Healing Conference OKC

April 16, 2017 01:01:36
Healing Conference OKC
Veritas Caritas
Healing Conference OKC

Apr 16 2017 | 01:01:36


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 Well, before we get started, I recommend the book to you cure your father's York Philly, interior freedom. So really good book, uh, deals in different ways with some aspects of the topic that I'll talk about, certainly in the first part of the conference, but from a different perspective. So that's interior freedom. My father shocked Philly. Okay. I've spoken in detail, everything I'm going to talk about now, but it's such an important topic that, uh, working to these issues with people that want to go through holiness has actually become a major part of my priest. And I realize everywhere I go, that it needs to be talked about more and more. So chapter 53 or the book of the prophet, Isaiah we read, but he was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities upon him was the chastisement that made us whole with his stripes. Speaker 0 00:01:13 We are healed the name of the father and the son. Holy spirit. Amen. Let's start with an anecdote. When we were kids, my dad, or anticipate pact or hunting guide that meant he would take us tram pack horses and meals, along with hunters, mounted horseback back into the wilderness there in Montana, where I'm from, they'd set up a camp way back in the mountains, probably about 35 miles or so from the nearest road that, you know, wall tents, those canvas white wall tents. You probably familiar with all that sort of thing in sort of a campus wilderness hotel. And they take the hunters out after an elk and deer, maybe bear, whatever. So most of you have probably seen pictures of that sort of thing, but one particular client made an impression on me when I was a kid that impression has never left. He's a great big guy, probably six, five, and, and somewhere a, you know, 300 pounds. Speaker 0 00:02:14 He was a big, big human being. He's a retired Colonel from the army fought that time. It's about 45 years ago that, I mean, most likely been through world war II and created Vietnam. I don't remember all the details anymore, but I do remember he was some kind of war hero, excuse me, some kind of war hero at any rate. At one point during the sun trip, he'd shot a deer. So my dad took him up on a nearby Ridge and told him he'd be back to get him after he took care of the deer, gutting it out and get it down to camp and so forth. So dad showed him where the camp was, how to get back. I needed to put in the meanwhile you'd have a pretty good chance of getting through there. And that's why I put them up on that Ridge. Speaker 0 00:02:57 They're both horse effects. A dad tells him it'll be back later, writes off, take care of the deer, leaves the Colonel there with a good horse, high power rifle, directions to camp, and only about a foot of snow. So anybody can put tracked through a foot of snow. It's just impossible to get lost in this kind of situation. So my dad got back later that day, the Colonel was literally terrified. He told my dad, even though he'd been through war, he'd never been so scared his whole entire life. He was 70 miles from town that showed you how he was about 35 miles from town, but he thought he was set our firm road. It was lot for that town, but here he is only about 35 miles from the road. And he it's tire life. He'd never been that scared before. He'd always been around people since he was a little kid and he never experienced anything that's terrifying Speaker 1 00:03:48 And his whole life. And the thing that bothered him the worst, it was so quiet. He'd never been that scared in his life. Speaker 0 00:03:59 The rest of the time using the Hills, he wanted my dad right there with him, which my dad was happy, Speaker 1 00:04:04 Two too good or Speaker 0 00:04:07 High powered rifle direction of the camp only Speaker 1 00:04:09 And a half of snow for so, and he's pumped terrified because it was quiet. That made a huge impression on me that still wasn't me. Some 45 years later, Speaker 0 00:04:21 I could understand why someone who didn't grow up in that of Speaker 1 00:04:24 And country might have some fear. But the part that stuck with me is why would it be so afraid of the quiet? What's so scary about the quiet. Well, Speaker 0 00:04:38 Sure. He's long since dead. So I can't answer for him, but I can give a general answer, Speaker 1 00:04:44 A real quiet, a profound, quiet like that, that you can experience in the mountains. We don't call it the high lonesome for nothing Speaker 0 00:04:52 That kind of quiet can really make Speaker 1 00:04:55 Someone helped to face himself Speaker 0 00:05:00 Profound, quite like that can make someone have to face himself. He can't turn up the music. Speaker 1 00:05:06 There isn't any music. He can't turn on the television. There isn't one. He can't head to the mall or to the bar or the movie theater. There aren't any, he can't distract himself by talking to anyone. There's no one there to talk to he's alone, he's alone with his thoughts. And that can be a beautiful thing, a really beautiful thing. But if someone doesn't have inner peace, if he's filled with turmoil over this, that, Speaker 0 00:05:38 And if it's usual me Speaker 1 00:05:41 For distracting himself, his usual means for escape Speaker 0 00:05:46 Half and to think about is interactive. Speaker 1 00:05:47 Manuel are not available. And all he has is that Dave and his own turmoil and trouble thoughts inside that can get really, really frightening. Once someone understands that it's easy to understand a lot of what passes for everyday life. In our modern society, people are filled with turmoil. They're filled with that sort of thing. They don't have interface. They're turning up the music they're keeping Speaker 0 00:06:22 Is he doing this? And that rushed around moving from this place to that place, playing with all these electronic gizmos and saw and big, giant effort to distract Speaker 1 00:06:32 Themselves, to keep themselves from having to face their inner turmoil. Now, lack of peace. Speaker 0 00:06:40 So we're going to spend some time this afternoon talking. Speaker 1 00:06:42 How about one common cause of inner turmoil. We'll start there and we're going to go on, but this is probably gonna surprise some folks. One very common cause of inner torn Mon is caused by not living in the prison. It's really gone in order to have true inner peace. Speaker 0 00:07:00 These are not to be stirred up all kinds of inner turmoil. We have to live Speaker 1 00:07:05 In the present. We have to live in the moment. God gives us in this present moment. Speaker 0 00:07:11 Now we're going to take some time to see, look at that in some detail, before we do that, let's briefly consider why we have to live in the moment that God gives us in the present moment in order to have inner peace or not to be stirred up Speaker 1 00:07:24 Was inner turmoil briefly. Speaker 0 00:07:28 If we don't live in the present moment, we have two choices either in some way, Speaker 1 00:07:33 We're living in the past in some way, we're living in the future. What does that mean? When we say someone's living in the past? Speaker 0 00:07:42 I mean, it's selling metal. It looks back in life and says, things like that. Speaker 1 00:07:45 This all fall. I would've done this. Oh man, I should have done that. I wished I would've never, ever done that. My life was so beautiful then and so forth and so forth. Speaker 0 00:07:56 So it's when we say someone's living in the past, we made someone who allows himself to be filmed regrets, but his past failures, Speaker 1 00:08:04 But wants to live in his past previous glories. Speaker 0 00:08:09 What does it mean when we say someone's living in the future by this? We mean someone that madly preoccupies himself, I think in himself, things like that. