Envy Destroys Leaders’ Charity

November 19, 2017 00:30:59
Envy Destroys Leaders’ Charity
Veritas Caritas
Envy Destroys Leaders’ Charity

Nov 19 2017 | 00:30:59


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Speaker 0 00:01 <inaudible>. Well, as usual, I have cut, paste and edit the quotes and I've drawn from quite a few number of commentators and even splice the comments together other so many of them that since it's a sermon and not an academic exercise, I'm not going to cite each one by name because we get confused. All these things, Jesus spoke in parables, the multitudes without parables. He did not speak to them, the name of the father and the son and Holy spirit. Amen. So today we're going to take some time talking about the very short gospel rate, which was taken from the 13th chapter st Matthew's gospel. As we've just heard, our Lord told two parables in this passage, the parable of the mustard seed and a parable of 11 we'll quickly consider each of those. Our Lord stated that quote, the kingdom of heaven has led to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took consoled in his field, which is the least indeed of all. Speaker 0 01:04 See close quote Dr. Alford, ITERS shuns in 19th century Jewish convert who went on to become an Oxford professor and Hank and priest comments that at the time of our Lord quote, the seed of the mustard plan passed in popular parliaments as the smallest of seeds. In fact, expression smalls and Western seed had become proverbial, was used not only by our Lord, but frequently by the rabbis to indicate the smallest amount such as the least drop of blood police to fall on the smallest remnant of sun glow in the sky. Close quote, we continue our Lord, which is indeed the least of all the seeds, but when it is grown up at is greater than all there and become a tree. So the birds, the air come and dwell in the branches there up. The commentators note that quote, a grown black mustard can reach about 10 feet high and deed. Speaker 0 01:57 It no longer looks like the large garden or shrub that appears like a tree, not in comparison with other trees, but with garden shrubs. A grown black mustard would still be an Irv botanically speaking, but sometimes a very big herb popular, considered a shrub or wild mustard plants over 10 feet tall near the Jordan river. The STEM of monster plant us becomes dry and would life, which gives it the aspect of a tree close. So in our Lord's day, the size of a mustard seed was popularly used to describe something really tiny he had. It grows to something much greater in height than other gardeners. Even as high as 10 feet, quite literally the size of a small tree. And a imagery of this little parable would have reminded his listeners who themselves based it in the old Testament, it would have reminded them. Among other things of the prophecy found in the <inaudible> chapter of the book of the prophet is the cue where the Messiah is, describes a twig from what your great tree, the messianic kingdom for. Speaker 0 03:00 And I quote from ZQ, a tender trick shall shoot forth into branches and shoved bear fruit and she'll become a great Cedar and all birds shall dwell under it. Every follower should make its nest under the shadow of the branches there. But this idea of a small, almost invisible beginning to the messianic kingdom clashed with the popular notions of what was in store because in large part, the Jews had been led to expect the Messiah very similar to the one they're still expecting today. According to a Chrome church website, the Messiah that they're current expecting should be quote, a great political leader to send it from King David, who knows how. They'll know that who would be very well versed in Jewish law, observant of its commandments and who'd would be a great judge who makes righteous decisions, who would be a charismatic leader, inspiring others to follow his example and it would be a great military leader who have went battles for Israel. Speaker 0 03:57 He'd bring about the political and spiritual redemption, the Jewish people by bringing them back, Israel, restoring Jerusalem. He was captured, govern in Israel. That will be the center of all world government faults for Jews and Gentiles. We really build a champion, reestablish this worship. He'll restore the religious court system, Israel and established Jewish law. The law of the land, close quotes. Now, since they rejected the Messiah, since they rejected the Christ, the man to choose, they're actually looking forward to right now, the man whose description we just heard is the antichrist, but that's a topic for another day. At any rate, for the most part, they were expecting a great military political leader to rule the nations, but basically a great glorious, triumphant cane in the worldly sense of that word. But instead of soaring, starting with this sort of messianic splendor, our Lord is pointing out that his kingdom starts with the smallest of beginnings, not with some great military or political triumph, but instead of something very inconspicuous, but in spite of that tiny, small beginning, his kidney will grow from those tiny beginnings to fill the world, sheltering all those who enter into the messianic kingdom. Speaker 0 05:08 In other words, sheltering all those who enter him to the Holy Catholic church. We continue with the gospel. Quote, another parable, he