Priests Necessity of a Greater Holiness

May 31, 2008 00:31:24
Priests Necessity of a Greater Holiness
Veritas Caritas
Priests Necessity of a Greater Holiness

May 31 2008 | 00:31:24


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible> <inaudible> and this quarter <inaudible> on a single phrase from the lesson in the <inaudible> <inaudible> place to chat. The phrase goes called <inaudible>. <inaudible>. They believe what they read, what they believe and practice what they think of, and they believe what they read, what they believe and practice what they preach at this particular time. <inaudible> the crabs and their time. Why? Because of the state of the children who went on to the special priesthood. Take for example, warning <inaudible> <inaudible> attendance 30 is a single pole. Okay? Do fail the city to side against the present time more than any stage seller from the terrible and deep analysis which Denali everyday and 82 and scan most pain is driving into destruction. You understand the no rather than what this disease, apostasy from God call to call are considered sad to come in and get some more details. Following Po box 11 was 1920 minutes ago on reparation and the sacred heart, the Pole Mama faithful itself. There are so many men laboring under an incredible ignorance or divine things and effect that was false stock they didn't like involve. Speaker 0 02:28 There's an <inaudible> of ecclesiastical discipline, dedication, children's all together, neglected around the statistic craved and the sad forgetfulness and Christian monster specialty life and dress when there's depreciation <inaudible> last thing, a kind of talent for the word of God or by faith itself is rob closer to home. <inaudible> 1947 <inaudible> is a shrine terabyte convention fencers can stand in a set of separations right there saying they said, call to the authority of the <inaudible> with the faith returned to the period source of the Gospel. Pray much. Reset the road for convergence. Finally, healers of all commissions, close quote, she pointed to the ground <inaudible> the smash a crucifix symbolized in this student to clothing and other distinguishing signs which would be a scar. Last time he preached to religions, she said the grades were heaven and earth. They look truths and our faith every up later on pays to teach youth authority of the church. Every other potential and Proust <inaudible> everybody up in peer take five lifestyle. Speaker 0 04:31 So what about blessing? Asking God to grant please, please, would you please teach me. He believes in practice what he preaches. Be any more important than a at any other time because of this and pauses as Feis. His carelessness with regards to the police asked him to discipline is contempt for the word of God. It's around especially because the end of the year, and I'm dating five lifestyles, too many incredible disobedience to teach you the authority of Church. Of course the all projection of the revealed trees, Murphy Bark Timeline, daughters to very important lesson. That being said, let's spend some time meditating on the black itself. So I guess three parts please for the divine word, teaching your mind practicing what he teaches. <inaudible> <inaudible> Speaker 0 05:53 incidents in the current situation of equipment. Quick view, say prescription <inaudible> sacred countries. It's easy to understand once you understand the difference between it. Principle cost insurmountable except all going pen <inaudible> incidents you learn and since you know the laws for <inaudible>, he's the principal because he's the author. All appointments in spiritual calls attention to use stripe letter <inaudible> the principal calls the church teaches the chief offers country the principle cause it's Holy Spirit instrumental gloss. The scripture let them spirit shows to inspire. So it's FAA. When we say spirit that inspired them, each other's transcription of theirs taped explains call. By the way, spirits in supernatural pop. He saw, excited and move them. He chose, he so decided that he sold to right. He showed assistant them while they were writing as to make them right. I can see in their mind and wish to write with faithfully and express everything with NFL truth, all those things and only knows what you can sell command. Otherwise, God were not himself and the law through the whole sacred scripture dot. Dot. All the books that the church accepts as sacred and cannot go in their entirety and together with all their parts written inspiration, <inaudible> Christ. Speaker 0 07:50 Now obviously if you are writing a letter, we can make mistakes. Once we understand inspiration that God himself is the author model, sacred scripture instead of court, that we recognize that God knows everything. He's going to learn anything, forget anything. He's got the job description. Once we see that, I can easily see that as the worth kind of blast to Jensen to continue down any nerves whatsoever. Hopefully other 13 quote so far <inaudible> case that Eric can be compatible with integrate, but uncontroverted <inaudible> includes the presence of there, but it's necessarily experts in fermented. It's God. It's pretty true necessarily not meet him or aware consequently does not to the point to suggest the voice or use men as entities for other writing that therefore well no errors referral to a primary themselves. Speaker 0 09:04 Wait a minute. It's a campaign <inaudible> patient that even 60 inches wants to be taken seriously. Nobody wants that stuff. Typical objections is strive with the harder, the current situation. Yes, it's true. For example, the wontons and went on through first of all blocks in a lot of them, but two years ago certainly true implicit or do something like we made incredible progress in science and technology over the centuries. What mentally thousands years ago might have been fine back then, but nowadays we know better and certainly if you were speaking to them, questions inside to take them all to you all, you would deny that we are warm but we're not speaking. Let's question technology. I have to constantly