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:08:17 If this happens, what if that happens? What will everyone think then that goes on. What will I do Speaker 0 00:08:23 Do if he actually does that. In other words, when we say someone's living in the future, we mean that he allows himself to be filled with worry and stress and commotion over things that haven't even happened yet. And may very well Speaker 1 00:08:35 Never come to pass Speaker 0 00:08:37 Kind. It lives in the past laws of self to be filled the regrets, his past failures, but he wants to live in his previous glories and the man who lives in the future stresses out and worries Speaker 1 00:08:46 About things, which haven't even happened yet. In either case Speaker 0 00:08:51 Men live in a sort of virtual reality of thought only had attitude in the case, the man lived in the van, Speaker 1 00:08:58 Ask her what if the case, the man living in the future, Speaker 0 00:09:04 If there are those attitudes is absolutely guaranteed to produce inner turmoil. It's a hundred. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:09:09 Guaranteed. Speaker 0 00:09:11 Well, because although there are some differences in these attitudes and we'll take a closer look at those shortly. I, those attitudes are absolutely guaranteed to produce inner turmoil because these past or future events are things are which we have numbers Speaker 1 00:09:25 Control. We have no control, Speaker 0 00:09:29 Sort of a total. This is bond and prevent us from seeing ourselves clearly in the present. The only time we're living in the here and now, the men who suffer from these attitudes are trap either in the past or in the future. But in any event they're missing the here and now they're living in bondage to living in sort of a virtual reality. Speaker 1 00:09:50 Either one of those conditions is a hundred percent guaranteed because in her dorm. So that's a very brief overview of the problem. Sometimes Speaker 0 00:09:58 That doesn't have inner peace. He can't have inner peace. So even if you find it well, if he finds himself in a situation like the Colonel Montana wilderness, a situation where he can't distract himself, Speaker 1 00:10:09 He's all alone with his troubled thoughts. It can really get frightening. Speaker 0 00:10:13 Now, all of this living in the past or the future mysterious way like we're talking about is actually Speaker 1 00:10:19 As a result of spiritual wounds, this living in the past or in the future as a result of spiritual wounds. Speaker 0 00:10:28 And in this conference, we're going to talk briefly about the practical aspects of healing from these kinds of wounds and what I'm going to talk about. Doesn't just pertain to those wounds of living in the past and future, but to all kinds. Speaker 1 00:10:41 And so we're going to go through a series of things here Speaker 0 00:10:44 Because of time constraints, willing to be able to touch on some of the most important points, but it'll give everybody enough information to case goods. Speaker 1 00:10:53 Cause everybody Speaker 0 00:10:54 Has a great desire to be healed, to be free of any Mohnish of ways. And Don, because of our human condition, these kinds of bonds, and we want to get rid of anything that makes us feel sad or empty or unsatisfied, dissatisfied, frustrated. Speaker 1 00:11:08 It hurt with people, places, uh, our conditioning, et cetera. I can even include God. There are two basic kinds of homes. Speaker 0 00:11:20 There's physical insecurity. Now, when you cut yourself with a knife, it makes a physical wound. The severity of the wound depends on how deep you cut yourself. And in fact where you cut yourself. Okay? But over time as a wound heals, typically the pain decreases until Speaker 1 00:11:36 What you have is a scar. A spiritual wound is analogous to a physical one, a spiritual one as a result of a trauma, Speaker 0 00:11:45 An event in someone's life to left an impression that sometimes can be remembered sometimes not. Speaker 1 00:11:51 And the seriousness, the wound, the depth of the wound, so to speak depends on the seriousness of the trauma or the event. Speaker 0 00:12:00 Traumas can cause sexual ins can, can range from self inflicted wounds resulting from sin because each and every sin actually wounds us tools that have been inflicted on us to no fault of our own like being violently, assaulted, being conceived out American. Yes, that does cause a wound or even really violent physical trauma of different types. But unlike the typical progression of a physical one from damage to healing, a scar, typically a spiritual wound Speaker 1 00:12:31 Remains present. Speaker 0 00:12:33 Why is this? Because in spite of the fact that they cause a pain, people typically don't know how to heal from spiritual wounds, but because of wound as a source of pain, the typical thing we would build a barrier on that spiritual, just like we protect a cut that we don't want to touch. They build a barrier on it, spiritual. So we can live with protect ourselves from the pain. These barriers are typically expressed in certain types of behavior, certain personality, quirks of faults, which serve to protect us from that pain. For example, we might see them expressed as anger, resentment, fear, hatred of certain people or situations not being able to deal with large crowds of people living in the past. Speaker 1 00:13:17 We're living in the future. Those are just some Speaker 0 00:13:19 Examples. That's a very brief summary. There's enough information to get you there, Speaker 1 00:13:23 Eric, to give you some idea of what a spiritual wound is. Speaker 0 00:13:26 So we can talk about it here. You can, for more details on it, approach from a slightly different perspective, you can go to Chad Riveters website. He has four excellent 45 minute long spiritual conferences do ones inhaling the website. Speaker 1 00:13:41 I got the list, but everybody probably know that, but it's on one, a little handouts. They're there, Speaker 0 00:13:45 It's spirit, <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:13:47 Spiritual competence dealing with bones and healing. And he's going to say things that are different than what I'm saying. They absolutely mesh, but it's, you know, we're not repeating the same information. Speaker 0 00:13:56 So living in the past or living in the future is actually, Speaker 1 00:14:01 Oh, spiritual moments. Speaker 0 00:14:02 When we're her, we tend to live either with a regret of our past or sometimes the anxiety of a future. And one of the effects of these is to leave us Speaker 1 00:14:11 State of worry and I'm able to live in the here and now when I'm here Speaker 0 00:14:14 And lives with regret of his past, he in fact tries to give himself what he thinks at some level, he deserves by not forgiving himself for his previous actions. The result is he holds himself in bondage for his past. They won't ever let himself forget it in this condition. He can't heal from the wounds left by past actions, nor could he allow himself to live in the present. Since at some level he's punishing himself by Sam to himself. If only I would have done this, or if only I hadn't done that, I wouldn't be in this situation. I wouldn't have gotten hurt. So that's, my Fact is adopted an attitude that to be forgiven her, be free would in some way mean that