The Road to the Dubia (Part 3): Communion

February 10, 2017 00:37:16
The Road to the Dubia (Part 3): Communion
Veritas Caritas
The Road to the Dubia (Part 3): Communion

Feb 10 2017 | 00:37:16


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Speaker 0 00:03 Well. A few quick remarks before we get started. First, regarding the situations over the past few weeks with both the Knights and Malta on the one hand and the bishops of Malta on the other, the Knights and malts have been Ron since 10 99 a great noble history is crusaders and defending the West from his slump. There are sovereign government and XLS that were run from one property in Rome, so it's actually been a sovereign state until this last week. They have ambassadors to many nations and they lost their sovereignty this past week. The bishops on their part of Malta have just rejected the Catholic teaching on marriage, on confession, and on Holy communion. We'll talk on that a little bit. We'll touch on that fall in a later sermon in this series, but as a friend of mine pointed out to me last night, man, a very deep prayer. Speaker 0 00:59 It's something about it. I think it's something worth many time. There's a really profound symbolism and the fact that both the Knights and bishops of Martin have failed, had been routed at this time when Walter always had the significance of being protecting, preserving the West from centuries from the very enemies who were about to be overrun. So supposed to be around this. So very, very symbolic of the situation. Culturally secretary on today's gospel, just a quick remark and said, Lord, calm the waves. He's sleeping in the ball and then people get scared and say, save us. You know, we're perishing and the apostles and a lot of people get really sort of chicken labeling about the state of the society, especially the church right now. And it is, I mean, it is bad and it's going to get worse and we just have to be realistic about that. Speaker 0 01:51 But our Lord's in charge, don't jump overboard. You're on the vessel of salvation. You want to stay there, just pray. Tie yourself on board with your rosary and it'll be all right. It'll be a lot worse, but it'll be all right. Nobody gets out of this alive anyway. So we might do it once. We have that attitude. We just stay close to early and we'll make it okay. So as always edited and cut it and pasted the quotes for the SIM are very personal and the name of the father, the son and the Holy spirit. Amen. And the several years ago I had a startling conversation with a friend of mine and I have her permission to repeat it. But before we get into particulars, a little background will help understand the situation. So she's born in late fifties she's brought up Catholic and fairly Catholic part of the country, actually attend a Catholic grade school that was run by teachers, sisters, and habits through the eighth grade. Speaker 0 02:46 She would have made her first communion sometime during the council towards the end of the council after grade school. She attended a Catholic high school run by another teaching order and then she attended a Catholic women's college also run by a teacher of sisters. Now she graduated from college. She spent five years teaching a Catholic elementary school. Okay. And she's a practical Catholic the whole time. So she's a practicing Catholic, born late fifties, had exclusively Catholic education. All the way through college and then spent five years teaching the Catholic school, so that's the background and here's the little story we're visiting and she told me, I always knew that the Eucharist was important, always knew it was important for our faith, but I never knew that our Lord is really present there. I didn't know anything about that. I didn't know anything about the real presence. I said, what? You've had a Catholic education from kindergarten to college. I just think the nuns would have been in full habits throughout most of that time. You had a Catholic education, kindergarten to college. You taught in Catholic schools. You've been going to mass communion all those years and he didn't know about the real presence, said no. Speaker 0 04:10 She was in her thirties when she finally found out about the real presence of the Lord was really present body blood, stolen divinity and loss. Plus it sat and held her a practicing Catholic born late fifties exclusively Catholic education teaching sisters all the way through college, five years teaching Catholic schools herself and she didn't know about the real presence till she was in her thirties in a conversation with a devout Catholic. Now that's the crisis in the church. That one anecdote is a summary of the whole crisis in the church. I'm sorry to say that since that time I've actually met a significant lot of other Catholics in this country with similar stories from that gentleman. Speaker 0 05:03 There's a lot to think about there. There's a lot to think about. Just a few. The topics that