The Johannine Comma

April 23, 2017 00:23:43
The Johannine Comma
Veritas Caritas
The Johannine Comma

Apr 23 2017 | 00:23:43


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 <inaudible> uh, as usual, uh, at least my through the code quotes have been edited and cut and pasted. I want to especially acknowledge the inspiration of a brilliant 1994 article by father Brian Harris. It's called bomb shelter theology. I won't be quoting from it, but it is, uh, it many years ago helped me sort out the important theological challenges and is definitely, uh, what's on the back of my mind when I was ready to serve and set in front of Brian Harrison and just get the entrepreneur. Uh, so let's get started. There are three who give testimony in him, the father, the word and the Holy ghost, and these three, everyone in the name of father, son, and Holy spirit. Amen. Now imagine that you've been chosen to serve on a jury for a murder trial. Obviously that's a very serious responsibility. Prosecution brings in their star witness he's sworn in, and he says he actually watched the whole crime. Speaker 0 00:01:13 He describes the whole sequence of events, testifying that the murder happened on a snowy night in January, the next day he sworn in again, and he goes back through the series of events. But this time testifies that the murder happened on a sunny day in July. Now, wait a minute. It says the defense attorney yesterday, you swore the murder took place on a snowing giant in January, but today you're scoring that it took place on a sunny day in July, which is witnesses replies. Well, yes, I did get that wrong yesterday. I did swear the murder took place on a snowy day in January, but that's not true, actually took place on a Sunday day in July, but I swear to you that absolutely everything else that I've told you is completely true. Speaker 0 00:02:12 Okay. Given that your insurer and that this is a very serious responsibility and that the key witness has completely changed his testimony on a major point. Are you going to believe anything? The witness says after that? Well, of course not at that point only a fool would take any claims that would be serious is completely and utterly destroyed all his credibility. He has it's up. It's no same man would take the testimony of a proven liar. Who's lied under goals. Most men would take that kind of testimony seriously. Now hold that thought and let's remind ourselves of something we looked last week. And that is the fact that our Lord established the church to be his living witness, right? Until the end of time, some 2000 years ago, the church received the deposit of faith through Christ. Our Lord. Now remember what the deposit of faith is. Speaker 0 00:03:19 We've talked about this before. The deposit of faith is the collection of all the truths, which were revealed by God. It has two parts, sacred tradition and sacred scripture. The deposit of faith it's also known as public or binding revelation was handed down from Christ to the apostles, the deposit of faith, public revelation, clothed with the death of the last apostle Saint John, since then than never has and never will be any new public revelation. The deposit of faith can't be added to nor can anything be removed from it. So the church has basic stand towards the truth. She proclaims is that the faithful witness, some 2000 years ago, she received this deposit of faith. The collection, all the truth revealed like a Twitch. Nothing can be added nor can anything be lost. So some, 2000 years ago she was saved the deposit of faith through Christ, Carol, and she will, and must faithfully winds to those in see, to not have seen until adding, leaving nothing out. And this refusal, the change in teaching the degree to which he is Intercell is absolutely essential. She must be a faithful witness, as we've seen, if a key witness testifies for one, and then later recants, it completely changes his testimony on that same point. From that point on only a fool would take any further claims of that. So called witnesses seriously. Speaker 0 00:05:07 Alright. And as we just heard the heart for the deposit of faith, it's a sacred scriptures and it's to create on a canonical scripture. The fourth session of the council of Trent teaches that quote, it it's about a problem to insert is to create a list of the sacred books. Let's adult might arise in the mind of someone to which they call the book to which are the books received by there's a console close quote. Then after listing all the books to the Bible, including three of missiles at st. John, the constant States quote. But if anyone does not accept as sacred and canonical the aforesaid books in their entirety and with all their parts, as they have been accustomed to be read in the Catholic church. And as there contained in the old lab and full gated tissue and knowingly and deliberately rejects the four set traditions, let him be anathema close, quote, the council of Trent. Speaker 0 00:06:10 So the church has committed herself to list the books of sacred scripture, which includes the first epistle of st. John, as well as the contents thereof and the concept trance States that if anyone does not accept as sacred economy, the force at books in their entirety and with all their parts, as they've been accustomed to have been read in the Catholic church, and as they're contained in the gold Latin Vulgate edition and knowingly Jibo deliberately rejects, the four said, traditions, let them be announced next on this Sunday in enrollment and Ryan, the most engaged by the Catholic church that has been the custom of a church to read for the fifth chapter of the first episode. So you are reading this specifically announced as a reading for the pistol of st. John, the apostle CO's quote in which contains a line. And there are three to give testimony of heaven, the father, the word, the Holy ghost, and these three are one this line teaches to the most clear and unambiguous manner. Speaker 0 00:07:17 The doctrine of the most Holy Troon, there are three to give testimony in heaven, the father, the word and the Holy ghost. And these three are one. So this has been published publicly proclaimed as the word of God. The church has littered the enrollment for probably well over a thousand years, it's safe. It's a picture it's impossible. The church could probably witness to this and such a serious boy, and there's absolutely nothing more