Who is Christ to Me?

December 19, 2017 00:07:00
Who is Christ to Me?
Veritas Caritas
Who is Christ to Me?

Dec 19 2017 | 00:07:00


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 I'm Maria Prisma and name of the father, the son, and the Holy spirit. Amen. As I mentioned yesterday, when Saint John sends his disciples to our lore, they asked him the question. It's not because Saint John, the Baptist says any doubt at all about who our Lord is. It's because he knows that after he's killed that, there'll be a temptation for the disciples to be sort of true to his memory and not follow our Lord. So he's making sure that they hear right from our Lord's mouth, really who he is. And he talks about the miracles. And then they go back to st. John, very cleverly. He's a great prophet. Has his disciples do that. Notice what our Lord gives us evidence that he's the Messiah. It's the miracle. Miracles are very, very important. Sometimes people dismiss them, but why should we believe someone sent from heaven? Speaker 0 00:00:56 If you're sending an ambassador to a country, there's a couple things the country does. They send you a notice beforehand that we're dispatching, you know, in basket. And then when he shows up, he presents his papers. Our Lord was spoken up beforehand by the prophets where they knew where he was going to be born. This is why. In fact, the magic, when they arrived from Persia, they go to bed or they go to Jerusalem and, and, and the why the people there tell him, Oh, he's going to be born in Bethlehem. It's only six miles away. They couldn't be bothered to go over there, but he's only six miles from him right then. And, uh, they knew where our Lord was going to be born. They knew he was going to be born of a Virgin. We read that night. Yeah. There's all kinds of prophecies to bottle up. Speaker 0 00:01:37 Then our Lord shows up and proves that he's been sent by God, by his miracles. That's the object of the miracles. The miracles are just enough so that we, they don't make us have to bleed. Cause then you don't get the reward from faith. You say, no, this is something that has to be believed. Here he is. He's fulfilling all these things. And now he's giving the blind sight. What's the explanation for that? The depth here, he's driving out devils in his own name. There's all these things going on. So anybody that's intellectually honest has to make a decision, right? Then am I going to believe him or not? And in fact, Christ does that to all of us. That's the most important question that any of us can answer it. Who is Christ to me? What difference does he make in my life? Speaker 0 00:02:29 Is he just a swear word? Like he seems to be for most of our population. Does he really make a difference in my life and the miracle still go on. By the way, he's convicted people from the beginning. Why did our ancestors convert? Unless we're Hebrew ancestry, why did they convert? Think of it? So I'm 95. Five says all the gods, the Gentiles are demons. All this here, unless you're Jewish. Catholic are from devil worshipers. It's not immediately obvious word devil worshiper would convert. Take an easy example, go into a biker bar this Saturday night when everybody's getting ready to get up on a table and say, all right, y'all calm down. I got some news for you. There's 10 commandments. Get your hand off her, booked up beer, Don, stop this. And here's how it's going to be and see what happens to you. And yet that's exactly what the missionaries did with our ancestors. That's why there's so many martyr. Cause it took miracles, martyrdoms in the word of God to convert our ancestor. And all three of those are essential. Speaker 0 00:03:41 One of the amazing things about the Irish for people aren't sure is it didn't take any martyrs. That's the amazing thing about st. Patrick is he converted them. You had the miracles and you had the word of God, but they converted without Mars. But that's really rare. Typically the priests get killed that bring a message just like you would go on into rough biker bar and telling them what to do and how to do it and giving them the gospel. But that's what our ancestors did. Why? Because there were also miracles associated with it and it still goes on. God sends just enough things. Did anybody that really wants to know the truth is going to know the truth. Why did he send Potter wheel in an age like cars? And right now you could get on the internet, look him up. You can see movies, the pottery appeals. Speaker 0 00:04:25 There's this statue of course right there. But you can see him walking around a man. There's still plenty of people lives that know him. He only died in 1968. A man that would be in a more than one place at the same time. Men that could sit the confessional. And if you try to fake him up, he'd correct yet. And then he'd remind you of things you forgot. He could tell you all your sins. He could read hearts. A man had fought with a devil man who walked around with the stigmata for 50 years. Someone asked him those hurt and he said, our Lord didn't give them to me for decoration. If you watch him walking up on the alter, he could hardly get up on the alter. Speaker 0 00:05:06 Why did God send a priest like that in a time like God, to remind us to remind them there's enough Eucharistic miracle. We have Fatima on the miracle of the sun. We have pottery peel. We have incorrupt there's always just enough miracles to witness. Just like our Lord told the disciples of John, that this is a God and it should be believed. Now that being said, one more thing. Since we're an advent, we're looking for the coming of our Lord and advent. The readings are minus of two things is coming and mercy as the babe in Bethlehem, and also is coming in the clouds of glory at the end of the world. We should think about that. Cause we know it towards the end of the world. There's going to be another one that comes to claim to be Christ. And he's going to do Marvel. And most of the world's going to fall on the, and I Christ. Now that Christ is not somebody that's gonna, he's going to look very convincing, very convincing. And the people who haven't already made up their mind who Christ is, and that is come and haven't committed themselves to them. They're going to be swept away. Speaker 0 00:06:25 So an advent, it's a good time for us to think about the end of the world as well, because we're all gonna have our personal end of the world. Whether we see our Lord coming in, in glory, that's, that's a different question, but we're all going to half comedian and he's going to be our judge. We want to make right now that decision in our hearts who Christ is to me really makes sure that when you look in your heart, that he's ranting there, not someone or something else.

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