St. Francis de Sales

January 29, 2018 00:04:03
St. Francis de Sales
Veritas Caritas
St. Francis de Sales

Jan 29 2018 | 00:04:03


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 Pavin Maria Priscilla and the name of the father and son, the Holy spirit. Amen. It's the face to the great doc for the church st. Francis to sail. His dad was a, was a soldier. You sent Francis off to education in Paris. And, uh, while he was there, he had to learn how to fence and how to dance and ride. Like he said, he studied may things for the sake of this pilot. And he said, study theology, resiliency, uh, after you became a lawyer and, uh, ultimately became a priest, but it was going to take some challenge with his dad. But one of, I think it was one of his, one of his relatives that did some negotiations for him. And he had interesting incidents cause he got bucked off three times and his sword to scaffold land in a perfect cross. You know, he's riding from one place to another. Speaker 0 00:00:49 It keeps happening like that. And then they land right on top each other on the ground. So he told his dad, look, this is like a sign knock and all that. So his dad was a pious Catholic said, all right. And he becomes a priest. He gets set up on the missions. The Calvinist around Geneva was in France <inaudible> but you had, this is the 16th century. And you had this disaster in the whole area where he was sent, there were less than a hundred caplets. And it was such a condition that on the first Ash Wednesday, he had to flee his own car because they thought it was some kind of superstition he was trying to put on him. So these are still the practical. Okay. Yeah. But they've been so infected with Calvinism that they don't want anything to do with ashes or any of this weird superstition. Speaker 0 00:01:30 So yeah, a lot to do. But by the time it was all said and done over a period of some years, working mostly by himself, he ended up writing pamphlets and slide them under people's doors, post them different places and all that. Those are not published. That's the Catholic controversy, but he brought 72,000 of them to the faith. So he converted 72,000. He gets appointed to be the Bishop of Geneva, but you couldn't live there. Uh, so he had to live in France, even though he's the Bishop of Geneva, his younger brother ends up being as COAG at Turner. There's one of it. It gives you kind of idea of his character. Cause he told his younger brother, there's one really lucky, uh, woman in the world and his brother, his younger brother says, well, who's that? And he says, the one that didn't marry you. Speaker 0 00:02:11 Um, so his younger brother was a, uh, a bit more of a personality than st. Francis st. Francis sales had terrible trouble with his temper when he was young, but he's known as one of the makers because priest, in fact, he will be amazed to be meet with people with his perfect calm, smile on his face, but thought was good on the bottom of the desk, just scratch and scratch and trying to do it. It took them a long time, I think about 20 years to get his temper in order. So he's a good one. If you struggle with your temper to pray, to, for help with that. Cause he certainly had to struggle with that himself. He, uh, he got the visitation, uh, uh, congregation going. He's a fonder along with st. Jane de Shantelle. In fact, both their hearts are incorrupt. They had a spiritual relationship. Speaker 0 00:02:56 He said that she understood his heart perfectly and all very beautiful letters, but uh, both their hearts are in corrupt in his heart, occasionally bleeds. And so, and he died in 1622 wrote a lot of different works. That's why he's a doctor of the church, the Catholic controversies in terms of like explaining things to Protestants are the most practical in that way. The one that everybody should probably have that serious about holiness is this introduction to the devout life. It's in print, all kinds of additions. It's a fantastic Wesley is to carry it around the fonder of the Methodist. It's an unbelievably good book introduction to the devil like we're st. Francis to sales is really describing how to become a Saint. So here's the same giving instructions on how to become a Saint. So I'd recommend that without any qualifications, to everybody introduction to the devout life by st. Francis the sales. Anyway, that's just a few remarks on st. Francis to sales, pray to him today that you really could be filled with desire to become a Saint and a great, so.

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