Fatima and the Apocalypse 7: The Miracle of the Sun at Tre Fontane

September 20, 2017 00:56:38
Fatima and the Apocalypse 7: The Miracle of the Sun at Tre Fontane
Veritas Caritas
Fatima and the Apocalypse 7: The Miracle of the Sun at Tre Fontane

Sep 20 2017 | 00:56:38


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Speaker 0 00:01 God blessed us in the Virgin, protect us in the name of the father and the son and the Holy spirit. Amen. We continue in earlier conferences. We saw that during the 1980s the miracle of his son occurred year after year at Trayvon Tawny, and we asked what that meant in itself and what our lady is telling us by repeating that stupendous miracle so many times in order to better appreciate the answers to those questions. Let's have a quick review. Remember that on the 33rd anniversary of the first apparition of the Virgin revelation, Saturday, April 12th, 1980 more than 3000 people, including 25 priests gathered at the grotto, a Tre Fontana, to hear Bruno speak and to attend a commander native mass. And remember that although the alters up near the mouth of the cave and has a roof over it, the front of the chapel is wide open. Speaker 0 01:00 And so when there's any crowd at all, most of them will be out in the weather. So the mass began about 5:00 PM and at about 10 to six the mass was interrupted for half an hour because of the miracle and the reason they pause the mass was so that people could calm down and return their attention to the Holy sacrifice. What follows was taken from official Franciscan report. The Franciscans have the pastoral care of the shrine quote. The sun seemed to move to the sky towards the grotto and approached the earth. It could be seen with absolute ease without hurting the eyes. As a ball of fire rotating wildly seeming larger than normal. There appeared inside its iridescent crown, the outer solar crown and various colors, mainly red, pink and black like incandescent magma. Moving rapidly as if boiling forming different con configurations variously identified by the witnesses across an M, a heart surrounded by stars are dripping blood. Speaker 0 02:06 The monogram of Christ IHS two joined hands, the Virgin of revelation. Some saw the solar crown dissolved and reconnected in three circles of various colors. Others have noticed that despite the obstacle of numerous trees, the sun bounced in clear sight with a warm and vivid light, almost like fire. It illuminated the chapel of the convent where the Eucharist is kept the fronds of the trees and the clothing of the people. Close quote. And as we've heard many lapsed Catholics returned to the faith and many people were miraculously cured of their ailments. And the official records show that these same sort of miraculous events took place on April 12th and 1980 1982 1985 1986 when the miracle his son was filmed and broadcast on a tele Italian television and in 1987 on the 40th anniversary of a Virgin first apparition. Speaker 1 03:04 Okay. Speaker 0 03:06 The first thing to be noted is that just as the miracle, his son and Fadiman 1917 was an unmistakable heavenly confirmation of the messages to the children. So also the repeated miracles of the sun at Trey Fontana are unmistakable, heavily confirmations of the messages to Bruno, and they were also an unmistakable heavenly confirmation of the statement that Bruno had recorded in his diary in June, 1948 the Virgin may be understand that the message of Fatima continues at Trey Fontani. The repetition of the miracle is Senate Trey Fontana is an unmistakable heavenly confirmation that the message at Trey Fontana is a continuation of the message of Fatima. Speaker 0 03:57 Okay. Now let's spend some time considering the symbolism scene during the many repetitions of this miracle and Rome, the symbolism of the colors red, pink, and black, which appeared inside the solar Chrome. Well, briefly consider some of the scriptural and liturgical symbolism of these three colors. Red. What does red symbolize? Among other things, red symbolizes the shedding of blood, and so red vestments are worn on the feast of the precious blood in votive masses to the Lord's passion. And of course the face of the Mars who shed their blood for the faith, but also symbolizes the burning fire of God's charity. And so it is used during Pentecost. Speaker 1 04:43 Pink. Speaker 0 04:45 What does pink symbolize? Well, Rose colored vestments sometimes mistakenly called pink vestments are traditionally warns a sign of joy. I've got our tea Sunday, the third Sunday of advent. Rose is an expression of joy because liturgically speaking and just a little while, the Lord will finally be with us, and that is also very significant since the church keeps two basic truths before our eyes during advent. On the one hand, we're preparing to celebrate the anniversary of the first coming of our Lord some 2000 years ago on his mission of mercy. And on the other hand, we're reminded to be prepared for an upcoming event. The second common of our Lord when he comes to judge the living and the dead Speaker 1 05:33 black. Speaker 0 05:35 What does black symbolize? Since black symbolize is mourning the SAR of death and the tomb black vestments are worn on all souls day and for Requiem masses, one scriptural commentary notes that quote black is often associated with a threatening presence of God and dark times a divine judgment upon sin and throughout the old Testament, images of the coming of God and judgment are painted in Hughes of black. The day of the Lord. A day of judgment for sin is described by the prophets as a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and