he'd be off the hook for his mistake. Speaker 1 00:15:00 But at some level Speaker 0 00:15:02 It does some sense. He really doesn't believe he deserves forgiveness Speaker 1 00:15:06 Or free from his mistakes. Speaker 0 00:15:08 So instead of trusting the mercy of God and trusting and pay the price that he forgives us. And in fact, this man is saying, yes, Lord, you may forgive me and you may have paid the price, but I got myself in this mess. It was a result of my stupidity, my decisions. This is my hurt. This is my wound. It's my problem. Speaker 1 00:15:28 So I have to deal with it, but no one can change the past. No one, the past is what it is and no one can save himself. That's why we need a savior by holding onto the past, Speaker 0 00:15:48 Holding onto his regrets, the man is actually holding onto them Speaker 1 00:15:52 And not trusting that the Lord came to make all things new. Speaker 0 00:15:56 He needs to face those regrets. He needs to accept that mistake, that catastrophe, that decision, that event for what it is and let go of it and let it go, Speaker 1 00:16:06 Lord or lady take it. Okay, great. So how is he supposed to do that by recalling the pain? Not necessarily details, but Speaker 0 00:16:15 On the pain, acknowledging it, and then allowing her Speaker 1 00:16:18 Or her lady love him in this wound, in this pain and this decision, obviously he doesn't ask them to love a sin, but to love a wounded soul, to love that soul that is suffering in this specific herd, Speaker 0 00:16:33 Even that specific wound and then ask them to do, Speaker 1 00:16:36 Help them, let go of the past, let go of the pain and turn it over to them. Speaker 0 00:16:41 Wounded man needs to beg our Lord and our lady for the grace to love himself, to love that wounded person that he's been shunning. And he's been so disappointed in to beg them for the grace to seem self as gods Speaker 1 00:16:55 Elon himself has God loves him. Speaker 0 00:16:58 He needs to beg for the grace to seem stuff as God sees Speaker 1 00:17:00 And to love himself, as God loves him. Speaker 0 00:17:04 And most especially to see himself the way God sees him and to love themselves the way God loves him Speaker 1 00:17:09 And that monetary can, that hurt. And that regret that's been hanging over his whole life all this time. It was past mistakes that you held live in bondage, right? Speaker 0 00:17:18 And it's the big our Lord and our lady, Speaker 1 00:17:21 The grace to longer be checked himself to believe, to truly believe he's loved. And even this wound, even in his pain. So he needs to beg for the grace to see himself, as God sees the love itself has God loves him and most of the specialty and that wounded area. Speaker 0 00:17:40 If he's faithful, this kind of prayer, the begin destruct, loving himself, even in the womb, Speaker 1 00:17:45 We're going to get specific here. As that begins happen. As this man starts Speaker 0 00:17:50 To love himself here, he'll be able to quit holding his pastoral rezone head. And he gave up and quit blaming himself for his rod. Life will be able to quit saying if only I'd done this and only if I had done that, then start saying, Speaker 1 00:18:02 I am. I am forgiven. Even with my past, I am able to grow in virtue and holiness, right? I am able to become a say my past is my past. I can't be only. I am mom. I don't have regrets anymore. It is what it is, but it isn't controlling me anymore. Let's not forget. The devil certainly promotes living in the past. Why? Speaker 0 00:18:34 Because the man that lives in the past keeps himself upon. He's doing the devil's work for him. The man who lives in the past, doesn't allow himself to go on loins. In other words, the man was in the past is unwilling to cooperate Speaker 1 00:18:46 With the work of the devil it's online. Let's use a concrete example though. Speaker 0 00:18:53 Suppose someone is really living in the past because of regrets. Speaker 1 00:18:55 It's about being involved in an abortion. Speaker 0 00:18:59 That's obviously completely devastating sin with pretty good, Speaker 1 00:19:02 Incredible moments. How did this man, this woman go about praying for healing from such wounds. The basic idea here is that the healing of a woman's soul comes out by reaching out. It comes about by reaching out in prayer to our lady and beg her to bring her son in the situation because the human is going to come from contact with Christ. That's how it's going to come. Speaker 0 00:19:31 Healing comes from our wounds. Come in contact. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:19:33 With his wounds Speaker 0 00:19:35 On him was the chastisement today Speaker 1 00:19:37 Made us all by his, his tribes. We are healed. Speaker 0 00:19:43 So we'll just quickly run through a very easy and very fruitful way of doing just that. It's really easy to remember. It's only an outline. So when you pick up that little pavement, you can rewrite it. It does, it won't bother me. Speaker 1 00:19:55 It's not mine, but it works. It's practical. It's easy to remember. And the little handout you can S stuck on your missile, your prayer book in your Bible, you can rewrite it. It doesn't matter because you'll see how it goes here. So Speaker 0 00:20:11 It's just adaptable. Here's how it goes. Who identify a woman in this case, the example we're using involves Speaker 1 00:20:17 And an abortion. The first thing to do Speaker 0 00:20:19 Dude, is to make an act of the will, that we really want this to be healed. And that means we're really willing to suffer whatever it is Speaker 1 00:20:27 It takes to be healed. Speaker 0 00:20:32 That's critical. The most important thing is to make an act of the will, that we really want this to be healed and willing to suffer, whatever it takes to be free of this wound. We're going to have to have it in our mind that it's going to hurt no illusions here. We have to have it in our mind that this is going to hurt. Think of it like resetting a broken bone. It is going to hurt in this case where we reset it, broken bone in our hearts. So to speak, it's going to hurt, but in healing. And that's the case because the pain is released being released and going out, the pain is going out. When you were wounded, the pain is going in healing. The pain is going out. It's been trapped in there and just held onto, and that's what we want to do is have it come out. Speaker 0 00:21:18 It isn't going to hurt. Don't know illusions. This is clear, okay, it's going to hurt, but it's in healing. The hurt is because of pains going out. Okay. The most important thing is to do is to make an accurate will that we really want this to be healed and willing to suffer, whatever it takes to be freely swollen, and to have it clearly in our mind, it's going to hurt. Now. I want to encourage you here. This pain is suffering. The pain of healing is going to hurt, but it can really be put to good use. Really good use one small anecdote in that regard, before we go on, uh, Yvonne Beauvais, she was later known as mother Yvonne. I may have cheeses. She's one of the most remarkable women in the last century. And I wish there was more written on, on her in English. And I wish she was a mistake and a victim sold him on other things was given the mission to rape, to make reparation for those who committed sacrilege against the most blessed that sack 24 year old woman waiting to be accepted in the convent on August 10th, 1925, she was ambushed and kid down by three men. They beat her. Speaker 1 00:22:29 And I tortured her Speaker 0 00:22:30 Point of view, pushing long knitting kneels to her breasts. One