End Times: What Signs to Look For (Part 1)

November 21, 2011 00:22:59
End Times: What Signs to Look For (Part 1)
Veritas Caritas
End Times: What Signs to Look For (Part 1)

Nov 21 2011 | 00:22:59


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Speaker 0 00:00 Once again, we've come to the end of another liturgical year. Once again, the church asks us to consider the end of the world. Couple of points before we get into that. First, there's a whole, uh, like a flood of end of the world, nonsense Protestant areas floating around. Uh, we don't want to fall for any of that. So any, if any, have any of these kinds of things around your house. He opened the door, he would stove and chuck it in second to teach you, the Catholic church is clear. There's no such thing as the rapture and there's no such thing as the millennium, this so-called thousand year reign of Christ our Lord. He came visibly the first time as a baby on his mission of mercy and it'll come to us visibly. And finally, the second time at the end of the world as our judge, that's it. Speaker 0 00:52 There's not like some two and a half comings of our Lord. He comes twice. That's it. No rapture, no millennium period. Third and today's Gospel and elsewhere. Our Lord has commanded us to read the signs of the time. Watch you. Therefore, because you know not at what hour, your Lord will come. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watch it blesses he that watches. So we're supposed to watch, but we know not the hours. So if we hear anyone setting dates when all these future things are to come to pass, we should remind ourselves and the teaching the fifth ladder in council. And I quote, preachers are in no way to presume to preach or declare a fixed time for future evils. The coming of antichrist or the Precise Day of judgment for truth says, it is not for us to know times or seasons which the father's fixed by his own authority. Speaker 0 01:47 Let it be know that those who have Hibbett to dare to declare such things are liars. And because of them not a little authority has been taken away from those who peach the truth. Close quote Lateran five. So on the one hand, we're commanded to watch the signs and other hand. We're reminder that we can't be completely precise since no one knows the exact dates or times. Okay. Fourth Point. Obviously this is an exciting topic, but we're not supposed to have some sort of chicken, little disguise, falling, tizzy fit. When we start thinking about it, the example that we should cue off of is that of Saint John Birch is one Saint St John Bertrand said that a great Jesuit scholastic, it was recreation one day and he and his fellow Jesuit scholastics were shooting pool in the recreation room one on one. One of them said, hey, if you found out the world was going to end suddenly right now, what would you do? Speaker 0 02:45 And St John Bertrand's just kept shooting posted. I'd keep right on playing billiards. What's the point of the story? This point of the story is it was recreation time, so they're supposed to be recreating any was. He's in the state of grace, which were supposed to be any was we're supposed, if we're doing our duty and we're in a state of grace where where are we need to be? It's not such a much of a concern of when we live in history is how we die. That's the important thing. How we die. If we die in a state of grace, we'll be saved. So we want to do our duty, stay in a state of grace and do her duty and her state life and not have some sort of chicken little fit. Every time we start thinking about things like this, let's turn to the topic before we do, we have to make sure we understand the meaning of the word type. Speaker 0 03:37 What is a type? A type is a person an thing or an action that actually exists but is also intended by God to prefigure or foreshadow a future person thing or action. So type is a person thing or action that actually exists, but it's intended by God to foreshadow a future person thing or action. We'll consider a few examples to see how it works. In the book of judges, we see jail. Now this is the woman that saved the people of Israel and how does she do that? Cause she punted a tent stake through the head of a sleeping NRE general. Later in the same book, we see the woman who saved Israel when she dropped an upper millstone on the head of an image, another enemy general, and the book of Judith, we see Judith who saves Israel once. She cuts the head off an enemy general. Speaker 0 04:33 Now in each one of these cases, there are at least three types. Obviously Israel existed of itself, but Israel is also intended by God to prefigure the Catholic Church. So Israel is a type of the Catholic church. The enemies generalists really existed, but they were all set intended by God to represent Satan and the enemies of the church. So the enemy generals were types the devil and the women who crushed the heads of the enemy generals really existed too. But they're obviously intended by God to prefigure her. And if you look carefully at the statute, you will see what she's doing. She stomping on