blackness, close quote. So the colors themselves symbolize first, the shedding of blood and the burning fire of God's charity. Second joy in the fact that the second coming of the Lord is nigh on hand. And third morning Speaker 1 06:30 death and judgment day, Speaker 0 06:35 the symbolism of the solar crown being dissolved and reconnected in three circles of various colors. The solar counts separated into three circles in United back together again is symbolic of the most blessed Trinity, the symbolism of the various figures seen inside the solar crown during the miracle. Many of these are very obvious, obviously the IHS and the sun symbolizes the Holy name of Jesus. Since it's the first three letters in Greek capitals of Jesus Christ, the cross symbolizes our Lord's passion. The hearts. Rhonda was stars as symbolic of the woman of the apocalypse, the Virgin of revelation who was clothed with the sun and crown with 12 stars. The heart dripping blood is symbolic of the sorrow in her sorrowful and immaculate heart. The M is a symbol for Mary commonly used for the sorrowful mother at the foot of the cross. The joint hands are a symbolic reminder of prayer. A reminder of the version of revelations request that we quote, do not forget the rosary which cooperates much with your salvation. The hail Mary's would you say with faith and love are so many golden arrows that reached the heart of Jesus. Close quote Speaker 0 08:05 and a reminder of our ladies. Ardent requested Fatima that we ought to quote, pray, pray very much make sacrifice for sinners. For many souls go to hell because there are none to sacrifice themselves Speaker 1 08:18 and pray for them. Close quote Speaker 0 08:24 the version of revelation. Obviously by appearing within the solar crown, she is showing the world who she is and the precise time in history when we are living that she is the version of revelation that she is the woman actually clothed with the sun. In chapter 12 of the apocalypse, the symbolism of the sun brightening the people's clothing or lady calls to mind, the lights at that shower down on the people beams of light in general are symbolic or the graces and virtues from heaven pouring down upon the people gathered at the grotto and of course light is also symbolic of faith. The light was shining on the people, but were the people reflecting that light by a life of faith, by a life of charity. Speaker 0 09:22 The symbolism of being able to look at the sun with ease, the very fact that the witnesses could look directly at the sun with ease. This remarkable diminishment of the light is very significant. Scripturally Cornelius Slappy day, the great 16th century commentator speaks of this very phenomenal quote. The sun, moon and stars are dimmed when the leaders of the church or the world depart from justice and holiness to depravity or wickedness close. Cool. The symbolism of the miracle occurring repeatedly in Rome. The fact that this miracle was repeated over and over and over again in Rome and not just in Rome, but at a Catholic shrine is indicative that it is not the rulers in the world, but rather the rules of the church who are being symbolically indicted by this heavenly phenomenon. It's a repeated symbolic indication that they have departed from justice and holiness to depravity and wickedness. The Virgin of revelation said to Bruno, Speaker 0 10:41 many of my son's priests have lost the dignity of the order. No longer live in honest, in love, no longer catechize souls. The Virgin shows me religious men and women, priests, bishops, Cardinals, and tells me, see, these fools deny the true God and probably made themselves gods. The corruption and spiritual evil you see is being done to satisfy their God and their material good. They are evil and fail to do good. Evil has entered into them. They're out of their minds and walk on a wrong path. They have no faith and do not believe. Close quote Bruno, what I dreamt will never happen. It is too painful and I hope that the Lord will not allow the Pope to deny all the truths of the faith and to put himself in place of God. How much pain I felt in a night. My legs became paralyzed and I could no longer for the pain, which I felt when I saw the church reduced to a mass of ruins. Speaker 1 12:01 Call the squad Speaker 0 12:06 the symbolism of the Deming of the sun with regards to the people, it isn't just the church leaders or symbolically being shown to be under judgment. There's also symbolism here, which pertains to the Catholic people as one scriptural commentator points out the partial or complete darkening of the sun, moon or stars in the old Testament, as well as an ancient Jewish writings. Quote is a sign that the people have violated their covenant obligations to God and are undergoing judgment Speaker 1 12:41 close quote. In other words, Speaker 0 12:45 it's a sign that they haven't kept the commandments. It's a sign that they've turned away from God and the location itself is indicative of the precise covenant obligations that they have collectively violated. Speaker 1 13:02 Okay. Speaker 0 13:03 The symbolism of the miracle occurring at the cave Trey Fontana. The fact that this miracle was repeated over and over and over again at this particular location is indicative of grave violations of specific commandments by which the people offend God. Speaker 0 13:25 That cave at Trey Fontani had been a place of great sin. It had been used by prostitutes right up to the time when our lady first appeared to Bruno, which is what she seemed to be alluding to when she told him that she would work miracles with this