End Times Part 2 Operation of Error (Unabridged)

November 30, 2014 00:42:23
End Times Part 2 Operation of Error (Unabridged)
Veritas Caritas
End Times Part 2 Operation of Error (Unabridged)

Nov 30 2014 | 00:42:23


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Speaker 0 00:00 Okay, Speaker 1 00:02 Ivy Maria Paris, you know, Speaker 0 00:04 Nice. Speaker 1 00:06 Oh, we're not going to site every source. It's, it's not an academic exercise. As usual, the Co quotes will be cut, pasted, and edited. Speaker 1 00:16 Hey, last week we considered what we've been told about the state of the world about the moral condition of the world before the second coming. We saw it in the last days, although the men shall both be very wicked in the works and perverse in their ideas, loving pleasure more than God, they will still profess to be Christians. We saw in the last times there'll be an absolutely terrible, unprecedented outbreak of evil during which time society will be torn to pieces by apostasy, heresy, CISM, sedition revolution and war. We've seen that in the midst of all this chaos, the antichrist will appear and the men who have been resistant to the truth, who don't want to hear the truth because it hurts because it means they have to change their sinful disordered ways of living and thinking. Men who want to live the way they want to live. These men, the vast majority of men will believe the lie and be just see by the antichrist and follow him as a just punishment for the rejection of the known truth. They'll fall under the operation of air and God will permit them to have what they do want and what they do love, which is the lie we sell, the operation of air in the marvels and seduction of the antichrist will not deceive a small remnant of those who love and believe in the truth. Speaker 1 01:47 Okay, so much for the review. So given the paper warnings, and since the time of Leo the 13th most of the popes have given a warning and given the spectacular state of society and other chaos within the church today as a working hypothesis, we're going to assume we're in the great apostasy or else we're in the dress rehearsal and should the antichrist appear during our lifetime. We want to make absolutely sure that we're not going to be swept away by the operation of air. Obviously the marvels and seduction antichrist will not deceive those who love and believe in the truth. And since that's the case, we each need to have a single heart in pursuit of the truth, wherever it leads and however painful it might be. Let's start by drawing some insights today from a man who, after having been locked in blindness and sinful behavior, who after having been resistant to the truth himself, after not wanting to change his sinful and distorted way of living and thinking, who after wanting to live the way he wanted to live, who after all that converted? Speaker 1 02:56 That man is a great doctor, that church Saint Augustan listen carefully. Santa Guston's problem four's conversion was not only that he was steeped in sin, it was it his mind defended his commission of sin. Therefore, in order to return to God, he had first to be convinced that he was a center to return to God. Augustan had to overcome two vices. The habit of wrong thinking and the habit of wrongdoing he had both have. It's had a stronghold on his proud and passionate nature in order to justify his misconduct, Augusta to become a Manichaean. This was the convenient heresy of claiming there were two gods. The Evil God was responsible for all the evil we do and the good God is the only cause of everything good in our lives. On these premises, Augustan could attribute his life of sin to the evil deity and not feel guilty for all the wrongdoing in his life. Speaker 1 04:02 Saint Augustan dates his conversion to the discovery made the add of free will once it dawned on him that he had the power to control his mind and what to think and the power to control his will and what to choose, who's back on his way to service to God. On this level of teaching, Augustan is a prophet. For our times there is so much learn a justification of sin. This whole philosophies have been created to defend man's misconduct by shifting the blame on heredity or environment or education. Anything in anyone that human ingenuity can devise is said to be responsible for the evils in the world today except the real agent of evil, which is man's freewill in refusing to submit to the demanding will of God. Close. Cool. It's father John Hart. It is really important. So let's pause for a minute and reflect on it. Speaker 1 05:04 Santa Gustin was sinning and he was proud and the pride was by far and away the greater danger. Why is that? Because when a man is proud, it's very, very difficult for him to admit it's wrong. And so as we've seen, he find a convenient way of excusing his sin. The Evil God is making me do it. We see this sort of thing all the time. I was born this way. My parents didn't treat me right. You don't expect me to act like a monk or something. I grew up in a bad neighborhood and on and on and on it goes. We need to pray for the humility to