Our Relationship to Jesus

December 09, 2007 00:14:05
Our Relationship to Jesus
Veritas Caritas
Our Relationship to Jesus

Dec 09 2007 | 00:14:05


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Speaker 0 00:01 During advent season, advent, we're preparing ourselves. It's a function of to prepare ourselves to celebrate the mystery of our Lord's incarnation. This unbelievable, almost amazing truth that God became man in order to save us and one of the most astonishing things these days is not so much this colossal and difference that we see to the reality of God becoming man for us or even the unbelievable hatred, outright hatred that so many people have for Lord. What seems the most astonishing least to me is the fast number of practicing Catholics who somehow don't see the significance of Christ, who don't see the absolute necessity of having an authentic, loving relationship with Christ, or little as if he's just another one of many flavors like in the whole pantheon of Gods goddesses in choices. It's amazing to me. I get these kinds of conversations a lot. Anyway, it's so essential to understand this reality that today we're going to spend some time reviewing this. Speaker 0 01:07 We've been through this before, but it's definitely merits repeating in order to understand why our relationship with our Lord isn't just another possible choice and this giant cosmic salad bar of reality. In order to understand our religion, in order to understand the absolute necessity of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, we need to have a clear understanding of two points. The first point is what does Adam have to do with us? In other words, what's our relationship with Adam and how does that arise? And the second point is, what is Jesus Christ have to do with us? What is our relationship to Jesus Christ and how does that arise? So the questions are, what is our relationship with Adam and how does that arise and what is our relationship with Jesus Christ and how does that arise? First, what does Adam have to do with us? Speaker 0 02:04 What is our relationship with Adam and how does it arise? It's easy. Adam is the physical head and natural father of mankind. So we have a natural relationship to Adam. We're all descended from him. Of course, since we're all descended from this shows the complete stupidity of racism since we're all equally descended from one common father Adam, since we're all descend from Adam, since we're all equally his sons, we're all equally as heirs. That means we each get a share in his inheritance, right? Which we means we all get to share in. We've all inherited those things that he's passed down to us and what does Adam handed down to us? We leave in our lady out of this part of it. What does Adam handed down to us? We all know, everybody knows all those great things like original sin, concupiscence, sickness, suffering, death and bondage to say, thanks a lot Adam. Speaker 0 03:10 We have a natural relationship with Adam. He's the physical head of mankind. He was our representative before God and he blew it on behalf of all mankind. He declared war naturally speaking, we're all heirs and fellow citizens of Adam. So that's why as scripture says, by nature will all born children of Wrath case. So that's the first point. Our relationship with Adam and how it arises. Second Point. What does Jesus Christ have to do with us? What does our relationship with Jesus Christ and how to satirize brief review. Remember that our Lord is not a human person. He's not a human person. He's divine person. Remember what person means persons? The answer to question who or who's doing something. We've talked about that before. You hear knock on the door. You see who's there? Who's that? Not Canada door nature. We have to remember this one nature that answered the question, what or what's its ability? Speaker 0 04:11 What can it do? Persons who, who's doing something? Nature's what and what can it do? You hear a noise in the forest? You Go, what was that? You're asking a question about a nature. You hear the knock at the door. You Go, who's that? You're asking a question about a person, okay? Our Lord is not a human person. He's a divine person. He's the second person of the most blessed that Trinity's God the Son. He has two natures. He's one who and to what's, he has two natures. He has a human nature and divine nature. He's true God and he's true. Man. Now. We all know that, so it makes it easy to understand what Christ has to do with us. On the one hand, because Christ is God, the God whose image and likeness we are created, the God who made us out of nothing, as in absolutely nothing, the God who's constantly then holiness above the surface of nothingness, so to speak, the God who's constantly pouring down being into us so that we can exist. Speaker 0 05:14 If God quits point on Venus, if he quits holiness above the surface of nothing, we just collapse into nothingness again. He's holding us in being this God who knows even our most secret thoughts and desires because he's holding them above the surface of nothingness. He's even given our most hidden thoughts being so because he's God. It's easy to see that relationship and that respect. We all have a relationship of existence with him. He's actually holding each one of us, all our thoughts, all our words, all our deeds into existence. Okay. So that part of the relationship is easy to understand now because he's man, he can do anything and everything that goes with being a man, being born, eating so forth, all the things he did while he was visibly present here, but any after Lord does any act at all has an infinite value since the person who is doing the act is God, God the son. Speaker 0 06:18 So it's easy to see. He's the perfect man to represent us before, before children of Wrath, before God. He's a man, but he's God. Okay. Think about it though. Comparison. Imagine a man that's been sentenced to a very painful, torturous death and he's