The Church Triumphant

November 01, 2017 00:17:01
The Church Triumphant
Veritas Caritas
The Church Triumphant

Nov 01 2017 | 00:17:01


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 An been increasing. Um, we have one announced with the month of November. It's dedicated wholly still on all the dates it's from today, November 1st, November 8th, plenary indulgence on it. And poor souls is granted those who visit a cemetery and pray even if only mentally for the department, partial indulgence or granted those who were said, lots are best for the office that had no, those who were said to recommend between the donators dominate looked Perpetua <inaudible>, which has eternal restaurant to them. The Lord, the perpetual light shining on them, made it rest in peace. So you get a plenary indulgence every day striving to do to the pain and it's applicable as poor souls. So ideally to get, uh, you get, uh, so a lot of purgatory please go everyday, which is a great thing. Okay. After this, I saw a great moment to which no man could number of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues standing before the throne, before the lamb clothed in white robes and with bombs in their hands. Speaker 0 00:01:05 The name of the father, son, Holy spirit. Amen. Well, the base, the feast of all saints, damn, which would commemorate all the saints of God, both the canonized saints and the under canonized saints. Those that are known to us notice they're known to only God, we're honoring all the Holy angels and men, all the citizens of heaven. So we're spelled great and glorious. Trime all the members of the mystical body, the glory of our head. She is Christ who was no longer physically present on her. Who's been hidden out since his Ascension of remaining quietly present there, the most pleasant Sarah going to be altered and working during this time through sings. And that glory working through the saints is shining for today in the church, shine support through all the winter warm, wonderful works with the saints or the holiest members that was body. Speaker 0 00:01:58 We know that all the accomplishments of each and every one of us is totally, really due to the fact that Christ dwelling in now and living in and working through them. And of course, that's the object of our whole new religion is for Christ to live more and more in us and to work more and more through us. And that way we're incorporated into empire, the baptism. And that's what we're trying to do as we grow in holiness has happened more and more Christ rather than ourselves. We know that each and every one of us is called to that same state of Hawaii. This is called that same destiny as the saints in heaven. So we should each pray among other things that have to hope every day. Since we hope to be synced, that what we've been placed your hundred to become, that's the purpose of our life. Speaker 0 00:02:47 And ultimately the only really real failure life is the man who fails to become a Saint. And so we hope and rely on their session of our big brothers and, and mr. Goodbye, the ones who have successfully managed to have to reach down there and prayers and help us with our difficulties. So here at now, most especially to get there as well. And on that note, it's a really important traditional practice. When you enter a church to greet the same two rocks with thereby standing glory, you have so many real lives here, but in every church, you're going to have that. And when you go, you should say, honor, the saints that whose relics are in that church. And they'll bless you when you do that. It's a traditional thing. A lot of people somehow forgotten our point. Patriot Saint Peter says we should always be written, ready to give a reason for the hope that's within us. Speaker 0 00:03:40 You have to do it with gentleness relevance. So we gotta be able to give a reason for our open Alliance. I'm intercession the sense. And because we find ourselves in this country, living in a decaying Protestant culture, we might be challenged, easily challenged that to give a reason for our open intercession of saints, but our fundamentalists evangelical neighbors. So given all that, if you walked out on the ass and bumped into evangelical Christian today, could you answer him? If he asked you something like this, what do Catholics think you're doing? What's your path type, biblical doctrine. The sayings in the first place, the Bible refers to saying, this is the Christians who are still alive, but the people you call saints are dead. The second place. How can you say saints here? Your prayers, third place first Timothy, two, five clearly States. There's only one we needed between God and man. And that's Jesus Christ. You can't pray, man. You can only pray to God. And how could you escape? The clear teaching of scripture and scripture says, thou shall not make another self agreement. <inaudible> Speaker 0 00:04:52 is this idolatry? How can you get a face? Defend these practices, pose to the group tissue scripture. Now that would've been pretty typical. Objection. If you got a serious conversation, we're going to make sure in this room that you'd understand how to answer that because it's important to answer students like that. We can actually reach out other those people need what we've got. Everybody needs, what we've got. We've got the true issue. We have the only here for, at all and everybody, everybody. So those are good questions. Crowd. A lot of adults here have already had them thrown up in their face at one time. So could we answer that guy right now? Are we prepared to champion make defensive, such important facts about our fight? So we're going to briefly look at how to do that. We'll lay down two of first things. What's your attitude be? Speaker 0 00:05:49 And then we'll give it to Jen on principles and then we'll tackle the individual questions we just proposed. Her attitude should always be. We're just trying