sinful soil. And remember that when our lady first appeared there to the venerable Louie Gina, it was just after Louie Gina had found and buried there the remains of an aborted baby. So when we consider the grave sins specifically associated with that location, the fact that prostitution is a sin against the marriage covenant and is always associated with contraception, abortion and perversion. The fact that this was a site containing the buried remains of an aborted baby, and the fact that this was the very site where Bruno had been writing his heretical and blasphemous sermon. When we consider all that we see that this is a side of sins against the marriage covenant, a set of sexual sins and perversions a set of sins of contraception, abortion, a site of sins, of heresy and blasphemy. And by the 1980s when these miracles were recurring, all the sins associated with this side, the sins against marriage, sexual sense, contraception, abortion, perversions, heresy, blasphemy, all these sins have become widespread throughout much of the church and the world. Speaker 0 15:05 So in the dimming of the sun's brightness, we a see a symbolic warning of judgment on Krupp church leaders who have departed from justice and holiness to depravity and wickedness. And we say, see, we see a symbolic warning of judgment on the Catholic people as a whole who haven't kept the commandments, who have turned away from God to sins against the marriage, covenant, sexual sins, contraception, abortion, perversions, heresy and blasphemy. The symbolism of the miracle been repeated many times. Why would such a warning be repeated over and over and over again? Because according to st Vincent for air have an often puts a warning in the sky when a great and heavy affliction is about to come upon the world so that people may either advert that punishment through prayers and pennants or may prepare themselves to suffer the affliction. So these were repeated four warnings of great and heavy afflictions meant to encourage people through prayer, penance, and amendments of their lives to either turn back the hand of God or failing that true pair themselves for the upcoming afflictions, Speaker 0 16:28 the symbolism, the dancing of the sun will briefly consider explanations from both scripture and tradition. First, the scriptural symbolism involved in the moving and spinning of the sun. As one scriptural commentary explains quote, the cosmic order of nature and the course of a sun, moon and stars was seen as essential to the ongoing welfare of the world's existence. This order's interrupted and dissolved when men go against the spiritual order of God's laws, which are to regulate the course of their lives. Hence God judges the heavens by destroying its orderly movements in order to indicate that mankind has violated his moral order and is being judged. He alters the fixed patterns of sun, moon and stars to indicate judgment on those who have wrongly altered his moral patterns, especially through idolatry, close quotes, Speaker 0 17:32 since God alters the fixed pattern of sun, moon and stars to indicate judgment on those who have RA wrongly altered his moral patterns, especially through idolatry. What sort of idolatrous behavior might be incurring his judgment? If is a heavenly warning against idolaters, where are they? Who are all these idolaters now in its essence and I daughter is someone who in his life has dethroned God, so to speak. It puts something else in the place of God. The adulterer has literally put something else before God. In other words, the true God is not as important as some mere creature. The adults are actually serves that mere creature in place of the true God. That mere creature has become his God and in our society, idolatry is actually the most common religion. Speaker 2 18:37 <inaudible> Speaker 0 18:41 the mere creature, the idol that is most commonly served is the self. An immense number of people, practically speaking, have turned away from the service of the true God and in his place, they serve themselves and their own selfish interest. They literally put themselves before God. They're a law unto themselves. Just look at all the social chaos all around us. If these people observe the commandments, if they observe the commandments, it's a matter of convenience or custom, not conviction. They serve their own pleasures according to their own convenience and their own appetites. It sins against the marriage covenant like separation, divorce, remarriage, be it sins, sexual sins of any Stripe, Randy, from watching mainstream TV shows or porn to engage in an out and out fornication, adultery, or even perversions, they use contraception without a thought. They may find a portion distasteful or even wrong, but at the end of the day, no one should be punished. It's a choice and who am I to charge? And on and on and on. It goes. An immense number of people, quite probably the majority of people have turned away from service of the true God and in his place, they serve themselves and their own selfish interests. In our society. Idolatry is actually the most common religion. Speaker 0 20:22 The pews in virtually every Catholic church are full of adulterers, Speaker 2 20:27 <inaudible>, Speaker 0 20:32 and as we've heard, tradition indicates the dancing. The sun is also a sign of the end of the world. Saint Alphonsus States quote another sign of the end of the world. We'll be tremors and unusual movements which will occur in the heavens. That is the firmness of the heavens, will seem to be lacking as they will tremble before the Lord comes to judge the world. Close quote. So the