The Battle of Leponto: Our Lady of the Holy Rosary

October 01, 2006 00:15:34
The Battle of Leponto: Our Lady of the Holy Rosary
Veritas Caritas
The Battle of Leponto: Our Lady of the Holy Rosary

Oct 01 2006 | 00:15:34


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 Since it's the external slamming, any of the face to Holy rosary will just preach on the poet and why this feast is here in the first place. Slim, the second, the salt and the ruler of the Ottoman empire was a hopeless drunk, 30 sadness, Danville, wishing that he had an unending supply of his favorite wine. The Ruby red wine of Cyprus it'd be easy enough to capture Cyprus beating the infidel dogs was no problem, but unfortunately there's one small little detail that held him back. Cyprus was a colony of Venice. Unfortunately, Venice and Turkey had made a treaty, a peace treaty. It had been swollen to on the Qur'an. So Salim had a little problem there. Lay Cyprus just a few miles off the Turkish coast. And he was bombed by Allah to keep the peace, but with Cypress, so close, why should he, the Saltan pay those Venetians. Speaker 0 00:01:10 Those I daughters for the wine that should rightfully be his. So Swain, summoned the grand Mufti and ordered him to come up with a suitable excuse, which would give saline not only the right, but even the obligation to break the treaty and invade Cyprus. After all that wine was really rightfully his it's the grand Mufti due to flee issue should Fatwah religious edict pronouncing that you, regardless of what treaties may or may not have been made, it was the religious duty to bring any and all land that the Muslims had ever ruled back under the Crescent. And of course, back in six 49, Cyprus had been a first year paying land and faded by the Mohammed ans it was one of those moments where slim, the second really felt the crushing weight of his duty as the Salton, obviously, since it was the religious duty of all good Muhammadans to reconquer any land they had once ruled. Speaker 0 00:02:14 And since Cyprus actually met that bill, it was obvious then that he slammed second. The Saltan must attack Cyprus. That's what trees were for anyway, to give you some breathing room after Cypress was conquerable, why stop there? As long as it's at war with Venice, you might just as well go along and bring them into submission. Besides when he got right down to it, the wine really was rightfully his. So Selena second salt and the Turkey placed at degenerate named Laulima stuff at the head of an army of a hundred thousand men. He placed Allie Pascha as the Admiral of his fleet, and he sent them off to conquer Cyprus and to quickly drive the infidel off that Island, which they were unjustly occupying invaders landed on Cyprus in July of 1570. A lot of them have stuff place Nicosia under siege, but after he had promised to guarantee the lives of both of the nation soldiers and the citizens of the town, they surrendered, Speaker 0 00:03:22 But he didn't have to tell him the truth. After all they're infidels, his word was just exactly as good as the treaty. Nearly all the soldiers and civilians were immediately massacre. Well, not immediately first, they were tortured. Then they were massacred with staff was careful to save the lives of 2000 young boys and girls enslaved them and sent them back to Turkey. The city of fem Acosta ruled by the Venetian Knight. Mark Antonio Braga Dino was expected to fall as quickly as Nicosia. But in spite of the fact that he had only 8,000 soldiers, he held on for almost a year, the defenders were now down to fewer than 2000 soldiers and there's food and munitions. We're getting dangerously low. When in July of 1571, the Turks finally managed to breach a very large section of the main wall of the city on August. First braggadocio finally agreed to yield under honorable terms. So yielded to the Turks Speaker 0 00:04:26 While I'm with staff requested the braggadocio, come to meet with him. He did. So Ryan, a final gusta with his military commander, a young page had 40 soldiers as an honor guard with staff accused braggadocio of having killed some Turkish prisoners and insisted that the page remained behind as a hostage for reasons that were clear enough to brag, Edina braggadocio pointed out the terms of surrendered already been agreed to and signed. And there've been no mention of any hostages. And so he flat refuse to leave his page with Mustapha selling the church sees braggadocio and everyone was him with exception of raggedy, no, and several young boys, other than donations, for me at least sliced up and chopped into small pieces. They cut off raggedy, nose, nose, and ears, and locked him in a cell. Then the church massacred all of the nation soldiers left in Famagusta, even though the surrender