of the mentors teacher was actually the prey preached, but she had previously tried to help by delivering him a warning, Speaker 1 00:22:43 Martin Lord. And he raped her. She was tossed out blindfolded on a deserted street in Paris. So she's been Speaker 0 00:22:54 And kidnap B Speaker 1 00:22:57 Tortured and raped by a priest and tossed out an empty street. She's waiting to release in her blood life, but now she doesn't know she's pregnant or not. She doesn't know what will become of her, of her vocation, of her life. In her journal. She wrote quote, Jesus chose the heaviest cross. The most humiliating I suffered atrocious in all parts of my body, every fiber of my heart and my soul close quotes, Speaker 0 00:23:42 But the most beautiful entry Speaker 1 00:23:46 Is there a simple statement that called after this trial, I obtained the set same year, the rants of 32 souls and priests and danger, close quote pain. Didn't go to waste. She paid the products for 32 praise souls. What about the rapper paid the rave term? He remanded must convert. It takes a lot to cover on the bus a lot. She paid the price for her, right, but pretty straight but pain. Didn't go to waste. Look, when we're talking about hailing serious wounds, that's going to hurt, but it's still alone. It doesn't have to go to waste. And if you offered up, he could certainly pray to mother Yvonne and me. I'm Chase's to help me with that. Okay. Speaker 1 00:25:21 So we've identified a warned involvement in abortion. We make an act of the will that we really want it to be healed, already suffer, whatever it takes to be free of this wound. We have to have in our mind, but it's going to hurt, but that's because the pain is being released that we've been holding on to and it's going out or wanting to do is going in. So we turned our to, we played along these lines. Plus the mother of God. I completely open to you. This wound of living in the past with all my regrets about this abortion. Then we ask our lady, I begged him to wash, to cleanse and purify this guy, tears, the precious blood of my son. Then we asked her, I begged me to bring my son in this wound to heal. And then we asked her, I begged me to fill a spot when charity together with my son to stay in her room. Cause it's a place where we haven't let him in and we want him there. We've had it closed. And now it's opening. So walk back to that again. And it's all on that little handout. We turned our light and we pray plus some other God. Speaker 1 00:26:44 We all want to do this board of living with past all the regrets about the abortion. I begged the took wash, cleanse and purify this one, applied tears, precious blood. I son, a baby. They bring those senators on to heal it and Bagley to fill a spot with Sharon to kind of with my son is Dan rule. It's especially powerful to pray right at the reception of all. I command again. Plus the mother of God. I come to look to open this wound of living in the past and all my regrets about the abortion, whatever else it is. I bet even to wash kinds of purified as a board with eye tears and pressed on a nice sun, I begged her to bring my son in this wound to heal it. And I baby, to fill the smell and charity and together with my son to stay in rule. One thing Speaker 0 00:27:41 That's important to keep in mind that if someone was to ask for these kinds of healings and the case is some sort of horrific trauma, he shouldn't try and recall the circumstances to mind that is not necessary. It might do more harm than good. This is not a psychological exercise per se Speaker 1 00:27:59 At all. I don't know what they do. We're talking about something spiritual. Speaker 0 00:28:03 He simply needs to ask our lady to bring the Lord into this woundedness and pain and to heal and make him free. He doesn't have to sit there and try to recreate the same. If there's walls, there there's walls for a reason. So just invite them behind the walls. You open it all up to heaven, but you don't have to go walk away Speaker 1 00:28:21 Two there in your mind. Okay. Another port. Okay. Speaker 0 00:28:25 Important point to keep in mind when someone's trying to heal from his wounds and seriously praying to ask our lady to bring our Lord in to each area and heal him. Oftentimes previously unknown, uh, wounds will be revealed to the person Speaker 1 00:28:38 That's very, very common. Okay. Speaker 0 00:28:41 So we've talked about someone who has been living in the past because of regrets about abortion, how he would pray for healing. Let's talk about living in the future. One typical approach taken by many. People's try to meticulously plan their future. Now it is true. We're supposed to take reasonable care for the future, but without worrying, you know, without worrying on that, no, uh, because many traditional Catholics are completely worried and freaked out about the future. They don't keep it in perspective. And so this fear is fed with, with blogs, books, lectures, articles, even sermons. It's certainly true that priests are obliged to keep the faithful informed in light of the gospel. And that includes preaching on frightening topics, uh, you know, hell prosecutions, the end of the world, et cetera. But even though these are definitely exciting topics, we're not supposed to do the chicken little routine and start running around. Speaker 0 00:29:36 Even if the sky is falling, we didn't put it up there. Okay. And God knows what he's doing. The great Belgian Jesuit st. John Berchmans gives us a perfect example of how we're supposed to act in these kinds of situations with these topics. So one day the scholastics, the Jesuits they're playing pool. It's turn recreation. He's lining up a shot. We talking about the end of the world. He's nine up the shot. And one of the other classes asked Sean, Hey John, what would you do if you find the world that's going to end, right? And I said, keep shooting. Now what's the point? The point is that you're supposed to take recreation. And he was, you're supposed to be the state of grace, any worse. So we just do our duty is what God's calling us to do and not freak out. Remember the story of the boat, a storm, the pastas are panicking. Speaker 0 00:30:24 Our Lord it's asleep. He calms it down. When he comes in, he's in charge. Is it a single thing going on right now? That's a surprise to God. So we just keep that in her mind and that'll help. But it's not a surprise that he let us liberate. Now he expects us to be faithful. Whenever he puts us in history, the sky is it's falling in the church. It's a disaster of Epic proportions, but it's not a surprise to God. We can relax. I know that sounds funny. Yeah. We're not going to be judged on what the church, just tell them, we're going to judge you on what I'm doing. I got to pray for the leadership, but I don't have to let them cheat. I'm going to let you guys decide my interior life. That is completely wrong way to approach it. We see this stuff. Speaker 0 00:31:07 We all notice up. I guess I need another decade for them today. And then get busy was shooting pool or whatever you're supposed to be doing. Right? All seriousness, just resigned. He's the Messiah. We're in the church. Let him take care of that thing. We had talked to her about it and then just relax. And don't feed them, especially if excitable person relax. Okay? All right. We have to trust divine Providence. God knew what he was doing when he had us live. Now they'll give us every necessary grace. We need to become safe in precise historical conditions in which we find ourselves. If we ask for it and live according, but instead far too many