Fatima and the Apocalypse 8: The 3rd Secret-Preliminary Considerations

October 20, 2017 01:12:19
Fatima and the Apocalypse 8: The 3rd Secret-Preliminary Considerations
Veritas Caritas
Fatima and the Apocalypse 8: The 3rd Secret-Preliminary Considerations

Oct 20 2017 | 01:12:19


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Speaker 0 00:00 Day seven. So it's a series of talks. I started a novena, got five days on it. This is day seven right now on it. So you can, if you want the rest of it, you can actually hear that online. These ones, you're more than welcome to record them as, as usual. That's perfectly fine. You're more than welcome to make tape recordings or whatever of them. But right now, as it stands right now, my general superior has indicated to me that I'm not allowed to publish them or have anyone publish them, any of my sermons. So, uh, these will not be published. Uh, so that's how that is right now. It's more merit for me. Uh, so it's, sorry if that's an inconvenience too, but I get more merit for it. And so that being said, we'll get started. God blessed us and the Virgin protect us. Speaker 0 00:52 The name of the father and the son. Holy spirit. Amen. Again, I want to explicitly acknowledge my debt and gratitude to our lady of Fatima. She has to get the credit for anything that's good or true or beautiful in these novena conferences and all the faults are my own. I agree. <inaudible> the name of the father and the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. And our last conference, we considered some prophetic marks carnal Peceli made before he became Pope Pius the 12th the communism is the most visible of the organs of subversion against the church. That philosophy, science, law, teaching the arts, media, literature, theater and religion. Everything that's spiritual will be invaded by the organs of subversion. That the message of our lady of FATTOM is a divine warning against the suicide of modifying the faith, liturgy, theology, and soul of the church. That a day will come when the civilized world will deny its God. Speaker 0 01:52 When the church will doubt, as Peter doubted shall be tempted to believe that man has become God, and that his son is only assemble a philosophy like so many others. And in churches, Christians will search for the red lamp where Jason weights them, like the sinful woman cry out before the empty tomb. Where have they taken them? And we asked, hasn't that day already come? Are we not living in that day where the church is dying as Peter Dowden or even worse? And we gave examples of some of the absolutely shocking statements found in the sermon. So the current occupant of the sea of, of Peter, we saw that while walking the Vatican gardens pies 12 saw the miracle of his son on four separate occasions. This was an absolute proof given directly to the Pope that our lady truly came to Fatima and their message is truly urgent. Speaker 0 02:42 It was a sign of reef quest could finally be accomplished and she was there to give them the strength and the grace on the occasion of the declaration of the assumption to take that opportunity to make the consecration of Russia to Mack. That heart, we consider the symbolism seen in the sky during the declaration of the dogma. The assumption the sun and moon were visible just over the cross on the dome of st Peter's, we saw that was evocative of two lines and sacred scripture aligned from mechanical of catechols. Who was she? That comes forth as the morning rising fairs. Moon bright as a sun, terrible as an army set and battle array, which has traditionally been understood to refer to the blessed Virgin and align from the apocalypse. A great sign appeared in heaven, one club, the sun and the moon under her feet and on her head, a crown of 12 stars. Speaker 0 03:29 We saw one at the same time, this conjunction of heavenly symbols seen in the sky during the ceremony, right over the site of the moderate, and I'm st Peter with the sun and the crest under the moon, visible beside it just above the cross on the dome of the Basilica reminds us of the martyrdom of the Pope. We saw it reminds us of our lady's fidelity at the foot of the cross. We saw that reminds us of our military mites, so to speak, that she would be the protector defender of the Holy father and all his battles we saw it reminds us of her immense charity we sat. It reminds us of the fact that she's the media tricks of all graces we set. It reminds us of her unspeakable beauty. We saw that. It reminds us of the fact that she's the woman of the apocalypse, the Virgin of revelation. Speaker 0 04:12 We saw that just as God sent Jonah with a terrifying warning that his judgment was looming over the pagan city of Nineveh saw us and we sent our lady to Fatima with a terrifying warning that his judgment was looming over the whole world. We saw those one huge, immense and calculable difference and that difference was that the pagan Ninevites. He did Jordan's warning and repented, but almost no one has heated our lady's warnings and repented. We saw that the messages of our lady of Fatima are contingent prophecies that contain blessings of peace and salvation for heating and requests and warnings of destruction, damnation for not hitting a request. We saw that our lady gave specific warnings to mankind and she made specific requests. We saw that in terms of warnings or lady showed the children a terrifying vision of hell. We saw that she specifically wanted that people did not cease offending God. Speaker 0 05:04 A worst war would break out and God would punish the world for its crimes by means of war, fam and persecution of the church and the Holy father. We saw that. She also specifically warned that if her requests were not heated, that Russia would spitter air throughout the world because the Wars and persecution of the church, that the good would be martyred. The Holy father would have much to suffer and that various stations would be annihilated. We saw that she did a miracle of unprecedented and biblical proportions. The miracle is son America, which points to a corresponding message unprecedented. A bit of a <inaudible> America, which is very sobering, symbolic warning that God's judgment is looming. The end of the world is at hand. We saw that neither the leaders in the civil society of the church had paid much attention to her warnings, spite of the fact is that even pot, it isn't even possible to conceive a more serious warnings than hell. Speaker 0 05:56 Wars, famines, persecution of the church. Nations annihilated in the end of the world. And as a consequence on August 19th, 1931 our Lord appeared to sister Lucy with a terrible warning that since his Winchesters were following the example of the King of France and delaying the execution of his command to consecrate Russia, that they would fall into misfortune in effect, warning that as a consequence of not consecrates and consecrating Russia in a timely fashion, her errors will spread and take root, which is exactly what we seen. And then the resulting societal chaos ministers, the church, including the pulp, will follow the King of France and a misfortune by considering the historical context of the execution of the French King in the midst of the social chaos of the French revolution, we saw it. This warning seems to indicate that the minister, so the church will suffer and die most likely by execution, and this would very likely take place during the catastrophic chastisements resulting from ignoring our lady's request. Speaker 0 06:55 We saw that in response to Jonah's warning of imminent destruction, the pagan citizens of Nineveh actually repented dead pennants and then the King by his proclamation made every effort to support and affords that repentance, but in response to a far more amazing, completely terrifying public pre-announced miracle from heaven, the miracle of his son and Fatima and our ladies accompanying message that over this last century, their spots and Catholics in terms of actual repenting and doing pennants has been negligible. We saw that given this unbelievably feeble response to our lady's warnings and requests, we shouldn't be particularly surprised that the Pope's haven't yet done the consecration of Russia to immaculate heart. We saw that during the 1980s the miracle of the sun occurred year after year at Trayvon Tawny. We saw that in regards to the fact that witnesses could look directly at the sun with ease coordinates the lap. Speaker 0 07:44 Today, the great commentator States that the sun Mona's stars are dimmed when the leaders of the church or the world depart from justice and holiness to depravity and wickedness. We saw it. The fact that this miracle was repeated over and over and over again at a Catholic shrine in Rome is indicative that the rule is a church or being symbolically and by this heavenly phenomenon we saw it's a repeated, symbolic indication. They have departed from justice and holiness to depravity and wickedness. We saw that in the old Testament as well as an ancient Jewish weddings. The partial complete dark into the sun, moon or stars is a sign that the people have violated their covenant obligations to God and are undergoing judgment. That's a sign they've turned away from God and they haven't been keeping the commandments. We saw it. The fact this miracle is repeated over and over and over again at Trey Fontani was indicative of grave violations of specific commandments we saw at the cave at Trey Fontana had been a place of great sin, had been used by prostitutes and the remains of an aborted baby had been buried there. Speaker 0 08:44 It was a very site where Bruno had been writing as heretical and blasphemous sermon. In other words, we saw this was a site of sins against the marriage covenant, a set of sexual sins and perversions a site of sins of contraception, abortion, a site of heresy and blasphemy. We