Sacramentals Good Shepherd Sunday

April 30, 2006 00:21:47
Sacramentals Good Shepherd Sunday
Veritas Caritas
Sacramentals Good Shepherd Sunday

Apr 30 2006 | 00:21:47


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:04 years ago, I knew someone who was a camp candor for a big sheep ranch up in the mountains in the summer on this particular ranch. Each sheepherder would take a band of sheep way back in the hills so they could grow it at up in the high country. And then he'd spend the whole summer back in the high loads. Then with his dogs and his horses hurting that Dan his sheep and this one place got crazed down. He'd gradually month abandon and new grass. So once the camp tender to camp tenders, the guy goes around to the different sheep camps and brings in supplies, things like flour and baking powder and beans, whatever she put his knee. Now besides food, there's one really important item that you might not think of right off the bat. In fact, it's a critical item for the camp. Tinder had to make sure that every heard her had a really good supply of, okay, so what was that item as bullets? Speaker 1 01:04 Bullets might sound harsh, but we don't live in a Walt Disney cartoon with forest full of friendly talking animals that you can hunker down with. And have a little cup of tea so the sheepherders had to make good use of those bullets so she prepared. You're helpless when it comes to self defense. In fact, self-defense in the world of shape consists of bleeding Lauder or running around panic in a circle. It's not exactly that type of behavior that strikes terror into the hearts of predators, especially predators that like mutton, like coyotes. For example, one spring day, a few years back, one of my students brought in some pictures of what Kyle had done to their band, a sheep a couple nights before. They didn't have a sheepherder. I don't remember the exact number right now, but there was something like 35 had a sheep down there. They were down but they weren't dead. Speaker 1 01:59 See the Kyle said Hamstrung a bunch of the years that they're there. That means to turn off <inaudible>. It's the equivalent of the Achilles tendon and then until they can't run and then eat part of the Hams while they're still alive, they torn us throats out of ICU, eat some lambs, grabbed some by the throat and worried him to death and generally made a bloody mutilated mess of those sheep over about 10 acres country. And then they did with coyotes too, which is just trot off to find something else to do. They left all those poor mango cheap lane on a prairie, just bleeding and panning, waiting for someone or something to come along and kill him, put them out of their misery. Now suppose you made your living on sheep and that was just one night with the coyotes. And keep in mind the coyotes are not only pressure in that part of the country that likes lamb or mud besides coyotes. Speaker 1 02:52 You've got woves, you've got lines, eagles, there's both black and grizzly and so forth. So you get the picture. Now, this is good shepherd Sunday and you're the sheep that belongs to him along with the holy angels, your patron saints, the blessed version. I'm supposed to be hurting you all for him, and I'm supposed to be protecting your supernatural life, the sanctifying grace that you're saved and baptism from all the attacks of the devil and the world and the flesh. Huh? And they're very real. We not, might not be quite so aware of it. Although as we become more and more in the Nigo Pagan society, these things will become more obvious. But certainly if you know anybody that comes from a satanic country like Nepal or India, someplace like that, that's definitely real by saying they can tell you stories about the powers of the devils have to turn that people have about our power that which doctors and and so forth have over there. Speaker 1 03:52 Anyway, today we're going to talk about one particular type of protection the good shepherd has given for the to a church to protect his sheep. And I've Sacramento's. We'll start with just a few basic questions and answers from the catechism question. What are Sacramento's answer Sacramento's or holy things or actions of which the church makes use of to obtain for us from God through her intercession, spiritual, and temporal favors. Question, what are the chief kinds of Sacramento's answer? The chief kinds of Sacramento's our first blessings given by priests and bishops. Second exorcisms against evil spirits, and third, blessed objects of devotion. Close quote. Now let's spend a few minutes taking a quick look at a few examples of each of these. Chief kinds of Sacramento's first blessings given by priests and bishops. Most of these are pretty obvious. There's a lot of them right during mass, but when we may not be aware of is the one that we get at the end of the absolution. Speaker 1 05:02 When we go to confession, there's a blessing right? Then the Sacramento, when the police pre-start start positive, I mean now Caz, Christie and so forth, which means in English what he's saying, that the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, the merits of the blessed Virgin Mary and of all the saints and also whatever good you do and whatever evil you into or because for their mission of your sins, the increase of graves and the reward of everlasting life. Amen. That's what he's saying. This is an extremely powerful blessing. What does it do? I turns all of our good works. Every single one of our acts of penance, every single one of our acts, mortification and all of our sufferings into Sacramento's so that just by the power of that blessing, all these