Sts. Rose Philippine Duchesne & St. Gregory Thaumaturgus

November 17, 2017 00:06:54
Sts. Rose Philippine Duchesne & St. Gregory Thaumaturgus
Veritas Caritas
Sts. Rose Philippine Duchesne & St. Gregory Thaumaturgus

Nov 17 2017 | 00:06:54


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hi, Maria, Christina, the name of the father son, the Holy spirit. Amen. So we have a two saints today. We have a first-class Relic of Saint Rose Philippine to Shane up there on the altar. He's a, actually an American Saint in that sense, she's born in France and <inaudible> 69. Went into the visitation. Kombucha was actually homeschooled. Her dad was a free thinker and got alarm cause she was going to the convent school and looked like she'd have a vocation. So yanked her out and homeschooled her. She had a very, uh, high level of education program in her day, but in spite of his best efforts, she went into the convent, uh, during the chaos of the revolution, everything fell apart. So she spent about nine years living out in the world, trying to live the religious life as a cloistered nun, but living a religious life, being active all the time. Speaker 0 00:00:54 And uh, and after things settled on a bitch, she went back in there and tried to gather everybody back together, but it just didn't work. And she met, uh, st. Madeline, Madeline, Sophie Barat, the fond ponders to the Dames and the sacred heart. And they joined courses. She joined that community and then she was sent over to Louisiana and she ended up going up the river to st. Charles, Missouri, which was out and absolutely in the middle of nowhere in those days and started a school in a cap in there for the girls. And she started a bunch of schools up and down the river, the Mississippi river, uh, the Jesuits came over from white Marsh, Maryland, and, and ended up down there in that country. And she got to be very, very close friends with father de Smet. So all a father to Smith's missionary journeys in the early years shape, she was his prayer support. Speaker 0 00:01:46 And the first thing, when he get back he'd report to her, what, what all has been accomplished. And then he'd go see his Jesuit brothers. Now they made a deal that whoever died first reduced something. I don't know. We don't know what it was, but he told the Bishop, he knew that she was in heaven because whatever it was, it got accomplished. So he knew right away when he died, where it was on the missions, because whatever deal they had made, if it came through any rate, she died about 1852. I know, early on she was incorrupt. That's no longer true, but she's there in st. Charles. It's just outside of st. Louis. So aftermath, I'll give you, uh, after we make the Thanksgiving, I'll give everybody a blessing with the route the st uh, on the calendar today. Uh, the university calendar is Saint Gregory. Speaker 0 00:02:34 The wonder worker, he's a, a native of it. It'd be not called something like Nick SAR or something. Uh, Neil says urea in, in, uh, what's now Turkey. He was a pagan kid. Uh, and, and when he got older, he got, he went to school. He started being schooled by origin. His sister got married, some important Roman official and passed. So he went there and, and origin had fled Alexandria at that time. And he's teaching in Palestine or origin had some unorthodox things for which he was later condemn by a constant performance, some on app Orthodox he's buddy. He, um, was a great, uh, philosopher and Christian teacher. Those days, we don't call him a father church because he, he has condemned writings. But at any rate, the long short of it is, is both the Gregory and his brother are converted, ultimately, uh, schooled with him. Speaker 0 00:03:29 They, he taught him for about five years. They taught, they studied there. They went to Alexandria and studied and came back, ended up being baptized. And he ends up being constipated, Bishop of his hometown on his way. There, he stops there, it's storming or something. So there's a peg and tenant. So he goes in and does about three signs across clear the air and just sleeps there at the night and takes off in the morning. He's trailing on his way back to misery Neocell Maria and the pagan, a priest goes in there to do all his, his ooga booga stuff and nothing's happening. And he can't get the, the demons to do what they're supposed to do. And finally imagine that someone up and says, well, this man that visited here, we can't work here anymore. And you gotta be kidding me. So he takes off running after him and finds him and says, what have you done? Speaker 0 00:04:19 You know, I'm going to report you to the emperor. My, my, my Oracle's aren't speaking anymore. Cetera. And he's throwing a fit. And so Gregory listens to us as well though. Baby C writes a little note. He says, Gregory to Satan enter, and the guy takes it back and everything works. And that astonished him so bad. He went back to see Greg and says, no, are you, you know, you can just order these things around. And so he starts to tell him about Christ and, and actually all the, the priest is listening, but he didn't believe it said, look, you're, you're so powerful. Take that rock and put it over here somewhere. So Gregory's personal rock move. I'm like, okay. The guy ended up becoming one of his deacons. And during a persecution of day shift there, Gregory had the people a flee. And he, he himself and this deacon were hiding on a mountain and they were, they were reported. Speaker 0 00:05:12 Some informer reported them. So soldiers running up there and all they could see was two trees. They came back and then farmer said, you gotta be kidding me, went up there. We saw that was the cause of his conversion, uh, cause that, that, wow, these guys can actually not appear like people when he, uh, when he arrived in <inaudible>, there were almost no Catholics. And by the time he left, he was laying on his death bed. They taught, they told them there's 17 pagans left. When you arrive, there have been 17 Catholics when he died, there were 17 pagans amazing conversion. There's a lot of other stories I mentioned to others because it's just coming to me, the reason for the gospel, they about moving the mountain. So as a church that were going to build that had a Hill, and so st. Gregory wanted to build a church. Speaker 0 00:05:54 So he just ordered it and it moved. That's why we have that right there. And another one in the brief area, these are in the Breviary as well is, uh, there were two brothers arguing over Lake on the property and they were, you know, they're going to have a battle over whose Lake it was. So by his prayers, the Lake went away, left the land. But yeah, just the short haul that all the water evaporated overnight went wherever st. Gregory Senate, probably into the ocean. Anyway, he's one of those great saints, uh, died two 70 McWright, which is the grandmother of st. Base of the great, she was his Bishop. He was a Bishop and she had heard him preach and choose a young girl. And she raised a whole passel of saints because you see the effect of someone wholly through the centuries like that. Just a little bit on st. Gregory, Thomas teargas. You could pray to him today for your increased belief in the gospel and for the conversion of our bishops to the Catholic based.

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