Good Shepherd Sunday 2017

April 30, 2017 00:33:38
Good Shepherd Sunday 2017
Veritas Caritas
Good Shepherd Sunday 2017

Apr 30 2017 | 00:33:38


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 <inaudible> on the name of the father, the son, Holy spirit. Amen. One good shepherd Sunday this year, or two stories to start off with, but we need a little background in order to appreciate what am I telling you? So years ago, I found myself living round a school staff, largely by guys who love to argue, read Aristotle, the liberal arts degrees. There's nothing wrong with that, but they kind of looked down their noses at people who hadn't had that kind of a background. And they also had this. A lot of them had certain pretensions to the gentlemen farm person. This was something more in their minds and reality. So as if they were going to have walk around wearing Tweed jackets and smoking a pipe and looking out the window at their sheep, happily grazing, pastures and so forth. Now, when I was coming up, one of my, one of the most devastating comments my dad could ever make about some days, he'd say you give that guy a coop full of chickens in a box for matches and he couldn't fix dinner. Speaker 0 00:01:14 And that's the kind of guys we're talking about here. Um, you know, so that's the other piece of information. You'd appreciate these stories. They're arguing all the time was body air style, looking down her nose at peoples. And these are exactly that kind of a guy. So the first story has to do with Hashemi. Uh, they, they bought some sheep and as most people have noticed, she passed something called halt and it doesn't fall off on your average sheet. And so they realized they had to shoot him. So they came up to me cause they knew we read a sheet and uh, and said, have you ever shared? And I said, yeah, cause they know where that was going. So it hadn't been on a shearing crew or something, but I know how to share what we wanted to share. She said, I'll show you how to do, uh, do you have shares? Speaker 0 00:02:09 And they said, well, no, they're pretty expensive ago. As a matter of fact, they are in the system. They said, so we're going to get Doug Clippers, not appreciate the profound stupidity of this. Imagine that you, you just bought a 40 acres. That was pretty heavily wooded. You know, we've got big old trees, Maples and so forth all over the place. And the guy says to you, I'm going to log this again. Okay. What do you mean? You got a good chain, so John's Smith or somebody says, no, I'm gonna use a butter knife. Okay. Right, right. Let me know how that goes. This is the kind of mentality. So they brought a dog, they call them dog Clippers. Cause they're for clipping dogs. You'd call sheep shooters. Cause if we're shooting sheep some way, they get the dog, we managed to make it about a three quarter inch Nick in one of the fleeces. Speaker 0 00:03:01 And I'm not exactly sure. And then small the Clippers, which is about one would expect with that sort of thing. So that's the first, uh, that's the first and the second anecdote. And then I'll, I'll drive this to ya. I'm walking by one day and I look out it's a fall day, really sunny. And one of the uses out the past and she's basically her rear end is starting to get parallel. She staggered around a little bit on it. The couplings all messed up and I go, wow, that looks like grass. Tetany. Now we get that in the spring. At least run from what happens is you have, you have a really good rain and it gets really warm. So the grass just Springs up really quick. Speaker 1 00:03:44 And then Speaker 0 00:03:46 Things like sheep, if they're grazing on it, there's something wrong. That grass that grows up like that. And they get a magnesium deficiency and they'll start getting paralyzed. And you got a poor magnesium citric down to get. It's like a magic trick that can be done. They get right up like that at any rate I felt well, that's weird. It's in follow up called Dan after I talked to these guys. So I called my dad and told, he said, Oh yeah, that's what it is. You've got to get some mag citrate. He pretty quick because you got about 24 hours or so. I don't remember exactly. But if you don't get it done, she'll be paralyzed. The meeting that you got to put her down and you've got to kill it because she never did. So I went and talked to one of these guys, the Tweed jacket kind of smoke a pipe, look at your sheet, block the window. Speaker 0 00:04:33 And I said, you know, it looks like he got dressed anyways. You need to get some Mac citric. I don't know where you get into here at home. You just go to the feed store, but mean, but you'd need to get that and get in there quick. And he says, well, I haven't read that in the book. You know? Well, their sponsors will have written the book either. My dad hasn't read the book and the sheep hasn't read a book, but that's what we've got there. And uh, it's kind of extraordinary. So what did they do? Speaker 1 00:05:02 Nothing. Speaker 0 00:05:03 So three or four days later here, you have this paralyzed, you and they drag it into the barn. And I happen to be walking by and I look, and then they're giving it a shot at Penn something. And I walked in and go, what are you doing? They look up at me like, I'm the world's stupidest guy. We're saying we're giving it a shot up