acts then begin to admit our sins, increase our grace, obtain eternal life because he's attached to the sacrament. Speaker 1 05:56 See moves it from one level to a whole nother level can make it easier to grow in holiness, to protect herself and her. So it'd be easy. I'm not exaggerating the east to preach a whole sermon on this one blessing. There's that much just in that blessed you would and you could take 20 minutes and it wouldn't be stretching. It went out. Since we're on a topic of blessing, there's another truth we should remind ourselves though the catechism also points out, quote, the lady can bless, but not in the name of the church. Us, we have the custom of parents blessing their children and these private blessings and more pious. The person giving a blessing to greater too fed close quote parents every night. You ought to be giving your kids a blessing. One way to do it is to use your thumb and trace out the sign across your kid's foreheads. Speaker 1 06:42 Will you say something along the lines under the bus? You know the mighty God, father, son, Holy Ghost descend upon you and protect you from all evil words to that effect. You can do this while they're already lying in bed or happened to kneel down in front of you to get this blessing before they go to bed or if they're going to go out. You can also use blessed oil, olive oil when you do it and upset upstate handy and it has a blessing against their dreams. If you do this every night, it'll actually help your children grow in grace and holiness and not only protect them from evil, but especially help them with regards to the fourth commandment. Father, would you tell us how to do that again? Yes. Use your thumb to make the sign across their forehead while you're saying something negative by somebody. Speaker 1 07:29 God the father, son and holy clothes to upon you. Protect you from all evil you don't. When they land on, have him kneel down them before they get the blessing you can use plus Davo economics to do is for your God showed her your grand showed somebody have dominion over. Okay. The saints knew this. See Thomas Moore's father was a judge in a very low level court. You know, uh, judges, simple court. But even when Saint Thomas Moore was the Lord High Chancellor of England, he's the second most powerful man in all the room. Every time he passed by his father's court, he'd walk in and as soon as an opportune moment, he'd kneel down and get his father's blessing right in front of everyone. Pleasant. It's the second most powerful man in all England and kneel down to get his father's blessing in front of all these people that are arraigned in court. Speaker 1 08:15 This is only my personal opinion right now, but I'm convinced that by being so faithful about receiving his father's blessing and not worrying about what everyone else around him thought, Saint Thomas Moore got the grace from God to not only be faced with his father, but to be faithful to the holy father and not worry about what everyone else around him thought. It's an important thing. Bless your kids when they're going to bed, if they're going out, you're still to make the sign across my forehead. Reach sand, something like me, the bus, nobody. God the father, son, the Holy Ghost to set upon you and protect you from all evil you can use all level and then go into bed. Have them kneel down, what have you. Okay, so blessings. That's the first chief kind of Sacramento, second exorcisms against evil spirits. We've all heard of exorcisms of possessed people. Speaker 1 09:06 We're going to talk about that right now, but that's the Sacramento. I will wouldn't make one parents medical quote. People sometimes wonder where the extra says is. It's easy. Every diocese has one and he's called the bishop. That's who the exorcist is. He may appoint a priest, but everybody dies. He has an extra just by virtue of the office and he's called the bishop. Anyway, these actresses are the possessive people are not the only kind of exorcism. The exorcisms before baptism are real exorcisms and break away bondage and any kind of dominion, evil spirit hatice bless it. Olive oil and blessed salt that everyone should have around home. Those have real exorcisms. Okay, holy water. This just stuff just flat. The little morons from hell. Let me read you just a few lines from the blessing of holy water and holy water has less salt in it too. Speaker 1 09:57 This is just a few lines. I'm just cutting and pasting. Okay. Listen to the some of the things that the church, the power of the Church has put into holy water. Quote, I exercise you. You mean water? I exercise you that you may become a means of salvation for believers. They may bring health of soul and body to all the make use of you, and they may put the flight and drive away from the places where your sprinkled every demonic apparition, wickedness in every county, diabolical deceit and every unclean spirit. Dot. That dot. It rid whatever it touches or sprinkled upon of all in cleanness. I protect it from every salt that evil, dot. I exercise you so that you may put the flight all the power of the enemy. They able to run out to plant that enemy with this app, state agents to the power of our Lord Jesus Christ who will come to judge the living and dead and the world by dot. Speaker 1 10:46 May this become an agent of divine grace to drive away evil spirits and discount sickness. So everything in the homes and other abilities that faithful that is sprinkled with this water. Maybe read of all uncleanness and free from every horn, but no breath infection, no disease bearing air remaining. These places may the wild <inaudible> any