The Decisive Battle Will Be Over Marriage

March 11, 2018 00:29:37
The Decisive Battle Will Be Over Marriage
Veritas Caritas
The Decisive Battle Will Be Over Marriage

Mar 11 2018 | 00:29:37


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Speaker 0 00:00 Oh, they're very impressive. We see that Hawaii had a real scare yesterday that they had for 38 minutes. They thought they were going to. There was a ballistic missile coming in and we're going to get you out. And I looked through the news and there were all kinds of comments. Black people, only two talked about praying or doing pennants to God for their sins. Most of the others were just expressed for shock and alarm. We're all gonna die. We always need to be ready to face our Lord. Make sure you keep yourself in the right condition and should you find yourself not in the right condition. Get to confession right away. Don't wait for something like that. We're all gonna die. Speaker 0 00:52 And the third day there was marriage and can of Galley and the mother of Jesus was there. The name of the father and the son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Today we'll take a closer look at the first line in Today's Gospel and to do that we'll fall the scriptural commentary. It shows assembled from the works of the father, the church by the grid, Flemish Jesuit, father kindness. A lab today. He worked in the late 15 hundreds and early 16 hundreds as usual. Uh, throughout the sermon we'll edit, cut, paste as needed clients, dilapidate quote. And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee and the mother of Jesus was there. The third day refers to the third day from the visit and conversion of Andrew and Peter. From that day, Jesus began to gather disciples and reveal himself to them from that point. Therefore, John computes this third day on which are Lord plainly manifests himself to them and shows that he is the messiah by turning water into why close quote now coronase slappity relying largely on the greatest story of the church, Carnal Boronias as well as the epiphanies is going to connect all this, these events to the calendar call. Speaker 0 02:14 Here's the sequence of these days in the life of Christ, according to the tradition of the church and the fathers on the feast of the Epiphany, the day on which third years previously the match, I had been led by a star to worship Christ at Bethlehem. Our Lord was baptized by John Close. Cool. Okay. And so in spite of what somebody is monitoring, clowns might claim according to the traditional church and a father's match. I actually arrived in Bethlehem on January 6th and 30 days, 30 years later. On that same day, John the Baptist baptized our Lord for Jordan, that draconian slappity who will now discuss what happened immediately after our board's baptism and exactly when he turned the water into wine call St epiphanies says the marriage took place on the 60th Day from Christ baptism after dinner on the same day that the Lord was baptized by John the 6th of January, he went into the desert where he fasted for 40 days. Speaker 0 03:26 This past began on the 7th of January and ended on the 15th of February. Then he returned to Nazareth where he stayed 15 days. Seen epiphanies says that immediately after this, the 56th day after his baptism, the Jews sent messengers to Saint John the Baptist to ask him whether he was the Christ or not. This took place on March 1st John denied it and said that Jesus is the Christ. The next day, March 2nd Jesus came to John who pointed him out with his finger saying, behold the lamb of God, behold him who taketh away the sin of the world. On the following day, March 3rd John repeated this testimony before to his disciples, one of whom was Andrew. Hence they visited Jesus and then Andrew brought his brother Peter to Christ. On March 4th Jesus went into Galilee where he called Philip. Since this was the second day from the coming of Andrew with his brother Peter to Christ, it was the third day of March 5th when the wedding feast took place close. Speaker 0 04:34 Okay, so let's quickly go over that. We've seen that when our Lord had just turned 30 years old, he was baptized on January 6th and then went out into the desert and fasted for 40 days after he came back and spent some time at home at NASA on March 1st the choose a asked seek John the Baptist if you were to cry. He said, no. On March 2nd St John pointed out, our Lord sing her your state hitch. We told him to God one day. He said, behold the lamb of God. Behold him who takes away the sins of the world. On March 3rd St John repeated his testimony with forced to Andrew and another disciple and Saint Andrew then brought his brother, sent Peter to Christ. On March 4th our Lord called Saint Phillip and on March 5th on the 60th day from his baptism, he went to the wedding feast. Speaker 0 05:26 Now currently to laugh today, asked the obvious question, why does the church commemorate the miracle of the turning of the water into wine? On the feast of the Epiphany, if it actually took place on March 5th and he answers according to Peroneus Santa Guston, Saint Maximus and others, the church commemorates the miracle. On that day, though it did not actually take place upon it because the church wished to celebrate on the same feast of the epiphany or manifestation of Christ, the three miracles by which Christ first made himself manifest to the world. First, the