The Da Vinci Code: It’s Blaspheme not Dialogue

May 28, 2006 00:11:23
The Da Vinci Code: It’s Blaspheme not Dialogue
Veritas Caritas
The Da Vinci Code: It’s Blaspheme not Dialogue

May 28 2006 | 00:11:23


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Speaker 0 00:00:05 London, AFP Hollywood actor, Tom Hanks, criticized calls from church groups and religious leaders for boycott in his new film at the Vinci code insisting, they're taking it too seriously. We always knew there would be a segment of society that would not want this movie to be shown. The star told London's even standard newspaper, but the story we tell us about it with all sorts of hooey and fun, kind of scavenger hunt type nonsense, it's a bleeping good story. A lot of fun. And all it is is dialogue that never hurts. Close. Quote OD is his dialogue and that never hurts. Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom. Let's just substitute this. We'll read it again. I'll just put something in here and see what this is fly. I would, after Tom Hanks, Chris, I'd call it from church groups and religious leaders for boycott in his new film, denying the Holocaust, insisting that everyone is taking it too seriously. Speaker 0 00:01:00 We always knew there would be a segment of society would not want this movie to be shown. The story we tell is loaded with all sorts of who we had fun kind of scavenger hunt type nonsense. It's a bleeping good story. A lot of fun and all it is dialogue that never hurts. I think that to fly. I don't think so. I don't think so at all. No. All right, Tom, when you say all it is is dialogue and that hurt hurts. No, Tom it's blasphemy it's blast me. And that does hurt. I'll just read you a quote. What is blasphemy from a standard moral manual will ask me is offering insults to God. It is directly opposed to the desire of worshiping. God is primarily a center. The tongue, the blast, ms. Scott's writing actions. And we might include movies are equally offensive to God. All blasphemy against God is a grievous. Sin is the most grievous sin against religion is the most grievous sin against religion last night against the saints by perhaps st. Martin or nag line or sinker things insofar as they're consciously referred to God is also grievous for God is equally dishonored there by close quote. All it is is dialogue and that never hurts. Speaker 0 00:02:22 Well, I started assembling quotes of st. Thomas, and then I found something a work by Saint Alphonsus entitled the four principle Gates of hell. So I'll just read from Saint Alphonsus. The four principle Gates of hell broad is the way that leadeth destruction and many there are who go in there. Matthew seven, 15, 13 hell then has different Gates. These Gates stand upon earth, who Gates are sunk into the ground limitations to nine. These are the prices by which man offend God and draw down upon themselves chastisements and eternal death. Amongst the other devices. There are four which sends most souls to hell, not necessarily to bring upon then the scourges of God, at least for our hatred, blasphemy theft and impurity behold, the four Gates by which the greater number of souls enter hell is a, these I need to speak in order that you may amend and carry yourselves that these biases, otherwise God will cure you of them, but by your own destruction will only look at us blasphemy, but it's passed on to the second gate of hell, which is blessed. Speaker 0 00:03:44 Name some when things go wrong with him, do not attack men, but in Deborah to rake their vengeance upon God himself by the last name, no, my brother wasn't manner of sandblast to me is a certain author says every soon, compared with blasphemy is light. And first of all, st John, Chris has him says that there's nothing worse than blasphemy. Other sins st. Burdens to Saint Bernard are committed through fail to the blessed name is only committed through malice with reason then to st. Bernadine. If Santa Claus blasts me a diabolical sin, because the blast femur like a demon attacks God himself, he is worse than those who crucified Jesus Christ because they did not know him to be God, but he blasts beams knows him to be God and salts him face to face. He's worse than the dogs because dogs not bite their masters who feed them. Speaker 0 00:04:53 But the blast femur outrageous God who is at the very moment, bestowing favors upon him. What punishment as Saint Augustan, what's the fives to chastise so far. The crime we should not wonder says Pope Julius, the third at the scourges of God, do not see. Well, Sephora crime exists among us. We read that in France, that King Robert, when praying for the peace, the kingdom was answered by the crucifix that the kingdom should never have had peace. If he had not eradicated last week, the Lord threatens to destroy the kingdom in which this occurs advice, reins the blessing, the Holy one of Israel, your land is desolate. It shall be desolate Isaias one four, Oh, if there