, got everybody to show up, they brought, et cetera, et cetera in regards to document insisting the dog was can change tonight, hell exist Griffin. Or if it does, anyone goes there to diamond purgatory or if it does anything goes, they're denying it. Then books, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Regards to Catherine morality, denying the reality model. Speaker 0 48:06 Sam, John, the contraception sterilization. I'm morally sound producing an elements for virtually any cause and in the process denying the average person can actually mean when he says, when he says, I do denied homosexuality as perversion, suggesting that those living in sin maybe given Holy communion, well, you go on and on, they've reached havoc and literally with vestibules, with statutes, with altars, with architecture, with music, with devotions, with Catholic publishing, with catechism, with Catholic education at every level from kindergarten right up through college and graduate school with seminars, with monsters, with convents, with widgets, hoarders with the priesthood. They haven't left anything on touched. That includes the altar boys. Speaker 0 48:59 Don't forget the Sada medical implications of the smoke. I wish these logos appear as we've seen the same phrases to describe the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and the commentaries we already heard the lockers described as if they were a bunch of pervert along here. Symbolic of all luxuriousness of feminist seem Bangor. They're cruel. They meditated, plan, heal. They love to subject people against their will. Their motives are pleasure in Vainglory. They'll listen only a sentimental please. They destroy the institutions and means of sanctification and terrorized people, a subtraction they last written torment. Everyone who doesn't submit to their tyranny, their ops, and I'm willing to listen to reason anyone that clearly convinced theirs, he'd rather die than renounced and as they wreck and destroy and chew up, leaving distraction advice in it matters. Speaker 0 49:57 Has it passed the close the church swallowing ripe like a bloated carcass of a dead end on the devastation of these locus has reached maximum when Southern becomes virtually impossible to find a diocese that isn't riddled with errors and Russia, when not only in society, but also mature. She becomes as it was in the days of no on the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, when that plaintiffs prophetic cry of all the six Richard is perfectly fulfillment. In other words, when the darkness of Satan has to be entered and spread throughout the Catholic church, even to at summit, when the posse has spread throughout the world and to the highest though that within the church when all these things shall come to pass, then their King will arrive and they had over them a King. The angel. The bottom was bad. His name in Hebrew is a bad and Greek, Apollyon and Latin. Next term. Speaker 0 51:04 So this King is the Angela Benson. He's a variously named the bad, and Paulina exterminates, which means destruction, destroyer or exterminator. Regardless, King the age, the bisque will follow the same twofold principle of interpretation as we did with the locus. We'll take this imagery and is having at one in the same time, two principal's significations. On the one hand, this refers to the evil spirit relationship from the best, a spirit Ferris, the name, the bed of all I honor, exterminator, destruction, destroyer or exterminator. So that's on the one hand. And on the other hand, we'll take this imagery is referring to a human agent or that very spirit, a met to a man who actually opens himself up. That very spirit to matter actually gives himself over to that very spiritual man who actually embraces the spirit verus the name a bad and all NX terminates, destruction destroyer or exterminator. Speaker 0 52:03 No, I've already seen men who have given every indication of having been human agents at just such a spirit. Remember that Marx loved the words of Mephistopheles and Faust. Everything in existence is worth being destroyed and in fact destroy. What's his nickname? We also started immediately after the Bolshevik revolution, lemon Lennon summarize a program by stating a quote, we shall destroy and smasher they ha everything. We smashed to smithereens and fly from all directions and nothing will remain standing. Yes, we are going to destroy everything and we even briefly considered some of the destruction afflicted by the men being guided by the spirit of destruction, most notably the deliberate murder of some hundred million people by their own garments from the looks of it. Then he's more than reasonable to presume that the spirit has been one of the guiding forces propelling the errors of Russia from the beginning. Speaker 0 53:04 So we're talking about an evil spirit from the biz fairs. Amanda Babb, piners, Terminator, destruction destroys Turner or exterminator. We're also