saw that by the 1980s when these miracles were reoccurring, all of the sins associated with this site had become widespread throughout much of the church in the world. In other words, in the Deming of the sun's brightness, we saw symbolic warning of judgment on corrupt church leaders who have departed from justice and holiness to depravity and wickedness. We saw symbolic warning of judgment on the Catholic people as a whole who haven't kept the commandments, who have turned away from God to sins against the marriage covenant, sexual sins, contraception, abortion, perversions, Harrison, blasphemy. We saw that according to the st Vincent Frere, heaven often puts a warning in the sky when a great and heavy affliction is about to come upon the world. Speaker 0 09:37 So the people might either advert the punishment through prayers and pennants or might prepare themselves to suffer the affliction. And so these repeated miracles were four warnings of great and heavy afflictions meant to encourage the people through prayer, penance and amendment of their lives to either turn back the hand of God or failing that to prepare themselves for upcoming afflictions. We cited according to tradition, the moving and spinning of the sun is a sign of the end of the world and we also saw that God alters the fixed patterns of sun, moon and stars to indicate judgment on those who have wrongly altered his moral patterns, especially through idolatry. We asked what sort of idolatrous behavior might be incurring the judgment of God. We saw an essence and I daughters' someone who in his life has dethroned God so to speak and put something else in his place. We saw that Donald has literally put something else before God. Then the life of the idolater, the true God, it's not as important as some mirror creature. We saw the eye doctor actually serves that mere creature in place of the true God. We saw that the mere creatures become the God of thy daughter. We saw that in our society. Idolatry is actually the most common religion and that the pews and virtually every Catholic church are full of idolaters. Speaker 0 10:49 We saw that in our society, the idol, the mere creature that is most commonly served is the self. Speaker 0 10:55 We saw it in an immense number of people practically speaking, have turned away from service to the true God and in its place. They serve themselves and their own selfish interests. We saw they serve their own pleasures according to their own convenience and their own appetites be it sends against the marriage covenant like separation, divorce and remarriage. Be it sexual sins of any Stripe raging from watching mainstream television shows or porn to engage in, out and out fornication, adultery, perversions, they use contraception without a thought. They may find abortion distasteful, distasteful, or even wrong, but at the end of the day, no one should be punished. It's a choice and who am I to judge? And on and on and on it goes. In other words, they literally put themselves before God. They're a law unto themselves. And we saw that if these people do observe the commandments, it's a matter of convenience or custom. And not conviction. Speaker 0 11:50 We saw that Trey Fontenay is the site where st Paul beheaded. It's a burial site of st Xenon is 10,203 companions, Catholic slaves who were martyred by the Savage Roman government. It's a site where st Bernard had a famous vision of souls being released from purgatory by virtue of the mass he was saying and then be escorted by angels up a staircase to heaven. We saw it as a consequence. Trey Fontani brings to mind a series of events we saw. It brings to mind the beheading of the King and the martyrdom and slaughter of so many Hibs subjects during the French revolution that it brings to mind the killing of the Pope and the modern slot of so many priests, religious and faithful, and the visions given to Bruno by the Virgin of revelation. And we saw it brings to mind the killing of the Pope, bishops, priests, religious and faithful with the angels, sprinkling the blood of Myers on the souls, making their way to heaven, seen in the vision published or the third secret. Speaker 0 12:42 When we consider Bruno, we saw communist, we saw a spy would portrayed himself as one thing. We'll really be in another. We solve our Sephora's enemy of the church. We saw a blasting heretic who hated our lady. We shot mannered in scruple, the steal from priests who made a point of physically and verbally abusing priests. We saw a man who had sworn an oath to murder. The Pope had gone so far as to buy the weapon and choose the date. We saw a man who didn't scruple at all. The violet is marriage covenant by adultery. We saw a thug and a wife beater. All in all, we saw a man who had actively, deliberately and wholeheartedly subscribed to the errors of Russia and a vicious lifestyle and when we considered the instantaneous conversion of Bruno, we saw there as both a promise and a warning. Speaker 0 13:26 We saw it as conversion was a visible and concrete example of what our lady can do with someone that's completely and utterly dominated by the heirs of rush and a vicious lifestyle. We saw that she can instantly convert someone like that from the very depths of sin and depravity to the Heights of Catholic forever in charity and we saw his conversion was a sign, a promise of what she could do and would do with a whole nation of people dominated by those same errors and vicious lifestyles if only mankind and the Pope would hae to requests. We said, our lady went to Rome to beg the hierarchy to listen her fat have a message that the presence of someone like Bruno was a warning that although our lady had been intervened, that although though our lady had stopped Bruin on his tracks, that all though our lady had converted them, that although she held back a man whose plan was to kill the Pope, if they continue to follow the examples of the King of France, that our lady was no longer going to be able to hold back the arm of her son, which is exactly what she told Bruno when she said that. Speaker 0 14:24 For the sake of justice, I have to let go of my son's hand precisely because justice has to be fulfilled. We briefly note that the miracle his son was an absolutely unique and unparalleled historical event America of literally biblical proportions that almost a hundred years later there was another miracle, the son and virtually the same place that on May 4th of last year in the Portuguese town of around the very town where the three children were taken when they were kidnapped or lady gave another warning. He had all this has been practically ignored. We saw that the Pilgrim statue of our lady of Fatima had visited her REM and had been venerated throughout the night and the church. Then in the morning as they processed our the church with our lady, a miracle began, which lasted about 15 minutes. We saw that although the priest saw nothing, it was witnessed by a by about a hundred people in the procession, they could look directly at the sun, which was blinking. Speaker 0 15:14 We saw at the outer rim of the sun was spinning at a high speed. We saw it at first the rim was red and then it turned golden and finally it turned blue. We briefly considered some of the symbolism of this miracle. Once again, in the dimming of the sun's brightness, we can see a symbolic warning of judgment on corrupt church leaders who have departed from justice and holiness to depravity and wickedness, and we could see a symbolic warning of judgment on the Catholic people as a whole who haven't kept the commandments. We saw that the fact that the miracle was not visible, the priest was symbolic. A priest in the world today who are losing their faith and not praying, not praying their Rose. You're not even praying their brief years. A priest that are blind and shocking the smoke of the operation of air. Speaker 0 15:54 We saw that the symbolism of the procession falling or lady pointed to the fact that we each must faithfully follow our lady, stay very close to her, just like the children the apostle John and she'll conquer. We saw the red symbolize martyrdom. The Galler color gold symbolize the presence of God and heavenly royalty and the color blue symbolizes our lady. We saw the color red is assemble up. Martyrdom was obviously related to symbolism of the location. Since the REM is the precise place where the three little children were put to the test, to the point where they actually believe that the others had been martyred by being boiled, alive and oil. And yet in spite of that, each one of them remained faithful. We saw the message here was that there are terrible trials ahead, but even should we be threatened with martyrdom. We must remain Fern from in the faith by remaining close to and obedient to our lady obedient even unto death, that we must be prepared, fully prepared to die for the truth. Speaker 0 16:46 We can see that the blanking of his son, the flashing on and off as reminiscent of the blinking lights that are used for emergencies. Who saw the date of the miracle? March 4th is a day in which the Fatima novena begins. The symbolism there is obvious. The days are numbered. We saw it was a 99th year, and again, that symbolism was obvious. The time is short. The time is running out. Symbolic message that all in all points to a very urgent situation. We saw we're living in a time when there are so many false prophets and end time prophecies that's created a sort of immunity towards actually obeying our Lord's explicit command to read the signs of the times. It's created a sort of immunity to ever believe you. This is something to actually concern ourselves with. We saw the terrifying result of all this is that when the real danger and the real prophet arrives, or a lady for a Fatima for example, people laugh and scorn and mock and Pernod knee heed, they tell themselves