Christ The King 2017

October 29, 2017 00:36:37
Christ The King 2017
Veritas Caritas
Christ The King 2017

Oct 29 2017 | 00:36:37


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 To proceed, um, as always feel free to record my sermons. Uh, vaginosis Perrier has instructed me that I may not publish my sermons or have anyone published them on forming. So I'll get, uh, American for that. I'll get in there for that. Uh, please pray for his superiors because they've taken responsibility for anyone that could be helped. We won't be so keep them in your prayers. Today is a great feast of Christ. The King was established in 1925 by Pope Pius the 11th when describing the true Christian ideal said that quote, if to Christ, our Lord is given all power in heaven on earth. If all men purchased by his precious blood or by a new rights subjected to his dominion, if this power embraces all, man, then it must be clear that not one of our faculties exempt from his empire, he must reign in our minds, which should have sent with perfect submission and from belief to revealed truth into the doctrines of Christ he must have in our wills, which shall be the laws and the precepts of God. Speaker 0 00:01:16 He must reign in our hearts, which should spurn natural desire as another God above all things and cleave to him alone. He must reign in our box, which had shared as instruments for the interior sanctification of our souls. And that once men recognize both in private and public life, that Christ is King society will last for see the great blessings of really pretty well are discipline peace and harmony close quotes. The vicar of Christ Christ is King, and he must reign in our minds and our wills and our hearts and our bodies. Once men recognized both in private and public life, that Christ is King society. When a lapse proceeds the great blessings of real integrity, well or discipline peace and harmony highest 11th makes it clear that the chief difficulties facing mankind consistent, turning away from Christ in public and private life. Here are just a few of the specific objections made by Pius the 11th, his situation, his day. This is 40 years before the console and notice how current these problems see, even though this was written 92 years ago, cool. We cannot Butler lament, the generous spirit of insubordination and the refusal to live up to one's obligations, which has become so widespread is almost to appear to customary mode of living. Speaker 0 00:02:50 We lament to the destruction of purity among women and young girls as is evidenced by the increasing modesty that dress and the conversation by their, their participation and shameful dances legislation was passed. But she's not here recognize that either God or Jesus Christ had any rights over marriage and erroneous that you wish to based magic point to the level of Amir's civil contract, God and Jesus Christ, as well as his doctrines were banished from the school as an inevitable consequence, the school became not only secular non-religious, but openly atheistic and anti-religious and such circumstances. It was easy to persuade poor ignorant children that neither God nor religion are of any importance as far as their daily lives are concerned. God's name moreover was scarcely ever mentioned in such schools, unless it were to blast you or to ridicule his church. The sense of a man's personal dignity and of the value of human life has been lost. Speaker 0 00:03:51 And for those who think that Catholic name in name only politicians, professors, and conference our recent development, listen to this quote again from the poll many believe in or claim, they believe in whole fast to Catholic doctrine, but in spite of his protestations, they speak right. It was more act as if it were not necessarily longer to follow the teachings and song pronouncements of the Holy city. Those are all poets from bias. The 11th we could go on and on simply setting paper warnings from pies that were for the most part. Ignore. Now, hold those thoughts for a while and let's turn to the current crisis in the church. Try to come to a deeper understanding, a spiritually fruitful understanding of what is going on right now. Why was that in mind? I'll read it and comment upon excerpts from a very insightful work I have to apologize is that author has fairly tightly constructed arguments. Speaker 0 00:04:50 Has it doesn't want his work to be edited so deference to him. I want him since I've massively rearranged, edit and cut and paste his work. So I took 160 page book and put it into a center and I want to make it clear. Anything good to hear. Can't be credited to me. All the hairs are certainly mine. Okay. So let's start with a thumbnail sketch of what may be called the standard traditional explanation for the current crisis. And as we see whether or not someone subscribes to this particular explanation, doesn't really matter because our response should still be the same. Okay. So the standard explanation offered by many traditional Catholics to explain the present crisis is that a group of liberal theologians, ambitious, uh, gain control at the second Vatican council, they wrote the documents in such a way. They contained ambiguous phrases, verbal time bombs, which then could be exploited