spring to my mind when I think about this anecdote is how this her life relates to the crisis itself, the roots of the crisis, the fact that almost everybody goes to community, but almost nobody goes to confession. The fact that almost anyone you go in, almost no one in a church will make any sort of meaningful Thanksgiving after mass anymore and frankly help could they give an almost total lack of reverence and fast majority of our churches these days. That's just a few of the things that spring to my mind when I think about this. But today we don't have time to get into all of that. We only have time to look at one aspect of this. We're going to take a closer look at Holy communion. Speaker 0 05:55 So we're gonna take a closer look at the most blessed saccharin altar. But before we do that, let's remind ourselves of what we're doing right now. As we've noted over the past few weeks, we're having an Henry the eighth moment right now in the Catholic church, and it's an Epic disaster. And as we also saw over the past few weeks, in order to really appreciate the situation and each one of us needs to appreciate it on our stand, what's going on between the Pope and the Fort Collins right now, Cardinal Burkins companions are to really appreciate what's going on and why it matters and it really matters. And every Catholic should understand what's going on. We need to get some perspective. And so as we've also noticed over the past few weeks, we need to start by reviewing some fundamental points and unchanging and unchangeable Catholic faith. Speaker 0 06:45 So two weeks ago we reviewed some of the basic teachings regarding marriage. Then last week we reviewed some of the basic teachings regarding confession, the sacrament of penance. And now today we're going to take a closer look at some of the basic teachings regarding Holy communion. Now, why these three sacraments? Because so far the principle attack has been focused on these three sacraments. So after we finished this review, we'll be able to start tying everything together. So this is the theological background. So let's get started. Today we'll be riding heavily, but not exclusively on the Catholic catechism. It's an actual catechism written some 85 years ago by carnal despair. So carnal gets spirit question. What is the sacrament of the whole Eucharist? Answer? The sacrament of the whole Eucharist is a sacrament instituted by Christ rant. Jesus Christ himself, the author of grace is truly, really, it's substantially contained under the appearances of bread and wine for the spiritual refreshment of our souls. Speaker 0 07:54 Now before we go on, we'll drive that point home. We'll move absolutely any doubt. We'll turn to the infallible teach you the council of Trent. And I quote from the council of Trent, if anyone denies the body blood together with the soul of our Lord Jesus Christ, and therefore the whole Christ is truly, really, it's substantially contained in the sacrament of the most cool Eucharist, but says that Christ is present in the sacrament, Ali, as an assign or figure by or by his power. Let him be anathema. Okay, let's make sure all the young people here know what a means. Let him be an athlete. So anathema is a Greek word, which literally means let it be turned over to evil. And so the expression, let him be anathema, means let him be ex-communicated. Let him be thrown out of the church, but it will be turned over to evil. So that's what let him be anathema means. Okay? So that was the first one. Second, if anyone says that the substance of bread and wine remains in the Holy sacrament together with the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. And that Speaker 1 08:56 wonderful and extraordinary change at the whole substance of the bread in a Christ body and the whole substance of the wine into his blood will only this species that means appearance as well as species of bread and wine and remain a change with the Catholic churches most fiddly called transubstantiation. Let him be anathema and fun if anyone denies it. In the venerable sacrament, the Eucharist, the whole Christ is contained under each species. Enter each appearance, the appearance of button line and underneath each and every portion of either species when it's divided up, let him be anathema. So that's the council of Trent. Now stain at gust in this regard made some very powerful points about the sacrament of the most pleasant stack and they're worth reflecting on st Augusta the Lord God is all powerful. He is unable to give, although God is all knowing, Speaker 0 09:55 he knows not how to give more. Speaker 1 10:00 Although God is vastly rich, he has not more to give we continue. Question, why did Christ Institute the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist answered? Christ instituted the sacrament of Holy Eucharist, one that out of his deep love for us, he might ever remain present in our midst and that's induce us to love and worship him. And two, that he might