remind people I was not assigned to. Everybody needs to burn <inaudible> when the Bible makes statements about the creation heads and earth and the <inaudible> now name and so forth, only fruit will pick. Speaker 0 10:20 Those are scientific statements cause you're not scientific statement <inaudible> the Bible is not science. It's chocolate history is treats not science. For example, someone wants to answer your question about history. Say what happened about against, what's the suggested <inaudible> working to wade through a whole bunch of complex mathematical equation can <inaudible> doing a whole bunch of experiments? Of course. No, no tries to understand the history by donation. Parents in that don't want to try to understand about location group or any other historical event by using that sort of methodology. Although in some cases not max and scientists can contribute to historical studies and history is not the math problem. History is not a science. History is a question. Elegance to question the evidence. You want to ask her struggle. I should go to the Elliot for example. We ask herself where they went with Gotcha and they can sit on that a lot. Things like photos days and like praise crosses panels too. Or do you consistent with the medicine? Speaker 0 11:57 Questions about the <inaudible>. We have nerves in the six day bar. Historical wedges such as PDM two but historical man are their witnesses or documents. Are they reliable? Witnesses punished. People ask. Yes. What was this was inspired by the <inaudible>. They should look, chances are him 13 to quote so far and Eric can be compatible and sprayed and on the contrary, it not only to your niche recruits nerd but isn't necessarily fermented is God. The supreme shoes necessarily cannot be altered. Her clothes, oh, come on. Fuck those people were just running according to the column. You're standing the time. Nope. Getting into 15 to quote those two go. Historical portions of scripture cannot rest on an absolute truth to the facts, but merely prominent people. Men commonly thought or not in harmony with the churches, teaching clothes. <inaudible> Christ. Wait a minute. Are you saying the creation happens interviews in a week? Can we create staff meeting on the sixth day or later in the struggle that I am by doses in case there's, I mean, here's the call. I'll tell you the 13th <inaudible> after Darwin's descent of man clearing up the 13th <inaudible> the true <inaudible> brothers, his phone number to call the revilers <inaudible> be Darwin Company. <inaudible> Speaker 0 14:00 refused to acknowledge and never interrupted doctrine on the truth shot. And if mom's driven to destroy the test, one, call them all times. They nevertheless fail <inaudible> but even to us, we record what is, to all know, it cannot be done like we recording. This is too long. It cannot be done. If I had him and God on the sixth day of training, I think they've mapped the slimed there and then breathed into his fate. Breath of life gave him a companion. <inaudible> took from sideman my slide can sleep. That's instantly repeat. We record what resolved on cannot, not <inaudible> and <inaudible> gave him companion. I mean he took from side of that slide, got us as most far away children. Worse. You created this lesson or why we should get it naturally in the human race from the moment might be propagated. We're certainly by not failing true from this. Throw it off. Close quote. Right? Speaker 0 15:31 Recently <inaudible> evolution to Loft <inaudible> story of radiation is the very first chapter. Then blue was nonsense going on. True. Why? With the red list, people are mad. <inaudible> praying crane Krantz downscaling grandsons don't want to use it. It sounds vaguely familiar and she final chapter sealants. Gospel Lord uses exactly <inaudible>. What are your views to Jews for refusing to believe in him? Quote, if you believed in Moses, you believe in the but if he did not believe his writings, oh you please I work close call. It's just as true today as it was praised doesn't believe in the word of God. Scripture. How do you lean? Why would we believe really believe in the word of God made flesh for the person who doesn't believe in an apse, <inaudible>, intellectually honest. That meant that the Bible is really nothing more than a collection ancient collection, a fancy literature. It's not all just goes on the show fantasy to put it on perspective. What's the big deal? What's so hard about believing in an absolute truth and discrimination? We believe we have to believe in the world. Say Man, they can take pieces of bread and whisper words did that bread bread becomes a man and that man's God. Speaker 0 17:43 We believe that. That's why we're right here. Once you believe that everything else, everything else, case the new <inaudible>, he might believe what he read on for this blessing, this time crisis channel kind of tamped second teaching in one word, <inaudible> <inaudible> no one care when he does not have the great 19th century French police file. A man who dresses at the cold word is not human activity. No matter how <inaudible> me, it still is not constant preachy order. There's some <inaudible> human instruction and our teaching <inaudible> presented the words <inaudible> but we announced the word of God. There's a period as you are the divine spirit and spirit of God cause they're listeners. Man. Winston part knowledge. We want to heart the faith, but a difference in current hall on it says similarly or <inaudible> soul <inaudible> the words that we present once the words Saint Paul says, this is the word of the fatal dream. Speaker 0 19:46 Preach. Faith comes by hearing. We're not. Religion are instruments that God praying to soul Saint Paul's wearing that God extorted by us, therefore Martin than her work. But truly what do we got? Everybody faded soldier listeners, we must aid ask through prayer, their orders in between the words he must be filled with the spirit of God before where you transmit his divine words. See, always remember did this awesome task that we fill. It's divine deed. Consequently, we