Basilicas of SS. Peter & Paul

November 18, 2017 00:05:14
Basilicas of SS. Peter & Paul
Veritas Caritas
Basilicas of SS. Peter & Paul

Nov 18 2017 | 00:05:14


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Speaker 0 00:00:02 Hi, Maria, in the name of the father and the son and the Holy spirit came in. It's the fruit. So the dedications, the Basilica. So st. Peter and st. Paul, of course, uh, both in Rome, Saint Peter, uh, whilst he was in Rome, persecution is arising. I have to fleet town. And as he's going out, look outside the walls. He has an apparition. He meets our Lord going in and, and, uh, and he says, don't quote Vodous, which means, Lord, where are you going? They said, I'm going to be crucified again. And so st. Peter got the idea turned around and went in, you got gathered up and he and st. Paul were, were held in the mammary time, prison down, Don in that hole, they drew them out, uh, I think is June 29th, 67 out of the hole in Saint Paul. He's a Roman citizen was taken out of town. Speaker 0 00:00:59 Uh, and then he was beheaded, a place called Trey Fontana. It's called the three fontans because when he used to be headed, yeah, his head bounced three times at three Springs sprung up, and there's a church there. There's a monastery Trappist, monastery there's number of churches. But the church of Trey fond tonic in the corners. Yeah, the marble, a chopping block, the churches on the level. But over on the, uh, on the epistle side, there's three offers that go down. There's a river. So see, you won't fall down. Cause it's built on the natural slope, the three altars, and that's where the three fountains sprung up and they ran until fairly recently. I talked to a priest a few years ago, about 10 years ago about it while I was there getting ready to say mass. And he said, they stopped at some time in the face. Speaker 0 00:01:45 That's what he told me. I said, why is that? He said, we don't know, but we think it's because of the sins of man anyway, st. Paul was taken from there, not too far of a distance and Berry and to that place. Nice is the location of st. Paul outside the walls. He's under the main alter their constant T had a Basilica built there. It's a beautiful Basilica. It's a new one. The old one burnt down there. Some Workman working on an 1823 caught the roof on fire. And the whole thing went up in smoke. So this one was wreaked dedicated by Les Pius, the ninth in 1854. But right. The main alternate confession, you can, you can, uh, go down there and st yeah, Paul's relics are right there in st. Paul's outside the wall. St. Peter, of course was a, since he wasn't Roman citizen, he could be crucified. Speaker 0 00:02:34 And he was, and he was crucified. Caligula had a circus and then Nero expanded it. So it was this neurocircuits there at the, near the right next to the Vatican Hill. And, uh, so say Peter was crucified upside down there. Cause he said he wasn't worthy of taking the same, the position, the masters who's crucified upside down there and died there. And then they buried him in India. Crop looks like a city of the dead, a graveyard cemetery right there next to that, uh, circus. And then when Constantine built the Basilica there, they leveled off the back and hit with all the slaves. And we'll just kind of buried all that and then built the first Basilica on that in 1506, then, uh, the thing was falling down. And so I think it's Julius the second, but the Pope decided they needed to tear the old one down and build a new by itself. Speaker 0 00:03:23 It took 120 years to build st Peter's. Yeah, basically all the great artists in the world were involved, especially st. Mike, especially Michael Angelo. He, I think started winning a 70 worked who is 88. He did it just for the glory of it. He didn't take any pay at all, but a great architect with the dome and so forth. He didn't see the finish of it. But anyway, it was dedicated in 16, 26 on this day, right under the main alter there's where st. Petersburg Pius, the 12th had secret excavations during the thirties. If you ever go there, it's still there. You can have, what's called the Scobee tour, where you go underneath the old Basilica. You're actually costing the floor, constitutes with Silicon you're w you're basically in a mine underneath st. Peter's and you're walking up the Hill, the necropolis. So here's this pagan graveyard. Speaker 0 00:04:14 You have rough for the Basilica. You're going through this mind works there. And as you get close to it, there'll be Latin graffiti. Like Peter's near here and so forth. He come up and that's actually where he's buried, which is exactly under, under the main officer there. And you'd come out and like Crip, if you, if you have that opportunity to go there. So he's the major, uh, may the reason for that particular Basilica being built right there, we just had st. John Lateran a week or so ago. That's the, the cathedral enrollment, but there's, we have four face States that celebrate for the major facility in enrollment, Saint Mary, the snows on August 5th. Cause that's when the miracle was. And she had outlined in snow where she wanted the silica Saint John led on, which is actually the Pope's cathedral. We had that a few days ago. And then we have today, the, of the Basilica st. Peter and Paul, just a little bit on today.

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