the head of a serpent, okay? Our Lady crushes the head of a serpent. So when we consider these women and what they did for Israel, we could see foreshadowings of our lady and what she does for the Catholic Church. So what's a type type is a person a thing or an action that actually exists, but which is also intended by God to prefigure foreshadow future person thing or action. Speaker 0 05:34 Right? So much for the introduction, we'll turn to the topic at hand and second test Slovenians two three Saint Paul explicitly teaches that the Dale or judgement day, the end of the world can't come until their first been apostasy. A great falling away from the true faith, a great revolt against the true faith. And that in the wake of that apostasy, the great apostasy, the man of sin, the son of perdition, antichrist be revealed. The fathers and doctors have explained what this apostasy means. For example, Saint Thomas Aquinas explains it. This apostasy will be separation from the faith and from obedience to the pope pop Saint Leo, the great teachers that indeed the greater past. Who will mean by owning the faith and obedience to the pope. Senator Gustin adds that this event must proceed the coming of the Anti Christ and say to Guston states that not all will abandon the faith, but that few will retain it. Speaker 0 06:36 So for the next two weeks we'll consider a historical period and a ruler with which the father's and doctors have always considered to be a very clear type of the great apostasy and the Anti Christ. Why would we want to study this man in his times? Because the clearer we see the foreshadowings, the clear an idea, we'll give us of the actual future reality that they point towards. So today what we want to do is consider some are more of the prominent, some of the more prominent features of the apostasy, which took place in Jerusalem around a 170 BC. And next week we'll consider the man who's such a clear type of antichrist. We'll do this by first reading lines from the holy scriptures. It's found in inspired books, the first and second Maccabees. And then we'll reflect on the meanings of those scriptures by turning the great commentary. Speaker 0 07:25 Great scripture commentary. It was prepared some 400 years ago by Saint Lee Bailey Belgian Jesuit father conius today what the order of the pope's spent some 40 years assembling the works of the Church fathers into a massive 21 volume line by line commentary on the scriptures. So we'll get started. The inspired word of God quote in those days there went out of Israel wicked men and they pursued mates persuaded many saying, let us go and make a covenant with the havens that around about us and some of the people determined to do this close quote cornea slappity commenting on that line, the leader of the wicked men who was chasing, who treacherously managed to seize the high priesthood for himself, why Citi might introduce gentile rituals and customs and especially false religious and idolatry to Judea and pursue the tedding, unrestrained, unbridled open lusts. So what's happening here? We see that those with the true faith, instead of carefully, even scrupulously remaining faithful to God and avoiding the pagan practices and trying to convert their pagan neighbors by their example, by their words. Speaker 0 08:46 Instead, they're turning away from their holy religion and allowing themselves to become pagan. ISED notice also that the leaders are priest. It's one good priest I know likes to point out whenever you see the church go down, it's an inside job. Notice also that we see here a link between false religions, idolatry, heresy and lust, inspired word of God, and they built a gymnasium in Jerusalem according to the laws of the nations close quote. So they built the gymnasium in the holy city and he might think so what? It might help to know that what we mean by gymnasium is not what it meant in those days. Jim knows is a Greek word for naked was a place to exercise buck naked so much for modesty, but think of where they're at. Not only are they in the Holy Land, they're right there in the holy city, but there are more details we find in sacred scripture about this. Speaker 0 09:48 This will be slightly edited and paraphrased, not because they want to be God's senator, but because it needs to be because the youngsters quote the high priest, Jason began to bring over his countrymen to the fashion of the Heathens and the Bosch to lawful ordinances and the citizens and brought in fashions that were perverse. If you had the boldness to set up with gymnasium and to put all the choices use in certain types of houses, close quote, now I have to have an even more highly paraphrased version of cornea. Slap today's commentary. Not only did the youth learn the Greek games such as a disc visit, Cetera, but also they were corrupted by being taught all types of perverse sins. They were certain types of clothing as a sign of types of immodest behavior. They were consecrated to pagan gods. In other words, devils such as a star to arenas. Speaker 0 10:41 The houses they lived in were connected to