after the concept to implement all these disasters changes. Speaker 0 00:05:52 So since the constantly have gained access to virtually all the key positions, including the, in order to implement these changes, that's his gotta respect. Man's free. Will the choices men make, we're not in possession of being ruled by a bunch of modernists or in control of added bureaucracy, the large stent the papers in the Pisco seat. Okay. Now for most of us, if we've heard that once we've heard it a thousand times or 10,000 times or a million times, the liberals have hijacked everything or nearly everything at the console, and now they've got the levers of power. Okay. So for the most part, that seems to be true. We'll grant that anyway for the sake of the argument. So what we might call the standard explanation for the crisis is liberals, hydrophobic, everything, or nearly everything. And now they're in control. And again, for the sake are not only going to graph it as being true. Speaker 0 00:06:42 You can even embellish on that and painted is dark and dismal because if indeed it is all true and we're not questioned, I'm not even gonna touch on that. That's not the point here, even if it's even all true, we have to be very, very careful not to simply draw a natural conclusions from that. What do you mean? I'm saying that even crown hijacked everything now, holding levels of power and crowning, the worst possible scenarios. We have to be very, very careful not to simply draw the natural conclusions from that. Now why would we want to be very careful not to try to simply draw the natural conclusions from that? The reason is because we're dealing with the Catholic church. And so we also have to be very careful to draw the supernatural conclusions from all that. Speaker 0 00:07:38 Now, what are we saying? We're saying that even granted liberals have hijacked everything, you know, Holy love is a power in the church. We have to be careful not to simply draw the natural conclusions from that, but because we're dealing with the Catholic church, the one true church established by Christ himself, we must also be careful. The drivers' supernatural conclusions let's consider a dangerous, strictly natural way of thinking here, if we aren't careful. And we only thing naturally, which at least will be tempted towards a series of desperate and despairing thoughts when you consider other chaos, the sin and the confusion within the church. And then we ended up scandalizing ourselves. That's actually a very common problem. I spent a lot of my priesthood, basically talking people off ledges, and the problem has grown massively in the last few years, for example, many otherwise good people love the church with allow themselves to be scandalized, have gotten to the point where they somehow believed that a few puny men have seize control of the church and had the power to do whatever they pleased. But thinking simply on a natural level of Lisa and the central consideration, is it reasonable to believe that a few puny man has somehow arrested the control of the church out of the hands of the almighty God? Speaker 0 00:09:04 Is it reasonably believe that through all of this, God hasn't been paying attention. Is it reasonably? If it, when Christ said I will be with you always, what he really meant was only until the second Vatican council, is that what we're supposed to believe? Cause either constant charge or he isn't. We need to be very careful to think supernatural. We need to be very, very careful to think like Catholics and keep in mind exactly whose church this is. We're compelled by the scriptures to believe in. God's extraordinary love for his church and inspired an errant word of God. And we read in Ephesians chapter five and I quote, husbands, love your wives. As Christ also loved the church and delivered himself up for him, did he might sanctify cleansy by land or water in the word of life. They might present to himself, a glorious church, not having spider wrinkle or any such thing, but that it shouldn't be Holy and without blemish close quote, they inspire. Speaker 0 00:10:24 And they're more of a God. Now that does not mean that God has stripped the blood shit, everything he could conceivably do in order to bring every man to heaven. But sexual love surely does mean that his relationship to his mystical body, the church is of such a nature is to not allow a situation in which he has virtually abandoned his flock to the wall. This is really important. God's relationship to his mystical body. The church is at such an age as to not allow a situation, which is virtually abandoned his flock to the wolves, but isn't that precisely what many traditionalist seem to believe God's relationship to his mystical body? The church has such a ledger to not allow a situation, which is virtually abandoned his flock, the walls. If Christ's law as described by Saint Paul, be true. And it is. And if the following three points, which are all taught by Vatican one, be true. Speaker 0 00:11:28 And they are first that Christ established who Peter and his successors, all of this and necessary to secure the perpetual welfare. Lastly, go to the church. And second of Peter through Christ lives, presides in judges and stay always in his successors. And third