The Kingship of Christ or the Kingship of Satan

October 29, 2006 00:26:18
The Kingship of Christ or the Kingship of Satan
Veritas Caritas
The Kingship of Christ or the Kingship of Satan

Oct 29 2006 | 00:26:18


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Speaker 0 00:00:02 After 23 years of barren marriage and years of public prayer, the queen of France finally gave birth to a child that was the 14th. He wound up being nicknamed Louis the God given because his birth was so widely regarded as a miracle. Some 50 years later on June 17th, 1689. Our Lord came to France to ask for a turn of the favor. He appeared to st. Margaret Mary and gave her a message for Louis the 14th quote, make known to the eldest son, my sacred heart that's Louis. The 14th that as his temporal birth was obtained by devotion to my Holy infancy. So will you obtain his birth into grace and eternal glory by consecrating myself? To my adorable heart, he wants to try and over his and through him over the hearts of the great ones of the earth. It wants to rain in his palace, be painted on his standards and engraved on his arms. Speaker 0 00:01:06 So they may be victorious over all his enemies. It wants to bring low viz proud and stubborn heads, and they can triumphant over all the enemies of the Holy church, close quote, our Lord while discussing this very incident in our book, 10 dates, every Catholic should know Dan milks are points out there. Lord intended to begin the reign of a sacred heart in the palace of the King of France. And then from there to spread his rain out over the whole world. She comments quote, conversion and devotion seemed to flourish in the late 16th and early 17th centuries, but then came the enlightenment with its decay and morals at all levels of society. And it's sneering attacks on everything Catholic from potty to politics. Nevertheless, our good God who never abandoned his flock. Once again, provide his people with a remedy that the King of France humble himself make a som consecration of himself and his country to the sacred heart in all would be well close quote. Speaker 0 00:02:16 So our Lord asked the King of France to som the consequent himself and his country to say Goodhart and by so doing to open the heavenly father Gates of the graces needed to renew Chris and dumb. So what happened? Our Lord's request was ignored. Quote Lewis did not comply with God's request 100 years later to the day on June 17th, 1789, the declaration national assembly, the sovereignty of the people by French revolutionaries signaled the eminent fall of the monarchy and the unleashing of a chastisement that has not yet run its course. The age of revolution had begun close quote. The age of revolution had been gone on nation of chastisement, but has not yet run. It's terrible bloody course. Speaker 0 00:03:16 Where have we seen all this before? God makes a simple request. The man at the head of the society refuses to render to obedience and all hell breaks. Those what is after death destruction disease. And then everybody suffers once again, it's the lesson of the garden of Eden. It's another clear historical demonstration of that most foundational truth that rational creatures, the angels and a man, Oh, submission, obedience, and adoration and praise to God and the higher their office. The more serious the punishments and consequences for disobedience. These are the duties of rational creatures. God has the right to have a Supreme dominion over all creation, be explicitly recognized by his rational creatures, the angels and the men. How do we do that? Just how do we express our recognition of God's Supreme dominion over all creation by submission to his rule, by obedience, to his laws, by adoration, praise of incident, goodness, and rendering onto him to worship. Speaker 0 00:04:43 That's how we express a recognition of God's Supreme dominion over all creation and accomplish. These ends. God has established two institutions, the church and the state. Let's take a quick look at each. We'll start with the role of the church. The mission of the church is to bring the saving truth, the gospel to mankind, to let all men know what our good God suffer in order to redeem us from our sins to let all men know exactly what it is that God expects of us to let all men know exactly what type of worship is pleasing to God and to make it possible for men to render that pleasing worship to God, by doing these things, the church then guides man to eternal life. In other words, God established the Catholic church to defend his rights, his rights, to have us know him, love him and serve him in this life so that we can be happy with him forever. Speaker 0 00:05:47 And the next that's why God established the Catholic church. Now, in that regard, let's take a moment to consider one of the duties that God has appointed to man. One of the specific duties that we have is to join in with the Holy angels and the adoration and praise of God. On behalf of all creation to bake from him, the grace is we need for mankind to fulfill their duties and to render him to worship. This is so important that God has set aside certain men specifically for this task. That's the priests and the religious. Now everyone here is sufficiently familiar enough with the Holy sacrifice, place, the mass. Then we're just going to pass over that today and take a closer look at something that many Catholics don't have a good understanding of. That's called the divine office Saint Alphonsus comments on divine office quote, all men should be continually employed on earth and thanking the Lord for his benefits and asking the grace is necessary for salvation, but because layman live in the midst of distractions, arising from worldly concerns, the Holy church wishes that in her name and the name of all Christians, clerics that's bishops, priests, deacons, and so forth, clerics and religious should praise God and pray for the whole world by reciting the