it's all just a private revelation. They don't have to believe it. They can't even be bothered. Trouble themselves to consider the meaning of a miracle, which is not a revelation at all. It's a historical event. It's absolutely, Speaker 0 17:50 positively not a revelation. This miracle, a miracle of literally biblical proportions is an absolutely unique and unparalleled historical event. It's not a private revelation. It's a truly apocalyptic historical event and we see that because people have been conditioned by the lies of false prophets, by the laxity of the priest, by the atmosphere. Our society think there's no danger. The second coming, it's easy to understand why when those terrible things predicted for the end, finally do arrive. Whenever that is. So many people be caught off guard. We saw it. Sister Lucy has said, we are in the last time as the world for three reasons. First because our lady told her the devil is engaging. In a final battle with the Virgin second because our lady told her and her cousins that God has given two final remedies to the world, the Holy rosary devotion magnet that hardened Mary and third, because when God is going to chastise the world, he always first exhausts all of the remedies. Speaker 0 18:45 When he sees it, the world pays no attention whatsoever. Then he presents us. The last means of salvation is blessed mother, which is obviously what he's done at fun. Fatima and Trey Fontani. We saw that sister Lucy, a warned if we despise or reject this last means the blessed mother. Heaven will no longer pardon us. We saw the sister of the CS data. Their mission was not just to tell about the material punishments that will certainly come over the earth if the world is not praying to penance, but their mission is to warn every, every one of the eminent danger we're in of losing our souls for all eternity. If we remain fixed in sin, we saw that sister Lucy also warn us we should not wait for a call to the world from Rome on the part of the Holy father dependents, nor should we wait for a call for penance to come from the bishops in our diocese, nor from our religious congregations. We saw, she pointed out the reason we shouldn't wait for these warnings because since our Lord has often you as these means and the world has not paid heat, and we sh and we saw that she said that now each one of us must begin to reform himself spiritually, that each one is called the save, not only his own soul, but also all the soul that God has placed in his pathway. Speaker 1 19:49 Okay, Speaker 0 19:54 so much for our view. We'll get started today. We're going to turn to the third secret for much of the analysis. At this point, we'll rely heavily on the book to force secret written by Antonio Sochi. He's a friend of Pope Benedict, the 16th and acclaimed Italian journalist and television personality Sochi comments on the circumstances of the release of the third secret quote. After long dramatic deliberation, the Pope personally decided to publish the text in 2000 it was announced in the most solemn manner from the sanctuary of Fatima before the Pope and the visionary by the Vatican's secretary of state and it was even published on June 26 2000 well, they company meant of a theological commentary by the highest doctrinal authority, the church next to the pop, coddle Joseph Ratzinger. Prefect of the formal Holy office presented the text of the secret and his commentary had nothing less than a press conference. Speaker 0 20:45 Televised worldwide will read the text. Sister Lucia. Cool. JMJ the third part of the secret revealed at the covered area Fatima on 13 July, 1917 I write in obedience to my God who commanded me to do so through his excellency, the Bishop era, and to your most Holy mother and mind. After the two parts, which I've already explained at the left of our lady and a little above, we shot an angel with a flaming sword in his left hand flashing. It gave out flames. It looked as though they would set the world on fire. They died out in contact with splendor that our lady radiated towards him from a right hand point of the earth was hit with his right hand. The angel cried out and loud voice pennants, pennants pennants and we saw an immense light that has God, something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it. Speaker 0 21:37 A Bishop dressed in white. We have the impression that it was the Holy father, other bishops, priests, men and women religious going up a steep mountain at the top of which there was a big cross of rough hewn trunks as of a cork tree with the bark. Before reaching the Holy father passed through a big city, half in runes and half trembling with halting step afflicted with pain and sorrow. He prayed for the souls, the corpses he met on his way, having reached the top of the mountain on his knees at the foot of the big cross. He was killed by a group of soldiers who file your bolts, bullets and arrows at him and the same way there died one after another. The other bishops, priests, men and women, religious and various lay people of different racks and positions. But eight the two arms of the cross are two angels, each with a crystal Asper Storium in his hand, which they gathered up the blood of the martyrs and with its sprinkle the souls that were making their way to God. Speaker 0 22:28 Tuohy January 3rd, 1944 close quote. It's a very, very symbolic vision. What does it mean for very good reasons? Many people have got the impression this V vision simply to Ali. August, 1981 assassination attempt against the Pope. Sochi explains why I'm May 13th, 2000 Carlos Sudano, that's the secretary of state at the time, announces that the famous third secret of Fatima will be soon to be published at the same time, anticipates the theological interpretation of that extremely delic test by linking the vision of assassination attempt one VAT Ucast comments. What happened on May 30th, 2000 Rosette represents something unique in the history of the church. A correct interpretation was offered even before the text to be interpreted was provided close quote. So the reason that so many people have gotten the impression that the vision refers simply to Ali, August, 1981 assassination attempt against the Pope is because Carlos Donald said so even before the text itself had been released, most Catholics don't realize that Paul the sixth praise the secretary of state over the congregation for the doctrine of the faith after the knots from the preemptive explanation of this vision by a superior Cardinal Sodano cutter, Ratzinger was then asked by carnal Sudano to write a commentary on it, preemptive Speaker 0 23:46 explanation. And that commentary was then released at the same time as the text of the vision. Sochi explains quote, on June 26th coder razzing was not able to make a free theological comment on the text, but insistently declared the interpretation was by the secretary of state. And he's only giving you points of reflection within the confines of a predetermined interpretative framework, stating explicitly the limits of his commentary, Cardinal Ratzinger, and what follows there for, we can only attempt to provide a deeper foundation for this interpretation. Interpretation of Carlos O'Donnell, close quote, in other words, even before had been released cuddle Sudano had already announced his interpretation of the third secret and then he had Cardo Ratzinger comment on that interpretation. Cut. Ratzinger did so, but he made it clear that all he was doing was commenting further on. Interpretation proposed by a superior searching continues noting that not only did Carter Ratzinger Dom play the significance of this interpretation, he also stressed that converting concerning the FATTOM of visions, there are no official definitions nor obligatory interpretations and I'm quoting and that there are other attempts at a termination which can be well founded. Speaker 0 24:54 The carnal also stressed and response for an inquiry from a Bishop that he had not at all wish to attribute exclusively to the past the contents of the secret in a simplistic manner. Close quote. So in other words, even as he was commenting on Cardosa Donald's explanation that the division pertained to the assassination attempt on st John Paul to cuddle rats. And you made the specific points that concerning the FATTOM visions, there are no official definitions nor obligatory interpretations. And there are other attempts at interpretation which can be well-founded, so although the Holy See did give one possible explanation, this vision, that explanation is not official obligatory and we're perfectly free to seek other well-funded possibilities and that's exactly what we'll do. Sochi asks, what is the sense of this vision that's so egging Matic and of these prefigured events, the martyrdom of the Pope and with him, many pastors and Catholics and the context of a frightening devastation, how can they be explained? Is it possible that the Madonna would appear so sensationally at Fatima to give a message warning of such importance that never the last remains in comprehensible? Is it possible that the vision published by the Vatican 2000 was not explained by the Holy Virgin close quote? Speaker 0 26:05 Is it possible that the Madonna would appear so sensationally at Fatima to give a warning of such importance that it nevertheless remains in comprehensible? Is it possible that that vision was not explained by our lady? Speaker 0 26:22 We'll answer those ques, that question or those questions by asking a related question, is it possible that our lady would show up perfectly comprehensible vision of hell to the children and then explain exactly what that vision meant and then show them another vision, a mysterious vision, but then give them no ex explanation. No clear explanation of what that meant. Is that possible? No, it's not possible. It's not possible. A lady would show the