of Christ has not abandoned the direction of the church and the standard explanation for the crisis that the liberals have hijacked. Everything are now holding love of power in the church. The standard explanation is actually an extraordinarily shallow view of what is happening within Christ beloved the church. God certainly does respect our free will, but we can't bind his hands. He's God. He can easily ensure the church will have shepherds according to his will. Speaker 0 00:12:20 And if you think about that for a minute or two, it's pretty scary. He can easily ensure the church has shepherds according to him, as well as Saint Gregor. They're great set caught, define justice, provides shepherds according to the just desserts or the faithful that's right. Divine justice provide shepherds according to adjust desserts of the faithful. Now, besides all that, we should also be aware of something called efficient grace. Now, phishing grace doesn't tamper at all with our freedom. But what it does do is exert such a powerful effect upon the heart and mind for man as their makeup, virtually certain that he'll comply with God's will. And that would certainly include the leaders in the church. So what's your point, Audrey, here's the point. God loves his mystical body, the church, and he died for it on the cross. We know from both scripture tradition, there's your relationship to the mystical body? Speaker 0 00:13:30 The church is of such a nature as to not allow a situation, which is virtually abandoned his clock to the Wolf. And we know that because God is all powerful. He can easily ensure that the church will have shepherds according to as well. And we know that God will provide the shepherds that his people deserve. And so we know that if it would be true that a bunch of liberals in power, it can't be without God's approval in some way, we're going to consider that in some detail. So it would be true that a bunch of liberals in power can't be without God's approval in some way. So it might be fruitful as to consider what exactly we have done to deserve such as scourging here's the point. There's an absolutely necessary conclusion. The present crisis in the church is not just due to the permissive will of God, but to his positive will, we're going to unpack that it is an absolutely necessary conclusion for the present crisis in the church is not just due to the permissive will of God. Speaker 0 00:14:34 And it's not just because God is permitting the crisis, but the crisis is also due to his positive will. In other words, God has also willing the crisis present crisis is not just because guys permitting the crisis, got us also willing to price it. This is essential to understand. Let's pause for a minute. We'll walk back through that to make sure that everyone here gets, if you want to really understand what's going on, if you really want our skin to be the burn is in your mind. If love for his church as described by Saint Paul, be true. And it is. And if the three points all taught by Vatican one, be true. And they are first that Christ established and Peter and his successors, all of it is necessary to secure the perpetual welfare lasting, go to the church. And he did in second Peter lives, presides, which as this, they always need successors pubs. Speaker 0 00:15:37 And he does. And third, if Christ is not abandoned direction of the church and he hasn't, and there's an absolutely necessary conclusion that present crisis and the church is not do justice. The permissive will of God. It's not just because God proves, permitting the crisis, but also to his piloting will, he's actually willing to crisis. And of course this means that the standard traditional explanations completely inadequate, spiritually seeking the standard traditional explanation actually misses the whole point, the present crisis and the church has not just to the permissive will of God. It's not true because he's permitting this to happen. It's also do is positive. Well, God has positive and willingness crisis. What are we saying? We're saying he's not just permitted. He's willing. It does should come to no surprise to anyone who reads their Bible. In other words, just as there was something in the positive will of God involved in sending the Babylonians and the Syrians in, against the Jews as a means of chastisement and eventual renewal. Speaker 0 00:16:40 So also it must conclude that the changes robbed by Vatican two in a post considered paper CS and the sentence and all this other crazy stuff going on are doing some way positive the will of God. We may be faced with confusion when we try to relate present chaos and the church to the promises was Christ made to his church. And also the promises and guarantees laid off for us. The doctoral teaching a Vatican council one, but such confusion is really the lack or Salta of our lack of understanding between the recovery of the relationship between good, evil and punishment. Now, everyone here can go read chapter six of the book of the lyrical 26 of the book of Leviticus, chapter 26. And in one chapter, you can see that these principles cover in detail and sacred scripture. That's Leviticus 26. It'll take you five minutes to read it. Speaker 0 00:17:35 But today we're going to turn that