The Road to the Dubia (Part 4): Role of the Magisterium

February 11, 2017 00:40:53
The Road to the Dubia (Part 4): Role of the Magisterium
Veritas Caritas
The Road to the Dubia (Part 4): Role of the Magisterium

Feb 11 2017 | 00:40:53


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible> the name of the father, son, Holy spirit. Amen. Well, the professional theologians will no doubt notice that there are other distinctions that could be made today, but this isn't an academic exercise. There's too many sources to cite all of them without confusing issues. As usual, I've edited and cut and paste quotes for the sake of the sermon and before we get going, I know father's doing this, but I want to recommend this book to everybody. Magisterial authority by father Chad Ruger. Anyone that wants a really thorough covering, covering this topic, that much, whether it can be done in a sermon should get this book magisterial authority by father Chad, the kingdom of heaven is likened to a man that sowed good seed in his field. While men were asleep, his enemy came over, so sold cop along the wheat and went his way in the father and the son, the Holy spirit. Speaker 0 00:56 Amen. Right. Let's start by reminding ourselves of what we're doing right now. As we've noticed over the past few weeks are noted in the Catholic church. Right now we're having a uh, Henry of eighth moment and it's an absolutely Epic disaster. And as we also have noted over the past few weeks in order to really appreciate the situation and each one of us needs to understand it, to make sense of what's going on right now between the Pope and the four Cardinal, Cardinal Burke and his companions. In order to really appreciate what's going on and why it matters and why it really matters, we need to get some perspective. And so as we've noted over the past few weeks, we needed to start by reviewing some fundamental points of the unchanging and unchangeable Catholic faith. So three weeks ago we reviewed some of the basic teachings regarding marriage than two weeks ago. Speaker 0 01:53 We reviewed some of the basic teaching regarding the sacrament of penance and last week we reviewed some of the basic TG regarding the most pleasant sacrament of the alternative saving Holy communion worthy way. Why do we focus on those three sacraments? Well, because so far the principle attack has been directed at those three seconds. Now it's going to expand from there very quickly to direct attack on the priesthood itself. But that's next. But the principal attacks so far has been focused on these three sacraments and so in order to appreciate what's going on, we needed to make sure we had a solid there standing true teaching the church in these areas cause this is where the confusion is. Unfortunately we had to have such a detailed review because as we're going to see in the course of these sermons in our brilliant day and age, almost every important point that we've covered so far is being denied. Speaker 0 02:50 Almost every important point we covered in the last three sermons is being denied. Now usually these denials are gussied up in all kinds of fancy language and verbal dancing around and so forth, but they're denying it's all the same. Some more on that later. So now that we've got a good solid hold on, Chu teaching of the church regarding marriage, sacrament, penance, and Holy communion, there's another area that's actually even more foundational that we need to cover before we start tying everything to big together. So we're going to look, take a quick look at some of the basic truths in two areas. First, the truths, the saving truths that Christ came down from heaven and died to give to us. Those truths for which God the son became flesh. The truth for which our Lord was actually conceived by the Holy ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died for us. Speaker 0 03:47 Those troops. That's first. Then second, we're going to take a look at the MES, which Christ himself chose to transmit those truths to us. The means that Christ himself chose to try and get those truths to man. Come from the very moment of his sending down of the Holy spirit on the first Pentecost from that very moment until the crack of doom, right at the end of the world. So that second, so the two areas we're going to take a closer look at today on the first place, the saving truths that Christ came down from heaven and died to give us. And then the second place, the MES, which Christ our Lord chose to transmit those truths to us. So the very fact that we even have to address those truths is clear evidence of how unbelievably serious the crisis is because these are just foundational things. They're literally literally foundational truths. So let's get started. We'll start by addressing this truth, the saving truth, the Christ, our Lord came down from him and then die to give us. Now there's a name for those truths which we've all heard Speaker 1 04:55 <inaudible>. Speaker 0 04:58 The name for those truths is the deposit of faith, the deposit fates. The deposit of fate is this collection. It's the collection of all the truths that were revealed by God. It has two parts, sacred tradition and sacred scripture. The deposit of faith. It's also known as Bonnie revelation. Public