in his cell. And I couldn't. I said, I can see that that's an antibiotic. This thing's paralyzed. It doesn't have an infection. It has got dressed to beaten. You gotta put it up. Well, they, you know, they just dismissed me and kept shooting a full of penicillin. So they're throwing good money after bed. The end of this story is the thing dies. Of course, Speaker 1 00:05:40 No, if you're raised, Speaker 0 00:05:45 You may or may not know anything about Aristotle. The leader may not know anything about a sheet. It's not really important. But one thing you do know if you raise right, is when, why they're more experienced. Men are talking, shut your mouth and open your ears. That's just common sense. We have a whole thing called the fourth commandment about that in a real formal sense. But with people experience, he listened to him because they've got the gray hairs, they've got the battle scars. They actually know what they're talking about. I'm no expert, we raise sheep, but there's plenty. I could learn about sheep. But if you know nothing about sheep, when someone actually raised them for Lillian might kind of be a good idea. If they give advice to at least take into account, these are bad shepherds. They weren't the slightest bit interested in the truth of the situation. Speaker 0 00:06:32 They actually weren't the slightest bit interested in what this sheep, the sheep that they had actually needed. They've made up their minds as to how things ought to be in their little ideal sheep ranch. And they didn't want to be bothered with that. They actually weren't ready. They weren't, they didn't care. They'd already decided how it was going to be in how shape would it be treated, et cetera. It's not like these are the kind of guys that aren't gonna lay down their life for their sheep. In a certain sense. They were happy in a certain sense. Still have those sheep suffer die. If caring for them became inconvenient. Didn't fit into their little mold, their preconceived mindset. And if they didn't get to see that care required in the book that they will want to look bad shape, nobody is it required then to rage, no one requires them. But, but if someone does start raising sheep, then he's taken a responsibility to take care of the sheep as sheep, rather than responsibilities, just come with the territory. You got sheep. Now you got to take care of, if you're raising sheep, you have to care for that care is not determined by what you think it's determined by the needs of your shape. Speaker 0 00:07:54 That's it's just, it seems common sense. So it's not preconceived notions. It's not by, it's not by looking over it and say, well, I'm gonna do exactly what my neighbors do. It was an issue. Well then why, you know, they might not need the same thing that your ears do. You determine what to do with your sheep, by what the sheep need. And one of the things is to not be mistreated. Animals don't have rights. Of course shaped don't have rights, but sheep are cheaper creatures of the God what'd you mean we have to answer to God for how we care for them. Those guys have to answer to God for all. They took care of those sheep that they took responsibility for. Now, if that sheep. So if, if a sheep owner mistreat, she, uh, what actually happens is that ms. Treatment will change the person. Speaker 0 00:08:49 If you mistreat an animal, it changes you. It's going to change something. There's going to be a disorder and there's nothing worse or more disordered. The treatment of that shift becomes the more disorder the person becomes inside. He's not only filing his responsibilities. He's just perverting himself by not actually doing his duty. So in this case, um, their mistreatment was really rooted in intellectual blinds. It's bred by a certain kind of arrogance in superior attitude. And anytime we have one of those look out, we're all prone to that. Stud pride. Thank you very much, Adam, as part of human conditioning, we want to be humble. The more arrogant we are, the more blind we're going to be in certain areas. And then we don't have that life that we hero, especially in the last gospel, we talked about the light to keep it to the world. Speaker 0 00:09:42 Now, obviously all this stuff applies to the pastor, to the church all too often, they don't see me in a bit interested or very interested in the truth of a particular situation and what their, she actually made. They made up their minds as to how things ought to be how their parish or diocese ought to be run. Don't want to be bothered with facts already. Have these preconceived notions, not only not laying down their lives for their shape, in a certain sense, they're happy to let their sheep suffer and die. If caring for them in the way they need to be cared for becomes inconvenient, or does it fit into their preconceived for the line set? Hey, you know, it's all right, I'll do whatever I need to sell. It doesn't mean pinch. My golf key require me to do this or spend too many hours. Speaker 0 00:10:40 So you could fish or this or that or the other thing it's really common. They're bad shepherds. No one actually requires a man to become a pastor. He could've gone into the cloister. He doesn't have to be in pastoral ministry. There's a lot of guys at the astral ministries that don't belong there. Don't think you need me to