be United to us and Holy communion, that he might be the heavenly food of our souls and that's enabled us to safe guard, preserve our spiritual life and find venting might be our Vianna come for our journey to Aternity at the close of our lives. Question, in order to seek the whole year, Chris board's really what is required in order to see the whole youth who's worthy. In addition to being baptism, baptize for baptism is a prerequisite for the reception of any other sacrament, which paranthetically is why our lady was baptized. Although as a MACRA conception, she's absolutely free, completely free from any sin, original or actual. So the lady was baptized so she could receive communion and the tradition is our Lord baptized. The tradition is our Lord did two baptisms, our lady and Saint Peter and Saint Peter baptize the other parcels Speaker 1 11:28 in order to receive the whole year. Chris, we're lean. In addition to being baptized for baptism, prerequisite for the reception of any of the sacrament and in the state of grace, we must also a hundred pane of graves to keep the Eucharistic fast. The st John Baptist to assaults is quote, approach to sacred banquet with the same dispositions that you would desire in order to enter heaven. One should not have less respect and receiving Jesus then being received by close quote. So in order to receive communion Wordly, we must be baptized. You gotta be in the state of grace and kept the Fe fast. Obviously, we have to be Catholics in good standing who actually believe everything the church proposes to teach. Question, what should the person do when a box receive Holy communion discovers he's in a state of mortal sin. Answer, a person who went about to receive Holy communion discovers he's in a state of mortal sin should even if he feels that he's truly contrite. Go to confession first. The council of Trent, quote, no one who has a mortal sin on his conscience. Shell dare received the whole Eucharist before making a sacramental confession. Regardless of how contrite he may think he is, the Holy concept declares that this customer has to be kept forever by all Christians closed court. In other words, it doesn't matter what some priest says, what some priest has told you. If you have even one mortal sin on your soul, you must go to confession before you receive communion. Speaker 1 13:12 Question, what does the Eucharistic fast mean? Ants. The Eucharistic fast means that from one hour before the time of receiving communion, we take nothing by way of food or drink accepting only water and medicine. Question, what sin do we commit if we receive the Holy communion, not fasting or not in the state of grace? Answer if we receive Holy communion not fast or not in a state of grace, we committed graves of sacrilege, which is the abuse of Holy things, huh? The great Franciscan father <inaudible> has some very enlightening comments in this regard. Cool. Holy communion must be received when one is in the grace of God. Therefore, one has committed a mortal sin. Even if one has repented and has a great desire to receivable a community, it is necessary and indispensable to go to confession first before receiving Holy communion. Otherwise, one commits the most brave sin sacrilege for which Jesus said to Saint Bridget, there does not exist on earth. A penalty great enough to punish it sufficiently. Speaker 2 14:23 Yeah. Speaker 1 14:25 Saint Ambrose says that persons who commit the sacrilege come to church with a few sins and leave at burden with many st Cyril of Alexandria wrote even more bluntly, they who make a SAC religious communion received Satan and Jesus Christ in their hearts. Satan, they may let it roll and Jesus Christ offering and a sacrifice as a victim to save does the catechism, the cost of the Trent declares as if all the sacred mysteries, none can compare with the Eucharist. So likewise, for no crime is there heavy punishment to be feared from for God. Then for the whole unbelief religious, he was by the faith of that which contains the very lot there and source of holiness. Speaker 2 15:15 And frankly, I think a lot of the crisis in the church is an immediate, the result of this priests not here in the confessions, not preach. The people go to confession and having everybody go to communion. We are going to be chest for that. As a Catholic people, reparation must be made. We can't make enough communities of reparation on first Fridays to make up for what happens every Sunday. We can't Speaker 1 15:47 indeed. Confession made before Holy community to render a soul already in a state of sanctifying grace, pure more beautiful is something precious even if not require. It's precious because it closes soul with a more beautiful wedding garment which should take its place at the table, the angels for their streets. The most conscientious souls have always made frequent use at least once a week of the Sacramento cleansing of absolution, even for venial sins. If you want great periods