That Out of Many Hearts Thoughts May Be Revealed

February 02, 2014 00:23:14
That Out of Many Hearts Thoughts May Be Revealed
Veritas Caritas
That Out of Many Hearts Thoughts May Be Revealed

Feb 02 2014 | 00:23:14


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Speaker 0 00:00 Well, today is the feast of the presentation. Lord is everyone knows the presentation is the forth joyful mystery of the Rosary and besides that it also contains the first of the seven sorrows of our lady. So today we'll briefly approach the feast from both those two angles. First will approach from a point of view, generally speaking, Fort Joyful Ministry and do that. We'll read a very long excerpt from the works that great and incorrupt Benedictine, dawn Colombian Marmon as usual, we'll edit and cut and paste. Dom Marmion. God is love and so that we may have some idea of his love. He gives a share of it to mothers. The heart of mother was her anwering tenderness, the constancy of her care that exhaustible delicacy of her affection is a truly divine creation, although God has placed in her only a spark of his love for us. Yet, however, in perfectly a mother's heart reflects the divine love towards us. Speaker 0 01:12 God gives us our mothers to take his place in some manner with us. He places them at our side from our cradles to guide us, to guard us, especially in our earliest years when we have so much need of tenderness. Imagine with what? Tender. Love the holy trinity fashioned, the heart of the blessed virgin chosen to be the mother of the incarnate word. God delighted in point fourth. Love into her heart, informing her heart expressly to love a God man and Mary's a Macklin heart. The love of a creature towards her God and the love of a mother towards her only son. We're perfectly harmonized and we should keep in mind that the supernatural love of our lady is even more wonderful. A soul's love for God is measured by its degree of grace. What is it in us that hinders the development of grace and love? Our sins are deliberate. Faults are voluntary, infidelities or attachment to creatures. Each deliberate fault narrows the heart and strengthens pride, but our ladies soul is perfectly peer unstained by sin, untouched by any shadow of a fall. She is full of grace. Speaker 0 02:48 What joy our lord felt to be loved to such an extent by his mother after the incomprehensible joy arising to him from the via terrific vision and from look of infinite satisfaction with which the heavenly father contemplated him, nothing could have rejoiced him as much as the love of his mother. He found in that love a more than abundant compensation for the indifference of those who had not receive him. He found an immaculate heart of this young version of fire, of undying love that he himself further and Kendall by his divine power, Jesus gave himself to and session NFO manner and Mary Correspondence so fully that we cannot conceive of a union greater nor deeper accepting of course, for the Union of three divine persons, the most plus at Trinity and the hypostatic Union, which is a union of our Lord of the two natures, human and divine, and the one divine person. Speaker 0 03:55 The second person of the blessed trinity, let us draw near to the bus, the Virgin Mary with a humble but entire confidence. When our Lord is 40 days old, the blessing virgin presents him in the temple. She's the first to offer divine son to his eternal father. After the offering that Jesus made of himself at the moment of his incarnation that he consummated on calvary, Mary's offering is the most perfect. It goes beyond all the priestly acts of men because Mary is the mother of Christ. Will priests are only his ministers. Every Jewish mother had to present herself in the temple a few weeks after the birth of her child in order to be purified from the legal stain contracted as a result of original sin. Moreover, if it was her first born in his son, she must present them to the Lord to be consecrated to him. Certainly it was unnecessary to consecrate our Lord as he's the very son of God, nor was it necessary that she had conceived by the Holy Spirit, remained a virgin, should be purified, but Mary guided by the Holy Spirit will to accomplish the ceremony showing thereby the depths of her submission with chose for husband. Speaker 0 05:16 She brought her first born to the temple on this day, Christ and his for the first time into the temple and it is into his temple that he enters this wonderful temple, the admiration of the nations and the pride of Israel when were performed, all the religious rights and sacrifices of which God himself had regulated the details. This temple belongs to him for this child curting the arms of a young maiden is the king of kings and the Lord of Lords. And how does he come in the splendor of his majesty as the one to whom these offerings are due? No, he comes there absolutely hidden. There must've been a hustling crowd at the approach. The sacred building, merchants, Levi's, priests, doctors of the law, a little group pass on notice to this crowd. They're poor people for they do not offer a lamb. The offering of the rich. Speaker 0 06:22 They offer only two pigeons. The offering of the poor, no one hates them. The great the hottie among the Jews have not so much as a glance for them is necessary. The Holy Spirit should enlightened Simeon and Anna in order that they might recognize the Messiah. He was the savior promised to the world. The light to reveal to all the nations comes into his own temple as a hidden God to outward appearances. There's nothing particular in the simple action that all Jewish mothers performed, but on this day, God receives infinitely more glory in the temple than he'd ever received by all the sacrifices and holocausts of the Old Testament. From this day, it is his son, Jesus, who was offered and