St. Lucy

December 13, 2017 00:03:18
St. Lucy
Veritas Caritas
St. Lucy

Dec 13 2017 | 00:03:18


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 I'm Maria Prisma and the name of the Plaza and the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. While we just told the story of Saint Lucy in some detail on Sunday, great version, martyr, Syracuse, and Cecily, who, uh, is delighted by her would be a fiancee, delayed it to the authorities during the persecution of Diocletian. And, uh, during the course of, of the judgment, the judge got various Sater and decided to send her to Lupin Aria, which is a, a hostile Ville refute. That was not an unusual sentence for, uh, for Catholic girls to get these kinds of sentences. There's several, uh, very edifying stories in the role in modern biology. I don't remember the name. I'll just give what I remember of, of the detail. I don't remember the dates, but there's at least two of these enrollment martyrology one girl was sentenced to that and it was like the first a hundred guys were going to be free. Speaker 0 00:01:01 And one of these Catholic guys runs to be the first one in line. Where's she going? What is that all about? And when he gets in the room, he says, you turn around that corner. I'll turn around this and you give me your clothes. So they address each other, the clothes, and he puts on her clothes and she takes off and gets out of there. And the next guy comes in there and says, you're a guy, what are you doing here? They ended up both getting martyred, but he got Mark to preserve her virginity, to protect her from this horrible fake. There are a number of instances of that in their own Morag metrology, but this was not an uncommon thing for the pagans to do to our girl. Speaker 0 00:01:39 So the miracles associated with Saint Lucy are even more remarkable when we have that as a background, because they know what they're going to do to her. And all of a sudden, they can't even move her this little girl. I think they're hitching up. YOKA oxen tune. They're trying to, nothing can move. Or, and at that point then they pile up the fire heads will burn her to death then, and the fire blows away from her. And, uh, and so then they pop out her eyes and torture cause he can't move her. And finally runner runner through with a sword in the throat. And then she kneels down. She predicts that persecution to get in and then she kneels down and die. But what an impression that made on the people you think about what, an impression that this girl is willing to suffer, all those things rather than violator parody. Speaker 0 00:02:31 It's such an example. We need to recapture these examples because we have the inverse in our crazy society right now, where parody is something to be thrown away and we celebrate him period, pray to Saint Louis, pray to him. Pray. I asked her to see the virtue of being willing to suffer and even die for Christ for any one of the teachings that has given us asked for that grid, asked for the grade to see purity and the life that she sought, the light that crises and that those around us will also get that grade.

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