The Holiness of Saint Joseph

December 24, 2006 00:19:43
The Holiness of Saint Joseph
Veritas Caritas
The Holiness of Saint Joseph

Dec 24 2006 | 00:19:43


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Speaker 1 00:00:05 Today's gospel is so commonly misunderstood that this morning, we'll take a few minutes just to make sure that we have the right idea about the situation and everything we'll talk about today. Virtually everything was taken from this book. It's a great book called the life and glories of Saint Joseph. Mine's kind of exploded over the years, but if you just have one book in the library about st. Joseph, this is the one that has the life of glory is the st. Joseph. It's a one of those 10 books. Okay. Any unattributed quotes that I, I, a quote today, they're also taken from this book, so I'm not going to stop and say quote, page. So and so, so if the rest of gun unattributed quotes are taken from this word, a few points before we deal directly with the gospel, we'll look at some of the privileges of st. Speaker 1 00:00:52 Joseph, and then we'll go turn to the gospel after that. So first point, the holiness of Saint Joseph Saint Alphonsus doctor, the church explains quote, the dignity of Saint Joseph is superior to that, of all the saints saving only that of the Virgin mother close quote, since Saint Joseph, his whole year, then all the angels and saints, the Holy doctors are unanimous and concluding that there was no grace gift or privilege granted out to an angel or Saint, which is not granted in a much higher degree to st. Joseph. Otherwise he would doubtless appear to be in Somerset Beck, inferior to one or another among them close quote. Now, wait a minute, father, what about Matthew 11, 11. When I Lord says, amen, I sand you. There has not risen among them that are born of women, a greater than John, the Baptist. If no, man, born of a woman is greater than John the Baptist. Speaker 1 00:01:49 And how can we say that? St. Joseph is the greatest Saint after our lady. What's that all about? Well, Benedict the 14th answers, he explains it in this case, our load is not speaking. Absolutely, but comparatively, in other words, the pump explained to alert is comparing st. John the Baptist to the saints in profits of the old Testament. And the Lord was not speaking about himself or the blessed Virgin Mary or Saint Joseph, all three of which are born for a minute are much greater than st. John the Baptist. So it was a comparative. Okay. Second point st. Joseph was sanctified before his birth quote, st. Joseph has always in the opinion of the doctors of the church held to be next to the blessed Virgin, the purest and the most Holy among creatures and worthy for the sake of the divine, sending his mother to be liberated and purge from original sin immediately after his conception and this doctrine, the document Saint Joseph was freed from original sin immediately after his confession profess, but a great doctors may be considered a generally held and believed by devout Christians. Speaker 1 00:02:57 Third point Saint was free from Cuba sins. Now, remember, can keep it since means this rebellion of our sense, appetites like our passions and emotions against right reason. It's one of those wonderful little gifts we got from that. Okay. That means that instead of being led by reason, we can all be led by our passions, huh. Or appetites. And once we realized that it makes it clear, what concupiscence does it inclines us very strongly towards sin? Thanks. A lot of course, our lady, because of her immaculate conception is completely free for concupiscence, but our lady is not the only one. Although she was free immediately in the act of conception quote, it was fitting at st. Joseph's should be speedily cleanse from original sin. It was also fitting that shit by special privilege, be free from this rebellion of the flesh, which is its consequence. Speaker 1 00:03:48 Not only was st. Joseph freed without delay from original sin, but as beautiful. So it was also delivered from concupiscence filled with the Holy spirit and with the planet tude of his GF fourth point st Joseph's file virginity, Saint Francis to sales, dr. Church explains quote, both our lady and Saint Joseph had made a bottle to preserve their virginity for their entire lives. St. Drum, dr. Church quote, not only married, but also her spouse. Joseph was ever a version. Instead of this version of marriage, a virginal son should be born st. Peter Damien and other Dr. Church quote, the faith of the church is that the son of God, not content with having a Virgin for his mother will that he represented his father should also be a Virgin Saint Thomas Aquinas angelic doctor at church. He asked quote, how the, how could the most Holy version would give her hand as a spouse to st. Speaker 1 00:04:44 Joseph seeing that she had made of opportunity. He answers the bus Virgin before contracting is positive. Saint Joseph was certified by God that he himself had formed the same resolve of preserving perpetual virginity. And therefore