Catholics, these days allow themselves to be derailed because they're not living in the present moment. They're not trusting the past to God's versus they're not trusting the future to God's Providence. Speaker 0 00:31:58 And instead they're living in this virtual reality, like, you know, if only I had in the case of the past, or what if, what if, what happens in the future in the case of those ones, P occupied and generally freaked out about the future. And there's a lot of people and I'm not making fun of it. I'm just describing. We got to be careful not to get into that. So let's talk about the future. One typical approach taken by many people is try to meticulously plan a future. Again, we're supposed to take race bull carrier, but without worrying, if a man is worrying and planning some meticulous way, this is indicative of a well, except for her, we've all got once. This is not a condemnation, it's a recommendation. Okay? So he's going to be unable to live in present because if be dominated by what if, what if this happens? What if that happens and so forth, dominated by fears that things aren't going to go, according to the desires, that'd be wounded again, or that others won't accept or like him because he didn't things didn't go smoothly according to his plans and so forth. So this is a thought pattern, which is also very pleasing to him. Why? Because such a man gets so wrapped up in trying to share the future of the acquaintances. Speaker 1 00:33:03 Oh man. But he neglects to live in the present. He's neglected to live in present. And this is key. Speaker 0 00:33:14 It's absolutely essential to understand the present this very moment. It's the only moment that we can grow. Speaker 1 00:33:23 Okay? Speaker 0 00:33:23 This present this very moment Speaker 1 00:33:26 Is the only moment that we can handle that's present. That's very moment. It's the only moment that we can gain an adult. Speaker 0 00:33:39 This present this very moment itself. Speaker 1 00:33:41 The only moment that we can become Holy, Speaker 0 00:33:47 This present this very moment is Speaker 1 00:33:48 Only more we can become saints. Speaker 0 00:33:54 Sometimes I hear people saying it's very common. If only I had lived here, their train this time of that. If Speaker 1 00:34:00 Yeah, I had known this saying if only if only what this person is saying, Speaker 0 00:34:07 In fact, without thinking clearly about it. But he says, if only I lived in this place or that time, or that if I'd only known this Saint or that this person is saying that that God doesn't know Speaker 1 00:34:18 Why while he's still like, God doesn't know what he's doing. If at all, Speaker 0 00:34:24 I lived in this place for that, that time have known that the Saint and only those things had happened, then I would ever, Speaker 1 00:34:29 We could have become a say. Then I would have ever, could have dealt with a situation. They don't mean it, but that's blasphemy. God knew from all eternity, we'd be living right now. Speaker 0 00:34:43 God knew exactly what he was doing when he had us liberate. The present is the only time to become a Saint. He doesn't change at all his power. Hasn't been limited at all. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, Speaker 1 00:34:54 Today and forever Speaker 0 00:34:56 That's scripture. Okay. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, Speaker 1 00:35:00 Today and forever. That's Hebrews 13, eight, and he'll give us every necessary grace. It becomes Speaker 0 00:35:06 The precise historical position, uh, conditions in which Speaker 1 00:35:09 He places us, but we have to ask from the liver quarterly. Okay. Speaker 0 00:35:14 So now that we've talked briefly about the practical aspects Speaker 1 00:35:17 Of living or healing for more Speaker 0 00:35:19 In the past for the future, let's talk about one of the most important things. The process of spiritually, Speaker 1 00:35:25 Which is forgiveness. Speaker 0 00:35:27 Again, there's much more that could be said, but we don't have the time to heal. We must first be willing to forgive others. Our Lord explicitly taught us to forgive Speaker 1 00:35:38 Us, our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, this forgiveness must come from the heart. It must come from the will. We don't have to forget what happened. We don't have it. I forget what happened. Well, we do have to for kid and let the pain go. That's important. We don't have to forget. We don't have to forgive and let the pain go. Sometimes the hurt is too big or too deep. We don't actually know what's causing it so we can't forgive or let go. But ourselves. That's why it's so important on this journey. Task our lady in our ward to come into those areas to heal this, help us forgive, let go of the pain to give it to them with the whole open heart to will, with all of our being to truly desire to well, the spiritual life, the will is paramount. Speaker 1 00:36:29 We have to will to be deal with all our heart. Truly. We'll look into how to do that. Shortly. At times, we may have been hurt so deeply. We seem unable to forgive, but if we beg our Lord to forgive us for us to live, then our Lord will give us. The grace is over time. I've told this story elsewhere. I'll just sum it up. But I told the story of a young man who had a pencil he's at the time he was possessed told to me, by at the time he was the only full time Exorcist in the country. This is many years ago, very important conversation. And the young man is possessed. And, uh, I dunno, he's 1820, 21. I don't remember any more. That's not important. And of course the ex had the power to demand. Uh, what was the conditions for him to be delivered? He said he has to forgive him. <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:37:22 well, why is it the baby? Well, he drove in a family of Satanists. So from infancy, everything, you can't say it every kind of possible torture and abuse from his parents. And from other friends of the family, you can't forgive something like that, huh? It's not humanly possible. He ran away and he came away with wounds and went devils. And within a year he was delivered. How did that happen? How did that happen? When he started to reach out and prayer, Texas taught him prayer. You know, he says, Lord, I can forgive him and see you. Forgive him for me. I'm inviting you into my whole life, every one of these events. And he didn't want to remember him that wasn't the object, but he's opening himself up. He's making actable to open up and say, Lord, you come into that and you forgive him for me within a year. He loved his parents. Didn't like him. I wasn't going to go see him. That's a darn good idea. But he loved him once. And to be frayed, it's unlikely people like that will be, but that's the one word he couldn't do it. Huh? Speaker 0 00:38:37 Over the course of time, my Lord did that. Speaker 1 00:38:39 As we forgive others and ask them Speaker 0 00:38:43 The others to forgive us in any wrong itself, it's important that we try to repair the wrong we've done. If it's possible, we should try to make restitution for the wrong. Not just because it's a lawful thing to do, but more importantly, what do we right or wrong, or my more easily able to forgive ourselves and not have so much guilt to heal from the effort to restore the room shows that we're truly sorry, wanting to be forgiven. It shows an act of the will humbling ourselves and asking for business shows. The same thing. If we ask for the contract are truly wanting forgiveness. It's really, really important to recognize that the wounds of all sorts, especially at