Ember Wednesday

December 20, 2017 00:04:23
Ember Wednesday
Veritas Caritas
Ember Wednesday

Dec 20 2017 | 00:04:23


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 I'm Maria Pristina and the name of the father and the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. It's a Edinburgh Wednesday and advent. The Ember days come around four times a year. Saint Leo. The great says there is an apostolic origin and Amber days are Wednesday, a Friday and a Saturday, roughly at the beginning of the different seasons. And they have there's two objects. The Ember days. Traditionally they've been days of penance and partial abstinence, and the reason for the penance and partial abstinence, it is for the first, in the first place to pray for holiness and blessings on the upcoming season of the year, because our Lord comes to make all things Holy, the seasons and times as well. And the second reason more profound reason perhaps, is to pray for holiness in those men that are to be ordained during that season. Traditionally, they'd have the ordinations on the Ember Saturday, many times in Rome, this was the big one, Amber Saturday and advent. Speaker 0 00:01:02 The historians tell us was the big day for the ordination, but it's for holiness and of the men to be ordained. Lord knows. We need to pray for that. The crisis in the church right now, the central problem is the people are holier than the priests and the people aren't Holy. And it doesn't work because you have the shape wandering around, not knowing where they're going and the sheep herder drunken the sheep wagon is kind of what it's like. So here come the coyotes and everything else, and it's not going to get any better unless the priests become Holy. That's the only way out. And the only way to do that is to pay the price. It's just a big mess. You don't need me to tell you that, but that's what it is. Alright. Well, in terms of the ratings today, just a few brief notes, the lesson from the prophetize, he's talking about the mountain of the Lord and all the nations flowing into it. Speaker 0 00:01:57 He's talking, it's a prophecy of the Catholic church where all the nations come together to the mountain of the Lord, because we know from Psalm 95, 95, all the gods and nations are Daymond's. So all the nations were demon worshipers. You have Israel who knows the true God, but anybody that's read two pages in the old Testament knows they knew who he was, but they didn't do such a great job of following him. And then you have everybody else that's out there not following them at all falling various devils. And here's a prophecy of all of a sudden, the nations are going to come together to the Lord, which is an absolutely amazing thing. It's fulfilled in the church. The pit, the pistol is also taken from the very famous prophecy chapter seven of the book of prophet. Isaiah who says the Lord himself should give you a sign behold, a Virgin shall conceive embarrassed son. Speaker 0 00:02:49 Uh, and, uh, and of course the gospel is talking about that. Cause you have the gospel enunciation, the fulfillment of that prophecy. Now these geniuses that call themselves scripture scholars will make fun of this prophecy. And they'll say things like, well, yeah, w what happened is a teenage girl got pregnant, you know, well, there's a drum roll for you. So this is supposed to be a sign from God that the girl got pregnant. As if these people didn't know how that happened. They just don't under first off, let's get that clear. If she hadn't been married and a number number, they didn't mess around with that in the old Testament. Number two is what kind of morons to these people take us to believe. So for 2000 years where we've been stupidly thinking, this is actually a prophecy of our lady conceiving our Lord, but now the scripture scholars come along and tell us, it's nothing of this sort. Speaker 0 00:03:37 When you read this kind of stuff or hear this stuff. And this time of year, it comes out regularly, right before Christmas. And right before Easter, they turn up the heat and they just start attacking us in the media. Anybody that believes just click the switch in your head and go whatever, and think about something else. It can't be wrong. It is a prophecy. That's why it was so amazing. And everybody knew it was a prophecy then, and they know it's a prophecy. Now, everybody that's still has faith. This is why she's the blessed Virgin Mary and why it was so amazing. Anyway, today, remember that it's Amber Wednesday and do something, offer something up for holiness and upcoming season, especially holiness and the men that are to be ordained.

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