she expose yourself to know peril by union with him. It's one theologian notes, quote, it's also to be considered not only that Joseph was a version, but a God by special graves had extinguished him all the carnal fire of concupiscence. So that free from all temptation, he could dwell with the most Holy and most beautiful Virgin there. Five st. Joseph was adjusted, man st. Jerome, dr. Church st. Joseph is called just on a con of having possessed all virtues in a perfect degree. So let's summarize st. Joseph was holier than all the angels and saints accepting. Our lady he's sanctified before birth being freed from original sin immediately after his conception. Speaker 1 00:05:41 And at the same time being free from Cuba since he's a perpetual version was called just because he had all the virtues to a perfect degree. Now that we've taken a quick look at some of the privilege of the Saint Joseph let's quickly cover some back on information so that we can clear up the confusion that arises concerning today's gospel. According to st, to doctors, the church, including st. Epiphanies st. Jerome, Saint Gregory, Nancy Antonin Saint days, when a lady was three years old, Saint Joe came, Saint Anne brought her to the temple so that she could be educated with the other girls and divine service. The saints tell us that during this time, besides studying meditating on sacred scriptures, she made vestments for the priests and clothing for the floor. It's generally believe if it's st. Joe came in Saint Anne died during the time that our lady was at the temple, so that when it came time for her to be married, the priest wound up being responsible for, to determining who our spouse was going to be st. Speaker 1 00:06:39 Quaker Nez, ans incent, epiphanies, and st. Your madness, all state that the priest cast lots, which fell on Saint Joseph to be the spouse of our lady. But none of them tell how the lots were cast. A PIs tradition that comes from us from ancient times tells us the Holy spirit inspired the high priest to summon all the unmarried men from the house of David to appear in the temple and the command that each of these mentioned being a rod with his name inscribed on it. It's very much like what Moses asked for with Aaron. The rods were leftover night in the morning, a light white dove alighted on one, and it bloomed and blossomed. That was st Joseph's. In any event, they got married. And then according to the fathers and doctors, after they're married, they then quote, renewed in a solemn and absolute form, their respective thaws, the perpetual virginity. Speaker 1 00:07:29 Now, before we continue, some might be wondering, how could our lady of st Joseph validly contract marriage, if they'd already made a file of virginity after all, once someone has made a song about perpetual virginity, it's impossible for them to validly contract marriage. They can't contract for marriage. A marriage, a song of virginity makes a marriage knowing any attempt, knowing fully before they even start. So given that, how could our lady of st Joseph Valley contract to marriage, Santa Gustin and st. Thomas explained that they had made two vows of virginity. The first of all, that each one of them made in their youth was simple and conditional. In other words, it was dependent on God not disposing. Otherwise the second vile was made immediately after marriage, and that was absolute perpetual without limitation. So the first file made in their used it's simple and conditional seconds made after their marriage and his som and perpetual a conditional opportunity. Speaker 1 00:08:27 Doesn't protect, prevent somebody from con from validly contracting marriage. Now, having said that don't make this kind of, uh, or any other vowel without checking with your confessor. First, don't make vows without clearing it with the confessor. That's just a rule. I want to say that right now. So if anybody's inspired, wait, consult with your confessor, don't do it without talking to confess. Okay. So because the first file by our lady at st. Joseph was not som, but conditional, they could fail. They contract for marriage. And then after their valving married, they could make a song and absolute form of this, uh, of their, uh, Bozar perpetual Virginia. Married love well preaching to the concert fathers of the council of Constance. The great medieval theologian. Jefferson said, quote, Joseph knew that he was the head of Mary because the husband is the head of the wife. Speaker 1 00:09:19 Nevertheless has veneration for her was so profound that he considered himself unworthy to be your companion, or even the kiss, the ground on which she had tried. And he was always on the wash to render her some service, even if were unrequested. And then he loved her. So exceedingly that he would readily if given his heart's blood for and yet, on the other hand, no less was the love and reverence, which our lady had for st. Joseph. She rejoiced to serve him as her Lord respect him as her leader in guardian and tenderly love him as her spouse close