serious through divine energy. So what's the problem. Why are we spending so much time? Where did he write to that? But first let's quickly walk back through what we've done. What did we see? We've seen that if a key witness concluded changed his testimony to a major point that by that very fad he's completely and utterly destroyed all his credibility at that point only full would take any further claims, but without, but seriously, we've seen that some 2000 years ago, the Catholic church received the deposit of faith. Speaker 0 00:08:22 Also known as public or binding revelation from Christ himself. We've seen that the deposit fade is a collection of all the truths that were revealed by, uh, and it has two parts, sacred production and sacred scripture. We've seen that the deposit of faith, public revelation closed with the death of the last apostle st. John. And since then, there never has been and never will be any new public revelation, but the prostate baby can't be added to nor conation to be removed from it. We've seen that the church has the role of being a faithful witness to be true in season and autopsy, right until the end of the world. And we've seen as a result is that absolutely is central, that she refused to change any teaching to what she's committed for. All of that said, it's possible if she were to testify one thing, and then later recant and completely change your testimony on that same point that she would not be a faithful witness. Speaker 0 00:09:28 And in fact, only a fool would take any further claims that so-called faithful witness. Seriously. We've seen that the church has cleaned herself, including the first epistle st. John's taken scripture, as well as the contents thereof. Yeah. That the cops have trans States that depending what does not accept as sicker and canonical, the force that folks in their entirety and with all their parts as they've been accustomed to have been read in the Catholic church. And is there a contained in the old lab unfolded and knowingly and delivery the rejects, the force that traditions let them be in there? Whoops phenomena is very Sunday. It has been accustomed to read in the Catholic church and D publicly proclaim as the word of God in the liturgy of the Roman writer, the various liturgy of the Pope himself, a reading, but it's specifically announced as quote a reading from the abyss of st. Speaker 0 00:10:25 John and also close quote, and which contains this line. There are three give testimony in heaven, the father, or the Holy ghost. And these three are one. And we've see that because there's absolutely nothing more serious than divine liturgy. It's absolutely completely and utterly impossible that the church could be mistaken or public witness. And the papal liturgies for century after century could have it's completely possible that it could be mistaken that this line is indeed sacred scripture. The line is sacred scripture. Okay. So here's the problem. This a pistol was written in Greek and out of existing ancient copies of this epistle. There isn't a single one that contains this line and these things, there are three to give testimony in heaven, the father, the word and the Holy ghost. And these three are mine. Everybody can do that. This epistle pencil was written in Greek, and there isn't a single one of the existing ancient copies of this epistle that contains the line. Speaker 0 00:11:35 And there are three to give testimony to the father, the word and the Holy ghost. And these three are now this sort of thing, since many Protestant scripture scholars and some professors, and they're not necessarily much different, this sort of thing. Since many Protestants, seminary, professors and scripture, they do a tale and to put it into the kindest possible truth, since the Catholics have apparently adopted a process and methodology naturally enough, they've come with some really, really lame solutions. Now hold that thought and we'll get to the look of historical perspective before we go on, we need to talk very briefly about the first great heresy to flip the church. It's called the heresy of the area. The fact a lot of it was sinking and creamier. It was placed there deliberately by the constant. I've seen to respond to this Harrison, the area in heresy kids, his name from any areas is afraid from Alexandria, Egypt who lived from about two 56 to 83 36 areas claimed that Jesus Christ was like, uh, was not really God, an upshot, that radical claim is that a court then there's no training, no incarnation and no redemption to areas. Speaker 0 00:13:04 Where do you mean Krish? Okay. And the situation got bad, really bad. I mean, apocalyptic pretty bad who lived from three 30, one to four 20 during the worst state of the Eric and heresy wrote quote, the whole world grown and was amazed to find itself, very close quote, Tolbert Crump, who was amazed to find itself buried. Now the great patristic scholar, father William Jurgens explained what's the trauma, but during the lifetime of st Jerome quote, perhaps the number of Catholic bishops in possession of CDs, as opposed to air ambitions, the possession of CDs was no greater than something between one and 3% of the total cost. Oh, at one point or the Harrison only one to 3% of the bishops can whole, or were actually Catholic. All the rest were areas that is to say, here is to 97 to 99% of the bishops in the whole world, or Eric Eric takes who did not get Christ. Speaker 0 00:14:23 Our Lord was God and therefore denied the reality of the most Holy Trinity, 97 to 99% of the patients. Weren't Catholic. Okay. All that by way of back, as we can see the first time the st. John was written in Greek, there isn't a single one of the existing ancient copies of this epistle that contains the line. And there are three who give testimony in heaven, the father, the word and the Holy ghost. And these three at one, it was a great commentary, but in 400 years ago, coordinates dilapidate explains why Greek copies of this pistol might be Ms. Mitchell. Cool. And it's preface to the canonical epistles st. Jerome knows that this braids was a race from some Greek COTA seas, but infidels, namely accordingly, this phrase is not read at Saint Heflin of Syria, Saint Clement of Alexandria, the venerable be <inaudible> and some others. Speaker 0 00:15:31 However, this has been written constantly in the Latin Bible and the more correct of the Greek Biles and in many