The Solemn High Mass

January 08, 2003 00:18:36
The Solemn High Mass
Veritas Caritas
The Solemn High Mass

Jan 08 2003 | 00:18:36


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:02 the concert Trent command, you have the carriage or Capri quickly explain some of the myths trees, the Holy sacrifice for the man. So this morning we'll take a quick look at a few things. First, the fundamental liturgical principle that a principle that I knew alive, the celebration of mass, and then finally some aspects of the song by now, the most basic with critical print for that, we need to remember if there are, what we do in here determines what goes on out there in the world. What we doing here determines what goes on out there. The most divine thing we can participate in this side of heaven. It's a sacred liturgy. During the Holy sacrifice, the mass, the floodgates of heaven open up, all the grades has come pouring down off the altar to the congregation crossed all creation crossed off things visible and invisible. Speaker 1 01:07 It's something to think about this spring when you hear the video instead of the spirit is made of format. This is the most important thing in the universe. When things are properly done, our liturgy raises earth top towards the level of heaven and it reorders and fixes the damage done by Adam and it descendants. It called grace down on each one of us here on all the living and the dead throughout the church. It's pretty soul from purgatory to creating heaven. It converts centers. It stomped the devils right back into hell. What we do here determines what goes on out there, right here on the great threshold to heaven. And that's what an Altria, it's a threshold of heaven. It's the very chill cabinet. And here at the Holy site, it's God's design. This is where we learn who God is, who we really are. We're the church, but the priesthood is what men really are. Speaker 1 02:18 What Rehmann worry on because it's pro the power actually supposed to be. That's how God set up reality. What we do in here determines what goes on out there, and the enemy knows that. That's why he hates, and especially members who mystical body of Satan, like the statements do their liturgy, their incantations, they're spelled in action to raid hell, to literally increase the sin, chaos and disorder in the world to free the demon to Raul, God seeking him, make him devour liturgy controlled reality, and we're at war and the enemy hasn't forgotten that, but have we, can we really get serious to the fact that we're in the church military, you're only tent. That's the church at war. We're at war. What we do in here determines what goes on out there and yet so many Catholics are lackadaisical about getting demands. You think a devil worshiper is going to blow off his weird ceremony around the time of with, Oh well we'll be back next year, not Hartley, but how many Catholic who grew up coming to the voice sacrifice the map so they can get to a game or do some of it push thing and then they complain that the world's going to hell or get a crew. Speaker 1 03:49 What we do in here determines what's going on out there. Okay. Let's talk a little bit. I brought another principle. Why did Christ, this gal, she's church for the glory of God, the salvation of souls. That's supposed to be our basic operating principle. So it's take a minute to look at that and we can see a principle that underlies the celebration of math. It doesn't seem to be clearly understood by rotted about Catholic as a theologian by Nicholas Kier noted over a century. Go quote on a part of church, the high mouse only saw has greater value and efficacy when merely a matters at a high map. The external display is richer and more brilliant because of the romance and God is more glorified, thereby grander and more. Som celebration for the sacrifice is more acceptable to Gar and therefore better calculated to prevail upon him, to ground us in his mercy, but favors which we implore those quote high mass saw me celebrate, has greater about an efficacy than merely alone. That God is no CRA, thereby it's more acceptable to God. What is, what are we saying? Speaker 1 05:18 Expecting something to Roderick. Get rise under it. We're here to give greater honor and glory. We've got the greater extradural Cory we give to him, the more he's going to reward us with grace and that's true most particularly in this more som hour event for divine liturgy. If we get more glory and honor to him, they'll give us more grades so it's still all other things being equal. We ought to celebrate Tom Matthews whenever we can. Since that way we come up perfectly express our commitment to live for the glory. God said that's not always possible. That's not even reasonable. We understand that, but the basic principle here is no matter what we do, who want to give them that or the God is saying or sung, fed or snowed, that's consequences with respect. All kinds of things to art, the architecture, the vestments, the vessels and your clothing and your behavior, how you become an ass has consequences on the credits received in the rooms. There's a corollary, but do you suppose for sloppy about how we started wrecking their ministers at the tall but quick cut corner? What if instead of following instructions in the missile, I decided to do my own little workshop and so use grace. Speaker 1 06:47 Wait a minute. You're the faithful. Are you saying that the guy from the sanctuary who is doing the ceremonies can mess things up and now will