spoke to them. The keynote of heaven is like to leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal to the whole was level, close quote, inspired, inerrant word of God. So the last parable spoke of the spirit of the kingdom of God over the world. This parable takes a different angle or speaking to the growth that kingdom of God, only a little Keast is needed into the dough. And yet over time its effect spreads through the whole Dell causing it to rise. And just as the yeast causes dough to rise from within, solves the Keno. God first changes a man's heart and that changes his behavior and works the same way in a society. That's just what happened. In fact, our Lord and the 12 apostles without meaning, you'd being the slightest bit irreverent. If we're really able to be personally present in galleries some 2000 years ago and we would've been able to ask her, Lord, Lord, what are you planning to do with those 12 guys there? What are you planning to do? Even though he's spoken parables, we're gonna see why. Just a minute. If we were to ask her, Lord, what are you planning to do with those 12 men? Our Lord could have easily answer with those 12 men I'm planning to overthrow paganism and convert the world, and they did it. Speaker 0 06:38 They did it. Only a little yeast needed an ODOT and yet over time it's effect spread throughout the dog causing it to rise from paganism to Christianity. Now obviously the fact that the kingdom of God should have should be like the fact that you used hers on bread dough that should gradually fill and transform not just our lives, but that a society in which we find ourselves well addressing this very point had great Bishop following dr the church. St John Chris system makes a comment that's well worth pondering. I quote, if 12 men, 11 nearly call the meal of the world, consider how considered diligently how great our wickedness and sloths must be. Although we are so many, are not able to convert the remnant of the pagans. Well, we ought to be sufficient before the thousand worlds close call. Speaker 0 07:45 There's a lot more than 12 of us here, but what is Western Pennsylvania? In Northeast Ohio. Look like if 12 men, 11 nearly all the meal of the world, consider how great or awakeness in slots must be. Although we are so many, are not able to get her, our neighbors who we ought to be sufficient for a thousand or we continue in the thoughts, all these things. You spoke in parables for multitudes without parables. He did not speak to them that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by the prophet saying, I've opened my mouth in parables of other things hidden from the foundation. Other world cause called inspired word of God. Now why did our Lord speak in parables to the multitudes was not always this way in the earlier chapters of st Matthew's gospel, our Lord speaks plainly without parallels. He actually doesn't start using parables until the 13th chapter of the gospel. The very chapter from which this past just take. Why is it, why did he switch from straightforward plain talk to pear? Speaker 1 09:17 What does that mean? Speaker 0 09:20 If we turn back a few chapters in the gospel, we see it in chapter 10 I wrote it specifically given his apostles miraculous powers quote, he gave him power over unclean spirits to cast them and to heal all manner of diseases and all manner infirmities, close quote, and then he sent him up, commanded him to preach to the kingdom of heaven was at hand and to quote, he of a sick raise, the dead cleanse, lepers cast out demons, close call, all of which would have been clear. Science demonstrated that the faith they were preaching was of God to persuade all those to whom they preached to believe in Christ. If I casting out devils and healing the bodies and the affirmatives, they're like thereby heals souls of unbelief. Speaker 0 10:08 We see that in chapter 11 quote, when Jesus had finished and struck his 12 disciples, he went on from there to teach and preach in their cities close call. So he goes on, but what was the response to his preaching and miracles? Listen carefully to this slightly abbreviated path passage quote. Then he began to upgrade the cities wherein we're done the most of his miracles. What are they core, his name? What are they best SIDA for? If entire insight on a tired side in a pagan cities for tire and side on it had been rocked, the miracles that have been rotten knew they had long ago done pennants and sackcloth and ashes. But I Sandy you, it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon, the D of judgment then for you and out preferring them, thou shall go down even onto hell. For Vince, Saddam had been robbed. The miracles had been Rodney. Perhaps it remained on this day, but I Sandy, that she'd be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment than for the closed quote our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Speaker 0 11:17 So it seems that the mass of the Jewish listeners, and remember at that time, biblical Judaism was the one to church. There was supposed to be preparing for and anticipating the arrival of Christ or Lord, the mass of his Jewish listeners couldn't really be <inaudible> bothered by the Lord in spite of his preaching miracles. In fact, he points out that the pagans and even Sada Sada would have been more receptive to his preaching and his miracles than the Jewish