terms specifically stated that they were going to be allowed to return home. Speaker 0 00:05:25 After all they're only infidel dogs, Pasadena was held for two weeks and on August 17th with Staffa decided to put on a big show for his troops and all the good citizens of Fallon gusta. They needed to reel out his chest, who they were dealing with. Sabrina. Anna was saddled up like a donkey, loaded up with bags of dirt on his back, and then dragged and kicked around Tom like an animal. Then he was hauled up in a high spar of a galley so everyone could see what had become of this once. Proud ruler of fam Augusta, this Catholic dog who dare defy slim too. And his general Alamo stuff, then raggedy, you know, was lowered and tied to post a lot of them with stuff. I told him what his punishment was going to be. He was sentenced to be skinned alive. Braggadocio died during the torture, after he was skinned out, his bloody skin was stuffed with straw, put in a Venetian uniform and tied his try to call while holding a parasol over braggadocios stuffed skin, the car was led all around town. Speaker 0 00:06:27 Then Mustafa had hit the stuff's going to brag. It Dino hung off the yardarm of his own galley. It's like some sort of satanic windsock there in the breeze. Then as a chronic touch to the day, the Turks completely sacked the city and put some 30,000 Christians to the sword with no regard to sex or age after all. They're only infidel dogs. Meanwhile, during the siege of final Augusta in March of 1571, the great Pope Saint cos the fifth signed the treaty, which in the first place brought the Holy league into existence. And the second place placed the war against the Turks into the hands of the blessed Virgin Mary. The Holy league was a Catholic league. It's a fleet composed of men and ships from four to groups from Spain, from Venice and the papal States. And of course the great Knights of st. Speaker 0 00:07:22 John and Malta, if you're wondering what the papal States were, remember that the pulp was a ruler of a territory, which now central Italy until the Freemason stole it in the 18 hundreds tossed into the fleet of Holy league was a tiny hand for freshmen and Englishman, somewhat amazing given that both Catholic France across in England were allied with the Turks. In fact, they were supplying the Turks with arms Supreme commander of the Holy league was a 25 year old half brother of the King of Spain, Don Juan of Austria. Don wants a fleet of sea assembled in Messina, Sicily, and they were still unaware of the fall of from Augusta when they sailed out in September 16th with a papal nuncio blessing, each ship, as it passed out of the Harbor, every man on Borden's carry a rosary prior to sailing the men fasted for three days, confession of Holy communion was made available st. Speaker 0 00:08:17 Paul's fifth called on the conference, realities of the Holy rosary to pray and then redouble their prayers for Catholic victory. He asked all Catholic Europe to pray the rosary for victory. He ordered the monasteries and convents to keep prayer visuals for the most blessed sacrament. In the meantime, after having murdered raped and pillaged and burned his way through many of the islands, islands and towns in the Adriatic sea Ali Pasha ended out into the Gulf of a panto. It's now known as the golf of corn, and he's preparing to his fleet of nearly 300 galleys, which carried 35,000 soldiers and 13,000 galley slaves and Algerian pirate then told him of the gathering of his Catholic fleet and Sicily. So Holly Pasha hurriedly sent the message to the solvent, ask you for instructions saline, the second reply. But if the fleet of infidel dogs should come anywhere within range, Ali Pasha should fight it. Speaker 0 00:09:16 Galley warfare is essentially a floating version of a land battle. The essential tactics are around him and in boarding and the main purpose of the troops, mr. Borden captured any vessels on a 208 galleys of the Holy league, Don Juan committed 30,000 soldiers and nearly 13,000 sailors. They're armed with swords, Pikes, muskets, Bunder buses, crossbows, and bows and arrows. Every galley had a chaplain sometimes too. These were usually childhoods, Dominicans or Franciscans. Don Juan sent out a night of st. John with four galleys to locate Ellie passion's fleet on September 28th, the night reported that the Turks had gone to the panto to prepare for the winter. The Admiral Andrea Doria suggested that the leaders, the Catholic fleet meeting console decide what action to take. Don Juan replied. The time for consulates past the time to fight is now October 5th of a nation ship brought word to the fleet of the Holy week. Speaker 0 00:10:18 The family goes to the fallen. It had been completely pillaged that all the soldiers and most of the citizens have been put to the sword that braggadocio had been skinned alive. The news spread like wildfire throughout the fleet, and the men were filled with helpless rage and anguish and overwhelming desire to vendors. Their comrades. Some of the men had men and some of the men had friends or relatives that have fallen. If I'm Augusta. In fact, the two largest and most heavily armed warships in the Holy fleet were commanded by two, a braggadocios on brothers. 