to explain the faith to an uncatechized Catholic Gomez, peculiar ideas. So that way we don't get condescending, we don't get angry. We don't get frustrated. We're just going to give the reason for the hope that's in us. This is really important to me. We have to have two basic principles down flat. First is if we're going to evangelize someone from to try to bring someone to the true faith who had to make some effort to speak to them in their own language, how ridiculous would it be? Talk to me in missionaries in Mongolia. And we want to preach the gospel word, Mongolians in English and expect them to want to become Catholic. If you can put the nuts, it's a, it's very fitting for a priest to sing the prayer official prayers of the church to God and Latin, the church Silvana or the church language. Speaker 0 00:06:44 But when he preaches to the faithful, I'm not up, you're appreciated lab church, the bonnet, we speak our native tongue preach. So if we're going to evangelize fundamentals to revenge, a lot of those, if we're going to evangelize the people who think of themselves as Bible Christians, then we've got to make an effort to speak to them in their own language, which means we need a sprinkler conversation or explanations of the crops or paraphrases from the store. Examples that we've taken from scripture. We should use biblical terms instead of our common Catholic. Not that there's anything wrong with our Catholic terms of the proper terms, but because they're not going to understand. For example, even though we might be talking about the communion of saints, we won't use that term. When we're speaking to a Bible Protestant, we use the vertical dimension of, and the branches. Speaker 0 00:07:29 It makes our point the same point we want to make, but it makes it in their language. Then we're not going to cause a problem by using them. <inaudible> suspicious. So, you know, if we say something like the community, the States, they're going to think, Oh, great, more Catholic us. Where's that in the Bible defeated our purpose. By, by doing that by using biblical imagery actually makes the concept clear and acceptable to them. And there's another good reason for using the plaque, the culture outside of the book, we had came to Paris. That's so many people without the true faith, no more about our book in generally in a confused, but in general then we do. So that's the first principle is use the Bible, the second base in principle, because we can only answer one objection at a time. So if our questioner starts by asking us about the same saints and we start asking the branches off with bless his mother program, try whatever you just sickle. Speaker 0 00:08:19 I think that's a very good, good question right now. We need to get a handle on the questions you raised about the saints. If you don't stick to this rule, it's like fight and hydrants. You started had one question and said more pop up. And before you know it, you have questions from all over the place and you'll be overwhelmed. It'll Dawn on you. After a while, you never answered a single objection for me, Rob Toronto to another and drawn into another. She had to keep the conversation track. So two basic principles are used the Bible biblical terminology and refused to budge from the point of hand. Now let's really quickly tackle the specific objections that our evangelical friend raised us when we walked out of mass. Okay. First objection. What do you Catholics think you're doing with your antibiotical doctrine on the saints? The Bible refers to saints as a Christians who are still alive, but the people you call saints are dead. Speaker 0 00:09:08 Now to answer that question, do you understand that when a Bible Christy hears the word Saint, he thinks that you're a Christian he's here on earth and that's certainly a legitimate thing. You can see that collage and it's one to Philemon four and seven, but what we would call the church, you know, and of course, when we use the word Saint we're typically thinking of true Christians that have not always, when pottery pill was around, people would call him a Saint, but typically we use it. We're thinking about the people like we have the relics right now, what we'd call the church triumphant. So we need to remove that obstacle first by agreed that the Bible does refer to two Christians here on earth as sayings then pointing. It also refers to those sentence. So here's the answer. The Bible teaches in first Corinthians six two, that saints will judge the world. Speaker 0 00:09:55 No you not. The saints you'll judge the world. The Bible teaches in Luke 2230, but among those judges will be the apostle. He shall sit on Thrones, judging the 12 tribes of Israel. So the saints will be judges and some instructors will be apostles. And therefore they possible whom we know aren't having our sins. And so the clear teaching of the inner inspired work of God, which cannot contradict itself, is it those in him, heaven, our States and the Bible also teaches that the saints in heaven are not dead. They're more alive. Who we are is our Lord says in Mark 12 verse 27, he's a God of a man and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. He is the God, not of, not the God of the dead, but of the living. I go to speaking in an awful long time after the death of Abraham and after the death of Isaac, after the daughter of Jacob, but he says they're live. Speaker 0 00:10:48 So God said, I believe so. That's the answer to the first objection. The second objection was, how can you say that people and they haven't hear your prayers. They can't hear it as a really common objection. See, answered by saying, let me share the gospel of the Hebrews 12 one States that we're surrounded by a Glade cloud of witnesses, who are those witnesses to this things. The old Testament, which the 11th chapter of Hebrews is chocked full of chapter 12, verses 22 or 23. It States that we have come to