greatest of all doctors in the church st. Thomas Aquinas. Yes, st. Thomas ask the question, whether God is a cause of evil without going through the entire monster, it's not necessary. He points what God is not the cause of moral labels. Sin that since justice is part and parcel of the divine order in the universe, that it is necessary that the penalties for the violation of justice BM Paul was done. Center's justice requires that penalty should be dealt out to centers. And so God does cause the evils, which are imposed on sinners as the penalties for the violation of justice. Again, God does cause evils, which are penalties for centers, but he's not cost in itself. He only permits that thus same time. Okay, let's start drawing this together. First point, the chaos, even at church today is a mixture of God's penalty for sin and man's fault a mixture, which is very difficult to sort of in most situations, second point God has not caused any moral, evil to suggest that would be blessed to me. Speaker 0 00:18:44 And God truly does not deserve the death of ruin of any man. Third point, according to teaching of Vatican one God in some way, positively wills, orientations, and policies of the pulps. And that includes his hopes before, during, and since about two fourth point, if he's policy seem in any way evil to us, then we need to consider the probability. This orientation is a chastisement designed, a dry set of deep sense in which I've only would have gone deeper. If God had continued to bless us with what we had loved, having loved before this chastisement, that bears repeating the chaos that evil the church today is a mixture of God's penalty. And man's sin that has mixture. It's very difficult to sort out by us. Most situation, God is not the author of any moral evil. He truly does not necessarily the death or the ruin of any man, according to the teacher, that if you want to God, in some way, positively wills, orientations, and pauses upon tickets. Speaker 0 00:19:45 And that would include since Vatican two of these policies and seem in any way that you brought to us, we need to consider the very real probability that this orientation is a chastisement designed to draw us out of deep sin sin, which would only go deeper. If God continue to bless us with what we had in love before the chastisement, what are we saying? We're saying that the crisis in the church and that's a real crisis is a penalty. It's a chastisement, which is not simply being permitted, but positively being willed by God to chastise and designed to trust that attempts. Yeah. So what do you send, could we possibly be talking about a simple reading, a paper and cyclical is ranging from the middle of the 19th century right up to Vatican too. Makes it clear to the pre-Vatican Catholic world was outwardly peering, healthy, profoundly diseased with them. Speaker 0 00:20:44 We started this firm with concrete examples, take them from the cyclical on Christ the cane in 1925. It sounds like it could be written. Those warnings could be written today. Why? Because nothing was done right here in America. For example, we supposedly possess the best Catholic school system in the world. Our convents were full of vocations. The priests were abundant. We believe for the most part, what was written in the Baltimore catechism at the same time, though, we believed in unlimited economic scientific and technological progress. We're up to our necks and usury to the crime against nature and the pursuit of unlimited financial gain. Speaker 0 00:21:28 Every diocese has investments. There you're serious. There's an infallible teaching against this infallible. Dante put side of mites and users in the same level of hell because the side numbers inside of mites take something that's fruitful and make it sterile. And the users take something sterile and make it fruitful. I'm not going to get into it, but I just want to point that out. We're up to next it's stuff. That's against the teaching of the church. The solemn teaching and the natural law began to tolerate the teaching of evolution. God showed her, came to believe it never growing numbers. Leo, the 13th was already fighting that in the late 18 hundreds, the priests religious began in disbelieve. The teachings of the fathers men to tolerate men believe that blast is claims are so called modern scripture scholarship. The 13th was already funding that in the late 18 hundreds. Speaker 0 00:22:26 We increasingly believe that psychological analysis and materialistic explanations of human behavior are deeper and more important than understanding the different effects upon human behavior, sin and virtue, working of God's grace. How many Catholics? Well divorced? They lived 13 was already fighting that late 18 hundreds and many Catholics. The one for contraception Pius 11th was fighting many Catholics, uh, polluted Sundays and Holy days or their worldly activities. And Longmore God became a one hour Sunday appendage to the real pursuit of our lives. God became a one, one hour Sunday intermission in the midst of the real of our lives. Speaker 0 00:23:13 You can go out on the street and you can't tell the Catholic from anybody else. That's scary. Precariously loud. The mass media introduced several more banality