Divine Mercy Sunday 2017

April 23, 2017 00:14:26
Divine Mercy Sunday 2017
Veritas Caritas
Divine Mercy Sunday 2017

Apr 23 2017 | 00:14:26


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 Divine mercy Sunday, one of the most striking aspects of the chemistry of divine mercy of mine on the bottom, Jesus, I trusted today will affect briefly on that trust. We all have in our lower, but before we get to that, let's take a few minutes to review in particular, grace attached to today's feast our Lord called safest. You can quote, I desire a feast of mercy, be a refuge and shelter for all souls. And especially of course, the salt that we'll go to confession and say, poly community shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins as punishment on that day off and find flood Gates to what you prayed sort of floor open, but no salt fear to draw near, to be a <inaudible> close to ask Rosie STD, a Polish optimistic theologian comments, the most acceptable race prospects for the face of divine. Mercy is something considerably greater than the plenary indulgence. Speaker 0 00:01:11 It's also greater than grace is of all other sacraments, but the exception of the sacrament of baptism for the remission of all students and punishment is found only in the second middle grades baptism in the process side Christ's time in remission of all sins in punishment to the reception of Holy communion kind of fees, the divine mercy. In other words, in this regard, he raised it to the rang of a second Baptist is obvious that in order to effect a complete forgiveness of sins and punishment, the Holy community receive on the face of the divine mercy must not only be partaken of the word, but it must also fulfill the basic requirements. Other divine mercy devotion, however, received unworldly without trust in divine mercy and devoid of some data mercy toward neighbor, it would be a contradiction of devotion to the divine mercy instead of exceptional race, who would bring down upon his recipient, the divine wrath. Speaker 0 00:02:20 Okay. So the special grays granted on the face to divine mercy is directly attached, receiving Holy communion. On this day, it consists in the toddler initiative sends in punishment. That's considered at a plenary indulgence and a whole lot. It means you're an adult. It's a whole lot easier became now obviously it has to be received. What about confession? Does that have to be on the feast to divine mercy? Certainly before one goes to community, if he has a moral sentence, but that would be the only case as one commentator notes Christ never specifically asked for the faithful to go to confession on the day of the feast itself, which practically speaking would be an impossible or upon most pastors. In fact, the Phelps teen herself made a confession on Saturday before mercy, Sunday dire entry, 10 72, whenever time to confession, maybe offer the important things for the faithful to be encouraged to come in versus Sunday in a state of grace, having confessed, at least all morals and trust in the mercy of God close quote. Speaker 0 00:03:28 Is there anything else? Yes, our Lord <inaudible> there must also be act and receive. I command for your deeds of mercy recharged arise out of love for me. You have to show mercy to your neighbors always and everywhere. I'm giving you three ways to exercise diversity towards your neighbors. The first by deed, the second by a word, the third by prayer, even the strongest thing is that <inaudible> post quote our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. What about the <inaudible> in 2002 ABAs tolerant penitentiary announced that quote, the plenary indulgence is granted under the usual conditions, sacrament of confession, Eucharistic community prayer from intention to the Supreme model, to the faithful on the second Sunday of Easter for divine mercy, Sunday in any chapel church or chapel and a spirit that is completely detached from infection, even opinions, men take part in prayers and devotions held on her divine mercy or when the presence of the bus is sacrad exposed before, is there a tablet precisely are fun and creed adding DevOp predator reversible are cheeses. First of all, cheese, that trusts you close quote. So that there's going to be divorce. She's at two this afternoon, but for people that don't make an appointment today, stand Mark father Cree, and uh, something like the most personal Jesus <inaudible>. Speaker 0 00:04:59 And that way you meet the conditions for cleaning your donuts. Cause other things go there. Everybody knows another path. Let's briefly reflect on the trust we all have in our Lord two that would follow the teaching that great doc, the church, the little flower Saint Therese, the soup will realize officially on the wonderful contract of further shock, the way the trust love. I can't recommend that particular commentary, virtually everything on the say right now is like a long paraphrase quote, everyone. Here's probably heard a little way of saying well, which refers to options. Her path towards holiness. Her little way is also known as the way of spiritual childhood. The point that's going to become obvious as a minute, that the point here is that trust is an absolutely essential feature of the little way his father flip says trust is the most characteristic of spiritual trauma st. Speaker 0 00:06:00 Traffic, sisters, sister, Maria, to sacred heart as Saint dreads to share her thoughts, the thoughts she had on her treatment in September of 1896, that's a, those thoughts are contained in the story of the solar electric system. We had read the beautiful thoughts of her sister. She wrote a note along these lines to Saint Terminix. Your text is magnificent, but left me with a certain staff. You parked, sorry to monitor, but I have to demand though, what you deserved or something I'm scared of. I flee from what you love as a result. I'm seriously afraid that I will never succeed in loving Jesus as much as you do. And that makes me somewhat sad. You have a burning art desires, but I'm far from experiencing the same things in my Sandra. I applied for this loan loan immediately. She told her sister, it wasn't a burden desires or any further. She felt that matter. Quote, my deserves or Mark or nothing. It is not. They give me the bottom, this trust. I feel that