children a perfectly comprehensible vision of hell and then explain exactly what it meant and then show them another vision, a mysterious vision, and give them no clear explanation as to what the vision meant. That's just not possible. Remember, Lucy is the only one of the three children who spoke to our lady during the apparitions. Sanjaya Sinek could both see and hear our lady, but never spoke to her during the apparitions and San Francisco could see the blessed Virgin, but he could not hear a words. He couldn't even understand the words. The Angelo a Portugal, he never wants her the words, so San Francisco could not hear her words. That's why our lady told the girls, do not tell this to anybody. Francisco. Yes, you may tell him. Speaker 0 27:26 Now think about that. Lucien SAGIA, Silicon ball, senior lady, San Francisco could see the blessed Virgin perfectly, but he got in here and this is why the lady told the girls, do not tell this to anybody. Francisco, you may tell him, think about it. The text we've just read, the release text describes a vision. The release text is a description of the vision. Three children saw all three of them, but there are no words from our lady. Our lady told the girls, they were not supposed to tell this to anybody, but they could tell it to Francisco. So what were the girls supposed to tell Francisco? What could they tell him? He saw everything they saw. Speaker 0 28:05 So we're missing something. We're missing the very words of our lady, which explained the symbolic vision. That's perfectly consistent with the testimony of sister Lucia on January 3rd, 1944 after she'd been told the right, the third secret had been steadily struggling, mildly to obey, but tries. She might, she just couldn't get it committed to paper. Our lady appeared to her and told her, and I quote, be at peace and write what they order you, but not what has been given you to understand its meaning close quilt. And at that point sister Lucy was instantly able to commit the vision to paper or lady told sister, let's see it to be at peace, right? What they ordered to tell you, but not what has been given you to understand its meaning. So the text we read earlier, the tax released by the Vatican in the year 2000 is the description of the vision that three children saw. Speaker 0 28:50 But it doesn't contain the explanation. We're missing the very words of our lady, which explain the symbolic vision, considered an excerpt from an interview sisterly SIA gave to father John Gunn in 1946 as we read this, please think about exactly what is being said. Quote, when father John and interviewed her in 1946 sister, Lucia answered firmly. When I speak about the apparitions, I limit myself to giving the meaning of the words I heard. On other hand when I write, I take pains to cite the words literally. Thus, I intended to write down the secret word for word. Are you certain of having kept it in your memory? I believe so. Then the words of the secret were quoted in order. They were communicated to, yes. Speaker 0 29:36 We'll go back through that again and make a few comments. Sister Lucy, when I about the apparitions, I lend myself to giving the meaning of the words I heard. On the other hand, when I write, I take pants, paints to cite the words literally. Thus I intended to write down the secret word for word father, John Gunn. Then the words of the secret recorded in the order they communicated to? Yes. Okay, so when sister Lecia wrote about the apparition, she took pain to sites, the words literally, and she had intended to write down the secret word for word and what she did. So she wrote the words this, you couldn't order in the order. They're communicated to her. She wrote the literal words, the secret down word for word in the order. They were communicated to her. What words when questioned about the July operation, the canonical investigation in 1924 Lucy, uh, testified. Speaker 0 30:24 Then the lady told us some brief words commanding us not to tell them to anyone except Francisco alone. What words on October 17th and 18th, 1946 counted, barked us, interviewed sister to see regarding the third secret and reported that quote, the text of the words of our lady written by sister Lucy are enclosed in a seal envelope. Close quote, what words? The text. We read the release text. The third secret describes a vision. The release text is description of the vision of three children. Saw all three of them. There are no words from our lady. There are no words from our lady. So we're missing something. We're missing the very words of our lady which explain this symbolic vision. Antonio Sochi, if the tact in 1981 is really the complete fulfillment of the secret and if it is something is by napkin consigned to the past already realized our attention is drawn to an interesting mysterious phrase. The John Paul two uttered DaVita, his story and the book interview crossing the threshold of hope. That book was published in 1994 and answers written many years after they tack from 1981 the Pope was in fact recalling the attack John Paul two therefore, when I was shot by the Sassan in st Peter's square, I did not pay any heat at first. The fact it was precisely the anniversary today, which Mary had appeared to the three shepherds and Phantom and Portugal resilient to them. Those words, which by the end of the century seemed to be moving towards their fulfillment. Speaker 0 31:52 It is amazing that these words, the pauper passed without observation. We find them in at least two in them, at least two important revelations. The first is that 13 years after the tack that is at the end of the century, John Paul to held at the FATTOM of prophecy had yet to be realized completely. The second revelation is that is the Pope and farms. The prophecy was fulfillment as approaching was expressed by Mary with words, close quote. So the Pope himself indicated a secret had not been fulfilled and assassination attempt and even more significantly stated that when I was shot by the sass in st Peter's queer, I did not panty T heat at first to the fact it was precisely the anniversary day on which Mary had appeared to the three shepherds and Fatima in Portugal revealing to them those words, which by the end of the century to be moving towards their fulfillment. What words, what we've seen is a vision. The release text is a vision, but there are no words of our lady. Now Tonio Sochi approaches this problem from a different angle. Starting the introduction to the third secret found on the Vatican website and you can do this yourself. I did it the other day. He noticed something very strange. As we read this, pay careful attention to the dates. Speaker 0 33:07 Sochi quote, Cardo Bertoni informs us the John Paul to request the envelope continue the third part of secret. After the attack on May 13th, 1981 read it precisely on July 18th, 1981 and he, John Paul two thought immediately of consecrating the world to the macro heart of Mary, which was realized the first time with the Akhavan entrustment performed of the Basilica of Saint Mary major on June 7th, 1981 as one observer notes. How is it possible if the rating of the third secret prop the Pope to consecrate the world to marry on June 7th, 1981 when according to the affirmation of cholera Butoni, the Pope would have read the secret no earlier than July 18th or than six weeks later. Sochi asks, how can this be explained? It's unimaginable. That evolves oversight and it's equally unimaginable that Montse or Bertoni would first false information, close quote, using the evidence, including direct testimony from the personal secretary, Pope Saint John the 23rd so she demonstrates in fact that there are two envelopes from sister Wistia contending to documents pretending to the third secret. Speaker 0 34:11 We're not going to go into those details. The obvious conclusion is that one of the envelopes contain the release text of the, of the third secret, the description of the vision. The three children's saw. No other envelope contains the words of our lady explaining the meaning of this vision. Now, in an earlier conference we saw there lady intended the veiled meaning of her symbolic messages to be understood by anyone that's seeking the truth found in them, but for the most part, the hearts of the people were not or are not opened or message. There's an exact analogy between how our Lord uses parables and how our lady uses these symbolic messages. Although the three children were given the explanations of what these things meant for the outside, everything's in symbols, so they may indeed see, but not perceive and hear, but not understand. The great majority of men never have been interested in those truths, and so they were left hard and unresponsive. The very thought in fact, that our lady taught and the symbolic message was already a prophetic sign of upcoming judgment. In other words, the very format of the third secret as it's been revealed to us, a symbolic vision without the company an explanation. That format is in itself already a sign of judgment. It's a sign of the state of men's hearts that's worth pondering. Speaker 0 35:28 So using evidence Speaker 0 35:32 including direct testimony from the personal secretary of Pope Saint John the 23rd Sochi demonstrates their two envelopes continuing to documents pertaining to third secret. The obvious conclusion is that one of the envelopes contains the release text of the third secret. The description of the vision of the three children's saw and the other envelope contains the words of our lady explaining the meaning of this vision and this explains in otherwise very puzzling discrepancy on the Vatican website. There are photographic reproductions of sister Lucy, his original handwritten document describing the vision of the third secret. That handwritten document takes up four sheets of paper. It's about 64 lines long, but