For This Purpose the Son of God Appeared

March 09, 2014 00:27:59
For This Purpose the Son of God Appeared
Veritas Caritas
For This Purpose the Son of God Appeared

Mar 09 2014 | 00:27:59


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Speaker 0 00:00 Then Jesus was led by the spirit of the desert to be tempted by the devil and the name of the father and the son and the holy ghost. Amen. Today we'll talk about the temptation of desert. We'll start by taking a quick look at temptation. We can understand temptation in two ways. In the first place. As we all know, as we all know, all too well attempt tation is an internal enticement. It's an internal enticement to sin, which arises from the inclination of our appetites, like our central appetites, which are disordered because of a problem we all have that's called concupiscence. We're accepting of course, or lady. Now, can Coupa since is a $3 word, but it just means the unreasonable disordered, desired, uh, for central goods that we all suffer from except in your course, her. When we're tempted, we have this little or sometimes big or sometimes it can even get to be a huge battle raging in our souls. Speaker 0 01:12 But as we all know from our catechism, even if this battle rages for hour or even days, as long as we haven't provoked the temptation and as long as we don't give into and consent to the temptation, we haven't committed any sin. So that's the first sense is temptation is an internal enticement. Secondly, temptation can also mean being put to the test, a test coming from some external object which is being presented to our senses. Now this second kind of temptation that of an external object being presented to our senses can definitely produce the first kind of temptation that internal enticement after all, that's the purpose of most modern advertising and certainly a huge swath of what passes for fashions. But it's true also that in the second kind of temptation with an external object being presented to our senses, there doesn't enhance necessarily have to be any sort of internal motion associated with it. Speaker 0 02:13 So how would that work? Well. Suppose someone was trying to con us to do something we didn't want to do, like throw a rock through a big plate glass window and they're trying to of that by promise us that they're going to reward us with the liver and Sauerkraut flavored milkshake. If we do it, it's pretty safe to say that unless you're actually starving to death, the offer of a liver and Sauerkraut and flavored milkshake would only remain an external temptation and our passions, our desires, those wouldn't be provoked in the slightest degree by an offer like that. In other words, in this milkshake situation, we'd be put to the test, but we wouldn't have any internal temptation. We wouldn't experience any internal movements of our appetites towards this gross kind of a milkshake towards the object with which we are being tempted. This object we're being tested with. Speaker 0 03:05 So it's quite possible to have an exterior temptation to have something presented to us without having any corresponding interior temptation whatsoever. So for the sake of clarity, let's call the first type that we've talked about, that internal battle type, this internal enticement being tempted. That's what we think of anyway. That's the common usage. Let's call it the second type being tested. It's in front of us, but it doesn't provoke that interior struggle. So the internal enticement we call that being tempted and something external, we can call that being tested. Today's Gospel refers to three temptations of Christ or lower both our usage, it would, you must clear to refer to these not as three temptations, but as three tests. In fact, the word used in the scripture that's translated tempted is 10 taught to rater and it's principally Venus to try to prove to put to the test that it's principle Romania when you translate it. Speaker 0 04:04 In other words, today's Gospel as referring to the second kind of temptation, the liver and Sauerkraut, flavored milkshake kind of temptation and exterior test, which doesn't necessarily provoke any corresponding interior movement in the person's soul towards the object being dangled in front of it. So though our Lord could be tested by the devil Christ, our Lord could not be interiorly tempted by the devil or by anything else for that matter. Why not? Because of who he is, he's got, it would be blast me to see that God can be temped to descent. So that's why Christ is only tested. He couldn't possibly Billy, and he certainly wasn't tempted by the devil or anything else. There were no internal movements out towards anything the devil could dangle in front of it. Okay, so if these external temptations were only tests, what was the point of Christ our lord going on in the desert to go through these tests from the devil? Speaker 0 05:07 Anyway, we're going to get into all that right now and for the most part, this part of the sermon is a paraphrase with some direct