Our Lady of Guadalupe

December 12, 2017 00:19:42
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Veritas Caritas
Our Lady of Guadalupe

Dec 12 2017 | 00:19:42


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 The Bishop had some real problems. He'd been sent to take care of one of the most trouble places in all of Christendom, less than a decade before the country, Mexico had been ruled by the most blatantly satanic regime, known to history. Only a decade before this had been a country where by using razor sharp obsidian blade, still beating heart of a man was sliced out of his chest and offered up along with his body and blood to placate the demonic gods Aztec warships. This has been a country where by Imperial law, every town, the temple had to offer for a minimum of a thousand human sacrifices to just one of the principle demons of their religion to say no of the sacrifices that had to be lost to the other demons. Yes, this has been a country where specially chosen children were raised in a really soft and pampered fashion so that they were old enough and fat enough. Speaker 0 00:01:06 They would cry more as they were tortured to death. Why did they want the children to cry more centered, bumping more tears to offer up to the demonic rain God, and the hope of better rains. This had been a country where by the estimate of their own Aztec historians, the empire sacrificed one out of every five children and where for at least one major festival, they were known and to have sacrificed over 80,000 men, just for one festival, 80,000 men to satisfy one of their demons. But all the Khan Keester doors had stopped him and sacrifices. A great many of the natives had now been enslaved and forced to work in the mines. As a result, the Indians were beginning to resent the Spanish rulers even more than they had resented the Aztec rulers. This is the situation had grown so tense that a great uprising seemed eminent. Speaker 0 00:02:08 And on top of this, the president of the governing council in prison, anyone who dared to defend the rights of India, yes, it got to the point where PE priests were dragged from the pulpit and locked up for actually dairy criticize the situation. So the Bishop, a Franciscan named Juan Morocco had some real problems. Not only was he responsible for God for protecting and converting the pagan Indians. He also had to care for all the souls of the Spanish and that included the tyrannical rulers. But this was one Bishop that didn't sit around and ring his hands and take public opinion polls. He was a real man. He prayed. And then he went out there and went to work. He infuriated the rulers by publicly preaching against them. And they're sinful abuses of power, but that wasn't having its desired effect. So in 1530, shortly after he had taken charge, he put Mexico city on her interdict. Speaker 0 00:03:16 What does that mean to put Mexico city on her inner day? It means he completely stopped the administration of the sacraments to the lady, except if they were actually dying that finally got everyone's undivided attention. The King intervened and basic rights were stored to the Indians, but the exploitation left its Mark having encountered so many bad examples. It's not too surprising to learn Indians who are not particular interested in converting to Catholicism, but the Bishop placed the future of new Spain and the conversion of Indians under protection of our lady. And he asked her to acknowledge his prayer by sending him some roses from Casteel on Saturday, December 9th, 1531, Juan Diego, that's Saint Juan Diego and Indian widower, who is Ron 55 years old. Now living with his uncle set out in a six mile walk to go to mass and attend catechism lessons on the way the path led over a Hill called <inaudible>. Speaker 0 00:04:22 It's the highest Hill right in the neighborhood of Mexico city. And as he walked up the Hill, he heard the most beautiful music. It was birds singing in a way they'd never heard before. When the music stopped, he heard a woman's voice calling his name and his native tongue Juanito. My little wand, my dear little Juan, he saw a glowing white cloud up in the neighborhood of the voice. And then suddenly he saw a lady standing in the midst of that cloud. Our lady asked Juanita, my son, where are you going? And he replied my Holy one. My lady, I am going to mass and catechism from the religious fathers who teach us. Our lady said, my very dear son, you must know that I'm the ever Virgin Mary mother of the true God, who is the author of life, the creator of all things, the Lord of heaven and earth who is present everywhere. Speaker 0 00:05:17 I decided that a church should be built here in which is your most merciful mother. I shall show my love and the compassion I feel for the natives and for those who love and seek me for all who implore my protection, who call on me and their labors and afflictions and which I shall hear the weeping and their supplications that I may give them constellation and relief. Therefore, an order that my will may be accomplished, you must go to the city of Mexico and to the palace and the Bishop who lives there to tell him that I've sent you. And that I wish a church to be built in this place. Tell him all that you've seen in her and be assured that I would be most grateful. And we'll reward you for doing all that. I st. Juan bowed and said, he'd do a, she asked and he immediately set out for Mexico city at the Bishop. Speaker 0 00:06:05 The servants made him wait a good long time before admitting him in to see you. The Bishop, the Bishop patiently listened to st. One story and then asked Tim to come again and talk about this. Another day, Saint Juan left went back to Pontiac, almost at sunset. And he found her lady there waiting for him. He knelt down before her and begged her to send suddenly more. Someone that's more important and noble than him to get the job done. Our lady smiled and told st. Wan to go back to the Bishop in the morning and repeat her request. So in the morning, same one went back this time. It took hours and hours for st. Juan to be admitted, to see