dancing, the sun is symbolic of God's judgment falling on those who have wrongly altered his moral patterns, especially through idolatry. And it's symbolic of the end of the world. Speaker 0 21:14 The symbolism of the miracle occurring at Trayvon Tawny. As we saw in the first conference, Trey Fontana is the site where st Paul, the great apostle was beheaded by the order of Nero. A Savage pig and ruler, a type of the antichrist, the Marvel chopping block across which st Paul laid his neck is still there, and when his head was chopped off, it bounced three times. Donna Chantel Hill at each point where st Paul's had bounced a spring, immediately began to flow, which is now why it is now called Trayvon Tawny, the three phones. We also saw that Trey Fontana is the burial site of st Xeno and is 10,203 companions. These are Catholics, slaves who worked on the construction of the baths of Diocletian and then when the project was finished or martyred, but a Savage pagan government, we also saw that Trayvon tonic is a site where st Bernard had a famous vision of source being released from purgatory by virtue of the mass he was saying, and then being escorted by angels up a staircase. Speaker 1 22:20 <inaudible>. Speaker 0 22:22 Now, obviously the beheading of a Catholic ruler and the slaughter of thousands upon thousands of Catholic layman instantly brings to mind the French revolution. When the King was guillotine and somewhere between 19 to 44,000 people were massacred and over 16,000 people were guilty. And it also brings to mind that som warning given by our Laura to sister Lucia, given that my ministry is follow the example of the King of France and delaying the execution of my command, they will follow him into misfortune Speaker 0 22:56 and those very elements, the killing of a Catholic Bishop. In fact, an apostle, the slaughter of Catholic layman also brings to mind certain of the visions chosen to Bruno by the Virgin of revelation. Cool. While the Pope was celebrating mass, there was a great confusion and voices Rose threateningly. They advanced towards the altar. The police began shooting. There are shots flee, flee. The Pope has hit, but reddens the white cast they can shots to her is dead, is dead priests. We trampled and slaughtered the dead blood, blood, blood everywhere. The Virgin of revelation takes me to a big square and says, look what they do to my children. Those who remain faithful to the faith and the church of my son, the great persecution for true purification. I see priests in their cassocks and religious men and women and religious habits of all shapes and colors all in a row. Speaker 0 23:52 And the guards push and drag them one at a time onto a wooden stage. They made them kneel in essence, get rid of the habit to the answer. No, they took his head and put it on a stump. And then there would be headed by the executioner who had an ax. The blood spurted everywhere. And those who waited for the same martyrdom cried out. These are the souls who cry out under the alter of God, the assassins and those who witnesses. Slaughter shouted hurrah for atheism. We have finally freed ourselves from the habits and the vowels that have kept us slaves, believing in the existence of God. And here we are. Finally free. Many priests and sisters are dismembered in st Peter's square, close quotes. Speaker 0 24:37 And of course the killing of apostle, the slaughter of Catholic laymen and angels escorting souls into heaven also brings to mind significant parts of the vision seen by the children of Fatima during the third secret, we'll call it excerpt from that vision. Cool. And we saw a Bishop dressed in white. We had the impression it was the Holy father, other bishops, priests, men and women, religious going up a steep mountain at the top of which there was a big cross of rough hewn trunks as of a cork tree with a bark. Have you reached the top of the mountain on his knees at the foot of the big cross? The Holy father was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him. And in the same way, there died one after another. The other bishops, priests, men and one women religious, the various lay people of different ranks and positions beneath the two arms of the cross there two angels, each with a crystal Asper Storium in his hand, which they gathered up the blood of the Mars and with it sprinkle the souls that were making their way to God. Close quotes. Speaker 0 25:43 So one in the same time, the location of Trey Fontani brings to mind the beheading of the King and the martyrdom and sort of so many of his subjects during the French revolution, the killing of the Pope and the martyrdom. And slaughter of so many priests, religious and faithful in the visions given to Bruno by the Virgin of revelation and the killing of the Pope, the bishops, priests, and religious and faithful with the angels, sprinkling the boat and martyrs on the souls making their way to heaven. The symbolism, Bruno's presence at these miracles of choosing Bruno to be a visionary and a bear of heavily messages to the Pope in Bruno. What do we see? We see a communist. We see a spy who portrays himself as one thing while really being another. We see a vociferous enemy of the church. We see a blaspheming heretic who hated our lady. We see a man who didn't scruple to steal from priests and who made a point of physically and verbally priests. We see a man who'd sworn an oath to kill the Pope and gone so far as to buy the weapon and choose the date. We see man who didn't scruple the violate his marriage covenant by adultery, who see a thug and a wife beater. All in all, we see a man who