offers himself infinite homage of adoration, thanksgiving, expiation and supplication the heavenly father receives with immeasurable joy, the sacred offering, this gift worthy of himself in all the angels of Heaven fixed a capitate. Speaker 0 07:30 They're there. They're captivated. Clay gazes on this unique offering. The only victim worthy of God had just been offered to him, and it's by the hands of our lady or lady full of grace that this offering is presented. Mary's faith is perfect, filled with the light of the Holy Spirit. She understood the value of the offering. She was making a god at this moment and the same way she'd given her consent in the name of the whole human race. When the Angel Gabriel announced, it's the mystery, the incarnation. So upon this day, Mary offered her son Jesus in the name of the whole human race. She presents him to God, the father in order to obtain for us all the grace of salvation that Christ is to bring into the world. What priest, what saint ever presented the holy sacrifice, the mass to God in such close union with the divine victim, as was the virgin at this moment. Speaker 0 08:32 Not only was she United to our Lord by faith and love as we ourselves can be, although in an infinitely lesser degree, but the bond that United Church to Christ was unique. This is why Mary, from the day on what she presents, Jesus as the first fruits of his future sacrifice has such a great part in the work of our redemption. And see how so? At this moment. Our Lord associated his blessed mother with this state of victimhood, old man Simeon got it. By and filled by the Holy Spirit recognizes the Savior Lord in this child. He takes him in his arms. You can see right there in the window and sings his joy and having a length scene with his own eyes. The Promised Messiah, as he restores the child to his mother CV and says, behold, this child is set for the fall and for the resurrection of many in Israel for a sign, we shall be contradicted and I own soul. A sword shall pierce that out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed. It's the foreshadowing of the sacrifice of calvary. We should see her consummate her offering on the mount of calvary. We see her offering again, her son there, food of her room for our salvation as she had offered him 33 years before and the temple of Jerusalem. Let us thank our lady for having presented her divine son for us. Let us offer fervin acts of Thanksgiving to our Lord himself for offering himself to the father for our salvation, Dus, dom, Colombian Marmion. Speaker 0 10:15 So we've considered the presentation as such. Now let's briefly consider the prophecy of Simeon, which is the first of the seven sorrows of our lady. As we just heard during the presentation, after taking our Lord in his arms and praise you, God the father for letting him live to see the promised Messiah, Simeon hands our Lord back to our lady and a words for shadowing calvary. It tells her, quote, behold, this child has set for the fall and for the resurrection and many in Israel for a sign of contradiction. And I own solar sword cell peers that I'd have many hearts. Thoughts maybe reveal close quote. We'll take a few minutes to ponder this prophecy. It's found in Luke chapter two verses 34 and 35 Luke two 34 this child is set for the fall and if for the resurrection of men in Israel for sign, which shall be contradicted, the great scriptural commentator coronase elapid explains quote, the interpretation of Santa Guston, the venerable Bede and others is it by fall is Methodist trucks of the Jews who rebelled against Christ by resurrection, the salvation of those who believe in him, for they that rebelled against Christ, for from faith and the faithlessness from obedience and the rebellion from the knowledge of God and of sacred scripture into blindness and stubbornness from the hope of salvation and to despair and reprobation from heaven into hell. Speaker 0 11:59 But those who believe in Christ have risen by His grace from the sins in which they prostrate to a new life of virtue and grace looking for the hope of glory. Close quote. Speaker 0 12:14 Of course, what was true to the of the Jews who were members of the one true church at that time is just as true for us Catholics today, those that rebel against Christ and in this apostasy, their numbers legion, those that rebel against Christ fall from faith and to faithfulness from obedience and of rebellion from the knowledge of God and sacred scripture and the blindness and stubbornness from the hope of salvation into to despair, reprobation from the path to heaven, the plunge into hell, but those who believe in Christ have risen by His grace from the state in which they laid prostrate in the bondage and filth of sin to a new life, for the freedom of the sons of God to a new life of virtue and grace looking forward with great hope and expectation to heavenly glory. Speaker 0 13:13 Luke two 35 a and I own soul, a sword shall peer's corniness. The Lapidus explains quote, this sword is two fold. First, the sword of the tongue and of contradiction for the busted virgin here the insults calumnies in blast meets with which Christ was assailed by the Jews suffered intense tortures. Just as though a sword at transfixed her soul. The sword also refers to the nails and the other torments which not only pierced the body and soul of Christ, but also appears the soul of the Virgin Sanuk. Guston explains the justice when a man stabbed with one stroke of the sword, two persons who are next to each other so as to kill the one and wound and pierced the other. So two, this sword which killed Christ intimately penetrated, wounded and tormented his virgin mother and may gather. How great was it torment and Sar inflicted by this sword. Speaker 0 14:12 First from the fact that it was her son who suffered in the crucifixion of