taverns. Actually, the whole thing is so bad, I don't even like reading it in Latin coordinator, this adaptivity back him here. We're taught that just as the true religion is associated with purity and chastity. So impurities in lust are associated with false religions and heresy. So as the see progress, as we see modesty and nakedness and perverse behavior might just think of San Francisco and Boston, another slightly edited and paraphrase quote from inspired word of God. Now, this was not the beginning, but an increase in progress of heathen is precious to the abominable and unheard of wickedness of Jason that impious rich and no priest. It grew so bad that the priests were not now occupied about the offices of the altar, but despising the temple and neglecting the sacrifices hastened to be partakers of the games and of the unlawful allowances thereof and to standing the honors their fathers. Speaker 0 11:45 They esteemed the Grecian glories for the best and they followed earnestly the heathen customs and in all things they coveted be like them who are their enemies and murderers. You grew so bad that priests were not not occupied about the offices of the altar, but despised and the temple and neglect in the sacrifices hastened to be partakers of the unlawful allowances and calling us to lap the day. Enlightened says quote, the allowances were called unlawful because these were young shameless lude women close quote, so the priests abandoned and despise the priestly duties. Remember that a vast number of the sacrifices, they're neglecting our sin offerings. Priest begin to act like heathens. They start running around with the most foul worldly entertainments and running around with companions with loose morals. We continue where do the God quote? The temple was full of the riot and wrestlings of the gentiles and of men sitting with fluid women close quote c of Parties, Pagan rights and lewd behavior going on in the holiest place in the universe. Inspired word of God quote and women thrust themselves if they're a cord into the holy places. Close quote. Well, of course, since the very beginning, since the time of Adam and the true worship of God, women have always been forbidden from this kind of behavior in the temple. If a woman were to go into any of the holy places proper to the crease, the strict duty of Levi rights was to kill her. Speaker 0 13:28 There's plenty more, but we can get the general picture to remember what a type is. A type is a person, a thing or an action that actually exists, which is also intended by God to prefigure foreshadow of food, which cheer person thing or action. Now keep in mind that the policy at the time of the Maccabees is a type of the great apostasy. In other words, it gives us a prefigurement of the great apostasy and all the fathers have seen this. Among other things, the Jewish people prefigure, the Catholic people, the Jewish priests, prefigure, the Catholic priests, the Jewish Temple prefigures, the Catholic Church and parishes in the city of Jerusalem prefigures the world. So based on the indications we've seen in the prefigurement of the apostasy, during the fulfillment, in other words, in the great apostilles itself, here are a few of the things that we might expect to see a dramatic rise in <inaudible> behavior and dress and perverse behaviors. Most northerly, certain politically correct sins and those associated with Boston Catholics abandoning the true faith, the traditions of their fathers, and turning to false religions, paganism and worldliness. Yeah, Catholic Speaker 0 14:52 priest. Neglecting their priestly duties, especially the holy sacrifice, the mouth and application, the once for all sin offering to sinners and the confessional Catholic priests engaged in worldly entertainments, spending time in the company of companions with loose morals, women invading the sanctuaries of the true religion, the behavior inside Catholic churches becoming increasingly unbecoming, disruptive and irreverent. So if we were hitting our Lord's command to watch these would be some of the indicators we would be watching for. We need to keep in mind that our Lord is actually pointed, official watchman to keep us posted. Let's hear from them because they have the office to watch. The first two quotes had been edited for the sake of time. Quote, who can fail to see that society is at the present time more than in any past age, suffering from a terrible and deep rooted melody, which developing every day and eating into its inner most being is dragging it to destruction. Speaker 0 16:15 You understand vulnerable brethren, what this disease is apostasy from God. There's a sacrilegious war which is now almost everywhere stirred up and fomented against God and we find extinguished in the vast majority of men all respect for the eternal God and no regard paid in public or private life to God's holy will. Instead, every effort is used to utterly destroy the memory and knowledge of God. When all this is considered, there is good reason to fear less this great perversity maybe as it were a foretaste and perhaps the