we know from previous testimony that in March, 1957 on orders from home, the third secret, which had been enclosed in an envelope by sister Licea, which was then sealed in another envelope by the Bishop Leandra Fatima was taken from Portugal and delivered to the Vatican before the secret was taken. Speaker 0 36:26 The auxiliary Bishop van Osseo held up the Bishop's envelope to the light. He could see centralist. He has internet envelope containing an ordinary sheet of paper with three quarter centimeter margins on which were written approximately 25 lines. He took the exact measurement of the end inner envelope, 12 centimeters by 18 centimeters and recorded this in a document store in the FATTOM archives, cuddle Ana Viani, the head of the Holy office, which then became the congregation faith after the council Cardwell out of Vianney who read the third secret later stay. The secret was 25 lines long written on a single sheet of paper. The obvious conclusion is that one of the envelopes contains the text released in 2000 and it can be viewed on the Vatican website. That takes four sheets. It takes up four sheets of paper and it's 64 lions long. The other envelope contain the words of explain the meaning of this vision written on a single sheet of paper that's 25 lines long. Now, more importantly, Sochi argues persuasively in fact that Rome has indeed revealed in an implicit manner the central contents of the second envelope, the envelope containing the words of our lady, which enables them to say and conscious that all the third secret has been revealed and this would be a very Roman way of doing things, so you have to pay very careful attention sometimes when they say things because words really matter, Speaker 0 37:47 they said revealed, not published. Speaker 0 37:50 We'll take a very quick look at that right now and we'll consider just what the problem contents of that second envelope might be. There are two envelopes again. One has the description, the vision that we read or the other contains the words and so she argues that in fact Rome has implicitly revealed the one, the the content of the second envelope and for that reason they can say it's been revealed. Antonio socia explains my hypothesis, which is also based on private disclosures, is this and the Korea opposition to publication of the third secret had always been prevalent above all because of the part concerning this, the church or because the prophetic words, the Madonna, which according to the dominant opinion the Vatican will be used against a Vatican would create great alarm among the people of made available to public opinion and the media. It was decided that on May 13th, 2000 at the end of the mass for the BA beatification of the two shepherds of Fatima publication, the text to the vision with an interpretation that would link it to advance, the past would be announced and then the central contents of the message of the Madonna would also be published implicitly but not explicitly in the homily. Speaker 0 38:55 The John Paul two gave during that mass close quote. Okay, so the chorea, that's the Pope's a court or his cabinet. The Korean was opposed to publishing the third secret. They were afraid the contents could be used against the Vatican would create great alarm among the people if it was made available to public opinion. In the media, so that's already worth meditating on. So they decided to implicitly reveal the words of our lighting the homily given by st John Paul during the mass for the beatifications at st Justin and Francisco, and then after the mass to announce the text, the vision would be released. Surgery continues. This would permit them to send conscious that all the third secret have been revealed, but in such a way as to avoid, in their opinion, a great shock to the Christian people, sensationalistic broadcast and a reaction of panic. This decision probably would also have been made on the strength of authoritative precedent, which in the church is always important because they can be held that Paul the six will decided not to publish the third secret wished it is surprising homily during the pilgrimage to Fatima in 1967 a Paragon is made for the quite significant attention of peace in the church and preservation. Speaker 0 39:56 The faith Paul six wished to reveal and pleasantly the Christian people the essential secret message of the Virgin close quote. Okay, so according has socially, there's two basic reasons. The third secret is revealed this way explicitly in the case the vision implicitly in the, in the case of our lady's words, the first place of the Holy See could say all the third secret have been revealed. There's no mortar reveal and the second place to reveal this in such a way as avoid shock on the part of the Christian people or in a reaction of panic. He points out that during his pilgrimage to Fadiman 67 Paul the sixth it also implicitly revealed the essential elements of the third secret. Well, consider the words of the pulps in a few minutes. So we have the vision, but what does it mean in an effort to come to some potential conclusions about the meaning of third secret about the meaning of this mysterious vision? Speaker 0 40:44 We'll start with a comment from sister Lucia. Quote the third part of the secret. First Troy lady's words, if not Russia will spread her air Strat the world causing Wars and persecution of the church. The good will be monitored. The Holy father will have much to suffer. Various nations will be annihilated. The third part of the secret is a symbolic revelation referring to this part of the message conditioned by whether we accept or not, what the message itself asks of us. If my requests are hated, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. If not, she will spare air Strat, the world, et cetera. Since we did not hear this appeal the message, we see that it has been fulfilled, Russia has invaded the world with her heirs and if we have not yet seen the complete fulfillment of the final part is prophecy. We're going towards it little by little with great strides if we do not reject the path of sin, hatred, revenge, and justice, violations of the rights of the human person, immorality and violence, etc. And let us not say that as God was punishing us in this way. On the contrary, it is men themselves who are preparing their own punishment and his kindness. God warrants us and calls us to the right path or respect in the freedom has given us. Hence men are responsible. Close, quote, sister Alyssia, May 12th, 1982 Speaker 0 42:05 okay, so it's a symbolic third part of the secret is the symbolic revelation referring to our lady's words. If not rush will spread her air out the world causing Wars and persecution of the church. The good will be martyred. The Holy father will have much to suffer. Various nations will be annihilated and it's conditioned by whether or not we accept what the message is asked us. If my requests are heated, Russia will be converted. There will be peace. If not, she'll spit her airsoft, the world, et cetera. Since we did not heed this out appeal of the message we see it's been fulfilled. Russia has invaded the world with their heirs and if we have not yet seen the complete fulfillment of the final part of this prophecy, we're going towards it. Little by little with great stride is not God who is punishing us in this way rather than as people themselves who are praying their own punishment. Speaker 0 42:53 Now with that as background, let's break up the vision in a sections and on that basis organized statements from various reliable sources to try to get some idea of the probable meaning. Sister Lucy, a quote after the two parts, which I have already explained, the left of our lady and little above, we saw an angel with a flaming sword in his left hand flashing. It gave out flames. It looked as though they would set the world on fire. They died out in contact. The splendor that our lady rented to radiate towards him from her right hand pointing to the earth was right-hand. The angel cried out in loud. Voice penance, penance, penance, close quote. So scripturally speaking, angel with the flaming sword instantly calls to mind a series of images of and punishment. Our first parents being driven out of the garden of Eden because of sin, the cherubim with a flaming sword guarding the entrance. Speaker 0 43:42 The garden of Eden closed because of the fall man, the corresponding closing of heaven, the loss of sanctifying grace and the Alliance with the devil in the garden. It also brings to mind various images of divine judgment. In Psalms seven verse 12 we read, unless you convert, God will brandish his sword. The notion of the escape ability of God's judgment is also placed before us. There's literally nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. When we read in Jeremiah 1212 that caught the sword of Lord shall devour from one end the land to the other. Of course it calls to mind judgment day as we really age. In second Peter three seven the heavens, the earth that now exist have been stored up for fire being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men. The angels cry peanuts, peanuts, peanuts also calls to mind sin the sins of mankind and the that this heavenly warn is repeated three times indicates that the situation is very gray. Speaker 0 44:36 Cardinal Ratzinger's comments on this scene are well worth contemplating, like quote to save souls has emerged as the key word of the first and second parts of the secret and the key word of this third part is the threefold cry, penance, penance, penance. The beginning of the gospel comes to mind. Repent and believe the good news to understand the signs of the times means to accept the urgency of pennants of conversion of faith. This is the correct response to this moment of history characterized by the grave perils outlined and the images that