revelation was handed down from Christ to the POS, so the deposit of faith, public revelation closed with the death of the last apostle Saint John. Since then, there never has and there never will be any new public revelation. No more. The deposit of faith can't be added to nor can they can be removed from it at st Jude points off as a pistol. The faith was delivered once for all to the saints. The was delivered once for all to the scenes. Once for all, there will never be anything new added to the deposit of faith because God didn't forget anything. Speaker 0 06:10 There'll never be anything removed from the deposit of faith because God didn't make any mistakes. God isn't going to have a new idea here. In fact, God can't have a new idea. Why can't God have a new idea? Because God can't learn anything. He already knows everything. He hasn't forgot anything. He knows it all. So the faith was delivered once for all to the saints. The deposit of faith was delivered once for all the same, and since then there never has and never will be any new public revelation. It's complete. It was entrusted by Christ our Lord, to the pastors and their successors for the guidance of his church. It contains both truths that we have to believe in, principles of conduct, things that have to be done. Okay, so the deposit of faith is composed of both scripture and tradition. So now let's spend a few minutes talking briefly about each one. Speaker 0 07:20 Scripture. Scripture is the inspired in their word of God. It's the word of God. What does that mean? Well the pulps have made it clear that st Thomas has a clear, a correct explanation for the inspiration of sacred scripture. And it's actually really easy to understand. We just have to know the difference between a principle cause and an instrumental cause. And everyone here already does. When you sign your name with a pen or a pencil, the pen or the pencil, the instrument they're using to sign your name is the instrumental cause. It's the answer it used to sign your name with. Okay, so that's the instrumental cause of your signature. But the pen doesn't just jump up and start writing on a page. You'd have that weird organ music and it gets scary. It doesn't do that in itself. It has a principal cause that's you. Speaker 0 08:22 You grabbed hold of it. You're the principal cause of your signature. So you're the principal cause and the pander, the pants that would ever use to write your name is instrumental because this is super easy to understand. You might vary your signature depending on what kind of penny use what car. The ink it is. No matter what pan or pants live in paintbrush, he used to sign your name. You're the principal cause and the pen or the pencil or the paintbrush. The interviews. That's the instrumental cause of your signature. Okay? It's super easy to understand. You're the principal. The penny news is instrumental cause of your signature. Okay. This is exactly how st Thomas explains the inspiration of scripture. The principle cause of scripture is the Holy spirit. The Holy ghost is the principal cause the Holy ghost is the author of sacred scripture and the instrumental causes of scripture. Speaker 0 09:23 The instruments that the Holy spirit use to write these books are, they're different man, Moses, Joshua, Danny, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, et cetera, et cetera. It's so simple that even a young child can understand this. The Holy ghost is the principal cause the man. He's the law through the men are his instruments. What's an important consequence of this? Obviously, or it should be obvious for everyone without a new fangled. Does theology degree. Obviously if the principle cause of sacred scripture, if the author of sacred scriptures of Holy spirit, that scripture must be absolutely, utterly and completely free from any error period. Close the book, Pope Benedict, the 15 sites, Pope Leo the 13th regarding this very point, and I quote so far, is it from it being the case that air could be compatible with inspiration, that on the contrary, not only of its very nature precludes the presence of air, but it's necessarily excludes it and forbids it as God. The Supreme truth necessarily cannot be the author of air. That's a no brainer for everybody. That doesn't Elvin newfangled theology degree OD can't make an error. Speaker 0 11:01 Consequently, it is not to the point to suggest the Holy spirit use men as his instruments for writing and that therefore will no errors referrable to the primary author. It may well be due to the inspired authors themselves provide supernatural power, the Holy spirit so stirred them and moved them to road. So assisted them as they wrote that their minds could rightly conceive only those and all those things which he himself bade them concede only such things could they faithfully make commit to writing an app express with unerring truth else. God would not be the author of the entirety of sacred scripture. Close quotes. That's hopefully the 13th cited by Pope Benedict the 15th so if anyone were to suggest there were errors in scripture, now we're not talking about a printing press there obviously, but if anyone were to suggest there were any errors in scripture, what's he's actually saying? He's