tell you that the responsibilities though, come with the territory. These are loud, Mercedes kind of she then ones, Carlos <inaudible> talks about the responsibilities of the primary pastor, which is the mission. Oh, how great the vision requires vigilance required for Bishop brought to car care for more feed and to save so many thousands of souls. How great a number of prelates parish? Not because they lived wicked, but because they did not correct the wickedness of others and trusted to them. Speaker 1 00:12:02 You think of a Dallas at colors. Speaker 0 00:12:05 You know, we have this big crisis, which is like the world's worst kept secret that we have perverts in the priests. And so then it blows into the press and they meet and they have these big doubts Accords. Well, I mean, in and of themselves, they're actually immoral. But without even going into that, you know what, what's the result of it. We have to get all this training, you know, so learning how to report the reporting was never a problem. I think these incidents were reported. The problem was nothing was done. You have two to 4% of the priests, they're monsters and 70% of vicious that move them around one, a public school. If he had some guy preying on the kindergartens going to go, the principal moves into third grade, had a problem with third grade. Let's move them down to second. Oh no, we're doing it again. Along with the fourth grade and on and on and on that's exactly what the bishops did. That's exactly what they did in adults. Like words only pertains to priests to get in trouble. Somebody under 18 settled legal decision, or is that a moral decision? Speaker 0 00:13:21 Don't thank you. Need me to point out the bad shepherd, bad shepherd fingerprint. Seriously. We didn't know it was how many, these things weren't solved because it'll find reprint. Let's get rid of training. I had to go to this training years ago, it's called for it to step is really helpful. Things like cut the hedges down in front of your house in case somebody is hiding behind him. I don't think that was what was, Speaker 1 00:13:51 We all know, Speaker 0 00:13:58 Great number of Preds perish. Not because they've lived wicked because they did not correct the wickedness of others and trusted to politicians who go to communion every week. I need to be corrected and on and on it go Great doctor that church st. John Avalon, the obligations of our past are so many and so great, But you fulfills even a third of them will be estimated by the people to be Holy. But if he's satisfied with only that he'll not be able to escape burning. Speaker 1 00:14:51 That's true. Speaker 0 00:14:54 That's true. And what do we see? And some of the parishes about how the sheep brand, you have these programs and what we're really doing with almost all the Catholics anymore. And it's just a sad truth is practical havens were indistinguishable from the general population and distinguishing Catholics for one hour a week. How much prayer to the priest, teaching them how to pray. You can tell how many people make Thanksgivings after you seem to Holy communion that come to community, but it's a stampede to get out of that church. Our Lord is still president, but they don't even seem to realize that there's no knowledge, very shared how much salvation is there. Speaker 0 00:16:00 How many people are dying. It's too scary for us. Now, this is not from an intellectual Flyness. This is from a spiritual blindness. There's a spiritual blindness that we can get in. Pre-cert extremely proud, but all of us as Catholics are especially trying to cut corners, trying to say, God said, this is, but as soon as you have that butt in on anything that's and of our religion, why do we keep the rules? Why do we have rules really quickly? You don't need someone to walk around until you don't put your hand on a hot stove. Don't stick yourself with a knife. Don't drink things. That'll make you throw up. You have natural senses to protect your natural life. If you bump into a hot stove, you jumped back. If you stick your with something, some shock, you know, cause you can tell these things are threatening my life. Speaker 0 00:17:06 How can you tell about supernatural life? It was important to you when you were a baby, you got put in a state of grace. For most of the people here. When they were about to us, he couldn't feel that he can't feel the state of correctness. It's super natural. So the reason for the rules is to tell you, as long as you're inside this fence line, you're safe. You're not in danger that your supernatural life you can actually grow. And if you're dying that conditioning you're down, but you can crawl that fence and get out there in a bad ass chair. You have just died naturally. And then you die naturally. You can't to heaven. And that means you have to go to hell. So the rules are from love of God. Put him in church here, tell us how to keep this supernatural life into that. Christ died. Give us, and our Lord tells us if you love me, you'll keep my commandments. Speaker 0 00:18:13 So we want to keep the rules. Not because of rules, but because we love God in all things, we know how easy it is to him. That we're meticulous about doing his well at all things. So he loves the little snuck cause it rules. It's where we love the rules because they're an