follow the angel with a flaming sword on the left of the mother God recall similar images in the book of revelation. This represents the threat of judgment which looms over the world today. The prospect that the world might be reduced to ashes by a sea of fire no longer sees pure fantasy man himself with his inventions has forged the flaming soar. Speaker 0 45:33 The vision then shows the power which stands opposed to the force of destruction, the splendor of the mother of God and the Summit's dependence. And this way the importance of human freedom is underlined close quote, and this echoes the words, the situ SIA quote in his kindness, God warns us and calls us to the right path while respecting the freedom he has given us. If we do not reject the path of sin, Hey, cred, revenge and Justin's violation of the rights of the human person in morality. And violence, et cetera. It is men themselves who are preparing their own punishment. Hence men are responsible close quote. So the symbolism in the first passage of the vision of the third secret calls to mind, sin, grave sin, men being driven out from the presence of God calls to mind the book of revelation, the prospect that the world might be reduced to ashes by a sea of fire. Speaker 0 46:22 The threat of divine judgment looming over the world and even up judgment day itself reminds us of the urgency of penance, of conversion, of faith. And it has men ourselves who are preparing their own punishment. The mankind is responsible. Now hold those thoughts and we'll consider what popes, Paul, the sixth st John Paul two embedded the 16 said during their visits to Fatima. Remember, what we're trying to do here is draw probable conclusions as to the meaning of this mysterious vision. And since we haven't been given the words, we'll start by considering the comments, the pulps, then those others who have read the secret, and then we'll add other comments from arrival sources. So remember that Sochi argues because the courier was afraid to simply punish her. There Paul is, I shouldn't say for Sochi artists, because the Korea was opposed to simply punishing the third publishing. Speaker 0 47:12 The third secret because they were afraid the contents would be used against the Vatican, would create, create great alarm on the people. It was decided in conversations with the Pope to implicitly real reveal the words of our lady and the homily that Saint John Paul two gave during the mass of the beatification of saints Francisco and Jacinta. Then after the mass to knots, the text of the vision. So according to Sochi, there are two basic reasons. The third secret was revealed in this way, X pussy. In the case of the vision implicit in the case of our lady's words. So in the first place, the Holy seat could actually say they'd revealed everything and they could do that. Honestly, the second place to stop any kind of sensationalism or alarm rung the Christian people. So she argued during his program minister Fatima in 67 Paul Paul, the six implicitly revealed the third secret also. So we'll start with Paul the sixth. Speaker 0 48:03 The first notable point is that in his vision visit to Fatima Pala six invokes the image found in chapter 30 12 of the book of the apocalypse. The great sign which the apostle John saw in heaven Oldman claw with the sun is interpreted by the sacred liturgy as referring to the most blessed Mary, the mother of all men, by the grace of Christ. Redeemer. Close quote the Holy father, we continue quote, we wish to pray for the interior piece. The church, the ecumenical cost does re reawaken many energies in the bosom of the church. What an evil it would be if it arbitrary interpretation, not authorized by the magisterium of the church. We're transformed the spiritual renewal of the second Vatican council and do a restlessness which dissolves the churches traditional structure and constitution, substituting the theology of true teachings when new ideologies which depart from the norm of faith. Speaker 0 48:53 Finally transforming redemptive charity into an acquiescence in a negative forms the profane mentality of worldly customs. What disenchantment then would be caused? Close quote Paul is six. So Paul the sixth Warrens that in the wake of the second batting, so the internal pace, the church is at risk. He speaks of how evil it would be, what disillusionment would cause if what was intended to be a spiritual Newell. The church were derailed in that regard. He speaks of what would now be called the spirit of Vatican too, or do you use Benedict the 16th much more academic term, the hermeneutic of discontinuity as he speaks the traditional structure and constitution of the church being dissolved by an unauthorized interpretations as he speaks to the substitute of true teachings with no teachings, ideologies which are not of the faith and as he speaks of a transformation to a profane mentality and rurally, customs, all of which has been going on throughout the church all these many years. Speaker 0 49:49 The pub continues. Speaking of quote, those countries in which religious Liberty is practically suppressed with a denial of God is promoted. We declare the world is in danger. Therefore we've come by foot to the feet of the queen of peace to ask for the gift that only God can give peace. Man, think of the gravity and the greatness of this hour, which could be decisive for the history of the present future generation. The picture of the world and have his destiny presented here is immense and dramatic. It is the scene that the Madonna opens before us. The scene that we contemplate with horrified eyes closed quote, Pope Paul is six now in 1967 those countries where religious Liberty was practically suppressed with the Nile of God was promoted where for the most part behind the iron curtain at that time, these were the countries dominated by the errors of Russia. Speaker 0 50:38 He wants it. The world's in danger and Astro lay for peace. Speaking of the scene that our lady of Fattah opens before him, a scene that he contemplates with horrified eyes, Paula six devoutly contemplating Mary, the faith will draw from her stimulus for trusting prayer, a spirit of the practice of pennants and the Holy fear of God. Likewise, it is in this the more often hear echoing the words with which Jesus Christ and I'll announce the advent of the kingdom of heaven. Repent and believe in the gospel and it's severe admonition. Unless you do penance, you shall all likewise perish. Close quote. Okay, so in his visit to Fatima Paul is six and Vox, the image font of chapter 12 of the book of the apocalypse or the woman clawed by his son. He warns that in the wake of the second Vatican council, the internal pace, the church is at risk. Speaker 0 51:25 He speaks about evil. It would be in what disillusionment it would cause if what was intended to be a spiritual renewal. A church were derailed your first to what we'd commonly call the spirit of Vatican too. Well, speaking of unauthorized interpretations, the dissolve the traditional structure and constitution of the church. He speaks of true teachings being substituted by new teachings, which are not of the faith. He speaks of a final transformation to a profane mentality and worldly customs. He warns it the world is in danger and he asked her lay for peace. Speaking of a scene that our lady shows him the he contemplates with horrified eyes. He also warns mankind to repent, believe in the gospel, and unless you do pennants, you shall all likewise perish. Now, let's turn to the homily preached and fandom by Saint John Paul two just before the not Smith, the text, the third secret would be released, say John Paul two according to divine plan Oldman, clothed with the sun, came down from heaven to this earth to visit, visit the privileged children or the father. Speaker 0 52:22 She speaks to them with a mother's voice and heart. She asked them to offer themselves as victims of reparation, saying that she was ready to leave them safely to God. And behold, they see a light shining from maternal hands, which penetrates them inwardly. So they feel immersed in God. Just as they explain, a person sees himself in a mirror. Later, Francisco, one of the three privileged children, exclaimed, we're burning that light, which is God, and we were not consumed. What is God like is impossible to say. In fact, we will never be able to tell people God, a light that burns without consuming. Moses had the same experience when he saw God and the burning Bush closed quote. So Saint John Paul two starts with the same engine as Paul, the sixth the woman clothed by the son and then he continues with several more lines from the same chapter in the apocalypse. Speaker 0 53:08 St John Paul to quote, another sign appeared in heaven. Behold a great red dragon. These words make us think of the great struggle between good Naval showing how when man puts God aside, he cannot achieve happiness, but it ends up just trying himself. How many victims there have been through the last century of the second millennium. We remember the horrors, the first and second world Wars and other Wars and so many parts of the world, the concentration, extermination camps, the gulags, ethnic cleansings and persecution, terrorism, kidnappings, drugs, the tax on unborn life and the family. The message of Fadim is a call to conversion alerting humanity. They have nothing to do with the dragon whose tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to earth. Close quote st John Paul too. So the Pope has just cited apocalypse 12 verses three and four, another sign appeared in heaven. Behold a great red dragon whose tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to earth. What are the scriptural commentaries say about these two lines of the apocalypse? Speaker 1 54:19 Cool. Speaker 0 54:20 Red is a color of anger and blood, especially the blood of martyrs, but