actually saying that the principle cause the author of sacred scripture, the Holy ghost is wrong, that he got something wrong. The Holy ghost got something wrong. What that is, that's a blasphemy. Not only is it blessed me, it's a sin. It's a sin against the Holy ghost. Speaker 2 12:33 Don't think you want to go there. Speaker 0 12:38 And yet these days, this sentence is calm. Is the grains of sand on a beach. That great father, Dr. Church, st John Chris has some said, strike them off of the blast fever and sanctify the hand. No, it was proper motives. That's virtuous. That's not sinful paddock pupil punched out twice cause he insulted our lady. Speaker 2 13:10 I love a Potter peel. I love it. Speaker 0 13:17 So scripture is inspired in your word of God. It's absolutely, utterly and completely free from any air. What soever and anyone that denies that is a heretic. Now let's talk briefly about tradition. The word tradition comes from a Latin word, which means to hand something down or pass something along. So when we're talking about sacred tradition, we're talking about trues and practices that are in their positive faith, which have been handed down outside of sacred scripture. So that a deposit of faith, but they're not contained in scripture. The first batter can counsel Todd Cole by divine Catholic faith. All those things must be believed, which are contained in the written word of God and in tradition close quote. In other words, all those things must be believed, which are contained in scripture and in sacred tradition. Okay, what's in sacred tradition that isn't in sacred scripture? Speaker 0 14:21 I'll just give a few examples. Dogmas of the faith that can only be found in sacred tradition. Now DAGA. What's a dogma? A dogma is a revealed truth that's been proclaimed by the church for the belief for the faithful. So dogs are the faith that can only be found in sacred condition would include the dogma that our lady was a Macklin, concede the dog that our lady was assumed body and soul and to heaven. The Doppler, that our lady is perpetual Virgin. A few of necessary practices would include the veneration of Holy images and also the adding some water into the chalice is a practice that comes from our Lord himself. That's not in scripture. When the priest puts water in the chest, that comes from the Lord himself. Speaker 0 15:14 Okay, so we speak of sacred edition. We're referring to truths and practices in the deposit faith. They've been handed down to us outside of sacred scripture. That's what sacred tradition is. So if we add it all up, if we take sacred scripture and sacred tradition together, what do we get? We get the deposit of faith. And what does it contain? The deposit faith contains first sacred scripture, all 72 books of the Bible. It's the in air inspired word of God. So that's first sacred scripture. Second, the dog was the faith or ladies perpetual version, the pains of Hilary Turnell, everything in the apostles creed, et cetera, et cetera. So that second, the dog was in the face. Third Christian morals, for example. No one who has a moral sin on his conscious, she'll dare receive the whole Ubers before making a sack. And there'll confession, regardless of how contrite he may think he is, or contraception is a mortal sin. Speaker 0 16:14 We must attend mass on Sundays and Holy days of obligation, et cetera. So that's third Christian morals. Fourth, the seven sacraments, baptism, confession, confirmation, Holy communion, Holy matrimony. Pull your orders, extreme functions, sack wounded, sick. So that's fourth, the seven sacraments. Fifth, the hierarchical constitution of the church. Now that's a mouthful. The hierarchical constitution. The church means the organation organization of the church itself in terms of the faithful under the priest, under the Bishop, under the Pope. Okay, so the fateful under the priest, the priest or the bishops, the Bishop center, the pole, this comes from Christ himself. So that fit the hierarchical constitution, the church, so that a positive faith known as public or binding revelation is a collection of all the truths that are revealed by God. It has two parts, sacred scripture and sacred tradition, and it contains sacred scripture, the darkness of the faith, Christian morals, the seven sacraments, and the hierarchical constitution of the church. Speaker 0 17:29 So this deposit of faith is given by Christ or Lord to the POS, and it closed with the death of the last apostle st John. So all the truths necessary for salvation have been revealed all of them, which means since then there never has been, never will be any new public revelation. It can't be added to, nor can Nathan be removed from it because it's complete. God put everything he wanted into it. It contains truth to be believed and principles of conduct, which means things to be done. It has two parts as we've heard, sacred scripture and sacred tradition. Okay. So let's remember that today we're taking a quick look at two areas. We've just considered the first area, the deposit of faith, the saving truth that Christ our Lord came down from heaven and died to give us. But even though all the truths for salvation have already been handed down, even though there will never be any nutrients