The End Times (part 1)

January 05, 2003 00:23:06
The End Times (part 1)
Veritas Caritas
The End Times (part 1)

Jan 05 2003 | 00:23:06


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Speaker 0 00:03 Of all of the bullying in that word word, but don't let that lead you away from the source of truth. My job at the pre tell you keep away from false separation. Keep away from the air fundamental. Do not read anything about the rapture. <inaudible> pathology or rein, do not read. It's called field references. Fiber could not read any seventh Adventists literature. Do not read any hell Lindsay books touches the Lake Creek plant or say is alive and well and living on her or what have you. Do not read the left behind book. Do not go to the left behind movie. Do not listen to dispensational preachers or other TV and radio preachers and if you have any of that kind of stuff at home, you said you're with STO. If you don't have a wood stove, so garbage. That's where it belong. Number two, obviously the end of the world is an exciting and a frightening topic to say the least of a point. Anybody gets excited. Remember, we always had to keep mine. God knows everything he knows from all eternity. Exactly when he was going to have every person live. He knows exactly what he's doing and no matter when he chose to have someone live, he gets that person all the graces they need to become a Saint at that exact time in the history of the world. We need to remember that the most important thing is not when in history we live, but how we die. Speaker 0 01:42 Most important thing, the very most important thing is to die in the state of gray. Okay? That's the one thing that finally, really matters. Third point, the church teaches that prophecy is only completely under fulfillment. What does that mean? It means that in general, all the parts with the C are not completely clear until after the event had come to and then then he looked back and say, Oh yeah, that makes total sense, but given that God gives us prob, and nowadays there's so many confusing and wrong idea and bloating, especially about the end time Cropsey how is it that we're supposed to stay on the right track? Look, our Lord knew we'd have problems and confusion. So he established a teaching church and sent down the Holy spirit to guide it as he promised to the end of the world. And God who disposes all things sweetly has periodically raved up extraordinary teachers to guide. Speaker 0 02:51 There are 33 of them in total. These teachers are renowned for their holiness, no right importance in orthodoxy up there writing, and they'd been officially recognized as the church as doctors. That means that they're officially approved teachers of the fig. So they're safe guide to Lita to the thorny theological ticket tickets, like 10 time prophecy. So to stay inside the boundaries beside the brief introduction, taken from the work of the great dr Cena guts. And today we're raw almost completely on the work of one doctor, a great Jesuit with a photographic mammary Saint Robert Bellah who summarized the key gene or the fathers and doctors with respect, especially to run extremely poor boarding aspect because in time he wrote a whole book about that. And then it seemed that the man of sin, Bana crux will rely on that work today. But believe me, we're only going to skim over the surface of what Cardinal Belamine wrote about. Speaker 0 04:04 All that. Just by way of introduction, according to the KD or the fathers, Jeff did a week, had six day followed by a day of rest. So also the history of the world has six. Eight is followed by the eternal heavenly rest of the same and it's work on a catechizing of the uninsured truck at Santa guts and gives a brief summary of the teaching you that fathers with respect to the six stages of the world. As he points out, the first stage of the world went from Adam until no, the second aid of the raw world began at the ending of the grape rod until Abraham, who was the seed to guts to notes the father of all nations, which follow his example of Fe or from his own, but he was the father. That you are the one people among all the nation that worshiped the true God. Speaker 0 05:08 The third age of the world extend from Abraham to King David support dated the world from King David, the Babylonian captivity, the first day in the world from the Babylonian captivity to the advent of our Lord Jesus Christ. And with the coming of our Lord, we are now in its sixth and final age of the world, which will laugh until our Lord's second coming on the last day judgment day. So again in the world in a nutshell, the first day out under the fraud, the second aid blood to Abraham, the third age, Abraham to King David, the fourth age King David to the Babylonian captivity, the fifth age, the Babylonian captivity to Christ coming the six days first till last judgment. And then that's the end of time. Speaker 0 06:03 I wouldn't say the world had two basic