Comments on the Nativity Story Movie

December 08, 2006 00:15:30
Comments on the Nativity Story Movie
Veritas Caritas
Comments on the Nativity Story Movie

Dec 08 2006 | 00:15:30


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Speaker 0 00:01 Well, let's start with a hail Mary, the name of the father and the son and the holy ghost. Amen. Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with the bus or the amongst women. And blessed is the fruit of thy womb. Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God. Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen. In the father and the son, the Holy Ghost. Amen. I'll start with a brief apology right in the beginning. It'll be a slightly personality. Then we'll get right into the teaching the church. So bear with me from all it. Uh, yesterday was, uh, just about completely insane. Every, even though I'd said it part time to do something really important, every time I turned around to do something, the phone had rang or something urgent would come up or a new problem or what have you. It actually began to get almost ridiculous after a while what was going on already? Speaker 0 00:56 Some St Louis de Montfort and then we'll talk about him. St Louis Dumont fruit. God has never made and formed the one end the t but isn't irreconcilable one which shall endure and grow even to the end. It is between married is worthy mother and the devil between the children and the servants of us at Virgin and the children and the tools of Lucifer and most terrible of all the enemies which God has set up against the devil is his holy mother married. He has inspired her, was so much hatred against that curse it enemy of God with so much engine nudity in on and malice of that ancient serpent with so much power to conquer, to overthrow and crush that proud impious rebel that the devil fears are not only more than all angels and men, but in a sense more than God himself in the first place. Speaker 0 01:48 Because Satan being proud suffers infinitely more from being beaten and punished by a little and humble hand made of God in humility, almost him more than the divine power. And secondly, because God has given Mary such great power against the devils that as they've often been obliged to confess in spite of themselves by the mouths of the possessed, they fear one of her size for his soul, more than the prayers of all the saints and one of her threats against them more than all of their torments. Close quote at St Louis Dumont for. So what does that have to do with everything going crazy? Well, I'd set aside the time to write a sermon for today and selling. Who knew that topic was going to be wanting to do everything in his power to stop that. It's pretty typical when you go to write a sermon about the blessing virgin. Speaker 0 02:38 It's the Feast Immaculate Conception. And we'll talk today a little bit about a current attack in our lady, so it shouldn't surprise us to Dell would try to interfere. Now the Bible tells us that this serpent is the most subtle of all the creatures that God may. The devil is the most subtle. He's most most crafty, the most cunning, most insidious creature. So everyone listened carefully. I'll read something briefly and you'll probably be able to tell what the Adele is up to all he had a few paragraphs to make it a fairly obvious anyway, the title, the Nativity story, biblical tale gets art form, referent, deeply affected retailing and no film. No, you are Catholic news service and an effort to reach as wide as market as possible. Most Christmas theme movies come gift wrapped in a secular brand of sentimentality that completely misses the true meaning of the holiday, but Hollywood finally gets it right within a tivity story from the openings. Trains this sound track, hence the advent ammo Camo coming and you all, you know you're in good hands. The Bible story gets prestigious treatment and director Kathryn Hardwick's art for revenue, deeply effecting A paragraph near the end amid the Christmas pageant elements there a few brief images. The slaughter of the innocence, for example, that may upset very young children. Both Mary's and Elizabeth painful labor are vividly depicted. Speaker 0 04:18 Okay, open. Before we go on, I'll point out this review comes from the office for film and broadcast. To the US conference of Catholic Bishops. This office is the same one that recently reviewed a movie about a politically correct centers in Wyoming and said, quote, the universal themes of love and loss ring. True close quote. Okay, so what's wrong with what we just read here? What's wrong with it? It's sheer and utter last main, but it's not obvious to most people that it's blessedness. The serpent is cunning before I even point out why it's bless me and what, what are the implications are on that? Remember that Satan has his plans for the pious. He doesn't usually come out with big banners for them. He hasn't plans for them. NPS, our whole society is set up. That's what the culture, death's about for the people trying to be pious. Speaker 0 05:19 He has plans to and who do, we just