divine office, which is nothing more than a Memorial or a petition composed by God himself. Speaker 0 00:07:17 Did he more, the more readily hear our prayers and relieve our wants close quote. The divine office consists of the songs and readings that priest and religious recite or saying Greg Orien, Shannon, for example, it's done every day for adoration and praise of God on behalf of all creation and to beg from him all the crisis we need to fulfill our duties may surprise you to learn. That's our primary duty as a priest. I'm not bound under the pain ascend to say mass every day. I do say mass every day, but I don't have to. The church does not require that of me. I'm not bound to do that, but I am bound to say the divine office every day and every last bit of it that gives us some notion of how seriously the church takes divine office. Why is it so serious? Because it's the official prayer of the church. Speaker 0 00:08:11 And that means when a priest or religious says the office, God has bound himself to listen to it. Here's our petitions. Now that's real important. God has bought himself here's petitions. And since it's official act, it doesn't matter on the holiness of the ambassador. Okay? So when somebody asks me to pray for attention, I stick it in the divine office. That's great. See, now fonts is points out, quote, a hundred private prayers can never have the efficacy of a single petition presented in the divine office. Since this is offered in the name of the whole church. And in God's own words, close quote, it's guaranteed. It doesn't guarantee that'll happen. It's guaranteed to listen to it. He has two answers. Yes or no. Sometimes the S is later, but it's guaranteed to listen to it. And it doesn't depend on my personal holiness. Okay. Doing the divine office, we explicitly praise God for all the creatures that don't have lips to praise him. Speaker 0 00:09:05 For example, this morning in Lodz, which is one of the divine, uh, office hours when the Canticle, the three boys, and from the third chapter of the book of Daniel, it has a whole series of lines of the same pattern. Just a few, for example, they'll say, bless the Lord, or you sun and moon, bless the Lord. All you stars of heaven. Bless the Lord, every shower and do bless the Lord days and nights lightenings and clouds, mountains, and Hills whales, all that moving the waters and so on. So on and so on, we go through a whole list of everything. There is the bus has got by being alive, but then we explicitly praise God on behalf of snow and rain and ice and all that. We do that. That's our job. Every single creature we do that. We're not counting the devil. So we don't, you know, but every, every, every single creature except the ones that have worked themselves, okay, that's just a selection. Speaker 0 00:09:51 Okay. During the course of a typical week in the old office, we go through all 150 songs. He go through it, plus a lot of scripture and little sermon from the fathers on the sinks of the day, it's all broken up. So I have eight different times during the day that we say the office, I will usually two of them are stuck together. So it turns into seven usually. And when you include mass, you can see what our official prayer life is like. Okay. It's great. As a poet says, Oh, that dollar should give a tongue to dust to cry to even if a priest didn't think was great, the tough cause we're bound under the pain of mortal sin to say the whole office every day. That's how serious it is. It's a mortal sin. If I blow off any my office, a priest that says the office well as a Holy priest, a priest, this is office badly is a bad, it's that easy? Speaker 0 00:10:45 It's guaranteed. I mean, God, God put the church in the hands of men said it has to be possible for us to do our jobs. So he gives us the tools we need. Okay, fine. And we've taken a quick look at the church. How does this state fit into this picture? The mission of the state is to procure the material and temporal wellbeing of its citizens in such a way as to both positively help the citizens attain eternal life and also to remove any hindrances or dangers, which threatened their salvation. Once we see this, we can understand why the state is supposed to be a handmaid to the church and leading men to heaven. And it makes us easy to understand why both blessing pies tonight and Pope Leo, the 13th explicitly condemned the Masonic air of the so-called separation of church and state. Wait a minute, father, what are the masons have to do with all this in 1928, the late great theologian and expert on the social reign of Christ, the King father, Dennis Fe. Speaker 0 00:11:50 He pointed out that the preparation and the triumph of the French revolution where the work of Freemasonry that's certainly no secret. Then he points out that since 1789, following Satan's plan, Freemasonry has focused on three main objectives. The first with regard to the state, the second, with regard to families, the third regard to individuals. Now keep in mind that father face he is writing in 1928 and ponder whether or not they've met these objectives in the first place with regards to this state since 1789, Freemasonry has focused on the promotion of naturalism. Now naturalism as the name itself. Yes, it's a false religious view, which categorically denies all supernatural revelation, which means categorically upfront, denying all miracles. You have 70,000 people at Fatima. They all witness it to his story, cool event. It's not denied. You know, it's just insane to not all Americans cos deny all dogmas deny. Speaker 0 00:12:55 Of course, our Lord is the savior you're mankind and deny this <inaudible> of his Catholic church. Obviously naturalism also denies, okay. The reality of supernatural life, the life of grace. Now remember the difference by nature. We're born children laugh as Holy spirit tells us in Ephesians two, three. So by nature, thanks to Adam. We're in a heap of