have consequences and all the faithful and you'll get rest? Coach, we understand that. That's exactly what we're saying. That may seem horrible or not fair, but that's reality. What we do in here determines what goes on out there. Make a comparison. If your parents are keeping a good Catholic home, if you're not seeing the daily rotary Keon according to the rules, what your children get yelled less crazy, absolutely will. There's no question that's not horrible and that's not unfair. When God with the people in charge be responsible if they don't do their duty. Everyone below shoppers, and this is a reason why we're all seriously obligated before God to pray pro eaters and Politico, but they do their duty before God because we all week and we're all sinners. Speaker 1 07:50 Every one of us, we don't have to look any part of their own hearts to see how bad each one of us are. The situation of course, is more serious for Preak. Why is that? Because priest had been chosen by God to stand in the gap, to be the official mediators, a go between between God and man and take their job is more serious. Since they offered official sacrifice for living in bread, they have to do their duty as perfectly as possible. Again, it goes back to that first principle. What we do in here determines what goes on out there in the world. Since we offer the only check price, the last that means among other things, we must follow the rubric carefully as possible. The rubric or the name for the rules on how math is to be said. I'm supposed to be working how my hands are supposed to be held, how wide a voice I need to be using at any particular time and so forth. Speaker 1 08:46 This is so serious and so on. The duty for the proof but the doctor moral theology, 10 Alphonsus, the groin peaches quote, the rubrics or the maps are serious commands and the O'Brien's so strong that they indeed they oblige the preached under the pain of mortal soon except provide matters close quote. The rubrics for the mass bind me under the pain of mortal sin except for like matters. So if I'm up there goofing around or changing anything deliberately, I'm in big trouble. That made sound for cry, but it's easy to understand. We don't decide what cleaners got it. The little red letters tell me to hold my hand for like this room like this. That's what God wants me to do. It's just playing flat, cut and dry. I'm not in charge. I'm not going to have a better idea. God doesn't need my advice. Speaker 1 09:39 He didn't forget anything. He already knows everything and he doesn't need me to remind him of anything. But you cut and dry. I have to do my duty, but to put some current events and a little clear focus, then all the scandalous behavior who might've been reading in the papers is not great compared to the <inaudible> liturgical abuse. Why is that? Because it's evil. These offenses are, and we're not saying they're not evil, they're not direct insult offered directly to God in the official sacrifice rendered onto him. What we do in here determines what goes on out there. There's a line where energy is the most important thing in the universe. It's not a place for my personal good ideas. Okay. By the way, to get this trade, we've seen it. The purpose that church is to give glory to God and save, so if everything else the same, we should celebrate max with the greatest salinity possible. Speaker 1 10:43 Why? Because it gives it more external glory to God. He finds that more pleasing, more gracious and we've seen that you as the creator bound under the pain, a modus and tore up to observe the rubric and if he has a pretty strict goofing around, we get last grapes. That's correct. All right. Now that we have some idea of why we're doing these song math, it might become nice to have some idea of what's going on with all these guys wandering around up here. Why are there three guys? What's the significance of the three guys? Why do we sit during the Pushkin and put on a little hat? Why did the one guy which you're seeing while here cube a big piece of crop in front of his eyes turned the whole candidate? At the mass. Now I'm going to give one answer to that. Speaker 1 11:28 You had a time to each one of those, but I want to tell you that this isn't going to be complete because we could talk for a month. Then his question first. What's the mystical significance of the three minutes church? The priest is Jackie persona Christi. That's a Latin phrase, which means I'm acting in the person of Christ at the altar. It means during the Holy sacrifice, the maps I symbolized Christ did. He uses me to sell up to the eternal father. The next guy down at the deacon deacon launch way, he's take a prize, the Catholic church and the Gentile nations, the guy in the bottom step, which we're happy to have here today on John Trausch is the subject he signified the Jewish church and the Jewish nation, so cry Gentiles. Cute. Okay. Why don't we sit down during the pistol as you saw there a while ago when mr Trausch was saying the Pisco, why do we sit down and put on a little hat what hats are called bread? Speaker 1 12:31 Why we sit down and cover our heads when the sub Deaconess is singing the pisser. Remember liturgically speaking, we're not talking about exactly an accomplice, but liturgically speaking alter faces each day. So that means that side we're turgidly is softness side liturgically nor South side is that Jewish. Uh, except deacon symbolizes the Jews. So he sings the epistle from the South side. The Jews knew