rival and adoration of match I who are led by a star. Second, the baptism of Christ. When the father's voice was heard like thunder, this is my beloved son. And third, the turning water into wine at Canaan. The first of these two, three miracles happen on the same day. That is the 6th of January. Whereas the third took place two months later on March 6th Speaker 1 06:27 close. Cool. Speaker 0 06:30 Epiphany is a Greek word, which means manifestation. So the reason we commemorate all three of these mysteries together, because these are the three miracles by which Christ first manifest himself to the world. And then although we commemorate all this on a Piffy with divine office, the church wants to draw our attention more closely. These mysteries. So we have three separate days in which we focus more closely on age. On January 6th the feast epiphany itself, we focus on the revelation of Christ, the gentile nations by the visit of magic and the optical epiphany, which was yesterday, January 13th we focus on about tourism and the lore and the second Sunday after epiphany, we focus on a miracle of water turning into y. Now, coronase Alacrity, trends. The question, whose marriage was this and who is the bride? Groom, Speaker 1 07:21 I call Speaker 0 07:22 the bridegroom at this marriage was apostle Simon, sometimes always also known as Simon. The zealot because as soon as he had seen the miracle of water, turning into why you became a zealous follower of Christ and the place where their marriage was celebrated, was it Dorn and noble by famous church built there by same Helena, the mother of Constantine, the great. As soon as Simon had seen this miracle of Christ, his wedding, he paid for a well to his bride in the world and followed him, was chosen to be one of the 12 apostles. This was the reason why Christ came to this wedding by coming indeed honored marriage. But by calling him to himself, he declared themselves as in the pasta or more excellent than marriage Speaker 1 08:04 close quote. Speaker 0 08:07 And the mother of Jesus was there <inaudible> she was invited as a friend by those who are celebrating the marriage. There's no mention of Joseph in his place or subsequently he was now dead Speaker 1 08:20 close. Cool. Speaker 0 08:21 That's coordinated. So that happening. So we've taken a closer look of his commentary on one line through inspired, inerrant word board of the God. And the third day there was a marriage. You can't enough galley. And the mother of Jesus was there, but there's one term in this life and the holy gospels that coordinates the lap today didn't bother to explain. In fact, would it never even occurred to them that it might need an explanation, but in this present darkness, the confusion about the true value is term is so deep, so widespread that we just can't by it was hot. An explanation and that term is of course marriage, marriage. What exactly is marriage? Not before we turn to the correct definition by way of contrast, we'll take a quick look at some incorrect definitions and we'll start by looking at the definition used in the Perry versus Schwartz negative, a decision by the Federal District Court for the northern district of California and that decision, the court produced this and so-called definition called marriage is the state recognition and approval of a couple's choice to live with each other, to remain committed to one another and to form a household based on their own feelings about one another and to join an economic partnership and support one another in any dependence close quote. Speaker 0 09:53 Now, I'm not sure what level of hell this so called definition was vomited up for them, but it's absolutely insane. Marriages, not the state recognition approval of a couple's choice to live with one another, to remain committed to one another and to form a household based on their own feelings of all another and to join an economic partnership and support one another in any dependents. That is not what marriage is, but the insanity and there I feel the more crazy points can't even be read from the pulpit, but here with some obvious editing or a few more gems that I gleaned from that decision. The movement of marriage away from a gendered institution toward an institution free from state mandated generals reflects the evolution and the understanding of gender rather than a change in marriage. No, it doesn't. Marriage hasn't moved away from a gendered institution and toward the institution free from state managed gender rules. Speaker 0 10:52 Marriage hasn't moved at all. It hasn't budged an inch. The movement of so called legal rulings from a basis in reality to towards a basis and perversity reflects the lack of understanding of basic concepts and events. At corruption in our society. I continue gender, no longer forms in central park of marriage, gender, no longer forms in the central part of marriage. This is like a court ruling that triangles no longer have to have three sides and San Francisco couples are identical to true couples in the characteristics relevant to the ability to form successful marital union. I, yeah, they're identical through couples in the characteristics relevant to the ability for him to successful neuro team kids. Yes, of course. The moon is made out of green sheets. I mean this is where we are in American jurors. Prudence. Consider these genes, gems gleaned from the U S Supreme