Our Lady of China and the Underground Church in China

October 15, 2006 00:16:08
Our Lady of China and the Underground Church in China
Veritas Caritas
Our Lady of China and the Underground Church in China

Oct 15 2006 | 00:16:08


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Speaker 0 00:02 In 1932 Popeyes 11 chose the village of Dong. Lou is the site for the shrine of Our Lady of China. Since that time, tens of thousands of Chinese Catholics had made an annual pilgrimage, especially for the Feast of Mary Helper Christians. That's the most important Marian faced in China and they make us pilgrimage in spite of the fact that for the past five decades it's been illegal. It's illegal in China to be a Roman Catholic. It's a crime attending a mass Catholic prayer service or even saying a prayer over dying family member are all considered illegal and subversive activities by the communist regime and they punish such crimes by fines, house arrest, jail, labor camp, and sometimes even death. In fact, the communists are so concerned about the pilgrimage to Dong Lou that in April, May of 1996 they moved in 5,000 troops supported by armor and helicopters and destroyed and level that shrine. Speaker 0 01:19 They arrested the Bishop and auxiliary bishop and all the priests, the diocese that they could round up. The bishop Suzu man has suffered for about 26 to 28 years in prison so far he was beaten so savagely in prison that he suffered extensive loss of hearing and as of today, it's unclear whether he's dead or alive. In 82 year old priest, father econ thing was tortured to unconsciousness a seminarian, Wang Quinn was tortured for three days, suspended by his wrist, beaten, forced fed with liquids. It caused severe injury and illness. Follow you. Those legs were broken during these beatings. Currently, every one of approximately 45 bishops underground Roman Catholic church is either in jail, under house arrest, under strict surveillance, or in hiding. And right now as we're safely celebrating the holy sacrifice, the mass these abuses are going on, the Chinese faithful are suffering terribly in this period, ongoing persecution of the church. Speaker 0 02:30 Now, some of us might know people that have been to China. We might even know people that have been to churches in Beijing or Shanghai. The churches look Cathay, the investments, the prayers, and even the hymns are the same as you might see elsewhere. But these aren't Roman Catholic churches. These are all creations of the Chinese communist rulers. They're all part of an imitation church known as the patriotic association. There are two churches in China, the Patriotic Association to project the Chinese Communist Party. They have about 4 million members of the Roman Catholic Church referred to as the underground church, which has grown from about 3 million members. When the Communists seized power in 1949 to some around 10 million members today in 1957 the Chinese communists created their own church called the patriotic association, specifically in order to plant the Roman Catholic Church and to control the priest and the people so as to do their bidding. So they follow the dictates of the Communist leadership rather than the commands. Speaker 0 03:41 The Beverly father, the pope, the got a few Judas priest to be validly, but illicitly consecrated as bishops. That's bad enough, but it doesn't end there because it's a creature of the communist regime. The Patriotic Association supports the dictates of the party. For example, the patriotic association openly professes its independence from the pulp. Worse yet, the Patriot a bishops have called on Catholics to support the communist regimes, mandatory abortion policy for families with more than one child. And even worse, there's at least one American religious order that supports the patriotic association. This order sponsors patriotic seminarians. Now remember we're talking about seminarians that belong to a false communist church. We're tying by an organization specifically designed to destroy the Catholic Church. We're talking about seminarians who belonged to a pro abortion fake church. This American religious order gives scholarships and arranges for patriotic seminarians to come over here and study at certain American seminaries. Speaker 0 04:56 That order is married. No, don't give them a penny, not a penny. Right now, there are about 50 patriotic association seminarians and priests studying in seminaries throughout the United States, and a top it off. A number of these patriotic association priests have been given full faculties. That means they're permitted to administer the sacraments and a number of Catholic diocese in these United States. This is a concrete example of the heirs of Russia spreading throughout the world. Concrete example of what our lady of Fatima warned us. So we've got an American religious order providing scholarships for communist stooges to study in our seminars. Let's compare that with a situation for the underground seminarians. Most of the thousand plus undergone seminarians individually with Catholic families studying quietly and me with priests. When one happens by when we were in seminary, we learned about one of the underground seminaries in China. It's in a bar. Speaker 0 06:04 The seminarians go there and they don't leave that barn until they finish their studies. Now think about that. Why don't they so they won't be discovered. Underground priest wander by and stay for awhile. Teaching and administrating the sacraments. These men study for the priesthood knowing full well then the eyes, the comments regime, they're engaging in criminal activities. They're knowing full well that bind some miracle. Doug spent a good portion, perhaps all of their lives in labor camps. Okay? A lot more can be said. We get some idea of the persecution that's happening to loyal Catholics in China. So what can we do about it? I'll just mention five things this morning. The first is to pray. We need to pray for the people in the ground church and for the conversion of the patriotic association members. We evolved paper and given this beautiful liturgy and the freedom to come to mass daily, if we so choose the freedom of teacher children, the faith and the belongs, the one true church, we'd be guilty of some kind of horrible and gratitude if we couldn't find it in our hearts to offer up a spiritual arms for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are suffering under communism. Speaker 0 07:25 Second, this one at most, we'll take five minutes in, cost you a postage stamp at most EMA, nail it right to the Cardinal Cooke Foundation and this little flyer address on the bat, email address, all that stuff as to become a prayer sponsor. They'll send you a little card with the name of someone and the underground church or maybe in the patriotic association that you've committed to pray for brief biography and a little prayer. You can say, everyone here that's old enough to pray can do this. What this means, that in addition to praying generically