proof of no avail, but whatever it might menace the safety piece of those who live here be put to flight by the sprinkler and as water close quote. Now that's the only few lines who blessed the holy water. It's right there all the time. This stuff is powerful. Everyone needs to keep holy water around their home. It's powerful stuff. The St students that Great Dominican St Vincent Dreher is one of the greatest miracle workers that's ever lived. Had another very practical use for holy water. A woman who was always arguing in bakery with her husband came and asked the saint for advice. Speaker 1 11:40 St Vincent gave her a bottle of water from the monster. He told her that as soon as her husband began to scold her, she ought to take a good drink, but not to swallow it. He told her, just keep the water in your, it's your husband finished and then to swallow it and then that would help the bolster. Then she got the blessings of the holy water. She resists a near occasion of sin and increased the army home. This really works. It's not a joke as no time missionary priest used to say quote during missions, I recommend this to women and it always proves helpful. Close quote. So exorcisms are the second kind of Sacramento, third chief kind of blessing. Optrix the devotion. We've all got a blessed rosary. She keep that with us all the time. We're all wearing the brown scapular. At least we better be someone here isn't you need to get enrolled in that and don't waste any time. Speaker 1 12:32 We've always had got tons of them around today. We just have a series of blessed objects. That's what's called up back there. We want everyone to have, make sure when you leave today at least one person, each hostel goes out the main doors. He can pick them up. Okay, go out the main doors. Now, I'll say this right now, but I'll say it again later. Uh, everybody gets all the metals and cards, but only one one thing and bread per household. We didn't make enough bread for every single person cause it's not that necessary. I'll get to that later. Okay. So anyway, we got St Bendix metal back there for every single person that's the only metal. It has an exorcism on it. There's one for every person here, including the infants. Everyone <inaudible> ought to keep one. They one of these on his person all the time on your scaffold, around your neck, on your key chain somehow. Speaker 1 13:16 But you have to have it with you all the time for the infants, just put it above their crib high enough so it's out of reach. But that'll protect him at night and whatnot. Okay. See Anthony's brief, I talked about that before. There's a little card you can put on your wall under your mattress. It also drives away devils and helps protect or prevent temptations you keep in your pocket or your wallet or something. It'll protect you. So everyone gets a one of those, a metal and a holy card to Saint Rock, also known as Saint Rock. Now this one's easy to recognize cause a saint rock is dressed like a medieval pilgrim. He's got a pilgrim staff and he's got a dog with food, his mouth and a bare leg with open source. Okay. Why is that? Saint Rock was born with a distinctive Red Cross shaped birthmark on the left side of his chest. Speaker 1 14:07 He's orphan, does a teenager and at the age of 17 he's decided to go on a pilgrimage from France to Rome on the way he ended up stopping an area that was strict with the bubonic clay. Now he didn't nurse many of the sick people. He cared, rack secured many of them, but just doing the sign of the crossover. He traveled around for years, nursing people and carrying them miraculously by the time across from the plague and other diseases in one town, he ended up catching the plague himself, bashed the countryside. That's why the leg with the sores, so he benched in the countryside and then a dog started showing up and bringing him food. That's where the dogs on here, ultimately the dog, right? It's master. The master took saint rock back to his place, nursed him to hell, and then went to St Rock. Speaker 1 14:53 Finally fully recovered. He walked back to the town and healed all the towns of people in the lifestyle by just doing a sign across. All of them did sign across other tongue. When he returned home, Don recognized him and he was jailed because by the next five years, on August 16th, 1378 a guard southern Gunjan illuminated by the strange blue light. So he went into the Gungeon, any Foglight light emanating from saint rock who's on the verge of gas. So he summoned the governor who commanded the prisoner, identify himself in a faint voice. St Rock said to the governor, I'm your nephew, rock. And then he died. And so after he checked St Rock's chest, he saw that little red crushing birthmark. The governor realized it really had been his nephew and he'd had him locked up. As they're standing there, they suddenly hear a voice. Heavenly voice announced at saint rocks, so had married at eternal glory in heaven. Speaker 1 15:53 After his death, miracles increased. For example, during the council of Constance in 1414 this is one of the ecumenical causes. The church. The plague struck Constance while the council was meeting. There is the concert fathers ordered the public prayers be be right out. They gave for Saint Rocks Center session and the plague stopped. Okay, father. So why do you want us to have these medals and cars to protect you from sickness or epidemics? There's a prayer to saint rock on the back to protect us from pestilence. So like suppose something like this, bird flu tech turns out to be a big deal. We're already geared up and ready to go. So make copies of prayers. Stick them