Christ, who in the mother of God, loved above all else and more than herself so that she would far rather have suffered, had been crucified herself than see Christ, her son suffer and be crucified. Second, from the severity and extent of Christ torments for he suffered the most atrocious agonies and all his senses and all his members and the blessed version experienced all those by her compassion. Third, from the dignity of the person for Christ who is suffering was truly the son of God, the Messiah and Savior of the world. Therefore, it was a horrible and detestable thing to scourge and crucify him. The blessed virgin meditated profoundly upon this dignity and therefore was profoundly tormented by his pains forth from his loneliness for Christ suffered alone, deserted by as apostles in all his friends. Speaker 0 15:14 Although the blessed virgin stood by and suffered with him, yet the mother's anguish added a new Peng. The sons torments. He experienced a wonder star that his mother should sorrow and be tormented on his account and there's grief of Christ again, had it's EQ when the mother's soul for Sheila mattered, that Christ was pain and afflicted by her pain. And fifthly, from the constant presence in sight of her crucified son, Saint John Damn machine teaches it the pains which she escaped and childbirth she endured at the time of his passion so that to her maternal affection, she felt inwardly that she was being torn to pieces. Because of all of this, the blessing version is reckoned as a martyr and more than a martyr for as the sword pierced the bodies, the other martyrs, it appears the sole of Christ and the blessed Virgin as Christ in his passion was tormented more than all the martyrs. So too is the blessed virgin by her compassion with him and by this torment and so she would have been overcome and would have died, had not God preserved his love, her life by a special support. Speaker 0 16:24 Luke two 35 B did out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed that great Dr. Church sent Hillary. A podium teaches that the sword refers to the day of Judgment. He states it on that day the sword shall this sect and lay open the hearts of men even of the blessed version so as to Rizzy reveal all their secret thoughts, intentions and desires, and to judge them either by rewarding or punishing them. Close quote Saint Hilary of Podio on that day, the sword should this sect and lay open the hearts of men so as to reveal all their secret thoughts, intentions, and desires. And to judge them either by rewarding them or punishing them. Where's your heart right now? Where's your heart? If your heart were laid bare right now on your thoughts were revealed, what will we see a burning desire to do? God's will come? What may a dedication to the truth. No matter how uh, burning love Christ our lord of his mother, of his holy church, resolve to suffer anything Speaker 1 18:05 in order to be saved. Speaker 0 18:09 If your thoughts were revealed, what would we see? If your heart were laid bare open right now, what would we see? Indifference. Lukewarmness someone who's Catholic on Sunday and American the rest of the week. Someone filled with pride and arrogance. Someone driven by a clawing. Desire for power, desire for money and possessions, desire for fame and honor. What do we see? The heart burning, strange fires of lust, heartful of anger, Speaker 1 19:03 hatred, envy Speaker 0 19:08 fills with the puss of bitterness, contempt for others. What would we see? Our Lady can see your heart. What is she seeing right now? Right at this very minute, is it causing her more sorrow? If your heart is not where it ought to be, then you need to humbly repent. Speaker 0 19:44 Need to repent from the very depths of your heart and turn to our lady whose immediate tricks of all graces and beg her for help and beg her for healing and she'll pour out those graces that you need. If you keep praying, if you keep begging, there's so many souls that won't ask for the graces they so desperately need and sadly there's a lot of them that wouldn't even accept those graces whether they'd be poured out on them. Why? Because they've made a choice, a clear choice. They've rejected the truth. They rejected the light and they've chosen the world. We're reminded of that reality every day in those terrifying words we hear in the last Gospel, you're out looks Vera Queer, illuminate OMD, him Holman, Vinny Toman, honk Wyndham and window edit in Munoz per and Fox who Monesi Amnon Cog Navi and property of in it. It's two Amnon, Richard <inaudible>. That was the true lie, which enlightens every man who comes in the world. He was in the world and the world was made by him. And the world knew him, not he came into his all and his own received him. Not Speaker 1 21:12 Okay. Speaker 0 21:15 He came into his own. He came into his all and his own received him. Not you've been baptized and confirmed. That means you're Rizal. Where's your heart? Is he ruling there Speaker 1 21:43 or not? Speaker 0 21:47 Who is ruling there? Who is ruling there? That's the most important question you can ever ask yourself because if it isn't him, when he got to your judgment, you will certainly go to hell. Speaker 1 22:09 Okay? Speaker 0 22:13 Where your treasure is, there also is your heart. Speaker 1 22:20 Well, it's close. Speaker 0 22:26 Please unite yourself to me as I pray. Oh soph on a Mac at heart of Mary. Because of our sins in gratitude and indifference to thy son, we caused this first store to pierce the grieving heart obtained for us the grace to cease, to be indifferent to the son, to cease being ungrateful for all those suffered because of the love for us to have true contrition for our sins. Our Lady of sorrows pray for us in the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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