God Will Make You a Saint Saint Justina and Saint Cyprian

September 25, 2005 00:13:05
God Will Make You a Saint Saint Justina and Saint Cyprian
Veritas Caritas
God Will Make You a Saint Saint Justina and Saint Cyprian

Sep 25 2005 | 00:13:05


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Speaker 0 00:00 Well, we've heard this story before, but it bears repeating. We know about it because the man to whom it happened wrote it down as did that great father church, Saint Gregory Naz Hanson, the emperor emperor empress Dosha wrote about this and there at least two other contemporary books written about this events. Short versions can also be found in the old version of Butler's lives of the saints are in Saint Alphonsus book on the victories of the martyrs. Cyprien was born in a third century in Syria to say he wasn't raised in a good Catholic home, is to put a mob as an infant. He was consecrated by his parents to the devil. He's brought up and trained in the mysteries of idolatry, astrology, and black magic. He travel to Greece, Macedonian each of Babylon in India. All with the explicit intention of becoming a master in the black arts. Speaker 0 01:06 There was no practice too hideous for him to undertake. Who is known to have killed children gathered their blood in order to offer it up as a sacrifice to the demons. He made such progress. The black arts that he became the most infamous black magician in the pagan world of his day and wanting can imagine that must have taken some doing now. Just Tina was a breathtaking, beautiful young woman who was also raised by pagan parents, but one day she heard a Catholic deacon preach it's trucker. She got the face, she converted, and in the process she brought her parents into the true faith as well. After conversion, she concentrated herself to God by evolve holy virginity. She is leading a pious Catholic life in this pagan society. When she caught the eye of a young pagan nobleman named the gladiolus medical audience was absolutely enthralled by Justine as beauty and he tried everything he could think of to persuade her to become his wife does nothing doing. Speaker 0 02:13 She'd already taken a of virginity attempt after attempt that was complete failure. Finally, in desperation, a gladiolus turned to Cyprian and asked him to cast a spell on just Stena so that she would fall in love with him. Now it was apparent that a coral mark, these kind of spells don't affect love. Love is in the will. Devils don't have access to our will. Devils do have access to the passions and imagination, so spell like that at best, has nothing to do with love but may have something to do with lust and apparent medical remarks. Separate and uses all his magical arts and vain. I Justine as soon realized she's under satanic attack and so she protected herself how sign of the cross prayers and fasting and begging the blessed virgin to come to the rescue of another virgin who was in distress as Cyprian himself. Speaker 0 03:18 Noted quote is a Cyprian. She armed herself with a sign of Christ and overcame invocations. The demons closed quotes separate in the source or Cyprian heaven scene. Justino fell in love with her himself. Any retail doubled his efforts to conquer casting, spell after spell using every secret that he knew, but it was all in vain. In frustration, he summoned up a demon and demanded know what was going on. Why weren't these spells successful? The demon very reluctantly answered Justino was rendered invincible by the god of the Christian. What? Sip and replied. He's more powerful than you. If the God and the Christian is more powerful than you and I'll serve him. The devil was absolutely enraged to lose someone by whom he had destroyed so many souls by whom he let so many other souls to perdition. So he began attacking Cyprian and everybody should be familiar with the method devil use, cause he always is the same kind of methods. Speaker 0 04:30 He did what he always does. He tried it out all those old sins and started dangling them in front of Cyprian's eyes. All these memories of the horrible crimes that Siprin was guilty of all the while saying, there's no hope for you. You've just scum off the scare flips of a pond. You're doomed to hell. Look at everything you've done. No one like you can escape damnation or holiness. That's for saints and Creeks, but you. It's impossible for you. You sinner. The devil was just doing his thing, trying to attempt Cyprian to despair, to give up, to quit. But in the midst of all this, Cyprien received an inspiration to visit a form of school made of his, a man named you cvs, who during the years that Cyprian had been studying in frontal arts have been studying something quite different. See you, CBS, boy, HUD friend or siblings, boy hit friend was now called Father Eusebius and fathers Cvs guided Cyprien in his conversion. Speaker 0 05:35 Early one Sunday morning, father took Cyprien with him to see the bishop and the priest who are singing the divine office of laws to say that the bishop and other clergy were astonished to see the sourcer and the company of a priest coming to Lodz is to put it mildly. The bishop had very grave reservations about the sincerity of Cyprian's conversion, but the next day when Cyprian brought all his magical books and items and burnt them before the patients' eyes gave away all his belongings to the poor and rolled himself as a catechumen, the