trouble. We need the supernatural life to get to heaven naturalism. So the big societal eraser, he takes it out of the picture. Can't have creation have to have evolution. Okay? All right. All this results in a indifferent or even explicitly atheistic state and in time indifferent or atheistic States always wind up persecuting the church to some degree. That's the first thing naturalism in the States. Second, with regard to families since 1789, Freemasonry is focused on breaking up families because that is the fundamental unit of the state by promoting, wanting to force wherever possible, third in place. Speaker 0 00:14:05 And since 1789, Freemasonry has focused on corruption. Individuals by godless education and education was God and our Lord Jesus Christ are eliminated. So the three main objectives of Freemasonry since the French revolution, our first religion, you seem different or atheistic state, which was salts now. And in varying degrees of persecution of the church. Second attack families by promoting divorce three corrupt individuals by goddess education. And we might add now since 1928, the promotion of corruption to the satanic influence of much of the mass media, but father, if the church is opposed to this modern secular state, does that mean the Catholics? Won't impose the morality on everybody first off, it's not our morality. Speaker 0 00:14:58 It's God's morality. Second off. There's a satanic implication hidden in that sort of statement. There isn't more than one kind of morality, any more than there's one kind of man, there's only one morality God's morality and everything else is just a different kind of immorality everywhere. These so called moralities agree with us. They're right. And everywhere they disagree with us. They're wrong. Period. Closed the book. There's only one morality God's morality. And we want to be perfectly clear about it. We want God's morality to be the standard for everyone everywhere with no exceptions everywhere, no exceptions. And we're not going to apologize. And why aren't we going to apologize because we're not sorry. And why aren't we, sorry. We're not sorry because we're thankful to be Catholics and to have the true religion without which it's impossible to please, God, we want everyone else to have what we have an opportunity to get to heaven. Speaker 0 00:16:05 We can't take any credit for this. This isn't speaking out of arrogance. We can't take any credit for this at all. In fact, all the glory has to go to God. We actually have the only care before. Hell. Yeah. By the grace of God. We're on board ARCA, salvation we're members of the true church established by Jesus Christ himself. Whilst he was visibly present here on earth. We want everyone else to have what we have. So we're not sorry. Okay, fine. But what does this have to do with the feast of Christ? The King? Good question. Remember that? Thanks to Adam. Men had fallen from grace and had absolutely no way to redeem himself. Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ became men. It took upon himself, the payment of our debt by his death on the cross and returned for this infinitely pleasing sacrifice he's given among other things, power, how much power he himself told us in the great commission at the end of st. Speaker 0 00:17:07 Matthew's gospel and Christ Heller declared all power is given to me in heaven on earth. How much Paul, all power? How did he get all power? Car's a creature. This creature was given to our Lord in a sacred humanity by the blessed Trinity, how are the implications of him having all power are obvious since all power has been given to our Lord, that means there's no power on earth. Other than that of Christ our Lord. It means that all power passes through Christ and comes from Christ. That's what it means. Think about that for a minute. All authority in every society, every society, whether it be a, a city of state or nation, all the Cody comes from Christ. And depends upon him. That has, has immediate consequences. Since all authority in every society comes from Christ. Then every society on earth should explicitly acknowledge its dependence on Christ Speaker 1 00:18:09 As the key. He's the truth Speaker 0 00:18:11 King of all societies and their authority belongs to him. He's the King of all societies, Pope Leo, the 13th quote, his empire includes not only Catholic nations, not only baptized persons who though of right behind the church have been led astray by air or had been cut off from her by Susan, but also all those who are outside the Christian faith. So that truly the whole of mankind is subject to the power of Jesus Christ, close quote, the vicar of Christ since he's the King of all nations. And since he's also God, all nations on public worship and that authority belongs to him. What about families that are society? Father, are you saying Christ is the King of families? Absolutely. That's the point of home enthronement, even if Louis the 14th wouldn't do this. When we thrown her home to the sacred maquette hearts, we're publicly recognizing that even if Satan and his tools are reigning in a society out around us, that right here in this particular home Christ is a King or a lady's the queen. And even if no one else recognizes this, we acknowledged their authority in this home and they don't have that Speaker 1 00:19:25 Covers the whole earth. Speaker 0 00:19:27 Are you saying fight at the authority of the Chinese comments, realtors or the authority of the current governor of Kansas or the authority of the junior Senator from New York or the authority of my boss all come from Christ. That is exactly what we're saying. All authority, every last speck of it. And since Christ is a King and since all of 30 depends on him, everyone who's ever been placed in a position of authority has to answer to him as to just how they executed their office as to whether they exercise that authority and adjust manner. Now we would get some light