people. Although they not know yet that this is God almighty speaking. Nevertheless, our Lord has given more than enough evidence to prove you sent by God. And in fact, that's been obvious as the very beginning of his ministry. In fact, Nica demon, he's a member of the Sanhedrin. Nicotine was himself made that clear when he quote, came to Jesus by night and said, rabbi, we know that you are a teacher sent by God for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him. Speaker 1 12:21 Close call. Speaker 0 12:23 We know that you're a teacher sent by Speaker 1 12:25 God, said it without excuse. Speaker 0 12:31 They're without excuses. They know Darren couldn't weld, that our Lord has been sent by God and here he is warning them about their judgment and flat telling them that it's going to go better for the pagans and even for the residence of Sada than it will for them on judgment day. And these are the members of the one true church. It's unbelievably bad and it gets worse, a lot worse. In chapter 12 one after entering a synagogue and seeing a man with a withered hand, the Pharisees asking Cole, is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath? And why do they ask him that? Was it because they really wanted to know the answer? Speaker 1 13:20 No, Speaker 0 13:22 they didn't want to know the answer. The scriptures tell us exactly why they asked him quo so that they might accuse him. So they might accuse him. Well, Laura doesn't have any, any of it. So he traps them with a question. What man of you? If he has one sheep and it falls into a pit on a Sabbath, will not lay hold of it and lift it up. No answer. Of course, hardware continues of how much more value is a man than a sheep. So it is lawful to do good on the South. And he said to the man, stretch out the hand. The man's stretched it out and it was restore whole life the other. So they repented right after he heals his hand, they repented, they apologize. They said they were sorry for trying to trap. And they thanked him for showing the air the waves and praise you for him. It's crippled man, right? Speaker 1 14:19 Not quite cool, Speaker 0 14:21 but the Pharisees went out and took counsel against him Speaker 1 14:26 how to destroy him. Speaker 0 14:30 The Pharisees went up to counsel against him how to destroy him. Speaker 0 14:37 They're not interested in the truth. As terrifying as the judgment is going to be on the residents, of course, and decided to farm, it's going to be worse for these Pharisees. After all, the residents, of course and beside the farm, are guilty of sinful indifference to our Lord. His miracles, his message, they're not guilty of not responding. They're guilty of not responding. They're guilty of not repenting, but the Pharisees are even worse. Not only are they guilty of not responding to our Lord's preaching, we've even begun to lay traps for them, and now they've taken counsel on how to destroy him. There's a particular degree of mouse here. We shouldn't lose sight according to Jewish encyclopedia, so I'm going to quote from sources favorable to the Pharisees here. So this is from the Jewish encyclopedia. Cool. The Pharisees added new restrictions. The biblical law, the Pharisees claimed the same authority, even in the case of air for the decisions of their scribes, as for the biblical law. And they went so far to say that anyone who transgressed the decisions of their scribes deserve death. Close quotes the Jewish encyclopedia. Speaker 0 15:58 Okay, so what we're dealing with here are men who are so insanely proud, actually, they're diabolically proud. Did they claim the same authority for their decisions, even if their decisions should turn out to be wrong? They claim the same story for their decisions. Is that a Holy scripture? And they teach it. Anyone who trans pressures their decisions or their scribes should be put to death. Now think about that for a minute. The farracies claim the same authority for their decisions, even should they turn out to be wrong as prescription and that anyone who transcripts the discretion that issues of their scribes. Speaker 1 16:37 Yeah, Speaker 0 16:40 so in terms of logging, they have literally made themselves equal to God. Now, by the way, the Jewish virtual library, this is fable, this airfare season. The Jewish virtual library tells us, quote, the Pharisees or the spiritual fathers of modern Judaism, close call spirit. Pharisees are the spiritual fathers of modern Judaism, which makes it perfectly clear. They are not our elder brothers in the faith. They don't have any faith. Speaker 0 17:12 Okay, so the first C's have got their own little agenda. It's pretty clear they're not interested in the truth. It's pretty clear they're not interested in being taught by our Lord. They're there to judge him. It's given, given a claim, the same authority for their decision as for biblical law given in terms of logging, they've literally made themselves the equals of God. It's easy to see where they're so furious ad for not following their, their little rules. It's easy to see why they're so furious for not hitting their oftentimes uncharitable and sometimes even evil rules after all, according to them, their roles even when they're wrong, as they so obviously are regarding not healing on the Sabbath, their rules must be obeyed as having to force a biblical law and according to them, anyone