quote. So our lady tenderly loved respected Saint Joseph, but still after the next station, she did not go and tell him that she'd just become the mother of God. Why not? In the first place they Gabriel didn't instruct or they'd tell st. Joseph in the second place she knew with perfect confidence that God would make all this perfectly clear. Speaker 1 00:10:12 St. Joseph's can do time. The third place, since she was perfectly humble. She didn't want to personally announce anything which would seem to pray and glorify herself, the Forrest place. She knew that if she told st Joseph that the word had become flesh within her, he would believe her, but he'd be totally overcome with reverence and awe. So she kept solid about her situation and only told st. Joseph about her cousin, Elizabeth pregnancy, Saint Bonaventure, and Saint Francis, the sales. These are both bishops and doctors of the church, along with st. Bernadine of Santa all teach that when Mary went to visit Saint Elizabeth st. Joseph accompanied your so what? Well, that means that st. Joseph was present when our lady greeted Saint Elizabeth, that he heard Saint Elizabeth respond was that greedy. When I started the among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. Speaker 1 00:11:03 And once it's this, that the mother of my Lord should come to me, st. Joseph heard that blessed are thou among women. And blessed is the fruit of thy womb. And once is this at the mother of my Lord should come to me. And he thought about it. Now, Saint Joseph knew that his wife was unspeakably. Holy. He knew like, no one else, except God himself. No, he knew like, no one else, except God himself can ever know how unutterably Holy it's sinless. His wife was that she lived a life of perfect moral beauty. And he knew that like him, she had taken a valve perpetual virginity. And of course, st. Joseph himself was the very man that God had chosen for Molly turnkey to be the man that he was going to look up to as an example of manhood and example of Manliness to be the man that raised him. Speaker 1 00:11:54 She, the husband of his mother to be a man purified. He purified him for the very moment after his conception from original sin and concupiscence, um, and in other words, st Joseph's is great, incredible, and Holy Saint himself. And he knew the scriptures. He knew full well that some 800 years before the prophet, Isaiah had spoken to the Messiah and prophecy and chapter seven, verse 14, that quote behold, the Virgin shall conceive and shall bear a son. And his name shall be called Emmanuel close quote. And he certainly knew that according to prophesy, the Redeemer was due at any moment, he was being he's expected at that particular point in history. And then hearing here st. Elizabeth say, blessed are thou among women. And blessed is the fruit of thy womb. And whence is this. The mother of my Lord should come to me. His wife's a Virgin. Speaker 1 00:12:42 He had Saint Elizabeth called it her mother. And not just any mother Saint Elizabeth has called her, the mother of my Lord. And so I thought about it. And then as we were hearing the scriptures, she was found with child of the Holy ghost, st. Jerome says by whom was that lady followed child, certainly, but by no one, but by Joseph and the scriptures, tell us what happened. Next. We heard today's gospel quote. She was found with child of the Holy ghost. When upon Joseph, her husband notice her husband, her husband, they were married, or lady was married to Saint Joseph. Okay. She's found with child of the Holy ghost, where upon Joseph, her husband being a just man and not willing publicly to expose her was minded to put her away privately. Now we already can see what's going through st. Joseph's mind, but before we go any farther let's deal with this most common error about this gospel passage. Speaker 1 00:13:36 Let's know that if a man found his wife guilty of adultery under the law of Moses, that wasn't given the option of consuming, if it became known to under mosaic law, the husband was forbidden to conceal the adult trip. His wife, when scripture says Saint Joseph was adjust, man, that means among other things that he kept the mosaic. Well, all of it, every last detail. So what's your point father? Well, st. Trump points out that Joseph was adjustment and stuff. Joseph did not denounce our lady. I was considering putting her away privately. Then obviously he did not and could not have suspected her lady in any way, because if he did suspect you're otherwise just st. Joseph did suspect her lady. And yet he did not expose her. That he'd be a sinner. You be guilty of deliberately breaking the mosaic law, and he wouldn't be able to be called the justice man. Speaker 1 00:14:29 Joseph didn't suspect our lady in any way, not even for a moment. So what was he doing that great Bishop and dr. Church st. Francis to sales summarize is the teaching of a whole host of fathers and bishops. He's going to realize, especially on st. Bernard is you'll see st. Francis to sales quote, the humility of st. Joseph