of soul before receiving Jesus, none is brighter than the purity obtained through a good confession where the cleansing blood of Jesus tenders, the pencil divine or splendid and lovely st Mary Magdalen did possess. He declared that the soul, the receipts of divine blood becomes beautiful for his clove and more precious garment and appears so recently a glow that if you could see it, you would be attempted to a door Speaker 2 16:40 thus far. Speaker 1 16:44 Question, when is Holy communion allowed without fasting? Answer. Canon nine 19 of the 1983 code of Canon law spells out the conditions where the Holy communion is allowed without fasting. I quote the Canon, the elderly, and those who are suffering from some Youngs as well as those who care for them may receive the blessed Eucharist even if within the preceding hour they have consumed something close school and of course, play community is always allowed without fasting. What's necessary in order to prevent some irreverence to the bless at SAC, one would consume the host right then or even a whole civil war. The people breaking in, you know, and in some persecution, it doesn't matter if you just finished breakfast, you just spit out whatever's your mouth and start consuming the host as quick as he could. Question, how long do you want abstain from food and drink after receiving? Holy cow Speaker 2 17:42 answer Speaker 1 17:43 to answer that question. Rely on a work first published some eight years ago of moral and pastoral theology. Father Henry Davis as Che quote, when it is necessary to take food or drink immediately after receiving community, no sin is committed by doing so, but there's considerable difference of opinion as to its sinfulness. If there is no just excuse the reasons for thinking it's sinful or that it is irreverent to mix common food with the sacred species, we believe that reverence to the sacred presence should always be shown by abstaining from food for a little time. That is to say a quarter Speaker 0 18:17 of an hour close quote Speaker 1 18:21 question. What is necessary for receiving Holy communion? Devoutly answered is decree on daily reception. The whole Eucharist. Pope Saint Pius the 10th teaches that to receive Holy communion devoutly quote, care should be taken that do preparations should proceed, Holy communion and a fitting Thanksgiving. Follow it according to each person's capacity, state of life and duties. Close quote, the vicar of Christ. Question. What does preparation, Holy communion consist answer preparation for Holy communion, consistent meditation attentively and devotedly devoutly for a while and what we're about. Truancy and making diligent acts of faith, hope, charity and contrition. Question, what does Thanksgiving after Holy communion consist? Answer Thanksgiving after commuting. Consistent meditate attentively and devoutly for awhile and what we have received and making acts of faith, hope and charity with good resolutions, acts of gratitude and petitions. In fact, one of the absolutely infallible signs of the spiritual health of a parish is a number of faithful making a fitting. Thanksgiving aftermaths you'll go to a mass, see that afterwards. He know everything you need to know about the spirituality of that parish just like that. Speaker 1 19:41 But father, I don't see you making a fitting Thanksgiving mass. Actually you do Saint Paul across teachers at the most fitting Thanksgiving a priest could possibly do is to hear the confessions of the faithful. That's why you see head back to the confessional period math except the last Sunday of the month when I go bless things and then I go into the confessional and then later on I spend more time privately make my Thanksgiving. These aren't just words I have a soul to save too. When I'm preaching. It's not like I deal myself out of this thing. We're all in it together and I got more. I got it more to account for it. I you do. We turn again to the remarks, the great Franciscan fathers to find them. Ellie quote, the time of Thanksgiving after Ebola, communion is the most ideal time for intimate exchange of love with Jesus. Speaker 1 20:29 Let it be a love total self giving, thus returning Jesus love so wholeheartedly that there's no longer two of us, but one so speak and soul and body. That'd be a love that Vivify is in the nuts. He and the I him so he made, consumed in the unity and uniqueness of his love. A father of a church. Sarah Alexander used three analogies, whack water, yeast and wax to illustrate the union that love brings with Christ and Holy communion. He receives community, is made Holy and is divinized in soul and body in the same way that water set or fire begins to boil. Community works like that has been mixed into dome, so it levels the whole mass justice by melting two candles together. One piece of wax results. So I think one who receives the flesh and blood of Jesus is by this community fused with him. The soul discovers that she is in Christ and Christ is