a really deep wounds, there's a need to forgive oneself, even if we did no wrong in. Cause Speaker 1 00:39:29 Yeah, Speaker 0 00:39:29 It's essential to understand with wounds of all sorts, especially the really deep ones. There's a need to forgive oneself, even if we did no wrong in causing the womb. It's not that we're guilty, but there's a spirit of forgiveness that we need. So we can forgive ourselves and love ourselves in that hurt, realizing that we can be loved. And that wound, for example, if we were assaulted violently as a child would have built like barriers and personality quirks around that wound. So we could continue on with life and deal with the pain and trauma. As we start forgiving the attacker, we will also have a need to forgive ourselves. This might sound really bizarre to say in these kind of cases, we'd have to forgive ourselves. Why would this appear? How could this be? Has it turns out there's going to be a certain amount of guilt and shame associated with the wound and our brokenness. Speaker 0 00:40:18 Thanks a lot, Adam. We actually tend to blame ourselves for this. We hold on to such, we hold onto the pain as if we deserve it in some sense, because it's our pain, it's our want. And some level I think no one else can really understand or feel the pain like I do. And they didn't go through it. It's mine. He'll always be mine and I have to deal with it all by myself. I have to do it. It's my pain. And I have to bear it. The point is we need to be able to forgive ourselves, forgive everyone involved in situation. Let the wound heal. It's also common. If we suffered a great trauma, we get that we're dirty. We have snow value or may very well end up viewing ourselves like some animal or object results. Here are predictably catastrophic and obvious. I don't think we need to say more about that. Speaker 0 00:41:07 Okay. Today, another common example, suppose someone real party animal. And as you later in life, penitent is rowdy behavior. It may actually be pretty difficult to be hailed at why? Because one of the typical results of being a rowdy of being a party animal has this sort of prefers pride in that simple way. Alive started prefers product and carry on a drink with the best of them said, you know, he can hold this whiskey, blah, blah, blah. Because it's the first pride is associated with that wound. He may not want to let go of the pride latitude, even though his sense heard our lady and our Lord. And if he doesn't specifically will to let go of that pride, he won't heal. He can't heal. They're actually, and this may not be a fully conscious decision on his part. He must first have an awareness of what he's doing. Speaker 0 00:41:59 And typically this won't come from himself, confessor, appraised to director, good spiritual friend can point this out to them and help them to see it breaking prayed. They sees himself, as God sees him, love himself. As God loves him. And a light bulb has turned the one on here, a very, very important step to understand here would we pray in the Holy spirit in his heart come Holy spirit and helped me see myself. As you see me, love myself as you love me. And then bang for the grace is to completely reject this prideful attitude, to be able to let go of it. And the perverse personality traits he presumed produced in response to it. These perverse traits that cause a person take pride and disgraceful behavior and sin, he needs to completely reject this because it hurts his relationship with God. It's actually a barrier between him and God. Speaker 0 00:42:51 Another common situation involves since it's so and fully chose to do. But then after the fact, he's very ashamed of, it's actually very common, certain kinds of sin, a cheat on a spouse, looking at bed pictures, being involved in abortion or perverse lifestyle because of the shame. It's common to bury these things deep within himself. But in spite of that, oftentimes it's anger, depression or something, uh, as a result of it. And although he very malware confessed it, he can't forgive himself. He believes God could forgive him because God has God, but he can't forgive himself. And he's positive that others wouldn't forgive or accepted. If they're aware of what sort of things he'd been up to in his past. And so he buries that deep and himself hoping it will never come out again. And our country has millions and millions of women in this condition. Speaker 0 00:43:40 It's so common in, in this for one of these ones, we have a name. That's what poster board. That's exactly what poster board is, is this kind of thing where it's buried in there. The simple and painful fact is that here is impossible to buried wound like that and needs didn't fight our Lord and our lady, those areas, begging them to kill the source, begging him to help him forgive himself and asking them to take this room to take all this pain away and Prairie could even try pitching himself, handing the whole situation over to our Lord or to our lady. Surprisingly enough. It's actually pretty common in these situations for severely wounded person to have a preserved perverse sort of pride and with such events. What do we mean by that? The wounded person may very well think in so many words, I've heard Jesus so very much that I can't burden him with this awful with all of this off Speaker 1 00:44:32 Of payment, I've created it's mine. Speaker 0 00:44:35 I did it high cost it and I deserve to have to it Speaker 1 00:44:39 Myself. What has happened in such a situation? Speaker 0 00:44:44 It's the poor wounded persons become too proud Speaker 1 00:44:47 To let the Lord take it away from him. Speaker 0 00:44:49 In fact, he's saying, it's my mess. I'm just going to have to take care of myself. I pay my debts. So I can't really ask our Lord to take care of this after all he's done for me. So I'll deal with it. And then when I get everything under control at that point in time, I'll go to Jesus freely without a burden with anymore. Since once we see that for what it really is, we can see it's actually terribly dangerous form of pride. Now, to be fair, many times the thought process has hasn't been it. Hasn't been worked up that clearly, as you talked to him as a priest going back and forth and sort of discussion, you can draw this up and they start realizing, well, that is what I think that is what I've been doing. Okay. Anyway, man, that's what's going on there. Speaker 0 00:45:31 He needs to understand clearly he needs to clearly see if we were debt free, that he'd have no need for a savior. We all have debts. We can't pay. We all need a savior. We all have debts. We can't pay. Our Noah knows full well. We can never pay him. Besides what on earth does he need from us? Nothing. He's got all muddy. He's got it all. He doesn't need anything from us since by the fact that God needs absolutely nothing from us. And in spite of the fact that God is perfectly content and happy in himself. Nevertheless, the second person, most blessed attorney or Lord savior, Jesus Christ still chose to pay our debts. He was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities upon him was the chastisement that makes us whole and with his tribes, Speaker 1 00:46:23 Where are you? Speaker 0 00:46:25 And what are the most important aspects of forgiveness is not to forgive. We have to make sure that we forgive Speaker 1 00:46:30 God from the bottom of our hearts. Now that may sound shocking. Why would this be your, how could this be? Speaker 0 00:46:39 It's certainly not because God has done anything that he needs to be forgiven for. Cause that will be total blessing. But