of the fathers, such as st. Athanasius Santa guys st. Jerome Saint Cyprian, the ladder concept, which the Greeks were present. He's referring to the Fort Lateran council in 1215, and others, which are set up by st. Barbara development and his book, right? Insert this phrase, you must be red ass and monster canonical scripture. And therefore these words, the mystery for the most Holy Trinity and the divinity of both Christ and the Holy spirit, they confirmed against the areas and the Macedonians, the Macedonians deny the Holy spirit was God closed coordinates. Speaker 0 00:16:21 It is sir. The phrase it must be read as, and must be conned with scripture. Although it was raised from some grief Dakota sees by infidels neighboring areas, but it's always been fond of the Latin Bible in the more correct of the Greek. It is hurt. This friend is scripture. If the area of crisis was so bad, 97 to 99% of the bishops in the entire world, didn't believe in the ministry of the most Holy Trinity, how surprised should we be? If a man has suffered damage at the same time damage to which we'd have a reliable and Holy witness syndrome, the great doctrine of sacred scripture. Okay. No. Well, it's termed the standard explanation offered by many Protestants, scripture scholars and seminary professors. But I repeat myself. The typical explanation is if this line is a commentary written in the margin of the Bible, and then later scribes mistakenly asserted into the text. Speaker 0 00:17:27 In other words, they hold, it's not actually part of the Bible at all. It's just a big, giant mistake. And to be brutally honest here, I would be actually amazed to find one scripture scholar, one Senator in the world that would dispute how be actually made, find one script for scholars in one center in the world that would defend the candidates to the scripture, even one, but in context, it's probably not that surprising the percentage of the faithful prelates priestly for that matter. Professors probably are a lot different now than they were during the hearing. Speaker 0 00:18:07 So the standard explanation offered by many processes and scripture scholars. And so many professors. This line was a commentary written in the margin, Bible letters, cries, and mistakenly inserted into the tags. In other words, they hold, it's not actually part of the Bible at all. It's just a big mistake. And on that basis during my lifetime, they have cut this line of the nutrients relations. It's certainly up there in the hallway. It's certainly here in collection, it's there in your hand and stuff. It's in the doing rooms, but it's nowhere to be found in the Catholic version of the RSP revised standard version, nor it's going to be fond of an NDP, the new American Bible, uh, well for this and many other reasons that take, think that new American Bible nav is actually wrote what the real it's actually short for. Not actually the Bible, obviously then in spite of the fact, there's absolutely nothing more serious in the divine literature. Speaker 0 00:19:07 It's by the fact that the church has probably witnessed it papal liturgies for century after century, after century, this line sacred scripture. Well now it's been cut out of the Bible. Well, if we're going to get our sisters out, why stop there? Why stop there? Maybe the experts can help us out. What's going to miss would give me a snaps, the stuff on Sodom and Gomorrah things on Marriott who know natural. If we're going to accept as mutilation, then logically we have to accept the fact that the church is not a faithful witness. Keep in mind that the church has publicly proclaimed in the divine, that itself, the most serious and solemn and possible to mankind. Something even in angels camp to the church has publicly proclaimed to the Roman ripe. The very mass is offered, but it helps themselves for century after century. The church has publicly testified that this line wasn't defined in scripture. This line wasn't deed found in the first, the pistol of st. John the apostle. In other words, if we're going to accept this mutilation that we have to accept the fact that the church has publicly and solidly pronounced a lot, right from the ultra for century after century, after century, a lot, right in God's face into all this people can. If the church hasn't been faithful in this here, and that is what this means, that's exactly what this needs. If the church can't even get the bike, why bother listening to her? Speaker 0 00:20:59 I'm serious. I'm serious as a heart. Yep. The church can't even get the contents of the Bible. Right? Then what's the point only a fool would take any claims of witness like that. Seriously. If it took two days to correct this gross there all over all this time, she couldn't even get the contents of the Bible. Why should we believe she got anything else, a witness like that really isn't worth listening to she got it. Right? Of course she got it. When I, God, won't let the priests destroy the church. As much as these unbelieving scripture scholars and seminary professors, academic Pygmies of our modern age, taking their scissors to the word of God are just the latest addition to a long line. Like-minded men. They're not in about 82, 30 Saint Paul is of Rome wrote about just such man. Now let's do this. Speaker 0 00:22:07 They have not feared to lay hands upon the sacred scriptures saying that they have corrected them, nor is it likely that David's selves are ignorant of how very bold they're yes. For either. They do not believe that the sacred scriptures were spoken by the Holy spirit. And what's your case. They're unbelievers. If they regard themselves as being wise spirit, what else are they? But demoniacs close called Saint Nepal to syndrome. They have not feared to lay their hands upon the sacred scriptures saying they have corrected him, nor is it likely that they themselves are ignorant about very bold their offenses for either. They do not believe the scriptures are spoken about in which case they're unbelievers, or if they regard themselves, why is it an, all my spirit? What else? But Tamani hacks, they've not feared to lay their hands on sacred scripture saying they committed. Correct. So they don't believe the scripture spoken by the Holy spirit, which means they're not believers, what they believe in their lies in the Holy spirit, which means they're demonic.

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