in her. Speaker 1 21:35 The saints chosen possible to set no time limit on Thanksgiving after communion, which consequently might last for them at least half an hour. Saint Teresa, Jesus told their daughters, let us entertain ourselves. Loving with Jesus, not waste our the false communion is an excellent time to deal with God and put before him the matters that concern our soul. We should take great care not to lose so beautiful an opportunity to treat with them and lay our needs. Before him sitting there, Madeline to Piazza, he said, the minutes that fall communion are the most precious we have in our lives. They're the minutes best suited in our part for treating with God and on his part for communicating his love to us, but us also resolve to do everything possible. So Thanksgiving after Holy community lasts at least 15 minutes to let nothing take precedence over these minutes during which Jesus physically present to our souls and within our bodies are heavily minutes and no wise to be wasted. Speaker 1 22:34 In first Corinthians six point the processing, Paul wrote, glorify and buried God in your body. There's no time in which these words taken literally apply so well as to the time immediately after receiving Holy communion. How insensitive then for someone to receive communion leave church once its mass is over. As soon as he's received our Lord, we may roll. Remember the example of st Philip near where two alter boys go to accompany a man who had left the church right after his communion because he's precessing around with our Lord. So he had the ultra boys walk on as he's walking home. And find that the guy goes, what are you doing? And they realize he stayed for Thanksgiving after that because he realized, what am I doing? What am I doing? Why did I go to communion if I wasn't going to spend that time? Speaker 1 23:17 Huh? What a beautiful lesson for the sake of good manners. If for no other reason, when a purse receives a guest, he pauses to give his attention to him and take interest in this guest is Jesus, then we will have only have reason to be sorry. Is Bali presence within us? Scarcity lasts 15 minutes or a little more. Oh, you're not perhaps acting contrary to the example of saints or regard. Our period of Thanksgiving is too long. Perhaps feel it impatient to get it over with, but how we should look, watch yourselves for here, for if this is true at every community, Jesus gives a hundred fold for the hospitality. We show them the Saint Teresa Abba declared. That is also true that we must answer a hundred fold for neglecting that hospitality. Let us give the matter serious thought and attention when it comes to something so precious. As this Thanksgiving that has taken to heart the Holy spirits admonition fun ecclesiastic is 1414 let not your sheriff desire. Good pass. Speaker 2 24:15 Bye. Speaker 1 24:17 There's a special beauty of Thanksgiving made and the company of our lady of denunciation immediately after, after community, we choose to carry Jesus within our souls and bodies as all Holy Mary did at the nuncio nation. We cannot adore and love Jesus better at that moment than by United ourselves. The blessed mother of God by making ours the same sediments of adoration. She entertained for divine son Jesus enclosed within your Mac that will our lady is the heavenly bond that unites Jesus to us. She's the knot of love between Jesus and her creatures, his creatures, our ladies to the Holy cure of our stays always between her son and us. When we pray to Jesus with her, we adore him and love him with the heart of our lady are every parent, every act of adoration, love become peered precious. See Maximillian Mary Colby said that when we entrust something to the Immaculata, she before presenting to Jesus, purifies it of every defect she makes it immaculate. The Holy Curie of ours also remarked when our hands have touched aromatic substances, these render fragrant all they touch this allow our prayers to pass through the hands of our lady Speaker 2 25:31 and she will make them frame. Speaker 1 25:34 Let us make our Thanksgiving after whole communion pass through Mac that har she'll transform it into most pure Canticle of adoration and love. From this or for this, the meditated recitation, the Holy rosary, especially the joy for ministries as many saints teach us can be helpful. Who will ever indeed be able to know perfectly the divinity of Jesus, adore him, love him, and let him be divinized as our lady was at the message of the angel who will ever be able to bear Jesus alive within himself. Remain deeply United to him in adoration and love as our lady did in the mystery of the visitation. Who will ever be able to be filled with cheeses to be getting present him to others as the Virgin mother and the cave of Bethlehem has tried us, we cannot but gain and benefit humanity United to our lady in order to love Jesus. Heavenly Speaker 2 26:28 thus far Minnelli Speaker 1 26:31 the question, what are we particularly