my part I'm quite sure it's not at all. What police has gotten a little smaller, what pleases and she's undermining this next phrase. What pleases him is to see that I, in my father, it is the blind hope that I have in his mercy. That is not my treasure. Speaker 0 00:07:30 What pleases God has to see that I love my loneliness and my poverty. It's the blind hope I have in his mercy. Father fleet continues. These few words are important. Saint Therese underlined because they put things in the right perspective. She did not deny them all that she had lived. And explain her times with praise. The further she puts you to the point where these were not what made her plays into God, but please got at her, was her love for <inaudible> you're blind hope. God's mercy, humility and trust. That's what makes us unfairly pleasing to God. Trust his grace dominant on our souls, makes us the object of his tenderness and alone. That is my only treasure. She told her sister and it can perfectly well be ours. Maybe we don't always feel great because that impetuous long from moderate to loving are placing an absolute trust in God is always within her reach. Speaker 0 00:08:32 We can do that without any difficult st. Jerome's. Well, how I'd like to be able to make you understand what I feel it is trust and nothing but trust. It must lead us to low trust is the most characteristic feature, spiritual childhood, a very small child. Never does his father's love. He trusts him. Absolutely small children are astonishing. This trust that a father could stand a small stone on the table, move back and tell the boy shot the child. You won't stop to wonder whether his dad's going to catch him in the fall. Those thoughts even cross his mind, that unlimited trust in God's goodness and faithfulness lies in the path of holiness. That's at the heart of it right there. That kind of trust place. That contrast God, another Saint trust. That's what hurts. Got the most, our most serious failures in this regard. Speaker 0 00:09:26 Is there a lack of trust? Quote, what offense? Jeez, what wounds his heart is lack of trust. God does not expect. It would be absolutely perfect that we given them our trust trust the past week, total. That's not easy to do cause it's we're all some wounded. When it comes to trucks, it's a remnant, original sin and distrust. God, he's scared. God runs away. Instead of trust among the grace, we can obtain a little flower. Let's ask him for the grace for a greater love. The Lord, especially greater trucks. How can we grow in trust? We can start by nourishing ourself on God's word. Everyone has a free, equal recourse to scripture has had the experience of one day being troubled or discouraged. When suddenly a person scripture touched you for stories of trust and brought a page to his heart. Yeah. Another thing acts of trust. Speaker 0 00:10:23 We say, Lord, I trust you. I lead this situation. You're sacred. Be hard, your sacred hands. And know you'll do lots of things that doesn't make their difficulties. They constantly experienced try the faithfulness of God and apply. It's essential that we place our trust in God. A lot of times, people that have actually placed their trust in themselves. They begin to think if we trust ourselves, when we messed up, we get really discouraged. Not shows that our trust with ourselves, not people say, I can't believe I did this. I'll tell you what to say, but you just did. What surprised you didn't do something stupid or God's called his hands to keep us from committing all kinds of disasters all the time. When contrasting, okay, here we go. You want to pass the Saint Therese. Explain to the extent of which you trust makes us please speak up. Speaker 0 00:11:15 And traps is grace. It's Saint Therese. I'd like to try and make them understand by very simple comparison. How much cheese love souls. He could eat perfect ones, including perfect ones who trust themselves to him. Imagine the father two naughty disobedient sons. When it comes to punish them, he sees one of them running away. Fear, trembling, knowing it's hard to parts that he deserves to be punished. Well, his brother does the opposite. He throws himself in his father's arms. China's started hurting. They loves him and he'll prove it by being good by being good. Mmm. Then that shall ask his father to punish him with a kiss. Speaker 0 00:12:00 I don't think happy father could harden hardens apart against his child's trust, knowing him and sincerity. And of course he knows that his son with modesty falls again, but he's willing to forgive again and again, if it catches him by the arm and every time that Saint Therese we want to make darn good. Sure. Can we catch God by the heart? Every time we miss anybody that's interested in going and pulling us. This is central. The grass. If we mess up, he might take that second shot. Turn lore, throw ourselves in his loving arms. Tom. We're sorry. We'll try not to do that again and ask him to punish us for the kids. Sit your ass. Yes. I feel that even though I had on my conscious all the sins that can be committed, I would go hard problem or parents to throw myself at jesus' arms because I know how dearly he loves a product of some returns to me. Speaker 0 00:12:58 People might think that it's because I've had the sin that I have such great trust in God. If I had committed all possible crimes, I would still have the same trust. I feel that all the multitude of defenses would be like a drop of water falling into a brace in France. That's Claus, Saint Faustina was told by lower remorseful trust. The morning president Cruz had give you a greater trust in the Lord strive to make the voice community possible. It's great. If trust and diviners is possible in order to receive the greatest praise and <inaudible> to need, because that is an immense stack of mercy to take it out of the poor. So the more soul trucks, the more oversee, even though I had on a conscious <inaudible>, I would go heartbroken with repentance to hope because I know how deeply he loves the province who returns to, if I had committed all possible crimes, I would still have the same trust. I feel that all that multitude of offenses would be like a drop of water, falling into place, the Morrisville trust the mortar.

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