Behold the Heart Which Has Loved Man So Much

November 13, 2011 00:20:25
Behold the Heart Which Has Loved Man So Much
Veritas Caritas
Behold the Heart Which Has Loved Man So Much

Nov 13 2011 | 00:20:25


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Speaker 0 00:00 If your child was feverish and sick and bed, would you just ignore her? Go sit with her and they put a cool wet rag on her forehead. Try to console her. If your best friend's wife just died, would you just ignore him? Would you go tell him how? Sorry you were asking what you could do. Just be there for him. When each and every one of us go visit and try to console a loved one who is hurt or feeling bad. Of course we would. When we really love somebody, we want to be there for them. Not just when times are good, but especially when times are bad. Speaker 1 00:46 Okay, Speaker 0 00:48 and why don't we do the same thing for Christ our Lord. How many of us ever think about visiting our lower just to console him for all the frightful abuse he suffers and has suffered in the most. Plus Itzhak knew the altar. Speaker 1 01:09 Yeah. Speaker 0 01:12 After all our Lord explicitly asked for this in June of 1675 when he appeared holding out his sacred heart and said to Saint Margaret, Mary, behold the heart, there's love this man so much that is spared nothing even to exhausting and consuming itself in order to testify it's love. And in return I receive from the greater part only in gratitude, but at irreverence. There's sacrilege by the coldness and contempt they have for me in the sacrament of love. What would I feel most keenly is that the hearts which are concentrated me treat me to us. Therefore, I ask of you that the Friday after the octave, a Corpus Chris to be set apart for a special feast to honor my heart by communicating on that day by making reparation to it by a saw mat in order to make amends for the indignities which he said is received during the time it has been exposed on the altars. I promise you that my heart should expand itself to shed in abundance, the influence of its divine love on Pon, those who show that's on it and cause it to be honored. The hold the heart, which is love, man, so much that is spared. Nothing even knew, exhausting, consuming itself in order to testify. It's love and return received from the greater part only in gratitude, but there irreverence and sacrilege by the cold and contempt they have for lord the sacrament of the alter. Speaker 0 03:00 He asked to make amends for the dignities who she's received in a time he's been exposed on the altars. Okay, father, but how can we possibly bring comfort and Constellation to our Lord? Right now, what is happily raining in heaven? Popeyes 11 answers that very questions in his, it's cyclical on reparation of the sacred heart. Pius the 11th quote. If during a sacred passion, the soul of Christ became sourful under death because of sins which were as yet in the future, but we're foreseeing it cannot be doubted that then too, you already derived some comfort from our reparation, which was likewise foreseen when there appeared to him an angel from heaven in order that his heart oppressed with weariness in anguish might find constellation. And so even now in a wondrous yet true manner, we can and ought to consult that most sacred heart, which is continually wounded by the sins of thankless men. Close quote, the victory of Christ Christ. Our Lord not only wants our constellation, he's sitting there quietly awaiting our constellation and awaiting our reparation today, like no time in the history of the world and it's, we'll see. That's not an exaggeration today, like no time in the history of the world. There's an absolute need for eucharistic reparation. There's an absolute need for fervent comedians have reparation. There's an absolute need for devout eucharistic adoration to make mens for the monstrous mistreatment of our Lord in the most blessed sacrament of the alter. Speaker 0 04:58 During a talk this past week in Rome, Father Francesco Bramante, he's the chief Extras Zeist of Rome, discussed the absolute need for reparation. He stated that we should not be surprised to learn that the center for the organized, that QUT of Satanists throughout the whole world, the center is in Rome. Why? Because their main tax are focused on the Catholic church. The pope, the cardinals, the vicious, the priests, the religious, he especially pointed out the contemplative communities are under constant attack by means of the occult practices of the Satanist and especially black masses. When to make apparent that a remark here, with all due respect to other, uh, groups, you'll notice they're not black synagogue services, not black mosque services, not black revival meetings. But as Satan is do black masses, they know who their enemy is. Every Saturday night on the visual of every great feast and on the vigil of every great Marian <inaudible>. Speaker 0 06:18 The sickness gather and father pointed out in their ranks are many very famous and very powerful people and from midnight to 3:00 AM during the hours that are exactly the opposite of the hours that our Lord was hanging from the cross from midnight to 3:00 AM these satanists engage in the most unspeakable, blasphemous and sacco, just rights, which culminate in these horrible black masses at 3:00 AM during these terrible rituals, the satanists desecrate consecrated hosts and then offer them to the devil. Obvious question is why they make these offerings in order to obtain greater assurance, the devil grant their requests with a deep conviction that Satan was trapped in their own evil power in place, other demons at their service father, but Monte explained it because of these rights, there's a great and a constant threat that hosts will be stolen from our churches. Each satanist is instructed on how many sites he must deal for the next celebration