to ask for after bully community? Answer after Holy community, we should particularly ask her, Lord, the grace is necessary for our own and our neighbor salvation more especially the grace of fives. Find a perseverance for the church that you may prevail against your enemies for the souls of the faithful he part and point of fact. That's a summary of the exact petitions that we make together after mass. Question, what effect is Holy community produced in those who receive it? Worldly and devoutly answered and those who receive a word. Ethylene Devale. Holy community produces the following effects. One, it increases sanctifying grace and the fervor of chair. Two, it remits venial sins and three does much to secure final perseverance by Lessing to Coupa. Since that desire, the disordered desire for pleasure does much to secure final perseverance by less acute sense, preserving them for mortal sin and strengthening them in the practice of good works. Speaker 1 27:38 Question, how often should we receive Holy communion answered once traditional catechism put it very well quo. Christ commanded us to receive Holy communion when he said, except you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you. It is the food of our souls. Holy community, creases in us the life of grace during the persecution against Christianity in China. Now, this was written before the communists took power. This written the thirties so he's most likely referring the persecution of the box rebellion, which is roughly 120 years ago. Holy community increases in us life and grace during the persecution against Christianity in China. The grace given to the Myers was noticed by the pagans themselves. The victims were cruelly scourged and torture, but they continued from their faith and profess it openly and fearlessly. The infidel amazed at such fortitude said, now let's do this. Speaker 1 28:35 These are the pagans. Truly these people have been eating of that Eucharistic bread which they partake of, and their assemblies that cast a spell upon their souls closed quo. Well, it's not a spell, it's our Lord, but the pagans we're talking about the pagans. The grace given to the martyrs is noticed by the pagans themselves. The victims are cruelly scourged. They're tortured, but they're continuing from their face and they're professing furiously, courageously the face. These pagans and the pagans are amazed at this fortitude. What did they say? I'll repeat them. Surely these people have been eating that Eucharistic bread which they partake of and their assemblies is cast dispel upon their souls. The pagans could see the effect that Holy community had on the mortars and the pagans even recognized the source of the mortar strength. And that same vein, we hear the story of the great st Vincent DePaul one day. He gathers his priests together and he asked them, have you all celebrated mass? Yes, they all replied, then respond at st Vincent. I can now tell you what this entails. You must abandon your country, family, friends, and go into Exxon in a strange land in order to speak to God at the savages and afterwards certainly die miserably Speaker 2 30:03 immediately. Speaker 1 30:06 All those priests being filled with Jesus generously offer themselves for that dangerousness and to save. So it should go without saying that for everyone Christ. In the Eucharist is a trooper ed, which makes them strong. It's the nourishment of heroes. It's the sustenance of martyrs. It's a comfort to souls. In their last agony. See, Robert bellman would preach against the errors. That process. It's in this manner. I quote from the Holy doctor, the bread of weight, that nurses, our body is not prepared with so much labor, only to be contemplated. Speaker 2 30:45 It isn't made to be eaten. Speaker 1 30:49 That's the bread of life. The bread of angels is not offered. Only far adoration in homage was given to us as food. Let's go then and partake of his food to nourish and for five or so Speaker 2 31:05 we continue. Speaker 1 31:06 The church would forces his command of Christ by requiring on the pain of grievous sin to communicate at Easter time. This is called the age of your duty. However, the church desires is to go more frequently. The body can't do without food. Often a soul, some person say they're not good enough to go to daily communion, communion. They should remember that the Eucharist is not meant as a reward of virtue, but as an aid to the attainment of virtue. So long as one is in the state of grace and has the right intention, he should receive Holy communion as often as he can. The whole year crusade was not Institute for angel, but for men, close cope. My Catholic life, no, unfortunately I know at least one priest, I actually know him. The instructs a faithful under his charge that even if they are properly disposed, they should fast from community now and then so as to appreciate it more when they're, Speaker 2 31:54 yeah, this is not just insane. It's actually