in your medicine, chest, any Bible places like that. Safe places that you have when you need them. All right. We also have holy car to Saint Hubert and he's on the back of lobbies. Speaker 1 16:43 St Rock metals. If you turn it over, it won't say who that is. It's St Huber seed Hubert. When you see him in artwork, he's standing there a lot of times if a bowlers beer and there's a stag with a crucifix, uh, between his horns right up there between the antlers. Okay. What's the story say? He would see him. He was born about six 56 and what is now belled as young man. He wasn't particularly pies. And one Good Friday, instead of going to church, he decided to go honey, see, he'd sat us up and offered, he's ride and he speaks up a really magnificent stay and he's running after it and all of a sudden it stops and turns and when it turns, he can see this crucifix standing between his antlers. You know, you see rains up. Obviously that's not your one, each issue type, big game situation. Speaker 1 17:29 So he stopped me staring at that thing and all of a sudden you hear a voice from heaven. He says, Huber, unless he turned to the Lord and lead a holy life, you will quickly fall into hell. So he would jumped off his horse and knelt down and said, Lord, what would you have me to do? And the voice replied, Go and seek Lambert and he will instruct you. The Lambert is the Bishop Lambertson St Lambert. Saint Hubert went and found Saint Lambert made a good confession. God, his life lined up. Ultimately he was ordained a priest by St Lambert. When St Lambert died about seven Oh five st Heuer ended up replacing him saying he would find a ton of the age and spent much of his life going on preaching and doing miracles to convert all the pagans who lived in our den forest. It's a lot smarter than it was huge now than it was then. Speaker 1 18:22 This, what about all the bolts was flood, but he converted all the Pagans from idolatry in there by means of preaching and miracles. Exactly. One time he's walking along, some possessed woman came up, foam at the mouth and shrieking out a bunch of crazy things. He does the sign across the bank. She's freed. This makes a huge impression on people that have no power over to LSU Pagans. They just haven't met yet and somebody doesn't sign the cross and they're free. Know. That's a little bit about safe Huber. Okay, father, why do you want us to have a card of Saint Hayward and st he would bread. That's what's in the package is sent. He would bread. What's not because he's the patron saint of hundreds, but because among other things, St Hubert's bread has the blessing and the blessing on that grid prevents, protects men. It has pluses for animals too. Speaker 1 19:04 But with this talk out there and it protects men from infestations, that devil from a sudden and then provided death from rabies and other diseases of body and soul. So what you want to do is keep in your freezer. Then suppose we can epidemic, he pull out this bread. Then every day for nine days, you look literally DVD piece. We go for breakfast, lunch and dinner or that time of day and say the creed and nine are fathers and nine hell marriage and sometime and that nine days you go to confession and receive communion. That's, that's how that works. Sometimes it's following out today and have everybody bring in water and salt and bread and bless the whole little for whatever. Cause there's also st Hayward saw it and saint <inaudible> water, but there was no way I could figure out how to juggle all this stuff. Speaker 1 19:44 But anyway, that's what you do as Saint Saint Hubert bread. Let's close. We started by talking about the importance of protecting sheep from predators. We saw a parallel between protecting the natural life of sheep of predators by using a good natural names called bullets. And we see the importance of protecting the supernatural life of the good shepherd sheep from predators like devils, the world, the flesh, those kinds of dangers by using supernatural names, the Sacramento's, we've seen it Sacramento's. Our holy things are actions which the church uses to obtain favors from God. We seen that the chief conscious Sacramento's, our first blessings given by priests and bishops, second exorcisms to drive out evil spirits and third blessed objects, devotions. We've seen the blessing at the end of absolution as a power to turn all of our good works, our acts of Penance, mortification, all of our sufferings into Sacramento's so that they help remit us and increase our and obtain eternal life. Speaker 1 20:49 We've seen parents audit, bless your children. You got to bless him by just tracing the sign across and then forehead with your comments saying that the blood salary, God, the father son, the Holy Ghost to send upon you and protect you from all evil children, God, children, grandchildren, so forth. You can do this when they land in bed, or you can have him kneel down before you to get the blessing before they go to bed or go out. I've seen it. Saint Benedict's metals, holy water, incredibly powerful weapons against these morons from Hell and when the keys holy water to bring peace in the home. When the husband gets excited for taking a good drink, not swelling to the urge to argue passes or he quiets down. We've seen St Ra and St Heuer are both powerful intercessors to protect us from diseases. The kid shepherd loves us. He knows this better than we know ourselves. He loves us. He wants to make sure we have all the spiritual weapons we need to be protected against the attacks of the world, the flesh and the devil. <inaudible>.

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