communicated to us from God, this still isn't sufficient. Speaker 0 18:36 These truths need to be preserved, guarded, and interpreted for us. And that brings us to the second topic, which is the very means that Christ, our Lord used to transmit these truths to us. He established this. So now we're going to have another one of those $5 words for the very means. Who is Christ? Our Lord himself established to deliver these truths in the deposit faith. This $5 word is the magisterium, the magisterium. Okay, so what does that mean? Well, the Latin word for teacher is Magister. Where we get this way, we get the word for the teaching office of the church has called the magisterium, the teaching office of the church. So what's the magisterium? It's the divinely instituted, instituted by God infallible, indestructible, perpetual living, teaching authority of the Catholic church. That's the magistery. Now, the role of the magisterium. This divinely instituted, infallible, indestructible, perpetual living teaching authority of the Catholic church. The role of the magisterium is to teach and explain to men what God has actually revealed in such a way that men may know all that God has revealed only what he's revealed and under the proper conditions, they do this infallible, which means with no air. Speaker 0 20:04 Now remember that our Lord commissioned his apostles to go and teach, and he promised to be with them until the end of time. We can find this commission. It's called the great commission. It's right at the very end of st Matthew's gospel. You can turn right to the end of st Matthew's gospel. It's the very last few lines and st Matthew's gospel. Matthew 28 verses 18 through 20 and I quote, and Jesus coming spoke to them saying, all power is given to me in heaven and on earth going there for the all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the Holy ghost. Teaching them to observe all whatsoever I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you all days, even under the consummation of the world. Close quote, the son of God. Speaker 0 21:00 So in the great commission, our Lord commissions his apostle. Now apostle comes from a Greek word, and that Greek word means a man that's commissioned by another to represent him. It means a man sent on a mission. He's not sent by himself, but he's sent by another. That's what the word apostle means. Our Lord commissions. Is it possible to teach all nations to observe all things whatsoever he has commanded them to do this all day, even to the consummation of the world. So he stands, his apostles, teach all nations, all his truths for all time. That's what the great commission is. The great commission is our Lord sent his apostles out to teach all nations, all the truths that he's given them for all time, all nations, all truths, all time. In other words, this commission involved teaching all of his truths everywhere to everyone for all time. Speaker 0 21:58 It's a universal commission. It covers everyone everywhere. Paul's that's universal and a Greek word for universal is Caterpillar, Coles Cathol because that's where we get the word Catholic. We're the universal church founded on the great commission given to the apostles directly by God, the son, whilst he was visibly present here on earth. So our Lord sends his apostles to teach all nations all his truths for all time and so the POS and the men they appoint to succeed him, which are the bishops by Christ. All will in command are the official teachers of the church. They're trusted with our Lord with guarding and explaining the deposit of faith, the deposit of faith. That's what the magisterium does. The magisterium is the pastas and their successors who are given the office of teaching, explaining and handing on the deposit of faith. Now we spend a little more time on this cause it's so important. The point here is Christ, our Lord established a visible church of true teachers. That's what we see in the great commission. Christ her Lord establish a visible church of true teachers. Everyone needs to burn that into his mind. Christ our Lord established a visible church of true teachers. Our Lord established a visible church of true teachers. Speaker 0 23:35 This is the exact opposite of what the Renegade priest did, led the Protestant revolt, complete claim. Christ our Lord actually established a visible church of shoe teachers, but the Renegade priest who started the process of revolt claimed that he established an invisible church of true believers. And in point of fact, that message is also directly contradictory to what we just heard in today's gospel where speak of the King of heaven. We learned that both the weak and the caucus, both the true believers in the sinners, which would include the unbelievers. Both of those we found together in the church until the end. The King of heaven is likened to a man that sowed good seal in his field. But while men were asleep, his enemy came in oversewed Cockle among the wheat and went his way. Both st Jerome and st Augustan understand this sleeping when men were sleeping. Speaker 0 24:33 They understand this to me, negligence and carelessness on the part of bishops and pastors of the church and the result of their negatives and carelessness is as the enemy