hears his greatest enemy. It's the blessed urgent, so he can get a swipe in and her. He's really scoring big points and if we'll pay money to see it even better. Okay. Before we get into particulars, let's pick up the Catholic tig. Dixie, remind ourselves of glass as quote, speech writings, pudding films, etc. Which insult or show contempt for God or detract from his honor was Satchin Celtic. Whether such insults or contempt be intended or not last week against God is committed indirectly by speech and so forth. Showing insult and dishonor to or contempt for his church, the saints or sacred things like gravity of this cen depends on the kind of classmate. Close quote, Catholic dictionary, obviously 10 salt and mock the bus virgin is one of the most serious blessings. Remember what Saint Alphonsus says we ought to do with class and here's a quote to Martha of last few who should be struck and he should then be stoned as the old way. I'll command close quote Saint Alphonsus, bishop and doctor the church. Okay, so what's relative? This, it says that Mary is painful. Labor is vividly depicted. Speaker 0 06:42 Our Lady didn't have painful labor. We'll get into that in a second, but that's a direct attack on two things. On the first surface, it's an attack on what the point of today is. Today's the Maca conception because what do we celebrate the date, the fact that there's one of us, one human person that God preserved from original sin. Let me read the dog, but and then explain why the Syntech, here's the definition, the dogma, the NACA conception made by busted pies tonight. Then December 8th, 1854 we declare and Alex and define that the doctrine which states the blessed Virgin Mary in the first instant of her conception by unique grace and privilege of all mighty God and a considerations and merits of Jesus Christ, the savior of the human race was preserved free from all stain of original sin is a doctrine revealed by God and therefore let us be firmly and constantly held by all the faithful. Speaker 0 07:42 That's the definition of the dogma. Now, one of the punishments for original sin is pain in childbirth and our lady was spare debt. She's the father's, and I'll get into some quotes from the fathers right now and it's just but a point, something up or lady was spirited because she is as the, Our Lady of cellar was got all the pain at the other end with their son. Huh? She was spirit in the delivery, but then when the church was coming into being, she is the mother of the church standing there mediate tricks at the foot of the cross. She has suffered more, more pain than all of the Mars combined. Right. Tense and that was bringing forth the church as it was becoming our mother as the mother sorrow, standing faithfully at the foot of the cross, but in the delivery of Christ our Lord. Speaker 0 08:26 Nothing doing okay. How was he born willy? The Easter fire is a liturgical representation of what happened on Easter, on Easter that we strike a fire with a front and steel. It symbolizes the Lord passing through the rock like a spark. The angels, the one that rolled the rock back, that's because in a tomb was empty because I wrote, came out of this tomb that had never been used, a virgin tomb. And he went right out through the rock in, in his, in his, uh, in his resurrected body. And it's, it's very similar to that with the birth. I'll read you from boss square, a great French preacher who summarizing, uh, what the father said, mental rates from some of the fathers. Okay. By sway quote, he comes forth like a shaft of light, like a ray of the sun. His mother wonders to see him appear all at once. Speaker 0 09:17 This confinement is as free of cries as it is a pain in force and you're aquacel he conceived. He is born miraculously still and as saints, if on his being born even more wonderful than his being conceived close quote, here's just a couple of fathers in my little library. It only took me a couple of minutes to find this stuff. Saint Cyprian instead of per point Kingsland and swaddling bands and folded garments or got together the mother's, the midwife to her beloved beloved offstring. She proffers devoted homage, she clasps and braces, kisses and offers him her breast, the whole occupation full of delight. There is no pain and none of nature's offensiveness in her confinement. Here's some of the fathers that have defended this saint Ambrose. These are just what I fought. Saint Andrews, Saint Ignatius, moderate San Diego Studies, Saint Clement of Alexandria, St Odor, Orchard St Gravy. Cometary of Saint Athanasius. He did a missed the blind Synagis in St John said f from up Syria, Saint Thomas, Saint Alphonsus. Speaker 0 10:19 It's okay. Back to this real quick. There's an attack here also and I don't want to go into any of the gory details cause after I was blowing up and uh, to Father Gordon about what is this and what's going on and, and why aren't they throwing thunderbolts he get this, he got an email from friends of his that had just been to the movie. I'm not going to read much out of it cause it, I'm not going to repeat this