have to be humble, correctly bleeding, the detached from herself. Well, I worry about what's really working and will things rise out on. Thank you, father man. Just to part of what went into tall, one of the principle races, the Christ. If you don't believe in God's word how you can be now can you be confident too? You have to grade three. You have to preach four. They administer the sacraments. It's almost upside down sacramental. Some of your senior staff, but that's where <inaudible>. Speaker 0 21:17 If <inaudible> people shuffling up at the reunion shut, why not? Why is that? Faith is produced by hearing what the apostles too. They went out and buried. They pray and they preach. That's why their name to help them so they can give their ministry over prayer and preaching that response to the fate. Then the confessions fill out. Then people know what they're doing. They're going in the sacraments are sponsoring the faith and if we're handing them fruit to small <inaudible>, there's no broad rights. Small one, the preaching of God's <inaudible> activity to reduce the days soul <inaudible> the word we present once people who are to face the word of God, <inaudible> meaning of that word. It's the word of God. No one when gets there, when he preach tampons, his points, hobbyists, probably intermediate arises when praise doesn't practice what he preaches. Quote, where the Chinese are mentoring Indian <inaudible> Jesus Christ leading a scandalous life. Speaker 0 22:37 They might say, how can we believe the God who's such a <inaudible> is the truth or the truth, not how people put up their weapons without being apart into their homes and it isn't just man, China, India, this kind of question. If we want people to have watched the trash can TV, we've got to get rid of the TV ourselves on people, quit reading the traffic pavers and stuff. We have to get rid of it ourself that you'd be calling in the record. The priest was practice when preaching. Let's be Pam. Prayer, faith, the church, my smell. The leaves are more about probably the black clothing of the crime is to dress like physical. Speaker 0 23:35 The most important way, which is prevalence when he preaches, it's made physical is daily celebration with lifestyle advice. The Mass <inaudible> is called the word age celebration of the sacrifice of the man against a right fresh and lock your races. For an increasingly older, you're celebrating this mass and you will actually receive <inaudible> faithful vocation. <inaudible> faithful, which results from Greece practicing what he preaches in installed. That is called a map, which is a fake bullying or the least celebrated its mass. Often the spirit of confidence in God, love for God one's name and such a sacrifice we went to manipulate, went against the impulse of guidance and illogical thing open. Sure. Which inspired religion that's the saints is to, so let's take in prayer or beginning of <inaudible>. Speaker 0 25:04 Think of the influence of central <inaudible> definitely learned to recognize and date any of our friends, which is think continuing Christ priesthood and granted that kind of local products, not really as a figure in history who once walked the streets, but as the God who is still in some to make and there may now <inaudible> if we see so many people in. Some churches walk on your own as if they don't realize comfortable. It's a lie. That's because they don't realize the crossroads in Goliath, the Tabernacle and the reason they don't realize the <inaudible>. It's art. How could that if we're celebrating ourself, if we're not in the <inaudible> for not falling over, how <inaudible> I began to realize that they themselves <inaudible> the Christ mystical by it gives things all the benefits <inaudible> they earnestly desire chameleon. Speaker 0 26:29 They appreciate better infinite value on mass defined, easier to understand how one can provide for lunch, one provided in their and <inaudible> any number <inaudible> now it's essential to continue with the cross. What you can miss. Promotable for all that was paid to the Christ, died the whole world. Every man has an initiative because of the principle offer. I think him offer <inaudible> worth of worth it in a way in which you can sell that ran close call every mass and because of the principal of come off, but the faithful, we should be able to grass and then until you have the mass in the way in which you just saw it, right? The faith, the grass, and from the way in which you just saw it. Right. Speaker 0 27:52 Okay. <inaudible> watch phrase, fun, blessing, traditional by more nation busting. I thank God <inaudible> <inaudible> believes <inaudible> blessing. Also partner briefly let this belief teaching Grad just briefly considered a request. Early 82 kind of peer sourced the Gospel. Pray much was like rosary from conversions, I believe it was called Christians that a deeper faith ever obedience <inaudible> Five Lives Pretty The conspirator, Popeyes 11 situation in the hostels, Pete and terrible evils around eight years ago, let's call it under common of that <inaudible> in regards to an urban stand, I think. Cool. One day in the course of a confidential conversation, anyone your old go past 11 payment statement. I thank God every day. They never miss me to live in the present time. Speaker 0 29:39 Once you can proud the money your mom <inaudible> cause he knows how to gauge and train is map as the president or no one has a right to be over there. May 29th, 1938 Oh blessed 12 for the understatements in the world. Had these words coming to shame. These words, when does she, anyway, yeah, this tank on the father's quarters in the heart. Thank God everyday he permits me to live in the present time. Once you do proud, it went cause there's money come. He meditate and he learned gauged tremendous press an hour, no to Yorker, press not work. No one has tried to be you. No, I used to call the priest. Believe you when you read each one, you're going practice. When you pray. Thank God every day. <inaudible> p o p all the priest.

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