divisions and understand them. We have to keep firmly in mind that before Christ, the Lord came, only the Jews had the true religion. Only the Jews worshiped the true God. Only the Jews had the true priesthood or did you hear the fact by man or by God? Only the Jews had the two temple, which was in Jerusalem. Okay. Only the Jews who the true God and all the Jews worship the true God. You know, the Jews knew the true pay. No one else, so no one else knew the true God. Who were our ancestors worshiping for those of us, they're not descended from the Jews inspired word of God. Get the answers. Song 95 five words today, all the God, the Gentile or devil, Oh, the prophets pointed out that during the first part of the sixth stage of the world, the messianic age in which we live, the pagan nations would give up. Speaker 0 07:06 It's still worship and come to worship the true God, the pagan nations would give up their paganism and become Catherine, but then during the second part of the sixth stage of the world, according to prophecy, but Gentiles will reject the truth of God and turn back to paganism. So there's two basic divisions in the sixth stage of the world. They're coming into the Gentiles and they're going out of the Gentile. Now, before we get into any more details, we might wonder where we are in the sixth stage of the world. Are we in the first part with the pagan nations leaving idolatry and worshiping the true God? Are we in the second part with the chat? Tell nations leaving the worship of the true God that is rejecting Catholicism. Now, turning back to pagan and to ask this question is to answer it. Speaker 0 08:02 The other word for the second part of the six, eight year old is then times what are the times they end time? St Robert Bellarmine gets six. Absolutely certain signs besides the coming of that I cried can sell to these times. Proceed anti cry to accompany him and to follow upon his rule. First, we'll look at this list and then we'll take a closer look at these signs as well as the man of sin. According to Saint Robert Bellarmine, the two signs which are perceived anti Christ, the gospel must be preached in the whole world. The Roman empire power must be terminated. The two signs which accompany that to Christ, the preaching of Enoch and Elias, Elijah, the Savage persecution and the ending of all public maps. Two signs which follow upon the rule of anti-Christ, the destruction anti-Christ, and the end of the world. Now, let's begin by taking a closer look at the sign to signs did proceed that I Christ the first time that God wants to be preached in the whole world. Speaker 0 09:22 The Lord said that Matthew 24 14 and it's gospel. The kingdom shall be preached in the whole world, but testimony tall nation and then shall the consummation come. Second of the time that preachy, the anti Christ, the Roman empire must be terminated. What is that? Supposedly hasn't the Roman empire been gone for about a zillion years? Well, this is a perfect example of why we need tradition. This is a certain conclusion based in Holy scripture or we can only understand it from tradition. Correct. We'll look at where the idea that terminates, the Roman par comes from. Then we'll take a look at what precisely at me in so far as we can see that Cardinal Pell or main here it's summarized and the Kikuyu, the father with respect to Daniel, the book of the prophet Daniel chapter two and seven, the apocalypse chapter 17 and second fifth thrown into chapter two. We're not going to go in in any detail for the sake of time. We'll take a look at that mysterious path. It's referring to the antichrist in second Thessalonians chapter two I will read a short version. Speaker 0 10:40 We defeat you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He be not easily clarified as if the day of the Lord were at hand, but no man to CD by any means for their mind, thirst come a revolt for the man of sand to be revealed as Senate prediction. Remember you, not that when I was with you, I told you these things and now you know what withholding, but he may be revealed in time for the myth given equity already work, only he who now holds it do hole until he be taken out of the way. Close quote the Holy spirit. There must come a revolt for the man of 10 degree veal. You know what would hold it now hold it doable to be taken out of the way. What does that mean? Back back to the one religion and one political revolt that much is the religion. Speaker 0 11:36 It's also known as the great apostasy, which is the math of turning away of Gentile people from the two Fe of banning Catholicism and turning back to paganism. That's the religious aspect of what st Paul is saying here. The political aspect is this mysterious something which is withholding the advent of the anti-car. What is your father tell us it's the power of the Roman empire, which is blocking the comment. So what does that mean? It would be a topic of sermons. Sermon 50 covers