embrace the truth no matter how painful for the community. Take responsibility for our own actions, for humility to admit it when we're acting wrongly or thinking wrongly. Saint Augustan is a prophet for our times and he has a lot to teach us. Speaker 1 06:03 Dr e Michael Jones is drawn some important observations from the teaching of Saint Augusta. I cool. Santa Guston divides the world up into two camps, the city of God and the city of Man, the man in the city of God love God to the exclusion of self. The men in the city of man love self to the exclusion of God, love of God. Saint Augusta makes clear, is intimately bound up with the truth. Sandy Gustin quote, when a man lives according to truth, he lives not according to himself, but according to God it was God who said, I am the truth. Close quote. Okay, so Santa Gustin teaches, there's two kinds of men that we can find in the world. Santa Gusts. We distribute the human race and the two kinds of men, one living according to man, the other living according to God mystically we call them two cities or two societies of men, thus Saint Augusta, and it's very important. Speaker 1 07:12 San Augusta explains that the way that the men in each of these two societies use their wills is what produces these two camps or these two cities, if you will. It all depends on whom they love and how deep they love what they are willing to pay is the price of their love. Saint Augustine, these two cities are made by two loves the earthly city by love of oneself, even to the contempt of God, the heavenly city, by love of God, even to the contempt of self. The one glories in itself, the other glories in God. The one seeks glory from men to the other God witness of conscience is it's glory. Close quotes, Saint Augusta. So it's an immense help to realize that part of God's mysterious providence is the fact that are two kinds of people in the world at any given point in history. Those who abused their freewill and refuse to surrender to the loving will of God who glory in themselves and seek glory from men and those who want to give the glory to God, who use their freedom for its noblest purpose, to sacrifice everything they have, including themselves to the loving will of God. Speaker 1 08:37 Back to Dr. Jones. Senate Gustin makes it clear that the love of God is intimately bound up with truth. When a man lives according to the truth, he lives not according to himself, but according to God. For what God who said on the truth, converse to when a man does not live according to the truth, he lives according to himself and not according to God. Close quote. Okay, so that's another way of understanding this fearful symmetry. That's fun. Right? In the very fabric of reality itself, the city of God is composed of the men who live according to truth and the city of man is composed of men who live according to themself. Now, Dr. Jones applies these truths. Religious leaders who suppress the truth can only think therefore that something in this life is more important than God. We all know what those things are. Money, sex, esteemed eyes of men, political power, things which are good in themselves, which are evil. Speaker 1 09:43 When used as a substitute for the highest good in the name of serving God, they ended up serving an idol in idol. Worship is a bible. Makes clear, always involves punishment of those who will not serve idols symbolize the exploitation of appetite over truth. Close quote, when a man does not live according to the truth, he lives according to himself and not according to God. He serves an idol and serving an idol. Butte, money, sex, esteemed eyes of others, political power, religious power, serving an idle instead of serving the living. God always involves serving a devil who stands behind that idol. Always. There are no exceptions. That is reality. Speaker 0 10:34 Yeah. Speaker 1 10:36 Back to Dr. Jones. Certain religious leaders do not proclaim the truth as a service to the people who follow. Then they suppress the truth as a service to themselves. They also do it to keep their followers in the dark as a way of consolidating power of their followers. These leaders are to the priests of the Lord. God. What Dracula is to cheeses. Jesus shed his blood so that we might have eternal life. Dracula shits our blood so that he might have eternal life at our expense. Speaker 1 11:18 Some religious leaders do not proclaim the truth as a service to the people. They suppress the truth as a service to themselves. They also do it to keep their followers in the dark as a way of consolidating their power over their followers. Okay, so what have we seen so far? We've seen that Santa Guston divides the world up into two camps, the city of God and the city of Man, the Admin of the city of God loved God even to the contempt of themselves. The men and city man loved themselves even to the contempt of God. Seen that the love of God is intimately bound up with the truth, and so the city of God is composed of the men who live according to truth and the city of man is composed of the men who live according to themselves. We've seen them. When a man lives