it's because oftentimes when we've been seriously heard, like in the case of a child as violently assaulted, we blame God. Why, if you love me, did you let this happen here? God, you could've stopped. Why didn't you protect me? I was too little to protect myself and so on. And so on. It's song. It's very common. I'm sure as I'm saying this, there are people here reviewing that in their mind. And these sorts of situations, we've placed a certain amount of blame on God and our hearts were wounded and disappointed, hurt. He was, God was not our hero. In this case, he let us get hurt. He let us down. So to speak. Now that's certainly not the case. In fact, God was there. And each one of those events suffering with us, praying the price for the sin and hurting for us much deeper than we'll ever know. This is a rough analogy and it limps, but it's sort of like a mother seeing a child take a serious fall and get hurt. The mother feels that pain and suffering over child, certainly in a different way than the child, but quite, probably more than the child feels that it breaks the mother. Speaker 1 00:47:51 It's a part that we have free will, which is an image Speaker 0 00:47:56 18th gift. God doesn't want to take that away from us, but he can fix our heart. If we run, if we give it to him fully not holding anything back, he can and we'll fix it. He's God. He came to save sinners to take sin away. But the key is to let him, Speaker 1 00:48:13 We have to let him, Speaker 0 00:48:15 We need to forgive God so that we can trust him Speaker 1 00:48:18 And love him. I have a lot of conversations like this, about this exact topic with people. It's just been a couple of days. I had somebody in the office, we talked for two hours on this very topic, very beautiful person, but this is right where it's at right there. This kind of thing. And when you don't forgive God, there's a barrier, an absolute barrier there to cross isn't there because how, the only way we can grow as contact with him when we're able to, you know, Speaker 0 00:48:51 And so God we need, God understands what we went through, our pain or guilt or sorrow. He loves us anyway. He loves us. And that wound as a mother loves most tenderly when a child is hurt. So does that mean Speaker 1 00:49:03 Lord love us. Most tenderly when we're hurt, when we're able to forgive, we're able to let go of a huge way. That's held us prisoner. Speaker 0 00:49:13 We're held in bondage by lack of forgiveness. I went truly able to start praying and inviting heaven into those wounds. The barriers then slowly broken down. We're able to start forgiving, let going to pay. We're being set free. And in fact, I just paranthetically know right here when it really starts hurting. If you're doing these prayed, Speaker 1 00:49:32 That's the sign that the barriers are coming down. Don't stop. Then when it really starts getting paid Speaker 0 00:49:39 Andrew, right, then that's actually a sign that your prayers are being heard. So it's starting to heal. It's like pus coming out of a wound. So people will come to the priests. They're freaking out because all of a sudden things are really, really hurting to save. That will pass. You have to pray, but what's happened is all the stuff that you've been you've had down there. You've been jumping up a Don on a cork, trying to keep it in there. You pulled the cord, got and out, start to come up. So it's going to, that's not a bad sign. A hangover is a bad sign. That's a self-inflicted stupidity. This kind of pain is coming up. It's a good son because it means your prayers are being answered. Don't panic. Speaker 1 00:50:15 It starts to hurt. That's the pain going out. That's the pain going out. It's the sign that we're being set free. The last aspect Speaker 0 00:50:28 Of forgiveness we'll touch on a day. Speaker 1 00:50:30 You need to let others forgive us and let God forgive us. Speaker 0 00:50:33 Sometimes we won't accept forgiveness. For whatever reason we want to hold other people's faults of their heads. We don't want to forget Speaker 1 00:50:40 How much they've heard us such a grudge. Speaker 0 00:50:43 It just prevents us from the healing when we don't let others forgive us. When we reject forgiveness, we're rejecting God in our lives. It's even worse. When we won't approach the confessional, Speaker 1 00:50:54 God heal us. Take care of us. We think the sin is too big or even worse. We don't want God's forgiveness. There's literally nothing that we can do until except forgiveness. Speaker 0 00:51:04 There's much more that can be said, but that should give us agent pretty clear Speaker 1 00:51:08 Overview of various challenges we may face here. Speaker 0 00:51:12 There's one more, very important topic to briefly color. And that's how to recognize the areas in our life. They're wounded. We'll just touch on this brief. And again, I want to recommend Speaker 1 00:51:21 Man. Father reproduce talks, cause he's going to hit that from another angle. It's beautiful. Speaker 0 00:51:25 The question, what are my wounds in a spiritual question? Someone's are going to be obvious if you're violently assaulted childhood. If we had an abortion, et cetera, et cetera, but some ones are not obvious. Speaker 1 00:51:36 We need to turn to the noise earlier, Speaker 0 00:51:39 Over and over hauled come. Holy spirit. Help me. Speaker 1 00:51:42 I see myself as you see me, love myself. As you love me and ask our lady, bless some mother help me see myself as his city. And I love myself as he loved me. She has the Holy spirit. Holy spirit helped me see myself as you city love myself. As you love me, we turned around our lady bus mother helped me see myself as UCB and love myself as you'll have me. And over time, the less obvious problems are going to become apparent. Speaker 0 00:52:08 It's really important to that many ways to be rooted in many different types of ones can come from our families can be passed down almost like a inheritance. For example of family pride, it's good to have a healthy pride sort of love for one's family, but it's sort of arrogance can be a new grain sometimes. And sometimes that each member or a spirit of harsh or so forth and so forth. So spirits, souls can easily. Law are wounded by the loss of a parent by being raised in a broken home home without love home, full of violence and words and deeds Speaker 1 00:52:40 Or a little bit abused emotionally or physically, they can use it Speaker 0 00:52:44 Even rise in utero, which sounds surprised in the womb. If the weather reject that pregnancy or citizen considered a board and the child, even if she experienced a really traumatic sickness right then, or traumatic a real trauma in her life, a sorrow, as amazing as it sounds that baby can experience rejection may need healing from that. And these cases, the inherit wound in utero family needs to be forgiven from the heart. How are we going to know that you're not going to know that without praying, you can't know this, this is something that you'll know by praying I'll come obvious. Extra sets know that sometimes cause there are problems with directly related to this. His father represents the interest because he has a different take on it now, but they'll know when, if God loves it there, it's going to be allowed to get mad at your family or something. Speaker 0 00:53:27 Just gonna be something and just get, you know, you can become aware of and it'll come in a peaceful way and I'm not talking about you'll just come in a peaceful way. There's a lot more, that can be seven sufficient to get. You started few more observations before we close. Uh, what