transgressive the decisions of their scribes deserves death. And there's another reason that men like this would really, really hate our Lord in terms of their rules and decisions. Speaker 0 18:11 They expect to be consulted, they expect to be deferred to, they expect to be obeyed. And now not only is our Lord not consulting it, not only is our Lord not different than him, not only is our Lord not obeying, we're set by force of his preaching by force of his miracles. He's gathered people well to himself, and instead of rejoicing that the wonderful works their Lord's doing instead of rejoice, he, because he's obviously been sent by God, they resent the attention given to Lord. They resent it. They hate it. They're actually unhappy that these blessings and healings falling upon their neighbors simply because they have a lust to be praised. They have a lust to be a claim by the crowds. They consider the sails entitled to those praises because you're filled through and through with envy. Charity of the course. Route choice is in another good cherry rejoices in another's blessings, but in envy regards and others good. Speaker 0 19:18 That's an obstacle. The personal advantage, the envious man acts as if another squid somehow reduces his own end for excellence. The envious man has joy and another one's misfortunate and sadness at his success. Envy masks itself behind false pretenses, honor this cloak of virtual compassion and it won't rest until its arrival has conquered its reputation, slandered and smeared, and ultimately until he's nailed to a cross. Once we see all this, it's a lot easier to understand what Ferris is. Two accounts on how to destroy her Lord and they don't waste any time attacking. Later in this chapter, the people bring a possessed commander Lord. He healed him. And we read the quote and the multitudes were amazed and said, is this not the son of David? But when the Pharisees heard, they said, there's only by BLS above the Prince that devils that this man casts out demons. Now this is truly satanic. A commentary States quote, the Pharisees attributed to the miracles of Christ rod by the spirit of God to be eligible Prince of devils. Now this kind of stuff is usually company to was so much obstinacy was such willful opposition to the spirit of God and such willful opposition, no truth that men who are guilty of it ourselves or never converted because they will not repent. That was cool. Speaker 0 20:54 So it's truly terrifying and in fact, this is the turning point where our Lord change from straightforward plain speech to parable. Why? As we'll see, the parables of our Lord are by virtue of their form as well as their content. A rebuke to men like the Pharisees are abusive to the majority of the residents of causing this side and could farm or a to all as listeners who are not committed to the truth. In other words, rebuke to all those. The battle and his parables were not only a rebuke, but also warning of coming judgment. Now, why is that? Because a parable hides the truths which it contains from those who are not open to the truth, and yet it's understandable to those who are open to the truth. As one commentary puts it, Jesus used parables for two purposes to reveal and to conceal divine mysteries. Speaker 0 21:54 Parables invite the humble, the reach behind the images and to lay hold of God's true. Conversely, the obstruct the proud and conceal the bind ministries from the unworthy not have a second negative function are spoken of as judgments on the faithless and Matthew. Jesus shifts from straightforward teaching to parables immediately following his rejection by the Ferriss. He speaks parables for the benefit of the faithful and for the judgment of unbelievers. This points to a great truth. God has given people every chance to accept the message of Jesus. His ministry was a test by miracles. He offered the proper credentials as the Messiah and they did not believe him. The reality is the kingdom, therefore we're not theirs. To know the people who believed in Jesus is the Messiah. What? Understand the parables they would comprehend the great truths of the kingdom of God. Close, close. Speaker 0 22:50 So parable hides the truths which are contains from those who are not open a true well. At the same time, it's understandable to those who are open to the truth. Our Lord explains his use in parables in a passage in chapter 13 of st Matthew's gospel. It's just a few lines before today's reading. He's just switched as we've seen from straight forward plain speech to begun teaching parables. The disciples ask him, quote, why do you speak to them in parables? And he answered them to you. It has been given to know the secret to the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. Because seeing they do not see and hearing did you not hear? Nor do they understand with them. And data's fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah, which says you shall indeed here, but never understand and you shouldn't teach. See, but never perceive for this. Speaker 0 23:42 People's heart has grown dull. Their ears are of hearing their eyes. They've closed less than they should perceive with their eyes and hear what their hears and understand that their heart in turn for me to hear, heal them close quo. Okay, well for those who are wondering why the Lord is speaking parables, that explanation might not seem