as to why saints are always so careful to obey all legitimate orders, whether they're always, always trying to avoid positions of authority, unless it's obviously God's will for them. Now we can see why Saint Augustan cried the entire day of his priests, the ordination. Speaker 0 00:20:19 And we see another reason why the feminists who are really lusting after power are completely nuts. They don't want it. I mean they do, but they shouldn't. Okay. So Christ has all power. All authority comes from him and therefore he a King in public and private life. But does it really matter if modern States ignore this or not? It sure does. Pius 11th explains where the God and she's just Christ excluded from political life with authority, not from God wrote from man. The very basis of that authority has been taken away because the chief reason of a distinction between ruler and subject has been eliminated. The result is that human society is tottering to its fall because it no longer has a secure and solid foundation close quote, the vicar of Christ. So what's the Pope really saying there, basically what he's saying is this we've thrown out God's law. Speaker 0 00:21:14 I mean, we won't even allow wood or stone carvings of the 10 commandments to be in public, get him out of there. We've thrown out God's law. And instead of divine law and divine authority being the guide and they stave our society, we've stewarded man's authority and so-called human rights. Now that men has issued his perfectly insane little declaration of any pants from God and is strutting around probably as if there is no, God, he no longer has a coherent source for his laws or for his own authority. Liberties will dissolve and a license license will dissolve and anarchy and tyranny. And the result is human society. Speaker 2 00:21:53 They will collapse. Okay, Speaker 0 00:21:55 Wait a minute, father, did you say something was wrong with human rights? Of course not. As long as human rights are clearly understood as being gifts given to us by God, what is wrong is when we cut free from God and start dreaming up all kinds of so-called human rights, which are not really human rights at all, but they're human wrongs and very serious wrongs. For example, the so-called right to abortion. So-called right to flee speech, which is interpreted as to understand the right to bless Feme, promote heresy sped pornography, to the four winds or the so called right to clone babies and buy eggs from women that they're trying to ramrod through with amendment two over there in Missouri, each one of these things is intrinsically evil, which by the way means all you from Missouri voters better vote no on amendment two. Anyway, there's nothing wrong at all with real human rights, which are gifts that have been given to us by God. Again, the problem is as the Pope prophetically pointed out that human society will taught her to its fall. If we exclude God and she's as Christ is human society tottering to its fall. Our liberties dissolving into license is licensed as all we into anarchy and tyranny. Speaker 0 00:23:09 We'll look around let's review. We've seen that God has the right to have a Supreme dominion over all creation, big specially recognized by mankind, by such acts as submission to his rule, obedience to his laws, adoration, praise, infinite, goodness, and rendering onto him to worship. We've seen it to that end God established two institutions, the church and the state we've seen the mission of the church is to bring God's saving trues to mankind. We take a quick look at the divine office. We've seen that the state is a creature that has a specific and explicit of recognizing and worshiping God and cooperating with the church and promoting and protecting the material and temporal wellbeing of its subjects in such a way that actually assist them in obtaining eternal life. We've taken a quick look at the three main objectives of the Freemasons since 1789. They promoting naturalism resulting in a religiously indifferent or atheistic state that they've been promoting divorce. Speaker 0 00:24:11 And they've been promoting corruption to godless education. We've seen there's only one morality it's God's morality. It's taught by his church or mission from God to make sure his morality is the standard for every society everywhere with no exceptions and no apologies. We've seen the blessed Trinity gave Christ all power in heaven on earth. And since all power comes from Christ and through Christ, he's the King of all nations and all peoples. And that anyone who abuses his power and authority and office will have to render an account to Christ. Our Lord. We've seen that things are falling apart because modern man is so rashly rejected the warm hand of God and began dreaming up all kinds of rights, which wind up being nothing but institutionalized sin before we close. There's one more final point. We should consider Popeye's. 11th makes as in sickle con Christ, the King that quote Christ's kingdom is opposed to none other than the kingdom of Satan under the power of darkness close quote, what does this mean? It may not be pleasant, but it's very clear. This means doing a state explicitly rejects the social reign of Christ the King, for example, by adopting the free Masonic agenda. We talked about a few minutes ago when a state rechecks the King Shipt of Christ. Then by that very act, it accepts as a default setting, the King ship of Satan. There's no middle ground whatsoever. It's grace or it's nature. It's the powers of heaven or the powers of hell it's light or it's darkness. It's the kingship of Christ or it's the kingship of Satan. Speaker 0 00:26:05 See, the reality is when a state rejects the supernatural Messiah and places itself under the kingship of Satan, it also begins preparing the social political conditions for the coming of the natural Messiah fan I Christ. Speaker 3 00:26:23 Okay.

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