for all the people suffering, the church of prayer sponsors a doctor specific person and praise from daily by name parents is to be a good thing to get all the kids signed up for and it's something they can remember in a family rosary every day. You can be praying for one of these people. Speaker 0 08:15 I've been doing it for years though. Sandhya ne and he can commit to it. You can be holding that person up in prayer and your holy rosary everyday. There's no reason why each one of us can't do that and it'll reap eternal benefits for the people we're praying for and for each one of us and for our community. Third, we can support the undergone priests by sending mass requests, send them to the Cardo Kung Foundation somehow. I don't know how they funnel it in China. These confessors in the faith live aftermath stipends then request to be $6 stipend per mass. If you send them 10 that gives him enough money to live for four days because it dockets situation. Mass Gates can't be fixed. Now, one of the priests in the fraternity is friends. That's one of the underground priests. The our priest is from Malaysia and Islamic country and this guy, this friend of his, when he comes to melee Asia to work in Islamic country there and in a place where a lot of what he's doing is completely, you know, illegal as well. Speaker 0 09:16 He, it's like a vacation. He's in his thirties he's already spent, he's like 34 or something. He's already spent I think five years in prison for the crime of being a priest. He thinks it's great when he gets to go to Malaysia because it's a break for a little while to get him charged up so you can go back before he gets rounded up and thrown back into a labor camp. Okay, so we support him $10 for days. Fifth, we need to really make a serious effort about boycotting goods made in China whenever it's humanly possible. Because not only do we not want to be killed here, cooperating with the sin of the frauding, the worker of his wage, we have to carefully consider how much of the cheap price of Chinese goods as a result of the slave labor of prisoners are locked up for crimes like administering the sacraments or refusing to deny that DePaul is the vicar of Christ on earth. Speaker 0 10:13 Yes, the boycott is inconvenient. A huge number of the things available over here seem to me made over there. Why are they sold over here? Cause we'll buy them. We boycott these things in an instant. If it was our family locked up, produced by slave labor when we, well, it is our family. So we need to make the effort whenever possible not to buy this stuff. So the five things we can do, we can pray for the persecuted church in China. Number two, we can pray specifically for specific person by name. Number two, you can have masses read for intentions by pretty soon underground church four we can the phrase seminarians expense five we can boycott Chinese good by doing these things. We'll be laying up treasure in heaven where neither the breasts or the mouth that consume where thieves do not break in or steal. Speaker 0 11:11 Now remember the shrine and Dong limited that was occupied and destroyed by the People's Liberation Army in 1996 why was it so hated by the Communists? What made them so fearful that they used 5,000 troops, armored vehicles and helicopters to destroy a tiny shrine and seize the statue of our lady? Why were they so fearful? Maybe it was because of the events the previous year. Although the pilgrimage was unauthorized and during May of 1995 all the roads and the dog were blocked by the communists and the only Chinese even permitted to use official transportation of dog and neighboring towns were those that were officially known to be non-Catholics. Nevertheless, in that month of May, our ladies month over a hundred thousand pilgrims risking fines and imprisonment arrived at Dong lieu to pray to the blessed mother to keep 24 hour vigil before her statue to be seat. You're as help of Christians and they begged here for a miraculous victory over the evil one. Speaker 0 12:26 And so was that on May 23rd, 1995 on the vigil of the Feast of Mary help of Christians on the vigil of the most important Feast Day of Mary in China. So was that a huge crowd of about 30,000 pilgrims was gathered in an open field near Dong loo. They're in an open field because the undergone church has to celebrate mass out in the open. They have no church in Dung. 30,000 pilgrims gathered for an illegal religious activity and honor of our lady and during the opening prayer, the mass which was being consolidated by 400 grand, they ships in about 110 priests. These 30,000 people witnessed a remarkable series of events. Before I describe them to you, you should know that this has been approved by local bishop. What you bought two years been approved. This is an approved apparition and I just had, this will be a running paraphrase of initial description. Speaker 0 13:28 The Sun suddenly lost its overpowering brightness and everyone could look at it with ease. Then it's fun to the right and then to the left. The center of the sun was covered by a white host and a circumference was surrounded by multiple colors. Ray's various colors emanated from the sun. The Sun itself changed cars over time, first yellow, then red, then blue, then the other colors then across was visible in the middle of the sun. Then the holy family, then the blessed Virgin Mary and then the blessing Saquon were visible at times. The sound would approach the crowd and then retrieved the faith for crying out. Holy mother have pity on us. Your children and holy mother, please forgive me my sins and other expressions. The whole congregation was so transfixed by the phenomenon that when they witnessed the change colors of the sun, they spontaneously shot in a pot of choice. Speaker 0 14:33 Yellow, red, blue. This lasted about 20 minutes. It was followed by a sudden white ray and a sky returned to normal and his signed statement about this phenomenon undergone bishop. They ship Susan and they showed about, and maybe China, whose jurisdiction includes Dong Lu expressed his belief that our lady had made three points in this great manifestation. First, she'd manifested her great power to strengthen the faith of the pilgrims because so many of them had to overcome such immense obstacles to be at a shrine of Dong Lou. Second, she'd reaffirm that the church who is loyal to the pulp is the true Catholic church supported by God. And third, she had asked us to repent and to return to God. She came to strength and faith to witness that the true church is in union with the pope, had to ask for repentance and return to God a message that each one of us can also take to heart Speaker 1 15:44 <inaudible>. Speaker 0 15:46 And now we know why the People's Liberation Army moved in and destroyed the shrine. Hell knows it's enemies. Hell hasn't forgotten the underground church. And we can see by the miracle that heaven hasn't forgotten the underground church either. We'll leave.

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