the Bishop and in order to make sure it wasn't a deception of the demon. The Bishop asked for a sign from our lady st. Speaker 0 00:06:56 Juan assured, the Bishop third lady would give him whatever sign you wanted. Right? He struck out for the Hill again, Bishop ordered two servants to tale st. Juan and see what he was up to. But when st. Juan got to the base of the Hill, they suddenly lost track of him. They thought they'd been made fools of that by the Indian who ditched him and the angrily returned to the Bishop and suggested that he should be flogged. If he ever dared to show up again, in the meantime, st. Juan fonder lady waiting for him on the top, but the Hill, he told her that Bishop had his doubts and wanted to sign our lady reply. So be it. My son returned here tomorrow and you will have the sign for the Bishop. Then he will believe you be assured that I shall reward you for all. Speaker 0 00:07:40 You've done. Go no tomorrow. I will be waiting here for you st. Juan hurried home to find his cold deathly ill with the typhus. Okay. His uncle last st. Wan to bring a priest to his confession and give him the last right. So very early on Tuesday morning, December 12th, st. Wan set out to get a priest since he had not yet fulfill their ladies' request. He decided to take a different path around the Hill just to make sure he couldn't possibly bump into her. Even though he thought he could slip by, without being seen by lady, as he's picking his way or a different way around the Hill. He sees her lady descending down the Hill at gliding right down to intercept him in his path. My dear little one, where are you going? What road is this? Your take? She asked. And his embarrassment caught sneaking around the Hill. Speaker 0 00:08:32 St. Guan gave what for me is the classic response to the st. Charles. God keeps you lady. Did you sleep well? And how has your health can only imagine our lady smiling and then regaining his composure? St. Juan told her lady that he'd be back to carry out his command, her commands, as soon as he found a priest to hear that because confession and given the last rights or lady replied. Yeah, listen, and let it penetrate your heart. My dear little son do not be troubled or weighted down with grief. Do not fear any illness or anxiety. Am I not here? I am your mother, are you not under my protection? Do I not hold you in the folds of my mantle? Is there anything else you need to not worry about your uncle's illness at this very moment? He is cured. Now my son go to the top of the Hill and there you'll find many flowers, gather them together and bring them here to me, st. Speaker 0 00:09:33 Juan, hurry to the top of the Hill and found all kinds of beautiful flowers, including kids Rose is in full blossom. He gathered as many as them as he could fit his house. Stretched, taped this cave, this thing called a Telmo and brought them to our lady who then just like a good mother, rearranged all the flowers and said, my little son, these roses are the sign, which you are to take to the Bishop. Tell him in my name, then in these roses, he will see my will, as he must fulfill it. She cautioned Saint Juan not to allow anyone to see what he carried until he was in the presence of the Bishop himself, and then send him on his way. Saint Juan, hurry to the Bishop's palace. And once more asked to see the Bishop, the servants left him standing outside at the gate nearly the whole day, late in the day. Speaker 0 00:10:22 One of the servants tried to find out what Saint Juan had bundled up in his cloak st. Juan wouldn't answer. They cut a glimpse of the flowers and could scarcely believe what they saw, right? SROs is in December and stranger yet when they tried to grab a few of them, the blossom seed to melt right into fabric, and somehow turned and embroidered roses. Every time they tried to grab him a servant rushed in to report all these things East with the Bishop up to this time had no idea that st. Juan had been waiting outside the whole day. The Bishop ordered that st. Juan be brought in at once. St. Juan told the story of how he asked her lady for his son. And he opened up his Tillman and outfit, bouquets of flowers and Castilian roses. The very sign the Bishop had asked for and prayer, and a course on the Toma was this image. Speaker 0 00:11:12 Everyone fell to their knees. And after some time, the Bishop embraced Saint Juan Diego and begged his forgiveness for not believing him sooner. They took the Telmate and Hank hung it in his chapel. St. Juan remained overnight as a bishops honored guest. In the morning, he led the Bishop to the Hill and pointed out the exact place where our lady asked the chapel. We built, he was anxious to see his uncle. And so the Bishop appointed an honor guard to point a, to accompany him on the way to his home. When he got there, he found his own Clint perfect health. St. Juan was excited and told the whole story to his uncle Willy once to find out when our lady had promised to cure him, when Saint Juan has finished, his uncle had his own tail to tail. He said at the very same hour that our lady had promised Saint Juan that she would cure his uncle. Speaker 0 00:12:05 A brilliant light had filled their home. And our lady had appeared to him immediately. She healed him. She told him, she wished to be known as Santa Maria to Guadalupe. Guadalupe is an interesting word in Spanish. Guadalupe's a name of a famous Marian shrine. It goes back to ancient times and Spain and his divine Providence would have. And the language of Aztecs Guadalupe sounds just like the word, which means she, who will crush the serpent. So it meant something to both the Spaniards and the Indians within two weeks. And I still chapel was built on our lady site. And the day after Christmas, the sacred image was carried there in procession. It's quite a sight of the Spanish were excited, but the Indians were ecstatic. Yelling out. The Virgin is one of us. Our lady is one of us and they excitement. Some of them began shooting arrows all over the place into the air and one's truck, another Indian in the hand neck and killed him