comes in and so's is Kako. So the result is till the end of the world, the church is going to be a mixture of both true believers and the sinners, which include the unbelievers. So Christ our Lord established a visible church of true teachers. And so by his own willing command, the apostles and the men, the day that they appointed to succeed in which are the bishops are the official teachers of the church and trusted by our Lord himself to guard and explain the deposit of faith. Now here's Pope Pius the 12th explaining this very point. I called Pius the 12th it is to the apostles and by them to their successors, the bishops, the Christ, our Lord confided the truth which he came on earth to communicate to men. Speaker 0 25:28 So there we have it. Just net one sentence, the truth which Christ our Lord came to communicate to men is a positive faith and it's to the parcels and the successors. And he confided. Now the Pope is going to explain the magisterium a little more. Okay, so we go back to past the 12th it is to the apostles and by them to their successors, the Christ short confided the truth which he came on earth to communicate to men. The function of teaching these church for the whole body of the faithful is as everyone knows, belongs to Christ. Vicar on earth, the Bishop of Rome. Okay, so the prop has just explained that Christ gave the Bishop of Rome the pump, the job teaching all the faithful in the world. Now he's going to explain that role that Christ our Lord has given the bishops of diocese for Latin Catholics or at Barclays, you know, for the Greek Catholics are so far the function of teaching Christ church to the Bishop. Speaker 0 26:19 So here he goes. The function of teaching Christ church for the whole body of the faithful as everyone knows, belongs to Christ. Vick gunner the Bishop of Rome, and to the many bishops for the groups of members of the church confided by this vicar to their pastoral care. So the groups or the diocese or at keys and so forth, not a poem, explains where the priests fit into all this in accomplishment of their grave duty of teaching. The bishops will have recourse to the assistance of priests and also layman whose authority for teaching, however, is not the result of a personal superiority of knowledge, but of the mission which has been entrusted to them by the bishops. Close quote, the vicar of Christ. So Christ gives the mission to the parcels who give it to the bishops. The bishops can share that emission with priests and the pastoral ministry. Speaker 0 27:10 So if you ever heard a priest can faculties, that's just a $2 term, that generally means among other things, he's been commissioned by his Bishop to preach. So that means he can actually teach in the name of a church because one of the descendants of pastas has given him that power so that I have faculties to preach and teach in the name of church. That's why we have to do our homework because we're responsible to teach the name of church and not glorify ourselves or talk about football or stuff like that. Okay? That doesn't make us part members of the magisterium that belongs to the assessors. The parcels to the pulp and the bishops in union with him are the members of the magisterium. There are two ways then that the successors of the apostles, the pulp and the bishops in union with him teach the truce infallibly contain Talbot, teach the truth contained in the deposit of faith, the ordinary magisterium and the som magisterium. Speaker 0 28:08 Now, the ordinary magisterium is a continuous teaching of the Pope and bishops in union with them. When this reflects the constant teaching of the church and they're teaching revealed truths that are falling the deposit fee when they reflect the constitution of the church. Then the teaching found in set sources is PayPal, sermons approved catechisms and cyclical letters. The traditional liturgical prayers or practices of the church are all infallible expressions of the ordinary magisterium. They're fallible expressions of something in the deposit of faith when they reflect the constant teaching of the church. St Vincent, the Lorenzo explain this principle some 16th centuries ago. Those truths have been taught always everywhere in by all are part of the deposit of faith in our in fell again, those truths which have been taught always and everywhere by all are part of the deposit faith and are in infallible always and everywhere by all. Speaker 0 29:13 Now we're not talking to mathematical statements, that theological statement, but always nearby. So the Catholics that have professed the faith all over the world, all through time, so always it's all to the time since ancient times, everywhere, the whole church and by all, by all the ones that are Orthodox professors of the faith, that's part of the deposit of faith and it's infallible. For example, the purpose of life we all know from our catechism is we're made to know, love and serve God in this life and be happy with him forever in the next, all of that could be stated in various ways. This truth has been taught always in everywhere by all. So it's part of the deposit of faith and it's, it fell really taught by ordinary magisterium of the church. It's in virtually any decent catechism. One would pick up words