world, innocent modesty, crudity into our society. And even into our homes, we made sports or religion in large part, we ignored the teaching Prudential warnings of the pulps on question philosophy, doll walls, and the political and social rounds in short was only allowed to rule certain areas of our lives. If God let us come here. These United States, so many of the Catholics that are here, our handsets are immigrated to get away from the chaos and grandma, Lou. And see if you can let us come here. Now why it was to help the United States become Catholic. Instead of the Catholics became Americans, instead of America becoming we have the cure for hell and no one else does. And what have we done? Speaker 0 00:24:23 What have we done with that? Christ was the only really allowed to reveal certain aspects of life. Christ was not the key across the board, both public and private. Whereas in other words, we're attempting to serve both God and the world in a completely awake, completely unprecedented in human history. The most fundamental teaching, the gospel concern, our primary obligation towards loving and following Christ is being drowned beneath this two plus B Christ. The Lord has specifically cause it quote, no man can serve two masters for either. He will hate the one and love the other. We'd be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and man for where their treasure is. There's that hard. Also close quotes. That's God, you can't serve God and mammon for where they treasures. Their art is halls. We as a Catholic people, we're trying to serve two masters, but God only puts up with this kind of behavior for awhile. Speaker 0 00:25:27 As Siena Francis explains quote, when at length, God sees, you're willing to heal neither to benefits North breads or admonitions, and that we will not demand the need is forced by our own cells to punish us when he does chastise. It is not to please himself, but because we have driven him to it close quote, that Saint Alphonsus doctor, the church, when God sees it, we will not be able to benefits nor threats or admonitions. And we will not demand that he is forced by our own cells to punish us when he does chastise. It's not to please himself, but because we drove into it, what is the most effective chastisement that God can inflict on a man, such a huge issue just to let him have what he wants. Speaker 0 00:26:20 God, seriously, hands man, over to his own natural for you. It's as if he said, okay, you don't want to do it my way. Do it your way. That's perhaps the most obvious feature of this chastisement take, for example, the new mass, it facilitates this approach can be said reverently, and some places are busy, but for the most part, if a non-Catholic would attend an average parish mash and just carefully observe what transpires before, during and after mass and the sanctuary or pews, you'd be very hard pressed to commit convincing that the priest or the faithful truly believed quiet was really present body blood. So a vanity most blessed attack nail they're very hard pressed. I took a really good friend of mine when I was in grad school, really serious fundamentalists, got a doctorate in physical chemistry. Really smart guy really knows his Bible. He wanted to go to mass. I took him to the best thing you'd find in our country. When he came on, he said, I feel not talking about you don't believe for a second, those people in their beliefs, because if they did, they wouldn't be acting like that. Speaker 0 00:27:39 What can I say? It's true turning man over his own natural freedoms with a whole host of other new things in the church is about the relaxation of the fasting moms, the permission for girl altar, boys and discriminant promotion. And it be an for virtually any reason, perhaps the worst of the chastisements is the ecumenical movement. I wish the church and all the faithful are in fact lowered into the Wolf pool of the world's peers. And since all these things have the effect of promoting natural freedom, and I want to do it my way, do it your way. It's all spiritual democracy. Speaker 0 00:28:22 And if we, as a Catholic people had come to the point of profiling, duplicitous lies, which surrendered ourselves from the world and all the other aspects of allies, political, economic, educational, recreational, et cetera. Now, why should we find it surprising that guide your hand, this over to our own desires and our spiritual lives? Why should we find it surprising that he'd had a silver John desires and our spiritual eyes? So that'd be reduced to helplessness. We might eventually turn away from our duplicity, her return in poverty and in humility, it's clear that the idea that the poll, the council sentence, the liberal bishops theologians priests are solely responsible with Christ and the church is unbelievably superficial. And we're not saying not part of it, but we're not, excuse me. What we're saying. The view that they're solely responsible is unbelievably superficial. And yet this is the dominant view among people at call cells, traditional Catholics and worse. Speaker 0 00:29:20 Yet it's very false on playing ripoff. I'm blaming the counsel of the bishops to cars, et cetera. It's very focused. It prevents us from PR that prevents us from perceiving the