according to himself and not according to truth, then he serves in idle and we've seen it serving an idol, whatever it might be. Speaker 1 12:14 Instead of living. God always involves serving a devil who's standing behind that idol. We've seen it. Some religious leaders do not proclaim the truth as a service to the people who follow them. They suppress the truth as a service to themselves. They also do it to keep their followers in the dark as a way of consolidating power over their followers. So if we're going to sum up what we've seen, we've seen that how we respond to truth is the key to our salvation. If we embrace the truth, if we submit ourselves, our intellects and our desires in service to the truth will be in the city of God and ultimately be saved. It's that simple, but if we reject or resist the truth, if we live according to our desires and not according to truth, then we'll be in the city of man and should we die in that condition will be downed salsa. That simple truth himself told us that the truth would set us free and he knows what he's talking about. Speaker 1 13:24 Now let's apply all this to various aspects of our current situation with special attention to situations which it's obvious that the leaders not proclaiming the full truth to their followers, who even if they find themselves swept along in the currents, nonetheless must still take responsibility for their own actions. Obviously, because of comm constraints, there's much more than we could say. We'll start by turning briefly to culture of death crowd through men who love God live according to the truth, but when a man lives according to himself and not acquainted truth like the pro boards, the pro euthanasia crowd, the contraceptive hers and so on and so on, then he succumb to a type of the operation of air by serving an idol, which means he's actually serving a dental devil, which stands behind the idle, and in the case of Borson, we actually know the proper name, that devil, the name, that devil is Moloch Saint John Paul two made some very appropriate observations in his in Sicko Evangelian v tape. Speaker 1 14:28 I quote, the acceptance of abortion in the popular mind and behavior and even in lot self is a telling sign of an extremely dangerous crisis of the moral sense, which is becoming more and more incapable of distinguishing between good and evil. Even when the fundamental right to life is at stake. Given such a grave situation, we need now more than ever to have the courage to look truth in the eye and to call things by their proper name without yielding to convenient compromises or to the temptation of self deception. In this regard, the reproach of the Prophet Isaiah is extremely straightforward. Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness. Close quote the vicar of Christ. Speaker 0 15:25 Okay. Speaker 1 15:25 We need now more than ever to have the courage to look truth in the eye, to call things by their proper name, without yielding the convenient compromises or the temptation of self deception. Many people's consciousness have become progressively obscured. The acceptance of abortion, the popular mind and behavior and even in the law itself is a telling sign of an extremely dangerous crisis of the moral sense, which is becoming more and more incapable of distinguishing between good and evil. Let's turn to apostasy and heresy. The last times we characterized by apostasy and heresy, which are certainly some of the most powerful forces in producing this whole wretched society filled as it is with people with darkened minds and depraved morals who are deliberately and obstinately resistant to the truth. Apostasy and heresy are so obvious at every level in the church that it doesn't bear much comment. All you have to do is simply point towards it. For example, at the recent Senate in which the majority of the bishops present voted in favor of holy communion for the divorced and remarried. We need now more than ever to have the courage to look truth in the eye and call things by their proper name without yielding to convenient compromises or the temptation of self deception. Many people's conferences have become progressively obscured. The acceptance of apostasy and Harrison and the popular mind and behavior even at the very heights of the church itself is a telling sign of an extremely dangerous crisis that the moral sense which is becoming more and more incapable of distinguishing between good and evil Speaker 1 17:28 we've seen in the last time, so we false prophets and false teachers performing false signs and false wonders and preaching a false faith with false words all under the guidance of evil spirits. Speaker 0 17:41 Okay, Speaker 1 17:42 and that regard, I want to address a particular situation around which a whole industry has sprung up. Speaker 1 17:50 We'll start with a brief commentary. Theological commentary quote, it is clear that our attitude to private revelations must be marked by great caution. Above all, we should adhere closely to whatever directives authorities the church give in any particular case, never daring to act contrary to them. Even if the