Court decision and I'm miss can pronounce it, overfill versus Hod. Speaker 0 11:53 This decriminalizes abominations over all these United States. Everything that we're going to hear, it was written by Catholics. By the way. We'll start with a quote from a dissenting opinion by the late Justice Scalia who was a serious Catholic, but this code, is it going to show you how far gone we are? This is a dissenting opinion, so against this stuff keep in mind is from the descending opinion. Cool. The lock can recognize marriage, whatever sexual attachments or living arrangements at wishes and can accord them favorable civil consequences from tax treatment to the rights of inheritance. The law can recognize his marriage, whatever sexual attachment to living arrangements it wishes. I mean seriously. What is wrong with these people? This is nuts. Is that true? Is it true that the law can recognize as triangles, any plane figures of wishes that you could have four side of triangles and eight side of tribes at 16 side of triangles? Speaker 0 12:54 Is that true? Of course it isn't. True. Marriage has an objective reality. Just like a triangle does not objective reality is there. No matter what simple. Suppose that law may or may not say what the setting opinions like that it's small wonder. We're in such big trouble. Consider this a Shannon from the majority opinion, and I've limited myself here. This is written by Justice Kennedy. No cool. It demeans persons of a San Francisco persuasion to be locked out of a central institution in the nation society. It misunderstand these men and women to say that they disrespect the idea of marriage. They're pleased that they do respect, respect. It's so deeply that they seek to find its fulfillment for themselves. Their hope is not to be condemned, to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization's oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law clause. Cause no, this is completely and utterly false. It is absolutely essential to understand that no one has ever prevented these people from getting married. They've never been locked out of marriage, they've never been excluded from one of civilization's all this institution. And if anything of what I just said right there sees even the slightest bit surprising, then you need to listen very carefully to the rest of this sermon because it means that you're confused as to the actual nature of marriage Speaker 2 14:18 as well. Speaker 0 14:23 So you seen what marriage is not just what is marriage. Now, some of what we'll talk about here, maybe tough to hear, but we're just gonna assume that everyone here would rather you're saving truce than soothing mys. So what does marriage the most basic fact about marriage is it was made by God. Consequently, God and only God makes the rules. Marriage is a contract that results in a marriage is a contract. The results in a relationship. If a man and woman freely make this contract and God makes the relationship, they consent to be man and wife and then God, maybe salt. So what's the marriage contract? The contract with them, which your man or woman make. The contract which we both consent to have in order to enter into the relationship of marriage is very clear. Here's the traditional description of the marriage contract on man and a woman. Speaker 0 15:26 Yeah. And except a perpetual and exclusive right for acts which are of themselves suitable for the generation of children. That's the marriage contract. A man and a woman give him except a perpetual and exclusive ride for acts which are of themselves suitable for the generation of children. That's the marriage contract. If it's a properly made, validly made this contract results in relationship known as marriage. They vowed they make the contract. God makes the relationship and that's true. Whether or not they believe in God, it's reality. So just to someone's going to fall if he steps off a cliff, whether or not he believes in gravity sauce of a man and a woman valley make this contract, God will make that relationship whether or not they believe in him. Speaker 0 16:27 So marriage is a contract that results in a relationship in the marriage contract, a man and a woman give an exception. Perpetual exclusive right for acts which are themselves suitable for a generation of children. God Hash was a consequence to making this contract. If the man or woman valving make this contract, they sleep on it, then the two become related to each other, closer than a brothers religious sister close to the father's related to his son. And that relationship has made directly by God. Marriage is most definitely not the state recognition approval, the couple's choice to live with each other, to remain committed to one other than formal hostile based on their own feelings about one hour. That's not marriage. And if you notice on the contrary it says nothing about feelings, nothing, nothing, not contracting for feelings when you contract for marriage. Once we see the marriage, his contract with a man and woman given except for passionate exclusive app, right, for acts to try themselves sit what it generates a children. It's easy to see that these persons of San Francisco persuasion have never been prevented from getting married. That's not the problem at all. The problem is because they're perversions, they actually don't want to get married. Speaker 0 17:56 Now, let's just take a moment