I'm, what I'm going to say right now may not apply to every solid does it. I suspect it does to the really serious ones, but over the past, it's gone. It's almost 15 years that I've been involved in this kind of thing with, with wounded souls. The ones that I've worked with that are faithful to this kind of prayers at a certain time, there's a sort of a major, uh, for that person miraculous and they're healing. And they're lifted from, by divine grace as it were to a sort of a plateau and they're put up there. And so it's a major healing for the most part. I've never seen, what's been a complete healing. The is I'm committed with or given a deep healing and deep peace. And they know that they have a great experience that level of guidance point in time, but they also realize there's areas to work on areas in which they still need tasks Speaker 1 00:54:31 Lady to bring our Lord's grace light truth into, uh, I have opinions on why that would be. I think just all that without going into Speaker 0 00:54:40 Too much. I think it's mostly to encourage them that way, Speaker 1 00:54:43 Walks like keep doing the same things and grow closer and closer Lord and deepen that person. Speaker 0 00:54:48 There's other things, but that's enough for now another important point. It's important to realize that someone to ask for this kind of healings, don't try some real horrific trauma. Please. Don't try to call the circumstances to mind. You can actually woman yourself by doing that, just ask our lady to bring our board in there and that'll take care of it that way. Okay? When, so another point when someone is trying to hear from other ones, it's tears, they play, oftentimes they'll see these previously unknown ones. And another one is a sad one. The most important thing to do is make an action Speaker 1 00:55:21 Well that we really want to be healed and we're ready, ready, and willing to suffer, whatever it takes to be healed. I've had one itselves that have made great progress, miraculous progress, given a deep inner pace, kind of major healing. But as usual, they've been left with areas to work on areas in which they still needed to ask our lady to bring our Lord in, to heal him. Mom, I have so, Speaker 0 00:55:46 But all incredible. Grace has gifts. Speaker 1 00:55:48 Chardon them have chosen to turn back. God gave us free. Will he's not going to hold a gun door and force us to do something spiritual. He gave us free will has respect that free will. He won't force us to be healed. He won't force us to forgive others. He won't force us to be saved. He won't force us to spend eternity with him. We got a free one. We got a willing final point. If anyone, these kind of ones Speaker 0 00:56:24 That wants to discuss them with the priest, it's essential that at least initially it takes place in confession under the seal. Keep it under seal so that not only is 12 privacy and security preserve, but also they get the Sacramento affects of, of, of the most precious blood pouring over the wounds. Don't bring it out of the confessional, keep it under the seal. It's safe. It's anonymous. It protects you. When you're, when you're showing your wounds to the priests, it's going to protect you from getting hurt. What you gotta be careful about. And if you're going to ever take it outside, let's seal, it can be discussed in an external forum. The stories I tell you are external form, but if normally, if the priest is balanced and completely trust or don't do that, just say, if you're wounded, you don't want to get more. Speaker 0 00:57:12 What did the cross is it trying to heal it? Okay. So don't ever start by discussing stuff outside your confessional. He can start there. If he did go in and all that, and God will take care of your faith and you're praying, our lady will arrange things. Helen's in charge. You don't have to learn. They'll arrange things. Okay? Prayer, the healing are specially important, powerful, and prayer and preparation for the thing Thanksgiving and Holy communion. Certainly, you know, I don't know in the new mass, how it works, but in the traditional right, the church actually makes a prayer. The priest say prayer for healing. Every time he says mass for himself, well, he gives himself Holy communion. You can read those three prayers, but to per chip seal, the third prayer before community is specifically about it. It contains a line through that. Goodness, may it we're talking about the body of Lord Jesus Christ. Through that, goodness, may it be onto me, a safe guard and a healing remedy, both of soul and body, a healing, remedy, both a soul and body. And everybody knows that prayer right before community dominate on some dignity. What always say in there three times, Lord, I'm not worthy. That doubt should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed. Speaker 0 00:58:28 That's the same Christ that healed the lepers. That's the same Christ. But the woman with the bloody issue for 12 years reached out and touch the hem of his garment. But you're not telling me now this garment and see him coming into you. Every reason for great confidence and hoping these things, huh? All right. There's a lot more. He says, that's enough for today unless you've reached the transforming union. Each one of you here is some wounded himself. Each one of you is one of the bonded and broke his shape of the Lord. Today. If this tape to start working on this, if you don't have an intention for your mass tomorrow, make it your complete healing. If you don't have specific intentions for communion, always make it for healing, Speaker 1 00:59:22 Fix your intention and prepare yourself to make a good community. And then Thanksgiving with these very prayers we've talked about, let's get real, no matter what a man is, he will be wounded officer. We're not speaking of our lady, Speaker 0 00:59:39 No matter when the man lives, he will be wounded and he will need a savior. And that does include our lady. No matter when a man lives, he will be more than here. Speaker 1 00:59:46 We'll need a savior and he will have a cross. But Speaker 0 00:59:50 The man who wants to be a Saint has to make a choice. He has to stop projecting himself in the grace of God. He has to stop living in the past with the lonely. If I had done this or I had not done that, he has to say, stop saying, what if this happens? What if that happens or someday will happen. Someday I'll work on my whole hands. He has to choose to embrace his cross and God's love and virtue and invite our Lord and our lady in his life to heal, to help him, to guide him to sanity. He has to make up his mind to forgive, to forgive others, to forgive yourself. We have God and accept forgiveness. He has to choose to live in the present. He has to choose to live in this very moment. Speaker 1 01:00:33 The only moment where she can grow in version, he has to choose to live in this very moment falling moment. And when she can heal, he has to choose to live in this very moment. The only moment when she could forgive, he has to choose to live. It was very moment, volley moment, which he can gain an indulgence he has to choose. And some live in this very moment. The only moment which he can become Holy, he has to choose to live in this very moment. The only moment in which she can become a saying yes to well ed, he has to well it, and he can only will that in the present moment, which is the only moment that we can become saints, but he was wanted for our transgressions. He was bruised upon him was the chastisement tomato cell. And by his tribes, where are you.

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