bishop and charge should make a mistake and reject a true vision, we in following him are guided by obedience without which no one can please God close quilts. How we need to heed this advice. The first thing we should check into is what the local bishop is said of an alleged private revelation, and please know in these matters, it doesn't matter if he's a liberal or modernist or immoral, if he renders a decision, he's acting as a bishop and that act does not depend on his personal virtue. It's an act of his office. On that note, and fully recognizing, this may cause some dismay, I will read from extra to the statements of local bishop recording so-called apparitions in his diocese, but before we get to that, we'll just draw everyone's attention to one fraudulent, outrageous and frankly blasphemous claim by one of the seers. Speaker 0 19:12 Okay. Speaker 1 19:14 During the it aborigines that magic glory, the series or alleged to be in the state of ecstasy and remained unresponsive to external stimuli. However, went on 14 January, 1985 that's a while ago. 14 January, 1985 John Louis Martin approached Vica while she was supposedly an ecstasy amaze up to poker in the eyes. See instinctively moved away after this app. Rish it gets better after this apparition. Vick explained it. The reason for reaction was because our lady had appeared with the Child Jesus, and coincidentally, just when John Louis made his approach, it looked as if the child Jesus was going to slip from our lady's hands. Right Speaker 1 20:02 now, if you saw someone dropping a baby, not just our Lord, any baby, if you saw someone dropping a baby, would you try to catch the baby or would you jump backwards? Are we supposed to believe that our lady comes down from heaven with the little Lord Jesus in her arms and is going to drop him just when some guy pokes at Vic, his eyes? Can any reasonable man believe this kind of nonsense, this whole episodes film, you can watch it on the Internet. I have people who are seduced by these lies are seduced because they want to be seduced. Speaker 1 20:50 There are many statements by the past who bishops, for the sake of time, we'll limit ourselves to these two. Number one. In 1990 Bishop Zanuck issued a statement concerning a Franciscan priest, father vago, who is dispensed from his vows and expelled from the Franciscan order by direct command of Pope John Paul. Two as a result of his immoral conduct. It's so outrageous. It can't be mentioned from the pulpit. And as the bishop points out the whole time, Father Vega was living an outrageously scandalous life and still saying mass, etc. The Sears claimed that our lady had appeared to them on 13 occasions stating that Father Vega was innocent that uses entitled to celebrate mass in his any other priest, and that the bishop was harsh. Number two, in the October, 1993 issue of his Diocesan Journal, Bishop Ratko Pareek stated quote, the bishops of Yugoslavia, there was still a Yugoslavia. Speaker 1 21:47 This was decision was made, the bishops of Yugoslavia at their spring meeting at Zidar and April 10th, 1991 dutifully declared on the basis of studies that cannot be affirmed that supernatural apparitions and revelations are occurring. This is an exceptionally clear ecclesiastical ruling and as a rebuttal of the claims of all those who have claimed to seen the gospel everywhere and at any time since 1981 if after serious, solid and professional investigations, our bishop's conference had the courage to declare that magic words, apparitions are not supernatural in spite of massive stories, convictions to the contrary, then that is a sign that the church, even in the 20th century upholds the truth and keeps it safe. I affirmed this unequivocally and he continues another quote. There are many disorders there. There Franciscan priest there with no canonical mission. Religious communities have been established without the permission of the Diocesan Bishop. Speaker 1 22:46 Ecclesiastical buildings have been erected without ecclesiastical approval. Parishes are encouraged to organize official pilgrimages, etc. Magic gory, considered as a location of presumed apparitions does not promote peace and unity, but creates confusion and division and not simply in its own diocese. I stated this in October, 1994 at the Senate senator bishops and in the presence of the Holy Father, and I repeat it today with the same responsibility close quote, we need now more than ever to have the courage to look truth in the eye and to call things by their proper name without yielding to convenient compromises or to the temptation of self deception. Many people's consciousness had been progressingly obscured. The acceptance of false apparitions and false visionaries with false signs and false wonders is this telling sign of an extremely dangerous crisis of the moral sense, which is becoming more and more incapable of distinguishing between good and evil. Speaker 1 23:51 Another characteristic of the last times is CISM and a time of apostasy and heresy. Susan can seem very attractive, very tempting to those Catholics who managed to keep the true faith because it