talking about a human agent. That spirit to a man who actually opens himself up to is very superior to men, actually gives himself over to this very spirit to men. It actually embraces this spirit of Paris, the name than Apollyon or exterminating distraction, discharge exterminator. The comments close to it in the version of old Testament that would have been used by st John. The apostle, the Hebrew word of Patton destruction had been translated the same Greek word used in the new Testament. Describe both Judas Iscariot, an antichrist. In other words, one of the names of this man is associated scripture with both Judas Iscariot and then I Christ apocalypse tells us that he's a King. In that regard, the commentaries give a very, I guess a very important item, information quote in apocalypse Kings of those earthly rulers who follow the beast and do his bidding. Oh, that's cool. So this man is an earthly ruler who will follow the beat and do his bidding and although it's, we'll see, there are two BS for reasons that will become apparent later in this conference. We will take the Beastie he's falling has been anti-Christ. Speaker 0 54:36 The pockets tells us that he's the Angela BIS. This is a very significant, frightening choice. According from a common Catholic commentary. Angel means a Bishop or priest throughout the apocalypse. Unless the context clearly shows him to be a celestial or an evil spirit. So this man who actually opened himself up to the spirit, first name, the bad and Apollyon exterminations destruction, destroy our exterminator. This matter actually gives himself over to the spirit. This man who actually Bryce's his spirit is a Bishop or priest. We'll follow the antichrist. And there has been a, and as we've already heard the commentary state had, he seems that the destruction of church, the destruction of faith of his poor victims of destruction or schools forever and now. And there's millions of leaders that Harrison says in the persecution, Apaka salsa tells us he's the King of the logos. And that's a very significant, frightening choice of words. Speaker 0 55:52 Remember that in regards to these lockers, we followed to all the interpretation. On the one hand, they're evil spirits released from the PIs. Other hand are the human agents. Those very spirits, I mean who actually opened themselves to those spirits, gave themselves sort of those spirits actually embrace the spirit of Vatican tune is associates spirits and then locust swarm over intimate lock. A swamp destroys up the vegetation. It's bad salts. These men sworn to flirt this Trong as much as possible. Everything's spiritual path. We conclude these demark lockers symbolized the bishops, priests and religious who actually embrace the spirit of Vatican too and its associated spirits. So locus or the bishops, priests and religions too. It actually breaks the spirit. It's associated spirits and our King is a man who actually opens himself to the spirit verus the name of bad polyamory, exterminations destruction, destroy or exterminator man who actually gives himself over to spirit, men who actually braces his spirit. Manual hams, the destruction of church, a man who means the destruction to faith of his poor victims, Amanda Williams and the destruction of their souls forever. Now a man who's minutes or liters of hair ceases in persecution, man. His name is associated scripts with bullet. Judas is scary and the antichrist, magical father, antichrist Christ. It was bidding man is either a Bishop or a priest. That's who we're talking about here. Speaker 0 57:30 There can only be one man rules, the bishops, priests and religious and the Catholic church. That's what we're talking about here. Be careful. Remember the warning? I'm saying you're an ass st Francis of Assisi in a very interesting prophecy about so many called quote the destroyer close. It seems to deal with the time you land in the first wall going onto the sixth trumpet playing the second wall. Now what I'll read to you is taken from book and title works, the Sarah Africa father st transmitter CC to translation from an 1848 additional works of Saint Francis. It was post and cologne. The particular book we'll read from has a nightmare. 1882 imprimatur given by William Barnard, the Bishop of Birmingham, England, and it's readily [email protected] the title of this section of book is the same prophesies, great systems and tribulations and metric cool. A short time before the Holy father's death there. Speaker 0 58:49 Speaking of st Francis here, a short time before the Holy father's death, he called together as children and warned them of the coming trouble as the saying act bravely. My brethren, take courage and trust in the Lord. The time is fast approaching, which though will be great trials and inflections, perpecsiv, perplexities and dissensions for spiritual and temporal. The charity of many will grow cold and malice. The wicked will increase. The devils will have power. The