and that number may be as high as 20 hosts each. Speaker 0 07:32 There are several ways the satanists steel hosts first at communion, he pointed out that one of the Satanists, when one of these Satan has come up to receive communion in the hand, he will then step to one side and will looking down at the floor, move his hands up towards his mouth as he turns with a slight of hand move, actually keep the host in his hands and then proceed to the back of the church looking down the whole time and then place that host in a bag and go out quickly for big feast days, they will UPREIT this crime many, many times. Oftentimes a whole group of train safeness will attend a mass simply to steal hosts. Father pointed out that some will receive on the tem using a special dental apparatus that you described that makes it possible to keep the host dry. Speaker 0 08:24 Parenthetical remark, you may wonder how it is that someone like a satanist under the dominion of the devil can handle a host without having some sort of strange demonic manifestations. The reason is that these people have willingly entered into a pact with the devil accepting his lordship over them. As long as someone like this who has willingly sacrificed his soul and body to the devil. As long as someone in this condition, the condition as demonic subjection continues to serve the devil as his master, the devil does not terminate him with a typical behaviors, these obsessions and possession type manifestations that we see in a possessed person. Okay, great father, but why on earth would anyone enter into a pact with the devil? Father? Romantic points out that typically someone sells his soul to the devil in exchange for Rich's power, uninhibited sex, honor's vengeance, etc. Speaker 0 09:28 Of these than inner to the pack. Some do not obtain anything they asked for some deed to obtain an initial favor, but that's it. And then some suddenly start becoming fortunate in everything, gaining fame, success, profits, and important social position. But he also points out that at some point, almost unexpectedly, it all crumbles apart. Why? Because the devil is a liar and he cannot give what he promises even to his consecrated ones and apparent theoretical remark. Get. Another way that satanists acquire hosts is by becoming extraordinary ministers or the most holy sacrament. Father pointed off that in parishes where these people are not very carefully vetted, it is an open invitation of the enemy and that some extraordinary ministers are deed satanists and find the safeness also steal hosts right from a tabernacle. How do they do that? They will study a church. You're very carefully watching every moment over sufficient period of time to find out where the priest places the tabernacle key. Speaker 0 10:38 When the priest is lazy or stupid and places the tab an apple key under the alter cloth or even more stupidly leaves it in the hole. In a, in the very tabernacle adore itself, it's very easy for them to steal hose. One member of the team will stop the priest asking, father, can I speak with you in order to distract and keep him occupied while the others quickly open the tabernacle and steel, the hosts, others suborn them. Now they always leave enough so that won't be noticed that they've been stealing the whole procedure takes no more than one to five minutes and they walk out and of course they can keep stealing hosts from that tabernacle regularly. Five describe it. Another horrific activity of the stateness, a team of five or six. Then we'll enter a church one standing guard outside. They'll make a circle around altar and desecrate it. Speaker 0 11:33 We'll ritualistic prophet nations and curses. The whole ritual will be done in three to four minutes so closely that no one notices a thing. Obviously any church that's unlocked during the day should have a security camera up. Father points out the result of these horrific crimes is a weakening of the action. The church in the world due to increasing demonic power. Any steady planning that a cultism and demonic activity is worse than it has ever been in the whole history of the world, so that seminarians need specific pastoral preparation to repair for what is currently going on and what is to come in the future. He stated playing with a great vigilant as is needed to record to make sure that none of this happens in our church and knowing that this is going on should stir up a great desire in the heart of every Catholic to make reparation. Speaker 0 12:28 And that regard, he made a few specific recommendations. For example, he emphasize the power of the prayer that the angel taught to children at Fatima non case. Someone here isn't familiar with this. The Angel appeared this before they saw our lady lounge appeared to him on a number of occasions. On the third occasion, the angel appeared holding a host from which drops of blood are falling into a chalice and he left the host and the child suspended in the air and prostrated himself on the ground and repeated the falling prayer three times almost totally trinity, father, son and Holy Spirit. I adore the profoundly I offer the the most precious body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ present in all the tabernacles of the world in reparation for the outrageous sacrileges and in differences by which he's offended by the infinite merits of the sacred heart of Jesus. And the macro heart of Mary, I beg the conversion of poor sinners. Amen. Speaker 0 13:36 Father stated, the devils hate this prayer that during an exorcism, when they actually start saying this prayer, the devil makes very violent reactions. They become even more intense during the phrase, in preparation for the outrageous sacrileges and the differences by which he's offended, he points out the reactions get even more intense. During the last phrase, I bey the conversion of poor sinners. He