stuff cause I don't, I'm not going to repeat this stuff anyway. I'll just to you when you get more details, he realized there's an attack not just on the fact she wasn't a pain. There's an attack on her perpetual virginity. So let's remind ourselves of this. The dogma. Mary's perpetual virginity. The church teaches three truths concerning Mary's virginity that she's a virgin and conceiving our saver. Speaker 0 11:03 She's a virgin and giving him birth and true Maine, a virgin her whole life through first ladder in console, if there's any doubt does he summarizes both of them. This is in six 49 in the ladder and palace in Rome. So the first letter in cots honor Polk, Saint Martin Cannon. Number three, if anyone does not properly or in truly confess and accord with the holy fathers, they didn't the true and proper sense the holy mother of God and ever virgin and that could marry in this last age, not with human seed, but of the Holy Spirit. She properly and truly conceived the divine word itself. Who is born of God, the father for all ages, and that she gave him birth without any detriment to her virginity, which remained and viable even after his birth. Let him be condemned. So there we have it again. Okay. Now I want to make a couple more comments on this, on a movie. Speaker 0 11:57 I'll just show. I will read it. Well, I won't read. I'll make a couple of discussions itself. One of, one of the other things while they're traveling to Bethlehem, this is going from the notes from his friend that went to this movie. Uh, the Marion shows after walking through a market and a palm reading woman offers our lady a piece of cheese or bread or something she accepts. And then the sourcers reads Mary's palm and claim she's going to have a son, Mary, except as his prophecy with a smile. And Joseph shook a woman's hand, thanked her, and they keep going on their attorney. Hello? I mean that in a devil's wildest dreams or something. We're talking about which craft here do you think our lady's going to go for this? I don't think so. Or Saint Joseph. What was the punishment for this back in those days, stoning Joseph would have been the first one to get his stone and start throwing rocks. Speaker 0 12:42 It would have been a massacre. This is just unbelievable and we're putting this in a movie and saying this is something good about our writing. This is total blasphemy. There's other stuff. I'm not going to you to go through it. I'll just, I will before enrolling in the maracas metal. I'll make one more point. This May 29th, 1930 sister Lucilia quote, she, her confessor, which is before the quarter. Confess. We gave her a series of questions in writing and find out. One of the things he wondered why isn't there like nine for Saturdays for or seven or something. Why is it five? Why not for our ladies? Sorrows or this or that? Why is it the five so citrusy ass coat. My daughter, the reason is simple. There are five types of offenses in blasts and these committed against them at good heart of Mary. Number one last me's against the Mac, like conception for the movie. Speaker 0 13:42 That's number one. Number two, blast music against perpetual virginity. The movie that's number two. Number Three blasphemies against your divine maternity and refusing at the same time to recognize her as the mother of men. Number four last week, that those who publicly seek to so in the hearts of children in difference or scorn and even hatred is Mack, that mother the movie number five, the fences of those who outrage are directly in her holy images. So I think you know, unless I'm completely misunderstanding Situ Sia, I think for three of the reasons that we're making reparation or at least are contained in what I know of this movie, do not support this kind of fills. We need to pray, we need to pray to the bishops, get out some big standard bullets and start throwing it at him or something, but certainly do not support this kind of thing and it's subtle. Speaker 0 14:35 See, it's not a direct funnel attack more. It's to denigrate our lady without making it obvious. Remember, this serpent is in most several of all creatures. It's very good from that point of view. He's doing a good job at what he, which is taken swipes at people that we're not supposed to know. It's, and that's where paying close attention keep away from it. If you love her lady, you will. All right, I'm enrolling on the MARACAS metal. Um, all it ups the ante when you're, when you carry the MCASS. Now, even if you lose the particular one we've given you, that's fine. You just keep one on you. It's, it's an enrollment setting. Enrollment stays with you, but it puts you that MCAS metal isn't medalists truck in honor of her immaculate conception. We call the miraculous medal because there's so many miracles associated with it. So you want to keep one of those around having an extra one in your pocket to give to somebody who's having a bad time or whatever. They're great. They're bullets from heaven. Okay, I'll go ahead and enroll. You feel I want to kneel down.

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