quotes from the work of Ted Shri and Tim Gray. Okay, now, immediately before the SR, today's Gospel, today's Gospel is taken from the Fourth Chapter of St Matthew's Gospel. But if we just go a few lines before, in the third chapter, we see our Lord being baptized in the river, Jordan by Saint John The baptist. And as he comes out of the water, the Gospel tells us quote and Lo, the heavens were open to him and he saw the spirit of God descending as a dove and coming upon him and behold a voice from heaven saying, this is my beloved son in whom I am. Well, please close quote, inspired Internet, word of God. We're going to spend time going through the details here at the baptism because it's important to understand for today's Gospel and it'll bring that episode into clear focus. Speaker 0 06:06 First off, the baptism is having out in the wilderness by the Jordan River. Why would that be significant? Up until the time of our Lord, the exodus was the single most important event in the history of the Jewish people, so in St John the Baptist called the people out into the wilderness to be baptized in the River Jordan. This was a very significant sign for the Jews when they followed St John the Baptist out in the wilderness and they were baptized in the Jordan and passed over, reentering the promised land. They were ritually reenacting the exodus and they're filled with great hope that God would once again freeze people this time, not from the pig in ichip shins, but from their current pagan rulers. The Romans, and part of this hope was also rooted in the fact that Saint John the Baptist was appearing to them in a certain light. Speaker 0 07:01 Let's take a closer look at that. Saint Matthew points out that Saint John the Baptist wore Harry garments bombed with a leather strap. We'll so what? The Jews of that day were certainly familiar with the old testament and they knew exactly what this clothing was important. The Prophet Alijah also known as Elias used to wear this type of clothing, and as we know, the Angel Gabriel had explicitly told St John's father another Jews didn't know that at large, but we do the angel Gabriel that explicitly told Saint John the Baptist Father Zachary, that Saint John would quote, be grateful for the Lord and should go before the Lord and the spirit and power of Elias to repair into the Lord of perfect people. Okay? The Jews are also waiting for lodges return. They knew that when Elijah would return, he repairing the way for the Messiah, this Messianic King. So in Saint John the Baptist appears in Harry garments with letter girdle looking like Elijah. Speaker 0 08:01 And then he's preaching repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand that you see this and the left wondering. And then he's doing this action, this ritual reenactment of the exodus and coming into the promised land. They're during this baptism onto repentance at the Jordan. Okay. And notice what happened at the bat. His Mar Lord, as he comes out of the water, you have a visible manifestation of the Holy Spirit coming down like a dove. You have the voice of God, the father saying, this is my beloved son in whom I'm well pleased that people are hearing. And you have Saint John The baptist, this prophet pointing him out and they knew that the lodge who was going to come before the Messiah and point as as his predecessor, when the Prophet Samuel Anointed David as King, the Holy Spirit came mightily upon him. So the visible coming of the holy upon our Lord Journey's baptism in the Jordan can be seen as his anointing as king and Hebrew. Speaker 0 09:03 The word for anointed one is Messiah. The Greek word is Christ. It's often used an old testament to describe the kings of the House of David who are anointed with oil. When they took office, the Term Messiah also referred to the future anointed king, who would lead the new exodus and restore the Davidic kingdom. So after having been publicly born witness to by the voice of God, the father, by a visible manifestation of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove. And by the preaching of Saint John The baptist, when our Lord came up out of the Jordan, he's ready to begin his messianic mission of building the Kingdom of God. So what were the Jews expecting the Messiah to do? Well, based on their understanding of such messianic scriptures as psalm too. And if we had time, I'd read the whole thing, but you should. It's not that long. Psalm two, Psalm Two specifically speaks about the messiah. Speaker 0 10:00 So based on their understand of Messianic scriptures like that, the Jews thought that the Messiah would lead them the restoration of Israel and the Tele tribes and liberate them from the Pagan nations. Now, there were different understands you have this, some thought that the messiah would drive out the Romans, restore the political fortunes of Israel, and like King Solomon would once again rule from the holy city of Jerusalem. In other words, they were looking for an earthly messiah to freedom from the