bishop realized he was serious. After a thorough, a very federal catechesis sipping was baptized and confirm by the Bishop Saint Gregory Nana's hands and that doctrine. The church writes as incredible change in Sipri and how he became so humble, so modest, so edifying and serious about holiness, about loving God and despising the riches of the world and how he converted so many other idolaters. He begged to be given the permission to sweep up at the church. Over time, he came at door keeper. Then he was ordained to the priesthood Speaker 0 06:49 and he wound up being consecrated as efficient separating the source or a patient. Now in the persecution of Diocletian broke out, sipping was rounded up and taken to the governor. Phoenician tire and his divine providence had it Cyprian the bishop, a farmer source through because of the sample of the beautiful virgin Justine, I had turned away from the life of total depravity and crying this evil, evil life. It turned away from that and embraced the true faith. Sippy of the British ship was sent to the governor for the crime of being a Catholic and ended up in front of the same judge. On the same day as another Catholic, the Virgin Justine, she was scourged terribly. He was torn with iron hooks. They were poles sent and chains. Nick media were Diocletian was residing after Diocletian read the letter from the governor of finishy ordered their heads to be struck off as they were being led out of town for the execution of the sentence. Another Catholic spoke to Cyprian and for this was beheaded on that with them on September 26th (304) 100-0700 one years ago. Tomorrow. Their relics are now in a laddered basilica in Rome separate and got to join this woman that he loved and death and in heaven, Saint Cyprian, the magician and Saint Justino enjoy an eternal happiness together and have it. Speaker 0 08:30 And there's a lot of lessons we can draw from that beautiful story. I'll just mention a few of the more you think of it, the more you'll be able to come up with the power. It's a sign of the cross fasty, a praying of the intercession, the most blessed version to defeat even the strongest attacks of the devil. The shining example. Parity of this irresistible power that St Justine are exercised over. Those men, modesty and purity, and women have an incredible power over men. They're attracted to it, and at the same time they find themselves inadequate in the face of it, a modest woman, a peer woman, a good woman, is an examination of conscience to a man. When he looks at her, he gets glimpses. He catches glimpses in the blessed virgin shining through her through her. Good example. Finally, think about Cyprien. These are words worth meditating on and keep in mind that these words that I'm about to read were written by a man who is a Catholic Saint, a man whose feast is tomorrow. Speaker 0 09:44 Quote, whosoever you'd be that are seduced by the mysteries that demons, none of you can equal a Zio. I once had for these false gods, nor my researchers into their secrets, nor the vain power. They communicate it to me. To me. Cypriot, who from my infancy was given up to the service of the dragon and stood the Nirvana and believe me, I have seen the prince of darkness himself for I propitiated him by sacrifices. I greeted him and spoke with him and his ancients. He liked me, praise my understanding before everyone said, here's the new jammers. Jan Bruce was one of Pharaoh's magicians that went up against Moses. Here's the new jam. Bruce always ready for obedience and worthy of community with us, and he promised me to make me a print sack, my death, and for the course of my earthly life to help me and everything, and he gave me a legion of Demons to serve me. Speaker 0 10:50 I gave myself entirely into a service at that time. Oh, Bang. Has every command learn from me. The deceitfulness of the demons, illusions of version is proved to me that their power is but smoke. The king of the demons was arrested at the door of a mere child and could not throw across the threshold. He who promised is so much is a liar. A woman make sport of the boaster who vaunted. He could shake heaven and earth. The roaring line becomes a startled and that before the Christian virgin just Stena close, quote Saint Sipri and the magician, a sourcer consecrated to see murder's children bleeding them to death in order to offer up their blood to the devils. Look, I don't care who you are and I don't care what you've done. You haven't lived a life like that. It doesn't get any more evil than that. That's the limit. A satanic sourcer is the limit. And yet in spite of all that, in spite of all that, God still forgave him. God had mercy on him and forgave him, and he not only forgave him, but he gave him the craves to lead a holy life and not only to lead a holy life, but he gave him the particular grace of martyrdom. Saint Cyprian soul was in heaven for his head hit the ground in having for all eternity was Saint Justino. Think of how much God really loves us. Speaker 0 12:36 He can forgive a man like Sipri. Let him be a priest and a bishop and a saint at a Catholic church. If God can make a saint out of a sinner like Cyprien. Think of what he can do with you. If you just let you, God will make you a scene. Speaker 2 13:00 If you had Speaker 0 13:03 Saint Cyprian and just Tina, pray for us.

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