evil. The Chinese peg, Speaker 1 32:02 the pagans could recognize the amazing fact, the Holy communion on Catholic motors. We have priests that want people to receive less when the properly disposed. Speaker 2 32:11 It's insane. It's insane. Speaker 1 32:13 My personal opinion is such appreciate instantly remove from any pastoral ministry, whatever, and sent her a cloistered monastery to do penance for the rest of your lives. Speaker 2 32:21 He kept away from the faithful, but of course, that's not gonna know. Speaker 1 32:26 The most blessed sacrament is our Lord himself. The very source of truth and grace and holiness and if we're actually serious about growing holiness, but we're going to be serious about wanting to receive our Lord as often as we can. We're properly disposed. We only have so many opportunities to receive Holy communion, this love. It's a finite number and life is short. We don't want to miss a single opportunity for this opportunity to grow in grace and holiness and union with our Lord. As long as someone's in a state of grace and has the right intention, he should receive Holy communion as often as he can pull you. Chris was not Institute Speaker 0 33:06 just buffer man. Speaker 1 33:10 Question. When a person is already see poly community, can you receive it again on the same day answered Canon nine 17 and the current code of Canon law States quote, when it was received the blessing, you may receive it again on the same day only within a Eucharistic celebration in which that person participates. Close quote. The present law is that a person may receive Holy communion the second time on same day, but only on the occasion of participating in mass unless of course there's a danger of death, in which case he can receive another time. The late father hardness G, I said that this provision was inserted into the new code of Canon law directly by John Paul to himself. The precise reason at Saint John Paul who inserted it was it the times are so evil that he thought this was warranted. In other words, his social conditions, the state of society was so evil that received the spiritual food was more necessary for the faithful, the never even twice a day when possible, and I take that as a clear papal indication of how really far gone things were. Speaker 0 34:13 By 1983 Speaker 1 34:17 the most busted sack is our Lord himself, the very source of grace and truth and holiness. If we're serious about growing in holiness, we're really serious about Speaker 0 34:25 any opportunity. The whole uterus is not instituted for ages, but for men. That's enough for today. Let's close with a few more thoughts from father Manila. Speaker 1 34:38 No, only communion Jesus gives himself to me and becomes Speaker 0 34:40 mine. All mine, his body, blood, soul, divinity. Speaker 1 34:46 Jeez Anders mice heart remains corporately present in me as long as its species, as long as the parents of bread last, that is for about 15 the Speaker 0 34:54 minutes Speaker 1 34:55 the Holy fathers teach that during this time, the angels surround to continue DOR Jesus and love him without interruption. St Bernard wrote, when Jesus corporally present within us, the angels surround us Speaker 0 35:10 as a guard of love. Guess what? How many times has an angel ever received communion? Never. We can do something they can't do. If it were possible for an angel, Holy means they'll be jealous and it's not. They would be jealous of this privilege we have and they surround us as an honor card and they're in paw. Speaker 1 35:33 We receive Holy communion. Saint Pius that tent said, if the angels could envy, they would end vest Speaker 2 35:38 for Holy communion Speaker 1 35:40 to understood by experience the divine Marvel of our meeting and our union with Jesus and the Eucharist. They have understood the DevOps community meets being possessed by him and possessing it is not possible to have a union of love, which is deeper and more total. Speaker 2 35:56 He had me and I in him the one other. What more could we want? Speaker 1 36:03 So John, Chris has some said you envy the privilege of the woman who touched the vestments of Jesus, the privilege of a sinful woman, wash his feet with her, the privilege of the women at gal who had the happiness of following in his pilgrimages, the privilege of the parts of the disciples to converse with him, familiarity the privilege of the people at time who listened to the words of grace and salvation, which came forth from his lips. Speaker 2 36:32 You consider fortunate those who saw him, but come to the altar and you will see him when you receive communion. You will feel him. You will give him Holy kisses. You will wash him into your tears. You will carry him within you like Mary most, hopefully come to the altar and you will see him. When you receive Holy communion. You will feel him. You will give him Holy kiss. You were washing with your tears. Carry him with any.

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