Mack, that period of our order, Frances can order the Mac. That period of our border and of others, there'll be so much obscured. There'll be very few Christians who will pay the true sovereign pontiff and the Roman church with loyal hearts, the perfect charity. At the time of this tribulation, a man not canonically elected will be raised to pontificate who by his cunning, who endeavored to draw Manny and error death. Speaker 0 59:48 Then scandals. We multiplied. Our order will be divided and many others will be entirely destroyed because they will consent to air instead of opposing. And there'll be such diversity of opinions and systems among the people, the religious and the clergy, except those days were shortened according to the words of the gospel. Even the elect will be led into error where they're not specially guided. I made such great confusion by the immense mercy of God. Then our rule and manner of life will be violently opposed by some terrible trials will come upon us. Those were found faithful, receive a chronic life, but woe to those who trusting solely in their order shall fall tepidity for they will not be able to support the temptations permitted for the proving of the act. Speaker 0 00:34 Those who preserve that for adhere to virtue as love and seal for the truth will suffered. Injuries and persecutions as rebels and systematics for the persecutors urged on by the evil spirits will say that renting a great service to God by just trying says pestilent men from the face of the earth, but the Lord will be the refuge of effective and will save all their trust in him and are going to be like their head. Jesus Christ. These electrical act with confidence by their death will purchase for themselves eternal life, choosing to obey God rather than man. They will feel nothing and they will prefer to perish rather than consent to falsely perfidy. Some preachers will keep silent about the truth and others will trampled under foot. In tonight. Sanctity of life will be held in derision even by those who are really profess it from those days. She is Christ was sending not a true pastor, but a destroyer Speaker 0 01:31 would be great trials and afflictions. The charity of many will grow cold and the malice, the liquid will increase. The devil's will have unusual power. There'll be very few Christians who obey the true Southern part of the Roman church with loyal arts and perfect charity. At the time of this tribulation, a man not canonically elected. We raised the pontificate who by his cunning or endeavor to draw many to Aaron death. Then scandals we multiplied and many religious orders will be entirely destroyed because they will consent to air instead of opposing it and we set a diversity of opinions among the people, the religious and the clergy, except those days were shortened. Even elect when we let it air, they're not especially guided by the immense mercy of God. Those who adhere to virtue with love and zeal, the truth will suffer. Injuries and persecutions and rebels and schismatics some previous will keeps silence about the truth. Speaker 0 02:26 I was with trampoline and I couldn't deny it. Saturday of light. Will it be held in derision even by those who are not really professor from those days she is Christ will send a not a true pastor, but a destroyer and all that sheds a brighter light. On that remarkable statement, Paul, the sixth night on the 60th anniversary of miracle, this time the darkness of Satan has entered and spread throughout the Catholic church aimed at summit. Apostasy lost. The Fe is spreading throughout the world and into the highest levels within the church. One was passed, it'd be coal there come yet to horse more a hereafter. Speaker 0 03:12 The sixth trumpet and the sixth angel song of the truck, and I heard a voice from the four horns, the great author, which is before the Isaac God sang to the sixth angel, had the trumpet loose. The four angels were bombed with great river Euphrates. The four angels were loosed, were prepared for an hour and a day and a month in a year for to kill. The third part of man from the commentaries quote, God's action history proceeded from his author. We just received the prayers of the saints, the golden authors, the heavenly counterpart to the altar of incense is to right before the veil in the temple and the temple of golden Alterman says, had four horns, which protruded from the four corners of the altar. Horns are symbols of power and authority and incense burn. PennDOT symbolized the prayers and their session of the people going up to God as a sweet fragrance and the apocalypse. Speaker 0 04:08 The heavenly Alterman senses where the prayers, the saints, his sin before God. Since it is explicitly said to the golden authors before God, the voice smelter cannot be the voice of God. The voice does not come from the horns, but from the alter itself, the four horns, one in each corner of Altura four refer to an important aspect of