offers an apparent solution for all the chaos. Let's just get away from all of this. CISM is the crystallization of orthodox descent. CISM occurs when either a group or even an individual while keeping the true faith. Nevertheless, voluntarily, knowingly, and the dibble literately separates himself from the unity of the church by refusing to submit to the authority of the pope or to remain in communion with those who are subject to him. I'll just read the last official catechism before the recent one was called a catechism pope saint pies the 10th it's about a century old. I'll read the question from that catechism of Pope Saint Posit tent question 16 who are systematics? Answer says, Maddix are those Christians who will not explicitly denying any dogma. You'd voluntary separate themselves from the Church of Jesus Christ. That is from their lawful pastures. So that's what CISM is. Let's not forget that at Fatima, Our lady asked for the conversion of Russia from CISM to Catholicism Orthodoxy. This is Madec. Speaker 0 25:19 Yeah, Speaker 1 25:20 Saint Augustine comments on citizen Santa Gustin. It is a manifest rule that one not and no. Why secede from the Catholic communion that is from the body of Christians throughout the world by the establishment of a separate communion, even on the admission of evil and sacrilegious men close quote. So Santa Gusta makes it perfectly clear that even with evil and sacrilegious men, president the church, we've got a bumper crop right now, boy, haughty. But even with that, we cannot and must not under any circumstances, separate ourselves from the unity of the church and form a separate communion. Notice that Saint Augustan is not citing cannon law and there's a good reason for that. The reason for that is CISM is essentially a question of moral theology, not illegal question. CISM is not something that comes into being by a legal declaration Speaker 1 26:20 when speaking of heresy, for example, Saint Alphonsus speaks of heretics before God. In other words, if someone who is a heretic but has not been legally declared so by a solemn judgment of the church, the idea here is that the sin of heresy proceeds the judgment of the church. The demand actually is a heretic, right? It just makes sense. And even if the church never got around in a particular place of judging Sim man. Nonetheless, if you were to stubbornly deny any of revealed truth of the Catholic faith even after he'd been shown to be wrong, he would still be a heretic before God. Okay. The situation was CISM is analogous. We can speak of schismatics before God. In other words, that people who are systematic but have not been legally declared so by a som judgement of the church, the cynicism proceeds the judgment of the church if a group or even an individual while keeping the true faith. Speaker 1 27:16 Nevertheless, voluntary lead deliberately and knowingly separates himself from the unity the church by refusing to submit to the authority of the pope and order many community with those who are subject to them here, they would still be systematic even if the church never got around to making a solemn declaration. They'd be says matics before God. Solecism is principally and essentially a question of moral theology, not of Canon Law. One notable aspect of the particular evil spirit behind the cynicism that we've seen throughout the ages is that it gives adherence of this sin and impression, which is really an illusion of purity and piety. It makes them feel holy and good about maintaining doctrinal and moral purity and at the same time to feel justified in separating themselves from obedience the pope or community with other Catholics as if they might have somehow become tainted by these sorts of associations and he can read any sort of controversial thing put out by Orthodox apologetics to see this exact sort of thing. Speaker 1 28:22 It's extraordinary when you read some of the things there, but even with evil and sacrilegious men, president of the church, we certainly have an abundance of them now. We cannot, must not under any circumstances, separate cells from the munity church and form a separate communion. Let's pause for a moment and consider a particular historical situation. Within hours, literally hours of their consecration, one of the first bishops of the church committed suicide. The first pope denied our Lord three times in long with nine of the remaining bishops proceeded to abandon our Lord. In other words, roughly 92% of the first bishops in the Catholic Church, including the pulp, ran away it spectacular within hours of being consecrated. Roughly 92% of the first bishops in the Catholic Church, including the pope, abandon our Lord. Only one remain faithful until the bitter end and it is impossible to conceive of a more bitter end than standing there on calvary at the foot of the cross. And yet if that time he couldn't explain what was happening, how can God die? Isn't that the Messiah hanging there? Speaker 1 29:50 What's going on here? Even though he couldn't yet answer those questions, he stayed close to our lady and because he stayed close to our lady, even