instantly. Speaker 0 00:13:07 It stopped the fun. They carried his body into the chapel and laid it at the feet of our lady, praying for America, as they were praying, all of a sudden a dead man opened his eyes, set up, got up, completely healed for the rest of his life. The grateful native swept the chapel floor and did other odd shops around there to show his appreciation for the great Mercier lady had showed him a little apartment was built next to the chapel on that man and Saint Juan Diego lives there. The Indian raise from the dead, all these apparitions of our lady and her miraculous image on a Telmo made a huge impression on the Indians. The symbolism of the image was clear to them. The woman is eclipsing the sun, but ordain or adorned with the rays of the sun. That means she must be more powerful than their son. God, she standing on the moon. She's greater than the moon. God, she supported by an angel. So she's a heavenly being above angelic experience. The blueish green veil color is a color reserve to the divinity, but her hands are joined in prayer in her head. And her eyes are lowered, which means she's not almighty the white for the neck and a slim. The sleeves are symbols of royalty. Is there the gold stars and the gold fringe? There's a small pendant on her neck and on it, Speaker 1 00:14:31 Is it black cross the symbol of the God of the Spanish potteries she has a black Speaker 0 00:14:37 Sash tied on which indicates that she's pregnant. When the Indians would ask who's the child of so noble and great a mother, they found out the answer was our Lord and Redeemer Jesus Christ, who was not only son of the blessed version, but also the son. I was the one true God. The effect of his on the Indians was absolutely incredible by 1541, within 10 years of our ladies apparitions, the roughly 10 million Indians who have been converted from paganism 10 million pagans, suddenly left lives of polygamy, doing kind of what you want and idolatry and came into the true church. And as we all know, there's a lot of rules. That's a Pentecost every day for 10 years, there's never been anything like this in history, never father to reveal one of the Indian missionaries in Mexico road quote, had I not witnessed it with my own eyes, I should not venture to report it. Speaker 0 00:15:44 I'll have to affirm that another priest and myself baptized in five days, 14,200 knots. So it was closed in five days, more than 14,000 baptisms, the Indians would leg literally begging to become Catholic. As the Padres would get close to village, they'd run out nail down and start making signs for pouring water on their head and so forth, begging them to baptize him and let them become Catholic. The Telmate itself is made out of a rough woven Maguy fiber. That's a fabric which would ordinarily fall apart in 20 or 30 years when I was a kid. That's what Larry it's good lyrics were made out of MACUSA and they don't last 450 years. I'll guarantee it. They fall apart, even in dry weather like Montana, although it's 500 years old almost and hung completely uncovered for more than a century so that anybody that wants to come up and kiss it, touch it, touch things to it and so forth. Speaker 0 00:16:38 The fabric has never deteriorated as for the image. It's so thin that from the back, you can actually see through it as for the image itself analysis by specialist in the Kodak corporation, Mexico led them to conclude the image is more like a color photograph than a painting or anything else. There've been many scientific studies that tell them how to date a recent study done by a biophysicist from the university of Florida concluded quote, the original pain is miraculous close quote in recent decades study that image has revealed images right in our ladies' pupils, San Juan de Saint Juan Diego and the Bishop, at least one other man are seen reflected in the pupils just as they would be. If he had a photograph of a regular guy, there's lots more, but we don't have time for it today. Not surprised, not surprisingly the demons and aspire to plot to destroy the Telmate image of the one who had crushed the sermon on November 14th, 1921 during the Heights and the Sonic persecution. Speaker 0 00:17:41 A time bomb was concealed in a flower vase that was placed right up on below the Tillman on the high altar. The bomb went right off schedule right in the middle of high mass. Every stain glass window in the Basilica was shattered. And chunks of marble were blasted right out of the sanctuary. The huge bronze crucifix, the altered crucifix was curled up like a wood shaving. It's easy to see pictures. This thing just looks like something. You were whittling. It just curled right up, but no one was hurt at all. Not even the pretty smelter boys who were up on the alter at the time. There wasn't a Mark on her, not even a class in front of the image was scratched twenty-five Pope's if it should decrease about totally image of our lady Guadalupe among other things they've declared. She's a patroness of Mexico and Latin America. Speaker 0 00:18:28 And she's the Empress of all the Americas. That means that she's our Empress. She certainly has a patron is for all of us that are locked into this terrible battle with the principalities and the powers behind the culture of death. This Neil pagan revival that we're in. She's our Empress, she's our patroness. And she's our mother. Anytime we're having a rough time, we had to meditate on those consoling words that she said do not be troubled or weighted down with grief. Do not fear any illness for exotic. Am I not here? I am. Your mother, are you not under my protection? Do I not hold you in the full to my mantle? Is there anything else you need? Am I not here? I am. Your mother let's kneel down and close of hell. Mary asking her to keep us safe in the folds of her mat, hail Mary full of grace. The Lord is with thee blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. Jesus, Holy Mary mother of God. Pray for us sinners now. Yeah. Or death, same name the father and the son and the Holy ghost. Amen.

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