had actively, deliberately and wholeheartedly subscribed to the heirs of Russia and a vicious lifestyle. Speaker 0 27:14 The instantaneous conversion of Bruno is a both a promise and a warning is conversion is a visible and concrete example of what I'd already can do with someone completely and utterly dominated by the heirs of Russia and a vicious, immoral lifestyle that she can instantly convert someone like that from the very depths of sin and depravity to the Heights of Catholic fervor and charity, and given that our lady can do that in an instant with a man like Bruno, it's a sign. It's a promise of what she could do and would do with a whole nation of people dominated by those same errors and vicious lifestyles. If only mankind and the Pope would hit her requests. Speaker 0 28:05 It's a sign that although her errors have already spread throughout the world, it was still not too late. Even in 1980s and the very height of the cold war, it was still not too late for rush to convert and become a nation of fervent flame beads and Catholics ready to spread the gospel throughout the world and the presence of a man like Bruno. These miracles of choosing him to be a visionary and a bear of heavily messages to the pole. There's also a warning. Our lady went to Rome to beg the hierarchy, to listen to her Fado a message even using Bruno whose plan was to kill the Pope as a warning of what would come to pass if they didn't listen. Our lady stopped Bruno in his tracks. She converted him. She held him back. There was still time. They didn't have to follow the example of the Kings of France. It wasn't too late. She would take care of them. She deflected the course of the bullets from Hitman. Ali AGA, when he shot Saint John Paul too, she used Bruna to warn a Pope of the upcoming attack of father Juan Fernandez crawl and when he attacked, although he drew a blood, she stopped the Bannon from seriously injury Saint John Paul too. Speaker 0 29:25 So the presence of someone like Bruno is a warning that although our lady had been intervening, if they continued to follow the example of the Kings of France, then our lady was no longer going to be able to hold back the arm of her son, which is exactly what she told Bruno in 1986 quote, for the sake of justice, I have to let go of my son's hand precisely because justice has to be fulfilled. Close quote, the presence of someone like Bruno. It was a warning that they shouldn't continue to follow the example of the Kings of France, that if they delayed execution of our Lord's command, then they will follow them into misfortune and all those terrible consequences would come to pass. Speaker 2 30:11 <inaudible> Speaker 0 30:15 did they pay any attention to our lady's warnings? Has anyone paid any attention to our lady's warnings because she just gave another warning. What may very well turn out to be her final warning. She just gave another warning just last year, Speaker 0 30:40 just last year, our lady gave another warning on May 4th, 2016 and a Portuguese town for Ram, which was seven miles away from the Cova area. The coveted area is the very site which our lady of Fatima appeared in 1917 on May 4th of this last year. Our lady gave another warning on May 5th, 2016 the secular Portuguese newspaper. This is a secular Portuguese newspaper choreo demonic reported quote yesterday more than a hundred faithful experience to phenomenon at <inaudible>, which they described as a new miracle. Oh, the sun close quote. I asked my friend whose first language is Portuguese to give me a summary of what the witnesses reported on Portuguese TV. These videos are readily available online. For the first time in 50 years, the Pilgrim statue of our lady of Fatima visited around and had been venerated throughout the night in the church at about 8:00 AM. As soon as they processed out of the church with our lady, the miracle began and it lasted about 15 minutes. Speaker 0 31:56 The priest did not see anything unusual, but this was seen by about a hundred of the people in the procession who all described the same phenomena. They could look at the sun and the Autorama. The sun was spinning and it was red. Then it turned golden as if it were made of gold. Then it turned blue the whole time it was spinning at a high speed. The sun itself was also blinking. One interviewer noted that a hundred witnesses saw what some are calling a miracle that all their accounts are the same. And interview asked, was it a miracle? One witness says, yes, it was a miracle and our lady's trying to say something to us. It was a miracle, and our lady is trying to say something us. Okay, so what does she say? What does this mean? Speaker 0 32:47 Let's consider a little background information in order to get a better grasp on what she's saying. On August 13th, 1917 the three children were kidnapped by the free Masonic mayor of a rim. He jailed him and then spent two days trying to pry the secret out of them or to get them to admit that they were lying, going so far as to threaten to moderate them by burning them alive and boiling oil. But through it all the children remained steadfast. Meanwhile, over the Cove of the area, there were some 15 to 18,000 people awaiting our lady's arrival and even though the children were being held in prisoner up at around or they still came to the Cova, one witness described some of the events. Quote, the clap of thunder was falled by lightning. And at once we began to notice a small cloud. Very pretty. What? In color? Speaker 0 33:41 Very light, which hovered some moments over the homeowrk then Rose toward the sky and disappeared in the