to consider the marriage contract, both partners to the contra a Acree. That's why weddings work the way they do the man or the woman or each asked if they agree to the contract. Each one must answer freely of his own accord. There are two witnesses to that contract on behalf of society and the priest is there on behalf of the church. Precisely because it's a contract. If the contract's not properly entered into no relationship results that the contract is not validly made, God does not make the relationship. That's where nomad fits in an authentic phenomena as a result of a couple not making a valid contract. For example, developed a contract. Marriage, Catholics. Now we're talking about Catholics. We're not talking about a process or non Christians in this particular and as me as one example, but Catholics must either be married according to the canonical form or have a dispensation. Speaker 0 18:54 What's a canonical form? It has to be the front of a priest or a deacon with delegation and in front of two witnesses. Okay, so Catholics, and again, we're not talking about Protestants, are non Christians here only calories. If Catholics attempt to get married before just as a piece, then the contract wasn't properly made. That means the relationship didn't end, couldn't come in to be. It's a contract between a man and a woman. God only created two sexes and are not genders. Their sex gender's a a concept that belongs to ground. God created two. Sex is male and female. He created them. It takes one of each to make a marriage. The term perpetual indicates the marriage contract results in relationship with a specific condition that each partner yields marital rights perpetually. That shows indissolubility the relationship. This ride lasts for exactly one lifetime till death do us part. Speaker 0 19:50 Cool. A declaration by the state of the husband and wife are no longer husband and wife a declaration that is up. Divorce isn't mere form of words. The state can say that is broken. The marriage bond between two people but has not broken during the lifetime of the parties. They remain husband and wife because that is of the nature of marriage as ordained by God. The failure to understand this teaching of the Catholic Church has given rise to much quite irrelevant argument. Those who urged the church should grant or at least at any rate permit divorce always do so on the ground that in certain cases it is desirable. But to urge that a thing is desirable is no answer to this statement, that it is impossible and that is the precise truth as a practical matter resulting from it's being God made. Marriage is not indissoluble just because both parties wedding made vows of lifelong fidelity. Speaker 0 20:49 It's in desirable because it's marriage. Close quote frank sheet. In other words, divorce has no effect whatsoever on marriage. It's a mere form of words, which at best are you legally divides up properties of a couple who remain married and consequently no one can dated divorced person. For the simple reason they remain married to their spouse. Marriage lasts until death. The relationship resulted from this contract cause exclusive. The rights are exclusive, which means that each part your yields marital rights exclusively to the other partner which shows the entity of the relationship. In other words, this means only one man and only one woman. Now Plug may not this Henry the eighth the action. You don't get a cute trader in on a new model. This is it. He gave his word before the altar and God's going to hold it to them. Period. Close the book. Speaker 0 21:42 Marriage is exclusive. Marriage is a contract I wish the man and woman given except rights for which acts for x. We try themselves suitable for generation children. There are limits. The acts must be of themselves suitable for the generation of children. No contraception, no sterilization, no refusal of a reasonable request. He gave his body away to spouse before the altered. It's no longer his to take back and vice versa. Marriage is a relationship in which the acts are suitable for the generation of children. There's no contraception, no sterilization, and no refusal of a reasonable request. Finally, why did God create marriage? Speaker 0 22:29 Why did God create marriage? What's the purpose of marriage? God created marriage with two specific purposes. The primary purpose of marriage cause the procreation and education of children. The secondary purpose of marriage is mutual help and comfort as bosses and remedy would concupiscence. Okay, so why have we hammered on this to make sure that everyone here has a solid glass on exactly what marriage is when virtually all the governments in the world to say nothing of. Most of the bishops in the world seem incapable of explaining or defending this. You know that we are in serious trouble and we are. Speaker 0 23:20 Have the bishops been preachy in season and out of season and marriage? What is ratified and consummated cannot be resolved by any human power, but he caused an death. Had they been preaching in season and out of season and clear and unbuttoning unambiguous manner of Christ teaching with regards to marriage, the beauty of vocation is it call for holiness and man, as with the requires the across as well as the tough, no divorce, the actual grounds for legal separation, the parameters, the marital act, contraception is intrinsically evil. Then we'd