expression of what's best from us. God has told us. So we don't have to understand that when I was little, my mom and my dad just told things, then they didn't give me off of the explanations. They just told me things. And I knew that he loved me. So I wanted to do that. God gave us the 10 commandments. He didn't give us the 10 explanations. That's the job of the priest. So we're supposed to explain why the rules are here, but we want to keep all the rules because we love our lower. Speaker 0 00:19:05 But as soon as we started cutting corners on it and saying, yes, but spiritual blindness, the more disorder do you guys bust the more spiritual blindness and then a hardening of the harder comes along. What is the hardening of a heart you read about fairness? Has God hardened his heart? What does that mean? Why would God harden somebody? So what's a manner of speaking. God, doesn't actually harden. The arts is what you get. Grace is grace is to be Holy God desires the salvation. Every man, it will be a heresy to deny that he'd be heretic. And he gives grace is sufficient. Grace is for everyone to be saved, but many people won't be saved and it's always their fault. Why? Cause they just don't want to go there. That's going to cost them. I don't want to do that. I see that every time we sit again, the light or a judgment against ourselves, there's four possible States of assault after a mortal sin. Speaker 0 00:20:10 Perfect attrition. Firstly commit some mortal sin. They get the grace to completely repent because of the love of God. God is so good. I'm so sorry. I find it such a loving God. Perfect. Patricia says since all forgiven, right man, even though we still have to go to confession at the first possible opportunity, imperfect contrition. We're starting for coming that moral sin because God is good. We love him, but we're more scared as banking. You know, I'm going to go to hell. If I die like this, let's really make a big confession and we're good to go. Defective contrition. We're sorry for that moral sin, but not enough to really do what it takes to change our life. Yeah. I don't want to go to hell, but I don't want to block the internet. I don't want to go to head home, but I don't want to get rid of that. Speaker 0 00:21:01 Where's the key. I don't want to go to hell, but I don't move. Uh, like I don't want to go to, dot that's defective contrition. So there's some sorrow there and you can work with them. Tell the person seriously, you're going to go to hell for this. And a lot of times the people defective condition just by good conversation with someone they know loves praise, they'll get their mind right. And make a good confession. Be back on the path. But here's the really, really scary one. It's the reprimand sense? The reprobate sense happens when someone is so abused. The grace is that God has given him that he no longer Ys and cares about his salvation. Ha I guess a lot of my friends are when a person gets to that point, God withdraws the grace. Not because he doesn't want the guy to meet him to be safe because it just basically split himself over from the mercy of God under the justice. They're never separated. But from our point of view, you could think of one is more emphasize. God doesn't want him to suffer for all the graces he's abusing. So he removes those crevices and the guy that is like that. And typically what he does, he goes to hell. That's what it means to have is the reprobates bad pastors. It's not uncommon. Speaker 0 00:22:32 I wish that weren't true, but it is. You don't have to tell a priest that he can't do this other thing. We know, we know the rules, it's not stuff. And if we keep abusing that grace sin mass, and we're not in a state of grace, confected, wasn't sacrament all from the NIC, given ourselves community, et cetera, et cetera. What does that do is it's harder are more and more and more. So the priest descends from a teaching church, he just sends him to contraception, spiritual blindness. Every time he says mass he's bond himself deeper, deeper, deeper. Speaker 0 00:23:17 They have shepherd. Why don't they preach on that stuff? Sometimes people think, and I used to think too, that it was because they were afraid of what happened to collection basket. That's not really the reason. The reason for a lot of priests is because they're so needy emotionally. They're actually directly to people towards them. It's very symbolic. Sometimes. I think I'm very jealous on the priests right now. The symbol is the man. When the priest is faced with people because he can focus all that on himself. Instead of pointing people towards Christ, he can pull him towards himself and that's extremely common and he doesn't want those people to be mad at him in any way, because he's so needy. He's getting something from the instead of turning to Christ is the only one that can fill us. He's trying to get something that you can actually get like that it's a mistreatment of a sheep. It's a ministry for the sheep. And in the degree of the disorder, more distant ordered mistreatment and more disorder in the soul of a priest. What is the priest really supposed to do? He's supposed to direct people towards the Christ. That's what the good it does. The priest is here to bring Christ to the people and the people to Christ. It's about share. It's about