one topic. You said we'll take a look at three points from the fathers and we'll time together her kitchen path and we know in the book of the prophet Daniel, Daniel sees the vision in chapter seven and he sees a B with 10 horns and then there's a little horn that rises up. He can read more about that at home. Speaker 0 12:33 Heard by st Jerome, dr the church. Comments on his vision, we must say what has been handed down to us by all ecclesiastical writers, but in the end of the world when the Roman empire could be destroyed, there'll be 10 Kings to divide the Roman territory between them. Man, on the 11th we'll ride up a small King who is subdue three to 10 and their Potter, the submission of the other seven closed court, st Jerome. It's small King at the ad. I cry. So the first point is that all the father's state, at the end of the world, there'll be 10 Kings of that Roman territory. An addict cry for rides up and destroy the Roman empire. Speaker 0 13:19 Second point that hit the ride at the Rome explicitly stay, but the 10 States which will appear all other kingdoms and ruled by Kings shall also be democracy. Third coin, Cardinal Bellamy quotes bank can't. It explains exactly what the final destruction of our own empire means. Quote the Roman power, which now rules the world in my mind shuttered with pride to say, but I'm speaking of things in the future shall be taken from the earth and the power to rule shall be returned to Asia and once again the orients shoved, dominate and the West shelf. Sir, quote, quote, that's Kyle. These points together. What are the fathers saying here? They're saying that the antichrist being restrained, seizing power by the Roman empire, which have to be understood prophetically as being the remaining areas of the empire which remain under Western rule. The Roman empire will laugh until the greatest pot to see. Speaker 0 14:21 I reject the truth. They buy, they can't call nation. During this time there will be 10 K's really end democracy and what you see the Roman empire and then in 11 King will rise up except dude, three of those 10K and other seven with submit to him. The power of the Roman empire will disappear once the West could subject to the East and the power ships over to Asia. We will soon see that the is located the precise location in Asia to which fifth will be that the kid did it prophecy, which basically leaves us in a more luminous dark. Remember that prophecy is only understood completely and it's fulfillment. There was the two signs which proceed, Anik Christ. Next week we'll be getting down and the two times that we're accompanying and so forth. Oh, before we do that, we'll take an extremely brief look at the what Saint Robert had summarized about the man of sin, anti Christ. Saint Robert said, the antichrist is one man according to scripture and all the fathers. Speaker 0 15:25 He States that there are two most certain facts about him is principally coming for the Jews and will be received by them as the Messiah. Secondly, he will be born of Jewish doc and circumcised and observed the Sabbath at least for a time that the Lord stated the Jews, you have rejected me, but another will come in its own name and him. He will not reject. Say Robert, off the points out of fear for seminary, sanitary, just as Christ birth came to the news to whom he would comment in by whom he was expected. And then later he joined the cat cow tuned cell. So also the antichrist, but first come to the cues by whom he is expected. And then later one after another, he was subject all the Chan call nations to himself. He Robert points out the Dan Christ is not the devil incarnate. Only God can take on another nature. Speaker 0 16:23 The devil has an angelic nature so he can't become incarnate. He can only possess a man named Robert. His quote, he will be the most perfect instrument of the devil in him. The bodily expression of all Pasco diabolical. Malheur just sit and cry. Federal award with the bodily perfection of all divine goodness, coach, quote Saint Robert and the terms of his name. We all know that the number of his name, it's sick, sick, sick Saint Robert st Aira and air the positive church at great length on its point. And your ne was taught by faint Polycarp and Saint Polycarp was a disciple of John the apostle in some it name is the secret Hep by God until the antichrist ride. Since he isn't worthy to have his name pre-announced by heaven. Saint John the apostle explicitly warn that no one attempt to get its name from the number. Why? Speaker 0 17:25 Because those who do this, there'll be easily to see by him when he arrived under his own name, they will not be on their guard against him as to the feet of the anti cry. Where will he rule? St Paul wrote that the anti cry could KCC and the camp love God claiming himself to be God. What is meant here? Saint Robert Bellarmine gets two possibilities. Curd has that great doctor st John States quote, he shall sit in a temple