so, so clear. So what does it mean? Our Lord is siting a passage in sixth chapter of the prophet Isaiah. Isaiah is commissioned to preached Israel. Well flipped Isaiah chapter six and read that passage and see it Rubin's discover why are bored started speaking in parables. Lord God is speaking Isaiah and he says called go and say to this, people keep on hearing but do not understand. Keep on seeing but do not proceed. Make the hardest people to all inner ears have been blind. Their eyes lest they see where their eyes and hear what the ears nurse stand with their hearts and turn it to heal. Speaker 0 24:42 And of course we just heard our Lord saying that to the passes at that prophecy had been fulfilled by the choose of his time that this is the state do they are now by and large. And that's truly a frightening statement. In other words, between his miracles and his preaching, the people had been given every chance to accept our Lord's message, but they chose not to. And since a parable hides the truth, which we contains from those who are not open to the truth, the mysteries of the kingdom of God are not theirs. To know there's more that Isaiah continues and this is really important lines. Cool. Then I said how long? Oh Lord. So here's Isaiah asking how long or did we said until cities like waste without habitat and houses without people, the land is a desperate waste. The Lord are most people far away. Forsaken places are many in the midst of the land, close quo <inaudible>. So the prophet Isaiah was commanded, preached the people of Israel until the land and the cities like waste and desolate. Speaker 0 25:45 In other words, by citing this passage from the prophet Isaiah, our Lord is making a <inaudible>. The point that you deer in the first century where he is preaching, doing miracles isn't the same wretched condition as Israel was the days of Isaiah. Their minds and hearts are close to the truth and as a consequence, Judy is facing the same outcome as Israel. God, it's cities laid waste. It's people slaughtered and scattered. The very fact that I learned began teaching parables was itself prophetic sign of the upcoming judgment on the nation as we've already see right from the beginning of his ministry, even the San Hadrian, our Lord had been sent by God. They knew nicotine has told me as much our Lord taught parables because the hearts of people were not open. His message, they heard his message, but they didn't understand. He didn't hide the truth on them. They didn't want to hear their hearts and minds were closed. Don't bother me with that. Speaker 0 26:59 The people who believe what understand it curves the people whose hearts and minds were open to the truth, who are signatures, would understand the parables because our Lord intended the me and him. His words to reveal to anyone seeking the truth. We found it, but as we know, the great majority just weren't interested. He was appreciative averse generation. His message reached a remnant of Israel but left the rest harvest unresponsive and under his judgment and that judgment fell if on the nation as a whole. In 80 70 when the Roman legions entered, Titus Vespasian descended upon the VOI land and destroy Jerusalem. The temple. Now Jesuits certainly fell upon all those. His minds and hearts were close to the truth. All those who had rejected Christ, all those who had rejected his miracles and preaching that judgment fell upon each one of them when immediately after their death they had appear before him to render an account of their refusal. The belief, let's close. There's a lot to think about here, a lot to ponder. Speaker 0 28:14 This was actually a difficult sermon for me to read because as I was writing this sermon, there were a lot of troubling thoughts that kept coming to my mind. I'll just mention two first thoughts in the contrast between charity. An envy. Has he received charity rejoices in another's good, but the interviews man acts as this another's good somehow reduces his excellence. The interviews man has joined another's misfortune and sorrow at his success and B masks itself under false pretenses. It masquerades under a cloak of virtue compassion, but it won't rest to its rivals destroyed. It's reputation is slandered and smeared until he's been conquered and destroyed. Speaker 0 29:07 Do we praise God for the gifts he shouted down on those around us? Did we somehow see those cubes is taken away from our ed, our excellence, our reputation, our glory? How many faithful and flame with the enemy, especially how many priests and in fact with envy, the horror stories I could tell it's terrifying. Finally, as we see at the time of Lord, there weren't many of the faithful whose minds and hearts were often under the truth. For the most part, they weren't seeking the truth. They didn't really want to know the truth. They were kind of comfortable where they were at and judgment fell in each one of them. When it made the after death, they had to appear before truth and carnet to render an account. Jasmine is going to fall on each one of us when immediately after death will have to appear before. Truth and current to run her in a calm. How many of us are seeking the truth? How many of us really have hearts and minds open to the truth? How many of us are really seed? First, the kingdom of God. Amen. Manny.

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