true love. I'll just read you something your <inaudible>. Speaker 0 00:24:54 Now she was a widow and a mother and being a Carmelite, same town that had an amazing life. But Dinah Carmelites saying these are Trump cylinder letters. And these are letters of a karma that understand what we're here to do. If only we were all on fire with love for God. If we were, we should preach proclaim love, and yet more love until we had set the whole world on fire. We must have great desires. Then God will give us whatever is best for us. We must be careful to free our hearts from everything that might give away a pure love of our beloved Jesus and right there at the heart of the crisis priest, that is the crisis because we have to fight it. Hearts. And many of us have very divided hearts and Christ is in there somewhere, but that's not how I asked to be. Speaker 0 00:26:03 We must be careful. The fear of arts from everything might get in the way of pure love over beloved cheeses. He is love itself and wants to give himself to us through love Jesus calling us all the time. How long are we going to remain deaf to his voice? No, let us keep our hearts ready. Our wills completely forging our faculties and our senses for the Lord. There must be no undue attachments in our heart for creative things. They must burn with love alone. Love evermore for love. Never says enough. Never rest until it is completely on fire. When our hearts are can put me on fire with pure love for Jesus. Everything that might enter love from taking complete possession will be cast out. We must not give into it is we must spend every minute in loving God, God alone. The maker of heaven, earth must be arrest or constellation. Speaker 0 00:27:02 The love of God is the only thing we can possess forever. Everything else will pass away. Love, love, and you have more love, love that has never satisfied. The more we love God, the more we should long do we have Jesus in our hearts. We shove everything else in here and with him, that's what the good shepherd ass his Shepherd's to do for his sheep to direct him towards him and his awesome stuff. The streamer in this sermon, rather with, by reading a letter from Saint Therese, the great doctor, the church, Saint Therese and the child, Jesus it's on this topic. July 14, 1889. My dear Selena, she's writing to her sister, Celine. Speaker 0 00:28:02 My soul is in Bayview. It separates backside. Oh hard. It is to live, to remain on this earth, a bitterness and anguish. But tomorrow in an hour, we should be at a core. What joy, what a good it will be to contemplate Jesus face to face all through the whole of eternity. Always, always more love, always more intoxicating joys. I happiness without clouds. What is Jesus done to attach our souls? Ramallah has created, I struck a big blow, but is a blow of love. God is admirable, but he's especially lovable. Let us love him that let us love him up to suffer for him. All that he wills, even spiritual pain is heredity is coldness. I hear his great love to love him. Jesus, without feelings. I said this, this is Martin. Well then let us die as martyrs. Oh, Celine's echoed my soul. Do you understand? Unknown, modern known to God alone, which is the eye of the creature. You cannot discover a moderate and without honor, without triumph, that is the love of pushing the point of heroism. Speaker 0 00:29:27 But one day grateful. God will cry. Now my term, what would we see then? What is this life? Which no more have an added. God will be the soul of our soul unfathomable mystery die. Man is not a senior uncreated lie. It has here. It's not her at the end, comparable harmonies. And it's hard to not have any idea of what God reserves for those whom he loves and all of this will come soon. Yes. Some, Oh, that's hurry to fashion or crown at a stretch forth our fan to seize the Paul. And if we love much, if we love Jesus with a passion, he will not be so cruel as to leave us for a long time on this earth of exile. During the short moments that remained to us, put us not lose our time. Speaker 1 00:30:48 Let us save souls Speaker 0 00:30:52 Stole everybody lost like flakes of snow and Jesus will use. Speaker 1 00:31:01 And we were thinking of ours Speaker 0 00:31:07 Without consoling our fiance. Oh, sling. Let us live for souls. Speaker 1 00:31:16 Let us be a pause. Speaker 0 00:31:23 Let us say this. Especially the souls of priests, Speaker 1 00:31:29 These souls, Speaker 0 00:31:31 It shouldn't be more transparent than crystal Speaker 1 00:31:36 Alas. Speaker 0 00:31:38 How many bad priests? Pretty soon we're not. Holy enough. Speaker 1 00:31:52 Let us pray. Let us suffer for them. Speaker 0 00:31:59 Nonetheless day, Jesus will be grateful. We shall give himself. Do you understand the cry of my soul Speaker 1 00:32:22 Together? Okay. Speaker 0 00:32:24 Together always swaying a trade of the child. Jesus, the Holy face, Trying to show it moments that remained in us. Let us not lose our time. Let us say so. Souls are being lost, like flakes, smell and she's waived. Let us live personal. Let us be impossible. Let us say the specialist. So that should be more transparent than crystal. How many bad pictures priest pray for them? Not in the last day. Jesus will be cried. We shall give him salts.

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