Pagan nations, but instead of confronting the Romans, instead of confronting the contemporary version of Pharaoh's army, no sooner has our lord been baptized and thereby identified publicly as the Messiah or the 91 then he heads off into the desert Speaker 1 10:48 <inaudible> Speaker 0 10:50 that's his very first action after the baptism. Why does he go out and do the desert by starting his public ministry in a dual with the devil? Our Lord shows what type of messianic king he will be. Our Lord came not to fight the Romans, but to attack the very root of the problem, which is sin, the sins of Israel, and indeed of all of mankind. Santa Gustin points out. We have as many masters as we have faces. We have as many masters as we have vices. Advice is a sinful habit we have as many masters is that we have vices. So when we're talking about sin, we're talking about bondage. In other words, if sin were conquered, if sin were trampled underfoot, Israel in all of mankind would truly be free. The bondage of the Jewish people was, and unfortunately, it still is much worse than iron chains, much worse than dungeons, much worse than a Roman military occupation. It's slavery to sin, deliberation or glory came to give the Jewish people, and indeed all of mankind is a liberation from sin. Speaker 0 12:31 So when dd does come to lead a new exodus but not into an earthly land, he came to lead his followers into the Promised Land of heaven. So now let's turn to the battle with the devil and the desert. In order to appreciate what our Lord is doing, we need to take a closer look at certain aspects of the exodus. We all know this story. The people of Israel have become slaves done in Egypt. God raises up. Moses sends him to Pharaoh with the two with the message. Let my son go. Israel's my firstborn son that my son go after striking Egypt with the plagues. Moses leads him out and he parts the waters of the Red Sea and the people of Israel flee and then they began wandering through the wilderness towards the promised land on a trip that took 40 years, a trip in which Israel was tested and tried to appreciate what our Lord does. Speaker 0 13:30 Now we need to consider three of the major trials that Israel underwent during those 40 years. The first trial, you can read about this in exodus chapter 16 at this point, after watching the Lord strike the land of Egypt with the 10 plagues and after safely passing through the Red Sea with the waters piled up on either side of them, just imagine what that would have looked like. As you're fling with the waters piled up on either side of it and you're on a dry path on the bottom of the ocean. There's this pillar of fire and polar smoke right behind you to keep Pharaoh's army from catching up to you cause they're in hot pursuit. You have this army in hot pursuit, but the pillar of fire and polar smoke is right behind you as you're fleeing through there and the waters are stacked up on each side. Speaker 0 14:18 So then after, after going through that, after seeing the mortal enemy, Pharaoh and all his armies just completely wiped out when the waters closed over them. Now the people are safe in the desert. They've got peace and quiet and now they've seen all these things. They seen all these miracles. They're being led by a pillar of fire at night and a player smoke during the day. Now they're calm. Finally, completely free to worship the one true God in spirit and truth and patient freedom. So now they're just full of joy and completely trust in Lord and rely on his Providence, right? Speaker 2 14:56 Wrong. Speaker 0 14:58 I'll read from the word of God in all the congregation of the children. Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron in the Wilderness and the children of Israel said to them would to God. We had died by the handle Lord in the land of Egypt. When we sat over by the flesh, set over the flesh plots and ate bread to the full. Why have you brought us into this desert that you may destroy all the multitude with famine? Close quote the word Lord. They have no trust in God at all and as we know, God sent the Manna this bread from heaven to feed him second trial. We can read about this in exodus chapter 17 here we go again. The people of God have moved to a new camp now. It's really important to remind ourselves that they didn't just wander around looking for place to camp and say, oh, this looks like a nice place. Speaker 0 15:49 They were led. They were led by the pillar of fire and pillar of smoke and then specifically also by the commandment of God himself. As the scriptures make clear, I'll read exodus 17 verse one all the congregation of the sons of Israel moved on according to the commandment of the Lord and camped, but there was no water for the people to drink. Oh is cool. Okay. So God has led them to this new campsite. And in spite of all they've seen, and even though they're now being fed by this miraculous heavenly bread called Manna, they commenced to throw another fit x to 17 versus two and following, therefore the