were always found someone to do what st. John Chris system advises strike his mouth and sanctify there by hand the mouth of a curse. It blast senior should be struck and he should then be stone as the old law commanded. Speaker 0 00:06:02 And he, the last few with the name of Lord dying, let him die. All the multitude shall stone, him Leviticus 24 16, but it would be better if that were done, which st. Louis King of France put in force. He commanded by edict that every blast fear should be branded on the mouth by an iron, a certain element, having blast weaned, many persons be sought the King, not to flick that punishment upon him, but st. Louis insisted upon its infliction. In every instance, and some accusing with excessive cruelty on that account, he replied that he would suffer his own mouth to be burned sooner than allows such an outrage to be put upon God in his kingdom. Tell me blast humor of what country are you around me to tell you you belong to hell. So Peter was known in the house of Caiaphas for galleon by speech. Speaker 0 00:07:00 Surely the heart. Also one of them, it was said to him for even eye speech stuff revealed in Matthew 26 73. And what is the language of the damned classmate? And they blast him the God of heaven because of their pains and wounds apocalypse 16, 11. What do you gain my brother by these, your classmates? You gain them honor by them. Last few years. They're a board. Even by the glass ms. Companions, do you gain any tempo advantages? Do you not see that? It's the curse advice. Keep this forever. And beggary sin naked nations miserable, Proverbs 1434. Do you derive pleasure from it? What pleasure did you arrive from blaspheming God, the pleasure of the dam and the moment that madness passes, what pain and bitterness does it not leave in your heart resolve to rid yourself of this advice in any event, take care. Speaker 0 00:07:59 If you do not abandon it now that you do not carry it with you to death as has happened to so many who have died with blasphemy in their mouth, the father, what can I do in the madness comes upon me. Good Lord. And are there no other means of working it off by blasting me say curse would be my sins. Mother of God, assist me, give me patience. Then your passion, your ankle pass off quickly. You will find yourself in the grace of God after the trial. If you do not act us, you'll find yourself more afflicted and more lost than before close quote, Saint Alphonsus, Bishop and dr. Moral theology at the universal church. Speaker 0 00:08:44 So all it is is dialogue and that never hurts. Thanks, Tom. One of the penances that the saints used to give for people with this habit was to ask them for each time they uttered a blast. You know, we have to distinguish between somebody accidentally letting something out and somebody deliberately blasting an accidental release. That's a Vino San. When somebody says the name, Lord, they, they hit their thumb with the hammer next and they do it. That's not the same. It's just, you know, cus Micah sailor kind of a thing. One of the penances that the saints would give to people who suffered from this affliction who had developed this terrible Bryce was every, they tell the person, alright, if you bless him at night, when nobody's around kneeled down and kissed the floor and lick with your tongue a little cross about an inch by an inch, 15 times, for each time you blast feet, the ideas you're showing our Lord, I've used my tongue to send you grievously 918. Speaker 0 00:09:47 The very instrument that I used to attack you, please give me the grace to overcome this habit. That's 15 times to give for people that deliberately did it. If people have a bad habit like this, start by doing it three times. If he blessed me once or twice, just accidentally, you know, passing there, being a blessing three times at night, if that doesn't work three times up at the five or seven, you'll see, you'll get rid of it. You can get rid of his habit pretty easily, because God will have mercy on people that want to get over it. You're not trying to attack them. You just developed a bad habit and in our terrible culture, it's easy to see why that's, how to get over it kneel down. He kissed the floor and look across each niche three times per a bad word. Okay? You can use that for other bad words to local charities. It works. Speaker 0 00:10:34 All it is is dialogue. Let's close with a few thoughts from the saints. Here's one from Saint Alphonsus. The sin of blast. Minivan is so enormous to rip your glass can be so nervous that the saints themselves appear not to have courage to pray for the last femur Saint Alphonsus final thoughts, Macquarie of ours, who instead of blasphemy is truly the language of hell. Be warned to my friends that if me rains in your homes, all they're in will perish be one. My friends that have blasted me, rains your home all here in little parish. <inaudible>.

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