St. John Bosco

January 31, 2018 00:07:15
St. John Bosco
Veritas Caritas
St. John Bosco

Jan 31 2018 | 00:07:15


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 I'm Maria. Chrisma the name of the father, the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. It's the face of the great Saint, the Saint John Bosco. And it's hard to do a Perino about him because you want to say everything. He was born in 18, 15, died in 1888. He's a protege of Saint Joseph, a fossil. You'll see, when you read the lives of saints, they all know other saints too. At any rate, he's an amazing miracle worker. He had the gift of being able to read people's hearts, his gift of prophecy. If you haven't read any of his dreams, I really recommend picking up a book they're readily available. Those kinds of things you offer prophetic dreams. You tell the story to his boys. He could buy locate one, one occasion. Uh, one of the members of his community. They had a school in Spain and, uh, I don't remember the name of the Spanish priest, but he's woken up at night cause st. Speaker 0 00:00:57 Joe, John Bosco was there in his room and talk to him about something. And then he came back again and uh, and showed him there, standing there and he shot him up vision. Do they sell for the boys? He said, well, this one, you just have to chastise and tell it to be more proven in the future. These three have to be kicked out without mercy, kick them up and disappear. And so the Spanish priest run this school. It's kind of wondering, should I act on this or not? He receives a letter later that week in the mail from the secondary st. John Boston said the priest sent a part of Bosco, wants to know if you've kicked these boys out yet, if you've acted on his instructions. So he's read that he's still kinda dilly dallying about the whole thing. And he goes into st. Speaker 0 00:01:37 Mass. And when he says in Troy, but at all target date, here's this voice saying, you get this done, or this will be your last mass. So that day he decided he'd call the guys in. And it was just as it had been, it showed them in the vision. And what was even more remarkable to them is each one of the boys, uh, adopted the, he had seen him in, in the vision when he's talking to them, they all of a sudden their posture and all that. Anyway, just a typical thing for st. John Bosco, the bylaw Katie, at one point in time, they're all there's. The masons are trying to kill him constantly. There's all these plots against him. They shoot at him and miss him. There'd be this big, giant Alsatian dog named Don John boss called Grygiel, who would appear at all kinds of different times to run off people that are trying to threaten him. Speaker 0 00:02:23 So you have that. And it doesn't seem to be normal dog cause it won't eat anything. And it's around for like decades, you know, way longer than a dog can live. Surprise some angel assuming a form to protect him. Anyway, I better, I bet I'll just tell you one about it. And he raised people from the dead and I'll just read one story there on that. We'll call it good cause otherwise I'm going to go on too long. So one of the most extraordinary, most disgusting events that Don Boston's life took place when a 15 year old boy named Charles lived in Turin, who attended the oratory, fell ill and was about to die. The doctor informed his mother and she in turn her son to see a priest call Don Bosco, Charles big. Unfortunately he was out of town and the boy's heart really broke. Speaker 0 00:03:06 When he heard that Don Bosco could not come. The parents didn't call then another priest who wants to hurt the boys confession. But Charles still kept calling for Don Bosco. When Don Bosco returned it to read and heard what had happened, he had set out at once to see the boy, how is he asked to serve it dead? This 10 or 11 hours, the boys not dead. Don Bosco said, he's just asleep. Don Bosco said the servant patiently. Everybody in the house is convinced. He is dead. That includes the doctor. Who's already signed the death certificate. Just a misunderstanding, insisted Don Bosco saying that it was useless to argue. The service brought him to the living room where he met the stricken parents. My little Charles kept calling for you before he went to heaven and said, the mother in tears take me to him. Speaker 0 00:03:53 The mother led him into the sick room and he walked up to the bed, which was surrounded by relatives. Also in tears, the boy was dressed for burial. That is, he been sown in an old bed sheet and a white veil covered his face. Would you please leave us for a moment? Don Bosco asked those gathered in the room, his mother and aunt, and they stay. When the mortars left, he closed the door and sides fell in the room for a moment. His lips moved in prayer. Then to this Donesh where the two women, he suddenly cried out. Charles rise. The mother and aunt looked at him in amazement and an instant later trembled when they saw it, the body began to move. Don Bosco did another strange thing. He put out the lamp, which stood near the bed. It seasoned the bed sheet with both hands, with a sharp pole, torque from the body. Speaker 0 00:04:37 Next. He plucked away the veil long, drawn outside, issued from Charles lips. As if awakening from a deep sleep. He stirred opened his eyes and stared at his mother. Why did you dress me like this? He said, seen Don Bosco. His eyes lit up. Don Bosco cried. He was excited. He sat up high, waited for you. How I needed you. God has granted me a great favor. Sending me to San Diego to me even now. I'm only here for you. My son to Don Bosco father, I should now be in hell. Yes, the boy. Two weeks ago, I was with a bad command companion who led me into sin. Now my last confession, I was afraid to tell everything I've just come out of a horrible dream. I dreamt that I was standing on the head of a huge furnace, surrounded by a hoard of devils. Speaker 0 00:05:27 They were about to throw me into the flame. When a beautiful lady appeared and stopped them. There's still hope for your child. She told me you have not yet been judged at that moment. I heard you calling me. Oh, Don Bosco. What a joy to see you again. Will you please hear my confession? Well, Don Bosco was hearing the boys confession, the mother and aunt left the room in a daze, calling the routers and friends together. And then describe what they had. Witness the house buzzing with excitement. Mama cried, call out Charles loud enough for everyone in the house to hear Don Bosco was saved me. The door opened in the mourners poured in, asked to see for themselves. What had happened. Charles had been dead was now very much alive, was telling everyone how in his dream he had heard the voice of Don Bosco and awakened to find himself dressed for burial in the midst of all this excitement. Only a few of the more observant mortars noticed one amazing detail. Charles body was still definitely Cole amidst all this hubbub. Don Bosco finally raised his hand for silence. My good people. He said, God has been kind to us all of us today by showing us the importance of a good confession. He turned to the boy, Charles, not at the Gates of heaven, lie wide open for you. Would you rather go there or stay here with us? Speaker 0 00:06:44 The boy looked away for a moment. His eyes were moist with tears and expectant. Hush fell over the room, Don Bosco. He said at last I'd rather go to heaven, almost disbelieving. What was happening before them in broad daylight. The mortar is Watson. Amazing is Charles lean back on the pillow, closed his eyes and settle once more in this stillness of death.

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