atmosphere. The faces, the people had all the colors of the rainbow, pink, red and blue. The ground was covered with squares. Of different colors. Clothes were also of every color of the rainbow. The trees did not appear to have branches and leaves, but only flowers. Everything seemed laid with flowers and every leaf appeared to be a flower. Close. Cool. Now, obviously our lady knew the children weren't going to be up there, but our lady does things on her own terms. Although she knew full well the children were up at a rim. She came to the Colvin, as she had said, than an August 19th she unexpectedly appeared to children near their homes at a place called Delano's. Now, it's important to note that this is the exact opposite, that magic gory scam where the devil that pretends to be our lady goes on tour with these liars and during their <inaudible> allows himself to be it up on demand. Speaker 0 34:43 So 1917 even when the children had been taken there, our lady did not appear in a room, but almost a hundred years later on May 4th, 2016 our lady finally graces around with a presence and she does a miracle there. Our lady does things on her own terms. She's way, way more powerful in these Freemasons and her plans cannot be thwarted even though for the most part, her message has been ignored and forgotten, even though for the most part, her requests have not been fulfilled by the bishops, the priests, and the faithful. Even though the consecration of Russia has still not been done, she will still cry and conquer evil. Speaker 0 35:25 Now, with all that is background, let's ask ourselves what all of this means. The date significant May 4th is the day in which the Fadiman novena begins. The symbolism here is obvious. The days are numbered. It's the 99th year. Again, the symbolism is off. Yes, the time is short. Time is running out. The time is running out. We must stay close to our lady very close. The symbolism of the colors is fairly obvious. The red symbolizes martyrdom. The gold symbolizes the presence of God and heavenly royalty and the blue symbolizes our lady. The color red is a symbol of modern. It's obviously related to the symbolism of the location. Since RM is the precise place where the three little children were put to the test, even on a death to the point where they actually believed that the others had been martyred by being boiled, alive and oil, and yet they each remain faithful. There are terrible trials ahead. There are terrible trials ahead, but even should we be threatened with martyrdom, we must remain firm in the faith by remaining close to and obedient to our laity, obedient. Even at the death, we must be prepared, fully prepared to die for the truth, the symbolism of the pilgrimage following our lady. It's also obvious who wants to faithfully follow our lady, stay very close to her, just like the children and the apostle John, and she will conquer Speaker 0 37:08 the symbolism of this miracle. Not being visible to the priest is also fairly obvious. San Francisco had to pray many rosaries. He could see her, but he could not hear a lady Fadiman. The priest today can't even see this inability to see his symbolic. A priest in the world today who are losing their faith and not praying, not praying, the rosary, not even praying their behaviors. They're blinded and choking in the smoke of the operation of air, the Virgin of revelation Warren priest, quote, you're becoming worldly, divesting yourselves or the sacred to desecrate and abandoned the priesthood given to you by my son, the world. Thirst for truth, but you no longer give it the water to quench its thirst. Many of you give bad example. You have a completely forgotten the gospel close quote. Where was the parish priest during the children's trials miles away? Was he supporting them? No. No, he wasn't the miracle. His son should be in every single history book written since October, 1917 everyone in the world, not just the Catholic, should be familiar with all of these details and yet how many priests even pay any attention to Fatima? So ms, pray for priests and pellets, but remain faithful. Trust our lady even when so many of the priests don't stay close to our lady. Consecrate yourself to her. They didn't trust her just like the children and the apostle John. Speaker 0 38:52 Now pause for a moment and consider that as we've seen the miracle his son was an absolutely unique and unprecedented unparalleled historical event, but this miracle of biblical proportions took place and then almost a hundred years later, the sun dances again and virtually the same place. Speaker 0 39:11 It's practically ignored. We're living in a time when there are many false prophets and end time prophecies like that mind calendar for example, or all that craziness about the year 2000 we're living at a time which the people are claiming the end is coming and then it comes and it goes. It was not the hand. This atmosphere has created a sort of immunity towards actually obeying our Lord's explicit command to read the signs of the times and immunity to ever believing that this is something to concern ourselves with. Almost every time I discuss these things with priests, the response is it's super patronizing answer along the lines of people have always thought they were living in end the world and this is set in such a way as if there's nothing more to talk about. That's ended discussion and even entertain any further thoughts in this question is stupid. Speaker 0 40:07 We can just continue doing what we're doing and living like we're living. Because all of these prophetic end times just come and go and there is no