it may have another significant <inaudible>, no fiercer enemy of God. A man has appeared in Christian times and communism and red is its emblematic color. Close quote, quote, the dragon is seen in heaven, which here's the symbol of the church. This indicates the first troubles of those days will be inaugurated within the church by apostate bishops, priests, and peoples. The stars dragged down by the tail of the dragon. The tail of dragon represents the kind of hypocrisy with which he succeeds in deceiving a large number of people and pastors. A third part of the star close quote and quote, those whom he had swept down to earth was tail. He said to us by love of earthly things. Close quote, quote, the tale is a symbol of lying and hypocrisy. Through false doctrines and principles, Satan will mislead the clergy who will have become worldly minded, haughty and hypocritical by their lax principles, they will infect. The laity will easily welcome a mitigation or change of doctrine to sanction the lukewarm lives they want to leave Speaker 1 55:21 close quote. Speaker 0 55:23 So among other things, these lines are warning not to be seduced by the love of earthly things. Warning martyrdom and communism. Warning Satan is inside the church and the person of his apostate bishops, priests and people warned against line, hypocritical, worldly mind. Clergy, warn against false teachings and changes in doctrine. The Pope is wanting us to be careful, to be very, very careful, to not have anything to do with any of this. And in the context of demonstrating that when man puts God's aside, he cannot achieve happiness but ends up destroying himself. Say John Paul two mentions entire litany of horrors of the last century. The first and second world Wars, the other Wars throughout the world, the concentration, extermination camps, the gulags ethnic cleansings, persecutions, terrorism, kidnappings, drugs, attacks on unborn life from the family, and he sums up the message of fathom as being a call to conversion, wanting to have nothing to do with the great red dragon appeared in heaven on his tail, swept down a third of the stars of having a CASMED earth that directly from the apocalypse is not anywhere to be found in the published parts of the message of Fatima. Speaker 0 56:31 Presumably. Then it comes to the words of our lady Antonio Sochi comments. It seems evident that the pop with these citations, the apocalypse has given the world a glimpse into the contents of the third secret because by following the footsteps of politics, but with the more accentuated revelation, the secret, it is reasonable to suppose that this was the compromise on the basis of which the Vatican can today maintain that it has revealed all the secret of Fatima and he points out that every time Saint John Paul two visited Fatima, his words reflected these same themes considering for example, he's excerpts from his sermon preached in Fatima on May 13th, 1982 say John Paul to let us seek to understand the extraordinary message of Fatima. Repent and believe in the gospel. The message of Fatima isn't its basic nucleus, a call to conversion and repentance. Can the mother with all the force of love she fosters in the Holy spirit desires everyone's salvation. Speaker 0 57:27 Keep silence and what undermines the very basis of their salvation? No, she cannot. The message is addressed to every human being, to all the societies, nations and peoples societies menaced by apostasy, threatened by moral degradation. The collapse of morality involves a collapse of societies. The message of fandom is so deeply rooted in the gospel, the whole of tradition that the church feels, the message imposes a commitment upon her. The successor of Peter presents himself here as a witness to the almost apocalyptic menaces looking over the nations and mankind as a whole. The whole range of medicines gathering like a dark cloud over mankind. Close quote st John Paul too. So we see the call to conversion, the call to repent and believe in the gospel. That's the exact line. So they Paul the sixth on his visit and it calls to mind the cries of the angel with the flaming sword. But consider this line. The message of Fatima is so deeply rooted in the gospel and the hall of tradition that the church feels that the message imposes a commitment honor. That's an extraordinary statement. Out of the words of our lady that have been published, what exactly is so deeply rooted in the gospel and the whole tradition that the message imposes a commitment on the church. Speaker 0 58:39 The Pope says that the menace message is addressed to every human being, to all the societies, nations and peoples societies menaced by apostasy, threatened by moral degradation. The collapse of morality involves the collapse of societies and he presents himself and FATTOM as a witness to the almost apocalyptic menace looking over the nations and mankind at whole. The whole range of ministers gathering like a dark cloud over mankind and most significantly asked, can a mother who with all the force love she fosters and the Holy spirit desires every one's salvation, keeps silence on one undermines the very basis of their salvation. No, they cannot. That's very significant. He points out our lady cannot keep signup. What undermines the basis of our salvation? In other words, since our lady cannot remain silent, what undermines the basis of our salvation? She must have said something in this regard. Speaker 0 59:28 What is the basis of our salvation? It's our Catholic faith. It's Saint Paul says in Hebrews 11 six without faith, it's impossible to please God. The very basis of our salvation is our Catholic faith and the Pope speaks of this being undermined. What does it mean to undermine something? The dictionary tells us to undermine something means quote to enter, destroyed by insidious activity or imperceptible stages to attack by indirect secret or underhand means attempt to subvert by stealth close quote. And that's exactly what was said about the tail of the dragon that represents the cutting hypocrisy by which he deceives the large number of people and pastors, how <inaudible> succeeds in undermining their faith with false doctrines and principles and that the stars dragged down by the tail of the dragon or the PA, state bishops, priests, and peoples. Furthermore, in this very sermon, this Pope explicitly mentions apostasy posses you of course is the sin by which a baptized person completely, totally rejects repudiates the faith. Speaker 0 00:28 Harris on the other hand, is a sin by which a baptized person, a voluntary obstinately denies one or more of the truths which had been revealed by God proposed by the church for our belief. So heretic deny some of it. The POS state gets rid of all it. It's clear that the message of Fatima contains a warning from our lady regarding dangerous to our faith. Now we'll quickly consider some of the comments of Pope Benedict the 16th may during his pilgrimage to Fatima in may of 2010 Benedict the 16th we would be mistaken to think that Fatima's prophetic mission is complete. Here's our takes on new life, the plan of God, which asks humanity from the beginning. Where's your brother, brother Abel? Your brother's blood is crying out to me from the ground. Mankind has succeeded in unleashing a cycle of death and terror, but failed and bring it to an end close quote. Speaker 0 01:18 So he speaks of one of the sins that cry out to heaven. Prevention's willful murder when he speaks of April's blood, crying out to God and then he sends mankind has succeeded in unleashing a cycle of terror death, but failed and bring it to an end. During his flight to Fatima, he made another statement that's very well worth pondering. Interviewer, your holiness. What made me do the Fatima apparitions have for us today? Is it possible to your mind to include that vision, the sufferings of the church today for the sins involved in a sexual abuse of minors? Speaker 0 01:53 Benedict the 16th beyond this great vision of the suffering of the Pope and indication is given a realities involving the future of the church, which are gradually taking shape and becoming evident. There's mention of there's seen the need for a passion of the church, which naturally is reflected in the person of the pulp. If the pop stands for the church and that's it. His sufferings of the church that are announced, the Lord told us the church would constantly be suffering in different ways until the end of the world closed quilt, so the pub speaks of the passion of the church as being symbolized by the suffering Pope in this vision. We'll return to this point later Benedict the 16th the message of Fatima. The fundamental response is to ongoing conversion pennants prayer and the three theological virtues, faith, hope, and charity. Those are consistent themes that the pulps use whenever they speak of the message of fathom. Speaker 0 02:45 Benedict the 16th as for the new things which we can find in this message today, there's also the fact that attacks on the Pope and the church come not only from without the sufferings of the church come precisely from within the church, from the Sans existing within the church. This too is something we've always known, but today we are seeing it in a really terrifying way. The greatest persecution of the church comes not from her enemies without, but arises from sin within the church. The church thus has a deep need to relearn pennants to accept purification, to learn forgiveness on the one hand, but also the need for justice. Forgiveness does not replace justice in a word. We need to really, really learn precisely this essential conversion, prayer, penance, and the theological virtues. Close quote, so the sufferings of the church come precisely from within. The church, from a sin exists you within the church. Speaker 0 03:36 Today, we're seeing in a really terrifying