the true God. He rubbed them. And out of all the nations in the world, all the nations just had it from Noah. He chose them. God considered them to be his eldest son. He sent Moses to tell Pharaoh, Israel is my eldest son. Let my people go. She got rubbed them as an elder son. He chose him for his own people. He chose to send his son, his only begotten son to become incarnate as one of them as it's you. Speaker 1 13:23 And yet as we see time and time and again the scriptures, they couldn't be bothered with Christ saving message. So we sit down and cover our heads, symbolize the Jewish response to a Creek here, the gospel. They sit on move by the setting that Chicago and their heads remain covered. In fact, Jewish men traditionally Craig with their head to colored with a prayer veil, which mr, please take the price. The myth trees of redemption have not yet been unveiled to them, their minds, the main darken or the supernatural truth of salvation. Why do we stand and take off our brothers during the gospel? The Catholic church is made up in a chant column. Nation North is the direction, the jam combination for nation to the North. Those are the prodigal sons, the Gentiles, the pagan people. Danny showed the eagerness for the pagan nations to app going to say the message of the gospel. Speaker 1 14:15 In contrast to the Jews who had the true religion and were uninterrupted, they had to uncover to show that the mystery of redemption have now been revealed and the headship lost and Adam has now been restored in Christ. Okay, father, but if preceptee can symbolizes, could use God to eldest son, why is he in second place instead of first place when the three sacred ministers line up on the alter for the most part that you didn't respond? Cause I say Metro <inaudible> house, the nations have taken the place of the first born son, which is signified by the deacon. Be honest up at the second sub deacon is now the second place which is the Gentiles place. The Catholic church has taking the place, the Jewish church. The reason why they accept deacons on a real level is he was first shall be last. All right, but why would we keep this crop and a string that which you'll see here shortly after the Creek. Speaker 1 15:11 We can easily see why the sub deacon keeps the humeral veil in front of his eyes during the whole Canon of the map. As we've learned recently until the preacher, prophet Elias, at the end of the world, the Jews were fused to join the Kantar brothers and will remain outside the Catholic church. Until then, the trees are wholly related and will be bailed to the understanding which equals symbolically portray by holding the veil in front of his eyes during the Canon of the mass. Of course, at the end of the world, we know <inaudible> finally claimed their inheritance, which is symbolically portrayed after the Canada mass. When a sub deacon finally takes off prevail, it's a deacon in a Creek, the distribution to communion. Then he'll receive the blessing on exactly the same level as the deacon and finally he'll hold up the last gospel at the very end of the mass. Speaker 1 16:04 This is one of the mystical significance, but don't think that exhausted off the top of my head standing here. I couldn't think of the significant tests do with Noah, but a second coming with the Pope without a yapper. There's a, there's a whole layers of meaning and each one of these action that's cherished for the three people, it's now other stuff going on. Okay, let's review God set up reality so that what we do in here determines what goes on out in their rhetoric. He controls reality. We've seen the purpose of that church 50 of glory to God saved souls and given a choice, we should always saw the divine liturgy with the North limit 10 series possible. Why? Because it gives more external quality God and external quality that God is more pleaded to him. The reward. A twin pillow Reuters with more grace. Speaker 1 16:51 We've seen it. A priest is bound by the rubric to paint a mortal sin, but he goes around and costs everybody grace. We've seen a few details about the song that the Creek stands for Christ, the beacon for the Gentiles in the Catholic church except eight concurrent views and the Jewish church. We've seen the deacon standing about his Saturday contemporizes the Gentiles receiving in her the Christ came to preach to the Jews. We've seen it. The bailing of the deacon XY going to Canada. Math mystically symbolizes the rejection of a saving truth to Catholicism, to and of the world. Let's end with a few reflections for ourselves. Remembering that what we do in here determines what goes on out there after. So when we come to mouth, are we trusting properly and behaving in a referent manner or preparing our souls by good sacramental confessions? Speaker 1 17:46 Are we uniting ourselves with the Holy shocker before the Gates opened up and all the grace come down? Are we thanking God for all the gifts of nature and grace? He's poured down upon us all. We adoring it because it's infinitely good and worthy abroad, right? We make the reparation for us and <inaudible> our world already African for the grave cause we need, can he come only are we praying for those who are most bound to pray for? Are those most in need of our prayers? Are we asking God to make our leaders Holy? Remember that what we do in here determines what goes on out there. Homero you can see without sin. Pray for us. Whoever e-course to me.

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