beginning of those evils which are reserved for the last days and that there may already be in the world the son of perdition of whom the apostle speaks in second Thessalonians two three such and truth is Dodd Udacity and the wrath employed everywhere in persecuting religion and combating the dogmas of the faith and braise and effort to approach and destroy our relations between man and the divinity. Speaker 0 17:21 While on the other hand, and this according to the same apostle is the distinguishing mark of anti-christ man has with infinite arrogance put himself in the place of God, raising himself above all that is called God and such wise that he has mark God's majesty. And as it were made up. The universe of temple when he himself is to be a door. He sitteth in the Temple of God showing himself as if he were God. Second Thessalonians two close call pope st pis, the tent first and cyclical. October, 1903 second quote, quote, everyone should examine the world's seated in wickedness. First John Five 19 with his eyes and with his mind. Young people are induced to announce Christ to blast feed and attempt the worst crimes of lust. The whole Christian people are constantly in danger of falling away from the faith. These things in truth are so sad that you might say that such events for Shad and portend the beginning of sorrows, that is to say of those that should be brought by the man of sin who was lifted above all that is called God or is worshiped. Speaker 0 18:32 Second testimony is to four, but as yet more to be blended, lamented vulnerable brethren that among the faithful themselves, they're found so many men who are laboring under an incredible ignorance of divine things and who are infected with false doctrines, who lead a life of vise without the light of the true faith. So they truly seem to sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, there's a greatly increasing carelessness concerning church rules and discipline. Now those ancient traditions by which family life is governed and the sanctity of marriage is safeguarded, the education of children is all together neglected or else it is depraved. There's a sad forgetfulness of Christian modesty, especially in the life and dress of women. There's an unbridled desire for material goods and lastly, a contempt for the word of God whereby faith itself is injured or endangered, but all these evils, as it were, culminate in the evil of those who follow. Speaker 0 19:34 An example of the trader. Judas either receive holy community rationing, sacked religiously or else go over to the camp of the enemy, and that's even against our will. The thought rises in the mind that now those days draw near of which our Lord prophesied and because iniquity has a bounded the charity, many shall grow cold. Matthew 24 12 close quote, hope. See 11th and cyclical on reparations. Sacred Heart, May, 1928 sewn in sick clothes written roughly a hundred years ago and eight years ago. The pulps explicitly warned us. It may very well be the beginning of the end. Since then, quote, we are overwhelmed with sadness and anguish. Seeing that the wickedness of perverse men has reached a degree of impiety that is unbelievable and absolutely unknown in other times. Close quote pis to 12th 1949 quote, venerable, better than you are well aware that almost the whole human race is today allowing itself to be driven into two opposing camps for Christ or against Christ. Speaker 0 20:46 The human race is involved in a supreme crisis which will issue and it's salvation by Christ on its dire destruction. Close quote pies. The 12th 1951 quote. I sometimes read the Gospel passages of the end times and I attest that at this time some signs or this end are emerging. Close quote Paul Paul the Sixth 1977 and quote, when the son of man comes, will he find faith on the earth? Will he find faith in our countries and this Europe of Christian tradition, this is an open question which clearly reveals the depth and the drama of one of the most serious challenges which we are called a face. European culture gives the impression of solid apostasy on the part of people who have all that they need and we live as if God does not exist. Close quote, blessed John Paul, two 2003 K for a full century. The pulps had been reading the signs of the times and warning us, warning us that things are grinding to a close. Speaker 0 22:00 So what are we supposed to do? Remember that God's in charge. He loves this. He knows exactly when he wants each one of us to live. We don't want imitate chicken. Little one it Tate St John Birch means we need to do our duty and our state in life. You get serious. Bought our faith serious about personal holiness. Say Rosary in three. Hell marries every day. No exceptions. Where are you brown scapular stop sinning. Go to confession at least every two weeks. Make fervent communions. Spend time before our Lord in the most busted sacrament. Put God first. Become holy. Speaker 2 22:52 Do your duty. Speaker 0 22:54 It's pretty basic. Everybody just has to do his duty.

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