end and the terrifying result of all this is that when the real danger and the real profit arrives, like our lady of Fatima for example, people laugh and scorn and mocker and pay or no heat, they tell themselves it's all just a private revelation. We don't have to believe it and they can't even be bothered to troll themselves to consider the meaning of the miracle and the miracle is absolutely positively not a private revelation at all. It's a historical event. It's a historical event. Once we see this, we can see why when those terrible things predicted for the end derive so many people be caught off guard. We can see why these things will come like a thief in the night because people have been conditioned by the lies of false profits. They've been conditioned by the laxity of the priests and they'd been conditioned by the atmosphere of our society. To think there is no danger of the second coming. Speaker 0 41:21 No. A preach for a hundred years before the great flood struck. And as we all know, almost no one paid any attention to his warning. This latest miracle, his son is a very, very clear warning from our lady about upcoming events, a wake up call for all those with eyes to see. But has anyone paid any attention to our lady's warnings just as it was in the days of Noah? So it is in our days. In fact, in Luke 17 verses 26 to 30 our Lord specifically States, he specifically States that the conditions at the end of the world would mirror both the days of Noah and the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. And we've already seen that the ancient Jewish commentary state that quote, the generation of the flood was not wiped out until they wrote marriage documents for the union of a man to a man or to an animal. The generation of the flood was not wiped out until they wrote marriage documents for the union of a man to a man or to an animal. We've already seen that these days or like the days and the days of Sodom and Gomorrah Speaker 2 42:56 and yet Speaker 0 42:59 who's paying any attention to that? Speaker 0 43:06 Our Lord talked to Bruno about this quote. You have examples, Sodom and Gomorrah, they did not repent. They did not do penance. They did not pray and you know what justice has done to them. Another example is like Nineveh who listened, repented, prayed and did penance and they were saved. As you proclaim the prophecies that you do not remember anymore and you have forgotten through your own fault, well, I still knots to you that if you do not convert fire and the soar will descend upon you and by your own fault on all smaller grade, sinful or innocent, good or bad. That's why we call you all to conversion. True peace and true love. What you call peace and all that you were doing for peace is nothing but deceit because there is no conversion. There is no prayer to the one in Holy God. There is no penance for purification and for the forgiveness of your sins. All of this is preparing for a satanic war and you will lose your souls. No, this, that Satan, the evil one, ancient spirit is thirsty for souls. He wants souls in hell. The punishment deserved for his will. I call you convert sons and I call you sons of mercy. If you convert sons of resurrection, if you change your life by renewing your heart, Speaker 1 44:48 repent and love, Speaker 0 44:51 this is the sound of the trumpets of the final battle. Speaker 1 44:55 Love, peace, mercy, close quote. Speaker 0 45:03 If you do not convert, fire in the store was sent upon you and by your own fault on all smaller grade, sinful or innocent, good or bad, change your life by renewing your heart. Repent Speaker 1 45:19 and love. Speaker 0 45:28 We'll close with a meditation on the days of Noah, as we've seen Noman his family lived in times Symitar day. They always strove to cling to the truth, had a great love for God. For years they tried to share that truth in love with others, but for various reasons the others wouldn't let that truth and charity enter their hearts like today. Many, many people were living very sinful lifestyles, but certainly then as now, many people lived a very mild life. Well, they didn't seem like bad people. They're good neighbors and didn't seem so far off, but their hearts were lukewarm, neither hot nor coal. They're doing just enough to look good and ease their conscience and yet still fit in so they could avoid being thought of as extreme, avoid becoming outcasts in the crazy world they lived in pretty much like our day and age under God's orders, no or preached repentance and built an arc the whole time the majority mocked him. Speaker 0 46:39 The rest ignored him and only a few remained friendly and kind to his face, but that was about it. They didn't embrace his preaching with their hearts at best. They gave him a superficial hearing, a superficial agreement with his preaching, but they didn't embrace it with all their hearts. They were willing to embrace the truth that was so painful, a truth that was such a heavy cross, a truth that didn't feel good, a truth that didn't make them look good in their neighbor's eyes, a truth. The two embrace would instantly result in mockery, contempt, even though many of them recognize at some level that what Noah was saying was true. Still, it was just too costly, too painful to let themselves believe that God really meant what he said. The judgment was coming. The judgment was upon them. Yeah, this is bad. They tell himself, but it's not that bad. Speaker 0 47:44 Look at everyone else. I'm not that bad compared to them. There's safety in numbers. God knows what awake God has a sense of humor and they'd push it all out