2:00 AM on October 7th, 1571, a favorable wind sprang up, which enabled the Catholic fleet to sail into the golf. Don Juan flew the blue flag with a figure of the crucified Christ and had a banner of our lady of Guadalupe on a ship at Dawn. The priest said mass and then gave a general absolution to all the men on board. Speaker 0 00:11:12 And they formed at the ships in formation like across Don Juan moved into launch from ship to ship, pulling up a crucifix and encouraging his men, telling him we are here to conquer or die and death, or in victory, you will win immortality. The Turkish fleet emerged stretched out in the battle line. Some three miles in length taking its typical battle formation like a Crescent moon or Allie pashas flagship grew the flu, the green banner of Muhammad inscribed with the name of Allah written 28,900 times and gold letters. The Turks made a great noise with gongs symbols, conscious and yells. The Christians rolled forward with the battle cry Famagusta Famagusta, Famagusta two flagships ran into each other. The gunners and archers and bullshit was fired volleys and Don Juan with his sword held high, led the charge on a deck of Allie posh his flagship all around the battle. Speaker 0 00:12:15 Raged furiously, the Catholics kept crying out Simon gusta Famagusta Famagusta and fighting with incredible ferocity. The battle for the flagship took two full hours. Ali posh was wounded by a shot and fell down a Spanish soldier from the boarding party jumped on top of him, pulled off, pull out his knife and cut off his head. He rushed it over to Don Juan. He said, what can I do with that? Throw it in the sea. Another sailor, fished it out and stuck it on the end of the Lance and the green flag with the Crescent known in 28,900 names of Allah came down and they claimed completely unscathed. Blue banner of Christ crucified was run up on a Turkish flag ship within three hours of hand to hand combat the waters of the Gulf for miles around were literally read from the bloodshed. And the sea was Troon with the dead bodies in the more than 25,000 Turks that were killed as well as the 7,500 dead Catholics. Speaker 0 00:13:17 The Catholics captured 10,000 Turks and free 12,000 galley slaves. The entire right wing of the Turkish fleet had been completely destroyed. Not one galley escaped. The battle was over by mid-afternoon. Since there were signs of approaching bad weather, Don Juan ordered his fleet to recruit, even though many galleries of the Holieway were still chasing the few escaping Turkish vessels of a 330 Turkey ships, fewer than 50 managed to escape. And most of these were burned because they could not be made sufficiently see where they prefer to use 117 Moslem galleys were captured intact and all the rest were sunk or destroyed after they'd been running short by the flame Turks at the very hour of victory, love panto pups in positive fifth was in the midst of a meeting with his treasure when he suddenly Rose to his feet and opened the window pausing for a moment. Speaker 0 00:14:13 He said, this is not the time for business, my case to thank God because our fleet this moment has won a victory over the Turks on October 21st, the first written reports reach wrong. The pulp shed, tears of joy and repeated a God. The words of Simeon, the nook dimittis. Now this does dust dismissed. I serve the Lord according to the word in peace, because my eyes have seen my salvation, which thou has prepared before the face of all peoples a light of revelation to the Gentiles and the glory for that people, Israel, that son, that he celebrated mass of Thanksgiving and st. Peter's Basilica. And later he designated October 7th, the day of the battle of the panto as a feast day in honor of our lady and Thanksgiving for that great victory today, we're celebrating external, so empty this great feast of victory obtained by the queen of the most Holy rosary and her warriors and Selena the second, whatever became of him. Speaker 2 00:15:17 Okay. Speaker 0 00:15:17 In 1574, after sucking down a whole bottle of that red Cypress wine slain, the second assault and the ruler of the Ottoman empire fell down, drunk in his bathroom and fractured his skull and died. Another serpent's head crushed.

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