real roots of infidelity and our own behavior and our own attempts to serve both God and man and our own refusal to acknowledge the King as in every aspect of our lives, absolutely across the board, in both our public and private lives. And this duplicity, this double mine is this failure to seek first, the keynote God is justice. This rejection of Christ. The King is at the very root of a chaos chastisement that we're suffering right now. It's a nightmare. As a Catholic people have to serve the nightmare because we've possessed the faith and trap as a Catholicism, but not as hard code in any church in any Roy and I include hours. Speaker 0 00:30:21 And after everybody goes to community and how many of them make any meaningful Thanksgiving or is there a stampede out the door as a Catholic people who deserve a nightmare because it possessed the faith and trap the Catholicism, not it's hard, we've deserved it for the most part. We still do. We don't need to pick on the rules just to pick one example. We still see people who call themselves traditional Catholic shopping centers just as if it were business, just as if there's no second command just as if I've already lost the, what hadn't come in 1846, specifically to work as demeaning as terrible sin. And then they worked on their nose and so called them little Catholics. Speaker 0 00:31:08 Okay. So it's obviously the standard traditional explanation for the crisis. The console is hijack political clergies and controllers completely missed the forest for the trees. According to teaching back when God is in some like positive and willing orientations in pod policies of the pontificates, during instance Vatican too. And if his policies too many ways, he moved to us that we HD to start and into ourselves and accident in our consciousness. Have we been killed in spiritual implicitly have really, we really sought first the kingdom of God and is judged as who we were. We tried to have it both ways, Catholics for the Hummer two on Sunday, and then the rest of the week, just regular Americans. Speaker 0 00:31:54 Have we been guilty of this sort of lead leaders to attitude that we're the people that have the true vision true mass or for getting traditional mass is only a means to an end. And we've been guilty of confusing means within the traditional liturgy, the beauty of the Chan polyphony. These are meats. They're important. I think there were time. They're important means plus be clear. They're still only means they're only means the end is union with Christ and his union with Christ and his holiness. Holiness is directly proportional to melody. And the ant is union with Christ. This isn't me, all this. Talk about how the console is hijacked a little courage and control, but a lot of it's true, but even if it's all true, every aspect of it in terms of growing humility or cherry, this sort of talk for the most part is spiritually barren. Why is that? Cause for this falls apart, this sort of talk, so seldom leads to humility and charity because it doesn't lead to humility and charity. It's a spiritual equivalent of contraception. Speaker 0 00:33:19 This is not the time to be messing with spiritual contraceptives. This is not the time you don't have much time. I don't have much time. Each one of us needs to ask himself. Do I believe, do I really believe that Christ is the King? And if I believe that is that obvious in my thoughts, in my words, and in my teens, God sees everything. God is still key for an undivided heart. Let's close with a few thoughts from the Carmelite doctors from a commentary in a little way, quilt Saint Therese sets out a wonderful view of wonderful vision of the mystery of the church. Her conclusion is that in the mystical body, the church love lies at the basis of all vocations. The love of the Holy spirit candles in the hearts of Christians. If this burning load died out, there would be no more missionaries, no more preacher, no more martyrs. There'd be nothing at all left in the church. Love alone is the life for the whole body of the church. Speaker 0 00:34:49 What the church needs most is genuine love. We attach too much importance to externals actions, invisible effectiveness, whereas all that cons all that really bears fruit in the church is the truth and purity and sincerity of love. That's what we should ask God for most of all and put into practice close st. John on the cross. Cool. The smallest act of pure love is more precious in the sight of God, more profitable, the church and the salt cell than all of the works put together in the evening of life. We be judged on love alone, close quotes, love alone. It's the life of the whole body that well, the church feeds most genuine love. The smallest act of pure love is more precious in the sight of God, more profitable. The church, the soul itself, that all works together. We attach too much importance to externals actions and physical effectiveness. Whereas all that counts, all that really bears fruit in the church has the truth and parodied and said Syria club. That's what we should ask God for most of all and put in a practice. And the evening of life, we will be judged on love and the avian life we will be judged on not alone.

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