people found fault with Moses and said, give us water to drink. And Moses said to them, why do you find fault with me? Why do you put the Lord to the test? But the people thirsted there for water and murmured against Moses and said, why did you bring us up out of Egypt to kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst? Speaker 0 16:45 Close quote. So God responds by having Moses give them water from a rock and quote. He called the name of the place Massah and Meribah. Massa means temptation or testing. And Mary bomb means contention. So he called the place the name of the place mass and Meribah because of the fault finding the sons of Israel and because they put the Lord of the test by saying, is the Lord among us or not? Close quote, exodus 17 seven okay, now keep in mind they're throwing this fit and asking is the Lord among us or not? And here's this pillar right there of smoke right there at night. It's fire in the day, it's smoke. It's standing right there and they're throwing this big fit. They're getting fed by this miracle bread and they're wondering if the Lord is among us. Now, obviously God had let them there. Speaker 0 17:31 Obviously he hasn't left them and obviously he's been feeding them with Manna for heaven. It's not like he's going to let them all thirst to death by this 10 they should have learned to humbly trust God to take care of their needs, but instead the arrogantly put God to the test by demanding that God prove he's among them by giving them water right then and there. It's like, God, we demand this. Here's our little hoop. You jumped through it. That's the kind of situation that we see at this point. Third trial we can read about this next is chapter 32 which contains a story of the golden calf. We all know the story after Moses went up on the mountain set there, 40 days, the people said to Aaron, arise, make us gods that may go before us. And Aaron, Bill's a pig and idle a golden calf. Speaker 0 18:17 It's a statue of APS. This is the Egyptian bold God of strength and fertility. And then he popped plea commit, sin of idolatry by worship. So you took the people out of Egypt, but you didn't take Egypt out of the people. That's less than there. Okay, so what have we seen? We've taken a quick look at three of the great trials of the exodus. The first trial was that Israel doubting that God provide food for them in the desert. The second trials that Israel putting the Lord to the test at Massah by asking is the Lord among us or not with a pillar of smoke standing right there in the camp. And then these little pipsqueaks have the arrogance to demand that God prove that he's among them by giving him water on demand. Third trial is that of idolatry when Israel worshiped the golden calf. Speaker 0 19:06 Now let's take all this and apply to today's Gospel. Throughout Jewish history, the king has been regarded as an embodiment of the whole nation. So what happened to the king be said to have happened to the people as a whole. When the king is faithful to the covenant, then the entire nation receives the blessing of God. But when they have sin on the throne, the entire nation suffers. The king represented the people. So as the noted one, Christ our Lord. When a bude as a Jewish foot by Zeus followers as the representative and as the representative, our Lord spends 40 days in a desert, symbolically reliving the 40 years of the exodus journey, his time in the wilderness, he experiences the same three trials that Israel did during the <inaudible>, but with one huge difference where Israel flailed or Lord triumphs. And in the process as a great foreshadowing of his ultimate triumph on the cross, he conquers sin. Speaker 0 20:12 And he defeats the devil. Now just pause for a sec on this. Why? What's in it for the devil? Why is the devil tempting him? Who should stop and ask herself this question? Cause he's trying to figure out who our Lord is. He's not sure. Saint Thomas Explains, I quote from the Suma it Santa Gustin says, Christ was known to the demons only in so far as he willed, not as the author of eternal life, but as the cause of temporal effects from which the demons formed a certain conjecture that Christ was the son of God. But since they also observed an im certain signs of human frailty, they did not know for certain whether he was the son of God. Wherefore the devil wish to tempt him moreover disappears from the very manner of the temptation. When the devil says if they'll be the son of God, which words Saint Ambrose explains his false what means this way of addressing him saved that though he knew that the son of God was to come it, he did not think that he had come in the weakness of the flesh. Speaker 0 21:26 Close quotes, Saint Thomas Aquinas. It's the devil isn't sure. The devil knows he's dealing with somebody. Very unusual here, but he doesn't know. So that's what he said. Are you the son of God? That's what he's trying to find out. Okay, first temptation, Saint Matthew, and when he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights afterwards, he was hungry and the tempter coming sit him if that'd be the son of God, command that these stones be made. Bread who answered and said, it is written not in bread alone with a man live, but in every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Close quote, sir. Lord's first temptation. He faces hunger in the desert, but unlike Israel or Lord doesn't waiver. And in response to the devil's temptation, he quotes scripture. Now when you're reading the Bible, every time our Lord quotes the Old Testament one really good habit to get into is to go back and read the part of scripture that our Lord has quoted from. So we're going to do just that. He's quoting from Deuteronomy Chapter Eight. Now in this chapter, Moses is warning the people not to forget. God. I'll read Deuteronomy chapter eight verses two and three and we're going to get the context of what our Lord is quoting. Speaker 0 22:49 And you should remember all the way which the Lord they, God has led you these 40 years in the wilderness that he might humble you, testing you to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep his commandments or not. And he humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with Manna, which you did not know. Nor did your fathers know that he might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but that man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord. Close quote. So Lord quotes a scripture which refers directly to the first trial of the thrill in the desert, but what Israel had failed that our lord does perfectly second temptation, Saint Matthew, then the devil took him up into the holy city and set him upon the pinnacle of the temple and said to him, if thou be the son of God, cast they self down for it is written that he has given his angels charge over Thee. Speaker 0 23:50 And in their hands, they shall bear thee up, lest perhaps the dash they foot against a stone. Jesus said to him is written again, thou shall not tent the Lord thy God. Close quote. Now in this case, the devil is trying to get our Lord to put God to the test, to prove he means what he says. And notice the devil is actually quoting scripture. He knows the scripture in this case, our Lord responds by quoting part of Deuteronomy six 16 Moses has just told the people they should love the lord their God with all their hearts, with all their souls and with all their mind. And then in Verse 16 Moses states quote, you shall not temp the Lord thy God. As you tested him at Masa close quote or Lord quotes a scripture which refers directly to the second great failing of Israel in the desert at Masa. Speaker 0 24:45 And again, what Israel failed at or Lord does perfectly third temptation. Saint Matthew again, the devil took him up into a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them and said to him, all these will I give thee. If falling down though, will the door me. Then Jesus said to him, be gone, Satan, for it is written, the Lord thy God shoved out door and him only shalt thou sir. Then the devil left him and behold, angels came and ministered to him. Close quote, the hey dot commentary notes. At this point, Christ is not quote the sight, the precise words of scripture, but rather the substance of several verses. Deuteronomy five seven and nine six 13 and 10 20 I'll read those verses. Thou shall not have strange gods in my sight, though shall not adore them and now shall not serve them. Speaker 0 25:34 They'll shall fear the Lord thy God and shall serve him only close quotes. So the third great failing of Israel and desert was idolatry. And in his third temptation or low, just brushes that away again, we see what is really failed at. Our Lord does perfectly. Our Lord's victory over the devil sets the tone for the rest of his public ministry. For those three years, he'll travel through the holy land, freeing men from sin and from the effects of sin by healing the sick, casting out devils and forgiving sins. As we read in First John Three eight for this purpose, the son of God appeared that he might destroy the works of the devil during this holy land. Let us carefully examine our hearts to make sure we're not imitating the people of Israel to make sure we don't forget all the marvelous things the lord has done for us and continues to do for us, especially remaining really present with us in the boss' busted <inaudible> altar far more marvelous than a pillar of fire. Let's carefully examine our hearts to make sure we placed all our trust in him to make sure that we're careful not to put him to the test, to make sure that we aren't guilty of worshiping any false gods. God's like pleasure, Speaker 2 27:20 power, Speaker 0 27:23 possessions, sex ourselves. During this Holy Land, let us rather strive to imitate Christ our lord with fasting prayers and resisting temptations. Let us strive to shore thankfulness to the father for sending his son that he might destroy the works of the devil.

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