as Saint Bernard explains was the cause of his desire to man and our lady when he perceived her to be with child. Saint Bernard says at st. Joseph reasoned, thus within itself, what is this? I know that she's a Virgin for together. We took the vow, preserving our virginity, our parody, and wish she certainly would not have failed. On the other hand, I can see that she's with child, that she's a mother and how can maternity and virginity sepsis together. How should not virginity be an obstacle to maternity? Speaker 1 00:15:27 Might've been even said that she is that glorious version of whom the prophet declares that she should conceive and bring forth the messiahs. If this be so far, be it for me to abide any longer with her, I am worthy to do so. It were better that I should secretly leave her on account of my unworthiness and not live any longer in her company. Marvelous, sentiments of humility, close quote, st. Francis, a sales Bishop, and doctor of the church, the scriptures continue. But while he's taught all these things, behold, the angel Lord appeared to him in his sleep st. Joseph son of David. If you're not to take out of the Mary thy wife for that, which is conceived in her, is that the Holy ghost Pope Bennett 40th explains the meaning of the Angel's expression in case there's any doubt, quote, the meaning of angels mandate is this retain and keep the wife you've taken and do not forsake or close quote the vicar of Christ. Speaker 1 00:16:24 In other words, the angels just saying, relax. You're all right, don't leave her. Okay. Now we cannot understand the correct meaning of today's gospel. Let's quickly review. We've seen that st. Joseph is Holy or that all the angels and saints, except in of course, the blessed aversion we've seen that he was sanctified before birth be free from original sin. The moment immediately after his conception at the same time being freed from concupiscence, he's a perpetual version. He's called adjustment because he possessed all the virtues and a perfect degree. We've seen that a lady grew up in a temple, and that st. Joseph was selected as her spouse. When a priest cast lots to determine to whom I lady would be married. You seen, they both made simple conditional vows of, of virginity in their youth. And that, because that first bomb made by both our ladies, she also was not som, but conditional. Speaker 1 00:17:16 They could validly marry. We've seen that once we filed the contractor for marriage, then they each immediately renewed in a Psalm and apps that form their is perpetual Virginia. We've seen it after the negotiation. Our lady told st. Joseph about Elisabeth's pregnancy, but she did not disclose her own. We've seen that during the visitation st. Joseph, a company, their lady that he heard, Saint Elizabeth say blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. And once it's this, that the mother of my Lord should come to me, that he pondered the fact that his wife was a version, but that Saint Elizabeth had called her mother and the mother of the Lord. And you certainly were the prophecy of the Virgin birth that once he saw that she was pregnant, he considered leaving here. Not because he suspected or anything, because he never suspected our lady of anything, but because he thought himself is being totally unworthy to be in a company of the mother of the Redeemer, but the angel reassured him and told him to put those ideas out of his head. Speaker 1 00:18:14 He's worried you need to be let's close by kneeling down. Unite ourselves took prayer, dedication to the great st. Joseph, the name of father and the son and the Holy ghost. Amen. Oh, glorious st. Joseph chosen by God to be the foster father of Jesus, the chase and the head of the Holy family, and then appointed by the vicar of Christ to be the heavily patron and defender the church founded by Jesus. Most constantly do I implore it this moment by powerful aid for all the church, militant on earth, do those shield with that truly paternal love, especially Supreme pontiff and all the bishops and priests run union with the Holy See of Peter being a defender of all who labored for souls, and it's the trials and tribulations of this life and cause all the peoples of the earth to submit themselves. And it dose all spirit to that church, which is the arc of salvation for all men be pleased. Speaker 1 00:19:08 Also do st. Joseph takes up this dedication to myself, which I now make under the, I dedicate myself wholly to the mass, to everybody, my father by patron and my guide in the way of salvation obtained for me, great periods of heart and affirmant devotion to the interior life. Granted falling nine example. I'm a direct all my actions to the greater glory of God. And you knew what the sacred heart of Jesus and the back of the heart of Mary and in union with the finally pray for me that I may be a partaker and a peace and joy, which were dine at the hour by Holy death. Amen. Name of the father and the son and the Holy ghost. Amen.

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