to that effect. Speaker 0 30:03 Okay. Other common examples would be the contraceptions morally sinful or that the doctrine of the priesthood is limited to men only. So ordinary magisterium is the continuous teaching, the pulps and the bishops in union with him. When those teachings reflect the constant teaching, the church held always and everywhere by all, and that's their revealed truth. Fond in the deposit of faith. Then PayPal sermons, bishops, sermons, pastoral letters, approved catechisms and cyclical letters. Traditional liturgical prayers and practices of the church are all infallible expressions. The ordinary magisterium, the solemn Magister. The song magisterium is used much less frequently than the ordinary. It's a formal judgement or formal definition. Clarifying some issue and determining the true meaning of some truth that's contained in or necessarily connected to the deposit of faith or condemning something that isn't in it. An accurate saw. Magisterium could be exercised either by the pulp alone, by the bishops in union with the pulp at an ecumenical council. Speaker 0 31:12 When does the pulp use his solemn magisterial power when he makes next Catherine with pronouncement, that's a formal and offended declaration on a matter of faith and morals. We all know the four points that should be present that have to be present for a papal declaration to be X catheter. First, the Pope must be teaching and virtue of his apostoc authority. Second, on a matter of faith and morals. Third, with intention making a definite decision for to be held by the whole church throughout the world. So it's app, target, Dory, matter of faith and morals, definite decision whole church, and in this regard there are three very important points. One, the Pope does teach X catheter. In other words, when he one attends to make a definite decision to buy virtuous Preme app, iStock authority. Three on a matter of faith or morals for for the universal church, he is actually prevented by the Holy spirit from teaching air. Speaker 0 32:14 Any people teach that meets this conditions is infallible. That is to say it cannot be erroneous and it's era former. It cannot be changed. What are those three important points? Again, when the Pope teaches X capita, he's prevented by the Holy spirit from teaching here. When the Pope teachers have to capita, his teaching isn't fallible. That is to say it cannot be erroneous and when the Pope teaches X catheter, it's irrefutable. That's to say it cannot be changed. Now, this teaching X catheter does not require the use of a set formula. Any words may be used that will sufficiently indicate the definitive nature of the decree and fallibility works in a negative fashion. The Holy spirit won't allow the pulp to make an erroneous statement in those precise conditions. Can a Pope make errors in other conditions? Yeah, you sure can. We'll have a lot more on that late. But if ever the fourth commandment, honor thy father and mother forever the fourth command and applied anywhere, it certainly applies here. We have must always give the Pope every benefit of the doubt. We're on that later. Another important point in fallibility is not inspiration. The Holy spirit does not move the pulp to say, write something. The Holy spirit does not move the pulp to say or write something. It fallibility is not revelation. The Holy spirit does not reveal what the Pope should teach or define. It's a negative protection. He can't get it wrong. Speaker 0 33:52 There was a good explanation, Frank, she made a good explanation to conceive of this and he used it. It's sort of a ridiculous analogy, but you'll, you'll remember he said, imagine we have a trigonometry test and there's one person that has it fell building trigonometry. So this is why it's ridiculous. So everybody else in the classroom has three options of the question. They can get it right, they can get it wrong or they can leave it blank. But that one person that had it fell a billion trigonometry either gets it, ride, relieves it blank, Speaker 2 34:23 just can't get it wrong. He's protected from getting it wrong. Okay. Speaker 0 34:28 Another very extremely important point. There are real limits to the Pope's teaching. The first that can console explain clearly the limited role of the Pope's teaching these words. Cool. The Holy spirit was not promised to the successors of Peter. So by his revelation they might make known some new teaching, but so that buys assistance. They might develop the guard and faithfully set forth the revelation handed down through the apostles. That is to say the deposit of faith. Close quote, the first Vatican council, no new revelation. I'll repeat that quote. The Holy spirit was not promised to the successes of Peter. So by his revelation, they might make known as some new teaching, but so they by as assistance, they might devoutly God and fatefully set forth the revelation handed down to the apostles. That is to say the deposit of faith. That's the first Vatican concept. Speaker 0 35:22 So the Pope can and should explain things perhaps more clearly that have been revealed. He can and should apply the untape unchangeable teachings and principles and dogmas. Fond the deposit fate to do situations, but in the sense of coming