of their minds. They wouldn't let themselves think about it. The word of God was just too demanding. The word of the God was just too painful, too costly to fully embrace, and they would load their consciousness to sleep with these soothing lies, soothing lies. Finally, the day arrives. The people watch no one. His family board the arc, they watch the miraculous gathering of the animals loaded on board and God himself closes and seals that huge door and then silence. Wonderful silence. No more preaching from that fanatic. Find some peace and quiet. Thank goodness no is locked up in there with all his animals. After a hundred years, the people could finally have some peace and quiet and it was quiet quiet for a whole week. Speaker 2 49:05 <inaudible> Speaker 0 49:07 but then the rain starts. It's really raining. Now people are starting to get scared and the more rains more scared they get. They start knocking on the Ark. Pony on, let me let me. Yeah, let me, but it's too late. It's too late. Speaker 2 49:37 <inaudible> Speaker 0 49:40 for the past hundred years, they rejected God's word. They've rejected God's warning. God sent them a prophet. God sent them warning after warning, a full century of warnings, but they didn't listen. They didn't pay attention. They didn't place their faith in God. They placed their hope in themselves and now the only reason they want on board is because they fear for their lives, not because they're filled with charity. They have no charity. They're not getting on board. They had their chance Speaker 2 50:23 <inaudible> Speaker 0 50:26 they had their chance Speaker 2 50:28 and now it's too late. <inaudible> Speaker 0 50:36 and outcomes. The worst part. Just picture the immense amount of grace Noah and his family must have been given to endure. What happened next? The rains came and their neighbors, their friends, their other family members, aunts, uncles, cousins, other relatives came and knocked on Ark, pondered on Ark, begging for the door to be open, but God has closed that door. It had to remain closed. Noah's family trusted in God as his justice fell. God gave them immense grace to endure it. The screaming, the tear, the children desperate and cry, wailing for help, Speaker 0 51:28 the mothers holding their babies up, begging them to at least take the babies and save them from this death. The desperation was voices that once mocked them now crying to them for help, but God had closed the door and it had to remain closed. The cold, dreary, depressing hours and hours with all this horrific wailing and crying till finally the last cries drowned out leaving eerie silence as the last person could no longer stay afloat and sank into the flooding waters for the cleanse, the earth of sin. What great sorrow pierced the hearts of all those on the arc as they listened to the silence, the overwhelming sorrow that could have so easily have been joy. If only those poor souls would have embraced the virtues of faith, hope, and charity when there was still time, a great sorrow, in spite of the constellation of realizing that some of those poor people had repented before drowning. What great Thanksgiving Noah's family must've given to God for saving them in the midst of such an evil world, forgiving them such a profound trust and God's mercy and justice, how unbelievably difficult this would have been, how much grace this would have taken to clearly recognize that God's justice is just and not to try to let anyone else into the arc, not even a baby, how much grace it would have taken to not fall to the temptation to play God and think that they know better. Speaker 0 53:32 What a drive that should give us to cling to truth and charity and this world gone mad. A world where virtually no one even knows what truth and charity are. A world in which so many of our friends and neighbors have their own truth and live their own lives as if there is no God, a world in which even the priests and bishops deny the moral laws of God and which even the priests and bishops blatantly denied the justice of God, blatantly deny that anyone goes to limbo, blatantly deny that anyone goes to purgatory, blatantly deny that anyone goes to hell. Do we know better than God is God's justice? Not just are we not called to trust God completely and trust that he knows what he is doing. The people and Noah's day did not trust and look what happened to him. Speaker 0 54:44 Lot's wife did not trust and look what happened to her. Now we see even the priests in the religious mocking FATTOM ignoring fat in different to Fatima. So our lady came to Rome and repeated the miracle over and over and over again, even insuring that it will be filmed and broadcast on television. Our lady did miracle after miracle after miracle and still the clergy and the people remain indifferent. And yet in spite of all this rejection and difference, our lady lady still came to a ramp, still came to give mankind a last minute warning, still came to give one more warning and yeah, the clergy and the people remain in differ. They don't believe, they don't want to believe, they want, don't want to be bothered, and they just brush off these easily verifiable historical events backed up by so many witnesses. Are we paying attention to the signs that are so evident and so plain? Are we like men without eyes to see your minds, to think? Are we paying any attention to the warnings that God has given us? Repent, believe, consequent yourself to our lady live the message of FADIMA and stay very, very close to her. Time is running out. It's running out.

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