pointed out the absolute need for reparation. He especially recommends mass with adoration to the night and mass offered at 3:00 AM to counteract their evils. He pointed out this would be an enormous help to strengthen the faith of the whole church. He made a suggestion for every Dawson bishop asked him to every morning and evening in his private chapel, the bishop should pray an exorcism or his diocese, which set up a great wall against demonic activity and serve as an enormous help against these evil practices. Speaker 0 14:36 Okay, so that's what's going on in Rome. We're not called the church militant for nothing. It's a war. It really is a war. So what can each one of us do in terms of prayer? We can get in the habit of saying the angel of fathom a prayer daily or even more often, we'll put it in the bolt and you can Google it. It's easy to find. You could add it to the end of your rosary. The roads for your course is such a powerful prayer, terrifies the demons. They really hate that role as re till we can make roads use reparation and conclude them with the angel of fathom of prayer, adoration when possible, we should spend time before lord the most bus. It's stacking on the altar, making reparation for these horrible crimes and sacrilegious, those who can spend time before the most busted sacrament from the hours of 12 midnight to 3:00 AM she consider taking an hour or so on Saturday nights for the vigils of great feasts or the vigil of the Marion Feast. Speaker 0 15:43 If you can't get out, consider a vigil in front of an image of sacred heart in your own home where you might stop in for a holy hour, somewhere between 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM our time central standard time, that's 12 midnight to 3:00 AM in Rome, the exact time when these whores are taking place over there. Of course, these horrors do take place here as well, but not at the level of as they do over there. Of course, if you're going to regularly do these late vigils, you should clear that with your confessor communions. We can make communities of reparation besides the community reparation that we're accustomed to making on first Fridays and first Saturdays. We can make other comedians of reparation during the course of a month and finally mass in here mass more often and offering up your mass and reparation, making a community community reparation at the same mass, praying for the pope and the cardinals and the bishops. Speaker 0 16:39 We're talking about real spiritual power there. The idea for each one of us in the church. Milton is to become a spiritual terrorist and I mean that we can blow up all kinds of demonic strongholds in the process of our prayers and sacrifices. We should look at it in that way. Our prayers are unbelievably efficacious in those kinds of ways. Of course, if it's all possible, try to make the first Friday vigilant Carmel Quick Review. We started by considering the fact that when we really love someone, we're there for them, not just when things are good, but especially when it's bad, which means that each and every one of us would have no problem going consoling someone we loved who was hurt or feeling bad. We've seen that our lord has specifically asked for reparation for the indignities, which is sacred, hardest suffered on the altars of the world. Speaker 0 17:34 We've seen that Chrysler Lord Dolly wants our constellation. He's sitting there quietly awaiting our constantly. She awaiting our reparation for all these horrific crimes. We've seen that the organized activity of safeness, the world as centered in Rome, since your main attacks are focused on the Catholic church, we've seen it from midnight to three and every Saturday night on the vigil of every great feast on the vigil, Very Marian Salinity. The Satan is gather and engaged and unspeakably blasphemous right, called the black mass in which consecrated host or desecrated and offered up to the devil himself. We've seen that the Satan is steal. The hosts had communion other tabernacle when the priest is careless about the key by getting themselves appointed as extraordinary ministers. He's also seen that they ritualistically decks crate altars and the results of these horrific crimes as a weakening of the action of the church and the world due to increasing demonic power. Speaker 0 18:33 We've seen that we should respond with prayer by saying the angel of Fatima prayer, rosaries of reparation with adoration, by spending time before lord most busted sacrament before an image of a sacred heart with communions of reparation. And finally by offering up our masses in reparation. Let us never grow tired of calling down the precious blood but US never go tired of it. Let us never forget for even a moment, even the tiniest trop, the precious blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is infinitely more powerful than all the weird, a cult and blasphemous reits that any satanist or all the satanists throughout history can ever do. One tiny trop infinitely more powerful because it's the blood of God. Let us never ever grow weary of calling down the precious blood on our suffering world. Speaker 0 19:34 Let's close please Neil, unite yourself to me as I pray the Angela Fatma Prayer as an act of reparation on behalf of everyone present here are who listens to this sermon almost totally. Trinity, Father, son and Holy Spirit. I adore the profoundly I offered the the most precious body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ present in all the tabernacles, the world in reparation for the outrages, sacrilegious in differences by which she's offended by the infinite merits of the sacred heart of Jesus and inaccurate heart of Mary. I begged the conversion of poor sinners. Amen. The name of the father and of his son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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