of God, either Jerusalem at sound thing or in the church if he's more truly thought, Oh, it's court correct comedian quote. He did not fit a camp full of Jews from the church of Cod. Costco, other choice Jerusalem, Saint Robert stated quote. Nevertheless, the true opinion is that the antichrist shall rule from Jerusalem, not from Rome, from the camp with Solomon and the throne of David, not the template. Speaker 0 18:32 St Peter, an app, a stoic sea call is called Saint Robert came Robert's deport the document using both scripture and tradition showing the 55 the more common teaching of the fathers even showing that elsewhere changes home has written of anti Christ being in Jerusalem. He asked and Andrew had in detail that discussion a black pants is we've already seen you remember that during the time of the anti-Christ, it's a creamer or a path over to Asia and the orient will dominate. Well, the West could in servitude Saint Robert complete that thought shine. The light can't get clear. State which part of Asia the King shall rule and that Syria, I remembered that the ancient Latin terminology even tells the part of Syria, but this man will rule from <inaudible>. Speaker 0 19:25 See Robert <inaudible> discuss the doctrine to the anti Christ. He points out there are four major principles here for he will deny that Jesus is the Christ. Therefore, who attack everything our favor instituted such as baptism, confirmation, the priesthood, et cetera. He shall cage put the Jewish law such a circumstance and keeping the Sabbath and North ancient ceremonies have not see but still have for second, he will assert himself to be the true cry comma in the law and prophets. Another will come in his own name, third new, a promise in of self to be God and he wished to be worshiped as God. Finally, he proclaimed that not only is he God, but he's also the only guy I know attack all of the guys, both the true God and all false gods, even idols. Okay, next week we'll finish that brief book the man of sin and we'll pick up where we left off with. Speaker 0 20:20 It's six absolutely certain signs. The end of the world that's tribute quick in the history of the world can be broken and fixate the birthday Avenue, the front second aid, but the Abraham third day, Abraham to King David Portage can gave it a Babylonian captivity. Fifth age bap, backflow and Keith night, six days, Christmas, the first Christmas cause the second coming and it's stand a tie. They seen a two basic divisions and the six stage of the world. I can't tell him coming into the Catholic church, they didn't tell it. Going back out of the Catholic church, we've seen her fix absolutely certain signs. They ended the world perceived the annex antichrist. The gospel must be preached. The whole world and the power of the Roman empire must be curating the two times which will a company that be preaching and that would be a Savage persecution in the ending of all public. Speaker 0 21:09 Now to sign to follow upon the Rube and I cry and distraction and the world. We took a brief look at the meaning or the end of the Roman empire and sought manta and the end of the world I cry could be stained proceeding power by the presence of the Roman empire, the Roman empire will Africans come circumstance until the great apostasy, which is the rejection of the truth. Faith by the Chantelle nation. Okay. In this kind of be Ken King, he's really intend democracy and what used to be the Roman empire on 11th chemo rides up step two to three that Ken King, another seven will submit to him. The part of the Roman empire will disappear and the power will shift a specifically cause you ruined your limb. Quit taking a close look at this foreboding Nan kind of perdition. He'll be Jewish at 70 Jewish quad at the base for awhile will not be the devil incarnate, but he will be possessed in the most perfect bodily instrument of say, although the number of its name is six 66 where I explicitly forbid you from guessing who he might be using this number in order to avoid wanting up to one of his followers. Speaker 0 22:15 You were ruled the world from Jerusalem. He will deny that Jesus is the Christ and it's true. Jewish was hippo claiming stuff to be Christ in God, to band, to be worshiped. It's such an attack. All of the gods, even the true God, why am I preaching on all this and occurred? It ended with surgical year, and so the church you're in, net wisdom is play the topic before it's part of our faith. So it's my duty to teach a kid. We're not studying this to be sensational. We live in a time when there's so much radical nod and Sandra Ignatian spewing out of every kind of media outlet that we have to look at it. It's slightly more than we might otherwise. Dude, during the operatory today, place yourself on a hose and in the wine, and they could special intention to grow in holiness and to keep the Holy day in a time of this across.

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