been given the opportunity for one appeal and he's asking you for advice. He wants to know which lawyer to hire and explains that all the possible defense lawyers, all the ones that are available, there's one lawyer who's never lost a case and none of the rest have ever won a case. What are you going to tell him? It's a no brainer. It's the same problem. Thanks to Adam. We're all under a death sentence. We've all been sentenced to death without grace. That means eternal death. There's only one that can bring us grace since incarnation. Jesus Christ is available to represent us and he's the perfect man. Speaker 0 07:17 He's one of us, but unlike us, he's never offended God. He is God. Every act he does has infinite value and in his most important act is suffering and death on the cross. His most important act, he came and read down to redeem us in order that we all might receive adoption as the sons of God. Saint Paul terms it. He came specifically to untangle the mess that Adam left to sin. He's the only one they can untangle the mess. He's the only one that can save us from maternal disaster. He's the only savior. He's absolutely unique. Now here's the problem. You have to listen very carefully. This is the problem as men, as descendants of Adam, we all have a natural relationship to him. We fell and supernaturally died and Adam, insofar as we're United to him and we're United to Adam as a representative, whether we like it or not, just by the mere fact of being conceived and there's nothing that we can do about that. Speaker 0 08:26 We're United. Each one of us is United to Adam, whether we like it or not, and just as we all fell from grace and became children of Wrath because of our union with Adam, to also union with Christ, restores to us grace and makes us adopted sons of God. Let's hear that again. This is important just as we all fell from grace and became children of Wrath because of our union with Adam Union with Christ restores us to grace and makes us adopted children of God. Everybody needs to burn that into his mind. Just as we all fell from grace and became children of wrath because of our new with Adam Union with Christ restores us to graze and makes us adopted children of God. We're naturally United to Adam as a representative. Whether we like it or not, we can't help it, but we have to be supernatural United to Christ to be restored to God, grace and become adopted. Children of God, we're naturally and necessarily United to Adam, but we're not necessarily United to Christ. We're necessarily United to add them by our conception. We're not necessarily United to Christ. That's something that happened for most of us when we were babies. When our godparents specifically asked the Church to unite us to Christ, that's the significance. I'll ask you, what do you ask of the church? That's what the first question that the priest asked our godparents. Speaker 0 10:10 They want faith because faith brings eternal life that unites us to Christ, but we're not necessarily United. That's the horror of it. It gives us a state of grace. He gives us new life. The supernatural life makes us adopted children of God, and that's the horror of a mortal sin. As we violently ripped that out of our soul and return to our natural state. Speaker 1 10:36 Yeah, Speaker 0 10:36 we're not necessarily supernaturally United to Christ. We're necessarily United to add on by our very conception. We're not necessarily United to Christ here. The same points expressed by the infallible teaching the church is this cannon three from the decree on original sin of the Council of Trent quote, if anyone asserts that the sin of Adam, which is transmitted to all men by propagation and is in each one as his own, is taken away either by the powers of human nature or by any other remedy besides the merit of the one meteor. Our Lord Jesus Christ with reconciled us to God in his own blood, made onto us justice scientification redemption. Let him be anathema for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved close quote in fallible teaching of the Council of Trent. If anyone asserts to the cinema, Adam is taken away by any other remedy besides the merit of the one mediator, our Lord Jesus Christ. Let him be anathema. Let him be excommunicated. Speaker 1 11:53 Just Speaker 0 11:54 as we all fell from grace and became children of Wrath because of our union with Adam Union, with Christ and only union with Christ restores to us grace and makes us adopted children of God. Karen light, master of interior life wrote, quote, we shall belong to Christ or we shall not have supernatural life. We shall be sons with the word incarnate in a bosom of the Holy Trinity. Well, we shall be excluded from the Kingdom of Heaven. Our Lord desires the salvation of all men. That's why he came on his mission and mercy. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life as our holy patients. Saint Peter says, there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. There is no other way besides union with Christ to be restored to grace and become adopted children of God. There is no other way. Reality is not some cosmic sidebar easy. Jesus Christ is her representative before God. Well, we don't have one. It's a choice. Each one of us has to make Speaker 1 13:10 cool. Speaker 0 13:12 He's the only representative before God. He's just not one in a host of different choices. This pantheon of the new age is Jesus Christ or it's nothing. There are no other choices. So this advent is we prepare for Christmas. We had to really ponder that reality they filled with thanks and wondering joy. But even though each one of us is by nature, one of the children of Wrath, in spite of that, our Lord had mercy on us, we gotta be filled with hope and thanks and one enjoyed it. He's given proud, rebellious dust like us. Speaker 1 13:56 The dignity Speaker 0 13:58 becoming adopted, sons of God and the heirs of eternal life.

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