the old Testament liturgy. According to the book of Leviticus sends political land where they take place and these sins also defile the sanctuary. This standard defined a sanctuary was cleansed by the purification offering. The purification offering dealt with the pollution caused by sin. Your sin polluted the land defiled, particular the sanctuary. The seriousness of pollution depended on the seriousness of the sin, which in turn related to the status of the center. If a private citizen sinned, his action put a sanctuary only to a limited extent. Speaker 0 05:02 Therefore, the blood of the purification vacation offering was only smeared on the horns of the altar of burnt sacrifice. If however, the whole nation sin or the holiest member of that nation, the high priests and this was more serious, the blood had to be taken inside the and sprinkle on a veil and on the horns, the altar of incense. This was the only way the altar could be purified. The Jewish Sage has the view of the four horns of symbolized in the four corners of the earth. For an Hebraic thought, the earth is nothing more than a large altar dedicated God. The four captive angels are demons who will arouse increased enmities against the church. For the number of universality indicates how widespread will be their influence. Their task is to lead a demonic army to punish the people the world. It is possible, however, that the four angels represent four nations. Speaker 0 05:54 They appear to be in charge of the limitless order of demonic horsemen who ride across the pagan world, spreading tear and deaths. They're loosed for the purpose of killing a third of the world's population. John sees this assault as a divine judgment upon a corrupt civilization. Many of the terrible invasions of Palestine by the Syrians, Babylonians and Persians came across Euphrates, thus became a symbol of foreign invasion with the profits of all the region that you prayed he was ever the country once came. The enemies of God's people, the term may be taken, literally represent peoples from that region who are hostile to the church. Even the time for the manifestation of these evil spirits and their minions has been accurately fixed and the designs of provenance, the very day and hour has been determined. Great numbers will be done to death and the religious Wars and revolutions stirred up by these angels from the Euphrates. Speaker 0 06:44 The release of these 40 evil spirits may proceed. A resurgence in Mohammedanism may lead its religionists to unite with communists in a Holy war against all nations who will not join them to submit to their domination. That's has it imprimatur. 1956 the four evil spirits have way to long time for the hour, which they might bring in their depredations. They cannot begin their murderous work until the predetermined daughter. Their bloody task was to kill a third of the human race. The second law combinates the reign of anti-Christ. This period is described by the ancient fathers as the most dreadful of all close quotes. Thus the commentaries. Let's briefly consider what we've seen regarding the alter, the golden authors, the heavenly counterpart to the ultra incense that stood in the temple, dead four horns, symbols of power and authority, which protruded from four corners of the alter and then says burnt on. Speaker 0 07:35 It symbolize the prayers that are session of people going up to God as a sweet fragrance. Those four horns played an important role in liturgy. The old Testament, if the land had been defiled by sin, this in turn would defile the sanctuary, so a special ritual called a purification offering was necessary in order to cleanse and purify the sanctuary. Again, the gravity is sin and the statuses center together determined the magnitude of the defilement. If an ordinary member of the faithful sin, his input at sanctuary only to limited stent, which case the blood of the animal sacrifice for his sin was not smeared on the horns of the golden altar of incense, but only on the horns of the brass altar of sacrifice. On the other hand, if the whole nation sin with Holy S member of that nation, the high priest sin, this is far more serious, very cleanse and purify the sanctuary. Speaker 0 08:22 In these cases, the sacrificial blood had to be taken inside the Holy place and sprinkled on avail Hain before the Holy of Holies had had to be smeared in the four horns, the golden entrepre incense. And this is the only way that altar could be purified. The voice does not come from the warrants or from the alter itself. And since it's explicitly stated, the golden authors before God, the voice from the author cannot be the voice of God. And finally, according to ancient Jews, there itself as a huge altar dedicated guy, and the four horns symbolize four corners of the earth. Speaker 0 08:54 So let's start by considering this voice from the altar. Given that a voice is heard from that author actually asking for the release, the demons