way, the greatest persecution. The church comes not from our enemies of thought, but from sin within st John. Paul too warned us to have nothing to do with the great red dragon, the apocalypse who appeared in heaven and who his tail swept down a third of the stars of the heaven and cast from the earth. Benedict. The 16th seems to be reiterating exactly what the scriptural commentary spoke of when treating of that dragon. The dragon is seen in heaven, which in this verse is a symbol of the church. The first trouble of those days will be non-graded within a church by PA, state bishops, priests and peoples. The stars dragged down by the tiller dragon. The tail of the dragon represents the cutting hypocrisy with which he seeks seeds and deceiving large number of people and pastors. A third part of the stars. Speaker 0 04:23 The tail is a symbol of line hypocrisy through false doctrines and principles. Satan with will mislead the clergy who will become worldly minded, Hadi and hypocritical by their lax principles. They will affect. The lady will easily welcome mitigation or change of doctrine to Saxon and lukewarm lives. They want to lead. And when in the context of a question on the sexual abuse of minors, a question as to whether the vision of the third secret includes the suffering the church for those horrific sins. Paul Benedict States the church and a deep need to relearn penance, to accept purification and the need for justice. What is he saying when he says that? Well, let's put that in a different way. What sort of patents is a hierarchy? The church done public penance and reparation for all this sexual abuse. What have they imposed on themselves in this country? The Dallas Accords for dealing with terrific crimes deal with apply to all members of the clergy except for the bishops. Speaker 0 05:25 So what kind of penance has hierarchy of the church done in reparation for this horrific scandal? None. They can't even get themselves to admit it's a homosexual problem. Anyone can simply look at their own reports on the U S CCB website and I went there yesterday. It States 81% of the victims were male. In spite of the fact that in this country studies quote, and this is from their website, have consistently shown that in general, girls are three times more likely to be abused than boys. Close quote. Okay, so Pope Benedict spoke about the need for justice and purification. What would appear effication like that look like? Keep in mind that this is another one of the sins that crowd to heaven for vengeance. What would divine justice look like in the case? The SATA medical abuse of so many altar boys. You know what it looked like. We all know what it would look like. Fire from heaven. That's what it would look like. Speaker 0 06:27 Okay. Let's remind ourselves what we're doing right now. We've been considering the first part of the vision at the leftover lady and little above. We saw an angel with a flaming sword in his left hand flashing the game out flames. It looked as though they would set the world on fire. They died out in contact with the splendor that our lady radiated towards him from right-hand pointing to the earth was with his right hand. The angel cried out loud. Voice penance, penance, penance. So we're looking at, we're trying to draw proper conclusions as to the meaning of this mysterious vision. And since we weren't given the words, we've been considering the comments of the pops in this regard, when we considered a symbolism in this first passage of the vision of the third secret, we sought calls to mind, grave sin, men being driven out from the presence of God and calls to mind the book of revelation, the prospect that the world might be reduced to ashes by a sea of fire. Speaker 0 07:16 The threat of divine judgment looming over the world and even of judgment day itself reminds us the urgency of penance, of conversion, of faith, and then it's men themselves who are preparing their own punishment that mankind is responsible. We've seen it in as visit to Fatima Paul, the sixth and Vaux the image find in chapter 12 of the book of the apocalypse of the woman called by the sun warns that in the wake of the second Vatican council then terminal peace. The church is at risk. He speaks about evil. It would be if it was intended to be a spiritual renewal, a church where somehow derail. He refers to what we would now call the spirit of Vatican too. Speaking of unauthorized interpretations that are dissolving the traditional structure and constitution of the church, he speaks of church teachings being substituted by new teachings which are not of the faith. Speaker 0 08:01 He speaks to a file transformation and to profane mentality in a worldly customs. He wants it. The world is in danger and asks her lady for peace. Speaking of a scene that our lady of Fatima opens before him, the scene that he contemplates with horrified eyes, he also warns mankind to repent and believe in the gospel. Unless you do penance, you shall all likewise perish. We've seen it in his visits to fathom as Saint John Paul to his AZA spoke on the woman clothed by his son, as well as several more lines from the same chapter in the apocalypse. Another sign appeared in heaven. Behold a great red dragon whose tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth. We've seen that. Among other things, these lines are warning not to be seduced by the love of earthly things. Speaker 0 08:42 There are warning of moderate them and communism. They're wanting that Satan is inside the church and the person of his apostate bishops, priests and peoples, they're warned against line, Hippocratic call, worldly, mine and clergy. They're one against false teachings and changes in doctrine. We've seen that the Pope has warned us to be very, very careful to avoid all this we've seen in the context of demonstrate that what man put Scott aside, you cannot achieve happiness but ends up destroying himself. Saint John Paul too. Let's a whole litany of horrors of the last century. The world Wars, the concentration camps and the gulags, the ethnic cleansings, the persecutions, terrorism, the tax and unborn life, and the family we sit, he sums up the message of Phantom has been a call to conversion as a warning to have nothing to do with the great red dragon. We've seen that the message directly from the apocalypse is certainly not anywhere to be font in the published parts of the message of Fatima, so presumably it comes from our lady's words. Speaker 0 09:36 We've seen him. He cite the exact line from the gospel used by Paul the sixth on his visit, repent and believe in the gospel. Alana, which calls to mind the cries, the angel, the flaming sword. We also considered the Saint John Paul's two statement that the mention of fandom is so deeply rooted in the gospel and the whole of tradition. The church feels the message impose a commitment honor. We asked ourselves out of the words that our lady that had been published, what exactly is so deeply rooted in the gospel and the whole tradition that the message imposes a commitment on the church. We've seen. He States a message is addressed to every human being, to all societies, nations and peoples societies. Menaced by apostasy, threatened by moral degradation, threatened with collapse. We see that he presents itself and FATTOM as a witness to the almost <inaudible> lipstick menaces looking over the nations and mankind as a whole. Speaker 0 10:21 We've seen he points out our lady cannot keep silent on what undermines the very basis of our salvation, which is our Catholic faith. And so since our lady cannot keep us on, on what undermines this, the very basis of our salvation, it implies that the message of FADIMA contains a warning from our lady regarding dangerous to our Catholic faith. We seen as undermining of our Catholic faith, seems to relate to what was said about the tail of the dragon. We've seen it during pup Benedict's 16th visit to Fatima. He speaks a willful murder, one of the sins that cries out to heaven for vengeance. And he States that mankind has succeeded in unleashing a cycle of death and terror, but failed and bring it to an end. We've seen. He speaks to the passion, the church as symbolized by the suffering Pope and the vision, and we'll return to that point later. Speaker 0 11:04 We've seen that when he States the sufferings, the church compri precisely from within the church. The greatest persecution of the church comes not from, and he's a thought, but from within. He seems to be reiterating exactly what the scriptural commentary said when trading of the great red dragon. We've seen that when in the context of a question as to whether the vision of the third secret includes the suffering in the church for the <inaudible> sends the sexual abuse of minors. Pope Benedict States the church has a deep need to relearn pennants to accept purification and the need for justice. And in response to that statement, we asked what sort of public pennants is the hierarchy of the church and Paul is upon themselves in reparation for all this sexual abuse in preparation for this horrific scandal. We saw the answer was they've done no public pennants. We've seen that in this country. Speaker 0 11:48 They've excused themselves from a Dallas Accords. We've seen, they can't even get themselves to admit. It's a homosexual problem. In spite of the fact it's perfectly clear from their own website. We saw that Pope Benedict spoke of the need for justice and purification. We asked, keeping in mind this is another one of the sins that crowd to heaven for vengeance. What would divine justice look like in the case of the Sodom medical abuse of so many altar boys, we asked what a purification with like that would look like. We answered, we all know what that would look like. Fire from heaven. We'll pick up right here in part two.

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