innumerable hosts of angels to the general assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven to the spirits of adjustment made perfect. So the Bible says we're surrounded by Angus and the spirits of just men and the Bible calls them witnesses. What kind of witnesses would they be if they couldn't see it in here, what's going on. Speaker 0 00:11:37 We also see the elders and the four living creatures to represent the saints and angels in heaven are offering the prayers of those on earth. Before I start, we see that an apocalypse, uh, chapter five or say when he took it, the four living creatures and the 24 elders fell down before land Asian elders held the from gold bowls. Philippians says, which are the prayers of the light. Okay. Third objection. First Timothy, two, five 30 States. There's only one mediator between God and man. And that is Jesus Christ. So you're being unbiblical. When you asked for mediation saints, you can't pray demand. You can only pray to God. The answer to that is in the 15th chapter of the gospel of Saint John and our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, beautiful image of the fine and branch. He's divine Christian at the branches and the Christians will bear fruit as long as they abide in him. Speaker 0 00:12:32 Those that don't abide him will be cast off into the fires that hell st. Paul explains the same doctrine. First Corinthians 12 and Romans 12. All Christians are members of one body with Christ as the head. So it's the clear teaching of scripture that all Christians are United in Christ, which is precisely why the Bible teaches. You can stand in the gap or stand in a breach for someone else that you can pray on their behalf. That's a ZQ prophecy chapters, 2213, and you can ask the person don't you ever pray for a new one? How can you pray for a new one? There's actually only one mediator between God and man, how it's easy if we're United in Christ, if we're creating slowly knee pain by him and in him. And of course the saints in heaven are also so they too could praise him Scully and by him and him, as we sit in clearly doing the book of revelation and chapter six, where the monitor's on the alter and having her praying, God will avenge us. Speaker 0 00:13:32 The word prayer has more than one. Meaning when a Catholic says he's praying to him, see what he means by that is asking the same to stand in the gap for him to pray to God for him. As a story says in James five chapters, chapter five, verse 16 prayers are righteous. Man, avail as much. Who's more righteous than the friends is. God sees in face to face fourth of judgment. How can you defend a practice as a borrowing statute? I dog trust factor, yes. Which are posed at their teaching in scripture. I went to public school. I had all these things all the time. I used to have a bus driver just print your, so we get this stuff. He's going to convert to level even Catholics. So we give this stuff. Okay. Ethics do not worship statues that even by bombing Don or Neil, your fun, any more than someone who is worshiping by taking his hat off in effect passes or in a parade or in a body, but follow him, hero passes a procession of grade. Speaker 0 00:14:26 You're just like taking off a hat, gets honored. The country representative the flag of the heroes of the fallen soldier of fireman or policeman. So also an act of reverence before a statute says honor, given to God, his saints and his Holy heroes. We saw an evangelical kneeling down in front of the Bible. In his hand, we wouldn't think he's worshiping the Bible images. It's called the creatures are certainly not forbidden by the Bible. Otherwise God brought this on command. When he commanded to golden chair, we replaced on the mercy seat of the Ark of the covenant. He commanded angels to be embroidered into the veils of the tabernacle. All your images and statues of angels were the tabernacle temple, because there were no statures <inaudible> it was shoved him at conference Thursday, but now they're Ironman and heaven. They're statues and images. Monist the greatest defeats his Holy heroes. Speaker 0 00:15:21 Isn't God. Okay. So that was a quick answer that the evangelicals objected very corporative in real close. I need to have a patient general attitude. When we're speaking to these people, just like we're speaking, uncatechized Catholic. We need to use biblical terms, imagery. We distinct a topic. The answer to the objection to the Bible refers to saying that the Christians are still alive, but who you people call or since are dead, is a GSR to answer that problem. When he said that God is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of the living, the dead and all Christians everywhere. Living in heaven on earth, candy girls. Now answering the objection and saints in heaven. Can't hear our prayer is that Hebrews 12 one says we're surrounded by witnesses. Witnesses are actually witnesses. And God sends us to answer the objection first to the 25 States. Speaker 0 00:16:08 There's only one mediator between God and man medicine, Jesus Christ. And so it's unbiblical to ask the many issue sayings, is it because we're all branches in the one line, all members of one body whose head is Christ. Christians can stand in the gap. As we see the CQL at 20 to 30 and pray on behalf of others. And that includes the Christians in him, fancy projection. We worship statues. We don't worship statutes, but we do honor the heroes of God and they represent. And so now I must have faced the great feast of all saints, who ought to be ready with GMOs references, to fulfill requests of our white Patriots, Saint Peter, do you have a reason for the hall, which was within us? Do you have a reason for our call from clients and intercession saints to any of our evangelical fundamental fundamentals, relatives, friends, or acquaintances, he got blessed you in the same person.

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