when the scan, the whore were too great for his fellow bishops in the pope, he remained faithful. He stayed close to our lady and he remained faithful. It would be sheer blast me to suggest and in response to all this Saint John, the Faithful Apostle, the faithful bishop should separate himself from community with Peter and the other parcels and set up his own separate communion. These guys are sinners. They're compromises. We've got to pull away. It'd be blasted me to suggest that he should pull away from the sinners, but that exactly what CISM is, and if Saint John had no right or reason to break the unity of the mystique body and he had not, then how much less has anyone over these past 2000 years had the right to break the unity of the mystical body. Speaker 1 30:53 As we enter more deeply into the passion of the church and it looks even more like his mystical body is dying and it looks like so many of the hierarchy are abandoning our Lord, even with evil and sacrilegious men present the church, even if we can't explain exactly what's happening. If we stay close to our lady, she will obtain for us the grace not to break communion with Peter and the church. The grace to not refuse to submit to the authority of the pope in order to remain in community with those who are septic to them because we cannot. We must not under any circumstances, separate ourselves from the unity of the church and form a separate community. It's a salvation issue. This is a salvation issue. Speaker 1 31:45 Now that are all that being said, I want to read Seanna Gustin quote again and we'll go from there. It is a manifest rule that one on it, no wise secede from the Catholic communion that is from the body of Christians throughout the world, but established in of a separate communion even on the admission of evil and sacrilegious men. So even when we have evil and sacrilegious men, I have a letter in my possession. It's written by a very likeable and sells young as as a p SPX priest. We actually, the letter u actually praises me in this parish and at the same time insist the lady lady should avoid here because, and I quote as a FSSP as element of compromise. By that he means that we're in union with the conciliar church. In other words, that you knew what the bishop and the pope as FSSP as the element of compromise that is consequently evil must therefore be avoided. Speaker 3 32:40 Close quote, but this is a common attitude. It starts at the top. I could do a lot of these out. Just short quote one more Bishop Bernard. Filet, the superior general of this SSPs quote, the Church has cancer. We don't want to embrace the church because then we'll get cancer too. Close quote, I don't read this with any delight at all. This breaks my heart as pope benedict the 16th stated of the SSP, ex bishops and priests quote, they do not legitimately exercise any ministry in the church. Close call, they're suspended out to Venus. Now, if you're not a cleric, that might not sound like much, but that means it happens if you, it happens automatically if you get oh ordained in certain circumstances. This is from the ancient church. You have to things called dem soil letter. CFT have permission from your ordinary to be ordained by someone who isn't your ordinary origin. Got In trouble for this. This is nothing new. Okay, so anyway, they're suspended odd Venus once they become a deacon, which means in their case, unless they're actually dying, they have to have that suspension lifted before they can be valuably absolved in the confessional. Speaker 3 33:56 You heard that, right? There's a barrier between the suspended priest and the confessor and it doesn't matter who the confessor is. You can solve till the cows come home and it's just gonna Ricochet off cause you can't penetrate that and a bishop can't penetrate that and a Carlo can't penetrate that. They can't make a good confession until and unless they have the suspicion lifted by Rome, they can't make a good confession because they can't be validly absolved. I think this may be why over the course of the years they have lost about 50% of the priest. As far as I know, it's the highest percentage in the world. We really need to pray for these guys. We really need to pray for them except in the case of someone actually dying, they can't lift the excommunication attached to abortion. So as everybody here knows or you're going to know right now, if you're involved in an intimate way with abortion, either having the abortion driving the person, they're taking them in, paying for the abortion, those kinds of things, you could excommunicate just ipso facto, you do it, you're excommunicated, they can't lift except the case. Speaker 3 35:04 Someone dying, they can't lift the excommunication attached to abortion since they don't have the faculty to hear confessions. And supply jurisdiction won't work in that case. Think about that. That says bx bishops, reordering priests, at least one case, an SSPs. Bishop Rio deigned a priest who had been ordained by the pope. You draw your own conclusions there. They reconfirm Catholics as everyone knows from the catechism, confirmation