are then bound where we lead a massacre of a third of the population to her. We have to ask, what is that? Why would a voice be cry out from the alter, the massacre with her other people on earth? Well, that's actually easy to see once we recognize the earth itself has a huge altar, and so for this conference we will take the voice from the halter as being a voice crying out from the earth. We'll read a few scriptures here to make this clear. Genesis four nine and 10 the Lord said to Cain, where is Abel your brother? He said, I did not know am I my brother's keeper? Lord said, what have you done? The voice, your brother's blood is crying out to me from the ground. Speaker 0 09:54 The voice of the murdered, all those mold down around the globe or crimes, hatred, especially abortion. The estimates is 1980s there've been some 1.4 4 billion babies aborted. Why? Almost one and a half billion babies sacrifice since 1980 sets the voice of an ocean. Blood cry off from the ground. Genesis chapter 18 verses 2021 and 1913 then the Lord said, because I'll probably get some good Morris crude and they're seen as very grave. I'll go down to see what they've done altogether. According the outcry, which has come to me, we're going to destroy this place because outcry gets his people has become great before the Lord. The Lord has sent us to destroy your voice, cry out against sodomy. 50 years ago, acceptance we, which are decriminalized at 1938 sodomy was illegal throughout the entire world. Now it's a global phenomenon. The boys cry out. I can't against it. Speaker 0 11:26 Exodus two 23 to 24 and of course those many days, the King of Egypt died and the people of Israel groaned under bondage, cried out for help. They're crying or Bunge came up to God got hurt. They're crying. I've voice cry out against the pressure of whore. This too is a global phenomenon. To take only one example. On December 10th, 1974 the national security council, that's the highest decision making body and foreign policy. The United States promulgated the national security study memorandum, NSS him 200 it's also called the Kissinger report. You can read it online. It specifically calls for population control, measure abortion, sterilization and contraception to be implanted in lesser developed countries. And it also explicitly calls for us to cover up it's population control activities. Plan to see the United nations and various NGOs including international planned Parenthood to do the dirty work. And the reason for all this, I said that the United States can continue to get their natural resources as these lesser developed countries. And this is still the official United States policy for population control on a global scale. The voice crying out against depression and bore Speaker 0 13:03 James five one four come now you rich weep and harmful miseries. They're coming on. You behold the wages of labor, some more of your fields, which you kept back by fraud. Cry out. I cried. The harvesters have reached out here so hard of all of us. So it's the voice cry out against fraud. The workers, they're just wages and that's it. Another global phenomenon. To take only one example, the prisons in China typically have a factory, a hundred different name, people that could be sent to prison for such crimes as being a Catholic patient for priest and you knew what the wrong worked for next to nothing in his prison factory producing those goods, Speaker 0 13:48 the voice crying out against a Friday markers there she has to page. There are certain mortal sins that are so easily crowd having preventions for the purpose of this conference. That's how we'll understand the voice coming up from halter continue as we've seen if the land had been too far by sin, this in term of the file, the sanctuary, so special ritual called the purification offing was necessary her a cleanse and purify the sanctuary. Again, the gravity was in the status as centered together, determine the magnitude. The defilement who ordered it, cleanse and purify the sanctuary of the whole nation in the sacrificial blood had to be smeared on the four horns, the golden author of incense. This was the only way that could be purified. We've also seen that the ancient Jews took the four horns to symbolize the four corners of the earth, this huge altar dedicated Cod. Speaker 0 14:42 So given that virtually all the nations of the world are to varying degrees, guilty of the force, sends a crowd to have it for vengeance and given free sends a polluted both the land and the altar and give it to alternates, purifying this case all through. That does mean purifying his case. The earth. Given it, the only way Ali could be purified is by screamed blood and four horns. Given it the four horns symbolize the four corners, earth, all parts of there. Given all that and sacrificial blood must be smeared or all parts of the earth would pick up there in part two.

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