with some novel thing overheard in the church. No, no new teaching, no new teaching. The Pope is a chief custodian and guardian and teacher Cruz. Fond and deposit fate. He's not some kind of group. No new teaching. One last important point here. Cool. The vicar of Christ can commit the authority which has been placed with him only to the degree in which he attends to do so close. All right, so what does that mean? It means the Pope has the power to decide whether or not he will use his papal powers. His Christ given authority to teach. And it means that he all use it to the degree that he decides to. Speaker 0 36:18 He's free to teach infallibly or not. Whether we speak of his ordering exercise of infallibility, repeating what was held always and everybody all whether we speak of his extraordinary fellow, but he, when he speaks six capita under the conditions we just explained, it's completely up to him. If he decides not to use it, then he certainly won't be using it. We had a really clear example is Benedict the 16th wrote some books on Jesus and he's in a dialogue with a Jewish rabbi, but in it he put the points up. He's writing in private capacity. In other words, he's not invoking his paper. It was a great, great thing that he did that because you don't have to worry because there are strange things in it, but he's just, he's not writing as Pope Benedict. Then Ignatius press puts point. Bennett considered Joseph Ratzinger would have been the right way to title it because he wasn't using his powers in this thing. Speaker 0 37:07 He was engaging in a theological debate and not actually using his PayPal powers. That's a very concrete grid. They have to decide to do it because they can decide to use it or not to use it. And that's just a concrete example of deciding not to use it. Okay. So the Pope has the power to decide whether or not he will use his paper powers. He's pretty teaching family or not. It's completely up to him. If he decides not to use it, then he certainly won't be using. Okay. So we've looked at a solid magisterial powers of the Pope. The other actor saw Metis June is done by the bishops and union with the Pope at an ecumenical console. When the concert filers explicitly state that they are defining and teaching the Catholic faith or when they attach an anathema and a song curse to those who had done an Isom truth. Speaker 0 37:54 In other words, when they're teaching, they're telling us what's inside the deposit of faith. When they're Natha monetizing or cursing, it tells us what's outside. Okay. So teaching, they're telling us it's inside an advertising, a toss. It's outside. Okay. If the acts that general counselor, not any of those two categories, then they fall into ordinary magisterium. So the counsels, here's the breakdown Psalm. The father's are explicitly defining, teaching the faith or they're cursing those who deny it truth, all the rest falls and an order magisterium. Here's an example of an infallible act or the som magisterium at the council of Trent. If anyone denies the nasolacrimal, most volume there are truly, really substantially contained the body and blood to go with a Saunder of of our Lord Jesus Christ and therefore the whole Christ. If anyone denies that, but you'll say is in it, but it's by a signer figure force. Speaker 0 38:47 Let him be anathema. Let it be ex-communicated. Okay? Remember whether they're taught by the ordinary magisterium with som Magis champ. These Fallbrook truths are not new. They're all drawn from the unchangeable deposit of faith delivered once from all the apostles. Okay? These trees are not new, but there aren't follow as far as our response to these teachings. Church teaches is also very clear. Vatican won by the divine and Catholic faith. All those things must be believed, which are contained in the written word of God and of tradition, and that are proposed by the church as a divinely reeled object to believe either ms som pronouncement or her order and universal magisterium close quote, the first Vatican council. So let's sum everything up. Today, God didn't set up an invisible church of true believers. He didn't water his apostles to write a book. So 34,000 different denominations could argue over what it meant. Speaker 0 39:45 He established a visible church of true teachers, the teachers or the apostles and their successors, the bishops to whom our Lord gave the unchangeable and unchanging deposit of faith. The deposit of faith contains two things, sacred scripture and sacred tradition. Our Lord sent down the Holy spirit to protect and guide the magisterium, so to confab really protect and teach those truths that are contained in deposit of faith. Those truths which are held always and everywhere by all or infallible teachings of the church, colored by the power of the ordinary magisterium. Those truths have been solidly proclaimed X catheter by a Pope or defined a curse by general counsel or infallible teachings of the church, colored by the Psalm registry. We do not belong to invisible church of true believers. We belong to a visible church of Christ. Established the one true church to teach the one true faith. The faith without work, it is impossible to please God.

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