have far more babies in the world, far more happiness and rural farmer, holiness in the world, far more vocations in the world, far more married people being safe. We'd have all that and more. We wouldn't have these nightmares perversions be called marriage. We need to pray for the people that are tangled up in this. Speaker 0 24:09 These kinds of things are really hard for people that have those kinds of orientations and we had to pray for him. We have to reach out from the, we have to tell people the truth. If you love people, you're going to John Lynch. We have to love them enough to tell him the truth, even though it's painful because they've got a struggle and they can be saying, but they can't be saved. If they call the way of the world, they're dunked. They're doomed if they follow their appetites. We have to speak truth. So if the bishops in preaching all these things in season, out of season, when have this nightmare would have his horrific emotional culture, wreckage from somebody, destroyed families, so many destroyed lives. Most importantly, we wouldn't have what appears to be the eternal laws. So many immortal souls. Speaker 0 25:04 We want to have what appears to be an eternal damnation, so many immortal souls. Let's review. We seen them when our Lord just turned 30 years old. He was baptized in January 6th the same day, the third years before the three kings and visit him in the manger. After his bachelor's, he went out to the desert and fasted for 40 days after he came back. He spent some time at home and ask her on March 1st the Jews see John the Baptist if you are the Christ. He said, no, March 2nd St John. Point out, Lord, behold the lamb of God. Behold him, he takes away the sins of the world. March 3rd St John, repeat his testimony for Saint Andrew and another disciple. It's an Andrew. Then brought his brother Saint Peter to Christ. On March 4th our Lord called Saint Philip and March 5th on a 60 day from his bachelors, he went to the wedding feast. Speaker 0 25:54 We've seen that the reason we can merit these three mysteries on the feast of the epiphany, even though the water was actually turned into wine and March 5th because the whole point of feast is to celebrate the manifestation of Christ to the world. Epiphany is a Greek word, which means to manifestation. So the reason we commemorate all three of these mysteries together, because these are the three miracles, Bush Christ first made himself manifest the world. We've seen the bridegroom was the apostle seed, Simon Canaanite Paulson on Saint Simons Elec so called because as soon as he had seen the miracle of water tree and why it became a cells hollering Christ, we've seen that marriage is a contract or results in a relationship and a marriage contract. And Man and woman given except perpetual exclusive rife for astro cells super from the generation of children got attached as a consequence for making this contrast. If a man or woman valve or maybe contract the two that come up close to the rage at other than brothers related to sister close, then father's relayed his son relationship may directly by God. Speaker 0 26:58 We've been confused on this for a long time. It's not a surprise we have these strange new forms of marriage because the church has defended the concept, would have loved him. You can't get divorced. They haven't been definitive. The concept that you can't use contraception or sterilization and if that, if you get your thoughts too, things are gone. The marriage becomes wherever you want it to be. It's no longer about the procreation education with children. It is about feelings and doing things and what not. Why should we be surprised that people don't like feeling things in a different way? Want to get in on that. Oh, this is a logical progression from us not defending the truth in the first place. Speaker 0 27:44 What's close? Well speaking at a conference in Rome, last printing label, Carnal Fara explained Saint John Paul two and commissioning the plan instead of the Pontifical Institute for Studies in Marriage and family. At the beginning of this work, the Kotter wrote a letter to sister who is Cfo Fatima through her bishop. Since he could not do so directly the car we've caught inexplicably since I did not expect a reply saying that as it only had asked for prayers, I received a long letter with her signature and that let her sister was here, wrote that called the final bout between the Lord and Makino of safe be about marriage and a family. Don't be afraid she had it because whoever works for the sanctity of marriage and the family will always be fought against the in every way because this is a decisive issue. Then she concluded. Nevertheless, our lady already crushed his ad. Close quote, the final battle between the Lord. The Kingdom of Satan will be allowed marriage and a family. Don't be afraid because we are worked for sanity of marriage and the family will always be fought against and oppose in every way. Because this is the decisive issue. And then the carbon standard quote, what sisters? Only CSM in those days, it's being fulfilled. He stays of ours. Clause. Both. Anyone with a lack of biblical understanding. It's easy to understand what's going to be a fire, not a flood this time. And people use a rain fall as a symbol, like they're going to be safe. We got it. We really need to pray.

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