leaves an indelible mark on the soul, the sacrum which cannot must not be repeated under the pain of sacrilege. You have to customarily reconfirm Catholics, the judge marriage cases and even dare to grant and Omens in spite of the explicit anathema of the council of Trent and I quote Canon 12 if anyone say it that matrimonial causes do not belong to classical judges. Let him be anathema. Close Quote Console Trent session 24 11 oh mirror in 1543 in 1991 through the SSP exhibitions consecrated another bishop without a paypal mandate. So not only were they consecrated bishops against the will of the pope, they have also consecrated a bishop against the will of the pole. But if the pope commands the bishop non to consecrate than that bishop cannot claim a papal mandate to consecrate for, then he'd be claiming that the church has had on earth is not the pope. Speaker 3 36:36 Cause we've seen the cynicism pursued to judgment of the church. If a group or even an individual keeping the true faith, nevertheless voluntarily, knowingly, deliberately separated himself from the unity of the church by refusing to submit to the authority of the pope and or to remain in community with those who are subject to him, he or they would still be systematic even if the church never got around to making a solemn declaration. But in this case, there has been a som declaration by a judge whose judgments cannot be appealed. Quote in itself. The sacrum is one of disobedience. They're all in pontiff in a very grave matter and of supreme importance for the unity of the church such as the ordination of bishops, whereby the Apostolic Succession is sacramentally perpetuated and such disobedience, which implies and practice the rejection of the Roman primacy constitutes as his medic act. Speaker 3 37:35 I wish, especially to make an appeal, both Salo and heartfelt, paternal and fraternal to all those who until now have been linked in various ways to the movement Archbishop Affair. They may fulfill the grave duty of remain United to the vicar of Christ in the unity of the Catholic Church and of ceasing their support in any way for that movement. Everyone should be aware that formal adherence to the citizen is a grave offense against God. Close quote, Pope John Paul two second, July, 1988 everyone should be aware of that. Formal adherence. The CISM is a grave offense against God. We need to pray prance sacrifice for the speedy return of all those faithful priests and bishops who have cut themselves off from the vine. And I know I'm not the only one here with friends over there. Speaker 3 38:36 We need now more than ever to have the courage to look the truth in the eye and to call things by their proper name without yielding to convene. It compromises the temptation of self deception. Many people's consciousness had been procrastinate. We obscured the acceptance of CISM in the popular mind and behavior. The telling sign of an extremely dangerous crisis. The moral sense, which is becoming more and more than capable of distinguishing between good and evil. Let's close in the last times. There'll be an absolutely terrible, unprecedented outbreak of evil during which time society will be torn to pieces by apostasy heresy, CISM sedition, revolution war. Speaker 3 39:24 We live in dark, dark times. Our society is being torn apart by apostasy, Heresy CISM we've got sedition breaking out in cities around our beloved country. We're fighting wars and fomenting revolutions all over the globe. We find ourselves immersed in a society of men who still for the most part professed to be Christians but are yet wicked in their works and perverse and their ideas and clearly love pleasure more than God. Men who for the most part don't seem to want to hear the truth because it hurts because it means that I have to change our sinful and disordered ways of living and their sinful and disorder ways of thinking. Men who, who'd rather have teachers affirm them in their sins and light in them than correct them. Correct their false beliefs, their vices, and hurt their feelings. The church is in shambles. The pope says so many bizarre things. It's almost impossible to keep track of them all. Speaker 0 40:31 Okay? Speaker 3 40:32 We need to pray for fidelity to the truth. Speaker 0 40:36 Ah, Speaker 3 40:39 we need to pray for the humility to embrace the truth, no matter how painful or how much it costs. We need to pray for the humility to take responsibility for our own actions, for the humility of admitted when we're acting wrongly or thinking wrongly, as we enter more deeply into the passion, the church in these dark, dark days, it has. It looks evermore like his mystical body is dying, covered with wounds, smitten by sin, abandoned by so many priests abandoned by so many priests and members of the hierarchy. Even though we can't fully explain what is happening. If we stay close to our lady, we stay close to our lady. She'll obtain for us the grace to remain faithful to the end, to remain faithful to the truth, to truth and Carne. It until the very end Speaker 0 42:17 <inaudible>.

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